consulting organizations. Top consulting companies in Russia: the best of the best


International consulting company SCM Consult Global

SCM Consult (SCM Consult) is an international consulting company headquartered in the UK (London), a network of managing partners in 20 countries and specializing in the markets of Central Asia and the CIS. We are experts in strategic consulting and operational process optimization for private companies and government organizations.

Our consultants, with unique practical experience, help overcome business barriers in a rapidly evolving technology and increasing volatility in the economy, through the development of strategies for sustainable development, innovation, transformed organizational systems, reducing production costs and improving the quality of customer service.

We create teams that can challenge traditional thinking and become drivers of change. We help our clients make decisions that can lead to business success and organizational sustainability.

Among our experts are business leaders, scientists, academics and consultants from various industries around the world. Our resource potential and intellectual capital are supported by deep industry specialization of experts, geographic range of resource availability, analytical accuracy and a team approach to work. Our business consulting experts are able to challenge conventional wisdom, identify what others may be missing, and deliver innovative solutions tailored to our clients' requirements.

We have experience working and consulting for international Fortune 500 companies, many regional and local organizations. An international consulting company provides business consulting services not only for the private sector, but also for the public sector, where we provide a full range of business services from strategic planning and economic research to stage-by-stage organization of events and implementation.

Consulting services are popular all over the world, because they can be used to solve various kinds of business problems that are not directly related to the main activities of the company. Using consulting, the company has the opportunity to focus on core business.

Consulting is very useful service for businessmen. Those who have never used consulting services are interested in their cost. Not everyone understands the economic benefits of attracting specialists from outside, but it can be very significant.

In order to assess what significance a consulting company can bring to business development, we will give a definition and consider the essence of this concept.

What is consulting?

Let's start with the definition of consulting according to the Oxford Dictionary.

Consulting means "to be in the business of providing expert advice to people working in a particular field." In other words, a consultant is someone who gives advice to a specific group of people.

Consulting is expert advice business a certain group of people.

A consultant is someone who has a certain level of knowledge that a certain group of people find valuable, and people in that group are willing to pay the consultant for access to their experience.

Note that there is nothing mentioned about majors, degrees or certifications. If you can provide expert advice to a specific group of people, you can be a consultant.

All this begs the question, why is consulting so valuable?

The answer to this question lies at the heart of the meaning of counseling.

The true meaning of consulting - a consultant is one who gives advice. Therefore, it is worth asking the question “why do people buy advice”?

Why do people ask for advice?

They want to change something, achieve something and they need help.

If the financial condition of the company is not what the leaders want. That being said, they know what their desired state is, but they need advice on how to get there.

That's why people want advice. They want to get from point A to point B, but they don't know how to get there. They are either lost or face obstacles they don't know how to overcome.

The true meaning of consulting is to help people solve problems and move from the current state to the desired one.

And the more valuable the desired state is for someone, the more he is willing to pay for help.

For example, if a small business owner earns 60 million rubles. per year and their goal is to make 120 million rubles. per year, achieving their goal for them is 60 million rubles, and they are probably ready to pay 5 million rubles, 10 million rubles, 20 million rubles, perhaps even up to 60 million rubles.

Consulting in a Nutshell: Helping People in solving problems and achieving results.

So if achieving a desired state is so valuable to people, why don't they just figure it out on their own?

Why do people hire consultants

There are three main reasons why people decide to take outside advice:

  1. They are simply not able to understand it or get to the desired state on their own.
  2. They have a general idea, but they want to get there faster.
  3. They want to save time and effort by following an effective, proven system.

Three main types of consulting companies

When someone says, "I'm a consultant," they usually fall into one from three categories.

  1. Management consulting.
  2. Corporate consulting.
  3. Independent consulting.

Management Consulting is what most people think of when someone says "consulting". This area is dominated by large firms to help businesses improve strategy and operations or manage significant business events such as mergers and acquisitions.

Independent consulting comes up often when someone has developed experience in an area they choose to build and run their own business around that experience rather than continue as an employee.

Specific Sold experience can be almost anything, and thanks to the emerging gig economy, thousands of new independent consultants are creating very profitable businesses for themselves.

How can you become a consultant?

Exists two main ways to get the consultation:

  1. Get a job.
  2. Start your own business.

While getting a job in consulting is more competitive and more challenging than ever, starting your own consulting business is still no easier.

With the rise in staff costs, more and more companies are looking for temporary and permanent external assistance, often in the form of consultants and “do it for you” services. If you are interested in starting your own consulting business, there has never been a better time to get started.

Business development is influenced by multiple factors, and sometimes the strategy for its functioning is not clear.

If it is difficult for the management of the company to calculate some steps, then it is useful to see the activities of the company from the outside with the help of a competent person. They often act as a consulting company that produces a specific type of service to optimize the activities of various business structures.

Consulting to some extent, there is a rescue of other companies in the modern world of economic and technological risks and crisis processes of business development. It makes no sense for enterprises to spend money on creating their own advisory service; it is enough, if necessary, to attract outside professionals. Consulting services incredibly popular today, because any company wants to win in the fierce competition.

The concept and characteristics of consulting

Consulting refers to business activities for the provision of consulting services to various companies. The concept itself is borrowed from English and means "consulting". It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question about the scope of the consulting firm. According to popular opinion consulting as long as there are main and support functions or departments in a large manufacturing company (management, legal service, finance, sales, technology, IT service, strategy, etc.).

primary goal activities of a consulting company - optimization, increasing the efficiency of the business of its clients.

Traditional types of services consulting firm in all areas of the production sphere of the enterprise are:

  1. analysis,
  2. diagnostics,
  3. audit,
  4. forecasting,
  5. substantiation of development prospects,
  6. trainings, etc.

Help can consist of both competent advice and practical assistance in the work of the client.

All tools, methods and technologies consulting must be verified and scientifically sound. Consultants are required to provide their services with the maximum degree of objectivity. It is unacceptable to use existing connections and relationships in the business world to solve customer problems.

consulting specialist(consultant) must have a higher education and work experience in the chosen field. He must combine such traits as communication skills, flexibility of thinking, willingness to compromise, be knowledgeable in legal and organizational issues, marketing, computer literacy, accounting, securities.

When services of these companies are needed

Motives for appeal in consulting firms can be the following:

  • The company's need for knowledge, experience, fresh ideas;
  • Overcoming a critical situation in one or more areas of the company;
  • Lack of agreement on an important issue among the company's management personnel;
  • Assistance in the completion of business projects.

At the same time, consulting professionals are not responsible for the final result of the activities of their clients, since they cannot interfere in the internal affairs of organizations. With the help of consultants, the firm itself approaches integrated systems vision internal state of affairs, existing problems in production, as well as possible options for their solution, further strategic planning.

It's important to understand that companies don't necessarily turn to consultants when they're already in crisis. On the contrary, many large reputable enterprises want to consolidate and strengthen their commercial success, take care of expanding the scale of their activities, finding the right unhindered path for further development.

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Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

Varieties of consulting services

Despite the universality of the consulting business, it can be distinguished many sustainable varieties of services depending on the areas of activity in the structure of any company.

Let's pay attention to some of them:

  1. Audit;
  2. Legal;
  3. Investment;
  4. Financial;
  5. managerial;
  6. Small business consulting;
  7. IT consulting, etc.

In the process audit consulting the collection, receipt and comprehensive assessment of all systems of the applied company is carried out, the real situation at a given point in time is revealed. It also establishes the correct and reliable financial statements of the enterprise and its compliance with existing legal norms.

Specialists in the field legal consulting provide assistance on all necessary legal issues (civil, administrative, housing, land, family, etc.). Assistance is provided in the drafting and conclusion of contracts, conduct in litigation, licensing issues. Full confidentiality of the appeal to consultants is guaranteed.

Investment consulting includes an analysis of fundraising and leasing strategies in the enterprise. In the first case, the search for an investor in a specific business project is carried out. Here, it is important to assess the investment opportunities of a business, taking into account the base of potential investors available in any reputable consulting firm. Leasing is associated with the acquisition or transfer of property to individuals or enterprises with the right of its further redemption.

To field of activity financial consulting include the search for the most effective financial strategy for the consulting firm. At the same time, all possible actions to optimize the financial system at the enterprise are taken into account, the search for profitable sources of financing and options for increasing the productivity indicator is carried out.

Management consulting, which is subdivided into marketing, strategic and personnel , seeks to offer the most effective scheme for managing the firm. The work model of a particular company is analyzed, a comprehensive assessment of the state of the enterprise and its main goals is given, a management strategy and an anti-crisis program are developed in case of problems in the management sphere.

Small Business Consulting is a young and promising developing direction in the market of consulting services. A small start-up company needs advice from competent experts on business development, credit and investment policy, cost optimization and profit increase.

IT consulting is a relatively new but in-demand area of ​​consulting. The range of issues includes: assistance in organizing an IT service at the enterprise, determining an automation strategy, creating a corporate information system and its further management.

Criteria for choosing a consulting firm

Since the services of consulting companies are of considerable importance in the development of their clients' business, and are also characterized by high cost, it is important to choose the right company that specializes in consulting services. In this case it's better give preference proven specialists with a solid experience in the service market, as well as those who have provided serious positive results in the business activities of their clients.

It should be understood that trustworthy consultants must not only provide their clients with all the necessary information services, but also ensure that the firm achieves a positive result in a particular business issue.

Exist certain criteria, allowing the most optimal approach to the choice of a consulting company:

  • The length of the company's activities;
  • Qualification of specialists, professional experience;
  • Price of consulting services;