Scene for the New Year “5 grandmas hedgehog. Extra-curricular event "New Year's vice versa" (scenario of the New Year's holiday) Scenario of butterflies for the new year

Municipal educational autonomous institution additional education"Center of children's creativity of the city of Shimanovsk"
Scenario theatrical

New Year's performance

"Like Grandma-Hedgehogs New Year met"

(based on the fairy tale of the same name Mokienko M.)

Forum direction: Artistic and aesthetic

Kositsyna Olga Evgenievna – PDO

Vasilevskaya Tatyana Vyacheslavovna – PDO

Magical music sounds.

On a multimedia projector

a video of Grandma - Zabavushka is projected (hereinafter abbreviated - B.Z.).

B. Z.: Hello guys! Welcome to the fairy forest. Miracles happen all the time in our forest. And now, guys, a new interesting New Year's fairy tale begins:

“They lived - were in a fairy forest, the three sisters of Baba - Yagi, the eldest, middle and youngest. They lived separately and constantly traveled to visit each other. But recently they began to live together in a hut on chicken legs, and since then interesting stories have begun to happen to them.

This story began just before the New Year. ... But by the way, you will see for yourself ... "

The music is rock and roll.

The light goes out. Special effects light up.

Baba Yaga comes out dancing with broomsticks (Rock - n - roll).

The action takes place on the stage.

They sit on broomsticks.

SR. and ST.: Go!!! (fly away to the sound of the wind).

The youngest starts

decorate the Christmas tree by singing

modern song.

Creeps up to her slowly

Koshchei yells loudly in his ear.

ML.: (scared): Pah you! Scared the hell out!

TO.: I'm not a devil, I'm Koschey! By the way Immortal! What are you

old, renovation started?

ML.: Getting ready for the holidays! Come help me decorate the Christmas tree!

A Christmas song plays in the background.

They decorate the tree.

junior toys

Koshchey bones.

ML.: Well, what does Koshcheyushka get?

TO.: Still how it turns out. Eh, beauties! And you have?

The youngest leaves the tree


ML.: And I have! Balls, stars, beads ...

TO.: Bones!

ML. (indignantly): What kind of bones? What did you hang on the tree? It's a Christmas tree, not a trash can!

TO.: In my opinion it is very original, even varied!

ML.: What a variety, now I'll hang you for a change on the Christmas tree! Completely freaked out!

TO.: It was you who went crazy and your sisters. Gathered to celebrate the New Year! Ugh, it's disgusting to look at you. You are not doing your job at all!

TO.: I am now studying Slavic mythology and I know everything about everyone!

Your hut should be surrounded by a fence of human bones, there should be skulls on the fence. Instead of a deadbolt - a human leg, instead of constipation - hands, instead of a lock, a mouth with sharp teeth!

And you have everything open. Come whoever you want and take what you want! You don’t even have a shovel to throw children into the oven ...

ML.: Yes, it’s a pity that we don’t have a shovel, otherwise I would have hit you with it now, so that you would throw all sorts of nonsense out of your head! Now is not the time, now everyone needs help. You need to be better!

To.: That's when I see how kind you are! Either you want to hang me on a Christmas tree, or heat me with a shovel.

ML.: Well, Koshcheyushka, hold on!

Cheerful music sounds.

Start running around

Christmas trees. They get tired.

ML.: Okay, Koshcheyushka, don’t be angry, the sisters will come soon, they will bring guests. We will play games, eat sweet fruits. We will celebrate the New Year. Oh and let's have some fun!!!

To the sound of the wind, sisters fly in on broomsticks.

Frustrated and out of breath.

ST.: Everyone celebrated the holiday!

ML.: Why are you alone? Where are the guests?

SR.: The Serpent Gorynych is sleeping, and we could not wake him up.

ST.: Viy refused to go on a visit, you see, his eyes hurt.

SR.: Sinister and Anchutka locked themselves in some house and arranged a holiday for two.

TO.: And Kikimora?

ST.: She is not up to fun - she is marrying Brownie.

TO.: And I'm not at all scary, but old, and the old woman sees you for the first time!

ST.: And what kind of hare is one-eyed with him!

SR. (Confused. Not understanding what is going on): And then who is there?

D.: By the way, grandfather, where is the Snow Maiden!

TO.: She got sick, caught a cold!

ML.: How did you catch a cold?

L.: Icicle overate and caught a cold!

D.: Strange all this!

SR.(Loudly. Persistently): And then who is there?

ALL: Where???

SR.: In a fairy forest, in the house of Grandfather Frost ???

ML.: Really? I don't understand anything!

ST.: It turns out that one of the two Santa Clauses is not real, but which one is the question?

ML.: And I know who will help us! Grandma - Fun!

L.: Do not make me laugh!

TO.: What are you going to listen to this old woman!

ST.: Grandmother - Zabavushka, where are you tell us! What is the real Santa Claus.

Lights go out in the hall

appears on the screen

Grandma - Fun!

B.Z.: And you take a closer look, my good ones! And you will immediately understand which one of them is a werewolf!

Screen goes blank

The light turns on.

D.: What a nightmare! Who are these werewolves?

TO.(forgetting that he is in the image of Santa Claus): Werewolf. According to East Slavic mythology, this is not a good creature. Can turn into anyone! And most importantly, he can scare a person to death!

SR.: These words are painfully familiar to me and they remind me of someone!

ML.: Of course whom! Our friend - zucchini without seeds Koshchei the immortal!

TO.: Yes, how dare you the Great Koshchei the Immortal! Call a zucchini without seeds!

ALL: Yeah, got it!

TO.: Wait, I'll explain everything to you!

Meanwhile Likho

tiptoeing out of the room.

D.: And where are you hare - obdergaets?

L.: I'll go to the aspen forest to gnaw, sing songs! I sat with you!

M L.: Yes, it's famously one-eyed!

Likho quickly runs away from the hall.

ST.: Well, Santa Claus, bony, quickly get ready, let's go!

TO.: Where?

SR.: To Santa Claus, you will ask for forgiveness from him and return the stolen!

The eldest flies away with Koshchei.

D.: Well, guys, the new year will come very soon! Until then, let's play!

SR.: Can I play with the guys? Once upon a time, 300 years ago, I celebrated the New Year in Africa. And the natives showed me a cool game.


Playing on the motive of the song "Fried Chicken": In the South, in the hot south, the sun shines all year round. And everyone is dancing, everyone is having fun when they celebrate the New Year! (Everyone sings a song, and then the leader says: Right hand! ”They all sing the song again while shaking their right hand, left hand, right foot, etc.)

D.: Guys, let's call Santa Claus again now

Sounds like fabulous music

Behind them is the Elder Baba Yaga.

D.M.: A year has passed, which means

Will bring us all soon

Happiness, joy and good luck!

New, new, new year!

CH.: There is no place for gloomy faces,

We speak in advance

We ask everyone to have fun

No reminder.

D.M.: Hello guys, thank you for exposing Koshchei!

CH.: Now guys, please sing a song for grandfather. And he will rest.


The sound of footsteps creaking snow.

ST.: Do you guys hear any steps?

CH.: Cold snow is silvering,

Moonlight streams over him.

D.: The stars lead a round dance,

And light, clear comes up ...

D.M.: majestic and beautiful,

glorious holiday

ALL: New Year!
The lights go out

All lighting is on.

Heroes clap crackers with serpentine.

B.Yo.(together): Hooray, the New Year has arrived!

D.: And now guys we will celebrate the New Year.

SR.: Yes, we will play dance and have fun.

CH.: Guys, you are all so smart today, so beautiful. Everyone get up in a round dance, and grandfather will give you gifts for costumes.

Parade of costumes.

D.M.: And now let's play my favorite game with me!


ST.: Have you guys prepared poems for grandfather? Well, then come up to the stage, take the microphone and tell them to your grandfather.

CH.: We need to congratulate many, and we wish you from the bottom of our hearts that your guys are doing very well!

ST.: Do miracles all year long!

SR.: Believe in magic yourself, and it will come to everyone.


D.: Well, in a year, believe me, we'll see each other again!

CH.: Goodbye! Goodbye! We are leaving with Grandfather.

D.M.: Goodbye! Goodbye!

ALL: And until next winter!
Note: All games and songs are selected by the director in accordance with the age of the children's audience.

Voronina N.A.,

teacher of biology, ecology and chemistry,

class teacher 7 "A" class

MOU SOSH with. login

Krasnokutsky district of the Saratov region

How Grandma Yozhki and Old Woman Shapoklyak celebrate the New Year

(New Year's holiday for grades 5-7)

Actors and performers:

Presenter 1 – Gafiatulina Daria

Presenter 2 - Lee Ekaterina

Shapoklyak – Nugmanova Alesya

Grandmother Yozhki - 1st: Aitmambetov Renat,

2nd: Aliyev Ismailbek,

3rd: Zasukhin, Vladimir

4th: Pilnik Irina

Father Frost – Alexander Sotnikov

Snow Maiden – Bagira Elena Vladimirovna, class teacher of class 5 “A”


Lived in a deep forest Grandma Hedgehog ki and they lived until the New Year. They began to think about how to spend the New Year.

1 Grandmother Yozhka:

Well, boring things, but like the New Year.

2 Grandmother Yozhka:

- Yes, we stayed too long in our forest, we should get out to people.

1 Babka Yozhka ( talking to neighbors):

- What people? Have you looked at yourself in the lake for a long time?!

And you scared away all the animals in the area with your beauty ...

3 Grandmother Yozhka:

So what? I will competently make up, comb my hair and be a beautiful girl, as in my youth.

2 Grandmother Yozhka:

And I generally have an athletic physique, not a gram of excess weight, only muscles.

1 Grandmother Yozhka:

Come on, I know one chip, you can order a holiday home, the company gives a guarantee. I have a newspaper with a phone number here.

3 Grandmother Yozhka:

Well, then call, do not pull the rubber, there is not much left before the New Year, and also make up, blush ..., in general, you need to get ready.

1 Grandmother Yozhka:

Hello! firm "New Year for your money"? We need a cool party to hang out with. Yeah, I see, your agent will be here now.

New Russian:

Hi all. What problems. Who here wants to shake their moss cool? And then you're all moldy here.

2 Grandmother Yozhka:

You quickly drew

New Russian:

Time is money. What, what's the problem?

3 Grandmother Yozhka:

What can you offer us from the modern. We haven't hung out here for a long time. We need a cool party.

New Russian:

No question. Let's decide on cash, our company will provide everything you want for your money, the minimum cost is two chests of gold and other material assets.

All: - How many?!

3 Grandmother Yozhka:

Yes, you, chumicka, copied the price from the ceiling, or what did you imagine in your eyes ?!

New Russian:

- If you want to order, if you don't want to - pay a penalty.

1 Grandmother Yozhka:

Where does the money come from? There is no money at all!

New Russian:

What about property?

3 Grandmother Yozhka ( shows a broom) :

Only personal transport.

New Russian:

I confiscate.

2 Grandmother Yozhka:

Well, cool party? Now we will also walk.

1 Grandmother Yozhka:

And, the left firm got caught (falls to his knees). Forgive me, my friends!!!

2 Grandmother Yozhka:

Okay, now what are you going to do...

Old Shapoklyak appears.

3 Grandmother Yozhka:

oh ah who are you? Where are you going?

Old Shapoklyak:

I am Old Shapoklyak, I go to school for the Christmas tree.

2 Grandmother Yozhka:

And they let everyone in?

Old Shapoklyak:

- Of course, let's go, there will be a cool party.

(They leave.)

Presenter 1:
Friends! For a dance evening
You have come to visit us again.
We have been waiting for this meeting for a long time.
And they tried their best.
Happy New Year!
With new happiness!
With new joy for all,
Let them call us today
Songs, music and laughter!
Gather, friends, in a round dance,
Get to know each other better
To sing the blue sky,
Dancing, laughter, get carried away higher and higher!

The song “Snowflakes are falling” sounds (6 “A” class).

Host 2:
We open the ball.
Friends, closer to me!
But who will start the fun - that's the question.
After all, I do not see my assistants.
Where is the Snow Maiden? Where is Santa Claus?

Friends! Hurry to me!
Where are your songs, jokes?
Offers. Hurry! The hall is full of people.

I'm coming! Now. One minute.

I see no one was waiting for me here.

Presenter 1:
Who else is this?

My name is Shapoklyak, I do evil deeds.


Who helps people
Just wasting time.
good deeds
You can't get famous.
Therefore, I advise
Do everything exactly the same
How does the old woman
Nicknamed Shapoklyak.

In a day I manage to do seven evil deeds - I love small dirty tricks. And you, I see, wanted gifts? Well, no, I'll take all the presents for myself: I also like sweets.

(He picks up a bag of gifts standing under the tree.)

Host 2:
Give, Shapoklyak, gifts to children!

I won't give up, I'm cunning and evil.
Don't expect any good from me.

The alley is filled with moonlight,
I go out with a slingshot into the open.
I'll cover all the benches with glue,
And then I'll swing over the fence.

And which one of you kids, girls and boys, wants to play?

Compete with me and others, shoot?

Game "Hit the target"

Everyone who wants to participate. The children are given slingshots. They shoot balls of paper at the balls that contain tasks (sing, dance, recite a verse, guess or solve a riddle, etc.). The old woman Shapoklyak imperceptibly pierces the balls so that the participants perform and present some prize from a bag of gifts.

Host 2:
We didn't expect you at all.
We didn't invite you.
Get out of here quickly
And don't hurt the kids.

I won't go anywhere... And since you're driving me away, I'll do some dirty trick to you. Hey, rat Lariska, scare the kids! Come on, let's play!

The game "Don't be afraid!"

All children stand in a circle and stretch their arms forward. Cheerful music sounds, Shapoklyak with a “rat” (a real live rat) walks in a circle past the children: who gets scared and pulls his hand away, goes to the center of the circle and dances.


Oh, I'm tired of something. Well, nothing, now my girlfriend will come running, then beware!

(Noise, din, whistle, clatter. Grandmother Yozhka “flies” into the hall on a broom - a mop, a scythe is attached to her head)

2nd Grandmother Yozhka:

Phew! Finally got there! Are you waiting for the Snow Maiden? Well, I've come to you!(Takes hold of the scythe, it falls off.) Pah you!

(Sings to the tune of ditties)

I am an old woman - a cheerful
I have been living on Earth for a hundred years,
I love to sing ditties to you,
I love listening to them too.

Hello girlfriend! Why are you alone today?

2nd Grandmother Yozhka:

No, my girlfriends are with me!

(Whistles, calls girlfriends). Grandmothers Yozhki run out, chastushkas sing.

1 . Stretch the furs, harmonica!
Come on beauties!
We will sing ditties to you,
We know you'll love it!
2 . New Year we are the whole country
Let's celebrate together!
All acquaintances and friends

Congratulations together!
3 . Hey beautiful girls
Well, let's not get bored!
Better with grandma ditties
Singing out loud!
4 . Last holiday New Year
With the goblin noted
The forest people sang along -
I danced hard!
5 . I was tipsy

And flew on a broomstick!

Even though I don't believe myself

These superstitions!

6. I remember with hell last year
laughed merrily,
Morning forest people
Woke up for a long time!
7. I returned home

I see the devil is following me.

Spit on his baldness

And sent to Leshem!

8. Sing, sing, fun!
You sing along to us.
Here are ditties sung to you,
Don't forget us!

(Each receives a prize from a bag of gifts. Then Shapoklyak hides the bag in a secluded place)

Presenter 1:
So that you don't get bored now
At the ball, no matter what they yawn,
Yaga and I are riddles at a time
Let's guess now!

(Leader and Grandmother Yozhka take turns reading the riddles. The best connoisseur is awarded a gift from the bag Grandma Yozhki).

1. She flies on a broomstick
And the kids are scared
She has a hut on legs
Who is THAT?
(Grandma Yozhka)
2. He is skinny and skinny
And no longer young
By nature - a villain
This is scary...
3. He walks with a big bag
Penetrates every home
Who brought us presents?
In a red cap
(Father Frost)
4. Beauty and feast for the eyes
Everybody let something up
Only grief can
Chinese call…
5. On holidays, festivities
Entertainment, loud laughter
Well, and our class of hands., believe me,

got to know them all...
(Holiday safety rules)
4th Grandmother Yozhka: And now my most difficult riddle:
Guess what item is in my bag?

(The gift goes to the guesser)

2nd Grandmother Yozhka:
Oh how smart you are! All my mysteries have been solved. They didn't leave me anything delicious! This is how I live! How can you not get nervous? Well, how are you?

Presenter 1:
We also live - do not miss,
We are now celebrating the New Year.
Here is the beautiful Christmas tree!

2nd Grandmother Yozhka:
New Year! How interesting! But where is Santa Claus?

Presenter 1:
Yes, we are waiting, we are waiting, we will not wait. Probably got lost.

2nd Grandmother Yozhka:
Yeah, in three pines.

Presenter 1:
Didn't you see him when you flew over the forest?

4th Grandmother Yozhka:
Father Frost! Ay, ay! Where are you?(Walks around the Christmas tree and looks under it.)It's not there anywhere. Oh, how my mood is spoiled by this. Maybe amuse me, guys, and I'll remember where I saw Santa Claus.

Presenter 2:
What is the holiday in Russia
Celebrate without songs?
Come on, let's get together
Let's all sing together!

Children perform a song and dance (6 "A" class).

2nd Grandmother Yozhka:
Oh, and you made me laugh! So be it, I'll tell you where Santa Claus is. He is already close, he is coming to the school, he will arrive now. Ha ha ha!

Host 2:
Well, you, Yaga, are a liar!

And if you answer my quiz, I'll tell you where I hid the gift bag.


Those who wish to answer raise their hand: whoever is the first - he answers. For the correct answer, the child receives a prize.

1. When was Santa Claus born? (More than two thousand years ago.)
2. Why is a Christmas tree put up on New Year's Eve? (Spruce is a symbol of eternal life, courage.)
3. Where in Russia do people first celebrate the New Year? (In the Far East.)
4. When the clock strikes twelve, announcing the onset of the New Year, the inhabitants of which country eat a grape with each stroke? (Inhabitants of Cuba.)
5. In which country has it become a tradition to throw old furniture out of the house on New Year's Eve? (In Italy.)
6. In which country at midnight all the lights go out for three minutes and it's time for New Year's kisses? (In Bulgaria.)

Well, Shapoklyak, we have answered all your questions. Where are the gifts?

And you will receive gifts from Santa Claus.

Host 2:
Oh, you, cunning, also deceived us.
Girls and boys,
My fingers are cold
Ears get cold, nose gets cold,
It can be seen close ... (Santa Claus.)

(Jingle bells are heard.)

Do you hear? They're coming! They're coming!

To meet the guest together,
Tell everyone, guys, you need to:
“Santa Claus, we are waiting for you!”

(Children repeat)

Father Frost:

I rushed to you through blizzards and fogs,
I was on a fantastic wave
I flew over the seas and oceans
To bring a holiday
native country.
My sleigh raced through the air,
Overcame the blizzard and bad weather,
To wish you all happiness!
And you, dear, congratulate today
Happy New Year 2013 everyone!

Snow Maiden:
I am the Snow Maiden, in the world

There is nowhere else like it.
I love frost and wind
Whirlwinds in snowy winter
And today with you
I welcome the New Year.

Dramatization of the song "Tell me, Snow Maiden" (5 "A" class).

Father Frost:
May the New Year be a good friend to you,
Let troubles and bad weather pass you by,
May true friends never forget you.
We wish you lots and lots of happiness!

Snow Maiden:
What a beautiful Christmas tree!
Look how she dressed up.
Dress on a tree of green silk,
Bright beads on it, confetti!
You won't find a better tree anywhere.
With a good tree and a good holiday!
May our holiday be happier and more wonderful,
Let's sing our favorite songs together!

Children sing songs (9 "B" class).

Father Frost:
And what are Grandma Yozhki and the old woman Shapoklyak doing here?

What's so amazing about that? We also came to the party to have fun.

Host 2:
Santa Claus, they love to do dirty tricks and evil deeds. Maybe we shouldn't invite them to play games with us?

3rd: Grandmother Yozhka (offended):
Well, it is not necessary!

We, the old ladies, are on the side, but you yourself, then, will have fun ?!

Snow Maiden:
Grandfather Frost, or maybe we’ll still let Babok Yozhek and Shapoklyak come to us for a holiday, but only on the condition that they behave well.

1st Grandmother Yozhka:
There is no urine for me to live alone,
I will be friends with you.

We will be quieter than water, lower than grass, grandfather.
(Gives a bag of gifts.)

Father Frost:
Well, let's believe them!

4th Grandmother Yozhka:
And can I give the guys a task? Guess what I love to do the most?
(Fly on a broom)

Do you think it's that simple? Astronauts are training. This is where I want to train you.

(The relay race “On a broomstick” is being held).

4th Grandmother Yozhka:
Oh, you respected me, the old one. I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

Presenter 1:
Santa Claus is very happy with everyone
Let's start the masquerade.
Who wants to read poetry to us - come out,
Gifts await!

A New Year's poem recitation competition is held. Prizes are awarded to the winners. (Participate 5 "A" class, 6-8 "B" classes).

Father Frost:
It's time to say goodbye
Whatever they could, tried to entertain you,
Goodbye friends, goodbye
Goodbye, see you again!

Snow Maiden:
Dear friends! Thanks for the evening!
Please accept my heartfelt greetings.
Until a new cheerful and joyful meeting,
We wish you the happiest victories!

We played great
Just don't dance
I propose to dance
I invite everyone to dance.

New Year's disco

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Scenario of a festive matinee in the preparatory group

with the participation of parents"New Year's Adventures of Babok-Yozhek"

music director Zaripova S.E.

To the music, children enter the hall, stand in front of the Christmas tree.

Vedas. Our dear guests! We hasten to congratulate everyone.

May good luck and success come to you in the coming year!

May for you, good people who are not afraid of worries,

It will be not just a new one, but a happy New Year!


1. She has been going to us for a holiday for a whole year

Green beauty of the forests.

Then quietly dressed up in this hall,

And now her outfit is ready.

2. We all admire the Christmas tree today,

She gives us a delicate aroma,

And the best New Year's holiday

Comes with her to kindergarten.

Song "New Year"

3. Crackers, icicles, sweets,

golden balls,

Jokes, songs, games and dances,

Children in fancy costumes and masks

The noise doesn't stop

And laughter incessantly

What is here today?

All. Merry Christmas tree.

4. Snow is spinning white - white

And trees and houses

Silver patterns

Gives zimushka - winter.

Song "Oh, SNOW"

5. When funny snowflakes

Suddenly they will fly to the earth from heaven

And hide the streets, paths,

They will cover the river, field, forest,

I will say, standing at the window:

"Look, winter is here."

6. Cheerful, noisy New Year!

There are songs, dances, round dance.

Heroes of fairy tales will come to us

And everyone, of course, is waiting for a miracle!

7. Let on the whole, on the whole planet

New Year's Eve children

Joyful and fun

With dances and songs.

8. happy new year, happy new year

New joy for all

Let them ring under this vault

Songs, music and laughter!

Vedas. The most fun in the world
Let's celebrate New Year's Eve

To rejoice with us

Your dads, your moms.

Hold hands tight

Stand in a wide circle

We will sing and dance

Let's celebrate the New Year.

Song beauty of the forest(sit on chairs)

Reb. - A magical holiday is coming

We have been waiting for it for a long time

Snowflakes are spinning - flying

They want to get on the tree to us.

The dance of the snowflakes. (sit down)

Vedas. They say New Year's Eve

All dreams come true

And today in our hall

The story begins.

New Year's Eve is the best! The most mysterious and magical.

Everyone rushes to this Christmas tree, everyone is waiting for a meeting with Santa Claus. And here it seems

someone is already here! Let's sit down and see who it is?

Music sounds, winter enters

Winter . Hello, friends!

I am a sorceress - winter

I came to you for the holiday.

Russian, icy, snowy and blizzard,

Friendly with icy winds and frost.

Are you afraid of me? (NO)

Didn't you snuggle up to the warm stove?

Have you complained to your mother?

Can I live with you? (YES)

Ved. We miss wonders so much

On fun adventures

According to good Russian fairy tales.

Magic transformations.

We so want your fabulous miracles!

Winter. Fairy miracles? Well, it's easy! I just have to wave

magic wand like...

Waves his wand, music sounds,

the Horse runs into the hall, dancing around the Christmas tree - runs away).

Winter. Oh, the horse ... ran away ...

Let me try again...

Miracle, miracle, respond!

Miracle, miracle, appear!

March sounds Christmas toys, children march around the Christmas tree and stand up

in chess. right in front of the audience.


All. Simple toys through the crack

Once we saw a tree

* “Let's decorate the Christmas tree!

Let’s climb the branches and sit down!”

* Toys climbed onto the Christmas tree.

* The monkey is already at the top.

* Under Mishka, a branch bent,

* Under the Bunny swayed a little.

*Chickens hang like lanterns

* Nesting dolls - like colorful balls ...

All. We all found ourselves on the tree!

Now let's make the kids happy!

Oh, fathers! We're falling! We're falling!"

Dance CHRISTMAS TOYS(children sit down)

Winter. Dear guests - dads, moms!

Childhood is a golden time

And given us only once ...

Let you remember

That good planet

The one where the rays of the eyes,

You met good dawns,

Where are miracles, wizards and fairies,

You opened the door to a fairy tale and more than once ...

This door is open today!

Go boldly - a fairy tale is waiting for you ahead!

(waves a wand, adults go to the Christmas tree)

Here the fairy tale begins, and on the way, setting off your own,

Takes you down the magical stairs(adults leave)

Winter . Guys, I also invite you to a fairy tale,

But first, I'll test it.

I will name the items and you guys will say what could be

Christmas tree decorations and what not. So, what is hanging on the Christmas tree:

Clapperboard (Yes.)

Red toy (Yes.)

Old tub (Who answers yes)

Cheerful Parsley?

Hot cheesecake?

White snowflakes?

Bright pictures?

Ripped boots?

Soaked apples?


Weights of one hundred pounds?

Cotton bunnies?

White horses?

Ripped gloves?

What good fellows you all are! My test passed. Yes, I had no doubt that today

Very attentive, active and

friendly guys!

Let's play some more! This time you must answer my questions too

Yes or no.

Ready? (Yes!)

Santa Claus is known to everyone ...

He arrives promptly at seven ....

Santa Claus is a good old man ....

He wears a hat and galoshes ....

Santa Claus is coming soon...

He will bring gifts...

The trunk is good for our Christmas tree ....

He was cut down from a double-barreled gun ...

What grows on the tree? Cones?....

Tomatoes and gingerbread ....

The view is beautiful at our Christmas tree ....

Red needles everywhere...

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold...

He is friends with the Snow Maiden ...

Winter .

To make the tree wake up

And looked more cheerful

All the guys smiled

Light a fire on her!

Together we will say with you:

Christmas tree, light up the lights!

Children : Christmas tree, light up the lights!(The Christmas tree does not light up)

Winter : Speak very quietly

Come on, guests, help!

Let's say it loudly, with full force:

Become, Christmas tree, beautiful!

All : Become, Christmas tree, beautiful!(The Christmas tree does not light up)

Winter : Still quiet, yet weak.

We all need to shout together:

All: "One two Three! Miracle tree, burn!”(The lights on the tree are lit,

everyone clap their hands)

Winter. Guys, you are all so great! That's just something Santa Claus

Long time no.

Has he gone astray? I'll go and meet him.

And you do not miss me!(leaves)

Music sounds, three Babka-Hedgehogs enter the hall on the same broom

1 B-Z. We were looking for kids, and probably too late?

Vedas. No, grandma, we're not late. Please pass. And who are you?

B-Yozhki. (in turn)We are funny sisters

And we are as cunning as foxes.

We live in a forest lodge

(together) And our name is Babki-Yozhki.

1B-I. Oh, our way is not short.

2 B-Z. We walked, walked, bow to you low.

3 B-Z . One, two, three, four, five -

Let's play a fairy tale.

Music sounds, Kashchei enters. In his hands is a bag that he hides under the Christmas tree.

Kashch. Hello grannies! H av oh, are you all here? Have you arrived for the holiday?

1B-Z . Arrived. You see, what a beauty!(points to tree)

2B-I. Happy New Year to you, Koshcheyushka! You didn't seem to pass by, did you?

Kashch. Yes, the tree is beautiful. Only there are not enough toys on it ...

Well, I'll fix that right now!(tries to fit HER toys)

B-Yo (in chorus) What did you think of it? Why did a bone block hung here?

Take it off immediately!

Kashch. And I don't think so! I think it's very original...

B-Yo. Shoot!

Kashch. I won't take pictures! I have my own opinion on this...

3B-I. But I'll take a broom! Kaaak I'll hurt you! You will then

My opinion!

Kashch. (removing) Well, okay, okay ... Cho immediately with a BROOM! ... don’t need me with a broom ...

2B-I. Stop fighting! After all, it's a holiday! New Year!

Let's have more fun! I know Santa's favorite song...

Oh, what is it called, I forgot something. I have this one...what's his...

memory chlorophos. Oh, that is dichlorvos.

Phew, totally confused.

Kashch. You have sclerosis, dear.

2B-Z That's it, I wanted to say that sclerosis. Now I remember -

"A heifer was born in the forest."

Kashch. Yes, not a heifer, but a Christmas tree.

2B-Z Well, yes, not a heifer, but a Christmas tree.(singing)

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest

Pale in winter and summer...

Kashch. Not pale, but...

2B-Z She was not pale.

Gray bunny in shorts

Jumped under the Christmas tree ...

Kashch. What did you jump in?

2B-Z In shorts. It's cold in winter, so he rode in them,

not to freeze. Don't interfere, Koschey!

Gray bunny in shorts

Jumped under the tree.

Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf

I ran with a sheep.

Kashch. Why with a sheep?

2B-Z Are you stupid? Because wolves love to eat sheep,

So he ran with her.

Chu, snow in the forest is frequent

Creaks under the canopy


Lies under the tree.

Kashch. What is he doing?

2B-Z Lies. Tired, so I lay down to rest. Listen smart guy

why do you keep bothering me? Let me sing the song!

The horse is carrying firewood,

And coal, and oats,

And Santa Claus was sitting in the firewood

And he brought the Christmas tree to the children

Kashch . Yes, Yagusya. How do you get everything running...

3B-I. Ah ... Let's dance? I can sing ditties:

My darling dear

Says "beauty"!

And how I stomp my foot ....

Kashch. So the leg will fall off!(sarcastically) You will have fun - Santa Claus

will not be on your holiday!

B-Yo. How will it not?!

Kashch. Yes, I say: they say, I won't do it anymore. Well, I'll run, perhaps - the most

time to start YOUR holiday...(picks up bag, leaves)

2B-I. But I wonder what he had there in the bag?

1B-I. And the goblin knows him! You can see right away - sick in the head ...

3B-I. And for everything! (laugh) He should have smeared it with iodine!

Kashch. (leaning out the door)You yourself should smear your heads with iodine!

(shakes fist)

Wow! Well, I'll arrange more for you!(disappears behind the door)

3B-I. Here's the restless villain!

1B-I. Oh guys! Why are you all sitting, yes sitting ...

Like turnips in the ground!

2B-I. Run to the Christmas tree

3B-I. Amuse everyone with a song

Song KITTEN AND PUPPY (sit down)

3B-I . Yes… well here…. But where is Santa Claus with

Have you lost the Snow Maiden? Didn't really get lost...

2B-I. Well, sisters, it's time for us to get down to business - to start

to wonder - to wonder.

1 and 3 B-Yo. How about ourselves?

2 B-Z. And here it is... (shows a sieve)Here are all the miracles I have where ...

1 and 3 B-Yo. Where?

2 B-Z. Where, where... In the sieve!

3 B-Z. In a sieve? .. I doubt something ...

2 B-Z. Miracles... miracles...

Sun, pines, skies...

1 B-Z . So where are the miracles?

2 B-Z. I'm talking here! My sieve is pure magic! Now let's conjure

And Santa Claus will be here in an instant! You, little one, will help me:

when I say the last words, throw your handkerchief on the floor!(conjures)

(a horse runs into the hall to the music, walks in front of grandmothers)

Where are you from here! Let's go! Gone!..(drive the horse away)

Well, so ... (conjures again)

Sieve, sieve, wrapped around with fresh bast,

Entwined, entwined, washed with white snow ...

(a horse peeks out from behind the door)

Horse (playfully) Wow!

2B-I. Go away, go away, you dirty...(horse disappears)

So that the holiday was without tears,

Santa Claus appears!

Bearded, mustache and gray ...(thinking) You don't remember what's next...

That's sclerosis...

3B-I . …and dancing ballet!(throws handkerchief)

Santa Claus in a ballet costume runs into the hall, performs a ballet

number and run away

2B-I. Oh… What was that?

3B-I. Santa Claus danced an excerpt from the ballet and ... ran away.

2B-I. Tell me, what did you get in? Who asked you to speak a spell?

3B-I. So you asked yourself(offended)

2B-I. Okay… So be it… I’ll try again…

Sieve, sieve, wrapped around with fresh bast,

(looks at the door for a horse)

So that the holiday was without tears,

Santa Claus appears!

With beard and mustache...

With beard and mustache...

1B-I. (thoughtfully) And cow horns...

The horned DM enters - in the hands of a flower pot. He is melancholic

"chewing" the leaves. Seeing B-Yo, he tries to gore them.

1 and 3 B-Yo. (running around the hall)Karau-ul! Conjure! Conjure faster - gore after all !!!

2B-Ya. (swings at D.M. with a sieve, he runs away)Phew... Here's the deal...

Now a horse, then horns ...

1B-I. Give me the sieve! I will conjure myself!

(a horse is trying to sneak into the hall on tiptoe)

1B-I. (to horse) And do not even hope! Out!(horse disappears out the door)

Sieve, sieve, wrapped around with fresh bast,

Entwined, entwined, washed with white snow,

So that the holiday was without tears,

Santa Claus appears!

He has a beard and a mustache... Hmm...(thinking)

And in Adidas sneakers! Ouch!

Marching D.M. enters. in a tracksuit, begins to do exercises.

Then he marches off.

Vedas. Well, grandmothers, well, Yagusi ... You messed up here ... Sit down here under the Christmas tree,

get some rest. The guys and I also know something. Let's get together

Let's all call Santa Claus together.(name - enters disguised as Kashchei)

Kashch. Hello good people

Healthy and sick!

Small and big

Young and old.

You are such good fellows, like cucumbers in a barrel!

They grew up, they became big.

And did you recognize me?

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,

I pinch my ears, I pinch my nose!

Enter the real D.M. and stands on the other side of the tree.

D.M. Oh ho ho, oh ho ho

It was a long way to go!

But I heard your call

And finally, I came to you!

For a long time I walked to you,

And found a lot of interesting things.

Riddles different and tasks,

And interesting tests.

2B-I. Ahhh… Santa Claus…. And .. Santa Claus ...

1B-I. Yes…. Affairs…. Not one, then two...

3B-I . Wait, wait! This is where you need to figure it out!

D.M. What is going on here? Here I am Santa Claus!

Kashch. No, I'm Santa Claus!

1B-I. So ... If this one is Santa Claus, then that one is NOT Santa Claus!

2B-I. And if THIS one is Santa Claus, then THAT one is not Santa Claus! Everything is simple!

3B-Z (notices a familiar bag)Whose bag is this?

Kashch . This is my bag! I'll take the kids in it! No no no…

I bring gifts to the kids.

2B-Z takes the bag and shakes out its contents. There are different

junk, bones, fish skeletons.

B-Yo. Well, gifts ... Is it possible to give THIS to children !? Not! You are not Santa Claus

You are a liar and a deceiver!

Kashch . How dare you call me a liar and a liar! Me! Great

Kashchei the Immortal! Ouch….(B-Yo drive away the embarrassed Kashchei)

D.M. How glad I am, how glad I am

What came to you in kindergarten!

Get up in a circle, everyone,

Sing a song together!

We'll start a round dance

Let's celebrate the New Year!


D.M. Ah, teasing me.

Come on, show me your hands, ears, nose -

Everyone will be frozen by Santa Claus.

Children scatter to their places, sit on chairs.

B-Yo. Santa Claus, don't rush

And dance with us!

B-Yo dance with D.M. MADY.

D.M. Phew, I danced, danced,

And I'm tired of dancing!

I'll sit down and rest

I'll just take my breath away.

Vedas . Well, Santa Claus, are you tired?

D.M. Oh, tired!

Haven't danced like this in a long time!

Oh, I totally forgot!

Before you play

The Snow Maiden should have been called!

Vedas. So what are we waiting for

Let's call together!

The children's name is Snegurochka. The Snow Maiden enters and cries.

D.M. Granddaughter, dear,

Why are you crying?

Hasn't something happened?

Snow. Yes, grandfather, it happened

Trouble happened!

I didn't come here alone.

And with a horse - a symbol of the new year.

But suddenly a black cloud swooped in,

And the dark force carried away the symbol of the year!

D.M. What to do now?

After all, without this horse, the new year will not come!

1B-I. Oh, trouble, trouble ... So the Horse is a symbol of the new year?

2 B-Z. And we are her ... from the audience with kicks, kicks .... Ay-ya-yay, trouble-trouble ...

3B.Y . And I guess who did it! Surely, Kashchei took the horse away!

Everything will not settle down!

Kashchei peeks out from behind the door. Asking the children for a holiday. He brings the Horse, which everyone amicably seated on the throne of D.M.

D.M. Thank you, Kashcheyushka, for our Horse. Do you want me and the guys

we will sing a song about the Christmas tree for you?


After the round dance - a group photo. Then everyone sees off the Horse.

Snow . Here the tree shakes its branches,

Must be saying goodbye to us.

Friends, the minutes of the holiday flew,

Our hall was full of ringing laughter,

We played, joked and sang

But time is rushing to finish our ball ...

B-Yo. How? How to finish it? What about gifts?

Presentation of gifts, photographing children with the heroes of a fairy tale.

Welcome to the site "Scenarios of school events".
Dear visitors, if you write skits, scripts for Teacher's Day or September 1 and can share, send to e-mail
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Scene for the New Year "5 grandmas hedgehog"

Scene for the New Year "5 grandmas hedgehog", for high school students.

Characters: 5 grandmas hedgehogs !!))
1 grandma: Hedgehogs, you noticed that we haven’t hung out for a long time! Oh look what's going on here
Is everyone gathered?
2 grandma: Yes, they are probably celebrating something again! send! We must have time to bro kashcheich to the party! By the way, you need to call him, has he changed his mind about hanging out? So let's get a number! Hello, Kascheich! Hi, Well, how is everything ready? oh well then let's go! Well, Che Kashcheich said everything is ready! Send?!
Grandmother 3: Wait, we still didn’t know what was happening here? Let's ask the guys?
4 grandma: Yes, no problem! Guys, tell me what's going on here?
Guys: We're celebrating
Grandmother 5: Wow, does that mean there’s a party going on here too? Cool, let's stay here Your back hurts terribly!
All grandmas, except for 2 grandmas: Agree! Hey, hedgehog, how are you?
2 grandma: what's up?
1 grandma: Well, you're a damn deaf person, you need to fly to Laura!
Grandmother 2: Alas, my electric broom is broken!
1 grandmother: And I have been riding a Merc for a long time! Well, why do you want to stay here for a party?
Grandmother 2: Of course! Well, grannies will come off in full!?
(phone rings, 4 grandmas)
Grandmother 4: Hello, hello! Well, I've signed up for tomorrow! Okay, now I have no time! dosvidos!
5 grandma: Where did you sign up?
4 grandma: Oh, to the makeup artist! Decided to preen before a date with the water man!
Grandmother 3: Okay, enough, let's finally hang out!
1 grandma: Well, turn on the DJ for us a song! Yes, better!
(include for example: "Yolochka was born in the forest")
3 Grandmother: Hey, DJ, what did you turn on for us? Come on, our beloved!

Attention! Scenes and scenarios for the New Year of the rabbit 2011!