Modern forms of public service. Types of service and their features Modern technologies and forms of service

A form of service is a way of providing services to a consumer.

A form of customer service is a variety or combination of methods (methods) of customer service.

Method (method) of customer service - a method (method) of selling products to consumers, organizational measures in the process of providing services.

Modern forms of service bring the service closer to the consumer, reduce service time, and create convenience for the consumer of services. These forms include:

Servicing consumers in stationary conditions;

Customer service with home visits;

Contactless service at the place of residence of consumers;

Service using exchange funds of goods.

Servicing of consumers in stationary conditions is carried out in the premises of the service organization in the hall or service salon. In stationary conditions, both material and socio-cultural services are provided.

When providing catering services, hotel services, services for the manufacture of products, the stationary form of service is the most convenient and often the only possible form of service execution.

When providing material services in stationary conditions, technological operations are carried out in specialized workshops equipped with various types of technological equipment for the repair and production of products. Stationary service allows you to perform complex types of repairs, maintenance and manufacture of products according to the individual order of the consumer.

Some service companies provide the consumer with a rental service of household appliances if the repair requires stationary conditions and takes a long period. The consumer pays for the rental of this equipment only for the period of repair established by the rules. If the enterprise violates this repair period, the consumer uses the devices received for rent free of charge until his devices are received from the repair.

The main methods of customer service in stationary conditions are service by a service specialist and self-service.

Inspectors, consultants, administrators, masters (hairdressers, cosmetologists, repairmen, salesmen, waiters) act as service specialists working with consumers.

Self-service involves the independent execution by the consumer of a part of the technological operations of the service. Self-service is performed using technical means and expenses of materials of the service company. The self-service method is used in the provision of retail services, catering services, dry cleaning and laundry services.

Self-service in retail trade and catering is based on the self-selection of goods and culinary products by the consumer in the trading floor of a self-service store, in a cafe, in a bar or in a canteen.

Self-service in dry cleaners and laundries is based on the individual independent use by consumers of the technical means of the enterprise (stain removers, washing and ironing machines, dryers) for washing, removing stains, and ironing things.

Home service is the most convenient for consumers. This form of service is used in the provision of services for the repair of household large-sized machines and appliances, such as refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, televisions, electric stoves, personal computers, repair services for apartments and houses, landscape design services, and cleaning services.

On-site catering services are provided to customers, including the organization of lunches, banquets, gala picnics.

Departure to the house of a service specialist is carried out on the basis of an order at a reception point, by phone, via the Internet. The service specialist (repair master) performs maintenance at the time agreed with the consumer.

Service with a mandatory visit to the consumer requires services for the repair of heat, water, power supply, apartment renovation, and agricultural services. Catering services, delivery services for ready meals and semi-finished products, services for organizing and holding corporate holidays have gained popularity.

The provision of services can be carried out by the method of express service, in which the consumer's order is executed in an accelerated time frame. The price of express services, as a rule, is higher than the services provided in the usual terms.

Contactless service does not imply direct communication between the consumer and the service provider. Contactless service is currently used in the provision of dry cleaning and laundry services, information services, communication services, etc.

When providing dry cleaning services, items are received using storage containers located in residential buildings. Consumers place laundry or dry-cleaning clothes in a container along with a completed receipt. Clean linen or clothes are transported to the consumer's home at a predetermined date. Payment for services is made upon receipt of the order.

As contactless service, it is possible to qualify the provision of a significant part of utilities for heat and power supply, etc. When providing various types of information services, communication services, contactless service is also used. Payment for services is made by prepaid services using quick payment cards, which are registered on the organization's website on the Internet or by phone.

Service using the exchange funds of goods is based on the urgent exchange of a defective household appliance for a similar repaired appliance with payment of the repair cost. This form of service is used in the repair of watches, electric shavers, vacuum cleaners, polishers, washing machines, refrigerators, etc.

Inpatient and home-based customer service can be provided on the basis of a service subscription that the consumer purchases for a fixed period. Service is carried out after a certain time or at the request of the consumer. If it is impossible to carry out repairs at the consumer's home, the service organization transports the goods to the repair shop and back.

Subscription service is used in service organizations for the repair and maintenance of durable goods, dry cleaners and laundries, hairdressers and beauty salons.

Individual service as a sphere of professional activity. The increasing spread of public services has necessitated the registration of this activity as a professional one, ensuring that someone's needs are met at an appropriate level. Initially, this means, above all, a process of individual service. In addition, this type of professional activity involves the observance of certain rules or norms, namely:

The obligation to offer related services;

The optional use of these services (you can not impose them);

Elasticity of service, which means a wide "package" of service activities that provide a choice;

Convenience of the service (it must be provided in a place, at a time and in a form that suits the buyer);

Technical adequacy of the service, taking into account the technical level of production and at the same time contributing to the creation of original technical solutions for the service technology;

Information return of the service (heads of enterprises should carefully listen to the service information);

Reasonable pricing policy in the service sector (service should be, first of all, an incentive for the purchase of the company's goods and a tool for strengthening consumer confidence);

Guaranteeing the conformity of production with service (so as not to put the consumer in the conditions of "serve yourself")

Such forms of service help to improve the culture of service, increase the volume of services provided, and increase the sales of products of our own production.

A progressive form of service in restaurants is catering like a buffet and consists in accelerating the service of visitors (Time for receiving and eating on average during breakfast is 15-20 minutes, lunch and dinner is 25-30 minutes).

When serving as a buffet, visitors do not have to wait for the waiters to bring them the ordered dishes and issue an invoice. They choose their own food according to their taste.

Methods of establishing contact with the client.

Send non-verbal cues to help connect with the client. Start a conversation at a distance that is comfortable for the interlocutor, that is, at a distance of one to four meters. Lean a little towards someone who is nearby and listening to you. The angle of your inclination can be from 45 to 90 degrees. Avoid closed postures. A smile should come out of your mouth. The face should not be tense and feigned business or feigned sincerity. Don't lose sight of your opponent's gaze. Do not try to gesticulate too much. Entering the room for the first meeting, try to be confident. Give voice signals. Every word spoken aloud must be spoken loudly and confidently. Speaking very loudly will scare you. The interlocutor will decide that you are the aggressor. Quiet speech is tantamount to uncertainty. Only a chest voice at low frequencies is able to act penetratingly. Let every word spoken be confident, benevolent. Don't ramble, but don't procrastinate either. The speed of speech should be optimal. Let your future client hear you and let him have enough time to think about your words. Establishing contact with a client is guaranteed to you if you are able to “mirror” everything that is said. A verbal way to interest a future client. The client should feel comfortable, speak politely. In the first meeting, introduce yourself and invite the client to introduce themselves. When addressing a person, say their name. Good compliments are the key to success. They should not sound ingratiating. Say, for example, that you feel that you are a pro in your field.

Psychology of the service process.

The service provider must take into account that paying customers ensure the stability and prosperity of the firm. Not only the quality of the service is important, but also the ability to serve the client. Each client has individual psychological characteristics, an individual understanding of life problems and perceives the service through the prism of personal characteristics.

However, to this day, the vicious practice of focusing on one's own interests to the detriment of the interests of the client continues to live and operate. And to become a real professional in the service sector, you need to learn the methods, techniques and psychological techniques that help convince the client to purchase the service. Techniques that allow you to transfer the buyer from the "potential" to the "real" are not born in the mind on their own. They need to be assimilated, mastered and modified in relation to your service, your client, your personal characteristics. And only when the acquired knowledge becomes internal beliefs, they will be perceived and act.

An employee focused on the interests of the buyer finds an approach to him, gives arguments that are convincing for each individual person. Communication with a true professional leaves the client feeling at ease, the feeling that he was treated with attention and understanding, even if he did not buy anything. This approach allows you to keep regular customers and attract new ones, creates an attractive image for the company, a stable business reputation.

The entire maintenance process can be divided into 3 stages:

1) collecting information about the client and presenting the service;

2) making a decision, working with the client's doubts;

3) completion of the transaction.

Service tactics at the stages of making orders.

Complaints and conflicts in customer service.

The main reasons for customer complaints are non-compliance with the terms of order fulfillment, poor quality of its execution, rudeness of the service personnel. Complaints are always breaks in normal organic links between subsystems (aspects) of service culture. These gaps are caused by failures, marriage in the work of the service enterprise and its related partners.

Consequently, a violation of the normal mode of operation of the store (studio) will inevitably affect the culture of service. When dealing with complaints and complaints from customers, the following recommendations should be followed:

Put yourself in the position of the applicant;

Keep calm;

Stay polite;

If it is impossible to resolve the complaint (claim) on your own, notify the senior in position.

Conflict is the interaction of people who have incompatible goals or ways to achieve these goals. Translated from Latin, "conflict" means "contradiction". Conflict is characterized by the fact that in it people oppose each other. The number of participants in the conflict may be different. Thus, conflict is a contradiction that arises between people in solving certain issues. Of course, not every contradiction leads to conflict. So, the customer and the receiver may differ among themselves in the assessment of certain fashion trends, have different aesthetic tastes, but, nevertheless, the order will be made. Conflict is caused only by such contradictions that deeply affect the needs of clients, their human dignity, prestige, etc.

Conflict resolution methods.

The resolution of a social conflict is the overcoming of the main contradiction in the interests of the parties, its elimination at the level of the causes of the conflict. The solution to the conflict can be achieved by the conflicting parties themselves without the help of any third parties, or by connecting to the decision of any third party (intermediary). Thus, the conflict resolution model is a set of certain methods for overcoming it. This is far from a randomly chosen method, but directly dependent on the testimony of the diagnostics of a particular conflict.

The forceful method is used when one of the subjects is very active and intends to go on in the conflict to the bitter end.

Separation of the parties to the conflict. In this case, the conflict is resolved by terminating interaction, breaking off relations between the conflicting parties, isolating them from each other (for example, divorce of spouses, separation of neighbors, transfer of workers to different areas of production).

The compromise model is a way of reconciling conflicting interests, which consists in mutual concessions in the positions of the conflicting parties.

Service culture.

Service culture is a system of reference labor standards, high spiritual values ​​and ethics of behavior of service workers, the principles of which are consistent with both the national traditions of the country and the modern requirements of world standards, testifying to high-quality customer service.

Service culture levels:

the entire national service sector of the country,

either to one industry

enterprise, company.

service culture.

1. Requirements for professional training, the level of qualification of workers in the service sector.

professional training;

High level of professionalism (discipline, responsibility, possession of professional skills, mastery, broad knowledge);

Organizational and technological improvement of labor.

Professionalism in work forms a positive image of the company in the minds of customers, which is accompanied by its growing income, good reputation in the professional environment.

2. Requirements for the psychological environment in the organization of the service sector and for the personal qualities of each of its employees.

Cultivate the constructive individual psychological qualities of workers who are in contact with customers, i.e. it is important to carefully select workers who work within the contact zone, in contact with consumers;

To direct a holistic service environment into a positive psychological channel;

Create conditions for the manifestation of positive psychological properties of consumers.

It is important for an employee of the contact zone to have the ability to get in touch with the consumer, the ability to unobtrusively find out his requests and offer the right product or service. The employee himself must remain friendly and restrained during the entire period of contact with the client

Essence of service technology.

A specific service technology is a set of interrelated expedient actions of an employee, the implementation of standard labor methods, as well as finding creative solutions implemented with the help of technical means and auxiliary materials for the production of a service or service product. In any technology, one can single out, firstly, narrow production aspects related to the ability of personnel to organize the service process, the skills of a particular employee to handle auxiliary materials, use the tools and equipment involved in servicing, etc. Secondly, service aspects that are aimed at direct relationship with the consumer, taking into account his requests. such a distinction is conditional, since these aspects of technology are closely intertwined. However, in practice, not every novice worker manages to master all these aspects. more often than not, the novice masters the production aspects more easily, while the service prowess comes later, along with experience. The bulk of service technologies is the result of long-term development of optimal service methods. It has long been a tradition to record in writing the purpose and description of technology. At present, such a description is presented in methodological documentation, which is specially compiled for any technology. These methodological documents must be well known by a person who masters a particular profession of sociocultural service. Of course, the development of technology is not limited to the study of its description. It also includes visual teaching by the teacher of the student in the "do as I do" mode, as well as the transfer of theoretical ideas related to this technology. Methods for describing technologies in service products, the production of which involves complex equipment and a large number of specialists, are compiled with particular care and detail.

The form of service is a certain way of providing services, consisting of a set of specific service technologies and benefits for the consumer. Within the same type of service, different technologies and different forms of service can be used, which are developed for the convenience of customers, to bring service processes closer to consumer needs. In different segments and areas of service activities, their traditional forms of service are being formed. The rapid development of the service stimulates the introduction of new technologies and more convenient forms of service for customers. Distinguish between obsolete and modern forms of service. Individual service is an independent type of service in many segments of service practice. There are many varieties of service that allow you to focus on individual requests in more detail, although this service becomes much more expensive than mass services. Personal service is easier to implement in the field of personal and recreational services. Service products are of high quality, they carefully work out service technologies, many of which may be unique. All this is reflected in the price of the service product, affecting a small consumer segment of the market, whose representatives have high incomes. For those service enterprises that are mainly focused on mass service, the individual form of service remains too laborious and unprofitable. However, despite objective limitations, personalized service finds ways to reach a wide range of consumers. Within the framework of mass service, elements of individual service begin to operate. Similar options, where individual and mass forms of service are mixed, are widely used in the modern practice of tourist, recreational, and educational services. In the modern socio-cultural service, the growing popularity of individual forms of service is associated with a number of factors. At the current stage of market relations, it is impossible to completely ignore the individual needs of customers on the part of manufacturers. In various areas of the service business, the level of competition currently remains extremely high, which forces manufacturers to look for new ways to expand their clientele. Mass forms of service have a considerable number of insurmountable costs of a socio-psychological nature, which reduces the competitiveness of those firms that are focused exclusively on these forms. Subscription service is associated with the conclusion between the manufacturer and the consumer of an agreement under which the consumer, subject to payment of a fee, is granted the right to prompt service. Contactless service; home service is used in the repair of large equipment; taking orders at the place of work; self-service allows consumers to satisfy some of their needs for domestic services on their own; field service; the combined form of service consists in offering the maximum number of services at one place while ensuring the minimum consumption of consumers' time. In each type of service activity, in different forms of service, normative ideas about the time of service execution are always variant. However, this does not reduce the value of the time parameter. The time factor in all cases plays an important role and must be taken into account in any direction of service activities, in each type of service.

Modern forms of service include:

    themed buffets;

    express hall;

    express table;

    business lunch;

    Sunday brunch;


    coffee break;

    happy hour (happy hour);

    Russian table;

    liner ( Linner);

    diner ( Dinner).

Such forms of service help to improve the culture of service, increase the volume of services provided, and increase the sales of products of our own production.

Modern restaurant technologies offer themed buffets (buffets), which allow to provide maximum service to guests and give them the opportunity to try a large number of delicacies and dishes from relatively expensive products. Let's consider some of them.

Express tables organized in the halls of restaurants at hotels, at railway stations, at airports. Between 08:00 and 11:00, passengers are offered two types of European breakfasts of the same price, and from 11:00 to 15:00 - two types of express lunches.

Express hall designed for quick service to consumers in those restaurants where the buffet is not used. The basis of this form of service is a buffet table installed along the wall at a distance of 1.5 m from it. Cold snacks (various salads, fish, cold meat dishes, cheeses, butter, sour-milk products in individual packaging), as well as juices, soft drinks, bread and bakery products are served on a table covered with a skirt-tablecloth. Next to the cold appetizers, bread - layout tools: table spoons and forks, bread tongs.

Business lunch- a business lunch in a restaurant that provides quick service to consumers at certain times (from 12 to 16 hours) at lower prices compared to the a la carte menu. Business lunches are held daily except Saturday and Sunday. The business lunch menu includes simple meals. The cost of a business lunch in a restaurant is predetermined, it also includes coffee or tea.

Sunday brunch. Restaurants on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays organize dinners for families and friends. Service is carried out as a buffet with a wide range of cold dishes and snacks, soups, second hot dishes cooked in pots, baked in a pan, on a grill, soft drinks. Sweet dishes, hot drinks and flour confectionery are offered to guests separately at the tea and dessert buffets. If wine tasting is held in the restaurant on these days, then a glass of wine or champagne must be included in the price of the brunch.

Presentations arranged for a variety of occasions: the opening of an exhibition, a university, a college, the foundation of a company or a bank, wine tasting, etc. The presentation is an occasion to invite sponsors, entrepreneurs, bankers, representatives of various companies to establish new business contacts. The list of persons invited to the presentation is determined in advance, and invitations are sent to them.

Coffee break (or coffee break) is organized at public catering establishments for quick service of participants of meetings, conferences, business negotiations. Rectangular or round tables are covered with colored tablecloths-skirts, as at a buffet table. Guests eat and drink while standing. The coffee break menu includes cakes, pies, sweet and savory biscuits, muffins, canapés with cheese and fresh fruit, lemon, cream, coffee. From soft drinks - mineral water, juices.

happy hour (Happy hours) - This is a type of service organized in the restaurant on Fridays from 17:00 to 19:00 on an a la carte menu with a discount on drinks up to 50%.

When organizing Russian table and the round table can accommodate 20 people at the same time. It consists of two surfaces of different diameters and rotates with handles. The lower fixed surface is at a distance of 10 cm from the upper one; and wider by 35-40 cm. Cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes, flour confectionery, soft drinks, juices are placed on the rotating part. The fixed part of the table is served with plates, cutlery, wine glasses. Consumers sit down at the table, turn the handle of the rotating part of the table and portion the dishes on their own.

Liner (Linner) - This is a service provided to guests staying at a hotel who, due to various reasons, are late for a business lunch. The liner provides for a buffet. Thematic liner is held on Sundays from 14:00 to 19:00. The cost of the liner is agreed in advance, it includes a glass of champagne or a glass of red (white) wine, soft drinks, juices, mineral and fruit water.

Diener (Dinner) - Dinner for hotel guests.