How to start your own business plan. How to open your own business: step by step instructions

Presentation on social studies in grade 11: HOW TO OPEN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Author of the presentation: teacher of history and social studies MKOU No. SOSH No. 9 (with vocational training), Ashi, Chelyabinsk region Marzukova Lyudmila Alekseevna Lesson goal::

  • To acquaint students with the main organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurship, with the stages of starting a business, registering and licensing an enterprise.
Introductory speech of the teacher:
  • The difficult decision to create your own business will require serious efforts from the entrepreneur. Let's try to identify the stages through which any of the entrepreneurs will move towards the implementation of their ideas.
First stage:
  • The decisive stage in creating your own business will be the very first - the justification of entrepreneurial activity, since it is at this stage that economic interest and motives for future entrepreneurial activity are revealed.
Second phase:
  • For those who decide to create a commercial organization, it is necessary to determine the composition of the founders and choose the organizational and legal form of the future organization. The founders of the company can be both individuals and legal entities. Of course, it is good if like-minded people and enthusiasts of their business become founders.
  • There are rules that provide for the composition and number of founders. For example, a business company can be created by one person, the number of shareholders of a closed company cannot exceed 50 people, and the number of shareholders of an open joint stock company is not limited. Public servants cannot be founders.
Third stage:
  • An important matter is the development of the name of a commercial organization. A company name can be represented by a given name or surname, can reflect the nature of the activity, can be arbitrary. To prevent the names from being repeated, there is a mandatory preliminary check for non-repeatability, originality of the name of the organization.
Fourth stage:
  • Registration of constituent documents. For cooperatives, unitary enterprises, joint-stock companies such document is the Charter. For a partnership, you will need to draw up a Memorandum of Association. For a limited liability company, it is necessary to draw up both the Charter and the Memorandum of Association.
Let's clarify what these documents are:
  • The charter (set of norms and rules) includes such sections as the general position, goals and subject of activity, characterizes the material and technical base and means of the enterprise, management and control bodies, describes the production, financial and economic activities of the enterprise, provides for the conditions for reorganization and termination activities of the created organization.
Memorandum of association:
  • - (an agreement of two or more parties) fixes the legal status of the enterprise being created, fixes the authorized capital and the procedure for its formation, establishes the procedure for distributing income, and the obligations of the parties. It is a multilateral document, the contract is signed by individuals and legal entities concluding it
Fifth stage:
  • State registration with the Federal Tax Service.
  • Data on all established legal entities are entered into the state register.
The following documents are required to register a new organization:
  • - application for state registration in the approved form. The signature of the applicant must be notarized;
  • - the decision to establish a legal entity. This may be the minutes of the meeting of the founders, the memorandum of association or other document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • - constituent documents of a legal entity (originals or notarized copies);
  • - a document confirming the payment of the state fee.
Where to register:
  • Individual entrepreneurs are registered with the tax authorities at the place of residence. To do this, the entrepreneur personally submits an application for state registration in the prescribed form; a copy of the main document confirming his identity (passport), a document confirming the payment of the state fee. The process of state registration should not take more than 5 working days from the date of submission of documents. After that, the applicant is issued a Certificate of Registration.
  • It is necessary to make a seal, the sketch of which is also registered and entered in the appropriate register. The state keeps records of existing legal entities: all organizations must be registered with the statistical authorities, where the legal entity is assigned the appropriate codes. Only then can you open a bank account. Individual entrepreneurs are also required to provide data to the State Statistics Committee of Russia
  • The Tax Code of the Russian Federation requires all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to pay taxes on time. To do this, you need to register with the tax authorities, about which you will receive the appropriate Registration Certificate. It is also necessary to register with state non-budgetary social funds: pension, employment, state social insurance, medical insurance. It is through these funds that pensions will be accrued and sick leave paid.
  • For certain types of entrepreneurship, special state control is required - a license, a special permit to carry out a certain type of activity, subject to mandatory compliance with the requirements and conditions. According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", educational, exchange, insurance and other types of activities are subject to licensing.
  • And now the documents on state registration have been collected, a license has been received, which means that you can start working calmly. Complicated? Troublesome? Yes! However, if you think about it, such a serious control over entrepreneurial activity by the state should protect consumers from all kinds of low-quality products, unscrupulous services, and fraud.
  • An insidious thought may come to mind: how to do without state registration?
Consolidation of the studied material:
  • Task: Think about what kind of business you could open. Based on the material of the paragraph, select the legal form for the implementation of the entrepreneur. Specify what documents you need to collect, where to register in order to open your own business.

Creating a business consists of several stages, following them consistently and paying due attention to each, the future businessman will create a profitable business quickly and with minimal risks.

The key to success when starting your own business is not really the presence of a fabulous initial capital or the presence of connections in power structures. In fact, success is determined by competent planning, detailed analysis and timely correction of actions at all stages of creating and operating a business.

Stage 1. Choosing a niche

First of all, you need to decide on the direction of the future business. The fundamental factors for the correct choice of future activities should be 2 key factors:

  • Personal knowledge, skills and experience. No matter how competent and professional employees are, a novice businessman must understand the basic laws and essence of the chosen business, otherwise strategic planning and control are impossible.
  • The amount of starting capital.

Of course, with a small budget, one should not think of such projects as opening a gas station or a pawnshop, but there are many types of businesses that require minimal investment to start.

By choosing the right direction, you can do finding your own niche within a particular type of business.

A niche is not just a direction or type of activity, it is an empty space within the market that a new service or product can fill. For example, if you are planning to open a bakery and there are already very popular French sweet buns in your area, but there are no Caucasian dishes, this particular market segment can become your niche.

Stage 2. Market research and analysis

Market research activities can be divided into 2 areas: studying the target audience and competitors' offers.

When planning to open a small business, it is correct to rely on data about a specific area, a residential area - the smaller the unit of study, the more truthfully it will reflect the data and the prospect of business development in a particular area (especially if there is a question of choosing the most suitable place to rent or buy premises for business ).

When opening a business with significant investments, it is better to resort to the help of specialists; in other cases, you can calculate the market capacity yourself. As an option, to determine the target audience, you can use the advertising tools offered by one of the popular social networks. Using this technique, you can determine: the number of potential buyers, the main characteristics of the target audience - age, income level, interests, and so on. This will help to correctly form the range of goods and services, calculate profitability and organize effective advertising campaigns.

The analysis of competition consists, first of all, in establishing the number of competitors and the ratio of this number to the capacity of the market. It would be useful to analyze the activities of competitors, identify their strengths and weaknesses and use this information when creating your own business.

Stage 3. Refinements and formation of a unique selling proposition (USP)

So, you already know what you want to do, who your target audience is, where it is better to locate the business, how many potential competitors you have and how they attract customers. Now is the time to refine the business concept and create a unique selling proposition based on the needs and desires of your customers and competitor analysis.

A business must acquire its own unique "face" and features that distinguish it from competing enterprises. A few easy-to-remember benefits will suffice.

It is a mistake to believe that the decisive factor in the promotion of a product or service is the price, and it is enough just to lower it a little in order to "poach" customers. It is much more important to create an offer that meets the needs of customers and provides a higher level of comfort than competitors.

So, for example, in a store for expectant mothers, it is more expedient to install comfortable sofas than to provide a ten percent difference in the price of goods with competitors. And opening public catering for students - to ensure the maximum speed of service and ready-made package offers on the menu at budget prices.

Stage 4. Calculation of initial investments and development of a business plan

A clear plan for the functioning of the enterprise, the number of employees and their responsibilities, the target audience and the details of all costs should be reflected in the business plan. It is he who will become the main document according to which activities will be carried out and its results will be monitored.

Stage 5. Registration in all necessary instances

Entrepreneurial activity must be correctly framed in terms of legal norms. The choice of legal form is determined by the type of activity and the permissible form of taxation, the number of founders. For small businesses, two forms are relevant: an individual entrepreneur and a limited liability company.

After choosing the legal form of doing business, it is necessary to choose a taxation regime. Tax Code R.F. for small businesses, special forms of taxation are provided, which imply a simplified tax reporting format and preferential terms for paying taxes.

By working through each stage in detail on the way to creating his business, and paying sufficient attention to detail, a businessman lays a solid foundation that will allow him to build a successful and profitable enterprise.

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Economics (Lipsits I.V.) » Entrepreneur and company creation. Conditions for creating a successful business

Entrepreneur and company formation. Conditions for creating a successful business

So, we discussed the economic logic of the creation and operation of firms. Let's now try to look at this process from a closer distance - from the point of view of an entrepreneur creating a company. In order for this analysis to be initially accurate, we will define an entrepreneur.

What kind of people are most likely to become entrepreneurs? Studies show that most often this path in life is chosen by people who differ in the following features:

  • the desire to determine one's own life;
  • propensity for moderate risk;
  • confidence in their ability to succeed;
  • the desire to immediately see the result of their efforts;
  • energy;
  • future orientation;
  • the ability to organize the work of other people;
  • tendency to measure success in terms of money.

I must say that there are many myths around entrepreneurship, for example:

  1. Only those entrepreneurs who have found a unique idea are lucky.
  2. Entrepreneurship is an easy business.
  3. Entrepreneurship is a risky game.
  4. Entrepreneurship is found only in small businesses.

All these myths are absolutely false. Many successful firms were created and live due to the fact that the entrepreneurs who organized them simply found a slightly different way to do the same as others. At the same time, entrepreneurship is a rather difficult task, since the organizer of the company has to solve a lot of very diverse tasks both in the field of marketing and in the field of management (we will talk about this a little later). But to say that this is just a risky game - "even or odd, lucky or unlucky" - is also impossible. A lot depends on the managerial qualifications of the entrepreneur, his ability to avoid fairly standard mistakes - those that kill most young firms. Finally, entrepreneurship is by no means limited to small businesses. For example, one of the richest men in the UK - Sir Richard Branson, owner of Virgin Airlines and many others with the common word "Virgin" in their name - created a huge business empire, acting all his life as a typical entrepreneur.

The vast world experience of entrepreneurship allows us to assert that this is not only not a game, but a complex area of ​​professional activity. Failure to understand this is the cause of those 9 fatal mistakes that young firms most often ruin:

  1. management incompetence;
  2. lack of experience;
  3. poor financial management;
  4. inability to develop a strategic development plan;
  5. uncontrolled growth of the company;
  6. unsuccessful placement of the company;
  7. poor control over stocks of resources and finished products;
  8. unskilled pricing;
  9. inability to move from the stage of entrepreneurship to the stage of regular management, when the founder of the company transfers the current management of the business to hired managers.

The seriousness of these mistakes is evidenced by the fact that, according to American statistics, 24% of newly created firms cease to exist within the first two years from the moment of creation, 51% of new firms close in the first 4 years, and 63% are unable to survive until the seventh anniversary. from the moment of creation. In order to avoid such a development of events, the entrepreneur must:

  • know the essence of your business to the smallest detail;
  • develop a well thought out business plan;
  • skillfully manage financial resources;
  • have the skills to analyze the financial statements of your company;
  • learn how to effectively manage the company's personnel.

But even if the entrepreneur is smart enough to avoid all these mistakes, and his business is developing successfully, then his job is still not easy. The fact is that almost any entrepreneur is faced with income instability, the risk of losing the entire business, irregular working hours and high labor intensity, low income until the business becomes large enough, the nervous nature of work, full responsibility for all the affairs of the company .

Obviously, the main (although not the only) goal of the owners and managers of the company is to ensure the successful development of its business and personal enrichment on this basis. But how can this be achieved? Business analysis shows that the success of this kind of effort is determined by two factors (Figure 10-7):

  1. growth in sales and assets;
  2. state support.

Rice. 10-7. Factors that determine the relative position of the firm and, accordingly, its success

We note right away that the real success of the company is associated with the growth of only those sales that are profitable, and with a level of profitability not lower than a certain (for this company) minimum. And similarly, asset growth is effective only if it allows (directly or indirectly) to increase the production of precisely such profitable products.

  1. effective management;
  2. effective investment.

Rice. 10-8. Drivers for Profitable Sales and Asset Growth

Such a distinction is, of course, very conditional, since without effective management, effective investments, i.e., investing money in business development, are inconceivable. As for the concept of "effective management", this is such management that allows you to ensure the use of funds invested in the development of the company to fulfill two interrelated conditions (Fig. 10-9):

  1. increase the competitiveness of the company's products;
  2. increase the market value of the firm.

Rice. 10-9. Conditions for the effectiveness of investing in the activities of a commercial company

Both of the aforementioned conditions are extremely important today for Russian firms, but they are far from being always realized by their managers and even more rarely embodied in their real programs of action. And this is the reason why so many Russian firms (especially in industry) are going through hard times today, as they are being pushed out of the domestic market by foreign competitors who have better mastered the rules for creating a competitive and therefore successful business.

Accordingly, the understanding that increasing competitiveness is not so much the result of the struggle for restrictive duties on the import of imported goods is still not as widespread as we would like it to be, it is still widespread among Russian managers, but it is a consequence of the choice and implementation of a well-thought-out marketing strategy (Fig. 10- ten).

Rice. 10-10. Grounds for developing an effective marketing strategy for the company

As shown in fig. 10-10, the development of such a strategy requires firm managers to regularly review four main elements:

  1. the position of the company in the market, that is, how its products are perceived by potential buyers, what level of technical excellence, quality and reliability they expect in this case;
  2. market demands, i.e., what needs are presented on the market today by consumers or what needs can be tried to satisfy tomorrow;
  3. cost reduction opportunities, that is, whether our firm can reduce the cost of producing its goods faster and to a greater extent than competitors, creating opportunities for itself to sell these goods at a lower price;
  4. the ability to create differentiated products, i.e., whether our company can create modifications of its products that are different in properties from what competitors do and therefore more attractive to consumers even at the same or higher price than competitors.

This kind of analysis is the elementary basis of any marketing activity. And we have to remind about this only because until now the managers of many Russian enterprises allow themselves to neglect the search for answers to these questions. But this leads them to develop often extremely unsuccessful marketing strategies, and, accordingly, to making equally senseless pricing decisions and - in the worst cases - causes the death of enterprises.

In order for a new business to have a chance of success, an entrepreneur needs to find the right answers to the following questions:

  • What kind of goods or services should be offered to customers in order to attract their attention?
  • How should the production of goods or the provision of services be organized in order to achieve the quality or those costs (and sales prices) at which buyers want to buy from us?
  • How should you advertise your products or services so that buyers notice them and want to buy?
  • Where will the money come from to pay all the costs of setting up a company and organizing the production of the first batches of goods?

The entrepreneur needs to look for the answer to the first three questions in the area:

  1. production management;
  2. marketing;
  3. financial management (Fig. 10-11);
  4. accounting;
  5. information technologies.

Rice. 10-11. The main types of decisions that an entrepreneur needs to make to ensure the successful development of his business

Production management refers to the solution of questions about how many and what kind of workers and other production resources a company should use to create and organize sales of its products and how to do this at minimal cost with the required quality.

Such a decision is usually made on the basis of management principles, which, according to one of the founders of management, Henri Fayol, include:

  1. division of labor. This is a natural phenomenon. Its goal is to increase the quantity and quality of production with the same effort. This is achieved by reducing the number of goals to which attention and action must be directed. Moreover, the division of labor is applicable not only to technical work. Its result is the specialization of functions and the division of power;
  2. power (authority) and responsibility. Authority is the right to give an order, and responsibility is the sanctions - rewards or punishments - that accompany its actions. Where there is authority, there is responsibility;
  3. discipline. It is essentially obedience, diligence, activity, demeanor, movement. Discipline involves the implementation and respect of the agreements reached between the organization and its employees;
  4. unity of command, or unity of command. An employee can be given two orders regarding any action by only one boss;
  5. unity of leadership, direction. One leader and one program for a set of operations pursuing the same goal. Each group operating within the same goal must be united by a single plan and have one leader;
  6. subordination of private, personal interests to common ones. The interests of one employee or group of employees should not prevail over the interests of a larger organization up to the interests of the state as a whole;
  7. remuneration of personnel - payment for the work performed. It must be fair and, if possible, satisfy both the staff and the organization, both the employer and the employee;
  8. centralization. Like the division of labor, centralization is a natural phenomenon. However, the appropriate degree of centralization varies depending on the specific conditions and is resolved by finding the measure that gives the best overall performance;
  9. hierarchy, or scalar chain. This is a series of leadership positions, starting with the highest and ending with the lowest.

    How to open your own business? (plan)

    It is a mistake to evade hierarchy unnecessarily, but a far greater mistake is to keep it when it might be detrimental to the organization;

  10. order. The formula of material order is a certain place for every thing in its place; the formula of social order is a certain place for each person in its place. Graphic tables, diagrams greatly facilitate the establishment and control of both social and material order;
  11. justice is the result of a combination of benevolence with justice;
  12. staff constancy. High employee turnover is both a cause and a consequence of the poor state of affairs. A mediocre manager who values ​​his place is certainly preferable to an outstanding, talented manager who leaves quickly and does not hold on to his place;
  13. initiative - the development of a plan and its successful implementation. The freedom to propose and exercise also falls under the category of initiative;
  14. the unity of the staff, or corporate spirit, is a great strength in the organization.

But in today's markets, good management alone will not ensure the success of a firm. This requires mastery of marketing techniques.

The basic idea of ​​marketing is not to sell what is produced, but to produce only what can be sold at a good profit.

Usually, speaking of marketing, this means the activities of the company related to:

  1. research of the market in which it is supposed to sell their goods or services;
  2. advertising goods or services;
  3. promotion of products using various methods to attract the attention of buyers;
  4. competent setting of prices for goods or services;
  5. choosing the range of goods or services that will be offered to customers;
  6. determining who, where and how should sell the company's products;
  7. service organization.

Accordingly, it is customary to talk about four key elements of marketing - the so-called "four Ps": product (product), price (price), promotion (promotion), place (place).

In reality, marketing is a set of methods, the use of which helps the owners of the company to understand more precisely what they should do in order to earn a profit and maintain this opportunity for many years. The value of these methods for ensuring competitiveness is so great that firms spend more money on it every year. For example, in the United States, more than $ 300 billion is spent annually on marketing consumer goods alone.

When it is clear with what and how the company will enter the market and how its production activities will be organized, it is time to think about where and under what conditions the company can receive funds for its development and how to dispose of these funds so that they are always enough for normal business . The range of these issues relates to financial management.

At the same time, the main allies of financiers are always accountants, that is, specialists who can organize the prompt receipt and analysis of information about the financial results of the company. Without such information, company managers cannot correctly assess how well their business is doing and whether there are problems in it that threaten insolvency and even bankruptcy in the future.

Today, another important area has appeared in the technology of company management - information technology. Specialists in this field are engaged in the creation of technical and software systems that allow you to quickly receive and process information about all aspects of the company's work. In today's rapidly changing world, neither an accountant, nor financiers, nor marketers, nor company managers can do without it.

A thoughtful and competent solution to problems related to management, marketing, accounting and information technology determines the economic result of the company (Fig. 10-12).

Rice. 10-12. How an entrepreneur's decisions determine his income

And if an entrepreneur started his business already having some experience in business, even if it was someone else's, and most importantly, understanding how to look for the right solutions in the field of management, marketing and finance, then he can create a successful business even without particularly original ideas.

Let's go back to the four key questions that face an entrepreneur who decides to start a new business. The last of these, but the second most important question: where to get the money to create and then expand the business?

Usually, the basis for opening many small businesses is the personal savings of their owners. And where to get money for development?

As can be seen from fig. 10-13, there are many sources of such funds. Many entrepreneurs do not use external sources of funding and manage only internal funds, drawing money from reserve funds (which they created at the beginning of the business in case of unforeseen difficulties), retained earnings and depreciation.

Rice. 10-13. Sources of funds that can be used to finance the creation and development of a business

But often these internal sources are not enough. And then businessmen begin to look for the possibility of raising funds from external sources. This can be a bank loan (short-term - for up to a year or long-term - with a repayment period of several years), the sale of rights to the capital of your company in the form of securities (shares), accounts payable, i.e. batches of production resources received from suppliers but not yet paid.

Of course, a business can make an entrepreneur rich, but it can also deprive everyone of their hard-earned money. To reduce the risk of ruin, it is useful to try to plan it before the actual activity begins. To do this, a novice entrepreneur should prepare a business plan, in which he must clearly describe for himself and for those from whom he will ask for money to develop his business:

  1. what product or service it will offer to the market;
  2. what buyers and how he hopes to attract;
  3. how he hopes to win against competitors;
  4. what it takes to set up a business.

In order to prepare a useful and realistic business plan, it is useful for an aspiring entrepreneur to do the following:

  1. assess the conditions for business development, which involves determining the favorable general economic situation for starting a business and the state of affairs in the market where it is planned to enter;
  2. develop a management plan that should define the organizational structure of the new company (what divisions it will have, for which each division will be responsible, who will report to whom), production methods and the necessary equipment or retail space and, finally, the number of employees, their qualifications and payment methods;
  3. draw up a marketing plan in which it is necessary to determine which markets or groups of buyers the company’s activities will be aimed at, how the product should differ from competitors’ products so that buyers pay attention to it, at what price this product will be sold, where and how sales will be organized and finally, how will it all be advertised;
  4. prepare calculations and make a financial business plan based on them, which will estimate how much money is needed to start a business, when this money is needed, from whom and under what conditions you can try to get this money and how profitable it will be to invest money in a new business.

Now we can formulate another recipe for economic prudence.

Recipe ten

For the successful development of the country's economy, it is necessary to protect competition and prevent the attempts of individual firms to monopolize the market in order to impose an inflated price level on buyers.

Social science

Textbook for grade 11

§ 5.2. How to open your own business

The difficult decision to create your own business will require serious efforts from the entrepreneur. Let's try to identify the stages through which any of the entrepreneurs will move towards the implementation of their ideas. By the way, about ideas: the very first stage of creating your own business will be the decisive stage - the justification of entrepreneurial ideas, since it is at this stage that economic interest and motives for future entrepreneurial activity are revealed. At the same time, the desire to earn money should be based on a simple market principle: find a need and satisfy it. For example, it is unlikely that anyone will be interested in your desire to manufacture paper airplanes - most likely, they will not be in demand. We need to come up with something more original: for example, along with foreign-style fast food establishments, all kinds of patties and pancakes quickly appeared in Russia.

You have decided what you will do. What to do next? For those who decide to create a commercial organization, it is necessary to determine the composition of the founders and choose the organizational and legal form of the future organization. The founders of the company can be both individuals and legal entities. Of course, it's good if like-minded people and enthusiasts of their business become founders - then the probability of success increases. You already know that there are rules that provide for the composition and number of founders. For example, a business company can be created by one person; the number of shareholders of a closed company cannot exceed 50 people, and the number of shareholders of an open joint stock company is not limited. There are other restrictions: civil servants cannot be founders. You are already familiar with some possible organizational and legal forms. The founders have the right to choose any of them.

An important matter is the development of the name of a commercial organization. According to Article 54 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a legal entity must have its own name, which must include its legal form. For example, Vera LLC. A brand name can be represented by a first or last name, it can reflect the nature of the activity, it can be arbitrary - the fantasy here is almost limitless. To prevent the names from being repeated, there is a mandatory preliminary check for non-repeatability, originality of the name of the organization. A special procedure has been established for the use of the words "Russia", "Russian Federation" in the names of commercial organizations - for this you will need additional permission. Why do you think this was done?

The next stage is the execution of constituent documents. If in doubt, it is better to consult with experts.

How to open your own business: step by step implementation of the idea

As for constituent documents, for cooperatives, unitary enterprises, joint-stock companies, such a document is the Charter. For partnerships, you will need to draw up a Memorandum of Association. For limited and additional liability companies, it is necessary to draw up both the Charter and the Memorandum of Association. Let's clarify what these documents are.

Charter(set of rules and regulations) includes such sections as general provisions, goals and scope of activities, characterizes the material and technical base and means of the enterprise, management and control bodies, describes the production, financial and economic activities of the enterprise, provides for the conditions for the reorganization and termination of the activities of the organization being created .

Memorandum of association(an agreement of two or more parties) fixes the legal status of the enterprise being created, fixes the authorized capital and the procedure for its formation, establishes the procedure for distributing income, and the obligations of the parties. Being a multilateral document, the contract is signed by individuals and legal entities that have concluded it. Exemplary samples of the necessary constituent documents of the legal form of business you have chosen can be found in legal reference publications.

The final step in starting your own business is state registration. Absolutely all legal entities are subject to state registration with the authorized state body - the Federal Tax Service. Data on all created legal entities are entered into the state register, by the way, data on the reorganization or liquidation of the company are also entered in the same register. To register a newly created organization, the following documents must be submitted:

  • application for state registration in the approved form. It, among other information, confirms that the submitted constituent documents comply with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the information indicated in them is reliable. The signature of the applicant must be notarized;
  • decision to establish a legal entity. This may be the minutes of the meeting of the founders, the memorandum of association or other document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • constituent documents of a legal entity (originals or notarized copies);
  • document confirming the payment of the state fee.

Individual entrepreneurs are registered with the tax authorities at the place of residence. To do this, the entrepreneur personally submits an application for state registration in the prescribed form; a copy of the main document confirming his identity (passport); document confirming the payment of the state fee.

The process of state registration should not take more than 5 working days from the date of submission of documents. Based on the decision on state registration, data on a newly created legal entity or individual entrepreneur are entered into the relevant state registers; after which the applicant is issued a document confirming this fact - the Registration Certificate. Can you be denied registration? The answer is found in Article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which states that a refusal to register can only be justified by a violation of the procedure established by law for the formation of a commercial organization or by a discrepancy between the constituent documents of the law. They cannot refuse you because your activity is “no one needs”.

The fact that state registration has been passed is not enough. It is necessary to make a seal, the sketch of which is also registered and entered in the appropriate register. The state keeps records of existing legal entities: all organizations must be registered with the statistical authorities, where the legal entity is assigned the appropriate codes. Only then can you open a bank account. Individual entrepreneurs are also required to provide data to the State Statistics Committee of Russia. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation requires all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to pay taxes on time. To do this, you need to register with the tax authorities, about which you will receive the appropriate Registration Certificate. It is also necessary to register with state non-budgetary social funds: pension, employment, state social insurance, medical insurance. It is through these funds that pensions will be accrued and sick leave paid.

For certain types of business, special state control is required, then you need one more document - license- a special permit to carry out a certain type of activity subject to mandatory compliance with the requirements and conditions. According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", educational, exchange, insurance and other types of activities are subject to licensing.

And now the documents on state registration have been collected, a license has been obtained, if necessary, which means that you can start working calmly. Complicated? Troublesome? Yes! However, if you think about it, such a serious control over entrepreneurial activity by the state should protect consumers from all kinds of low-quality products, unscrupulous services and fraud. Perhaps the current legislation is not perfect. The amount of paperwork required to organize your business seems overwhelming. And today it is one of the obstacles to the further development of entrepreneurship in Russia. But let's remember: relatively recently, the concept of "business" sounded like something obscene, and there was no business law at all. So things are changing, and very quickly.

An insidious thought may come to mind: how to do without state registration?

Let us turn to the current legislation: the implementation of entrepreneurial activities without state registration is an offense and entails administrative or criminal liability. The correct legal registration of your activities, knowledge of the intricacies of the legal regulation of this area will not only allow you to obtain an appropriate status in society, but will also lead to an increase in the efficiency of entrepreneurial activity.

how to produce (technology, cost, etc.)?

Therefore, it is very important to know what is the relationship in the market between the demand and supply of the goods that the entrepreneur is going to offer on the market, and not on the market in general, but on a certain territorial market. If the demand is large and stable, then it makes sense to create your own business and produce these goods.

A future entrepreneur, when planning to create his own business, should be guided by the most important market principles, among which are the following.

First, you need to find a need and satisfy it, since entrepreneurial activity is aimed at satisfying the needs of others.

Secondly, goods should be produced at lower costs, otherwise the market may not recognize these goods, and the entrepreneur will not be able to sell them.

Thirdly, an entrepreneur, setting the price for manufactured goods, must take into account the behavior of competitors, the consumer demand of consumers, the level of market saturation.

Stages of creating your own business. Almost any entrepreneur, having conceived the creation of his own business, carries out the following stages of this difficult decision:

    the emergence and justification of ideas about engaging in a certain type of entrepreneurial activity;

    setting immediate and long-term goals for the implementation of their entrepreneurial idea;

    formation of a specific decision to open a business in a certain organizational and legal form;

    selection of qualified and reliable co-founders of the new business;

    determination of financial sources necessary for doing business at the first stage, the functioning of the company;

    development of the necessary (depending on the organizational and legal form) constituent documents;

    carrying out a set of organizational measures to create your own business: holding the first meeting of the founders, choosing a company name, selecting qualified employees, making a seal, stamps, choosing a trademark, etc.

    development of a sound business plan;

    state registration of the company in the prescribed manner;

    registration with the tax authority at the location of the company (place of residence of an individual entrepreneur);

    opening settlement (current) and other accounts in any bank in accordance with the established procedure;

    conclusion of agreements (contracts) for the supply of raw materials, materials, components and other factors of production necessary for the implementation of entrepreneurial activities;

    obtaining, in accordance with the law, a permit (license) to carry out certain types of activities;

    conducting in-depth marketing research of the market, choosing ways to promote goods on the market, determining ways to sell products to consumers; determination of methods for pricing products or services;

    conclusion of contracts for the supply, purchase and sale of goods (services) with consumers;

    organization of accounting of income and expenses in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Republic of Latvia and others.

The decisive stage is the substantiation of entrepreneurial ideas, since it is at this stage that the economic interest of entrepreneurs in the implementation of specific activities is revealed, but the main thing is that the idea must be implemented in the results that will be recognized by the market.

The idea should be based on a simple and essential market principle: find a need and satisfy it. First, the search for an unmet need, and then the organization of the process to satisfy it.

The idea materializes for the purposes of entrepreneurship: satisfying needs for systematic profit. At this stage of creating your own business, it is advisable to evaluate the possibilities of implementing the idea.

An important step in creating your own business is the stage of resolving issues about the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur, which are necessary when forming the authorized capital.

At this stage, the possibilities of acquiring or renting real estate, obtaining the necessary information, using new technologies, etc. are determined. At this stage, specific goals are determined to create all the necessary conditions for the functioning of the company and making a profit. This stage is implemented through the development of projects of individual sections of the business plan.

But at the previous stages, the entrepreneur must decide on the choice of the organizational and legal form of entrepreneurial activity (firm), based on the intended goals, financial and economic opportunities, experience, knowledge and other factors.

Of great importance is the turnover rate of funds invested in creating your own business. For example, the highest rate of cash turnover is observed in trade and intermediary business, and the lowest - in production. An important role in the process of creating your own business is played by the development of the company's constituent documents (depending on the organizational and legal form and the number of founders), which establish virtually the entire mechanism for the functioning of the company.

An important place in the organization of entrepreneurial activity, in the mechanism of creating one's own business is occupied by the search for entrepreneurial ideas and the formulation of goals.

The idea and goals of creating your own business. The entrepreneurial idea is the potential possibility and necessity of an individual's own self-realization in order to solve their own goals by satisfying the needs of others.

Entrepreneurial activity, as a process, begins with an idea, which, under certain conditions, is realized in a specific entrepreneurial project, the essence of which should be based on the principle: to find a need and satisfy it.

A very successful American businessman M. Small formulates five rules for achieving a goal (idea)7.

1. Make up your mind: I can make money.

2. In order to make money, you must think about it constantly.

3. There are many areas in which you can be successful.

4. Learn from your own and others' mistakes.

5. When you settle on an idea, constantly think it over, develop it, and don't leave it until you reach your goal.

So, the idea is realized in order to organize a certain type of business.

Without a set immediate (tactical) and distant (strategic) goal, there is nothing to think about.

It is impossible to engage in entrepreneurship without knowing a realistically achievable goal that would be understandable to both subordinates and consumers of the results of your activities (goods, services). The goal should be clearly formulated by the entrepreneur himself, the head of the company, in order to bring it to all employees who embody your goal in concrete results of work. If you are both an entrepreneur and a manager, then you should be even more responsible for formulating your goal(s).

When formulating the goal of an entrepreneurial firm, it is necessary to take into account the experience of foreign countries and one's own country.

When starting to create your own business, it is advisable to remember the following: only clear goals lead to the achievement of your plan.

Therefore, the goal statement should include:

    quantitative indicators that the company must achieve, but you need to take into account the behavior of competitors, customers, market segment, market niches;

    the period during which the goal must be achieved (or milestones);

    the results that the firm and employees will receive;

    attraction of well-known responsible executors;

    determination of the costs of achieving this goal and the conditions for achieving the goal.

Running an entrepreneurial firm is a combination of tactics and strategy.

The purpose of the company should be concentrated on the most important thing - the products must satisfy the need not satisfied by other products. If this need is already satisfied, then it is necessary to arouse demand for your products by other means, i.e. create a new demand, a new market.

Satisfying unmet needs. This goal is defining in the market. You need to be constantly ready to practically answer the questions: “Is there a need for your products?

Presentation for the project "Open your own business"

What products, in what economic form, are in demand? What is this demand today? What will tomorrow be like in the future?

In the society of the free market economy, to which we aspire, the highest goal of any entrepreneurial organization is the formation of market needs, the satisfaction of customer demand. But the needs must be ranked according to the degree of satisfaction, significance, profitability, profitability, etc.

Goals must be commensurate with the capabilities of the company, with its technical, intellectual, personnel, financial level and raw material capabilities.

Goals must be specified in the activities, while there must be an understanding of the goals and activities by other employees, i.e. they must be convinced of the expediency of achieving this goal. The more employees of the company have the opportunity to participate in the selection and setting of the goal, the higher the result will be in its implementation.

So, the first goal of an entrepreneur is the definition of a set of goals, the choice of goals.

Therefore, in order to become an entrepreneur, to start creating your own business, you need to know what the consumer (consumers) wants, formulate a goal and strive to achieve it at a lower cost. Constantly study what people want and look for opportunities to give them what they want.

As a result, having an entrepreneurial idea, you need to clearly formulate your goals and start creating your own business.

Organization of one's own business, if there are appropriate material, financial and other opportunities, can be carried out through the following forms: the acquisition of a business, the lease of an enterprise as a whole, as a property set used for entrepreneurial activities, the use of the franchising method and the establishment of one's own business in a certain organizational and legal form .

In a brief form, we will outline the individual ways to create your own business.

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1. Introduction to the topic (work with the conceptual apparatus).

Teacher: The topic of our today's lesson is “Business and Entrepreneurship”. These words are very familiar to us, moreover, we quite rightly consider them synonyms, and it may seem strange to duplicate the words of one conceptual apparatus in the topic. But I deliberately put them together so that they not only help us to penetrate the essence of the most widespread socio-economic phenomenon, but also to see the distinctive shades and nuances.

The word “Business” appeared first. This word is English and it is not accidental. England is a classic example of capitalist relations based on business and entrepreneurship. It is distributed all over the world, it is used in all countries. Business is making money out of money, but... necessarily, through some useful activity that creates products or provides services.

And here we have a formula of words (Figure 1). What do you think is its meaning?

It is easy to see that business can only be done successfully by being enterprising, and that enterprising manifests itself only through business. Entrepreneurship as a special talent and business as a business constitute the content of entrepreneurship.

2. Actualization of the topic (development of a lesson plan).

Teacher: Business and entrepreneurship are the realities of the modern economy that surround us everywhere, being part of our lives. And therefore, the relevance of this topic, its significance for you and me, is quite obvious. For many of you, this will be your life's work. Many who sat at these desks 6.7 years before you opened their own shops, construction firms, law firms, hairdressers. And then we did not have the opportunity to discuss these issues, they were taught by life itself. You are in more favorable conditions, even at school you can prepare yourself for such a difficult task.

  1. What do you think we need to consider now to be successful in the future?
  2. What problems to sort out in order to successfully conduct business in the future?
  3. What do you need to know to become an entrepreneur?

Pupils: Suggest questions of interest to them, which are fixed on the board. From the most significant, a lesson plan is formed.

Lesson plan.

1. Qualities of the personality of an entrepreneur (what characteristics an entrepreneur must have in order to be successful).

2. Legal basis for entrepreneurship.

3. Types of enterprises.

4. Registration of enterprises.

3. Acquaintance with entrepreneurs of the Vladimir region (speech by students).

Teacher: The first question is what should be an entrepreneur, i.e. what traits of character, personality, a person must form in himself in order to be a successful entrepreneur. To solve this problem, we will turn to the experience of those people who were successful in this area. There are a huge number of them, but we will talk about the activities of the Muravkins and the successes of Vladimir Semyonovich Khrapovitsky. It is noteworthy that they have achieved success in our land on the territory of the Vladimir region.

Students: Listen to messages from classmates.

Message one: “Activity of the Muravkins”(Appendix No. 1)

Message two: “Activity of Khrapovitsky V.S.”(Appendix No. 2)

4. Creation of the moral code of the entrepreneur.

Teacher: We had the opportunity to get acquainted with the economic activities of entrepreneurs of different classes. We see that any business starts with an idea. People choose a type of activity that becomes not only a matter of their lives, but also must create a product that is needed, will be in demand, and only then it will bring profit and economic activity will be successful. But it is clear that one idea is not enough. People must have certain qualities. What are these qualities?

Students: Name the characteristic features.

  1. Striving for success, perseverance.
  2. Initiative.
  3. Ability to set tasks and find non-standard solutions.
  4. Courage, the ability to take risks, reasonable adventurism and at the same time realistically assess the situation.
  5. Independence.
  6. Have strict moral principles (honesty, decency, loyalty to the word).
  7. Asceticism in everyday life, thrift.
  8. Be persistent in work.
  9. Be able to manage, be able to organize yourself and others.
  10. To be an erudite, to have knowledge in many areas, and to be able to replenish them all his life.
  11. To be generous, to be able to help others, i.e. be a patron, sponsor, provide charity.

Teacher: And what do these words mean (philanthropist, sponsor, charity), what is the meaning of each of them?

Students: Work with a dictionary, comprehend the essence of words, determine similarities and differences.

patronage - patronage of figures of science, culture and art. The concept of patronage comes from the name of a rich man, a statesman of Ancient Rome Maecenas, who was known for providing material support to poets, artists, actors, musicians.

Charity is selfless help to the needy.

Sponsorship is the material support of someone or something with the aim of creating or maintaining a positive reputation, gaining fame, striving for profit, advertising. For these benefits, sponsors exchange their financial support (footnote).

Conclusion: In both cases, funds are allocated, but in the first case, the funds go to science, art ... in the second case, help is disinterested, and in the third - the exchange of funds for advertising, fame ...

Teacher: What kind of help is the most common now? Why?

5. Acquaintance with the basics of the legal framework of entrepreneurship (work in groups with regulations).

Teacher: The questions that we have touched upon are, to some extent, rhetorical. Everyone has the right to decide for himself what he should be, what to strive for. We return to questions and problems related to business. We need to get acquainted with the legal framework of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial activity is regulated by a fairly large list of laws and regulations (Figure 2).

Looking through the articles of the constitution, we see that it reflects the most general provisions of economic activity. The very process of carrying out entrepreneurial activity, the actions of participants, the legal regime of property, contractual relations are enshrined in the norms of the civil code.

Suppose you have an idea to start your own business, and you have already decided what you will do. Now you need to think about whether you will take up the matter alone or you need like-minded people, with or without hired labor, i.e. you need to choose a form of entrepreneurial activity.

Forms of entrepreneurial activity:

1. Individual labor activity (entrepreneur without forming a legal entity).

2. Enterprise (legal entity).

The main difference between these two forms is responsibility. If you decide to become an entrepreneur without forming a legal entity, then the property of your business and family property is an inseparable whole, and if God forbid you become bankrupt, then both will go under the hammer to pay your debts.

If you have created a business, then your personal property and family budget is one thing, and the property of your business is another. If the outcome of the case is unsuccessful, you pay off your debts only with the property of the enterprise, and family money remains safe and sound.

An enterprise can be in private, municipal and federal ownership and have a different organizational and legal form:

    1. Economic partnership.
    2. Joint-stock company.
    3. Production cooperative.

Students: Work in groups with legal documents (Appendix No. 3). Filling in the table “Organizational and legal forms of enterprises”.

Organizational and legal forms of enterprises

Questions for comparison

Economic partnership

Joint-stock company

Production cooperative


Authorized capital

Due to the contributions of the founders

Through shares

Due to property shares


All participants participate

It is carried out only by general partners, limited partners do not participate

General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors

General meeting of its members


jointly and severally bear subsidiary liability with their property

within the limits of their contributions

Within the value of their shares

Subsidiary liability according to the charter

Teacher: Corrects students' answers and draws a conclusion from the table.

Conclusion from the table: Having considered the characteristic features of the main organizational and legal forms of enterprises, we see differences. In the first two cases, there is a pooling of capital. If large investments are required for the implementation of economic activities, then it is better to create a joint-stock company. In our region, such are the State Customs Committee in Suzdal, Elektropribor, Tochmash, Polymer Synthesis. If there is no need for large capital, then you can create a partnership. This form is most typical for a store, a car repair shop, a legal agency. If the goal is to unite for the implementation of joint labor, then a production cooperative is better. This form is suitable for a bakery, hairdresser, farm.

6. Algorithm for state registration of entrepreneurial activity (teacher's explanation).

Teacher: We are starting to consider the last issue, the registration of an enterprise. In order for an enterprise to be eligible for economic activity, it must be correctly registered, strictly in accordance with the law. This process is multi-stage and we will now consider it.

Stage 1: Preparation of documents for state registration

a) The Charter is the main constituent document in which are indicated (Figure 3).

  • Details of the memorandum of association;
  • The main activities of the enterprise;
  • Relations between the founders and management bodies of the enterprise.

b) Memorandum of Association, which specifies).

  • Details of the founders;
  • Company name and location;
  • Formation of authorized capital and distribution of shares.

c) A notarized statement, which indicates the main provisions of the charter (Figure 4).

Stage 2: Submission of documents to the tax office

Documents are registered within five days, after which registered documents are issued, plus the tax office additionally issues

1. Certificate of assignment of a single state number in the register of legal entities (this is the main document of a legal entity confirming its state registration and entry into the unified register of legal entities in the Russian Federation) (Figure 5).

2. Certificate of registration with the tax office (Figure 6).

3. Extract from the tax office on the main provisions of the legal entity.

Stage 3: Submission of documents to the State Statistics Committee

The following documents are submitted:

a) a copy of the charter

c) a copy of an extract from the tax office

The State Statistics Committee issues an information letter on registration with the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations, which specifies the types of permitted activities of the enterprise, the place of establishment of the enterprise and its organizational and legal form. Information about the enterprise is encoded in accordance with the general unified forms of statistics in the Russian Federation (Figure 7).

Stage 4: Making a seal

For the implementation of economic activities of the enterprise, a seal is required, which can be produced at private enterprises licensed for this type of activity.

Stage 5: Notification of extra-budgetary funds about the creation of an enterprise

Notification of the establishment of an enterprise in extra-budgetary funds, which include: the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund, is necessary, since each enterprise is obliged to transfer part of its funds to these funds.

Stage 6: opening a bank account

After that, the state registration of the legal entity is completed and the enterprise can carry out economic activities.

In the process of explaining, the teacher uses the presentation “Business and Entrepreneurship”.


In the course of the teacher's explanation, students fill out the scheme "Algorithm for registering a legal entity."

Upon completion of the work, the scheme “Algorithm for registering a legal entity” should look like this (Figure 8).

7. Practical work to create an enterprise.


The class is divided into groups, each of which creates an enterprise project according to the algorithm provided by the teacher (Appendix 4). At the end of the work, the group will present their company.

If there is not enough time in the lesson, this work can be given at home.

Social cognition. Grade 10. profile level. Social science. 1. The statement “Archaeologists have established that the ancient Slavs lived in dugout houses with

gable roofs lined with sod” is an example of 1) scientific knowledge 2) worldly knowledge 3) folk wisdom 4) mythological knowledge 2. Are the following judgments about the object of knowledge correct? A. The object of knowledge can be the whole world around. B. The process of cognition can be directed to the study of the characteristics of an individual. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong 3. A statement that connects several judgments together, for example, “The gods are immortal. Zeus is the supreme deity. Therefore, Zeus is immortal "is an example of: 1) ideas 2) perception 3) concepts 4) inferences 4. Ordinary (everyday) knowledge is based on 1) understanding life experience 2) displaying the world in artistic images 3) putting forward scientific hypotheses 4) ideas about beautiful and ugly 5. Social cognition, unlike other types of cognitive activity, is characterized by 1) the use of special research techniques 2) the coincidence of the subject and object of cognition 3) the desire to establish the truth 4) the correspondence of the cognizable reality 6. Establish a correspondence between the methods and the level of scientific knowledge (research): for each position of the first column, select the corresponding positions from the second. METHODS LEVEL OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE (RESEARCH) A) theoretical B) empirical 1) identifying the general and special qualities of a phenomenon 2) conducting a laboratory experiment 3) putting forward a hypothesis 4) establishing the nature of interactions within a system object 7. Find in the list the features that are characteristic only of a social cognition, 1) the object and subject of cognition coincide 2) limited opportunities for experiments 3) fixing generalizations in the form of laws 4) obtaining quantitative data about the object under study 5) aimed at studying a person and society 6) explaining existing relationships

A person who dared to start his own business from scratch has conflicting feelings. On the one hand, he seems like a madman who risked taking this serious step in our difficult time. On the other hand, his deed and determination inspire respect and envy. Today you can find a huge amount of information on how to open your own business, which will enable a businessman to flourish and develop, have financial independence and recognition of society.

In general, an increasing number of people are changing the “state service” to doing their own business, that is, they are opening a private business. Its advantages are obvious:

  • a person gets the opportunity to do what he loves;
  • work without a boss;
  • there is no threat of layoffs or layoffs;
  • Financial independence.

In order for the opening of your business not to remain a dream, but to become a reality, you need to know a few rules.

Business idea

Every business starts with an idea. Before you open your own business, you should think carefully about what you would like to do and what knowledge and experience you have.

Experienced entrepreneurs say that in order to formulate a business idea, you need to take a piece of paper and write down ten options that come to mind. This is called "brainstorming". Then you need to evaluate each option, describing its "pros" and "cons".

Niche selection and market analysis

It is important to correctly choose a niche and analyze the market. At the stage of development, it is not recommended to choose goods or services unknown to people, but it is necessary to be prepared to meet with high competition. Therefore, a thorough market analysis will help with the choice of a profitable niche.

Drawing up a business plan

Drawing up a business plan is one of the most important components. It will help to realistically assess your capabilities, outline the intermediate and final results.

The business plan consists of the following items:

Table. The main points of the business plan

Start Here you need to describe the main occupation, the end result and the likelihood of losing money.
Niche Description Clearly specify the product or service, who can use it, in which regions it can be offered.
Market analysis Analysis of the economic situation, the number of competitors, planning promotions.
Business organization plan Plan the stages and deadlines for the implementation of each stage.
Budget planning It is important to calculate all the necessary costs, take into account one-time and recurring costs, calculate the break-even point when the minimum sales cover the costs of the business, and all the rest make a profit.
Description of the end result Detailed description of expected results, business expansion or work in other areas.

Registration with government agencies

Business registration is a mandatory procedure

After deciding on the type of activity and drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. By registering in one of these areas, we decide the issue of legality by doing our own thing.

Note! Illegal conduct of one's own business entails criminal liability.

The next step is registration with the Pension Fund, MHIF, FSS, Rosstat. Here you will need to collect a standard package of documents:

  • original / photocopy of the passport;
  • original / photocopy of TIN;
  • a document confirming the existence of registration with the tax authority with an extract on the selected OKVED;
  • paid receipt of state duty;
  • statement about the chosen system of taxation.

You can go through the process of completing all the necessary documents yourself. But some novice businessmen prefer to contact special firms dealing with these issues.

Choosing a place to do business

If you plan to open your business on the Internet, then the site will take on the role of a virtual office. To do this, you need to create it. You can do this both on your own and by contacting specialists. You will also need to purchase a domain and hosting.

If your own business is planned offline, then you will need to study all the specifics of opening it. So, a business in the service sector involves working from home and communicating with customers on a mobile phone. This will require office space. If this is a trade, the premises must be chosen in a shopping center or near it. For your own production, it is best to choose an industrial zone within the city. The office should be there. This will allow you to constantly monitor the progress of work.

Necessary equipment

After the novice entrepreneur has decided on the place, you need to purchase the equipment necessary for doing business. Here, the minimum costs are determined precisely by the chosen service sector.

  • To open a retail outlet, you need to purchase display cases, refrigerators, scales and other necessary equipment. Some start-up entrepreneurs purchase used equipment in order to save money. This is an extremely unwise decision, since one cannot be sure of the quality and longevity of such equipment.
  • For your own production, you need to purchase a whole line of equipment.
  • Organizing your business on the Internet, in this regard, is somewhat easier. It does not require special premises and equipment. But if we are talking about opening an online store, then in the future you will need to rent a warehouse for storing goods. Suppliers of goods can be found via the Internet.

Advertising and promotion

The same is true in online business. Internal and external website optimization is necessary for the development and maintenance of your own business.

Recommendation! Promotion also plays an important role. In order for a client to become a regular and tell his friends and relatives about you, you need to give him more than he expected. For example, when buying a product, you can make a gift or a small discount.

Total costs and total profit

The cost of starting a business must be calculated in advance

Costs are the amount of money a person spends on starting a business. They are divided into one-time and monthly.

Table. One-time and monthly expenses

When calculating the maximum amount of one-time costs, we get 183,000 rubles. This is the minimum required to open a business "on the ground".

If you start a business online, then, according to experts, you can meet 100,000 rubles, since the cost of purchasing equipment is excluded.

Monthly costs will range from 29,000 to 200,000 rubles, depending on the type of business, the number of employees and the area of ​​the leased premises.

You will also need to submit a quarterly report to the tax office, pay taxes and contributions to the Pension Fund.

A classic business pays off in about a year and a half if there is a well-organized advertising campaign. An online business pays off much faster, since the costs of opening and maintaining it are much lower.

How to start your own business? You can engage in the provision of a certain category of services. Here you can work both independently and in tandem. A good choice is the resale of services (intermediary activity).

For example, you have a legal education and plan to engage in the provision of services in this category. To learn the specifics of a business from the inside, it is worth some time to work in a company engaged in such a business. This will provide an opportunity to understand all the intricacies of the organizational process and, no less important, to build your own client base.

Opening any business requires start-up capital, since even the simplest business will require a small advertising campaign. It is impossible to exclude expenses for some organizational issues. The minimum amount that must be “on hand” is a thousand dollars.

To make sure by a vivid example that starting your own business, becoming a successful and independent person is not a dream, but an accessible reality, we recommend watching a short video.