I am a health teacher presentation for a lesson in physical education on the topic. Presentation of the physical education teacher “I am a health teacher Presentation for the competition health teacher physical education teacher

Elena Fedosenko
Presentation "Health teacher"

Health at all times it was considered the highest value, the basis of an active creative life, happiness, joy and well-being of a person. In modern society, it also becomes a condition for survival. Preservation and strengthening health children today is a priority for the entire society. GEF is also aimed at protecting and strengthening the physical and mental children's health, including their emotional well-being. To become the master of your health, necessary learn this art. Learn to manage your health needed from birth. Every minute of a child's life in kindergarten works to strengthen his health.

I consider the most urgent task in my work to be the preservation and strengthening of

children's health. To create a complete system health saving For children, it is very important to organize a motor developmental environment in a group. To improve the skills acquired in physical education classes, a sports corner has been created in the group. For exercises in walking, running, jumping, balance, various paths, pigtails, snakes are used, there are massage mats for the prevention of flat feet, for outdoor games and exercises of a general developmental effect. The most effective forms of interaction are: morning exercises; gymnastics after daytime sleep with hardening procedures; classes, walks.

I believe that the ability to ask questions is directly related to health-saving educational technologies.

Asking questions - This:

The manifestation and training of cognitive activity, and it is closely related to the adaptive ability, ability and willingness to find the best solutions in various situations, including those that pose a risk to health.

An indicator of the child's involvement in the problem under discussion and, consequently, a good level of his performance (in a state of fatigue, indifference, etc., children do not ask questions).

Indicator of adequately developed communicative skills: shy, "notorious", a child who is afraid of the teacher will not ask questions, as a result, the baggage of incomprehensible educational material increases, which leads to overwork and a decrease in interest in learning.

Thus, we can conclude that the quantity and quality of questions asked by the child serves as one of the indicators of his psychophysical state, psychological health, and also trains his success in educational activities.

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For all my many years of pedagogical activity, I teach children to treat their health correctly. I direct all my experience to their recovery.

CREATIVE PRESENTATION Grekalova S.P. "I am a HEALTH TEACHER" Let's get acquainted! Hello! My name is Grekalova Svetlana Petrovna. I am a teacher of history and social studies, and also a social teacher at MBOU "Secondary School No. 9" in the city of Inta, which is located in the Komi Republic. For me, working at a school is not just a formal fulfillment of job descriptions. School is a separate world for me, a whole life that teaches to teach and learn .. Let's get acquainted! As a social educator, often, as a teacher - less often, I encounter parents and children experiencing various difficulties in the process of education and upbringing. The inability to correctly assess the situation leads to a deterioration in the psychological climate not only in a general education institution, but also in families. There is a cyclical, closed stressful situation. Let's get acquainted! While working at school, I came to the conclusion that healthy lifestyle propaganda does not say much about the formation of stress resistance among children and their parents. What makes us nervous, worried during the educational process? What is it that poisons the life of parents and children? Why is the percentage of adolescents and adults who are not able to assess the situation, provide and accept assistance, listen, hear and speak quite high? A little reflection I thought for quite a long time, scrupulously studying the literature on a sore subject, consulting with our school psychologist and deputy directors for UVR, VR. And I came to the following conclusions: 1. The difficulties that we and our children face cause panic, aggression and fear only out of ignorance. 2. Suggestion to your child and yourself that he has: physical deviations, various kinds of weaknesses, which, unlike the others, makes him worse, leads to a decrease in the protective functions of the body, to low self-esteem, to unmotivated aggression, to the position of the sheet. "What to do?" - I was puzzled. A few thoughts Work. Above all, above yourself. Work on your children. Learn to speak with people correctly, to listen and hear correctly. Teach the same child. Learn to help others and help yourself. Learn to ask for help and accept help. Try not to panic. It is very important. A little reflection Very important here's why: The ability to adapt in society to different situations, in fact, the training of our nervous system, and hence our health. Our health - in a global sense. If you can teach a child (and, if necessary, his parents) to respond correctly to hooligans, to be able to protect and defend himself, to be able not to get lost in a new, unknown situation, to be able to ask for and accept help, then his morale will become noticeably more stable. And that means your health will improve. A little reflection It is important to explain to parents and children the need for a healthy lifestyle, making repeated emphasis on the culture of behavior and relationships. Sometimes parents have to be reminded that their behavior model is borrowed by their own child. It is important to promote a healthy lifestyle in the family, not forgetting the social component of health. Instead of a conclusion Every day, watching children and their parents who find themselves in difficult life situations because of the inability to listen, to properly defend their point of view, because of the inability to communicate, to show both positive and negative feelings, I realize how important the lessons are health, communication lessons, psychological training and just a kind-hearted attitude. Instead of a conclusion In my work I understand health saving not only as an element of recovery in the generally accepted sense (which is very important), but also as the creation of social comfort. Therefore, I try to help parents adapt to those situations that cause them difficulties, to understand their own children. Instead of a conclusion With the right approach, the number of conflict situations that arise in the process of training and education is significantly reduced. Establishing contact with the parents of students plays a huge role in the life of the school. If parents support school teachers, share their views on the processes of upbringing and education, then the desired result will be achieved twice as fast. INSTEAD OF CONCLUSION I am a health teacher. A teacher who teaches communication, the ability to find a common language with other people, the ability to get out of difficult situations. My goal is to teach children to be healthy and worthy citizens of Russia. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION

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Slides captions:

Creative presentation "I am a health teacher" by the teacher of physical culture of the MBOU "Tatar-English Gymnasium No. 16" Lotfullina Roza Rafailovna Kazan 2017

Lotfullina Roza Rafailovna Teacher of physical education at the "Tatar-English Gymnasium No. 16" Graduated from the Volgograd State Institute of Physical Culture in 1987. Since then I have been working in the field of physical culture and sports. 30 years of teaching experience. I worked as an academic rowing coach, taught at a college, now I enjoy working at a school. I am glad that at one time I correctly chose my life path - the work of a teacher.

Teaching credo - "Move with pleasure" Life credo - "Treat people the way you want to be treated"

Working with children, you need to be on the crest of a wave, keep up with the times, constantly improve, learn something new and improve your skills.

Gymnastics, physical exercises, walking should firmly enter the daily life of everyone who wants to maintain working capacity, health, a full and joyful life. Hippocrates Life requires movement Aristotle

Preservation and strengthening of health are the most important components of the work of a physical education teacher. Children's health is deteriorating. This has become not only a medical, but also a pedagogical problem.

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Presentation of the physical education teacher "I am a health teacher"

Health saving Technology is at the core of my work.

I implement sports wellness direction in the middle and senior levels of education as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The problem I am working on is improving the development of coordination of motor activity. Dyspraxia is a movement disorder that affects approximately 10% of schoolchildren. It manifests itself in inconsistency in the movement of children, timely therapy helps to improve the condition of the child.

Dyspraxia negatively affects school performance.

Sports and physical labor help improve coordination, but these activities should not tire, but bring joy and pleasure. With my work I create health-saving behavior of parents, I conduct sports and mass events together with children, individual conversations, consultations and questionnaires. Only a personal example gives rise to personal interest in children ...

On the example of a teacher, when a child sees a smart, competent, successful, optimistic, athletic, loving teacher in front of him, there is a chance of success.

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