Pros and cons of compost production. Room and equipment for growing champignons

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If you care about the environment and have been thinking about starting an eco-friendly business, you should consider starting a composting company. Starting this type of activity is a great start for a pro-environmental company, which, by the way, can bring in quite a lot of income. Nowadays, everyone is looking for ways to save money and also help the environment.


Posted in this article, the idea for a business is not at all innovative, however, earlier the opening of this type of business was relevant only in rural areas. With the growing popularity of an ecological lifestyle, more and more people want to get compost - at least for use in gardens in order to obtain an environmentally friendly crop. Their only problem is the lack of time and space to produce natural fertilizer on their own. Production lasts at least 6 months, and this time is associated with the activity of various kinds of bacteria. Of course, finding the right spot for the pile of organic waste that fertilizer is made from can be tricky for the average garden owner. However, if you have a large plot of land that you can spend on building a composter, this business idea is perfect for you. However, before you start collecting organic waste, you need to have a solid business plan for your company. This plan will allow you to determine how much compost you will be able to produce, what containers you will use to store it, and how you will transport it to future customers.

This business idea will also require practical knowledge. During production, you need to make sure that the raw materials you sell are free from any harmful bacteria. Therefore, you need to regularly conduct research before selling it. Known for many years, the practice of producing organic fertilizers can be a great idea for a pro-environmental business. From the start, you need to immediately find your niche in the market, for example, by offering only high quality organic raw materials. It is also worth investing in a professional web page that provides information about the uniqueness of the product you offer.

A Day in the Life of a Composting Business Owner

It is necessary to examine the compost for the presence of bacteria, and then prepare it for transportation. If you do not have your own car, you need to contact the transport company and conclude an agreement for further deliveries of the product to customers. Sometimes there may not be enough space, you will definitely have to purchase additional containers. In addition, it is necessary to systematically add organic waste to new compost heaps. Of course, part of the time you will spend on promoting your business in the press, as well as on the Internet. If you will have a website, you need to systematically check orders and ensure timely delivery to customers.

Customer characteristics

Your customers will be gardeners looking for high quality compost to fertilize their organic gardens. Various intermediary companies that are able to make large orders.

What do we need to start compost production

  • Business plan.
  • Marketing plan.
  • Space needed to create compost.
  • Compost bins.
  • organic material.
  • Contacts with the transport company.

Positive sides

  • A type of business that is relatively easy to start.
  • Low start-up costs.
  • The demand for organic compost will continue to grow.
  • Chance of getting a grant for a pro-eco business.
  • The type of business is characterized by high flexibility.

Negative sides

  • The need for careful consideration of the amount of space required.
  • Arranging transportation can be expensive if you don't make profitable contacts with a shipping company in advance.

All business ideas are based on three pillars: innovation, profitability and start-up capital. If everything is more or less clear with the first two points, then the availability of start-up capital and its size for many becomes a stumbling block, on which crystal dreams are shattered. Are there any areas of business activity for which you don’t need big money and you don’t need to spend time, and after some time a certain net income is guaranteed. What the conversation, of course, is.

  • Humus - the power of the earth
  • Step by step opening plan
  • Manufacturing technology: we bury garbage - we dig out money
  • How much can you earn from a humus production business?
  • How much can you earn on humus?
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • What equipment to choose
  • What is the OKVED for the humus business
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which taxation system to choose
  • Do I need permission to start a business

Humus - the power of the earth

The richest and most fertile soils of the planet, steppe chernozems owe their amazing productivity to humus, an organic compound formed as a result of complex combined aerobic and anaerobic processes as a result of humification of the remains of the vegetative parts of plants and their root systems. It was the steppe forbs, perennial deposits of plant parts that led to the formation of fertile soil, truly one of the miraculous wonders of the world.

What does the regular introduction of humus give, from the point of view of agrochemistry and agricultural technology?

The systemic fertility of the soil increases dramatically, since the humus itself is a complete organic fertilizer with a set of trace elements and a long-term aftereffect.

Due to the high moisture capacity, the earth fertilized with humus perfectly retains moisture in the root zone, and the capillary crusts that form in hot and dry weather are easily destroyed by surface loosening

Having a pronounced micro-cloddy structure, the humus perfectly aerates the upper horizon of the soil. Creating optimal conditions for the formation of a powerful and developed root system, especially when cultivating row crops

Perfectly interacts with local top dressing of plants with inorganic fertilizers, ensuring their optimal transport to the root zone and maximally leveling the loss of basic nutrients due to leaching and weathering

Contains carbon dioxide in a bound form, gently releases it, providing an optimal gas balance of the soil

Attracts earthworms and inhibits mole activity

Significantly reduces the cost of soil mulching, in some cases it allows you to completely abandon this operation

By introducing humus, it is difficult to overfeed the plants and burn the root system, which is very often manifested when other types of organic matter are introduced, such as chicken manure and slurry.

Step by step opening plan

  1. Choosing a place for the production of humus (from 1.2 by 1.2 m to 2 by 2 m);
  2. The primary component is the manure of herbivores. Rabbit litter is preferred. But you can cow, sheep or horse. Avoid pig and goat manure.
  3. A plant component in the form of dry hay, cereal or legume straw. Weed or garden hay is suitable for compost production, but not for humus.
  4. Protection of the rotting mass from sediments to prevent leaching of components at intermediate stages of the process. Otherwise, you will get compost instead of humus.
  5. The maturation period of the mass in the pile: 3-5 years. In the future - more often, if you lay a couple of heaps for every 1st, 2nd year.
  6. Implementation of the finished product.

Manufacturing technology: we bury garbage - we dig out money

So, in order to get humus at no extra cost, we need a flat, dense platform-sole on any inconvenience.

There are two main cooking methods, the so-called French method or shoulder and American or box cooking. Since we save money, we stop at the French method, since we don’t need extra expenses. The boundaries of the site are set aside with boards, old doors, low shields and other rubbish capable of performing protective functions. The bottom of the fenced area is covered with broken bricks, pieces of plaster, chipped concrete and other solid construction debris. It will act as a drainage and support plane, preventing the future pile from spreading and preventing the finished product from being leached by atmospheric precipitation. In addition, the bottom layer cuts off possible infection by weeds and pests.

After that, a layer of reeds, hay, straw, and other plant residues is laid on the sole. The next layer is manure, and the most valuable is rabbit, cow and horse manure, and pig manure is used to a lesser extent.

After laying a layer of manure, a layer of organic waste is laid, which may include rotten legume hay, cereal straw, cabbage leaves, potato peelings, and more. From above, the organic layer is covered with a layer of lean earth, and then the laying of the pile alternates in the same order.

For the convenience of work, the side of the collar should be no more than 3-3.5 m, and the height should not be more than 3/4 of this indicator. After the laying is completed, the pile twitches with the ground and is covered from precipitation for the autumn-winter period. In summer, the south side is shaded by any available means in order to prevent overdrying of the mass, which leads to serious losses in quality.

Ripening lasts 3 years, during this time the pile settles and loses up to 30-40% in its original volume.

A high-quality product has a brown color with various shades, a pronounced smell of a spring field, a finely lumpy structure, and does not release water when pressed. The weight of a cubic meter of humus is 0.55-0.82 tons, deviations from the density indicators in any direction indicate a violation of the technology.

How much can you earn from a humus production business?

As already mentioned above, this type of activity is not associated with any capital investments and does not even require the arrangement of a pit, as in the case of composting. All expenses are tied to the cost of personal time and, in essence, represent a system for the rational use of waste.

The only significant disadvantage is that you can plan the release of the finished product and the receipt of the first income no earlier than 3 years from the date of laying. In subsequent years, by laying new heaps, you organize a continuous process of obtaining ready-made humus and, as a result, profit.

How much can you earn on humus?

Initially laid raw pile with a side of 5m has a volume of 75 cubic meters, at the exit, taking into account the maturation processes, we will get at least 19-23 cubic meters. commodity humus of nominal humidity. It is economically expedient to implement the product by bag rather than machine standards. So a 50-liter bag of humus for the end user costs about 75 rubles in retail. Machine norm with a volume of 4 cubic meters. ordinary humus about 4000 rubles. The difference in the cost of one cubic meter is 2000 rubles in favor of bag packaging.

In general, from one heap you can get 115 thousand rubles of income with the condition of selling goods at retail prices in bag norms.

Given the almost zero initial costs, waste disposal and the cost of only personal time, without the use of mechanization, this is more than a worthy result. An increase in profits is possible through a direct increase in the pledged volumes and a systematic collection of raw materials for the formation of piles on the side. Undoubtedly, this will entail a certain amount of expenses, in particular for transport and employees, but you will already have the starting capital for all this.

How much money do you need to start a business

It is convenient to engage in the production of humus at home if you keep livestock yourself. On your site (cottage or backyard) you can organize production with a minimum investment at the start. Using substandard building materials, unnecessary boards, etc. for the equipment of the humus maturation site. Also, the initial components can be purchased at minimal prices or for free, for example, from neighbors who keep rabbits.

Straw-hay of cereals or legumes is in any farm. The price of cereal hay is 6,500 -7,500 rubles. per ton with delivery, one roll weighs 270 kg. To start a business, one roll will be more than enough for you. If you need to purchase a gardening tool, then another 20 thousand rubles additionally.

What equipment to choose

For the production of compost, gardening equipment will be needed: carts, shovels, pitchforks, etc., devices for measuring temperature and the acid-base environment of the substrate. In the future, you will need packaging material and scales.

What is the OKVED for the humus business

According to the OKVED classifier 2) Section C: Manufacturing.

Main: 20. Chemical production. substances and chem. products. Sub-item responsible for basic chemicals, nitrogen compounds, fertilizers, etc. - 20.1.

Namely, Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds - 20.15.

What documents are needed to open

To register an individual business, you need a passport, an application for state registration, a receipt for payment of state duty, a copy of the TIN certificate.

Which taxation system to choose

UTII is suitable - that is, a single tax on imputed income.

Do I need permission to start a business

No special permits or documents are required for the production of humus.

Sustainable, high yields of mushrooms depend primarily on the quality of the substrate, which is determined by how optimally selected the components are and how the established parameters of its fermentation, pasteurization and conditioning are maintained. Until recently, it was believed that the best substrate can only be obtained on the basis of horse manure, which did not include green grass forage. However, due to the limited possibilities of manure harvesting, scientists and practitioners have proposed other organic substrates. These are the so-called synthetic or artificial composts, which can be prepared using the manure of other farm animals (cattle, pigs, poultry, etc.), as well as various industrial wastes (brewery grains, sunflower cake and meal, malt sprouts, beet pulp, corn cobs, fishmeal, yeast waste, etc.).

The most effective are the materials of the second group. When they are composted, both carbohydrates and nitrogen are used by microorganisms for the synthesis of their own proteins, vitamins and other compounds that accumulate in the compost and are also food sources for mushroom mycelium.

In mushroom growing, mixtures of materials from the first and third groups can be successfully used. The question is only in choosing the cheapest and most affordable materials for the economy.

In the practice of industrial production of champignons

At present, a large number of technological innovations based on scientific developments and regional capabilities of farms have been recorded and implemented. Many mushroom-growing countries have their own proprietary composting or pasteurization technologies.

For the preparation of compost, straw of grain crops is widely used. Thus, in Great Britain 150 thousand tons of straw are spent for these purposes, in France - 370 thousand tons. At the same time, a significant part of it is first used as bedding for horses. In Spain, compost is made from cereal straw, bird droppings, horse manure, urea, and ammonium sulfate. All components are moistened and kept for 10-15 days, stirring occasionally. Then the composted mass undergoes controlled fermentation in air-conditioned chambers for seven to ten days. The moisture content of the finished compost is 65-68%, pH 7.0-7.5, total nitrogen content 1.8-2%.

Noteworthy are ways to reduce the time of compost preparation. So, in the UK, in industrial experiments, methods for preparing compost in 3-4 days have been developed. A mixture of straw, brewer's grains, peat and lime moistened to 70% is thoroughly mixed and placed in containers in a chamber for steam pasteurization at a temperature of 60-65 °C. The next day, the temperature is reduced to 53-55 ° C, and on the third or fourth day - to 22-25 ° C. After that, the mycelium is planted. When preparing the compost by the accelerated method, the content of carbohydrates in it should not exceed (especially during the planting of mycelium) 1% of the mass of the dry matter of the compost.

In French farms, compost is prepared indoors in 5-9 days instead of the usual 14-19 days with active ventilation (80 m3/h of air per 1 ton of compost). The temperature of the compost in the first period is quickly brought to 60-62 ° C while maintaining its moisture content. In the subsequent period, the temperature in the compost is maintained at 50-54 ° C, humidity 62-70%. Ventilation is necessary to remove carbon dioxide.

In Czechoslovakia, for specialized mushroom and vodka farms, a technology has been developed for preparing compost from a mixture of straw and horse manure in a ratio of 4: 1, with the addition of 26 kg of gypsum per 1 ton of the mixture. When using straw and bedding from bird droppings (ratio 3: 2), the rate of gypsum is increased to 60 kg / t.

In Australia, a technology has been developed for the recovery of spent peat compost with its subsequent use in mushroom growing. At a special installation, the spent compost is preliminarily disinfected with hot water, then, as it moves along the conveyor, it is washed with a counter stream of cold water. Long-term studies carried out in laboratory conditions and on commercial farms have established that such treatment, in addition to reducing the salt content in the compost, contributes to the destruction of all pathogens and nematodes. The use of a mixture of fresh and reconstituted compost in a ratio of 50: 50 allows you to get a mushroom yield of 85 kg/m2 per year.

In the farm "Bulgarian mushrooms" (Kableshkovo Plov, Divsky district), 2,500 tons of compost are prepared annually by a mechanized method. The composition of the compost includes wheat straw, horse manure, mineral fertilizers, lime flour. For 16 days of fermentation, the compost is interrupted three times with the help of machines.

In the USA and Canada, 15 tons of corn cobs, 7 tons of meadow hay, 4 tons of clover or alfalfa hay, 0.5 tons of gypsum, 255 kg of ammonium nitrate, 225 kg of potassium chloride, 1.5 tons of dry beer grains or dry bird droppings. The components that make up the compost are mixed and stacked in piles 1.8 m wide and 1.5-2.4 m high. Perebivka is carried out on the 2nd, 6th, 9th and 12th day. Ready compost (temperature 21-24 °C, pH 7.5-8, humidity 65-70%) is fed into the chambers by a conveyor. 114 kg of compost is consumed per 1 m2.

In Poland, for the preparation of compost, a prototype machine with a capacity of 10-20 t / h, developed at the Institute of Vegetable Growing in Skierniewice, is used.

The compost is pasteurized in a special chamber with high thermal insulation of the walls and a slatted floor with the help of steam supplied through a fan. With a fan capacity of 100 m2/t per hour and a steam flow rate of 2 kg/m3 of compost, after 12 hours the temperature of the substrate reaches 60-62 °C. The readiness of the substrate is determined by the content of CO2 in the outgoing air (no more than 2%). Mixing mycelium with compost is mechanized.

In the Soviet Union, at present, there are also quite a lot of recipes for the preparation of synthetic composts that provide high and stable yields of double-spore mushroom.

It is known that the synthesis of a microorganism proceeds best in a fermenter specially designed for this purpose. Factory fermenters are complex and expensive, the cost of compost using them will be high. Therefore, a compromise solution was found between a complex structure and a dunghill hidden in a hangar. The fermenter, designed and built by the inventor, candidate of biological sciences V. G. Kozhemyakin, resembles a dovecote. This is a simple and cheap installation, consisting of waterproof plywood, slate, foam and plastic sheeting. The substrate prepared in such a fermenter does not have the smell of ammonia, but of slightly rotted leaves. V. G. Kozhemyakin worked out the technology for obtaining high-quality compost directly from farm waste. Directly in the fermenter, the compost is sown with mycelium, and when it grows, it is transferred to the champignon (its turnover increases much). Compost after growing champignons goes to the field. Thus, mushrooms become a by-product in the non-waste cycle of agricultural production.

Below are three of the most common synthetic compost recipes.

Recipe 1. Air-dry straw - 1000 kg; bird droppings - 1000 kg, gypsum or alabaster - 60 kg.

Recipe 2. Air-dry straw - 1000 kg, brewer's grains - 625 kg, raw or dry manure (nitrogen content 4%) - 125 kg, urea - 25 kg, alabaster - 60 kg, chalk, lime - 25 kg, superphosphate - 20 kg.

Recipe 3. Air-dry straw - 1000 kg, farm animal manure - 1000 kg, urea - 25 kg (or ammonium nitrate - 35 kg), gypsum or alabaster - 85 kg, chalk (powder) -50 kg, superphosphate - 20 kg.

Compost is prepared at the Lviv Vegetable Factory in the compost shop according to recipe 1. The substrate composting technology consists in the preliminary preparation of wheat straw (moisturizing and breaking it), subsequent mixing with other components and softening the straw in a loose pile (Table 2) .

At the beginning of composting, the straw is moistened with a sprinkler. To do this, in the compost shop, straw bales are cut and loosely laid in a layer of 1.2 m on a concrete floor. Excess liquid is captured in trays and sent to a reservoir for reuse. To soften the straw every day for 30 minutes rolled by a tractor. The total duration of sprinkling of dry straw (moisture content 13-15%) is 4.5-5 days, during this period the straw absorbs about 3.5 m3 tons of liquid. Moreover, it is necessary to note

Table 2. Scheme of compost fermentation,

Used in the state farm-combine "Lviv vegetable factory"

Day of execution

Type of processing

Additives per 1 ton of straw


Straw laying and moistening

3.5 m3 of water

Introduction of bird droppings

Mixing bird droppings with

Straw, mandrel in a loose pile Breaking and forming a pile

0.5-0.6 m3 of water

0.5 m3 of water

Interruption and application of gypsum

60 kg + 0.3 m3 of water


0.3 m3 of water

Water as needed

Ready compost

Tit, that for the first two days the water absorption of straw is 1.5 times lower than for the next two days. By the end of the fifth day, water absorption decreases sharply.

Wet straw (about 22-24% moisture) absorbs water most intensively by the end of the first and during the second day of soaking. In winter, hot water is used to moisten the straw.

Choosing the most economical mode of straw moistening allows you to improve the quality of the substrate.

After the straw is soaked, dry chicken manure is added to it at the rate of 1000 kg of manure per 1000 kg of dry straw, sprinkling is carried out again for 30 minutes. The next day, the straw with chicken manure is folded using a D-561B front-end loader into a free board 1.8 m high and about 2 m wide, while mixing the straw and manure. Breaking of the pile is carried out on the 12th day by a compost former-breaker FPK-30. Since this machine has a very low seating position, it is necessary to keep the concrete floor of the composting plant perfectly level.

When overturning a free pile, as a rule, water is added at the rate of 0.6-0.8 m3 per 1 ton of straw. On the 15th day, during the next rebuffing, 60 kg of gypsum per 1 ton of straw is added to the collar, which is then scraped with water. Gypsum prevents the loss of ammonia, improves the structure of the compost and neutralizes the possible negative effects of high concentrations of elements such as potassium, sodium, manganese and phosphorus. In addition, gypsum provides calcium and neutralizes the large amount of oxalic acid secreted by the mycelium of the fungus to form characteristic calcium oxalate crystals (Gerrits, 1972). The next three transfers are carried out, respectively, after 5.3 and 2 days, adding from 0.2 to 0.4 m3/t of water.

Breaking the pile every 3-5 days contributes to the dominance of aerobic micro-mycetes in most of the substrate, which decompose the original organic components of the composts, which largely affect the fermentation process. Breaking the pile with an interval of more than 5 days leads to an increase in the anaerobic zone, the temperature of which reaches 70 °C, which hinders the development of aerobic thermophilic micromycetes.

Compost is considered ready after 25 days. It is characterized by the following indicators:

pH water… 9.0

If the substrate is waterlogged, then to dry it, it is necessary to add gypsum (1.2 kg per 100 kg of straw) and make 1-2 more transfers in 1-2 days, while the compost should be scattered over a larger area and more loosely.

From 1000 kg of straw or materials replacing it and 1000 kg of farm animal manure (including bird droppings), 2500-3000 kg of the finished substrate is obtained. This amount of compost is spent on 20-25 m2 of area.

Ready compost is fed by a feeder or a converted manure spreader into the technical corridor of the mushroom plant.

An original business idea is half the battle. Any thought, idea that is out of the general flow, which is different from what everyone is doing, can eventually work. You can do business in any area. For example, good money can be made on, attention, COMPOST. And this is the real truth, not a joke or fiction. And the thing is that in Russia, as in no other country in the world, people are intensively engaged in agriculture. Our endless possibilities, our agricultural enterprises, as well as their number and scope, are completely impossible without high-quality fertilizer. It is also necessary for ordinary summer residents who know: if you don’t fertilize the land well, you won’t get anything. Therefore, compost will bring you good money, and maybe even make you fabulously rich.

Compost is necessary in many businesses, in particular, we wrote articles - "", "" - here without it anywhere.

The first step to such a business is self-education. After all, compost is not as simple as it seems. Compost in another way can be simply called humus, in the production of which bacteria participate. But for an industrial scale, one pit will not be enough for you. You will have to organize a whole enterprise that would produce humus of different varieties, with different mineral additives that could be used for various vegetables. Therefore, you will need to know a lot and understand a lot. What can become the basis for compost, which additives should be used and which ones should be discarded, which mixture is needed for which vegetable, etc. It is also impossible to start a business if you do not know your market, that is, to whom you will sell your compost. These can be farmers, summer residents, state-owned enterprises, collective farms, etc. You can also sell in various batches and in packages of various sizes.

Know that plantings are carried out at different times, and each time you need compost of a certain composition. If you find out when and what kind of compost is needed, then your production will not stop even for a minute, but will go on all year round. During production, you must comply with all norms and rules, do not forget about sanitation and properly executed documentation. Treat your employees well, spend money on quality equipment and business expansion. And everything will definitely work out. Spring time is mass planting, summer time is caring for them, autumn preparatory stage, and winter time is an opportunity to supply those who grow flowers with fertilizers. As you can see, you will be busy all year round, which means getting a stable good profit.

Compost production technologies vary greatly depending on the final product. However, there is, the production technology of which has already been established and we wrote about it in the article - ““, where we also carried out full calculations of cash investments.

Vozna LI Composts, soils, fertilizers. year 2013.