How to create a husband for an hour. “Husband for an hour” - how to organize a business with a stable income

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Husband for an hour - idea for your own business

One of those few small business ideas that anyone who has at least minimal housework skills can implement. I mean housework and household work, such as “nailing - fixing - hanging” and similar ones.

Also, the idea of ​​​​organizing such a business can be a good way to earn extra money, a backup option for, so to speak, “supporting your pants” in difficult times. In principle, this niche in the market is quite large, and if everything is planned correctly, this idea can turn into a promising business with a constant and good income.

So, let's talk in detail how to implement business idea “husband for an hour”.

The success and demand for services like “husband for an hour” is due to several very simple reasons. Firstly, not every man can afford to devote time to some small repairs; today, most are willing to pay a master rather than waste their precious time. Reason number two - not everyone has the necessary tools to perform this or that specific job. Large repair companies, as a rule, simply do not undertake small jobs, and this is the third reason. In addition, there are a huge number of single women who are simply physically unable to do purely male housework.

Business idea " husband for an hour"can be implemented in two ways. The first is that you register as an individual entrepreneur and provide services yourself, and keep all the records yourself. The second option is that you register an LLC or individual entrepreneur, but the people you hire will work, you will simply provide them with orders and have your own percentage of it.

What kind of work and services are usually performed by “husband for an hour” companies? The most popular services are connecting washing machines, installing plumbing fixtures and assembling furniture. The latter service, by the way, may eventually turn into a separate business project. Other popular services of this type of business include hanging chandeliers, cornices, replacing and repairing faucets and other plumbing fixtures, as well as other minor household repairs.

Of course, the company or the master " husband for an hour» must have the necessary equipment at his disposal. First of all, I recommend purchasing a hammer drill and a screwdriver. Less expensive, but no less important hand tools: screwdrivers, wrench sets, hammers, etc. When purchasing equipment, you should understand that it is better to purchase a more expensive, but at the same time more reliable and powerful professional tool. It’s one thing to drill a few holes for a cornice at home (for which a regular cheap hammer drill or drill will do), but it’s another thing to constantly work with the tool. Only professional models of such equipment can withstand increased load.

Another piece of advice: don’t buy a lot of different tools at once. If you don’t have any equipment, you can rent everything you need. Gradually, you will be able to understand which tool you really need all the time, and which one is better to rent or rent.

If you decide to open a company like “ husband for an hour“Where the workers you hire will work, you should probably think about purchasing a uniform. This will give credibility to your business.

To quickly provide services and transport the necessary equipment and tools to the work site, you will need a car. The same car can play the role of your mobile billboard if you put the appropriate inscriptions on it.

And a little more about advertising the “husband for an hour” business. The printed version is best here. Moreover, you need to advertise in several categories at once in accordance with the entire list of services you provide: repairs, plumbing installation, furniture assembly, etc. Leaflets and business cards distributed through mailboxes and advertisements on porches and notice boards give a good return. The most advanced option is to create your own website, which will simultaneously perform an advertising role and where the visitor can leave a request for a particular job.

What is the price “husband for an hour” service? But in different ways. Here, both hourly payment and payment for performing some specific work are used. It all depends on the specific situation. See for yourself, installing, say, a standard washbasin is one thing, but when you need to replace the wiring throughout the apartment and dismantle the old one, it’s a completely different matter. You will have to look for wires, do calculations, and for this it is better to charge an additional fee.

Some companies working in this area, in addition to the actual payment for services performed, also charge a call fee. And although, on the one hand, this makes sense, it is still better not to do this, especially at the beginning of your activity.

The payback period for a company providing “husband for an hour” services is usually 1-2 months.

To summarize, we can say that the provision of services like “ husband for an hour“will always allow a person with hands growing “from the right place” to stay afloat even in the most difficult situation, and entrepreneurs providing such services will never be left without work. activities.

The business with the ironic name “husband for an hour” has firmly taken its place in the market of services for the population. It is based on the ability to do “manly” work well in order to be ready, for example, to repair an electrical outlet, change a faucet or assemble furniture.

To provide small household services, you do not need any special narrow-profile knowledge. After all, the main clients of the “husband for an hour” are female representatives who need to hang a chandelier or curtain, install a switch, or even drive in the most ordinary nail.

Advantages of a “husband for an hour” over large repair companies

  • The most important thing is that the “husband for an hour” service will cost much less than calling a specialist from a well-known repair and construction company. Therefore, the demand for these same services is growing.
  • A client who contacts a large company will most likely have to wait for his turn on the client list. Or maybe they will refuse him altogether, because they consider the order too small. “Husband for an hour,” on the contrary, will arrive at the client’s place in the shortest possible time and will repair even the smallest breakdown.

This type of business will not bring millions to its owner, but it can provide a stable monthly income.

In addition, by becoming a “husband for an hour”, you will quickly earn your invested money. Typically, this business pays off within one to two weeks. What is needed to implement a business idea, how much will you have to invest and what income should you expect?

Business registration

If you seriously decide to start this type of business, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur. Registration requires virtually no expenses, does not involve hiring an accountant and paying property taxes, unlike a limited liability company and other forms of ownership. It turns out that such an organizational and legal form as an individual entrepreneur is optimally suited for a small business.

To register an individual entrepreneur, you must determine the main types of activities according to OKVED codes. Usually this:

  • Production of electrical installation work – code 45.31
  • Joinery and carpentry work - code 45.42
  • Plumbing work – code 45.33

Which tax system to choose

You will need to send a notification to the tax office about the transition to the selected tax system. The choice is small - (single tax on imputed income) or (simplified taxation system).

If there are one or two “husbands for an hour” on staff, and the range of services provided is wide, the easiest way would be to use the simplified tax system “income” of 6% from profit, since problems may arise with USTV due to the variety of services provided (some of the types do not fall under the definition of “household” according to OKUN).

The main advantage of the Unified Tax is that when applying this system, a fixed tax amount is established, which does not change, regardless of the amount of income.

In order to choose a tax system that is more favorable to you, you need to calculate the approximate amount of income and expenses. It would also be right to consult with an experienced accountant who will clearly explain all the pros and cons of each system.

How much does it take to invest in the implementation of the “husband for an hour” business idea?

Before you start work, you need to spend a certain amount of money on equipment, business advertising, work clothes, etc.


It’s up to you to purchase the necessary equipment or use what you already have. But if you still decide to stock up on new tools, here is the main list and the average cost of each item:

  • Set of tools (full set of screwdrivers, pliers, chisel, set of open-end wrenches, chisel) - 4,000 rubles
  • Electric drill and set of drills – 3,000 rubles
  • Two or three hammers of different sizes – 1,000 rubles
  • Grinder (small) – 2,000 rubles
  • Respirator, protective gloves and goggles – 500 rubles
  • Tool box – 1,000 rubles
  • Consumables (a large number of different washers, staples, nails, screws, self-tapping screws, etc.) – 500 rubles

Separately, it is worth paying attention to workwear, which can be sewn to order and a logo with the name of your company can be applied to the workwear. The cost of tailoring varies within 1,500 rubles.


Do not neglect good advertising, because the number of your customers depends on it. Use regular tear-off ads, advertise in newspapers and on local websites. You can promote your services through social networks and large online message boards.

Order high-quality business cards and leave them with each client. The cost of one business card starts from two rubles. By making 300 business cards to begin with, you will spend about 600 rubles.

In addition, you can use your personal car for advertising purposes by sticking the inscription “Husband for an hour” on the rear window. Inexpensive repair services" with a phone number.

When calculating the money that is expected to be spent on advertising, you can settle on an amount of 2,500 thousand rubles. This will include advertisements in print media (2-3 publications per month), ordering business cards, paper and ink for printing, as well as gasoline costs for posting and distributing leaflets.

Total costs

Adding up all expenses, we get 16,000 rubles. This amount is average, but you can focus on it when drawing up a “husband for an hour” business plan. Here you need to add the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur and taxes.

Business income amount

  • You must determine the cost of repair work yourself. Create a price list for standard services, such as furniture assembly, electrical outlet repairs, rewiring, etc.
  • For special types of work that require a lot of time and labor, it is best to set an hourly rate. For example, the installation of a regular bathroom faucet may be paid according to the established tariff. And replacing the electrical wiring in the house will require additional time, since you will have to look for everything you need in stores and do the calculations. Therefore, in this case, it would be best to apply hourly wages.
  • Determine the payment for a “false” call, when the service was not needed for some reason, but you spent time and money on travel.
Example. If the average cost of one hour of work is 300-500 rubles, then for an 8-hour working day you can earn about 2,400-4,000 rubles. With a sufficient number of orders, your average monthly earnings minus weekends will be 40,000-80,000 rubles.

Remember, the number of your potential clients is equal to the number of advertisements and flyers you have posted. Therefore, do not neglect “paper” advertising.

What to do for those who do not have sufficient knowledge and skills

If you are not a master with “golden hands”, but want to bring to life the business idea of ​​“a husband for an hour” and have the necessary funds for this, then you can hire employees who will carry out all the repair work. It will be more profitable to hire people living in different areas of the city. This way, the employee will spend a minimum of time and money on the road to the desired location.

You will have to set workers a fixed salary or a certain percentage of the amount they earn daily, usually at least 70 percent of the transaction value. If you set a lower percentage, then be prepared for the fact that employees will begin to “steal” little by little. Individual copies may give you

“Husband for an hour” is not a very complicated business, which is quite easy to enter if you have good organizational skills or minimal skills in men’s work. This niche is quite deep, since many families today actually do not have time even for ordinary household work, not to mention minor repairs. Many people are willing to pay a specialist, since in this case they will save time and at the same time be sure that the work will be completed in full. Another direct reason for the popularity of this service is the lack of the necessary tools, which are simply unprofitable to purchase for a one-time repair. One of the indirect reasons is that repair companies, as a rule, try not to enter into contracts for minor household repairs. In the case of providing such services, their cost is quite high due to large organizational costs, that is, there are not many large players in this niche.

Firms within the framework of the “husband for an hour” service most often perform the following work:

  1. Connecting washing machines and other similar equipment;
  2. Assembly of furniture, including cabinets and computer tables;
  3. Installation and repair of plumbing;
  4. Hanging cornices and chandeliers;
  5. Installation and configuration of satellite antennas;
  6. Mortise locks;
  7. Electrical repairs, including laying electrical wires, repairing sockets and installing automatic machines;
  8. Other minor household repairs.

Business format

You can open the company “Husband for an Hour” either as an individual entrepreneur, or by registering a limited liability company for this purpose. As an individual entrepreneur, you can personally provide minor household repair services, but for this you must have the necessary skills. In the case of working with specially hired craftsmen, it is more advisable to register an LLC; in this case, you must have good organizational skills. Naturally, in the second case, you can ultimately count on greater profits compared to personal provision of services.

Premises and equipment

Taking into account the fact that the “husband for an hour” service is in demand specifically in residential areas, where husbands stay at work for a long time, you need to rent a room close to such houses. The total area of ​​the room should be at least 40-50 square meters. m., on the territory of which it will be necessary to equip the following rooms:

  • Reception;
  • Stock;
  • Staff premises.

When choosing a location, you need to focus on the availability and convenience of access roads, since it is often not very convenient for craftsmen to carry the entire set of tools in bags.
Each employee must purchase the following tools:

  1. drill;
  2. jigsaw;
  3. screwdriver;
  4. industrial dryer;
  5. milling cutter;
  6. perforator;
  7. Bulgarian;
  8. hammers;
  9. screwdrivers, pliers, etc.

The cost of a standard set of household tools will be 1.5-3 thousand dollars.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to purchase or order the development of workwear for workers. Overalls will allow craftsmen not to dirty their own clothes while traveling, and they can also play the role of good advertising, especially if there are any distinctive signs on it. The cost of workwear per employee will be about 1 thousand dollars.


The staffing table of a small company providing “husband for an hour” services should include the following positions:

  • Dispatcher – 2 people;
  • Master – 6 people;
  • Accountant – 1 person;
  • Supplier – 1 person;
  • Storekeeper – 1 person.

Initially, the duties of a supplier and storekeeper can be performed by one person; the functions of an accountant can be entrusted to a third party. In the future, when the volume of orders increases, there will be a need for the constant presence of an accountant, as well as for the allocation of responsibilities to the supplier.

The wages of craftsmen should consist of two components: a minimum fixed salary in accordance with the legislation of the region and an allowance depending on the volume of orders completed.

Payment Features

Firms specializing in minor household repairs, due to the difficulty of forecasting some work, use flexible tariff systems, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • Fixed rate - this rate is used when craftsmen are called, indicating exactly what service is required from them. As a rule, such services include very simple, easily predictable work, for example, inserting a lock or installing an outlet.
  • Hourly rate - this rate is used in cases where the customer explains his requirements rather vaguely and at length, as well as in cases where light work entails additional problems through no fault of the master.

Separately, it is worth noting the need to set a tariff for a false call or a call not according to the profile. As a rule, the call rate is approximately one third of the cost of an hour of work. By the way, in the case of a false call to the technician during rush hours, it is advisable to assign a higher percentage, since in this case the travel time can be spent significantly more than during normal hours.

Costs and prospects

The volume of investment for organizing a company providing the “husband for an hour” service is approximately 36-50 thousand dollars:

  1. Repair of rented premises – 2-2.5 thousand dollars;
  2. Purchase of office equipment, furniture – 2.5–3 thousand dollars;
  3. Purchasing a uniform – $6 thousand;
  4. Purchase of sets of household tools – 9-18 thousand dollars;
  5. Purchase of two vehicles – 12-15 thousand dollars;
  6. Purchase of consumables – 3-4 thousand dollars;
  7. Advertising campaign – $1.5 thousand;
  8. Other – 1 thousand dollars.

Monthly expenses:

  1. Rent – ​​1.5 thousand dollars;
  2. Employee salaries – 10-12 thousand dollars;
  3. Transportation costs – 1 thousand dollars;
  4. Expenses for cellular communications – 0.5 thousand dollars;
  5. Advertising – 0.5-1 thousand dollars;

Total: 13.5-16 thousand dollars.

The cost of advertising in the media for this type of business is quite high and at the same time does not bring the best results. Promotion in this business is carried out mainly through word of mouth, however, it is necessary to create a website with a description of services and a price list, as well as periodically submit advertisements to thematic printed publications.

One of the prospects for the “husband for an hour” type of business is the development of the repair direction in the context of providing services for cosmetic and major types of repairs. Taking into account the fact that almost any housework can be included in the “husband for an hour” service format, to increase profits you can master related areas, in particular, setting up and repairing computers.

It is worth noting that in the first months of the company’s existence there will be few orders, so it is more advisable to initially hire only one or two craftsmen and, accordingly, purchase special clothing and tools for them; you can also purchase only one vehicle. Using these measures, you can achieve a reduction in monthly costs by 30-50%.

Business expansion should be undertaken immediately after developing a large customer base, otherwise the company will operate at a loss for a long time.

If you have at least basic skills in male household work, then “husband for an hour” is an ideal way to start your own business. Not every woman, or even every man, can hammer a nail, fix broken household appliances, or change a light bulb. And besides skills, sometimes there is not enough time, so organizing a husband’s business for an hour as a business idea is an excellent option for starting a business. “Husband for an hour” can serve as a way to earn extra money in difficult times, and subsequently become an entire organization that brings in a stable monthly income. Today we bring to your attention a business plan for the “husband for an hour” service, as well as advice from experts in this field.

In order to start your own small household help business, you need to have only basic housework skills.

In order to open your own business in this area, you need to draw up a business plan for the “husband for an hour” service. Calculate economic indicators, assess your capabilities, study the competitive market.

After the business plan is ready, you need to register a legal entity and select a legal form. The most suitable option would be an individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation and reporting system; if the company develops, it will be possible to subsequently register an LLC.

The next step before opening a company will be the choice of services provided. Typically, a representative of the “Husband for an Hour” company provides the following services:

  • Connecting and setting up household appliances;
  • Assembly of furniture and other interior elements;
  • Installation of cornices, chandeliers;
  • Setting up satellite dishes;
  • Mortise locks;
  • Equipment and electrical repair;
  • Minor household repairs.

As we see, nothing supernatural is offered in the services provided, however, you can make good money on them.

Required Tools

In order to successfully provide services to your husband for an hour, you need to purchase the necessary equipment. To begin with, it is recommended to purchase a screwdriver, drill and hammer drill; they are often required when assembling furniture, installing antennas and curtain rods. You also need to purchase a set of wrenches, screwdrivers, hammers, jigsaw, pliers, grinder, meter.

For craftsmen to work, it is necessary to buy high-quality tools, since only professional brands can withstand high loads.

When purchasing a tool, you need to focus on reliable and professional brands, since they will be used daily. Only professional equipment can withstand such a load. At the same time, there is no need to purchase a full set of tools at once; some of them can be rented. The average cost of a set of such tools ranges from 40 to 100 thousand rubles.

If you are going to start your business with hired staff, you will have to spend money on several similar sets or look for employees with their own tools.


You can start providing minor household assistance services yourself, but if you want to open your own business, you need to hire experienced staff.

Firstly, you need a person who will take calls - a dispatcher. Of course, at the first stage you can do this yourself, but as the company develops it will be problematic. The salary of a dispatcher ranges from 15 to 20 thousand rubles.

Additional craftsmen will also be needed to provide services to the company. The number of craftsmen will directly depend on the number of orders; in the first stages, 2-3 people are enough. The master's salary consists of a small salary and a percentage of the work performed; on average, the master receives 20-25 thousand rubles.

The master of the “husband for an hour” company receives on average 20-25 thousand rubles.

In order for the organization to constantly be replenished with the necessary equipment, a supplier is needed, but at low speeds you can do this yourself. Because the employee must receive at least 17 thousand rubles.

To keep tax records and submit declarations to the pension fund, the insurance fund will need an accountant. The best solution would be to hire an outsourced accountant who will receive 10 thousand rubles monthly.

If you have craftsmen, you need to think about purchasing uniforms; this will allow your organization to be more respectable in the eyes of clients and will serve as additional advertising.

Payment for services

The price for providing “husband for an hour” services varies depending on the size of the city and the quality of the services provided. Of course, the cost of setting up household appliances and installing an interior door will vary.

The cost of the specialist’s services depends on the urgency and complexity of the order.

Also, in addition to payment for the work, you can charge money for the call, this will cover the cost of travel to the client. After all, some services can cost only 100-200 rubles, which will only cover the road. The cost of a call is usually 150-250 rubles. However, at the first stage it is better to eliminate calling fees in order to compete with existing firms.


To advertise the services of the “husband for an hour” company, you can use almost all types of advertising, from newspaper ads to the Internet. The printed version of the advertisement will reach an adult audience that has not mastered the World Wide Web. The ad can be placed in the “Services” section. Distributing leaflets and business cards also brings good returns and helps build a customer base. You can print and place an advertisement with a contact phone number on the entrances of houses and notice boards near public transport stops.


If the company has reached the level at which it is necessary to rent a room where the foremen and dispatcher will be located all day, then it is necessary to take a closer look at the residential areas of the city. Since the greatest demand will be there, and specialists will be able to quickly reach clients.

The premises must have convenient access roads, since many tools are quite heavy and it is not so easy to drag them to the car. The office area can be 30-40 square meters, it should have several rooms: a reception area, a warehouse for tools and a rest room for the craftsmen.

Company expenses and income

Start-up investments for the development of a company mainly consist of the purchase of tools. First you need to buy 2-3 sets of tools costing 80 thousand rubles each. After this, you need to order uniforms for the company’s employees; these costs will range from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. Consumables for tools will cost the entrepreneur 20-30 thousand rubles. Total expenses at the first stage amount to 300-320 thousand rubles.

The next stage will be creating a website, advertising and hiring staff. A business card website will cost 40-50 thousand rubles, advertising in a newspaper and distribution of business cards will cost 20 thousand rubles. Staff costs will require between 70 and 100 thousand rubles per month. The rent for the office will be from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. Total monthly expenses will be about 200 thousand.

The profit of the company, which has already been able to establish itself in the services market, averages from 250 to 400 thousand rubles monthly. The payback period for the “husband for an hour” company ranges from 6 months to a year.

“Husband for an Hour” is one of the most promising and profitable businesses in Russia; at the first stage, you can do without large investments by working independently. This is why many aspiring entrepreneurs turn to this niche to start their own business.