How to open an online auto parts store from scratch. Business plan: trade in spare parts on order Business for the resale of spare parts for domestic cars

Driving on Russian roads leaves no one indifferent. Trouble lurks on all sides. Car owners have to purchase parts and elements more often. Meanwhile, the number of cars owned by the population is growing, and in 2017 the fleet of passenger cars totaled 39.35 million units. In other words, these figures look like this: there are 249 passenger cars for every thousand Russians. Every fourth is a compatriot behind the wheel. The condition of the roads and the number of cars are two strong reasons to consider starting your own auto parts business.

How to start a business selling auto parts: assessing the risks

Any business requires a clear action plan and a comprehensive analysis of the subject. We take a piece of paper, divide it into two columns and write down the clear benefits, studying the pitfalls.

In the role of explicit virtues may perform:

  • stable daily income;
  • opportunities to attract new customers (the number of cars in the population is growing every year);
  • high marginal profit (for certain types of goods, the margin is up to 80%);
  • grace periods of taxation;
  • organizing a parallel online business (opening an online store with home delivery).

Underwater rocks:

Your list will look different. The main thing is to meticulously study each item, check the numbers with a pen and a calculator, think about how to get around the pitfalls, perhaps turn the pros into cons, and optimize costs.

What auto parts are in demand?

Let's say there are two great parts stores in your area. What to do? The answer is simple. Create your own unique selling proposition. Look at the cars around, think about what their owners need.

Here are some interesting directions for reflection:

  • sale of spare parts for motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles;
  • maintenance of municipal and road equipment. Kamaz, tractors, heavy trucks;
  • right-hand drive Japanese cars (rare parts can be brought to order);
  • sale of accessories and related products;
  • highlights of your service - "coffee as a gift", "ordering spare parts via the Internet", "courier delivery". What else?

If you are rushing between spare parts for Russian cars and foreign cars - stop, watch, talk with car enthusiasts. Definitely, with regard to auto parts, the demand for domestic models is higher, their market share is 58% of sales.

The owners need to repair the Lada and Niva more often, but their parts are also cheaper. Trade in spare parts for "foreigners" is more profitable, but it is important to correctly determine the manufacturing concerns, find profitable suppliers, and think over the possibilities of unifying parts.

In parallel with the process of analytical activity, start working with paperwork, finding premises and possible suppliers. Act according to the plan, quickly and decisively.

What you need to open an auto parts store from scratch: registering a business

There are two forms of organizing an auto parts business. When opening a small retail or online store, it is enough to register as a . With a package of documents, contact the tax service, and within 5 working days you will receive a certificate of registration.

Documents required before you open an online auto parts store, you need a little:

  1. application for state registration of an individual;
  2. receipt of payment of the state fee for registration of IP;
  3. application for the transition to a simplified taxation scheme;
  4. a photocopy of the passport (the main spread with a photo and information about registration at the place of residence).

In the case of creating a partner retail network and attracting borrowed capital, register an LLC (limited liability company). Here you will have to tinker longer, the package of documents will be more solid. First, it will be necessary to go through the procedure for registering a legal entity, draw up constituent documents, and only after that - apply to the tax authority with an application for registration of an LLC.

Important: In addition, you will have to conclude contracts for the lease of premises, for the supply of spare parts, for garbage disposal. The fire inspectorate must obtain a conclusion on the compliance of the premises with fire safety requirements.

What does it take to open an auto parts store?

Room search

Select the premises based on the characteristics of the business and infrastructure of the area. Make sure there are no similar stores nearby.

Important: pay attention to the places of accumulation of cars, evaluate the surrounding areas. Gas stations, large shopping centers, roadside cafes - each of these places can be an excellent starting point. The minimum area is 50 m².

There are no strict requirements for the building, consider only a few recommendations:

  • whether the possibility of equipping a warehouse and utility rooms is provided;
  • availability of communications (heat, electricity, water, sewerage, telephone);
  • parking place for 4-5 cars.

Auto Parts Store Equipment

A list of the most necessary commercial equipment for an auto parts store: shelves, display cases, racks, boxes for storing small parts, a table, a cash register. This is a necessary minimum, in the process of work it will become clear what else to buy.

Do you need a computer and a printer, additional shelves and racks… Perhaps it will be necessary to organize a relaxation area for clients with a comfortable sofa and a coffee machine.

Product range

Determine the amount you are willing to spend to purchase the item. With modest financial capabilities, it is difficult to open a point where almost everything is sold. Therefore, start with a narrow specialization, and gradually expand the range in the process of activity. Monitor, identify the most popular parts (bumpers, headlights and brake lights, side mirrors, pillars, suspensions) and purchase them first.

How to find auto parts suppliers?

As a rule, large auto parts stores cooperate with 2-3 suppliers, preference is given to official dealers. Information about them can always be found on official websites.

Having concluded a contract for a small consignment of goods, carefully study the delivery time and the clause on the return of low-quality products. After all, defective parts are found even from trusted suppliers. Separately discuss the terms of discounts when buying wholesale lots.

Sometimes free shipping is a nice bonus.

At the next stage, decide on the products that will become the highlight of your store, favorably distinguish you from the crowd of competitors. Such items can be original accessories, modern gadgets, car care items.

Accessories are usually sold at a higher markup, so keep this in mind when looking at vendors.


At first, you will have to constantly be in the store, acting as a director, sales assistant and purchasing manager. New staff needs training in your business standards and regular supervision.

Minimum Required Recruitment of Employees consists of two salesmen and an accountant. Gradually, as necessary, expand the staff: a purchasing manager, a cleaner of premises, a warehouse worker.

Sellers should quickly navigate the assortment, know the nomenclature, it is desirable to have their own car in order to give professional advice. If the buyer is unsure of himself, a competent employee will assist in the selection of spare parts, offer analogues and related products. Experience and a desire to learn make a good sales consultant stand out.

Sale of spare parts: approximate costs when opening a store

No one knows the exact amount of investments your business will require. You can only make preliminary calculations.

Here approximate calculation of expenses when opening a store with an area of ​​50 m²:

Total: the minimum amount is 1,350,000 rubles. Maximum - 2,000,000 rubles. This is the necessary start-up capital to open an auto parts store.

If the amount seems unbearable to you, take up the analysis again, look for ways to optimize costs. For example, make repairs with your own hands, buy used equipment, remember that the best advertising is the recommendations of friends and acquaintances, attract customers with excellent service.

Is it profitable to open an auto parts store?

Chickens are counted in the fall, so making profit calculations in advance is a thankless task. Nonetheless, profitability parts business is approximately 18%. Payback investments - an average of 1-1.5 years.

Now you theoretically know how to open an online auto parts store from scratch - that means you have started. After a deep analysis of opportunities, risks and costs, make an informed decision about starting your own auto parts trading business. Try and be successful.

According to the latest data, there are about 60 million cars in Russia. Considering that their number is increasing by one and a half million annually, one can only imagine the growth rate of the spare parts market. There is nothing surprising in the fact that this promising niche is of interest to enterprising people, many of whom have managed to appreciate the benefits of virtual trading.

Indeed, having figured out how to open an online auto parts store from scratch, an entrepreneur can build a business that serves customers not only in a particular city, but also in the whole region: domestic wholesale suppliers today offer a wide range of original parts and analogues for almost any car, and transport companies and courier services deliver orders to customers in thousands of locations across the country.

Business features

“I want to open an auto parts store - where do I start?” Asking yourself a similar question, a novice entrepreneur should understand that it is not worth taking further steps without studying the features of this business. The specifics of the implementation of parts for cars is as follows:

  • The selection of spare parts and their analogues from catalogs is always associated with the possibility of error. Therefore, it is important for an entrepreneur to build an effective return policy: by refusing always, you can lose customers, and by accepting everything in a row, you will have to put up with a decrease in profitability and freezing of working capital;
  • Among hundreds of wholesale suppliers, it is difficult to find the best. Preference should be given to companies that have warehouses in the region, deliver orders within one or two days and take back illiquid goods without sanctions;
  • There is a certain shortage of qualified personnel on the market, and a few free specialists are spoiled by high salaries. On the other hand, hiring an inexperienced newbie can lead to errors, mixed orders, customer complaints, and a drop in sales;
  • In Russia, there are about twenty companies offering to open a franchise auto parts store. This solution is ideal for entrepreneurs who do not have experience and connections in this field;
  • According to the assessment of the relevant authorities, up to 30% of spare parts in the Russian Federation are counterfeit. Therefore, suppliers should be chosen carefully and carefully - otherwise the risk of prosecution increases.

Only taking into account all these features, one can understand whether it is worth further figuring out how to open an online auto parts store from scratch, or is it better to prefer another, more relaxed line of business.

Activity registration

There are thousands of directions in small business. An entrepreneur can create a small production, study, or consider the prospects for creating a virtual trading platform - in any case, his first step should be the legalization of his own enterprise. When selling auto parts via the Internet, official registration is important for two reasons:
  • Almost all suppliers work only with business entities. Of course, they can sell parts to an individual, but only SPD can count on volume discounts, returns and delays;
  • Auto parts are very expensive, and therefore buyers prefer to have some kind of official guarantee, at least in the form of an invoice with a seal.

When legalizing a small regional online store that does not plan to enter the federal level, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you need to provide the following documents to the department of the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration:

  1. Application for registration;
  2. Statement on the application of the chosen taxation system;
  3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and copies of all its pages;
  4. A copy of the certificate of assignment of TIN;
  5. Receipt for payment of state duty.

For an online store that is not able to use UTII due to the lack of a real trading area in the form of a point of issue of goods, the optimal taxation system is the simplified tax system. This exists in two forms:

  • Payment of 6% of the total income of the company. When trading in auto parts, the use of such a scheme can lead to a decrease in the profit of the enterprise due to the influence of the tax rate on the margin;
  • Payment of 15% of net profit minus expenses. With low profitability, typical for trading activities, this scheme is preferable.

Store assortment

When figuring out how to open an auto parts store from scratch, aspiring entrepreneurs usually strive to cover the entire possible range. However, those occupying such a huge niche will inevitably have to compete with popular sites that have made a name for themselves in the sale of parts: the result of this struggle is not difficult to predict. Therefore, at first it is better for a beginner to focus on a narrower segment - for example, to start selling spare parts for:

  • Passenger cars of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, European, American or domestic production;
  • Passenger cars of a specific brand or group of brands;
  • Heavy, medium or small trucks;
  • Vehicles with right-hand drive;
  • A certain vehicle system (tires, electrical equipment, auto glass).

Consumables, oils, filters and other inexpensive, but in-demand spare parts must be kept in stock all the time, while large items are best ordered from suppliers immediately after receiving an application from the buyer. Entrepreneurs, guided by their personal experience of opening auto parts stores for foreign and domestic cars, compiled a rating of the popularity of various types of parts. It includes:

  • Tires and wheels;
  • Suspension parts - levers, silent blocks, racks;
  • Motor and transmission oils;
  • Fuel, air and oil filters;
  • Brake pads, brake fluid;
  • Transmission details;
  • Optics, lamps, lanterns;
  • Body elements;
  • Rechargeable batteries;
  • Belts.

A novice entrepreneur should study the chosen niche well when planning to open an auto parts store: only professionals who can advise the client in detail on the quality, interchangeability and performance characteristics of certain parts can successfully conduct a business in this area.

Where to find suppliers?

“Opening an auto parts store - where to start?” After registering his own business and choosing a suitable niche, an entrepreneur in search of an answer to this question must take the next important step - to look for suppliers. Experienced businessmen believe that at this stage an online store website is already needed, since many companies will want to know who they will work with. In turn, when choosing partners, an entrepreneur should consider:
  • Pricing policy of the counterparty;
  • The reputation of the company, reviews about it;
  • Delivery terms;
  • Ability to use transport companies to send orders;
  • Terms and conditions of return;
  • Possibility of deferred payment;
  • Availability of consulting support.

Before you open an auto parts store, you need to find two or three suppliers with a wide range in the chosen niche and conclude cooperation agreements with them. For the first time, this is enough, but in the future, you should look for new counterparties, seek more favorable conditions and discounts from them.

Large online stores work simultaneously with hundreds of partners, using their databases to select the goods requested by visitors. The interaction scheme looks like this:

  • The visitor selects the desired part from the catalog and receives its article;
  • The store sends this article to all suppliers via the web interface and receives answers regarding the availability of the required spare part or its analogues;
  • The entrepreneur's markup is added to the wholesale cost of the part;
  • The store's delivery time is added to the supplier's delivery time;
  • The user receives the final information without specifying partner prices, names of suppliers and intermediate delivery times.

Not all vendors offer customers the opportunity to directly access their databases: today there are 113 such companies in Russia. Therefore, if you are going to open an auto parts store from scratch for foreign cars, you should contact them first of all with a proposal for cooperation.

Website development

Of course, from the development of the site. It should be understood that a huge assortment and the need to implement several mechanisms for the exact selection of spare parts significantly complicate this task. Therefore, for an entrepreneur planning to launch a serious project, information on how to open the Internet and other educational materials is practically useless: professional programmers should solve the problem of creating a full-fledged trading platform. When ordering the development of a project in the studio, you should pay attention to:

  • CMS. This is software that is used to manage the site and the information posted on it. Public free CMS for selling spare parts are not suitable due to limited functionality and low performance, so the entrepreneur will have to install specialized software;
  • Domain name. For the site, you need to select and register a short (no more than 10 characters), understandable and memorable address, consonant with the name of the store or its theme. It is advisable to use a second-level domain;
  • Hosting. The work of the store is associated with the processing of a huge database of spare parts, a high load on program modules and the generation of thousands of pages with product descriptions. Standard hosting cannot cope with this task: renting a dedicated server is considered an ideal option.

Obviously, these requirements directly affect how much it costs to open an auto parts store. In addition, to ensure the functioning of the site, it is necessary to perform several more complex operations:

  1. Connect the TecDoc catalog. This is a huge database of spare parts and their possible analogues for trucks and cars, made in the form of a catalog. To connect the database to the site, you need to purchase a license and involve programmers: as a result, visitors will be able to independently select parts, get acquainted with their descriptions and find out the cost;
  2. Connect original directories. Information about spare parts not listed in TecDoc can be found in the original manufacturer's and supplier's catalogues. There are many companies on the Internet that provide access to them for a moderate fee;
  3. Connect supplier databases. As noted above, in order to obtain information about the availability, cost, and delivery time of parts, it is necessary to ensure the interaction of the store with the databases of suppliers by accessing through the web interface.

For the convenience of the entrepreneur and the organization of effective work, the website of the online store should be equipped with the following functions:

  • A set of modules for searching and ordering spare parts, a shopping cart and a personal account of the buyer, an administration panel;
  • Integration with the program of accounting and control of warehouse balances;
  • Graphic catalog to search for parts in the absence of an exact article;
  • The mechanism of interaction with general catalogs for the selection of analogues;
  • Search for a part by VIN code, article number or name;
  • Ability to download and process price lists of suppliers;
  • Choosing the most convenient payment system;
  • Setting up price categories and margins for groups and individual products;
  • Statistics of site views, registrations and orders with a regional reference;
  • The mechanism of cross-posting to social networks;
  • Chat for technical support and consultations, callback order.


Virtual stores only in theory can do without administrative space. To create a trading platform, in any case, you will need a heated warehouse and an office. When calculating how much it costs to open an auto parts store from scratch, it is easier to consider the option of renting: the offers of real estate owners today are in the range of 150-250 rubles / m² per month.

The office space should not be large: if it is supposed to be used only for issuing documents, issuing goods on a self-delivery basis and other auxiliary processes, then a small area of ​​​​15 m² can be fenced off directly in the warehouse. When choosing a place to store goods, you should consider that:

  • For the sale of automotive chemicals, consumables, belts, filters, oils and electrical equipment, a warehouse of 120–150 m² is sufficient;
  • Trade in transmission and chassis parts, batteries or optics requires 200–300 m²;
  • For the implementation of body elements, tires and wheels, glasses, engines and gearboxes, at least 400 m² will be required.

It remains only to choose where to open an auto parts store. Since clients mostly own their own cars, it is better to choose a location on the outskirts in search of low rent, but always with good transport accessibility and parking for trucks delivering goods.


The personnel problem is not a priority for an entrepreneur starting his own business, since you can open an auto parts store and process a small number of orders on your own. You should think about hiring a manager later, when the company's turnover reaches half a million rubles a month.

Obviously, at this stage, the store will need a specialist who is able to get involved in work from the very first days and start making a profit. To find a suitable employee, you need to evaluate candidates for compliance with the following criteria:

  • Availability of automotive or technical education, good knowledge of the structure of cars of the corresponding class;
  • Ability to sell, convince, overcome objections;
  • Ability to select spare parts according to electronic catalogs;
  • Experience in this field, acquaintance with suppliers and large customers;
  • Age from 35–40 years old - such people are more responsible and executive;
  • If possible - the presence of a car and the willingness to earn extra money as a courier.

Also, to service the store, it is necessary to hire an accountant for 0.5 rates (you can outsource these duties), and with a significant increase in trade turnover, the corresponding number of couriers.

Organization of payment and delivery

On the issue of how to open an online auto parts store, step-by-step instructions recommend paying special attention to the implementation of mechanisms for accepting payment and delivering goods: the success of an enterprise to a certain extent depends on how convenient they are for users. To conduct transactions with money, in any case, you will need a third-party payment interface - for example:

1. Internet acquiring. It is used to accept payments from plastic cards with subsequent crediting to the store's account. Such a mechanism is provided by the bank for a fee of 1.5–2% of the amount of credited funds;

2. Electronic wallet. Payment can also be accepted through one of the popular EPS - Webmoney, Qiwi, PayPal or Yandex.Money. However, such a wallet must be corporate - tied to the details of a particular company and its current account;

3. Payment aggregator module. The service of accepting payments in all possible ways, including those listed above, is provided by intermediaries who charge a commission of up to 4–5% for their services. The most popular aggregators are:

  • Yandex.Checkout;
  • RoboKassa;
  • Interkassa.

You can also use different channels to arrange delivery. All of them differ in speed and cost, and therefore the buyer should choose the most convenient option for him at the time of placing the order:

1. Post of Russia. It has a wide network of branches and low tariffs, but the speed of this service can hardly be called satisfactory. In addition, Russian Post cannot send large and heavy loads;

2. Pickup. In this case, the buyer does not need to wait for the courier or stand in queues at the post office - it is enough to come to the specified address at a convenient time and receive the order. To provide a self-delivery service, you can:

  • Give out spare parts in the office or open;
  • Use the delivery service to the point of issue of one of the intermediary companies with a network of branches in different cities.

3. Courier delivery. Many buyers, wanting to save time, prefer to receive the package at home. In this case, the online store can also hire its own couriers or use intermediaries.

4. Delivery by transport companies. Such firms willingly transport large and heavy loads, but their services are not cheap, and not all cities have branches.

Store Promotion

An entrepreneur who decides: “I want to open an auto parts store” will have to not only understand the features of creating a trading platform, but also study the available methods of promoting it: without advertising, the number of visitors to the site will only slightly differ from zero. For these purposes are used:

Search promotion. The effectiveness of this method is explained by the fact that the client clearly indicates his goals in the search query, and therefore advertising almost completely corresponds to his interests.

Proven to be effective:

2. SEO promotion. The search engine always evaluates the degree of compliance of the information on the sites with the user's request. Thanks to the optimization of texts, you can make it display a link to the store above competitors;

3. Contextual banner. It is an animated graphic block of an advertising nature. The search engine also shows it to customers based on the data specified in their requests;

4. Services for the selection of goods. Such sites collect information about products from different stores and show it to the user in comparison. The advantages of this method are loyalty and a high level of customer confidence in the goods selection services. The leaders in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet are:


5. Thematic and regional sites. The first are specialized resources dedicated to automotive topics in general or specific brands in particular: here you can find an almost ready-made target audience. The latter are focused on residents of a particular region and are effective for stores operating in the local market. On thematic and regional sites, you can post articles with a link to the trading platform, ad blocks or posts with comments.

  • Create groups in which they publish information about the store and product, as well as thematic materials to maintain the interest of the audience;
  • Attract customers in an aggressive way by sending them private messages;
  • Place advertisements and useful articles in other thematic groups;
  • Publish ad units that are customized according to the desired gender, age and location of customers.

7. Discount aggregators. This method of advertising is suitable for stores that have a popular product and are able to set a good discount on it. So you can quickly declare your store and create a base of potential customers. Among the aggregators of discounts are known:


Obviously, a businessman, puzzled by how to open an auto parts store with minimal investment, will have to understand these promotion methods and choose the most affordable of them, since when creating an enterprise it is difficult to find free funds to replenish the advertising budget.

Investments and expenses

Finally, the main question of interest to entrepreneurs should be considered - how much money is needed to open an auto parts store? To do this, you will have to take into account all the costs that await the owner of the future trading platform:

Initial Costs

Article Amount, rub.
IP registration 800
Account opening 2500
Making a seal 1000
Domain name rental 500
Website development 60000
Texts for the site 10000
Office equipment
Furniture for manager and visitors 20000
Office equipment (computers, MFP, router) 50000
Accounting software 26000
Connection of communication lines 4000
Stationery and office supplies 5000
Signboard and plate with a schedule of work 15000
Marketing expenses 15000
Warehouse equipment
Warehouse racks 2500
Fire and burglar alarm 25000
Filling the warehouse with goods 1000000
Total: 1237300

The total amount seems to be quite significant, and a significant part of it is the cost of creating an initial inventory. However, this niche is characterized by certain opportunities, including for beginners, since it is quite possible to open an auto parts store on order and organize work in the complete absence of your own warehouse even with a capital of 250 thousand rubles.

It is also necessary to analyze the regular costs associated with the operation of the trading platform. In addition to standard articles, this list should include a subscription fee for connecting to spare parts catalogs and hosting:

Monthly expenses

Article Amount, rub.
Warehouse and office rental 20000
Utilities 3000
Payroll expenses 40000
Current account maintenance 2000
Payment for communication services 2000
Marketing expenses 15000
Fare 3000
IP insurance premiums 2300
Fee for connection to original directories 1500
Connection fee for TecDoc 4500
Hosting payment 2500
Purchase of goods 585000
Total: 680800

Income and profitability

When looking into what it takes to open an auto parts store, one of the things to consider is pricing. There are no universal rules in this matter, therefore, each businessman should be guided by the capabilities of his suppliers and the discounts provided, and also take into account the following factors:

  • A low margin of 10–25% is preferable for partners with whom it is comfortable to work due to the availability of fast and free delivery, a wide range, a bonus system and a guaranteed return of illiquid assets;
  • An average markup of 25–40% is applied to counterparties with standard terms of cooperation without any special privileges;
  • A high margin of 50-60% is used for suppliers with whom it is inconvenient and uncomfortable to work with, but due to circumstances it is necessary.

Entrepreneurs who know how to open an auto parts store to order often publish statistics on their trading platforms on specialized forums. An analysis of this information allows you to determine the main parameters necessary to calculate the profitability of a business:

  1. The amount of the average check in this industry is 2600 rubles;
  2. The average margin for the entire range is 25%;
  3. Attendance of the store, working one or two months - 500 people a day;
  4. Site conversion (the ratio of the number of orders to the number of visitors) - 2%;
  5. Aggregator tariff for receiving payments - 4%;
  6. The tariff of the issuing point for accepting cash payments is 2%;
  7. The cost of processing an order by a courier service (paid by the buyer) - 50 rubles.

Using these initial data, it is possible to reliably determine whether it is profitable to open an auto parts store.

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Shop profit

Index Meaning
Number of orders per day 10
Number of orders per month 300
Average check of the order, rub. 2600
Prepaid orders 150
Orders delivered by cash on delivery 150
Payment aggregator commission 4%, rub. -15600
Pick-up point commission 2%, rub. -7800
Store turnover, rub. 780000
Profit before taxation, rub. 75800
Tax 15%, rub. 11300
Net profit, rub. 64500
Profitability, % 9,4
Payback period, months 19,2


Auto parts are an extremely popular and universally demanded product, which clearly refers to both what is in demand among residents of megacities. However, it should be understood that even such a high need does not guarantee automatic success for the entrepreneur. Only those who do not rest on their laurels, constantly analyze the interests of customers, develop and improve their business can achieve their goals and occupy their own niche.

This material can serve as a model for writing a business plan for an auto parts store when obtaining a loan from a bank, to attract a financial partner, receive government support, and simply to justify the feasibility of investing money in your business.

Project Description

We bring to your attention a sample business plan for an auto parts store opened in a city with a population of 120 thousand people.

Despite high competition, the sale of auto parts is a profitable line of business, as this market in Russia shows an annual growth of 20%. Opening a store with a large assortment of goods for both domestic and foreign cars in our city will be beneficial from both an economic and social point of view.

Socio-economic indicators of project implementation (for state support)

  1. Registration of a new small business entity;
  2. Creation of 3 new jobs;
  3. Receipt in the budget of the city N up to 80 thousand rubles a year.

Economic indicators of the project implementation, according to the calculations of the business plan:

  1. Profit - more than 1 million rubles a year;
  2. The payback of the project according to preliminary calculations is about 2 years;
  3. Profitability - 25%.

It is planned to spend 400 thousand rubles on opening a business. own funds and attract 1,700 thousand credit funds in one of the city's banks:

Which taxation system to choose

The legal form will be individual entrepreneurship. The choice of this OPF is due to an inexpensive and simplified procedure for registering activities. As tax systems the patent system will be applied, while the cost of a patent for an auto parts store for the year will be 36 thousand rubles.

At the moment, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. Produced business registration, OKVED code 50.30.2 - Retail trade in automotive parts, assemblies and accessories;
  2. A preliminary lease agreement has been concluded for the placement of a retail outlet on the street. Lenin house 101 with a retail area of ​​40m2 and a warehouse at the same address with an area of ​​15m2. The rental price for 55m2 will be 30,000 rubles per month. The room does not need renovation;
  3. The search for wholesale suppliers of auto parts and consumables on favorable terms has been completed.

Description of products and services

The range of outlets will include spare parts and consumables for cars of both foreign and domestic production. In addition to the goods presented on the windows and shelves, the store will also work on orders from the catalog. In general, the supply department will work according to the principle: the most popular items should always be in stock. These products include:

  • Engine oil;
  • Wheel disks;
  • Tires;
  • Filters (oil, air, fuel);
  • light bulbs;
  • Candles;
  • wipers;
  • Oil seals;
  • Hardware, washers, self-tapping screws, caps;
  • Clamps, branch pipes;
  • Alternator and timing belts;
  • Tools;
  • BB wires;
  • Autochemistry;
  • Gaskets;
  • grenades;
  • Steering tips;
  • Silencers;
  • Bearings;
  • First aid kits and pumps;
  • and so on.

In this case, the customer will be offered spare parts from different manufacturers at distinctive prices, such as "original" or "non-original" spare parts.

The price level will be slightly lower than the average price level for spare parts in the outlets of our city. And thanks to a well-thought-out logistics system, orders will be delivered as soon as possible.

marketing plan

First, let's define the market capacity. According to statistics, in Russia there are about 270 cars per 1000 inhabitants, that is, every fifth person has his own car. Our city is home to 120 thousand inhabitants, respectively, they account for about 20 thousand cars.

The most popular car brands are: Lada, Chevrolet and KIA.

Of the total volume of the auto parts market, 52% of sales are for domestic cars and 48% for foreign cars.

The ratio of purchased components for domestic cars and foreign cars:

On average, each car owner spends about 15 thousand rubles on the maintenance of his car (without gasoline and insurance). Basically, these are the costs of engine oil, rubber, filters, spare parts.

It follows that the capacity of the auto parts market in our city is: 20 thousand (cars) * 15 thousand rubles (car expenses) = 300 million rubles a year.

It should be noted that the demand for spare parts will only grow in the near future, as the number of car owners and, accordingly, the number of cars is growing. According to statistics, the growth rate of this market is about 20% per year.

Competitors. According to a study, there are about 30 retail outlets in the city that sell a similar group of goods, of which 10 are large service stations that have their own retail departments (We recommend reading: “STO business plan”.

In close proximity to our outlet are:

  1. Service station with its own sales department. They mainly trade on pre-orders;
  2. Center for motor oils. The main assortment - oils, filters and other consumables;
  3. Retail outlet on 5m2 in a small shopping center. They sell only by catalog with delivery within a week.

We will conduct a comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors:

Competitors Characteristic conclusions
Strengths Weaknesses
ONE HUNDREDCar owners who use the services of a service station order spare parts in their storeA low range of spare parts and consumables from the warehouse, basically all goods are made to order. Delivery of the order more than a week. Relatively high pricesCompete with lower prices, wider product range and faster spare parts delivery
Motor Oil CenterA wide range of motor oils at low pricesDue to the specific specialization in engine oil, there are no other types of consumables and spare partsCompete with a wider range and faster delivery of spare parts
Point of sale in the shopping centerLow prices, fast order deliveryAlmost completely out of stock, they sell only by catalogCompete with a wider range of products in stock

Advertising and marketing activities

  1. Advertising in the media, development of a business card site for our store;
  2. Advertising on billboards, distribution of flyers and business cards;
  3. Discount for regular customers, promotions (free oil change);

The level of trade margin on goods will average 40-50%. The sales season is in spring and autumn.

The planned sales volume in monetary terms (revenue) is as follows: The monthly dynamics of revenue is presented in the form of a graph: To reach the break-even point of sales, it is necessary to sell goods in the amount of 315,000 rubles per month.

Production plan

We will work only with large wholesale organizations that have been operating in the wholesale supply of auto parts for more than one year and have proven themselves only from the best side. These are companies such as Part-Kom, Pasker, the Auto-Alliance group of companies, etc. Delivery of goods to the store will be carried out by transport companies. Planned staffing of our organization:Increased requirements will be imposed on the staff, in terms of:

  1. Good knowledge of the device of the car and spare parts;
  2. Ability to communicate with clients;
  3. Sales experience (preferred).

Calendar plan

The list of activities for the launch of the project and their cost can be presented in the form of a calendar plan: It will take 30 days and 2.1 million rubles of initial investments to launch the project.

How much money do you need to open an auto parts store.

To open a retail outlet, investments in the amount of 2.1 million rubles will be required. Of these, own funds amount to 400 thousand rubles and 1,700 thousand rubles are planned to be attracted in the form of a bank loan.

Financial plan

The main expense of the entrepreneur will be material costs, that is, the acquisition of goods for the purpose of subsequent resale. A rather large expense for an entrepreneur, in addition to wages, will be the payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund: 36 thousand rubles per year for individual entrepreneurs and 30% monthly of employees' wages. A complete list of all costs, as well as the calculation of gross and net profit, is presented in the table - the forecast of income and expenses of the store:

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Auto parts store business plan (14 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Gas station business plan (13 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Car dealership business plan (15 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

How much can you earn by opening an auto parts store

Net profit based on the results of annual sales will amount to just over 1 million rubles. The profitability of an auto parts store, according to the business plan, is 25.7%. This figure is higher than any bank deposit. This suggests that the investment in the business will fully justify itself. Return on investment should not be expected before 24 months.

This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

How to start a business

Starting any business requires careful preparation, thoughtful actions and a well-developed business plan. The auto parts store is no exception to the general rule. This business is primarily for men. But even if you have a good driving experience or worked in a car repair service before, it is still worth learning. After all, trading is a new business and requires different skills. First, you need to decide what exactly you will sell: spare parts for foreign or domestic cars, or just covers, rugs, etc.

It is also worth paying attention to competitors: what is sold in your area, at what price, what is more in demand? The competition in this niche is quite high, so you need to think carefully about the business plan and how you can attract a buyer. An auto parts business can be successfully combined with another car-related business, such as a car wash. Or invest in the car in this way which will bring significant profit in 2-3 years.

Auto Parts Store Equipment

For a spare parts store, equipment is needed about the same as for other stores. You will need:

  • racks;
  • shelves and drawers;
  • showcases;
  • cash machine.

The number of shelves and racks will depend on how many items you have.

What documents are required

A set of documents will need a standard one, as well as for opening any store. It is quite enough to register an individual entrepreneur, especially if you open a business from scratch. You will need: a receipt for payment of the state duty, a passport and TIN and their photocopies, as well as an application. The OKVED code should be chosen based on the assortment, but in general, you can take the OKVED code 45.32, which includes retail trade in automotive parts, assemblies and accessories. For taxation, you can stop at UTII or STS. A trade permit is not required, but in some cases it is necessary to notify Rospotrebnadzor. If you are interested in other types of income generation, including passive income, you can learn about them by visiting the free marathon "Passive Income - 2019" and learn how to invest money wisely in order to receive a stable passive income. The necessary knowledge can be obtained here not only by beginners, but also by experienced investors.

The number of car owners in Russia is growing every year. It is not difficult to conclude that the need for spare parts will increase in proportion to the number of cars on the roads.

Step-by-step plan for opening a spare parts store

In this regard, we are considering opening a small point for the sale of auto parts, working mainly on order. Before opening a store, a businessman must solve a number of questions:

  1. Conduct market research in your city, identify free niches, study the strengths and weaknesses of competitors;
  2. Find sources of project financing - own or borrowed funds (credit), funds of a financial partner / investor;
  3. Finding the right store space
  4. Find suppliers of goods;
  5. Decide on the format of the outlet and its assortment;
  6. Register business activity;
  7. Purchase the necessary commercial and office equipment (racks, showcases, furniture, office equipment). Install software;
  8. Hire staff;
  9. Conduct an advertising campaign.

Room selection

The area of ​​the retail outlet depends on the chosen format of the store. If the capital for starting a business is sharply limited, then it makes no sense to look for large areas - today you can open a retail outlet on 15-25 m2. The main sales in such departments are on pre-order. And this is quite logical, in view of the fact that the variety of cars today is very large, and there are even more spare parts. Creating a large warehouse of goods with limited start-up capital is impractical. It is enough to allocate 10-15m2 for storing the most popular spare parts, such as brake pads, timing belts, oils and oil filters, candles, light bulbs, etc. The rest of the product, which is in the least demand, can be successfully sold by pre-order through the dealer catalog.

The best place for an auto parts store is a room next to a service station. In this case, a regular flow of customers is guaranteed. Of course, if these service stations do not have their own retail departments. A good store location can also be a small shopping center located in a passable place, an office center or a separate building in a residential area of ​​the city. When choosing a room, carefully consider the cost of rent. The rental rate should not be too high, no matter how much traffic this place is famous for. The first time, until you develop a client base, you will work in the red. And the main cost item in this case will be the rent. Therefore, the lower it is, the easier it will be for you to survive a difficult period.

What equipment to choose for an auto parts point

For the operation of such a department, the main equipment will be a computer and software for working with a large database of spare parts (1C program). All the necessary programs and database, as a rule, are provided by the supplier of the goods. As for the range of spare parts, it is possible to work both specialized and in a mixed version, including domestic and foreign spare parts. The demand for domestic spare parts and spare parts for foreign cars, today, is almost the same. Although the need for spare parts for domestic cars is still slightly higher. And not because our cars break down more often, but because there are simply more of them (about 54%).

Search for spare parts suppliers

Trade margin for parts is in the range of 20-50%, depending on the type of part. The competition in this area is very high and the client can go around several points before placing an order. Therefore, when choosing suppliers, do not be lazy and compare their prices with the prices of the main competitors in your city, including your trade margin. If prices differ dramatically, and not on your side, you'd better look for another supplier.

When working on a pre-order, it is very important that the delivery time of the goods does not exceed 1 week. The client very often chooses those stores where he can get a spare part in the shortest possible time. Therefore, the choice of suppliers should be based on two components: the price and the delivery time of the goods.

Qualified staff is the main factor of business success

Finding an experienced sales assistant in an auto parts store is not an easy task. The seller must at least know the design of the car, not to mention the ability to sell goods. Often there are situations when a client comes to your store and shows a damaged item. The buyer may not know the manufacturer and the correct name of the part. Therefore, a real seller must not only know the product range, but also visually represent most of the details. He should be able to keep up the conversation, find out the problem of the owner of the car and choose the best order.

Marketing and Advertising

For regular customers of the store, it is desirable to establish a flexible system of discounts. For example, from 5% to 7% of the order amount. You also need to think about payment methods. Since your customers can be not only individuals, but also legal entities, the settlement should be carried out both in cash and in a non-cash form. To do this, you need to open a bank account. Otherwise, you can lose a significant part of the "good" customers. A current account, by the way, can also be useful in settlements with suppliers.

Which taxation system to choose for an auto parts store

The optimal organizational form of a small auto parts store is individual entrepreneurship. The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur is minimal, and the registration period itself is only 5 working days. As a store taxation system, the optimal one is special. mode - UTII (imputation). To switch to UTII, you must write an application to the tax office at the place of registration of the IP (individual).

How much money do you need to open an auto parts store on order

Approximate costs for opening an auto parts store on order in a shopping center on an area of ​​20-25m2:

TOTAL: 265 thousand rubles.

Analyzing the modern sales market and thinking about where to invest money, you can turn your attention to the auto parts business. This project can become successful and bring good profits if the marketing and financial plan is properly drawn up. In this article, we will provide a detailed auto parts business plan that will show the level of costs for opening, calculating profitability and payback period.

The relevance of the idea causes the economic crisis, which forced many Russian citizens to repair and repair cars, instead of buying new vehicles.

Relevance of the business idea

The unstable economic situation not only did not affect this type of business, but also largely contributed to its development. Due to the sharply increased exchange rate, many Russians were forced to postpone the decision to buy a new car. Instead, people began to order auto parts for car repairs more often.

This example of a business plan will help you correctly calculate the costs at the project launch stage, form an assortment of goods, select the appropriate taxation system and select staff.

Based on this plan, you can easily implement your own business and open an auto parts store for domestic and foreign cars. To implement the idea, a small room of 40-50 square meters will be enough. It is advisable to locate the store next to a large car repair shop, service station, car wash, etc. This will ensure the flow of customers

Having decided to open an auto parts store, it is important to analyze the pros and cons of this project in order to correctly assess the risks and opportunities for business development.

  • High demand. Today, many citizens prefer car repairs, so the demand for parts for domestic cars or foreign cars is growing.
  • Regular customers. Despite the high competition, the efficiency of order fulfillment and quality will help to create a base of regular customers.
  • High yield. With a well-built marketing strategy and a professional staff, you can quickly reach payback and good profitability.


  • high competition;
  • investment in goods;
  • financial risks.

Market analysis

This type of business has its own specifics. The project is influenced by many internal and external factors.

Therefore, for the successful implementation of the project, it is important to constantly monitor changes in the market, monitor the diversity of the assortment, monitor prices and the range of services offered by competitors.

Be sure to take into account not only the range, but also the quality of the goods, the efficiency of productions.

To maintain a competitive position, it is necessary to develop a permanent customer base. Various partnership programs, cooperation with workshops, service stations, car washes, etc. will help with this.

The target audience of this business is ordinary motorists, so it will be important to focus on the price and range of services.

Given the rather severe competition in this business, it is necessary to carefully consider the marketing strategy of the project, distribution channels and customer search.

We must not forget not only the range of products, but also the quality of service. Sellers should be well versed in the specifics of the goods, be sociable and polite.

When developing a list of competitive advantages, pay attention to the store's opening hours. It is advisable to make it before 21-22 hours. For many car enthusiasts, especially in big cities, this time is the only opportunity after work to look for parts for the car.

To expand sales channels, you need to pay great attention to advertising. Don't rely on word of mouth. This effect, at best, will work only 1-2 years after opening.

Participate in events as sponsors, attend auto shows, develop a loyalty program and an affiliate program.

Business plan: step by step guide

To open a business from scratch, you must immediately decide on the format and direction. What will the store’s activity be specialized in: the sale of spare parts for domestic cars or foreign cars.

In order to make a decision, it is necessary to perform a thorough analysis of the competitive environment, analyze the city's market and determine which cars are more.

It is advisable to make a general store, but the purchase of equipment will require considerable investment.

Having chosen the direction of sale to domestic cars, it is important to conclude contracts for direct deliveries from the manufacturer.

Having chosen foreign cars as the basis for sales, rank the most popular cars in your region:

  1. Mitsubishi;
  2. Chevrolet;
  3. Audi;
  4. Toyota;
  5. Suzuki.

To get off to a good start, make a list and make a table that will allow you to analyze and identify the risks, weaknesses and opportunities of the project.

Examine the factors of competitiveness according to the following criteria:

  • individual approach to clients;
  • range of services;
  • price policy;
  • reputation;
  • store location;
  • team professionalism;
  • range.

Analyzing financial risks, it is advisable to include in the calculation scheme data on the return of the loan, the attracted funds of the investor, if the company was not opened at the expense of its own initial capital.

organizational plan

A well-written business plan is the key to successful project implementation. The document will become a daily guide and help at all stages to properly organize efforts aimed at achieving success.

A store business plan will help answer questions such as:

  • market analysis and capacity;
  • composition of the main competitors;
  • approval of the range of services;
  • the planned number of clients;
  • terms of reaching profitability;
  • labor force calculations.

Business registration

To open a store selling auto parts, it will be enough to register an IP. Forming an LLC and other forms of legal ownership may require a business related to the sale of spare parts for car depots or large trucking companies. For the implementation of large batches of wholesale sales, there is a need to open a CJSC or LLC.

To open a store, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • IP registration certificate;
  • a document confirming tax registration;
  • a lease agreement for premises;
  • medical books of employees;
  • permission from the fire service and the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Opening an LLC will require a more complicated procedure:

  • Payment of 50% of the authorized capital upon registration (at least 10 thousand rubles). In this case, the second part of the capital must be paid during the first year of the project launch.
  • Payment of the state fee in the amount of 6500 rubles.

As for the type of taxation, many entrepreneurs choose the STS tax of 6% of income for this type of business.

The issue of paperwork also includes aspects of working with personnel. Do not forget that everyone must have a medical book. To save time and effort on the preparation of all these documents, you can seek professional help from lawyers.

The minimum area for an auto parts store should be at least 60-70 square meters. At the same time, take into account the transport interchange, parking space and storage facilities (about 10-15 sq.m).

The ideal location for the store would be a location near auto repair shops, garage cooperatives, car washes.

Analyze the densely populated area and how future customers will get to the store. Given the fact that many customers have a car that is out of order, it is important to consider having a bus stop nearby.

Purchase of equipment and goods

After you have decided on the premises and completed cosmetic repairs in it, it is time to purchase equipment.

The minimum set, without which it will not be possible to open a store:

  • racks and racks
  • showcases,
  • cash desks,
  • terminal for payment by bank transfer;
  • computers, printer;
  • the Internet.

The most important step in this business is the choice of a supplier. Today, there are about 5 thousand brands on the market, 500 of which work only with wholesale players.

Therefore, finding a supplier will not be difficult. What criteria should be put forward in the search?

  • price;
  • reputation;
  • delivery time;
  • pickup or delivery by a transport company;
  • conditions and terms of return;
  • the possibility of deferred payment;
  • advising managers on issues of interest.

At the beginning of the implementation of business activities, choose 2-3 main suppliers, agree on the supply of goods and conclude an agreement.

In the process of doing business, you will understand who it is more profitable for you to work with and will work with 1-2 suppliers. But never stop analyzing the prices of other sellers, studying the competitive environment, looking for better deals.

Successful companies work simultaneously with dozens or even hundreds of suppliers. This approach allows us to reduce risks, minimize delivery times, offering the buyer the widest range of parts and accessories at the best prices.

Depending on the scale and format of the store, the staff will be different in number and composition.

We give below the minimum set of employees that will allow for a successful start:

  • director;
  • accountant. If the amount of work is small, then you can find a part-time specialist.
  • sales consultants. To increase sales, be sure to consider a motivation program. In addition to salaries, sellers should be interested in sales volumes, so it is advisable to introduce a bonus system.
  • purchasing manager. For small sales volumes, these responsibilities may be assigned to the director.

A qualified customer service manager should be well versed in technology, navigate in spare parts, and the possibility of replacing them with others.

If necessary, he must be able to find the necessary information on the Internet in order to offer the client an alternative.

Marketing plan

When developing a marketing plan, it is worth focusing on its main components:

  • An integrated approach to the provision of services.
  • Individual approach to the client.
  • Orientation of work to the middle price segment.

Now it is important to consider in what directions the promotion of services will be implemented.

  1. Creating your own website.
  2. Promotion of the company through social networks.
  3. Distribution of commercial offers to companies.
  4. Advertising on radio and TV.
  5. Outdoor advertising.
  6. Partnership programs.

If you plan to open a small trade pavilion, then perhaps at the first stage there will be enough bright signs, billboards and distribution of leaflets.

With the development of the store, it will be necessary to pay attention to the creation of a loyalty program, the introduction of promotions, bonus programs, etc.

Costs and payback

Before you start buying equipment and investing in the renovation of the premises, evaluate your financial capabilities and analyze all costs.

Even after a complete calculation of all costs, experts advise increasing the amount received by 0%, since unforeseen expenses always appear during the implementation of the project.

Below we provide an indicative list of expenses required to run a 50 square meter store:

  • registration and execution of all documents - 5 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of commercial equipment - 50 thousand rubles;
  • renovation of the premises - 50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods (first batch) - from 2 million rubles;
  • design of an advertising sign - 40 thousand rubles;
  • advertising expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

Total - 2195000 rubles must be invested to open a store.

Fixed costs:

Also, don't forget about the monthly fixed costs:

  • salary (4 people) - from 80 thousand rubles;
  • rent of premises - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 20 thousand rubles;
  • taxes - 10 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 10 thousand rubles.

As can be seen from approximate calculations, a minimum of 170 thousand rubles is needed per month to support the normal functioning of the store. regardless of sales volume.


As a rule, the markup for this group of goods is 30%. For a group of accessories, this margin can be 90-100%.

Practice shows that a store with a good location and a set of goods worth 2 million rubles can earn up to 1 million rubles a month.

In this case, the profit forecast will be:

  • revenue - 900,000 rubles;
  • the cost of production - 600,000 rubles;
  • monthly expenses - 160,000 rubles;

Net profit - 140 thousand rubles.

As you can see, you will be able to recoup your initial investment in 1.5 years.

Video. How to open an auto parts store