Under the functional purpose of the organization understand. Classification of organizations by functional and intended purpose

It is seldom considered small organizations that have a single simple goal and whose leaders are not interested in anything but their own peace and well-being. The subject of management course is the management of complex organizations. Organizations commonly referred to as complex typically have the following specific characteristics:

Types of organizations

Organizations arose quite a long time ago and, as human development progressed, they steadily grew, became more complex, and gained more and more importance in people's lives. If you try to formulate what is usually understood as an organization, then, first of all, the thought arises: the concept of "organization" is associated with the joint activities of a group of people who strive to achieve some common goals. Therefore, in the simplest formulation organization is a group of people working together to achieve a common goal. To successfully achieve these goals, the activities of people in the group must be coordinated. Therefore, an organization can be viewed as a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals.

There are, however, important fundamental differences that lead to the identification of two significant varieties of organizations (Fig. 1):

Rice. 1. Types of organizations

  • private;
  • state;
  • municipal;
  • public;
  • special purpose:

    • production of products;
    • performance of work;
    • service;
  • breadth of production profile:

    • specialized;
    • diversified;
  • the nature of the combination of science and production;

    • scientific;
    • production;
    • research and production;
  • number of production stages:

    • one-stage;
    • multistage;
  • business location:

    • in one territory;
    • at one geographic point;
    • at different geographical locations.
  • Entity is an organization that:

    • has separate property in, in economic management, in operational management;
    • is liable with property for its obligations;
    • may acquire property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf;
    • can be a plaintiff and a defendant in court;
    • has an independent balance or estimate.

    Rice. 3. Classification of organizations according to a number of features

    Rice. 4. Classification of organizations by OPF in the Russian Federation

    Classification of organizations by organizational and legal forms

    Commercial organizations:

    • business partnerships and companies
      • economic partnerships
        • general partnership
        • fellowship of faith
      • business companies
      • limited liability company
      • additional liability company
  • Production cooperative (artel)
  • State and municipal enterprises
    • On the right of economic management
    • On the right of operational management (federal state enterprise)
  • Non-Profit Organizations

    • Consumer cooperative (union, society)
    • Funds
    • Public and religious organizations (associations)
    • Institutions
    • Associations of legal entities (associations and unions)

    Hereafter under the word organization or company implied formal business organization.

    Classification of enterprises by capital ownership

    By ownership of capital and, accordingly, by control over the enterprise, national, foreign and joint (mixed) enterprises are distinguished.

    national enterprise- an enterprise whose capital belongs to the entrepreneurs of their country. Nationality is also determined by the location and registration of the main company.

    Foreign company- an enterprise whose capital is owned by foreign entrepreneurs who fully or to a certain extent ensure their control.

    Foreign enterprises are formed either through the creation of a joint-stock company or through the purchase of controlling stakes in local firms, leading to the emergence of foreign control. The latter method has become the most widespread in modern conditions, since it allows the use of the already existing apparatus, connections, clientele and market knowledge by local firms.

    Mixed enterprises- enterprises whose capital is owned by entrepreneurs from two or more countries. The registration of a mixed enterprise is carried out in the country of one of the founders on the basis of the legislation in force in it, which determines the location of its headquarters. Mixed enterprises are one of the varieties of the international interweaving of capital. Joint ventures are called joint ventures when the purpose of their establishment is implementation of joint business activities. Forms of mixed capital companies are very diverse. Most often, international associations are created in the form of mixed companies:,.

    multinational enterprises- enterprises whose capital belongs to entrepreneurs of several countries are called multinational. Multinational companies are formed by merging the assets of merging firms from different countries and issuing shares in the newly created company. Other forms of formation of companies mixed in terms of capital are: the exchange of shares between firms that retain legal independence; creation of joint companies, the share capital of which belongs to the founders on a parity basis or is distributed in certain ratios established by the legislation of the country of registration; the acquisition by a foreign company of a stake in a national firm that does not give it the right to control.

    In modern conditions, the largest industrial firms are focusing on the creation of joint production enterprises, as well as enterprises for the implementation of scientific and technical cooperation, including the joint use of patents and licenses, as well as the implementation of agreements on cooperation and specialization of production. Particularly numerous joint ventures in new and rapidly growing industries requiring huge one-time investments, - in oil refining, petrochemistry, chemical industry, production of plastics, synthetic rubber, aluminum, in nuclear energy. Joint ventures are also created as temporary associations for the implementation of large contracts for the construction of ports, dams, pipelines, irrigation and transport facilities, power plants, railways, etc.

    Organization goals

    Complex organizations have, as a rule, not one goal, but a set of interrelated goals, the implementation of which is ensured as a result of the interaction of various parts of the organization.

    The key goal inherent in any really operating organization is its own. If the organization's goal of self-reproduction is lost or consciously suppressed, then it can cease to exist. An organization that does not have an internal orientation to survival can only survive under the influence of sufficiently powerful external forces. But in this case, reproduction will require much more effort.

    Organization resources

    The goals of most organizations involve the transformation of some resources to achieve results. The resources an organization uses can be classified in different ways. For example, as part of the resources used by organizations, one can single out: people (human resources), capital, material resources, technologies, information. Below we will separately consider the role of various resources in the activities of the organization.

    Dependence on the external environment

    Complex organizations tend to be closely linked to the environment. Organizations depend on the world around them because they receive resources from it, because it is there that the consumers of their products or services are located, because they are connected with this world by thousands of formal and informal connections and relationships.

    Under the external environment of organizations, it is customary to understand that part of the surrounding world with which the organization actively interacts. As part of the external environment, it is customary to single out different-quality components: economic conditions, consumers, trade unions, government acts, legislation, competing organizations, the system of values ​​in society, public opinion, equipment and technology, and other components. All of these factors are constantly changing.

    It is of great importance that, although the organization is very dependent on, this environment, as a rule, is outside the direct influence of managers. Every year, the management of modern organizations has to take into account an increasing number of environmental factors.

    Horizontal division and cooperation of labor

    If at least two people work together towards a common goal, they are more likely to share the work among themselves and coordinate their activities. The division of the whole work into parts is usually called horizontal division of labor. Dividing a large amount of labor into numerous small, specialized tasks and combining the efforts of many workers allows an organization to produce much more output than if each person worked autonomously.

    In complex organizations, the horizontal division and cooperation of labor are manifested in the form of the formation of units that perform specific functions and achieve specific specific goals. In order for the organization to ensure the achievement of common goals and the creation of a holistic, usable result under the conditions of the division of labor, the division of labor must always be accompanied by its cooperation, that is, it is necessary to ensure the coordination of individual works and interaction between workers.

    The classical approach to the horizontal division of labor in a manufacturing company involves the allocation of units that carry out production, marketing and financial activities. They represent the main activities that must be successfully performed in order for the company to achieve its goals.

    Subdivisions, as well as the organization itself, of which they are a part, are groups of people whose activities are consciously directed and coordinated by the organization in order to achieve the general goals of the latter. Thus, large complex organizations are made up of several, purpose-built, interconnected organizations, and numerous informal groups that spring up spontaneously. All units and informal organizations that exist within a complex organization form and pursue their own goals, which may, to a greater or lesser extent, contradict the overall goals of a complex organization. This is one of the most important reasons for the complexity and ambiguity of the management process in organizations.

    The need to manage the organization

    Horizontal division of labor

    The horizontal division of labor leads to the fact that each worker turns into a partial worker. In other words, he does not produce a finished product, but only performs some of the operations necessary to obtain a finished product. In order for the finished product to be ultimately obtained, the actions of all partial workers must, as noted above, be coordinated, that is, management is necessary.

    Where there is no division and cooperation, there is no need for governance. The larger and more complex the organization, the more important the role and the more complex the management process. Therefore, if in small organizations the performance of managerial functions can be combined with other activities, then in large organizations management is a separate type of activity.

    Vertical division of labor

    Since work in an organization is divided into its component parts, is carried out through the joint efforts of many people, and needs to be managed, someone must manage it. If the organization includes a sufficient number of people and groups whose activities should be coordinated, then there will be many coordinators. And this means that among the coordinators, a division of labor also arises and that their activities will also have to be coordinated. Thus, people appear in the organization whose task is to coordinate numerous coordinators-managers. It is clear that the work that managers will perform, coordinating directly the performers, will differ markedly from the work of their superiors.

    In this way, there are two internal divisions of labor in an organization. The first is the division of labor into components that make up parts of the overall activity, i.e., the horizontal division of labor. The second, called the vertical division of labor, separates the work of coordinating actions from the actions themselves and highlights the levels of such coordination.

    The presence of management as an integral element of the activities of a complex organization does not depend on the nature of the organization. The general structure and nature of the management process will be the same for a charitable society and for the criminal police, for the church and for the army, for a state socialist enterprise and a private company. However, in the center of our consideration will be primarily organizations of a special type -. By a firm, we mean any organizational and economic unit that operates in a market environment and sets itself commercial goals, that is, goals related to obtaining. Although this set of features does not reflect the full variety of characteristics of the firm as a special case of the organization, for our purposes it will be enough.

    Organization as a spatio-temporal structure of production factors allows you to get the maximum qualitative and quantitative results in the shortest possible time and at minimal cost.

    For various organizations, different types of governance structures.

    Organization as a socio-economic system

    Organizations are open socio-economic systems.

    Features of socio-economic systems:
    • variability (nonstationarity) of individual parameters of the system and stochasticity of its behavior;
    • the uniqueness and unpredictability of the system's behavior under specific conditions and, at the same time, its limiting capabilities, determined by the available resources;
    • the ability to resist system-destroying trends;
    • ability to adapt to changing conditions;
    • the ability to change its structure and form behavior options;
    • the ability and desire for goal setting, i.e., the formation of goals within the system.

    The concept of "system" is displayed in fig. 5.

    In an organization as a system, the following elements are distinguished:
    • functional areas of the organization;
    • elements of the production process;
    • controls.

    Rice. 5. The concept of a system

    Functional areas act as objects of management in organizations and determine their management structure (Fig. 3.6).

    Rice. 6. Functional areas

    Typical functional areas are sales (marketing), production, finance, personnel, R&D (innovation) (Table 1).

    Table 1 Examples of the main objectives of the functional areas of the organization

    Functional area

    specific purpose

    Reach the first place in the sale of products (of a certain type) in the market

    Achieve the highest labor productivity in the production of all (or certain) types of products

    Maintain competitiveness and innovation (continuous renewal) of manufactured products

    Preserve and maintain at the required level all types of financial resources


    Provide the conditions necessary for the development of the creative potential of employees and increase the level of satisfaction and interest in work

    Restrictions and conditions for the functioning of organizations

    Constraints - the external environment of organizations (environment of direct impact, environment of indirect impact).

    Conditions - the internal environment (internal variables) of the organization (Fig. 7).

    Rice. 7. Organization as a system

    General characteristics of the external environment:

    • interconnectedness of environmental factors;
    • the complexity of the external environment;
    • mobility (variability) of the external environment;
    • uncertainty of the external environment.

    Internal variables- these are situational factors within the organization, which are mainly controlled and regulated. There are various options for determining the composition of the main internal variables of the organization.

    Prepared by VNIIDAD

    "Identification of organizations-sources of acquisition of state and municipal archives"

      Determination of organizations-sources of acquisition of state and municipal archives. Guidelines / Rosarkhiv, VNIIDAD. - M., 2012. - 39 p.

        Methodical recommendations reveal: principles and criteria for determining the organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives; stages of work to determine them; an approximate form of the List of organizations-sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archive; An approximate classification scheme for constructing this List.

      Compiled by: M.P. Zhukova (head of the theme, responsible performer), E.V. Makarov, E.R. Simonov (VNIIDAD); T.A. Meshcherina, B.V. Albrecht (Rosarchive); E.A. Kozlova, O.V. Oleinikov (GA RF).

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ “On Archiving in the Russian Federation”, the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation is constantly updated with documents generated in the course of activities of organizations of various fields of activity and forms of ownership.

    State bodies, local self-government bodies, organizations and citizens, in the course of which the documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents that are to be accepted for storage in state and municipal archives, are formed, act as sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives with archival documents.

    The current system of organizations that are sources of acquisition of state and municipal archives is enshrined in the Lists of organizations that are sources of acquisition of state and municipal archives.

    1.2. The legal basis for determining the organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives are laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal legal acts on archiving, as well as regulations that determine the management system, its functioning, goals and objectives of organizations, the process of documenting their activities ().

    1.4. Tasks:

      to improve the work on determining the organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives at all stages of its implementation, revealing the provisions of the "Rules for the organization of storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in state and municipal archives, museums and libraries, organizations Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, 2007);

      develop a modern Approximate classification scheme for constructing Lists of organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives.

    1.5. Methodological recommendations consist of: general provisions; four sections, sequentially revealing the process of determining the organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives, compiling, reviewing, approving the Lists of organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives; three applications containing: a list of sources, a form of the List of organizations-sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archive, an approximate classification scheme for its construction.

    2. Principles and criteria for determining organizations - sources of acquisition
    state and municipal archives

    2.1. The definition of organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives is carried out on the basis of general scientific principles of historicism, consistency, integrity.

    2.2. "Rules for the organization of storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in state and municipal archives, museums and libraries, organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (M., 2007) in clause 4.2.1 indicated the main criteria for determining organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives: the functional purpose of the organization and the completeness of the reflection of information about the activities of the organization in the funds of other organizations.

    State bodies, local self-government bodies are classified as sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives, as they carry out the functions of leadership, organization, control in the established field of activity. Their funds concentrate information (documents) of other organizations.

    Organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation differ:

      by type of activity (enterprises, institutions, public associations of citizens);

      by types of property and powers to dispose of property (state, municipal, private);

      by subordination (federal, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipal);

      by goals of activity, organizational and legal form (commercial (business partnerships and societies, cooperatives, state and municipal unitary enterprises), non-commercial (consumer cooperatives, public or religious organizations, charitable or other foundations, partnerships, institutions, associations, unions).

    Organizations can be classified as sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives.

    Organizations that form in the course of their activities the most valuable sets of documents that reflect the main (core) functions in the department or are leading (leading) in a certain field of activity (industry), the information of which is repeated in other organizations in a minimum volume, are among the sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives.

    2.3. When determining the organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives, it is also recommended to take into account:

      the special role of the organization (scale of activity; novelty of activity; participation in international, state, regional programs; extreme working conditions; merits - awards, prizes, public recognition; stability of existence, etc., as well as the historical continuity of the acceptance of its documents to the archive);

      the place of the organization among other organizations in the acquisition zone of the state, municipal archive, including the city-forming organizations and the most typical organizations for the given territory.

    When referring non-governmental organizations to the number of sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives, along with the above, the following is taken into account: continuity of the activity profile of the predecessor state organization (if any); multidisciplinary activity; the composition of the founders; whether it is an association of organizations (corporations, associations, etc.); setting up work with documents; application in the organization of a clear procedure for removing the stamp of "commercial secrets".

    When referring public associations to the number of sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives, along with the above, the following is taken into account: fame among the population; number of members; completeness of documentation of activities.

    2.4. Organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives are divided into two groups: organizations-sources of acquisition of full acceptance and organizations-sources of acquisition of selective acceptance of documents (group or specific).

    The form of receiving documents is understood as the composition of documents received by the archive from organizations that are sources of acquisition. Organizations-sources of acquisition of full acceptance transfer for storage to state, municipal archives after an examination of the value of the full set of documents of a permanent storage period. Organizations-sources of acquisition of group selective admission transfer for storage to state, municipal archives a full range of documents of a permanent storage period from individual organizations from their entire group. Organizations-sources of acquisition of specific selective admission transfer for storage to state, municipal archives only certain types of documents of a permanent storage period.

    The volume of the sample (organizations or documents) is determined by each archive, taking into account: the number and homogeneity of organizations of a certain type; value and homogeneity of certain types of documents.

    3. Stages of work on the definition
    staffing organizations

    3.1. Determination of organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives is carried out in three stages:

      preparatory (identification of organizations located in the acquisition zone of the state, municipal archive, and determination of those that can be analyzed to be classified as sources of acquisition, as well as clarifying those previously identified);

      the main one (comprehensive study of organizations (their documents) that can be classified as recruitment sources; preparation of a set (package) of documents for inclusion of organizations in the List);

      final (making a decision on the inclusion of the organization in the number of sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archives and on the form for receiving its documents).

    3.1.1. At the first stage of work, new organizations located in the acquisition zone of the corresponding archive are identified, according to the registers of state registration bodies of legal entities, the Statistical Register of Economic Entities.

    In case of difficulties in accessing the registries, one should contact the state authorities, local governments that have the right to receive information from the registries free of charge, documenting requests and monitoring responses to them.

    In addition, you should use laws and other regulatory legal acts containing information on the management structure, as well as the available lists of documents generated in the course of the activities of the federal executive authorities and their subordinate organizations, indicating the retention periods that are built taking into account the classification of organizations of the department to the sources of supply.

    When identifying organizations, you can additionally involve media information, advertising, leaflets, brochures, etc.

    At the first stage of the work, an analysis is made of organizations that operated earlier, but were not included in the Lists for any reason, as well as organizations that took the initiative to include them in the Lists. Cooperation between state and municipal archives can be of great help in identifying organizations.

    The study of the statutory (constituent) documents of the organization already at the first stage of work allows you to establish: the legal independence of the organization; organizational and legal form; form of ownership; activity profile; scale of activity; jurisdiction; legal address.

    At the identification stage, the classification of organizations is carried out: according to belonging to a particular department or branch of activity, according to the organizational and legal form, according to the form of ownership (state, municipal, private). As a result, the following is determined: the number of homogeneous (similar) organizations located in the acquisition zone of the corresponding archive, both within certain departments and in general, taking into account non-governmental organizations; division of organizations into production and non-production, carrying out certain types of activities; division of public associations into socio-political parties, social movements, public funds, public institutions, organizations of public self-government, then - for different purposes of creation and at different levels (all-Russian, interregional, regional, local public associations).

    Organizations are selected from each classification group for further analysis. Such organizations are included in the working List of organizations to determine the sources of acquisition of the corresponding archive, used at the second stage of work.

    The presence of non-governmental organizations created on the basis of state ones, which were previously sources of acquisition of state archives, is specified. Such non-governmental organizations are included in the Lists of Acquisition Sources of the relevant archive (without concluding an agreement) and remain in it until the documents of the predecessor state organization are transferred to the archive.

    3.1.2. The organizations included in the Working List are subjected to a comprehensive analysis by the specialists of the relevant archive in consultation with the employees of the organizations.

    The state organizations included in this List are determined by the state archive, agreeing in writing with them the organizational aspects of the work.

    A letter is sent to a non-governmental organization, public association with a proposal for cooperation in the field of office work and archiving and inclusion in the List of organizations-sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archive.

    In the event of a positive written response from a non-governmental organization, public association to the proposal to be included in the List of Organizations-Sources of Acquisition of the State, Municipal Archives, a draft of the relevant agreement is prepared. It is recommended to conclude a cooperation agreement with non-governmental organizations, public associations, in which the archive is especially interested as sources of acquisition, but so far there is no consent of the organization, association for this. This will allow you to monitor the safety of the documents of the organization and influence the adoption by the organization, the association of the decision to transfer documents to the state, municipal archive.

    Directly in the organization at the second stage of work, the entire complex of regulatory, administrative, organizational documents is analyzed, the functions of the organization, its structure, the presence of higher and subordinate (subordinate) organizations are specified.

    Familiarization with the organization of office work is carried out to establish the completeness and quality of documentation of activities. Analysis of instructions for office work, nomenclatures of cases will reveal the composition of documents formed in the organization.

    On the basis of this study, the functional purpose of organizations and the possible repetition of information in other organizations (or other organizations in it) are specified.

    A more detailed study of organizations is carried out in accordance with the provisions of clause 2.3.

    As a result, an Expert opinion is drawn up, a certificate about the organization as a source of acquisition of the state, municipal archive.

    In the expert opinion, the certificate states:

      full and abbreviated name of the organization, organizational and legal form (according to constituent documents);

      location of the organization and postal address at the place of state registration; for a public association, the location of the permanent body is indicated;

      name, date, number of the legal act on the formation of the organization; whether it is the legal successor of another organization (name and subordination of the predecessor organization);

      subordination (subordination) of the organization; founders; availability of branches, representative offices;

      legal status, existence of an independent balance sheet, current account, staff list, seal;

      form of ownership (if any - the share of state ownership in a non-state organization);

      functional purpose of the organization (profile of activity), structure of the organization, place in the department (if any) and in the economic, social, cultural, socio-political life of the region, scale of activity;

      types (groups) of documents generated in the activities of the organization (management, scientific and technical, audiovisual, electronic documents, documents on personnel); completeness of the documents;

      types of documents duplicated in other organizations (superior bodies, executive authorities, other organizations);

      the state of office work and archives in the organization;

      conclusion on the advisability of including the organization in the List of Organizations-Sources of Acquisition, indicating the recommended form of admission (full or selective).

    Copies of the statutory, constituent documents of the organization are attached to the Expert opinion, certificate.

    An expert opinion, a certificate is agreed with the stamp “agreed” with the organization and is issued on a common form of the state archive, local government, municipal archive. An expert opinion, a certificate is signed by the head of the archive, the executor (in the state archive also the head of the acquisition department).

    The expert opinion, certificate on the inclusion of a non-governmental organization, public association in the Lists of organizations-sources of acquisition is accompanied by a draft agreement on their inclusion in the composition of acquisition sources of the corresponding archive, endorsed by the head of the organization, association.

    An expert opinion, a certificate is drawn up in three copies (the 1st will be placed in the observation file, the 2nd will be attached to the EPC protocol (CEPC), the 3rd will then be sent to the organization along with an extract from the EPC protocol (CEPC).

    Work with organizations that have taken the initiative to be included in the Lists of sources of recruitment is carried out in the same way as indicated above. To determine the form of acceptance of documents of an organization (full or selective), the Expert opinion, a certificate of a particular organization, as a rule, is compared with the Lists of organizations-sources of recruitment already available in the archive for the presence of similar (homogeneous) organizations.

    Particular attention is paid to the use of selective reception. If there is a sufficiently large number of homogeneous (similar) organizations in the archive acquisition zone, a group selective reception can be used, i.e. acceptance of documents of several organizations, while others remain in the working List of organizations in case of a possible replacement. Type-specific selective admission is usually used in the field of education, health care, agriculture, industrial production, construction, commercial banks, etc. after studying the documents generated in the established (profile) field of activity. It is recommended to indicate in the Expert opinion, reference the main types (groups) of documents that will be included in the specific sample. It should be borne in mind that at this stage it is not advisable to indicate the specific composition of documents, since in the course of the examination and ordering of documents it is possible to increase or decrease them (due to various factors, for example, the lack of completeness of documentation or the removal of the “trade secret” stamp). As a rule, legally independent organizations are included in the number of recruitment sources.

    An exception may be made, taking into account the previous decisions of the archive in this area: executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local governments that are part (structure) of the relevant administration, government, committee, etc .; territorial branches of public associations; public associations created under state bodies.

    Organizations that do not have legal independence, in their relations with the archive, act on the basis of a power of attorney of the parent (main) organization or state body, local government. Territorial bodies of federal state authorities and federal organizations, other state bodies of the Russian Federation located on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation may be included in the List of organizations-sources of acquisition of the corresponding archive on the basis of an agreement. Newly created or reorganized public authorities, local governments are included in the corresponding List of organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives without fail. Draft agreements between a non-governmental organization, a public association with a state, municipal archive fix the consent of a non-governmental organization, a public association to include their documents in the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation with the free transfer of these documents for permanent storage in the state, municipal archive.

    In the agreements drawn up by the state, municipal archives with non-governmental organizations, if necessary (with an increase or decrease in the composition of the transmitted documents), additions are made or new agreements are drawn up.

    The agreements contain the List of types (groups) of documents to be transferred for permanent storage, agreed by the parties. The contract may be accompanied by an inventory of documents accepted for archive, if the examination of the value and ordering of documents has already been carried out, with a specific composition of documents of a permanent storage period.

    At the same time, the contracts stipulate the possibility of changing the composition of the accepted documents.

    The contracts additionally stipulate:

      form of transfer of documents to a non-governmental organization, public association (free of charge);

      deadline for the transfer of documents (immediately after the approval of the inventory of cases or after a certain period from 1 year to 5 years, taking into account the practical use of documents by the owner, the absence of conditions for storing documents, the possibility of an archive for receiving documents);

      conditions in the field of the use of documents permitted by law (the right to close access for a certain period of time to unauthorized persons without the consent of the organization, setting the period for the use of documents - after 10, 20, 30 and other years from the date of creation of documents or after transferring them to the archive, the right to first publication, etc.);

      absence (removal) of the “trade secret” stamp;

      the procedure for ordering documents (an examination of the value and ordering of documents is carried out by an organization or employees of archives under a contract);

      type of carrier of accepted documents;

      other features.

    Contracts must be properly executed and signed by persons with the necessary authority. Contracts are drawn up in two copies. After the decision is made to include the organization in the List of Acquisition Sources, one copy of the agreement is included in the organization's observation file in the archive (when the organization's documents are first transferred to the archive, the agreement is included in the organization's fund file), the second is sent to the organization.

    Registration of contracts in the archive is carried out in gross order in a special journal.

    3.1.3. An expert opinion, a certificate with all annexes are submitted for consideration: for federal archives - to the EPC of the corresponding archive, then with a cover letter to the CEPK at the Federal Archives; for the archives of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - on the EPC of the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of archiving; for municipal archives - on the EIC of the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of archiving.

    Coordination, approval of the Lists of organizations-sources of recruitment are disclosed in Section 5.

    4. Compilation and maintenance
    List of organizations-sources of acquisition
    state and municipal archive

    4.1. Lists of organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives are maintained in the prescribed form (). Lists have 7 columns:

      column 1 - serial number (assigned sequentially throughout the List);

      column 3 - name of the organization (given the full and abbreviated name of the organization according to the constituent documents);

      column 4 - form of ownership (state - federal, subject of the Russian Federation; municipal; private, including public associations);

      column 5 - the form for receiving documents (indicate: full 1, selective by type 2.1, selective group 2.2);

      column 6 - acceptance of scientific and technical documents, audiovisual documents (indicated if relevant documents are available);

      column 7 - note (the names and dates of documents on the inclusion or exclusion of the organization from the List are indicated, for example, the decision of the EPC dated 10.22.2005 No. 7 is “excluded”; the agreement of 05.15.2007 is “included”, the decision of the EPC of 06.20.2007) .

    4.2. Organizations-sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archives are grouped in the List in accordance with the Approximate classification scheme (), which is based on the "All-Russian Classifier of State Authorities and Administration" OK 006-2011 (OKOGU).

    The sections of the Exemplary Classification Scheme are: representative and executive bodies of state power and local self-government; bodies and organizations of certain areas of activity; multidisciplinary non-governmental organizations, public associations.

    Each organization is assigned a serial number according to the List of organizations-sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archives and an index. The index consists of the number of the section, subsection and the serial number of the organization within the section, subsection. Non-governmental organizations are included in the sectoral sections of the List, corresponding to the profile of their activities, and are placed at the end of the section. Public associations can be classified in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3.1.1, then - according to the subject of activity (). Within sections, subsections, organizations are arranged alphabetically by name.

    If necessary, appropriate changes can be made to the Model Classification Scheme.

    4.3. Several Lists are kept in state and municipal archives: List of organizations-sources of acquisition; List of organizations-sources of acquisition of scientific and technical documents; List of organizations-sources of acquisition of audiovisual documents.

    The form of the Lists takes into account the peculiarities of this or that documentation.

    It is possible to compile a List of existing organizations-sources of acquisition of the relevant archives that store documents on personnel (if organizations transfer their documents on personnel to this archive).

    4.4. The formation for approval of a new List of organizations-sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archive is carried out on the basis of the one already available in the archive, taking into account changes in it.

    Newly included organizations are included in the relevant sections, subsections of the List of organizations-sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archive. At the same time, all its columns are filled.

    4.5. If it is necessary to make changes to the current approved Lists of organizations that are sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives, the “note” column is filled in (see clause 4.1). When replenishing the List with new organizations, they are entered at the end of the corresponding section, subsection of the current List. When reviewing the Lists for a new approval, organizations are already arranged in accordance with the alphabet of names and numbered again.

    4.6. Lists of organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives are maintained in traditional and electronic form. When using the electronic form, it is possible to use the software package "Institutions-sources of archive acquisition". In each archive, the software package is adapted to the specific conditions of its operation.

    4.7. The state, municipal archive may maintain Lists of possible acquisition sources. The following columns of this List are recommended: column 1 - section, subsection of the List of organizations-sources of acquisition of the corresponding archive; column 2 - name of the organization; column 3 - a brief description of the organization (form of ownership, type of activity); column 4 - legal address, telephone number; column 5 - stage of work (establishment of contact; analysis of the functions of the organization and its documents; negotiations; preparation for consideration of the issue at the EIC (Expert opinion, certificate, if necessary - contract, agreement); column 6 - the decision made on inclusion in the List of organizations - sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archives.

    5. Procedure for review and approval
    Lists of sourcing organizations
    state and municipal archives

    5.1. After consideration by the relevant expert bodies of the draft Lists of organizations-sources of recruitment and removal, if necessary, of contentious issues, a decision is made on their approval, which is drawn up in writing. Then, on the left side of the last sheet of the List, the heading “agreed” is placed, indicating the date and number of the EPC protocol. The coordinated list of the federal archive in the prescribed manner is submitted for consideration by the CEPK at the Federal Archives. After agreement, on the left side of the last sheet of the List, another stamp “agreed” is placed and the date and number of the protocol of the CEPK at the Russian Archive are indicated.

    During the consideration of the draft List on the EPC (CEPC), the entire composition of organizations, both those included earlier and those proposed for the first time, is subjected to analysis. At the same time, there may be proposals: to change the form of acceptance of documents of the organization; moving the organization to another section, subsection of the List; clarification of the information given in the "note" column; exclusion of an organization from the List.

    5.2. Approval of the Lists of organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives is carried out in accordance with the established procedure, respectively, by the head of the federal archive, the head of the state archive of the subject of the Russian Federation, the head of the local government, the head of the municipal archive.

    The decision to include an organization in the List of Organizations-Sources of Acquisition of the State, Municipal Archives is brought to the attention of the head of this organization in writing with an extract from the protocol of the EPC (CEPC).

    5.3. Changes to the List of Organizations-Sources of Acquisition of the State, Municipal Archives are made by an Expert Opinion, a certificate, which indicates on the basis of which laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal legal acts certain changes have occurred and others attached, if necessary documents (copies of the charter, regulations, orders, resolutions, decisions, rulings of the arbitration court, etc.).

    5.4. New organizations are included in the approved List on the basis of an expert opinion, certificate, decision of the EPC (CEPC), for non-governmental organizations, public associations, an agreement is attached. The agreement on the issue of including the organization in the List of Organizations-Sources of Acquisition of the Federal Archives goes through two stages - the EPC of the archive and the CEPK at the Federal Archives. Coordination of the inclusion of the organization in the Lists of archives of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal archives - one stage - EPC of the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of archiving, there is also coordination with the EMC (EC) of the state municipal archive.

    Organizations are excluded from the Lists of organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives in the event of: liquidation, reorganization (without transferring documents to the successor) on the basis of information from the register of registration of legal entities and subject to ordering and transfer of documents to the archive; for public associations, information can be used not only from the register of registration of public organizations, but also from the List of liquidated public associations that have not been registered with the relevant departments of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the subject of the Russian Federation; revising the value of documents formed in the organization through additional study; transfer under the act of acceptance and transfer of documents of the state organization-predecessor, stored by a non-state organization; termination of the contract at the initiative of the organization (unwilling to continue cooperation with the archive), issued in the form of a letter or at the initiative of the archive, when the terms of the contract are not fulfilled by the organization; transfer of the organization-source of acquisition to another archive according to the act of acceptance and transfer. At the same time, the Expert Opinion, the certificate on the exclusion of the organization from the List indicates the reasons for the exclusion (dates, numbers of the relevant documents), as well as the location of the documents of the permanent storage period and personnel.

    5.5. In the event of termination of the contract with a non-governmental organization that is the source of acquisition of the state, municipal archive in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, all documents already accepted into the archive are not subject to return. The decision to transfer the ordered documents still in the organization to the archive is made by agreement of the parties or in court.

    5.6. Changing the form of receiving documents from organizations that are sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archive is possible based on the results of a special study of their documents or similar (similar) organizations. These changes are accepted in the prescribed manner on the basis of the relevant Expert opinion, certificate. If necessary, the decision is communicated to the organization and is reflected in additional agreements to contracts with non-governmental organizations, public associations.

    5.7. Separate changes in the List of organizations-sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archives are made by decision of the EPC (CEPC) and are entered into the List in the working order.

    Changes to the List of organizations-sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archive in connection with the renaming of the organization are made by an explanatory note of the state, municipal archive sent to the CEPK, EPC of the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of archiving.

    In case of reorganization, liquidation of a number of interrelated organizations, changes may be made to the List not separately for each of them, but by the list of such organizations.

    Every year, the final entry of the List of organizations-sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archive is recompiled by him as of January 1 of the next year.

    As changes accumulate (as necessary), the procedure for re-approval of the Lists of organizations-sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives is carried out, but at least once every 5 years.

    In connection with changes in the economic, social, public life of the regions, work to control the organizations that are sources of acquisition of state, municipal archives and the necessary clarification of the Lists should be carried out constantly and recorded in the current work plans of the archives.

    5.8. It is possible to compile a Consolidated List of Organizations-Sources of Acquisition of State, Municipal Archives of a Subject of the Russian Federation by combining Lists of Archives under one title page.

    5.9. Liquidated organizations are not included in the Lists of Organizations-Sources of Acquisition of State and Municipal Archives.

    If ownerless documents are found, they are studied and those of them that will be attributed to the composition of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation are transferred to the appropriate archive in the prescribed manner (by court decision).

    5.10. The state, municipal archive conducts an observational file for each organization that is the source of acquisition. It is recommended to include the following groups of documents:

      documents characterizing the organization;

      documents characterizing the work of the organization's archive, the organization of office work in the organization.

    Documents characterizing the organization:

      copies of regulatory and administrative documents on the establishment of the organization, changes in its name and subordination, reorganization and liquidation;

      certificates of changes in the structure and form of ownership of the organization;

      extracts from the minutes of meetings of the EPC of the federal archive, the EPC of the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of archiving on the inclusion of the organization in the List of organizations-sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archive and on exclusion from it; Expert opinions, references.

    Documents characterizing the work of the archive of the organization, the organization of office work in the organization:

      card for accounting for work with the organization (located in the file cabinet);

      copies of administrative documents of the head of the organization on the appointment of a person responsible for record keeping and archives, on the creation and composition of the expert commission (EC) of the organization, other administrative documents relating to archiving and office work of the organization;

      position on the archive;

      regulation on the organization's EC;

      organization's EC work plans;

      correspondence about changing the nomenclature of cases;

      instructions for office work (and an administrative document on its entry into force);

      certificates, acts, instructions based on the results of inspections of office work and the archive of the organization;

      acts of the organization on the loss of documents of a permanent storage period, documents on personnel, acts on the non-discovery of documents whose search paths have been exhausted, documents on the reasons for the loss and measures to search for documents (after the documents of the organization are accepted for permanent storage in the archive, these documents are placed in the fund file) ;

      correspondence with the organization on the issues of record keeping and ensuring the safety of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation (memorandums addressed to the management and the parent organization, minutes of meetings with the management, etc.).

    If necessary, the composition of the documents of the supervisory case may be specified.

    In order to control the quality of the inventories, conclusions on the annual sections of the inventories sent for consideration by the EPC of the federal archive, the EPC of the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of archiving, and extracts from the minutes of EPC meetings with comments to them can be placed in the observation file.

    The observation case is formed from the moment the organization is included in the List of organizations-sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archive and is conducted until the organization is excluded from it.

    The composition of the documents placed in the observation files is periodically replenished with the appropriate set of existing regulatory, methodological and other documents.

    On the cover of the observation case, the name of the state, municipal archive, the full and abbreviated name of the organization, the number and index of the organization according to the List of organizations-sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archive, the number of the archival fund are written.

    In the event of a change in such details as the number, name of the organization, the cover of the observation case is reissued.

    Upon transfer of the organization-source of acquisition of the archive, its observational file is also transferred to another archive.

    When an organization is excluded from the sources of acquisition of the state, municipal archive, its observation file is subjected to full processing (examination, binding, numbering), included in the inventory and transferred to the state, municipal archive (archive archive) for permanent storage. If the volume of documents contained in the observation file is insignificant, they are included in the file of the fund of the corresponding organization.

    Application No. 1

    List of sources

      Constitution of the Russian Federation. - M., 1993.

      Civil Code of the Russian Federation. - M., 2009.

      Labor Code of the Russian Federation. - M., 2009.

      Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 82-FZ “On Public Associations” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1995. - No. 21. - Art. 1930 (with changes).

      Federal Law of August 11, 1995 No. 135-FZ “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations” // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1995. - No. 33. - Art. 3340 (with changes).

      Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint Stock Companies” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1996. - No. 1. - Art. 1 (with changes).

      Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Commercial Organizations” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1996. - No. 3. - Art. 145 (with changes).

      Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 10-FZ “On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Activity” // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1996. - No. 3. - Art. 148 (with changes).

      Federal Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1998. - No. 7. - Art. 785 (with changes).

      Federal Law of December 21, 2001 No. 178-FZ “On the Privatization of State and Municipal Property” // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2002. - No. 4. - Art. 251 (with changes).

      Federal Law of October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2002. - No. 43. - Art. 4190 (with changes).

      Federal Law of November 14, 2002 No. 161-FZ “On State and Municipal Unitary Enterprises” // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2002. - No. 48. - Art. 4746 (with changes).

      Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2003. - No. 40. - Art. 3822 (with changes).

      Federal Law of July 29, 2004 No. 98-FZ “On Commercial Secrets” // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2004. - No. 32. - Art. 3283 (with changes).

      Federal Law of October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ “On Archiving in the Russian Federation” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2004. - No. 43. - Art. 4169 (with changes).

      Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2006. - No. 31. - Part 1. - Art. 3451 (with changes).

      Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 1993 No. 2284 “On the State Program for the Privatization of State and Municipal Enterprises in the Russian Federation” // Collection of Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation. - 1994. - No. 1. - Art. 2 (with changes).

      Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2004 No. 314 “On the system and structure of federal executive bodies” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2004. - No. 11. - Art. 945 (with changes).

      Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2008 No. 724 “Issues of the system and structure of federal executive bodies” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2008. - No. 20. - Art. 2290 (with changes).

      Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 No. 438 “On the Unified State Register of Legal Entities” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2002. - No. 26. - Art. 2585 ​​(with changes).

      Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2004 No. 290 “On the Federal Archival Agency” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2004. - No. 25. - Art. 2572 (with changes).

      Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2006 No. 808 “On Approval of the List of Federal Executive Authorities and Organizations Carrying out Depositary Storage of Documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, which are in federal ownership” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2007. - No. 1. - Part 2. - Art. 266.

      Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2009 No. 477 “On approval of the Rules for office work in federal executive bodies” // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2009. - No. 25. - Art. 3060.

      GOST R 51141-98. Office work and archiving. Terms and Definitions.

      All-Russian classifier of public authorities and administration OK 006-93 (OKOGU).

      All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity OK 029-2001 (OKVED).

      Rules for the organization of storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in state and municipal archives, museums and libraries, organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - M., 2007.

      A list of typical archival documents generated in the scientific, technical and production activities of organizations, indicating the periods of storage. - M., 2007.

      A list of typical managerial archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating the periods of storage. - M., 2010.

      Order of the Federal Archives dated May 2, 2007 No. 22 "On approval of the Regulations on the Central Expert and Verification Commission under the Federal Archival Agency."

      Order of the Federal Archives dated May 2, 2007 No. 23 “On approval of the Regulations for the work of the Central Expert and Verification Commission under the Federal Archival Agency”.

      Letter of the Federal Archive of June 21, 2005 No. 4 / 1232-K "On the procedure for interaction between archival authorities and institutions with federal structures located on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation."

      Selection for state storage of management documents generated in the activities of non-governmental organizations (new economic economic structures): Methodological recommendations. - M., 1997.

      Classification of organizations and enterprises of a new type among the sources of acquisition of state archives: Methodological recommendations. - M., 1993.

      Examination of the value of management documents and their acquisition of state archives (theory and methodology). - M., 2006.

      Total as of 01.01.00

      Total organizations in the list _________________________________________


      EPC Protocol _____________________________

      (name of the archival authority, archive)

      From ___________________ No. ______________

      * Consists of the serial number of the section, subsection and the serial number of the organization within the section, subsection.

      ** For the List of the Federal Archives, the approval stamp of the CEPK under the Federal Archives is also given.

      Application No. 3

      building a list of organizations-sources of recruitment
      state, municipal archive

      1. State power in the Russian Federation, state power in the subject of the Russian Federation, local self-government

        1.1. Representative bodies of state power and local self-government

        1.1.1. President of Russian Federation

        1.1.2. Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

        1.1.3. Bodies of representative (legislative) power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        1.1.4. Representative bodies of municipalities

        1.2. Executive bodies of state power and local self-government

        1.2.1. Government of the Russian Federation

        1.2.2. Governments (administrations) and authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation similar in terms of organizational level and functions

        1.2.3. Executive and administrative bodies of municipalities

        1.2.4. Control bodies of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation

        1.2.5. Supervisory bodies of municipalities

        1.2.6. International governing bodies

        Judicial power of the Russian Federation (Court. Prosecutor's Office. Protection of human rights)

        2.1. federal ministry

        2.2. Commissioner for Human and Child Rights of the Russian Federation

        2.3. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Constitutional Courts of the Subjects of the Russian Federation

        2.4. System of federal courts of general jurisdiction

        2.5. The system of arbitration courts in the Russian Federation

        2.6. The system of bodies of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation

        2.7. The system of investigative bodies and institutions

        2.8. The system of bodies of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

        2.9. Justices of the peace

        2.10. Non-governmental organizations in the field of advocacy


        3.1. Federal ministries, federal services, federal agencies

        3.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        Law enforcement. Defense. Elimination of the consequences of emergency situations. Customs Service

        4.1. Federal ministries, federal services, federal agencies

        4.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        4.3. Municipal institutions (departments)

        Financing. Lending. Taxation

        5.1. Federal ministry, federal services, federal agencies

        5.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        5.3. Management bodies of municipalities (district, city)

        5.4. Banks, funds (state)

        5.5. Non-governmental organizations

        Economy. Property. Regional development. Statistics. Standardization [and metrology]

        6.1. Federal ministries, federal services, federal agencies

        6.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        6.3. Management bodies of municipalities (district, city, district)

        6.4. Organizations and enterprises

        Industry. Fuel. Energy

        7.1. Federal ministries, federal agencies

        7.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        7.3. Enterprises (state, municipal)

        7.4. Non-governmental organizations and enterprises

        Natural resources. Agriculture, forestry, water, fisheries. Land management and land use. Environmental protection and nature management

        8.1. Federal ministries, federal services, federal agencies

        8.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        8.3. Administrative bodies of municipal districts

        8.4. Organizations and enterprises (municipal)

        8.5. Institutions (state, municipal)

        8.6. Non-governmental organizations and enterprises

        Construction. Architecture. Urban planning. Department of Housing and Utilities

        9.1. federal ministry

        9.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        9.3. Administrative bodies of municipal districts

        9.4. Institutions, enterprises and organizations (state, municipal)

        9.5. Non-governmental organizations and enterprises

        Transport. Road facilities

        10.1. Federal ministry, federal service, federal agencies

        10.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        10.3. Management bodies of municipalities (city, district)

        10.4. Enterprises and organizations (municipal)

        10.5. Non-governmental organizations and enterprises

        Connection. Broadcasting. TV. Seal

        11.1. Federal ministries, federal service, federal agencies

        11.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        11.3. Management bodies of municipalities (city, district)

        11.4. Enterprises and organizations (state, municipal)

        11.5. Non-governmental organizations and enterprises

        Trade. Price regulation. consumer cooperation. Logistics. Sales. Consumer Protection

        12.1. federal ministry, federal service

        12.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        12.3. Management bodies of municipalities (city, district)

        12.4. Enterprises and organizations (municipal)

        12.5. Non-governmental organizations and enterprises

        Higher, general secondary and special education

        13.1. federal ministry, federal service

        13.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        13.3. Management bodies of municipalities (district, city, district)

        13.4. Institutions of higher education (federal, subjects of the Russian Federation)

        13.5. Institutions of general secondary and special education (federal, subjects of the Russian Federation)

        13.6. Municipal institutions of general secondary and special education

        13.7. Orphanages, boarding schools

        13.8. Out-of-school institutions (centers, palaces, stations, etc.)

        13.9. Non-state institutions of higher, general secondary and special education

        Culture. Art. Archival business

        14.1. Federal ministry, federal agency

        14.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        14.3. Management bodies of municipalities (district, city)

        14.4. Institutions and organizations (state, municipal)

        14.5. Non-governmental organizations

        Science and scientific service. Information resources and technologies

        15.1. federal agency

        15.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        15.3. Management bodies of municipalities (city, district)

        15.4. Institutions, organizations, enterprises (state, municipal)

        15.5. Non-governmental organizations and enterprises

        Health care and social development. Labor and employment of the population

        16.1. Federal ministries, federal services, federal agency

        16.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        16.3. Management bodies of municipalities (district, city)

        16.4. Institutions, organizations, enterprises (state, municipal)

        16.5. Non-governmental organizations and enterprises

        Sports, tourism and youth policy

        17.1. Federal ministry, federal agency

        17.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        17.3. Management bodies of municipalities (city, district)

        17.4. Institutions, organizations, enterprises (state, municipal)

        17.5. Non-governmental organizations and enterprises

        National politics

        18.1. federal Service

        18.2. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

        18.3. Municipal authorities

        18.4. Organizations (municipal)

        Social protection. Insurance

        19.1. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

        19.2. Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

        19.3. Federal Health Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

        19.4. Governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (social protection, insurance)

        19.5. Management bodies of municipalities (city, district)

        19.6. Organizations and enterprises (state, municipal)

        19.7. Non-governmental organizations

        Electoral commissions

        20.1. Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation

        20.2. Election Commissions of the Subjects of the Russian Federation

        20.3. District election commissions

        20.4. Territorial election commissions of cities, districts

        20.5. Election commissions of municipalities

        Public associations

        21.1. Socio-political parties and movements

        21.2. Trade union organizations

        21.3. Youth and children's organizations

        21.4. Organizations of Veterans, Disabled Persons, Legal and Social Protection

        21.5. Creative, professional organizations

        21.6. National-cultural, class organizations

        21.7. Charitable organizations and foundations

        21.8. Women's organizations

        21.9. Voluntary, defense and sports organizations

      Federal Law of October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ "On Archiving in the Russian Federation" art. 20, paragraph 1.
      GOST R 51141-98. Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions - contains the following definition: "Sources of acquisition - legal entities and individuals whose documents are received or may be stored in the archive."

      In accordance with the Federal Law of May 19, 1998 (as amended in 2012) No. 82-FZ “On Public Associations”, Ch. 2, paragraph 18, the minimum number of members (founders) is 3 people, unless otherwise stipulated in other laws and regulations.

      The Model Agreement form was prepared by the Federal Archives in 2005.

      Territorial bodies of federal executive authorities (if any) are included in the relevant sections.

    If you try to formulate what is usually understood as an organization, then, first of all, the thought arises: the concept of "organization" is associated with the joint activities of a group of people who strive to achieve some common goals. Therefore, in the simplest formulation, an organization is a group of people acting together to achieve common goals. To successfully achieve these goals, the activities of people in the group must be coordinated. Therefore, an organization can be viewed as a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals.

    In any science, classification occupies a special place; it helps to determine whether an organization belongs to one or another group according to similar characteristics. Consider the classification of the organization by functional and intended purpose.

    Purposes of organizations:

    production of products (this is usually a commercial activity aimed at creating a product. For example, the production of chocolate, the production of cars, etc.);

    performance of work (this is an activity aimed at the performance of any work. For example, the performance of work on the construction of an administrative building, the performance of work on the repair of office premises, etc.);

    provision of services (this is an activity aimed at the provision of any services. For example, the provision of legal services, etc.).

    According to the functional purpose of the organization are:

    Factoring (factoring is the purchase of payment claims from a supplier of goods (services). The purpose of factoring is to eliminate the risk that is an integral part of any credit operation. The activity of factoring companies and bank factoring departments is designed to solve the problems of risks and payment terms in relations between suppliers and buyers to give these In Russian law, factoring is understood as a financing agreement for the assignment of a monetary claim.A contract under which one party (financial agent) transfers or undertakes to transfer funds to the other party (client) on account of the client’s (creditor’s) monetary claim to a third party ( debtor) arising from the provision by the client of goods, performance of work or provision of services to a third party, and the client assigns or undertakes to assign this monetary claim to the financial agent);

    Engineering (as an independent type of commercial operations, engineering involves the provision, on the basis of an engineering contract, by one party, referred to as a consultant, to the other party, referred to as a customer, of a complex or certain types of engineering and technical services related to the design, construction and commissioning of an object, the development of new technological processes at the customer's enterprise; improvement of existing production processes up to the introduction of the product into production and even marketing of products.

    Leasing (leasing is a form of a long-term lease agreement. A leasing agreement is characterized by certain conditions for the use of the leased property. In essence, this is a cross between a lease agreement and a loan agreement; in general, it has both features. Leasing is considered as an effective way financing, which is usually beneficial to the enterprise when it does not have the necessary funds for investment in equipment production).

    The municipal organization of local self-government is a living social mechanism, which is characterized by the presence of a structure, understood as the composition and ratio of its constituent elements, identified according to the criteria of management processes. Structure elements can be grouped into two main blocks.

    The first block: public-power (a set of bodies and officials of local self-government). It includes the following elements:

    1. Municipal management organizations with public authorities:

    1.1. Representative body of local self-government.

    1.2. Executive body of local self-government.

    1.3. Other local governments.

    2. The highest elected official of local self-government (the head of the municipality, the head of the municipality, the head of the commune, etc.).

    3. Other elected and non-elected local government officials.

    The second block: public and active. It can include the following elements:

    1. Forms of direct participation of citizens in local self-government (local referendum, municipal elections, voting on the recall of elected officials, deputies, changing the boundaries of municipalities).

    2. Forms of implementation by citizens of local self-government, defined by federal legislation (territorial public self-government, gatherings, meetings, conferences of citizens, polls of citizens, public hearings, etc.)

    3. Forms of participation of citizens in local self-government through public bodies created by local self-government bodies, the head of the municipality, etc.

    4. Public organizations located on the territory of the municipality and participating in local self-government in various forms.

    5. Forms of self-organization of citizens for participation in local self-government, not established by federal legislation.

    Purpose - one of the parameters of the municipal management organization. A municipal organization of local self-government as a social organization is formed by a local community or a group of local communities in order to exercise the right granted to its members by the state, society for local self-government and protect their interests.

    legal status. Municipal regulatory legal acts define the conditions for the creation of a municipal organization of local self-government, its status, competence, organizational structure, issues of reorganization and liquidation of a municipal social education, etc.

    Resources. The main social resource of the municipal organization of local self-government is the local community or a group of local communities. Its economic resources are based on municipal and other types of property, on the basis of which the local (municipal) economy functions. Information resources are very limited, since their main source is the external environment. Legal resources are determined by the legal field that is formed by the external environment.

    Functions.1. Division of labor and distribution of roles. The purpose of the municipal organization of local self-government determines the role and functional purpose of each of its components in the implementation of its goals and objectives2. Municipal organization of local self-government as a social mechanism for regulating public relations. The municipal organization of local self-government as a social mechanism regulates three main groups of relations in local communities: public-authority, socio-economic and social-activity. They are formed and function in the relevant areas of local community management.

    1. The sphere of public-power relations is a set of relations between:

    Local communities and bodies and officials of local self-government on the formation and effectiveness of the functioning of the structure of the municipal organization of local self-government;

    Bodies and officials of local self-government in the structure of the municipal organization of local self-government in terms of the implementation of their public authority functions;

    Bodies and officials of local self-government of municipal organizations within the boundaries of a municipal district, on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, etc.

    2. The sphere of socio-economic relations includes public relations:

    Regarding the possession, use and disposal of municipal property;

    Between municipal authorities and business entities of all organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership to meet the public (collective) needs of local communities and individual citizens;

    Between local communities and municipal authorities on issues of socio-economic development of the municipality, etc.

    3. The sphere of social and active relations is the relationship that arises in the process of participation of citizens in local self-government, the interaction of local communities with bodies and officials of municipal government on the following issues:

    Ensuring the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen on the territory of the municipality;

    The effectiveness of the use of forms of direct democracy and forms of participation of citizens in local self-government, the development of various forms of self-government and self-activity of citizens;

    Maximum use of the potential of local branches of political parties, public organizations, amateur associations of citizens to address issues of the life of local communities.

    18. Organizational culture and its impact on the activities of the organization. Organizational culture is a well-coordinated set of organizational, managerial, technological and informal interpersonal relations, which is achieved at a certain level of development of managerial activity and managerial knowledge. The main purpose of organizational culture is to create a sense of identity for all members of the organization, the image of a collective "we". The functions of the culture of the organization are diverse, they include: 1. Security function. Culture is a kind of barrier to undesirable tendencies and negative phenomena of the external environment, neutralizes the negative impact of external factors.2. integration function. By instilling a certain system of values, the organizational culture creates a sense of equality among employees of all members of the team, which allows everyone to: better understand the goals of the company; acquire a favorable impression of the company in which he works; feel like a member of a single team and determine their responsibility to him.Z. regulatory function. The culture of the organization includes informal, unwritten rules for the behavior of employees. These rules determine the sequence of work, the nature of working contacts, forms of information exchange, etc.4. replacement function. Corporate culture can effectively replace formal mechanisms and reduce the flow of information and orders from management. This reduces management costs, because many of its elements do not require special efforts and costs.5. Adaptation function. The presence of an organizational culture facilitates the adaptation of the employee to the organization and the organization to the employee. Adaptation is achieved by a set of measures called socialization.6. Educational and developmental function. Culture is always associated with an educational, upbringing effect. Firms are like big families, so management must take care of the education of their employees. The result of such efforts is an increase in the skills and knowledge of employees that the firm can use to achieve its goals.7. Quality management function. The quality of work and working environment translates into product quality.8. Consumer orientation function.9. The function of regulating partnerships. The culture of the organization develops and complements the norms and rules of conduct developed by the economic culture of the market.10. The function of adapting the organization to the needs of society. The action of this function creates the most favorable external conditions for the activities of the company. The main elements of organizational culture: - organizational values ​​(goals of the organization, customers, consumers, economic efficiency, organizational values, symbolic system, personnel, etc.). ); - moral principles and business ethics; - methods of motivating an employee; - organization of work and methods of control; - leadership style; - ways of resolving conflicts, behavior in a crisis situation; - communication system, language of communication. The influence of organizational culture on the organization's activities. There are various approaches to identifying a set of variables through which the influence of culture on the organization can be traced. 1. Model V. Sate. The seven processes by which culture influences organizational performance are: 1) cooperation between individuals and parts of the organization; 2) decision making; 3) control; 4) communications; 5) loyalty to the organization; 6) perception of the organizational environment; 7) justifying their behavior. How these processes proceed depends on the effectiveness of the functioning of the organization. The essence of the control process is to stimulate actions in the direction of achieving the goals. 2. Model T. Peters - R. Waterman. They "brought" a set of beliefs and values ​​of organizational culture that led a number of large companies to success: 1) faith in action; 2) communication with the consumer; 3) encouragement of autonomy and entrepreneurship; 4) considering people as the main source of productivity and efficiency; 5) knowledge of what you manage; 6) do not do what you do not know; 7) simple structure and few management staff; 8) the simultaneous combination of flexibility and rigidity in the organization.

    3. T. Parsons model . The model is developed on the basis of the specification of certain functions that any social system, including an organization, must perform in order to survive and succeed. The essence of the model is that for its survival and prosperity, any organization must be able to adapt to constantly changing external conditions. environment, to achieve the goals set by it, to integrate its parts into a single whole, and, finally, to be recognized by people and other organizations.

    Planning as a function of management. Stages of planning. Factors limiting the possibilities of planning.

    Planning as a management function consists in choosing the optimal alternative for the current or future development of the management object. This alternative should correspond to the interests of the control object, its capabilities (resources) and be calculated for a certain period of time, as well as determine the main persons responsible for the implementation of the plan.

    Modern planning should be iterative, i.e. flexible and able to adapt to constant changes in the control object itself, changes in the external environment. The main task of planning in a market economy is to ensure long-term competitiveness, strength and stability of the control object in the market. Another important task is information-oriented. At the same time, it is important to propose an initial solution, receive corrective feedback and offer final guidelines for managers who can ensure the achievement of the intended results. Planning stages:1. A clear statement of the mission of the organization, which defines the essence, the main content of the organization. Based on the mission, strategic goals and objectives are determined.2. Development of a forecast for the development of the organization (forecasting the results of activities). The forecast can be: survey, normative, experimental.3. Assessment and analysis of the internal environment of the organization. The socio-economic potential is revealed (the quality of the material and technical base, the management structure, etc.).

    4. Material and financial support of the development plan.

    5. Programs for the implementation of the plan. The number of programs is determined by the volume of activities.6. Assessment and analysis of the external environment (economic situation in the region, investors, public administration system, etc.). Identification of competitors, study of the quality of the market and its forecast.7. Formation of alternatives for the development of the organization (growth, limited growth, reduction, liquidation).8. Development of a system of control, accounting, regulatory documents, standards of the organization.

    9. Marketing plan for the sale of goods / services. The advertising system, the range of promotional products, the main events, etc. are determined. The possibilities for planning an enterprise are limited by a number of objective and subjective reasons. 1. Any economic organization, in its activities, inevitably faces uncertainty. Firms do not have sufficient data about their present and future, they are not able to predict all the changes that can and will occur in the market environment. Planning is one of the ways to "clarify" the internal and external conditions of activity. That is, planning is a tool for overcoming uncertainty. Where there is planning, uncertainty is reduced. However, any, even the most powerful firm or alliance of firms, cannot completely eliminate uncertainty, which means planning its activities entirely. After all, it will eliminate uncertainty, which means eliminating the market itself, the variety of diverging interests and actions of market entities.2. The planning limit is also determined by the amount of costs spent on organizing and implementing planning. One of the most significant shortcomings of planned activities is the need for additional costs for: research; organizing a planning unit; attracting additional staff.3. It is difficult for small economic organizations to carry out large-scale planning work, especially expensive strategic planning. However, they may: use some form of planning, especially operational planning; apply ready-made strategy models created by well-known companies and research firms, and strive to determine their own strategies as the organization grows.4. The influence of the imperfections of the Russian market on the prospects for their use in the domestic economy is a common feature that limits the widespread use of progressive forms of planning in Russian business. The factors limiting the use of planning in domestic conditions include: an excessively high degree of uncertainty in the Russian market, due to ongoing global changes and conflicts in all areas of public life (the unpredictability of such changes reduces the scale and horizons of planning and makes it difficult to plan at least 3 years in advance ); the low level of capital accumulation in Russian economic organizations, which does not allow effective expenditures on organizing planning; lack of effective legal and ethical standards governing the behavior of entrepreneurs.

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    The functional purpose of the concept of "investment" can be expressed as follows: funds intended for management in its quest to change the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of available resources based on the transformation of their level of innovation, renewal and modernization.
    In our opinion, such a functional purpose is focused on combining investment principles in the innovation and investment activities of different levels of socio-economic systems in order to achieve the planned dynamics of economic growth, balanced with qualitative and quantitative changes in the resource potential, with a growing level of competitive advantages.
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