How is cpc. What is CPC and what is the calculation formula? Google AdWords Average CPC by Industry

As in any professional activity, there are a lot of terms and definitions in Internet marketing that help specialists quickly navigate their work, make calculations and conduct promotion analytics. For users without experience, many terms are not always obvious, which is why, in our today's article, we will decipher the basic definitions and formulas of Internet marketers, and tell you where they can and should be applied.

For your convenience, we have divided our article into blocks:

Terms and formulas for calculating costs

Now let's introduce you to the terms:

CTR (click through rate)- click-through rate of advertisements. Calculated as a percentage of the number of clicks to the number of ad impressions. CTR determines the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

Formula: CTR = (clicks/impressions)*100%

CPC (costperclick) - the cost that the advertiser pays for clicking on an advertisement with a subsequent transition to the site. CPC helps us evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign, as well as adjust bids. Several factors influence the CPC rate - the ad itself, its Quality Score (СR), display region, time, competitors showing ads for the same keywords.

CPA (costperaction)– the cost of an action on the advertiser's website. In this case, the advertiser himself decides what to accept as a useful action. This could be "Visiting the contact page" or "Submitting a feedback form". This term can also be used to define CPL (costperlead)- this is the cost for a potential client who left his contacts or contacted the advertiser in another convenient way.

For correct tracking of useful actions, you need to set a goal in Google Analytics or another analytics system, where the data will be counted.

There are also services for automatically calculating the CPA indicator - such as K-50, Roistat, and others.

CPS (costper sale) - the cost of 1 paid order of goods / services from advertising sources. CPS calculation is convenient for online stores with online payment. For the rest, an end-to-end analytics system with CRM integration is required. CPS will help you adjust your advertising budgets as well as increase its effectiveness.

CPO (cost per order)- cost of 1 order of goods/services. The difference is that, as a rule, all orders, including those not paid, are taken into account in CPO.

CPM (Cost per Millennium) – cost per 1000 impressions, a definition for those advertisers who care about delivering an advertising message to the end user, while not focusing on ad clicks, and paying only every 1000 impressions.

Formula: CPM = cost of placing an ad / number of prospective contacts * 1000

CPI (cost per install)- the cost for installing a mobile application. CPI calculation is useful for advertisers whose product is mobile apps. CPI measures the cost per app install.

The above terms will help you track the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns, choose the best promotion models for you, as well as control and adjust your advertising budget.

Terms and formulas for calculating profit

When the costs are calculated, the most interesting part for every entrepreneur comes - calculating the profit. Below you will find for yourself formulas and definitions that will become your faithful assistants.

Ad Costs to Sales (A/S)- Determining the effectiveness of advertising. Using a simple A/S formula, you can calculate the profit from the promoted product/service minus the costs that go to support this product/service. As a rule, the indicator is calculated for the annual period or the reporting period of the company.

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)- a definition that helps us calculate how much profit you received from advertising campaigns. For example, you made a profit of 100,000 rubles from advertising, while spending 30,000 rubles on advertising. We consider: 100,000/30,000 = 3.3 rubles. you received from each spent 1 ruble for advertising.

Formula: ROAS = profit/expenditure on advertising channels

ROI (Return on Investment) and ROMI (Return on marketing investment) differ from ROAS by the size of the cost part. In ROMI (ROI), all marketing costs are taken into account as costs, not only for advertising channels (for example, creating a website, developing a new creative for display advertising, etc.).

Formula: ROMI (ROI) = profit/marketing expenses

Ad Costs to Margin (A/M)- another definition that helps to evaluate the profitability of advertising, but not costs in relation to profit, but costs in relation to profit, minus the cost of the product / service, that is, the net return on investment.

EPC (Earnings Per Click)- an indicator similar to the CPC indicator, the difference is that CPC is the cost per click, and EPC is the profit from 100 or 1000 clicks.

Formula: EPS = (Profit generated/Number of clicks) * 100 (or 1000)

LTV (Lifetime Value)- this is the total profit of the company received from one client for the entire time of working with him. The indicator gives a clear understanding of the return on investment per attracted client.

Formula: LTV = income from 1 client for the entire period of cooperation - the cost of attracting and retaining a client.

KPI is a key indicator that allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of work in order to achieve goals. KPI is determined individually with the specialist and the advertiser, in accordance with the current and desired indicators.

In this article, we have tried to tell as much as possible about the basic terms and formulas used in Internet marketing, so that you can evaluate the current situation of your advertising campaigns, as well as understand the language of marketing specialists. High scores to you!

See you soon!

Many online marketers are often faced with the need to calculate the cost per click for various types of advertising. What is CPC? This abbreviation in English sounds like (CPC) Cost Per Click - cost per click. What is it for? The CPC calculation will help us determine the cost per click, one of the important indicators that affects the effectiveness of an advertising source as a whole.

In fact, calculating the cost of a click is a very simple operation, where it is enough to know the cost of placing advertising materials and the number of clicks made on them. Simply put, the CPC calculation formula looks like this:

Now you should not have a question how to calculate CPC. It is necessary to understand why the CPC indicator is so important and why it is needed.

CPC Calculation Examples

In order to fix the result, you need to practice in the calculations. You can check each of the calculations on the calculator above to make sure they are correct.

So, example #1: Let's imagine that you placed a banner on the site for 6500 rubles per month. Over the past month, you received 532 clicks from this banner to your site. Let's calculate the average cost of a click on this banner:

CPC = 6500 rubles / 532 clicks.
CPC = 12.22 rubles for 1 click.

In total, using the CPC calculation formula, we determined that a click on this banner cost an average of 12.22 rubles. What do you think, is it a good price or not?

While you are thinking about this result, consider the second example: you posted an ad on the social network Vkontakte. You pay $5.12 per 1,000 ad impressions. After 25,000 impressions, 14 people clicked on the ad. Let's calculate the cost of clicks on this ad:

As you can see, we do not have the final cost of placing this ad, but there are a number of indicators that will help us determine this. There is such a concept. We use it to determine the cost of advertising.

As you can see, the cost per click is even lower. But let's answer the following question:

CPC metric - can you focus on it?

By itself, CPC is a powerful tool for evaluating advertising campaigns. Clicks for 3, 7, 10 rubles - cheap, cool and wonderful. And everything would be fine, but what if these clicks are not your target audience, but random users who may not even be interested in your ads? It turns out that the price for a real, targeted click is growing. Thus, the CPC also increases, because incorrect transitions are eliminated. What to do?

This is where the concept of “ ” or Action comes into play. Target actions are:

  • filling out the feedback form;
  • call;
  • callback order;
  • purchase of goods;
  • visiting a specific page;
  • downloading a price list, etc.

If clicks on your ads lead to targeted actions, i.e. conversions, then you have hit your target audience and your CPC directly affects your ROI. By swiping correctly, you can understand the true effectiveness of the advertising channel.

This is how we determined that cost per click affects the cost of an advertising campaign. The lower the CPC, the better, especially if those clicks are converting. Do not forget how to correctly calculate CPC - this will help you in your work.

CPC in online advertising

What is CPC in advertising - this question will certainly interest a webmaster who first encountered the need to monetize his site. The term "CPC" is an abbreviation of the English expression "Cost Per Click", which means "cost per click". In other words, CPC is the money that the advertiser pays for the visitor's transfer to the owner of the web resource on which the link or banner is placed.

That's interesting! We can't say about CPC that it's a good way to monetize young sites or blogs. Keep in mind that the cost per click is usually a few cents. To get a solid income, you need to have a web resource with a lot of traffic.

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What determines the average CPC

There are several criteria that affect the cost per click. The most significant factor is the theme of the site. Commercial projects dedicated to investments, finance, construction, etc., bring their owners much more profit than entertainment or "female" sites. In addition to the thematic affiliation of the web site, the following criteria influence the CPC indicator:

  • Times of Day;
  • geographical location of the Internet user;
  • key phrase;
  • the authority of the web resource in the system.

What does CPC advertising bring to the advertiser and webmaster?

Using this promotion tool, the advertiser receives the following benefits:

  • possibility of flexible budget allocation;
  • the advertising campaign can be stopped at any time;
  • payment is made only for actual transitions to the promoted site;
  • It is possible to quickly evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

It should be borne in mind that contextual advertising networks impose certain requirements in relation to the accepted sites. First of all, a web resource must comply with the rules of the affiliate program and not violate the requirements of the law. Restrictions can also be set on site traffic, on its subject matter. Sites about gambling, pharmacology, etc. usually fall into the “forbidden” category.

The income of the site depends not only on the cost of a click, but also on the CTR value (the number of visitor transitions per 1000 ad impressions). To improve CTR, you can experiment with the placement of ad units and their visual characteristics.

When planning to organize contextual or display advertising on the Internet, advertisers provide a certain budget for these companies. Hence, they want to see where their money is being spent.
Even more important for an advertiser is to understand how best to invest in an advertising campaign so that it is as effective as possible, money is spent economically, and users are attracted to the site to the maximum.
To understand the reports on the conducted advertising campaigns, as well as their planning, there are such parameters for measuring advertising strategies as CPM, CTR and CPC indicators.
CPM and CPC are professional terms for pricing models, payment options for online advertising. CTR is an indicator of the effectiveness of advertising on the Internet.

What is CPM?

CPM ("cost Per Thousand Impression" or "cost per mile") is an indicator in online advertising, indicating the cost per 1000 banner impressions or

ads. That is, exactly how much money the advertiser will pay to the owner of the site where the banner or ad is supposed to be placed in order for the advertisement to be shown to the target audience 1,000 times.
Features of the CPM-indicator:

  • Each impression is counted and summarized. Whether the user wants to click on the ad and follow the link to the advertiser's site - there are no guarantees.
  • When you pay for impressions, clicks are free.
  • Possibility of displaying advertising exclusively in front of the target audience, having previously studied the attendance of the site. If the platform site assumes the possibility of collecting data about visitors (for example, gender, age, profession, geography at the time of registration), then the employer can set the parameters by which his advertisement will be shown only to the most promising visitors from his point of view. This means that the budget will be spent more rationally.
  • When choosing a payment method for impressions, you should take into account the activity of the audience on the donor site. The more active users are, the more often the same ad is shown to them, therefore, money is spent faster, and the reach of “viewers” ​​is smaller.

What is CPS?

CPC ("cost per click") is the cost of each click on an advertisement along with the subsequent transition of the user to the advertiser's website.
Features of the CPC indicator:

  • in 90%, really interested users click on the ad block. And this means that paying for clicks allows you to get a more loyal audience.
  • when paying for each visit of users to the site, there is always a risk of abuse of this opportunity (for example, empty “clicking” of the budget by competitors). Most donor sites protect advertisers' money from such cases (they block funds if the same user is too "interested" in advertising), but no one has yet managed to solve the problem of idle curiosity.
  • when paying per click, donor sites provide statistical information about each user who clicked on an advertising link. Thus, the advertiser has the opportunity to understand which audience is interested in his advertising. Of course, statistical data is limited only to the information that each user has left about himself on the site.

What is CTR?

CTR ("click-through ratio" or "click through rate") is the percentage of the total number of clicks by users of the donor site on advertisements, banners, teasers or text links, to the number of their impressions. The higher this indicator, the more promising the platform for advertising.
CTR is an assessment of the effectiveness of an advertising campaign as a whole, each donor site and each advertisement separately.
Knowing the CTR of each individual advertising platform (what users do there more often - they watch or click), you can calculate the costs, draw up a preliminary advertising estimate and decide on a pricing model.


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Often, when bidding - cost per click, people are guided by intuition. This also applies to setting the cost of a click in Yandex Direct, and in Google Adwords, and in general in any advertising system.

This results in a dialogue like this:

— We can pay no more than 30 rubles per click.
- Why 30 rubles? Why not 130?
— I don't know, I think it's a normal price.

To calculate the cost per click, you need the following initial parameters:

With such calculations, we always lean for the worse - we use a slightly higher level of costs or a slightly lower expected number of sales.

  • Net profit from one order, as the difference between the cost price and the price of the goods. When calculating this indicator, take into account refusals and returns on orders.
  • The conversion of the site under study is the ratio of visitors who made a purchase to the total number of site visitors.
    If this value is not yet known, then you can look for average statistical indicators for your industry, for example, for an online store 2%, for a landing page 4%. It should be borne in mind that the error here can greatly affect the result.

The formula for calculating the cost of a click:

Let's take a look at an example:

  • Net profit from one order is 250 rubles
  • Store Conversion - 1.5%

We calculate the cost per click using the formula:

CPC = Net Profit * Conversion / 100.

Therefore, we get: CPC = 250 * 1.5 / 100 = 3 rubles 75 kopecks.

This is the maximum allowable cost per click, at which your profitability will be 0%. Reduce your cost per click by N percent. These percentages will be your estimated profit.

At this price, there will be no traffic ...

The question may arise, what to do with such a click price, because there will be no traffic, for example, to Yandex Direct, with such a rate?

  • Increase profitability
    You can increase the markup on goods, change the assortment, reduce costs, and so on.
  • Upsells
    Resell on the site and by phone when confirming the order. In fact, this is one of the ways to increase profitability.
  • Increase website conversion
    Work on the interface, test widgets, provide customer support, offer goods at a good price…
  • Find cheap or free traffic, at which the specified conversion value will be saved.
  • Don't forget customers who have already bought. Or not bought. Make repeat sales, use E-mail newsletters, call and remind about yourself. In general, work with the client base.

An important point. The cost per click is calculated for each advertising channel and for each tool within the advertising channel separately. Because the site conversion for the Yandex Direct search campaign, for the Yandex Direct YAN advertising network,