What does the science of personnel management study. Human resource management as a science

Personnel Management- a complex, applied science of organizational, economic, administrative and managerial, technological, legal, group and personal factors, ways and methods of influencing the personnel of an enterprise to increase efficiency in achieving the goals of the organization. object the science of personnel management are individuals and communities (formal and informal groups, vocational and social groups, teams and the organization as a whole). Subject science of personnel management are the main patterns and driving forces that determine the behavior of people and communities in a collaborative environment. Personnel management includes: I. Search and adaptation of personnel (Search for personnel Acquaintance with the company, rules, organizational structure, interaction procedure), II. Operational work with personnel (Training and development of personnel, Operational assessment of personnel, Management of business communications, Motivation of personnel and its payment, Labor organization), III. Strategic (only long-term) work with personnel (Corporate culture management)

2. The genesis of the development of scientific thought in the field of management. The main stages in the development of control theory:

First stage: study of the genesis of the control mechanism and the main stages of its formation, the emergence of the control mechanism and philosophical generalization of the model of the control mechanism. Second phase: definition of the concept of management, management system, goals and functions of management theory, the concept of management decisions and control actions, as well as the main properties of organizational management. Third stage: formulation on the basis of the knowledge of objective laws in the theory of management of the relevant rules and recommendations for the practical activities of managers and governing bodies. Knowledge of the laws, principles of management helps to develop management methods and management style of the organization. Fourth stage study and research of management theory: methodology for developing and making decisions, planning an organization, control, a system of communications and motivation for management activities. Fifth stage: study and research of management processes, creation of a management system, as well as management techniques. Sixth stage development of management theory - the creation of methodological foundations for assessing the effectiveness of management. General tasks facing the domestic science of personnel management: 1. Development of general issues of the theory, methodology and history of personnel management, 2. Actualization in domestic science and practice of personnel management of modern ideas and approaches, achievements of all scientific schools, 3. Study of the specifics of the formation of a new socio-economic formation, promotion and justification of their own and adaptation of "foreign" theories and experience, 4. Introduction into practice of the principles, approaches and methods of developing personnel management, aimed at engaging human needs for self-realization, for improving the best qualities of an individual and a professional, 5. An in-depth study of the problems of creating effective personnel management systems for all levels of the economy for all types of support, 6. Departure from the simplified "personnel and resource" understanding of personnel.

3. Methodological aspects of personnel management: factors affecting personnel, principles of personnel management, methods of personnel management. Factors: ♦ Organizational and economic factors related to the division and organization of labor, ♦ Administrative and managerial factors are associated with the choice of principles and methods of management, with a set of normative and directive acts that determine the distribution of employees, fixing their duties, rights, responsibilities and hierarchy of the system, ♦ Technical and technological factors lie in the sphere of interests of engineering and technological disciplines, ♦ Legal factors are related to the application of modern legislation in the field of labor, labor relations, ♦ Group factors associated with the process of socialization of the individual, with her need to be in a group, ♦ Personal factors reflect the system essence of a person's personality, his uniqueness and are studied by psychology.

Science highlights the followingprinciples personnel management:- Scientific (using the achievements of scientific disciplines

Consistency in the perception of objects of research and management and factors influencing their behavior. - Humanism, based on an individual approach, the perception of personnel as the main asset of the organization. - Professionalism, which implies that employees of personnel management services have adequate education and experience that allow them to effectively manage the personnel of a particular enterprise. - Leadership through agreement on goals. - Leadership based on trust and self-control. - Management based on the respect of all employees. - Material and non-material recognition of employees. - Leadership through advanced training. - Leadership based on information and communication. Personnel management methods- ways of influencing teams and individual workers in order to coordinate their activities in the production process. Administrative Methods focused on such motives of behavior as the conscious need for labor discipline, a sense of duty, a sense of duty, a person’s desire to work in a particular organization, etc. Via economic methods material incentives for the collective and individual workers are carried out. Socio-psychological methods management are based on the use of the social mechanism (the system of relationships in the team, social needs, etc.).

4. The personality of the employee as an object-subject of management. Personality is a set of individual social and psychological qualities that characterize a person and allow him to act actively and consciously.

The following groups of regulators can be distinguished: determined by the technological process, the features of the division and cooperation of labor, the content of labor; due to the social role, the status of a person in the formal and informal groups of the organization; regulatory forms of organization: orders, instructions, regulations, instructions, regulations, traditions, customs; regulators of the external environment: state laws, social rules of conduct, family traditions.

The employee also acts as a subject capable of actively influencing the activities of all the listed influencing systems.

The attitude to work is the unity of three elements: motives and value orientations, real labor behavior, assessment by the employee of his behavior in the labor situation. objective indicators- this is the degree of responsibility, conscientiousness, initiative, discipline. To subjective indicators include the degree of job satisfaction and such factors as pay, organization, working conditions, relationships with management and colleagues. Methods: observation method (external), consisting in a deliberate systematic, purposeful and fixed perception of the external manifestations of the human psyche, method of self-observation (introspection)- observation of a person's own mental manifestations , personal questionnaires, or tests, allowing to determine the various properties and qualities of personality, projective methods, based on the conclusions of psychological science that the subject consciously or unconsciously projects, transfers his psychological properties to external objects, sociometry- a method of psychological research of interpersonal relations in a group in order to determine the structure of relationships, roles and statuses of group members, methods of questioning, interviews, conversations, allowing to obtain information by answering written or oral questions of a specialist.


Labor behavior- these are individual and group actions that show the direction and intensity of the implementation of the human factor in a production organization.

Institutional - fully consistent with the patterns of activity, relationships and manifestations of the individual, set by institutional norms (i.e., norms accepted and approved within the organization);

Non-institutional - subject to regulation by this institutional normative system of the organization, but in relation to which such regulation is not carried out for one reason or another;

Extra-institutional - which is not subject to the obligation of the institutional regulatory system of the organization;

Anti-institutional - directed against the institutional normative system

6.Method of identifying the professional and personal qualities of an employee. professional conduct- covers such aspects of activity as the desire for cooperation, independence in decision-making, readiness to accept additional responsibility. Lpersonal qualities- is the most complex defined group. since, firstly, from the whole variety of personality traits, it is necessary to choose those that most determine the result of professional

activities, secondly, the quality of a person cannot be directly observed and measured.

7. Communities as an object of management in the organization. Conditional groups are arbitrary associations (groupings) of people according to some common feature that is necessary in a given system of analysis for the purposes of statistical accounting and scientific research. In such groups, people do not feel they belong to it. Real groups are such associations of people in which there is a unity of activity, conditions, circumstances, signs in which people are in a certain way aware of their belonging to a group (although the measure and degree of awareness may be different). There are the following types of groups: 1. Large and small (contact), in which there is the possibility of direct contact of each with each. 2. Primary (teams of departments, services, units, where there is direct contact between members of the group) and secondary (for communication in these groups, you cannot do without an intermediary, i.e. the degree of interaction between group members is quite low). 3. Formal (having a legal status, created by management to consolidate the division of labor and improve its organization) and informal (formed spontaneously to satisfy those interests of workers that for some reason are not satisfied within the framework of a formal group). An organization is a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals.

Management theories about the role of a person in an organization - a system of knowledge about the role of the human factor in an organization as an integral socio-economic system. Management theories developed in conjunction with various schools of management, so the latter left their mark on its name. For a century (the period of the industrial revolution), the role of a person in the organization has changed significantly. Currently, there are three groups of management theories: classical theories, theories of human relations and theories of human resources. Prominent representatives of classical theories - F. Taylor, A. Fayol, G. Emerson, L. Urwick, M. Weber, G. Ford, etc. Representatives of the theories of human relations include E. Mayo, K. Argeris, R. Likart, R Blake et al. The authors of human resource theories are A. Maslow, F. Herzberg, D. McGregor and others. The main postulates, tasks and expected results from the implementation of these theories are given in the table. Classical theories were developed from 1880 to 1930. Theories of human relations began to be applied from the beginning of the 1930s. As they developed, they became more humane.

Basic functions of personnel management. The goals of the organization are characterized by three features: they reflect the desired state in the future; they designate these conditions specifically and differ from individual goals in that they have a property that is mandatory for all employees of the enterprise; they are officially approved, and the management of the enterprise approves. Goals perform three functions: management, coordination and control. Planning, forecasting, organization, leadership, control. Everything is coordinated and step by step.

The main objectives of personnel management. The goals of the organization are characterized by three features: they reflect the desired state in the future; they designate these conditions specifically and differ from individual goals in that they have a property that is mandatory for all employees of the enterprise; they are officially approved, and the management of the enterprise approves.

The principles of personnel management are theoretical provisions and norms that managers and specialists should be guided by in the process of personnel management.

Traditionally common:

  • - the principle of unity of command;
  • - the principle of selection, selection and placement of personnel;
  • - the principle of combining unity of command and collegiality, centralization and decentralization; - the principle of control over the execution of decisions, etc.

Western corporations use:

  • - the principle of lifetime employment;
  • - the principle of trust-based control over the execution of tasks;
  • - the principle of consensual decision-making, etc.

During the Soviet period, personnel departments appeared in almost all organizations, but their functions differed markedly from what the units with the same name did in countries with market economies. Three factors of social life of that period determined their specificity:

  • 1) centralized management of the national economy,
  • 2) politicization of the economy,
  • 3) totalitarian ideology.

Currently, personnel services at enterprises can be divided, with a certain degree of conventionality, into three groups according to their functions:

  • 1) those who have switched to a modern philosophy of human resource management and new personnel technologies;
  • 2) partially switched to new technologies;
  • 3) working in the old way.

Personnel management is a complex applied science of organizational, economic, administrative and managerial, technological, legal, group and personal factors, ways and methods of influencing the personnel of an enterprise to increase efficiency in achieving the goals of the organization.

The object of this science is individuals and communities (formal and informal groups, vocational and social groups, teams and the organization as a whole) (Figure 1)

Figure 1. The object of the science of personnel management

The subject "organization" is considered both as an integral organism and as the entire labor collective, but often it is also necessary to consider personalities, management or owners of the organization, representing, personifying its interests and determining its features and behavior.

The subject of the science of personnel management is the basic patterns and driving forces that determine the behavior of people and communities in conditions of joint work. The task is to understand the patterns and factors of behavior and their application in achieving the goals of the organization, taking into account the personal and group interests of the personnel. Ideally, this is the creation of an organization operating on the principle of cooperation, in which the movement towards organizational, group and individual goals is optimally combined.

The principles of personnel management as an integrative science, field of activity, profession are:

  • 1) scientific character, the use of the achievements of scientific disciplines that have as their object a person, social communities, organizations, labor. In the study of the behavior of individual workers, one should be based on the principles of studying the personality of K. K. Platonov (see below);
  • 2) consistency in the perception of objects of research and management and factors influencing their behavior;
  • 3) humanism, based on an individual approach, the perception of personnel as the main asset of the organization, and each employee as a unique person with great potential;
  • 4) professionalism, which implies that employees of the personnel management services have adequate education, experience and contextual skills that allow them to effectively manage the personnel of a particular enterprise.

The personnel policy of an enterprise is an activity related to the relationship between the subjects of the organization (social and vocational groups, individuals and the organization as a whole). The main problem of personnel policy is the organization of relations "power - subordination" and joint activities, the definition of the roles of the subjects of the organization in the affairs of the enterprise, the definition of forms, tasks, content of the activities of the subjects of the organization, the principles and methods of their interaction. The key issue that determines the principles of personnel policy is the perception by the management of the organization of personnel, the ratio of the categories "object-subject" in the content of the concept of "staff". The solution of the key issue depends on subjective and objective factors:

The functional composition of the elements of personnel policy, or policy in the field of personnel management, is as follows:

  • 1) analysis of the content of personnel labor as a type of activity that provides a scientific and methodological basis for personnel management, contributing to the creation of a system of reasonable workplace requirements for an employee;
  • 2) planning and forecasting the need for personnel and determining the sources for meeting these needs;
  • 3) recruitment;
  • 4) adaptation;
  • 5) career guidance;
  • 6) career and development planning;
  • 7) analysis of the factors that determine behavior, the causes of emerging contradictions and disputes, behavior adjustment, conflict resolution;
  • 8) motivation and stimulation, in particular a creative attitude to work, development of the potential of employees;
  • 9) training;
  • 10) development of a system for evaluating the results of the work of labor collectives and employees, aiming them at achieving the ultimate goals of the organization;
  • 11) evaluation of results and certification of employees;
  • 12) organization and regulation of labor;
  • 13) certification and rationalization of jobs;
  • 14) labor protection and ensuring its safety;
  • 15) activities aimed at ensuring social partnership and social protection of personnel;
  • 16) development of documents defining labor relations;
  • 17) accounting of personnel and reporting to higher authorities and state bodies of employment and employment;
  • 18) control of labor discipline;
  • 19) participation in the internal audit system in terms of studying the personal qualities and life circumstances of employees, which determine the prerequisites for committing actions to the detriment of the organization.


Parameter name Meaning
Rubric (thematic category) Production




1. Personnel management in the organization's management system 4

2. Personnel management as a social system 24

3. Personnel policy and personnel management strategy of the organization 47

4. Personnel planning in organizations 70

5. Organization of recruitment and selection of personnel 88

6. Organization of activities and functions of personnel services 106

7. Formation of the organization's team 127

8. Cohesion and social development of the team 146

9. Evaluation of personnel in the organization 162

10. Management of the development and movement of personnel of the organization 188

11. Management of the staff release process 222

12. Social partnership in the organization 234

13. Efficiency of personnel management 248

14. Means of information and methodological support of discipline 258

1.1 Personnel management as a science.

1.2 A systematic approach to the organization's personnel management.

1.3 Socio-psychological factors of labor behavior of personnel

1.4 Stages of historical development of personnel management.

Personnel Management is a relatively young science. Although a large number of her ideas and theories arose at the beginning of the 20th century. and even earlier. For a long time, they developed within the framework of various sciences related to production and activities, mainly commercial, as well as non-profit, primarily state organizations.

Considering the dependence on within which sciences the ideas of personnel management were researched and developed, the corresponding terms were used to characterize this science. So, in the USA, personnel management developed mainly within the behavioral sciences, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ had a direct impact on the name of this discipline. There, despite the fact that the process of separating personnel management into an independent science ended in the 70s of the XX century, it is still customary to call it differently today: "organizational behavior" or "human resource management" (sometimes these terms characterize relatively independent sciences, and in addition, "organizational behavior" is treated as the core, the most important component of "human resource management").

In Germany and some other countries of continental Europe, the science of personnel management has traditionally been associated, first of all, with the economics of the enterprise, which is reflected in the name of this discipline - "personnel economics" or "personnel management".

In the USSR, a special science of personnel management did not exist and there was no missing base of its subject - the market environment, nevertheless, personnel management was studied within the framework of economic, sociological and psychological sciences.

Human resource management as a science exists at two levels:

‣‣‣ theoretical (the goal is to obtain new knowledge by describing and classifying phenomena, establishing causal, functional and other relationships and patterns between them, predicting typical organizational situations);

‣‣‣ applied (personnel management deals with the issues of changing and transforming real production situations, developing specific models, projects and proposals to improve the efficiency of using workers).

There is a close relationship between the two levels of personnel management: on the one hand, theory acts as a methodology for specific analysis and design, on the other hand, applied research data form the basis for constructing hypotheses and developing theory.

The complex, integrative nature of personnel management affects the structure of knowledge of personnel management as a science, its core is its own, specific knowledge that reflects, firstly, the influence of different characteristics of employees on their involvement in the enterprise, selection and organizational behavior and, secondly, means and methods of practical use of the established relationships in order to ensure the economic and social efficiency of the enterprise.

Thus, personnel management studies a person in the unity of all his manifestations that affect all processes in an enterprise: from attracting him to the effective use of all his potential.

A person takes part in production activity as its multifaceted subject:

‣‣‣ economic (producer and consumer of goods);

‣‣‣ biological (carrier of a certain physical structure and health);

‣‣‣ social (a member of a certain group);

‣‣‣ political (citizen of the state, member of a political party, trade union, other interest groups);

‣‣‣ legal (owner of certain rights and obligations);

cultural (bearer of a certain mentality, system of values, social norms and traditions);

‣‣‣ moral (one that shares certain moral norms and value orientations);

‣‣‣ confessional (an atheist or one who professes a religion);

‣‣‣ emotional-volitional (one that has a certain character and psychological composition as a whole);

‣‣‣ smart (one that has a certain intellect and a certain system of knowledge).

All these and some other aspects of the personality, under certain conditions, to a greater or lesser extent affect the behavior of the employee in the world of work.

Personnel management studies and takes into account the influence of all aspects of a person on organizational behavior. This is the main specificity of this science, which determines its approach to the study of its subject, as well as its structure and content.

Personnel management is also based on theories that relate to the above aspects of a person. These include the following concepts:

1. Economic theories that cover different areas of economic science. These are, first of all, labor market theories. Mapping processes in the field of demand for labor and its supply, they help to explain a number of phenomena in the field of personnel management. The conclusions of the labor market theories are important for developing a strategy and making operational and tactical decisions in the field of attracting labor, maintaining qualified workers at the enterprise, stimulating employees, reducing staff turnover, stabilizing the team, creating a sense of devotion to the enterprise in the staff, strengthening corporate culture, etc. . Other areas of economic science are also of paramount importance for personnel management, in particular: planning theories, economic informatics, as well as economic theories and methods.

2. Psychological theories (general psychology, psychological theories of behavior, psychoanalysis, social psychology, communication psychology, labor psychology).

3. Sociological concepts. their influence on personnel management is diverse. It manifests itself, first of all, in the theories of groups and organizations.

4. Labor and social law.

5. Political science theories.

6. Conflictology.

7. Labor sciences: ergonomics, labor physiology, labor psychology, labor sociology, labor technology, labor pedagogy, occupational medicine anthropometry (a science that develops ways to measure the capabilities of the human body and the organism as a whole), etc.

Such a complex interdisciplinary content of the science of personnel management is determined by a large number of parties, aspects of a person that affect his behavior in the enterprise. The complexity, syncretism of personnel management does not deny the specificity and independent (within certain limits) nature of this science. All the data of other sciences are rethought and developed in it from the point of view of providing the enterprise with the optimal number and quality of employees and their potential in order to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market.

The practical significance of personnel management is as follows:

‣‣‣ ideal design of personnel management practice, development of theory, strategy, techniques, methods and means of personnel management;

‣‣‣ rationalization, deep critical understanding of the practical management of people and its orientation to the requirements of economic (business) and social efficiency;

‣‣‣ motivation of managers to change models, techniques, style, methods and means of managing workers on the basis of alternatives offered by science.

For practicing managers, personnel management can offer three types of services:

‣‣‣ Based on the relationships between different organizational phenomena explored within the science of personnel management, it is possible to develop and test different theories or models in the field of personnel management. The theories that are tested, in turn, can help the manager understand the consequences of his actions, explaining to him: "If you do X, you are more likely to get Y";

‣‣‣ By systematically examining behavior (both in real and in laboratory, imaginary organizations), the science of personnel management can offer the manager a wider variety of possible behaviors than he could previously use. Combined with beautiful theory, the expanded and enriched repertoire of managerial behavior increases the number of alternatives for action;

‣‣‣ By increasing the number of possible behavioral alternatives, the most important consequences of which can be scientifically foreseen, research within the science of personnel management helps the practicing manager to trace the evolution of his future actions and their possible consequences. This increases the likelihood of forming the optimal behavior.

Human resource management as a science affects the real life of enterprises, becoming the property of people employed in the field of management and production. This is due to its transformation into an academic discipline. The formation of personnel management as an academic discipline took place mainly in the first decades after the Second World War. Specialized departments of personnel management, as a rule, combined with some other, mainly economic disciplines, first appeared in the post-war period in the United States in the 70s and became widespread in Western Europe. So, in Germany, the first department of "Personnel Management" was created in 1961 ᴦ. Today, this subject is taught in almost all universities, higher schools of management and business, as well as in many other educational institutions in America, Western Europe and other regions of the world. Personnel management is included in the curricula of almost all higher educational institutions. A large amount of literature is issued on the issues of personnel management. There are a number of associations and associations in this area, for example, the International Association for Personnel Management, the American Society of Personnel Managers, etc.

Modern conditions of the activity of enterprises impose qualitatively new requirements on personnel managers, determine the extreme importance of a higher intensity of their work, the ability to value time, own a complex of organizational and psychological qualities, and provide a creative approach to work. In this regard, the improvement of the qualitative content of the activities of personnel managers is of particular relevance.

At the same time, a situation has developed in Ukraine where personnel management is not given enough attention, the technology for developing and making personnel decisions is imperfect and scientifically unfounded, in most cases there is no orientation towards achieving social efficiency in personnel management. This is due to the existence of a number of problems in the field of personnel management in enterprises.

Thus, personnel management services in enterprises have, as a rule, a low organizational status and are considered as an auxiliary, service unit with a narrow range of functions performed. At the same time, the level of competence, as well as the organizational, legal and socio-psychological culture of personnel services workers, is not high enough. Both HR managers and line managers, in most cases, do not have the skills to organize work on the final financial and economic indicators with the help of personnel activities. This problem is caused not only by the low level of professional and social competence of personnel managers. It is a consequence of a misunderstanding by the heads of enterprises of the place and role of personnel services in solving common problems, achieving the goals of the enterprise.

This leads to incomplete, insufficiently effective implementation (and in some cases non-performance) of such important functions (procedures) of personnel management as: planning the qualitative and quantitative composition of employees, information support for the personnel management system, socio-psychological diagnostics of human resources, analysis and regulation of relationships in the team, management of industrial and social conflicts, the formation of a stable workforce, planning the business career of employees, professional and socio-psychological adaptation of new employees, analysis and assessment of human resources, the formation of a personnel reserve, as well as personnel marketing.

At present, in many enterprises there is no regulation on the personnel service, personnel technologies have not been developed, the personnel service is characterized by a low level of coordination of activities with other structural divisions of the enterprise.

Scientific methods of recruitment, evaluation, placement and training of personnel are poorly introduced into the practice of personnel services, which reduce both the economic and social efficiency of personnel management.

The next problem in the field of personnel management is that HR managers most often do not show interest in the means of identifying and understanding the expectations, moods, social orientations of both working groups and individual employees. This, in turn, limits the ability of the head of the enterprise to create a "single team".

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, in modern conditions, it has become extremely important to improve personnel management in enterprises. At the same time, measures should be developed to improve the efficiency of personnel management both at the interorganizational and intraorganizational levels. As for the inter-organizational level, it should be noted that in a market environment, the development of human resources requires cooperation and cooperation. Thus, interorganizational relations allow to combine the intellectual resources of enterprises in order to introduce various kinds of innovations into their activities. At the intraorganizational level, leaders and managers must realize the shortcomings of the traditional concept of personnel management and the critical importance of forming a new personnel policy, a corporate management philosophy. This will help achieve social partnership in the team, harmonize the economic and social interests of individual workers and working groups.

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, at present, personnel management is a necessary component of managerial, economic and a number of other areas of higher education. It is extremely important not only for leaders who have experience, or for future leaders directly involved in managing people, but to a greater or lesser extent for all modern specialists, since it ensures their social competence. Training managers in the basic principles and methods of personnel management will help them understand the importance of correct, scientifically based work with people, increase the prestige of personnel services and increase the efficiency of using the human factor in the enterprise.

The subject of the discipline "Personnel Management" is the totality of social relations that arises in the process of the general activity of employees.

The purpose of the discipline "Personnel Management" is to provide students with theoretical knowledge on the effective management of the workforce of an enterprise based on the use of scientific principles and methods developed by domestic and foreign experts, and the positive practical experience of progressive enterprises.

HR MANAGEMENT AS A SCIENCE - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "HR MANAGEMENT AS A SCIENCE" 2017, 2018.

Personnel management (PM) as a science and scientific discipline

1. Modern scientific approaches to the study of the problem of UE.

UE is based on the results of the following sciences:

1. Labor physiology, which studies the impact of labor processes on the physiological characteristics of a person, its conclusions are used in the development of work and rest regimes, designing jobs, determining the parameters of the working environment (noise, air t, vibration, gas pollution) and the work performed (rate of movement, mass transported goods, monotony of labor).

2. Labor psychology, which studies the psychological and socio-psychological characteristics of a person in the field of labor activity, its conclusions are used in the professional selection of the organization of collective work, management in conflict situations, and the development of motivation systems.

3. Ergonomics, which is the scientific basis for the design of human-machine systems, which are based on the results of engineering psychology, technical aesthetics, labor psychology, design theory, general systems theory and establishes the correspondence of technical means to human anthropometric data.

4. Sociology of labor, which studies the relationship between people and social groups in production cooperatives.

5. Labor law, concentrating on the legal aspects of labor and management, its position is used in hiring and firing, developing incentive systems, managing social conflicts.

6. Organization of labor - a system of scientific knowledge on the rational use of labor through the effective combination of living and materialized labor, its results are used in the design of labor processes and jobs, determining optimal working conditions, standardization and remuneration.

7. Labor economics, which studies the problems of productivity and labor efficiency, the labor market and employment, income and wages, planning the number of labor and wages.

2. The concept of UE

PM is a complex of managerial influences (principles, methods, means and tools) on the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize the use of human resources.

The object of UE is the personnel of the enterprise.

UE subjects:

1. Managers of all levels who implement the management function in relation to their subordinates.

2. Employees of the personnel service of the enterprise.

The subject of UE is social and labor relations in the sphere of industrial relations, studied from the standpoint of the most efficient use of the organization's human resources.

3. Duality of UE.

The duality of the PM is due to the duality of the subjects of management, in connection with which they distinguish: centralized and decentralized PM.

Centralized PM is carried out by the personnel services of the enterprise, concentrating on the normative and methodological record-keeping and legal support of the PM system

Decentralized PM is conducted by the heads of structural divisions and is connected with the organizational, technical and socio-psychological support of the PM system.

At the initial stages of the development of scientific management, personnel management was considered in the context of a general management system and was not specifically differentiated. Gradually, the complexity of the process of managing social production required the improvement of all its functions, including personnel management.

Currently, this section of scientific management is considered by many as an independent discipline. However, the origins of the discipline, its scientific foundations are rooted in the integrated science of management. The boundaries of the discipline are limited to consideration of the human resources management functions noted below.

Human resource management as a science exists on two levels: theoretical and applied.

The purpose of the theory of personnel management obtaining new knowledge by describing and classifying phenomena, establishing causal, functional relationships and patterns between them, predicting typical organizational situations. Personnel Management at the application level deals with the issues of changing and transforming real production situations, developing specific models, projects and proposals to improve the efficiency of using employees. There is a close relationship between the two levels of personnel management: theory acts as a methodology for specific analysis and design, while data from applied research form the basis for constructing hypotheses and developing theory.

The complex, integrative nature of personnel management is manifested in the structure of knowledge of personnel management as a science. Its core, the core is own, specific knowledge , reflecting, firstly, the influence of various characteristics of employees on their recruitment (attracting to the enterprise), selection and organizational behavior and, secondly, the methods and techniques for the practical use of established relationships in order to ensure the economic and social efficiency of the organization.

The complexity of personnel management does not negate the specificity and independence of this science. All the data of other sciences are rethought and developed in it from the point of view of providing the organization with the optimal number and quality of employees and their use for business and social efficiency.

The science of personnel management performs the following functions in relation to the practice of personnel management: First of all,the ideal construction of this practice, development of theory, strategy, technique, methods and means of personnel management; Secondly,transformation, encouraging managers to change the models, techniques, style, ways and means of managing employees based on the alternatives offered by science; third,rationalization, deep critical understanding of the practical management of people and its orientation to the requirements of the economic (business) and social efficiency of the organization.

Organizational goals traditionally stand at the center of personnel management, and management in general. Usually they are associated with ensuring the efficiency of the enterprise. And from this point of view, personnel management is the activity of using employees to achieve the effectiveness of the organization.

The term "organizational efficiency" is interpreted ambiguously. Some authors define efficiency as maximizing profit (Taylorist management model); other scholars understand organizational effectiveness more broadly. So, R.L. Krichevsky distinguishes two groups of criteria, or indicators of the effectiveness of the team and, accordingly, personnel management: psychological (job satisfaction, motivation, authority) and non-psychological (effectiveness, efficiency, quality, productivity, innovation, profitability).