Baby food market research. Marketing research of the baby food market

From July 2016 to June 2017, sales in the baby food market in Russia increased by 1.3% in physical terms, while a year earlier they decreased by 2.7%, according to. At the same time, sales growth rates in monetary terms slowed down: in July 2016-June 2017 - by 5.3%, a year earlier - by 9.7%. The reason for this was a noticeable slowdown in the growth of prices per unit of goods: from 11.5% to 2.3%.

The main contribution to the recovery of the Russian baby food market was made by the category of dairy products for children, which occupies a share of 25.6% in real terms and 23.9% in monetary terms - its sales increased by 11.1% and 10.9% in terms, respectively. A year earlier, the category's sales performance was -0.9% and +5.6%. The largest sales category in physical terms was ready-to-drink drinks (water, juices) 54.3%, and in monetary terms the share of the category was 19%. From July 2016 to June 2017, sales of ready-made drinks for children decreased by 2.2% in physical terms and increased by 1.1% in monetary terms.

The largest category in terms of the share of sales in monetary terms is viscous baby food (mashed potatoes, ready meals) with a share of 24.5%, the share of the category in physical terms is 12.3%.

“Baby food is a category whose buyers are especially attentive to the composition, quality and brand. For our children, we want to buy safe and healthy products, created according to the latest standards and meeting all requirements. Therefore, new items in this category are quite successful. For example, such a relatively new segment for buyers as biolact: manufacturers claim that this fermented milk product is healthier than kefir or other products. As a result, according to Nielsen, sales of biolact grew by almost 70% in volume terms, while sales of traditional baby kefir are declining. by 11%. Thus, the issue of appropriate positioning and a strategic approach to the development of new products can significantly improve the position of the manufacturer in the market”,- comments Marina Lapenkova, retail audit expert Nielsen Russia.

Private brands are not as widely represented on the baby food market: in the category of drinks for children, their share is 6.2% in physical terms, in the categories of dairy products and viscous food, less than 1% each.

Among the channels, supermarkets have the largest share in sales of baby food - 36% in kind and 33% in monetary terms. They are followed by discounters - 25% in kind and 20% in monetary terms, hypermarkets (19% and 17% respectively) and specialized children's stores (13% and 25% respectively). The most noticeable growth in sales of baby food is observed in stores for children: + 14.3% in kind and 16.9% in monetary terms. Also, sales are growing in supermarkets: +6.9 and +7.7% respectively. In other channels, there is a decrease in sales of baby food.

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Moscow, January 2010




1. General characteristics of the Market

1.1. Description of the subject of research

1.2.Indicators of socio-economic development

1.3 Description of the industry

1.4. Section Summary

2. Structure of the baby food market

2.1. Market segmentation by main types of products

2.2. Price segmentation and pricing in the Market Pricing in the Market Price segmentation of the Market Dynamics of consumer prices in the Market

2.3. Summary of the section

3.Main quantitative characteristics of the Market

3.1. Volume and capacity of the Market

3.2.Market Growth Rates

3.3. Summary of the section

4. Competitive Market Analysis

4.1. Competition in the Market

4.2. Description of the profiles of the largest players in the Market Wimm Bill Dann Company

Companies "PROGRESS"

Unimilk company

Nestle Nutricia (Danone)

4.3. Section Summary

5. Sales channels in the Market

5.1. Description of the retail segment

5.2. Stores specializing in the sale of food products

5.3. Outlets selling goods for children

5.4. Pharmacy chains

5.5. Section Summary

6. Analysis of the final consumers of the Market

6.1. Description of the consumer segment

6.2. Market Consumption

6.3. Consumer preferences in the market

6.4. Section Summary

7.1. Main Market Trends

7.2. PEST Market Analysis

7.3. Market risks and barriers


The development of the researched Market is influenced by many markets. The Russian baby food market is an integral part of the Russian food industry. The food industry plays a huge role in the economy of any country. At present, the Russian food industry includes 25 thousand enterprises, and its share in the volume of Russian production is more than 10%. In January-May 2009, compared to the same period in 2008, the following main markets showed an increase in production: the market for meat and semi-finished meat products, the market for whole-milk products, the market for cheese and the market for cereals. However, production fell in most markets. The largest decline in production was shown by the market of canned fish and preserves, the market of powdered milk and cream and the market of tea. Thus, the main trends in the food industry were the growth of inflation, as a result, the reduction in the consumption of many categories of food products, the freezing of prices for socially significant products, and the tightening of competition.

The baby food market can be conditionally divided into 2 main segments: basic food (milk formulas, cereals) and so-called complementary foods (vegetables, fruits, canned meat, juices, etc.). The share of complementary foods is over 30%, and the share of basic food is less than 70% (in monetary terms). In recent years, there has been a trend towards an annual reduction in the share of milk formulas and an increase in the complementary foods segment. So, a few years ago, the share of complementary foods was less than 25%.

Among the main segments of the Market by types of products, the following can be distinguished:

Puree Blends Yoghurts, curds and similar dairy products Juices Cereals Milk Kefir Biscuits Tea Water Muesli And other baby foods Chart. Share of baby food types in value terms Source: GfK Rus Baby Panel research data Puree is the largest segment of baby food (in value terms).

They are present with a significant proportion throughout the first three years of a child's life, reaching a maximum in the second year of life. Juices, cereals are also segments that have their own importance for 36 months. Other significant segments are either very important in the first year of life (formula - 41% of all costs for baby food in the first year of life), but lose their importance as the child grows, or, conversely, become more significant by the second and third year of the child's life ( all dairy products) It is customary to distinguish three main price segments on the baby food market: low price segment (products of Wimm-Bill-Dann, Unimilk and other domestic manufacturers), middle price segment (Heinz, Nutricia, Nestle), high price segment segment (Semper, Hipp, Gerber). Before the emergence of crisis phenomena in the economy, this segment accounted for about …% of the Market, but at the moment its share has significantly decreased. Thus, one can note a trend towards an increase in demand for domestic products and a reduction in the share of high price segments.

Average consumer prices for baby food rose in 2008 and 2009. Average prices for 1 kg of powdered milk mixtures for 11 months of 2009 amounted to … rubles.

The average prices for canned vegetables in 2009 amounted to … rubles, for canned fruit and berries – … rubles. The increase in prices for each of the categories of products amounted to more than …%. The growth rate of prices for certain categories of baby food will increase depending on the level of inflation and on the prices of raw materials for the production of a particular baby food product.

–  –  –

In 2008, the volume of the Russian baby food market in value terms amounted to $... billion, having increased by $... billion compared to the previous year. According to experts' forecasts, in 2009 the Market will grow not so significantly and its volume will be about $. .. billion

In 2008, the volume of the Market in volume terms amounted to … million tons and grew by only … million tons compared to the previous year. According to the forecasts of the same source, the volume of the Market will grow in 2009 to … million tons.

The main factors behind the significant growth of the Market in 2006-2008 were an increase in the birth rate, an increase in the income of Russians, as well as a change in their lifestyle and consumer culture. However, in 2009 the crisis contributed to a reduction in the consumption of baby food.

The geographical features of the Russian market are also observed: the most significant share of retail sales falls on large cities. Even in the Central region, more than a third of the total turnover comes from trade in Moscow.

The capacity of the Russian Baby Food Market is about … bln USD. According to Market Analytics, the Market's capacity in real terms is … million tons.

–  –  –

Over the past few years, the market as a whole has been demonstrating very high growth rates at a level not lower than …%. At the same time, some leading companies developed with a significant advance of the market – revenue growth rates amounted to about …-…%.

In general, the market for baby food among the group from 0 to 36 months has shown significant growth rates in recent years. For example, in the 1st quarter of 2008 it increased by 42% in physical terms compared to the 1st quarter of 2007. Among the growth factors there is an increase in the birth rate, and an increase in the target audience, respectively, and directly an increase in consumption. In the 4th quarter of 2008 the market continued to show growth in relation to the 4th quarter of the previous year, but stagnated in relation to the 3rd quarter of 2008.

Market conditions are affected by the current macroeconomic conditions causing a decline in the birth rate, as well as a decrease in purchases by children's institutions due to a reduction in government subsidies in the field of health care. The slowdown in value growth is facilitated by the transition of consumers from premium brands to cheaper products. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the number of newborns has been declining for the second month in a row. Demographers predict an even greater decline by autumn. The first signs of the crisis appeared in Russia at the end of the summer of 2008. The crisis affected the birth rate exactly 9 months later. In April, according to the ministry, the number of newborns decreased by 5.4% compared to March, from 151 thousand to 142.8 thousand. In May, the decline continued to 135.2 thousand.

Competition in the Market

At the moment, the production of baby food in Russia is at a fairly high level and fully withstands competition from Western enterprises.

Imported products in the Russian Federation are mainly represented by adapted dry mixes, vegetable and fruit purees, and the positions of Russian players are strongest in the segment of baby juices, meat purees, liquid and pasty dairy products - in a number of categories they have long occupied more than 90% of the market. In general, imported products occupy about …-…% of the Market in the Market. At the same time, its share has been declining in recent years due to the active development of local producers.

The market is very attractive due to high profitability. a maximum of ten manufacturers operate on European markets. In Russia there are more than twenty of them, although the volume is much smaller.

According to various estimates, according to the results of 2008, the share of the largest players: WBD, Progress (Lebedyansky), Unimilk, Nestle, Nutricia (Danone), accounts for about …% of the market in monetary terms and about …% in real terms . According to experts' forecasts, the trend towards consolidation will intensify.

Among the most notable foreign participants in the Russian baby food market, researchers name the companies Nestle (Switzerland), Hipp (Austria), Nutricia (Holland), Kolinska (Slovenia), Heinz (Germany).

According to expert opinions, the baby food segment will remain one of the most dynamic in the food market even in the face of a decrease in effective demand.

Description of the profiles of the largest players in the Market Wimm Bill Dann Company About the company Wimm-Bill-Dann is the market leader in dairy products and baby food in Russia and one of the leading players in the soft drinks market in Russia and the CIS countries. at the company's processing plants. The history of the company began in 1992, when Wimm-Bill-Dann launched juices in packages.


Production and sale:

dairy products;

Baby food;

Soft drinks.

Diagram. The structure of income from various activities of Wimm Bill Dann

74,2% 16,8% 9,0%

–  –  –

Source: research by TOP-EXPERT agency Assortment portfolio and brand portfolio in the baby food segment A wide range of baby food under the Agusha brand

Geography of activities Wimm-Bill-Dann has created a unified production network in the regions of Russia and the CIS countries, becoming a nationwide Russian manufacturer. Now the Wimm-Bill-Dann group of companies includes 37 manufacturing enterprises in Russia, Ukraine and Central Asia.

Performance Indicators WBD ranks first in terms of market share in real terms – …% (in 2008 WBD increased its market share by 4% in monetary terms and by …% in real terms).

In 2008 the company's sales in the baby food segment grew by more than …%, in the dairy products and drinks segment only by …% and …% respectively. Based on the results of the first quarter of 2009, the sales growth amounted to …%.

The company's share in the dairy products market is …%.

18,000 people work at the enterprises and trade branches of the company.

Advantages Large underutilized production capacity, which gives the potential for growth without additional capital investment;

Higher quality of manufactured products compared to competitors;

High degree of innovation;

Ability to develop new products and professional marketing;

Strong and diversified product brands;

Stable access to sources of raw materials;

Focus on new product development;

Modern production base and technologies;

Availability of opportunities to attract external financing.

Development Plans WBD's strategy is to produce products in the region where they are consumed.

The company's development program involves an increase in the number of regional enterprises.

The range of all major manufacturers is quite wide and includes all possible products: complementary foods, dairy products, juices, purees, water, cereals and much more. Wimm-Bill-Dann sells the entire range of baby food products under the Agusha brand, PROGRESS sells the main range under the FrutoNyanya brand, also some types of the company's products are sold under the Malysham brand, and mineral water - under the brand "Lipetsk Buvet". "Unimilk"

sells baby food under the brand "Tma", Nestle - under the brands NESTLE, NAN, NESTOGEN. Nutricia sells the widest range of products under the eponymous brand, milk formulas under the Nutrilon and Malyutka brands, and cereals under the Malyutka brand.

Description of the retail segment

To date, the main channel for the sale of goods for children are traditional network retailers. According to market experts, they account for about …-…% of sales of goods for children. The remaining volumes are distributed through other channels.

Diagram. Where to buy baby food by frequency and cost per purchase

Source: GfK Baby Panel study data

It should be noted that specialized children's stores show the highest growth rates, and if this trend continues, this channel may soon take a leading position. The channel's success consists of two components - a fairly high frequency of purchases in this channel (6.6 times per quarter, that is, 2 times a month), as well as the highest purchase costs in this channel, that is, the maximum purchase volume is in specialized children's stores. Other channels for the sale of baby food include dairy kitchens, kiosks at children's clinics, and others.

Outlets selling goods for children

The level of competition in the children's goods market has not yet reached its peak, but at the moment it is significant. Competition is present in every segment of children's goods, but it is more felt in the work of multidisciplinary multi-product stores. In the Russian regions, the level of competition is much lower than in Moscow and St. Petersburg. According to experts' forecasts, saturation of the children's goods market in Moscow may occur within the next 3-5 years. Market saturation in the regions of Russia in the next 5 years is not predicted by experts.

Trends in work, planning of further activities for specialized stores are characterized by the desire to further narrow their specialization, or to reach a new level of work that does not imply further development of the retail store network.

In the segment of large chain stores, there is an opposite trend of further development of the chain, both by attracting new consumers and by expanding the product line provided by stores. There is a significant development of the regional policy of companies - the main players in the market.

The network segment, in turn, is also quite fragmented - today in Russia there are about ... chains of children's goods stores. However, there are a number of leading companies. Thus, Detsky Mir is the leader in the children's goods retail chain segment, which in 2008 occupied about …% of the children's goods market.

According to the market research conducted by its players, in Moscow network retail already occupies …%, the rest is accounted for by unorganized retail and open-air markets. In million-plus cities, the share of network retail is …%. In cities with a population of 100-200 thousand people - only ...%.

Description of the consumer segment

The consumers of the Market's products are children aged 0 to 3 years. According to the 2002 census, the number of children aged 0 to 4 was about 6.4 million.

Human. In 2007, this figure was 7.2 million people. Thus, an important factor influencing the development of the Market is the growth of the birth rate.

Market Consumption

The Russian baby food market is characterized by an extremely low level of consumption compared to some European countries and the USA. In Russia, this indicator is only ... kg per year per child and is significantly inferior to the indicators of Western European countries, where on average there is at least 22 kg of baby food per child.

Diagram. Level of consumption of baby food in some countries of the world, kg per child per year Source: Euromonitor International, 2008, FSGS, 2009 , consumption will grow significantly. In the long term, the Market growth rate will be at least …% per year.

–  –  –

In the first 3 years, baby food occupies a leading position in the structure of spending on goods for children (excluding durable goods) - 29.2%, as well as clothes and shoes - 27%. The third place in terms of expenses for children from 0 to 3 years is occupied by diapers - 21.8%.

Diagram. Structure of costs for goods for children under 3 years old Source: GfK Rus Baby Panel study data At the same time, in the first year of a child's life, diaper costs account for over 30% of all costs for a child, and 26% for food. This is due to the virtual absence of food costs in the first six months of a child's life while breastfeeding, while the same period is the period of the most active use of diapers. As the child grows, the cost of food increases, while spending on diapers steadily decreases.

Diagram. The frequency of purchases of baby food among buyers with children of different age categories of children, once a quarter Source: GfK Rus Baby Panel research data On average, 120 rubles are spent on one purchase in Russia (the maximum again falls on the second year of life). Of course, in Moscow they spend more on one purchase - 214 rubles and buy more often - 21 times per quarter (7 times per month), which makes the Moscow market very attractive for manufacturers. At the same time, in recent years, there has been an increase in the cost of baby food among Russian consumers.

–  –  –

Barriers to entry of a new player into the market may be the following factors:

Lack of own funds Against the backdrop of the financial crisis, there is a difficulty in attracting borrowed funds, which may lead to the inability to enter the Market or invest a significant amount of resources in the development of the company, expansion of production, and so on.

Narrow assortment There is a high probability that entering the Market with a narrow assortment, a new player may not be able to withstand the competition of large players with a wide assortment.

Low consumer loyalty

Consumer loyalty is made up of the following components:

o Level of knowledge o Quality of distribution o Quality of product A new brand may need significant promotional support to achieve the required level of knowledge. The cost of distribution is constantly rising, and the necessary scale of distribution is achieved over time. At the same time, you can make significant investments in distribution and promotion, but because of a poor-quality product, the buyer will not buy it a second time.

Risks for companies existing in the market may be:

A high level of competition that could adversely affect financial results or lead to a loss of market share or exit from the market.

Lack of funds (investment) to maintain its position and increase its market share, it is necessary to spend a lot of money on promotion and advertising, ensuring the necessary volume of production, as well as access to the regions and markets of other countries.

Rising prices for raw materials, which can lead to an increase in the company's costs.

–  –  –

Diagram 1. Dynamics of GDP for the period 2002-2008 in nominal prices, billion rubles

Diagram 2. Inflation rate for the period 2003-2008

Diagram 3. Dynamics of the average monthly nominal accrued wages, rub.

Diagram 4. Dynamics of real disposable money income of the population in 2008, % to the corresponding periods of 2007-2008

Diagram 5. Dynamics of the number of unemployed for 2008-2009, million people

Diagram 6. Dynamics of retail trade turnover for the period 2006-2009, billion rubles.

Diagram 7. The share of types of baby food in value terms Diagram 8. Dynamics of prices for powdered milk formulas for baby food for the period 2005-2009, rubles per 1 kg ., rubles per 1 kg Diagram 10. Market volume in value terms for the period 2003-2008 and forecast for 2009, $ mln.

Diagram 11. Volume of the Market in physical terms for the period 2003-2008. and forecast for 2009, mln. tons

Chart 14. Places of baby food purchases by frequency and cost per purchase , % of the total population Diagram 18. The structure of the population by gender, % of the population Diagram 19. The structure of the population of Russia by territory Diagram 20. The level of consumption of baby food in some countries of the world, kg per child per year Diagram 21. Structure of costs for goods for children under 3 years Diagram 22. % of buyers of baby food among parents of children of different age categories Diagram 23. Frequency of purchases of baby food among buyers with children of different age categories of children, once a quarter Diagram 24. Costs per purchase of baby food nutrition among buyers with children of different ages categories Table 1. Output of the most important types of food industry products Table 2. Share of types of baby food in value terms Table 3. Comparative characteristics of the largest players (manufacturers) of the Russian baby food market Table 4. Places of purchases of baby food by frequency and cost per purchase Table 5 Table 6. Comparative characteristics of the largest chain retail companies (trade outlets specializing in food products) .

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A merchandising analysis of the range of baby food sold through the pharmacy network in Pyatigorsk was carried out. The preferred demand for milk formulas was studied and the most popular brands of baby food were identified, consumer preferences that influence the formation of the assortment of pharmacies were also studied: component composition (in particular, the absence of preservatives and artificial additives), hypoallergenicity, enrichment of the product with vitamins, minerals and live cultures, manufacturer, price and taste preferences of the child. It was revealed that most consumers prefer to purchase baby food from a domestic manufacturer, of which the largest share falls on the sale of milk formulas. An analysis of the completeness and depth of the assortment showed that there are pharmacies in which some assortment groups (of various shapes and packaging) are absolutely absent. The analysis of the renewal index is quite high and ranges from 60% to 80%, which indicates a constant replacement with new types of baby food.

baby food products.


commodity analysis

1. Prokopenko I. P. Ensuring the safety of consumption of baby food // Pharmacy and public health: scientific materials. practical conf. - Ekaterinburg: UGMA, 2011. - P.341-343.

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3. Prokopenko I. P., Olifer L. D. Study of the assortment of baby food of pharmaceutical organizations // Development, research and marketing of new pharmaceutical products: Sat. scientific tr. - Pyatigorsk: Pyatigorsk GFA, 2012. - Issue 67. - P.504-505.

4. Tributskaya E. V. Different things are needed: diapers, diapers, baby cosmetics // Pharmacy business. - 2008. - No. 10. - P. 44-48.

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6. Shirokova I. N. Children's assortment - a specialization of the pharmaceutical business // Russian pharmacies. - 2005. - No. 5. - S. 32-35.

Introduction. In recent years, baby food has taken an increasing place in the assortment of pharmacies. Customers are offered a wide range of baby care products - for feeding and swaddling, hygiene procedures, ensuring comfortable sleep, as well as a wide variety of food products for children. Pharmacies are becoming one of the most common places to purchase baby food, which is primarily due to the high level of trust they inspire among customers. Therefore, these studies can be used in their work by the heads of pharmacies that set the task of expanding the range and attracting customers.

According to the results of the literature review, it was found that this particular segment of the children's goods market is the most promising, since the country is experiencing an increase in the birth rate, an increase in the income of the population, and the desire of parents to give the best to their child remains unchanged. Experts also note that in the coming years, the high-price segment of goods with additional characteristics and conveniences for consumption will actively develop. Today, there are several dozen companies in the world that produce products for feeding, care and hygiene items, and children's cosmetics. In Russian pharmacies you can buy products from Avent (England), Canpol (Poland), Johnson & Johnson (USA), Bubchen (Germany), Mustela (France), Nuby (USA), Hipp (Austria), Nutricia (Netherlands), Nestle (Switzerland). ), Humana(Germany) .

In the production of goods for newborns, companies use environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic materials, use their own patented developments. Goods for newborns and children of 1 year of age cannot be called a new category for Russian pharmacies, however, in recent years, the children's assortment in them has increased significantly. Today, pharmacy chains offer, in addition to food, other related products for children - from pacifiers to toys. This moment must be taken into account when forming the assortment and attracting customers to the pharmacy.

The aim of the study was a commodity analysis of baby food sold through the pharmacy chain in Pyatigorsk. The following methods were used for the study: content analysis, survey, questioning, identification of preferences when choosing baby food.

The objectives of the study included:

1) analysis of the factors influencing the consumer's choice of baby food;

2) study of the commodity and price policy of baby food;

3) analysis of the range of baby food products in the studied pharmacies.

The object of the study was baby food products, in particular, types, varieties and names sold in retail pharmacy enterprises in the city of Pyatigorsk. We analyzed 10 pharmacies located in different parts of the city.

In Russia, the age of children who are fed special baby food has greatly increased. Previously, special cereals and canned baby food were included mainly in the diet of children under the age of 1 year. At present, industrial baby food is increasingly used in feeding children up to 3 years of age and older.

This trend is driven by a number of factors. First of all, the growing need of the population for a high-quality and healthy product against the backdrop of a deteriorating environmental situation. An important role is also played by the healthy lifestyle promoted by experts and advertising.

The survey data showed that the consumer, when choosing baby food, increasingly prefers the reputation of a baby food manufacturer. The modern consumer pays attention to the name, position in the market, the marketing policy of the manufacturer. The role of brands is growing. A high understanding is given to the safety and quality of baby food, as well as the taste preferences of the child.

Research results

Consumer research allows you to identify and explore the whole range of factors that guide consumers when choosing goods (gender and age characteristics, social status, income, education). Individual consumers act as objects. The subject of the study is the motivation of consumer behavior in the market and the factors that determine it; the structure of consumption, provision with goods, trends in consumer demand are being studied. In this case, it becomes possible to develop ways to provide a choice of a particular product to consumers.

Of the 150 people we interviewed (pharmacy customers), 93.2% were women and only 6.8% were men.

When segmenting by age of the respondents, 4 groups were identified: up to 25 years old, 25-40 years old, 40-55 years old, over 55 years old. It turned out that the bulk of consumers aged 25 to 40 years was 61.3% and 30.7% of respondents under the age of 25 years. Respondents aged 40 to 55 years - 7.3%, and over 55 years old - 0.7%. This implies that almost all buyers are young parents.

We also segmented the average income per 1 family member. It turned out that 47.3% of the respondents have an income of 5 to 10 thousand rubles. per 1 family member, 50% of respondents have income per 1 family member from 10 to 15 thousand rubles. And only 2% of respondents have an income of up to 5 thousand rubles and 0.7% - more than 15 thousand rubles. This analysis contributes to the formation of a range of baby food depending on family income. We also found that only 2% of respondents buy baby food every day, 65.3% of respondents buy baby food once a week, and the rest buy it as needed.

The next stage of our study was to establish the dynamics of requests to the pharmacy over time. The peak of applications for baby food falls on the time from 14.00 to 17.00 when the pharmacy is open from 8.00 to 20.00 (an average for two working weeks).

During the day, different types of food are in unequal demand. The frequency of shopping for various baby foods per hour is as follows:

  • more than three times: cereals, milk mixtures;
  • 2 - 3 times: vegetable, fruit, curd puree;
  • 1 - 2 times: fruit juices, puree;
  • 1 time: meat puree, compotes, baby water.

In the process of work, the pharmacist maintains a constant dialogue with the pharmacy visitors. So, the most frequently asked questions to the pharmacist were highlighted:

How to use baby food;

What types of baby food are presented by various manufacturers;

Side effects of baby food;

Dependence of quality on the price of the product;

From what age can one or another baby food be used;

How to store baby food after opening at home.

To give qualified advice, a pharmacist needs to constantly improve, study the market for new products, take an active part in trainings and additional classes.

The baby food market is characterized by a fairly large variety and a significant number of producing countries. It was revealed that the majority of consumers prefer to buy baby food of a domestic manufacturer - 62.7%, and 37.3% of buyers - foreign. An analysis of various types of food products for children in 10 pharmacies in Pyatigorsk showed that the largest share falls on the sale of milk formulas (36%) and vegetable purees (21%), the smallest indicator is baby water (4%). The research results are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Shares of various types of baby food sold through the pharmacy chain

We also studied consumer preferences as one of the factors influencing the formation of the assortment of pharmacies.

The following factors influence the choice of baby food products (Figure 2):

Figure 2. Analysis of factors influencing the formation of a pharmacy assortment

When choosing baby food, 79% of buyers are guided by the composition (in particular, the absence of preservatives and artificial additives), 82% - by hypoallergenicity, 76% of buyers are concerned about the enrichment of the product with vitamins, minerals and live cultures, 69% of consumers proceed from the taste preferences of the child. The biggest indicator is the quality of the product (93%).

Genetically modified ingredients (GMIs) are of particular concern to consumers. The first side effect of baby food containing GMI is food allergies. Genetically modified soy enzymes have the ability to suppress enzymes in the child's digestive tract. As a result, the food is not digested completely. Underdigested proteins become allergenic, increasing the child's risk of chronic diseases such as eczema, acne, and irritable bowel syndrome.

According to the results of the study, more than 70% of respondents consider transgenes to be harmful to health (however, less than 45% of respondents do not know what they are). At the same time, only 41% of respondents are aware that some products contain genetically modified additives.

Price research is aimed at determining such a level and price ratio that would make it possible to obtain the greatest profit at the lowest cost.
Baby food is in a wide price range. The analysis of baby food for the study period was carried out according to the following criteria:

baby food costing up to 100 rubles; from 100 to 250 rubles; from 250 to 500 rubles; from 500 to 1000 rubles; from 1000 rub. and higher. The ratio of sales value is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. The ratio of sales of baby food depending on the cost

During the study period, the largest share was in children's food products costing up to 100 rubles. In second place were baby food products costing from 250 to 500 rubles, in third place were baby food products costing from 100 to 250 rubles. These data can also be used in the formation of the assortment of baby food.

Analysis of the assortment structure. The study of the assortment structure of sales provides information on the state of consumer preferences and the basis for the formation of an assortment policy. For a more detailed analysis of the assortment of baby food in the city of Pyatigorsk, let's consider the completeness, depth and index of assortment renewal. The completeness of the assortment - the number of types and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups. The wider the range, the more varied needs can be met. On the other hand, with an ultra-high completeness of the assortment, it is difficult for the consumer to navigate this diversity, which makes it difficult to choose the right product. Additional consultation with a pharmacist is required.

Analysis of the completeness of the range in the studied pharmacies showed that the average coefficient of completeness is 0.8. This indicator indicates that not all pharmacies and not all types of baby food are available (only milk formulas, cereals, juices and purees), other types are not available.

The depth of the assortment is the number of varieties and names of goods in a group of homogeneous products. The greater the depth of the assortment, the higher the likelihood that consumer demand for goods will be fully satisfied.

An analysis of the depth of the assortment showed that there are pharmacies that absolutely lack some varieties (of various shapes and packaging), such as cereals, mixtures and teas. The average assortment depth ratio was 0.7.

We also analyzed the replacement of baby food products with new types for the current year. As the results showed, the renewal index is quite high and ranges from 60 to 80%, which indicates the constant replacement with new types of baby food, which helps to meet the fundamentally new needs of the younger generation of buyers.

Conclusion. Currently, there is a so-called individualization of consumers, when each person chooses only what he needs from the variety of all goods and services in the retail network. Everyone has their own preferences and desires. And only by studying the current or real demand of buyers for goods, as well as their preferences, it is possible to successfully form the assortment of a pharmacy.

The pharmaceutical market in Pyatigorsk has a sufficient range of food products for children, which can satisfy the needs of any customer. The study of consumer motivations made it possible to determine the socio-demographic portrait of the consumer, to identify the main factors influencing the purchase of baby food, taking into account the safety of their use. The review of the baby food market, sold through the Pyatigorsk pharmacy network, indicates the possibility of expanding the range with new types and varieties.


Gatsan Vladimir Vladimirovich, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor of the Department of General Economics of the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - a branch of the Volg State Medical University, Pyatigorsk.

Stepanova Eleonora Fedorovna, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Drug Technology of the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - a branch of the Volg State Medical University, Pyatigorsk.

Bibliographic link

Prokopenko I.P., Olifer L.D. COMMODITY ANALYSIS OF THE RANGE OF CHILDREN'S FOOD SOLD THROUGH THE PHARMACY NETWORK // Modern problems of science and education. - 2013. - No. 2.;
URL: (date of access: 20.04.2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Baby food market 2016: The monthly dynamics of the production of homogenized baby food in 2015 did not have a clear trend, and a slight increase in January-April 2016 does not give confidence that production will continue to grow. Discussions are underway to ease the food embargo on baby food. According to Indexbox specialists, these measures will revive the Russian baby food market.

Russian enterprises show an unstable downward trend in the production of baby food over the past 12 months. According to the analysis, the production index by the previous month balanced near zero throughout 2015. The volume of baby food production in April 2016 in physical terms decreased by 11% y/y.

The cumulative decline in production volumes in 2015 was 4% y/y. The reduction in the production of baby food was caused by a sharp rise in prices in this segment, on the one hand, and a decrease in the purchasing power of the population, on the other. IndexBox experts note a significant drop in demand from the population: real incomes for 9 months of 2015 decreased by 3.3% y / y, there is a transition to a savings consumption model.

Dynamics of baby food production in Russia

The dynamics of baby food production in physical terms until 2015 was characterized by growth, and starting from 2015 - by decline. In 2016, there has been a slight increase so far.

The volume of production of baby food in Russia

Among the most important enterprises of the industry, one can distinguish: SADY PRIDONYA OJSC from the Volgograd Region, PROGRESS OJSC and LEBEDYANSKY LLC from the Lipetsk Region, ISTRA-NUTRITSIA DP JSC and PLATINUM ABSOLUT LLC from the Moscow Region. JSC "INFAPRIM" from Moscow and LLC "Ivanovo baby food plant".

Baby food market in Russia 2016: production geography

The largest volume of production among all federal districts falls on the Southern Federal District: in 1 square. 2016 there were produced 210 million conventional units. ban. baby food, which is 79.3% of the total volume. In second place with a share of 20.3% is the Central Federal District, a very small volume of production is demonstrated by the North-Western Federal District with a share of 0.5%. Together, these federal districts account for 100% of Russian production. The stable distribution of shares in the total volume of production shows a uniform intra-annual use of capacities in all federal districts.

Currently, in agriculture and industries dependent on it, there is a tendency to increase domestic prices. This is due to both the limitation of imports and the rise in the cost of material and technical resources and borrowed funds. For example, the food producer price index in January-December 2015 compared to the corresponding period in 2014 amounted to 119.6%. In the context of falling incomes of the population, manufacturers have to reduce the cost of production through the use of cheap, lower quality raw materials. At the same time, it must be taken into account that the basic demand for baby food, as one of the many products of the industry, is most dependent not on economic shocks, but on birth rates. In a crisis, enterprises could use this product to stabilize their sales.