Periodicals on personnel management. Review of foreign journals on personnel management

Dear readers!

We are pleased to present to your attention the first issue of the electronic magazine "site". Our magazine is devoted to topical issues of personnel management, both in Russia and abroad.

When creating the magazine, we tried to ensure that all the articles published in it answered the most burning issues of personnel management.

The importance of emotional intelligence in work: why it is more important than personality traits

When, if not now?! Personnel assessment in a crisis

Shevchenko Nadezhda Valerievna

Human Resources as a line of business has been hit hard by the crisis that has befallen us. But the crisis is the time to pay attention to human resources. In this article, we will consider the personnel assessment system of the RODEX Group company and its practical significance for overcoming the crisis. The assessment is based on the 360-degree methodology, which allows you to consider an employee from different points of view and at the same time increase the objectivity and effectiveness of the assessment. Competency models that are developed for each position help to more accurately determine the compliance of an employee with the requirements of the company and the area of ​​its development. If the evaluation is carried out in good faith both by the evaluation manager and all other participants in the evaluation process, then the information received will help to use the company's human capital much more efficiently. The results of the assessment in a crisis are applicable to all personnel decisions, whether it is dismissal, movement or promotion. Having information about the potential of employees, about their strengths and weaknesses, we will be able to organize their activities much more efficiently, highlight the best and think about what to do with those who fall short of our high bar. Thus, the assessment of personnel is more important than ever for a company in a crisis, when it is necessary to work more actively and intensively in order to overcome it.

Heads of primary labor collectives as agents of the personnel service: theory, analysis and research results

John Parcel and Sue Hutchinson

In studies aimed at studying the relationship between HRM and performance, insufficient attention is paid to the role of leaders of primary labor collectives, who are responsible for the implementation of certain HR initiatives. We conducted a survey of employees of 12 "high-performing" companies, the purpose of which was to establish how the commitment of employees of the organization and the effectiveness of their work depend on the characteristics of leadership behavior and satisfaction with the implementation of programs in the field of personnel management. It has been established that both parameters significantly affect the behavior of workers and their effectiveness. At the end of the article, the results of a study aimed at developing managerial skills among leaders are presented.

Leaderboarding: Ad Analysis

Method of peer review in personnel management

Currently, an increasing number of procedures and methods for assessing personnel are based on expert assessments. The main thing when using these methods is the ability to competently plan and conduct a survey of experts. The article considers the list of requirements that an expert must meet, provides a number of methods for assessing the reliability of the results obtained, considers the procedures for assigning weights, building ratings, and describes how to assess the degree of consistency of opinions of experts. In addition, practical recommendations are given and examples of the use of this approach in practice are given.

Corporate Universities in Germany

Ievleva Valeria Valerievna

The aim of the study is to study corporate universities in German companies that have successfully implemented this project. The material is practical and provides information for the preparation of recommendations that can improve the effectiveness of CG.

This analytical review uses materials provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education, as well as other open sources of information, including corporate websites.

1. - magazines "Personnel Management" and "Labor Law"

2. - practical magazine on personnel work "Personnel business"

3. - RHR Human Resources portal: News, HR research, HR legislation, HR technologies, HR management, HR reality, HR contacts, HR events, Corporate health, HR dictionary, HR interesting

4. - Human Resources magazine. News. Events. Documentation.

5. - Electronic journal about personnel management: Columns and special projects: Reviews of events and publications; HR books; HR chip; Opinions; HR business; IT company personnel management; Personnel management in metaphors; Atmosphere. News. Articles. HR forum.

6.– Reference base (free of charge), books, magazines, seminars, forum, tests on personnel work. Journal "HR practitioner". Information personnel support. HR Forum. Personnel self-audit. Training center for personnel officers on-line. Self-instruction manual on personnel office work. Tests. Electronic newspaper on personnel office work. News of labor legislation.

7. - magazine "Personnel of the enterprise"

8. - Leading portal about personnel management. HRM forums. Reference books. HR library. Webinars.

9. – HRMagazine magazine and HR blogs

10. - HR Director - a practical journal on human resource management

11. - Information portal for specialists in personnel and personnel management: Personnel documents. Standard. Personnel University. Questions and answers on HR-themes, personnel records management and labor legislation. Magazines "Handbook of the personnel officer", "Handbook of personnel management", "All for the personnel officer", "Regulatory acts for the personnel officer"

12. - site of Solovyov D.P.: Educational materials. Methodical materials. specific situations. Author's works. Encyclopedia of personnel management.

13. - Staff training: library, documents, staff training methods, world experience, adult education news, staff training assessment, staff training system, talent management

14. - HR-community and publications: Publications in the sections "Personnel management", "HR record keeping", "Work and career". Sample documents and methods. Forum. Blogs. Work for job seekers and employers

15. - Modular program "Leader of the XXI century" seminars and trainings, books, articles on personnel management

16. - HR industry pulse: HR news, HR events, HR blogs, HR wiki, Recruiter directory, Research and surveys

17. - Administrative and management portal: articles on personnel and personnel management

18. - Career Encyclopedia

19. - corporate governance portal - catalog of training companies, distance learning, personnel assessment, competencies, coaching, personnel certification, training methods, team building, training effectiveness assessment, e-learning, exhibitions, personnel management conferences

20. - A community of HR and HR professionals - Library of articles. Normative base. Sample documents. Bookshelf. Forum.

21. - Labor law. Payments and payouts. Employment. Personnel accounting. Control. Useful: vacation, maternity, sick pay calculators.

22. – Website of the Community of Recruitment Managers; addresses of websites of magazines on personnel issues

22.1. – Grebennikov Publishing House magazines and books:

ü Corporate culture management,

ü "Human potential management",

ü Personnel Development Management,

ü "Motivation and remuneration",

ü “Technologies of team play”,

ü "Personnel motivation: system development, performance evaluation",

ü "Management and motivation of employees of the sales department",

ü "Search and evaluation of personnel: effective methods and techniques"

22.2. – Journal “Job and Salary”

22.3. – Kadrovik.Ru magazine

22.4.– Magazine “T&D Director.Business training and staff development”

22.5.– Journal “Issues of Labor Law”

22.6. – Kadrovik Plus magazine

22.7. - Journal "Personnel Solutions"

22.8. - Economist's Handbook

22.9. - Magazine "Personnel Management"

22.10. - Journal "Enterprise Personnel"

22.11. – State magazine

22.12. – Elite Personnel Magazine

Software products

1. - Center for Human Resources Technologies: Catalog of software products for personnel management

2. - software product LeaderTask - case management system

3. - E-Learning systems - an intranet system for employee training

4. - IHRS - automated system for recruitment, personnel workflow, document storage, statistics collection and control

5. - Experium - a professional recruitment program

6. - HR Express - a professional software product for recruiters

7. - a software product for making presentations

8. - software products for developing presentations

There are at least a hundred periodicals devoted to the issues of personnel management in the world. We begin to acquaint you with the most famous of them.

The International Journal of Human Resource Management
(International Journal of Human Resource Management)

Editor: Professor Michael Poole, Cardiff Business School (UK).
Published since 1988, 8 issues per year, 170 pages.

This is a journal for scholars and professionals in the field of human resource management, aimed at exploring future trends in human resource management, presenting empirical research in the field of strategic personnel management, international business in a rapidly changing global environment. The journal welcomes articles on issues of international integration, increasing competition, technological change, new concepts of line management, corporate climate change.

How does an internally oriented human resource management policy compare with high-performance work tools? Proof from Singapore.
(Mark E. Barnard; Ronald A. Rodgers)

Gender and Human Resource Management: A Critical Look.
(Annette Davies; Robyn Thomas)

Farewell to human resource management? Personnel management in Japanese factories in the UK.
(Jonathan Morris; Barry Wilkinson; Max Munday)

Looking to change the role of the corporate human resources function in an international company.
(Hugh Scullion; Ken Starkey)

Training in service companies is the expansion and contraction of the customer service culture as a process of interaction.
(Andrew Sturdy)

Human Resource Management Review (Review on Human Resource Management Issues)

Editor: R.V. Griffeth (R.W. Griffeth), Georgia State University (USA).
Published since 1989, 4 issues per year, 200 pages.

A quarterly journal that publishes theoretical articles related to personnel management and related fields (organizational behavior, organizational psychology, labor relations). Much attention is paid to the micro level of study (individuals and groups). The purpose of the journal is to promote empirical research, as well as a critical analysis of existing concepts, models, theories.


An introduction to the special issue on employee turnover.
(James L. Price)

An event-driven historical analysis of staff turnover: the case of hospital staff in Australia.
(Roderick D. Iverson)

Behavioral characteristics of workers at an automobile plant in South Korea.
(Sang-Wook Kim)

Structural measures of employee satisfaction and organizational engagement in employee turnover patterns.
(Stefan Gaertner)

Performance and employee turnover: an overview and comprehensive multivariate model.
(David G. Allen, Rodger W. Griffeth)

Unforeseen costs for remuneration, employment and functional staff turnover.
(Charles R. Williams)

The model of subordination of behavior at the end of a career: an adaptive response model.
(Rodger W. Griffeth, Stefan Gaertner, Jeffrey K. Sager)

Human Resource Management Journal
(Journal of Human Resource Management)

Publisher: Eclipse Group Ltd. (London).
Published since 1990, 4 issues per year, 110 pages.

This is a prestigious London publication that allows you to keep abreast of the latest concepts and developments in the field of human resource management, new trends in organizational development and management.

The journal is intended for academic and educational libraries, for researchers and specialists in the field of human resource management.

Particular attention is paid to the international aspect.

E-mail address of the journal: www.proquest.umi/pqdweb

Emigrants and the impact of cross-cultural training.
(Nick Foster)

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of employees of various nationalities who work in traditional English companies. This was due to the large number of academic works and practical research that were devoted to cross-cultural training.

This article examines effective adaptive mechanisms on the example of large teams of the largest enterprises in the UK and determines the criteria for the effectiveness of such mechanisms.

Reaching the Top: The Career Ladder of HR Directors.
(James Kelly)

Internationalization and the function of personnel management in German multinational companies.
(Anthony Ferner)

Company performance and remuneration: building the foundation.
(Chris Hendry)

The purpose of the article is to resolve some problems and identify errors in the concept and design regarding the company's performance, building a reward system, and present a model for a more detailed and in-depth understanding of these phenomena. In particular, this is an attempt to clarify what company results we would like to talk about, how to measure, and how to present and improve results when HR intervention is required to restructure the compensation system and the resulting company results.

HR managers' perception of dishonesty in the workplace.
(Iain Coyne)

Establishing a connection: organizational structures and required qualities.
(Alan Felstead)

As Alice in Wonderland said, sometimes you have to run fast to stay in one place. Competition is intensifying in all markets, consumer expectations are rising, profitability is falling. And the requirements of the staff to the company are also increasing every day. Competition on all fronts... In a good company, everything should be good - and the product, and its production, and service, and finances. And people.

Each section of the front is overgrown with commanders with mysterious names - financial, marketing, quality, development managers ... And - personnel.

It is a special conversation about people - a very specific resource: it lives its own life and is difficult to manage. The most capricious, in a word. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this issue closely and entrust this sector of the front to the most patient. Usually this is how the HR manager appears in the company ...

personal happiness

From the point of view of the head, with the advent of the personnel manager, one "headache" should be less. It is his concern that everyone would work and be happy, while the leader focuses on the main thing - increasing sales and distributing funds.

The personnel manager in relatively small companies (options - director of personnel, head of personnel department, HR manager, etc.) appears as a line in the staff list, as a rule, for three main reasons.

First of all, for reasons “like everyone else”, because you need to keep up with fashion trends, otherwise it won’t last long and miss something useful. “It’s better to be safe than sorry” This is generally a general rule for getting into a sane company with all sorts of newfangled concepts of “managing something” (quality, cost, company value, you yourself know - choose according to your taste). In smaller organizations, concepts come alone; in larger enterprises, they come with friends who call themselves consultants.

Secondly, a company experiencing rapid growth, including personnel, and is rapidly acquiring personnel documentation. The accounting department also keeps up with growth and becomes obscenely large. And this section of accounting is allocated to a separate department with the appropriate head. So, at least, there is no feeling that half of the office works in accounting.

Thirdly, sooner or later, the personal human whims of employees begin to tire and annoy the manager, and he hires a special person, based on the logic that under the Soviets there was a trade union that personifies and provides care for employees, and now its analogue is needed.

In fact, in the first two cases, we are not even talking about personnel management. The position of HR is so "on the side" of the head and isolated from all business processes that it does not have any significant impact on the position of the company. The third case also cannot be called management in its essence, if not for the consequences ...

With the further practical exploitation of the first option, everything is clear - if the organization is healthy, has a certain thirst for profit, then no fashion trends can kill it - they will pass like a runny nose. Some introductions are replaced by others, but all this is just a wave on the surface, the introduction of attributes. Attribute, by the way, may retain a job, because in such companies they can afford not to pay attention to petty expenses. In this case, HR is engaged in self-development in his spare time until he wants to apply the acquired knowledge seriously. The work of HR for the rest seems a mystery, although familiar - they did not play such games.

With the second option it is even easier - the costs, "smeared" in a thin layer across different departments, look harmless. And therefore, performing the function of accounting, HR in this case does not deal with people, and more often does not even see them. The solution is quite durable, because it works and does not interfere with anyone. Management is still successfully engaged in human affairs.

Case three, the most common - it finally comes to the staff. Let's see how it works in practice...

The initial message when hiring a personnel manager in this case is that the team must be, and it must be satisfied. A satisfied team works better and does not distract management from work with personal requests. Two main functions flow from this: recruiting new staff as needed and meeting the needs of workers. Let's take a closer look here...

All the problems associated with staff satisfaction, HR, again, bears on the head of the enterprise, presenting them in the light that it sees fit. Interpreting the requirements and aspirations of the team becomes the main occupation. And then the next ideas in the books keep up in time - career planning, the creation of a personnel reserve, advanced training programs ...

HR is doing its best - everything is for people. Working conditions for work efficiency it is necessary to provide the most favorable - coziness, comfort, lunches, transport, free coffee and tea. Team building to increase the effectiveness of intra-company communications - corporate holidays, birthdays, anniversaries ... Active recreation at the expense of the company - vouchers, gyms, going to the cinema. HR becomes the best friend of the staff - they are told all the problems, doubts, ideas. HR is petitioning management to allocate more and more resources. The HR manager over time takes the side of the team in all the mutual requirements of the staff and management. Life in the company is getting cozier and cozier... You can immediately see a modern enterprise - there is a real HR manager who really cares about employees.

This is where the mousetrap slams shut. Work efficiency continues to decline. Comfort begins to interfere with getting out of the office to clients, employees perceive life as a continuous holiday. In addition, the wishes to the management for increased care are intensifying. All sorts of mythical companies are cited as an example, where the honey is thicker, and you don’t have to work at all, the management there is wise, everything has been adjusted, and everything, as it were, works by itself. And the HR manager supports the team in this, because he read about such firms in special magazines.

The manager begins to understand that he has grown a trade union for himself with his own money. The way back, as they say, is not always free - the team is completely spoiled by kindness. The HR manager has become personnel manager and not for the enterprise. The "tightening of the nuts" begins.

Those who are finally used to greenhouse conditions leave to look for another "greenhouse" - HR said that there are many of them somewhere. The rest of the mind begins to understand that "chunga-changa" is unlikely to happen again, waiting for further developments, hiding. It is not possible to work in silence. We have to systematically renew the team by 100%, and, preferably, immediately, because complacency is a contagious thing, and the atmosphere of sinecure will leave only with the last employee spoiled by it, who, when leaving, will tell newcomers how wonderful the company was and what it has “sinked to”, because the management "all the money is not enough, they have become greedy."

And it all started as good intentions, and everything was done according to the books ...

The reason seems to be obvious - in rare books they write about the goals of human resource management. The bulk of the literature, especially periodicals, describes the tools for achieving the goal, while silent about it. Yes, you need to take care of the staff, working conditions, recreation, training, career, because ... Why?

Human resource

Now let's start over. That is, with goals. Wrong setting of goals leads to their rather quick achievement, especially with good execution. And it always brings more harm than achieving the right goal even with the wrong methods. In the second case, we will get to it more slowly, in the second case, we will come to the wrong place at all. “California is on the other side,” the Indian said to the cowboy, to which he replied, “It's okay, we have good horses.”

If you ever get carried away reading the Civil Code, then one banal thought will probably catch your eye: "The purpose of a commercial enterprise is to make a profit." I especially recommend reading this to the preachers of the various "Company Missions." For some reason, they don’t formulate missions for free, everyone strives for a fee.

Thus, the goal of the company is its efficiency, i.e. the ability to exceed revenues over expenses. The effectiveness of the company directly, purely arithmetically, depends on the effectiveness of its constituent parts. No one is surprised by the measurement of the profitability of an advertising campaign, the marginal profit of a single business operation. But, for some reason, the question of the profitability of personnel is still surprising - with the exception of trade and production (maybe they don’t consider it to be personnel?). "How much does he bring me?" - a question related to the sales staff is legal and not immoral, because it is easy to calculate. The effectiveness of the rest lies beyond the scope of this monitoring, and the company is divided into those who directly bring money, and the "others", which are actually the "company".

For those who create added value, they spend exactly as much as it costs to add this value, for the "company" - as much as they ask. And managers for staff help to ask.

This attitude, as a method of management's economic thinking, is easily picked up by the personnel manager and forgets why this staff was gathered here. And they collected it at the enterprise not in order to take care of it, although this is necessary.

So why care about staff? In fact, the question should not be posed "why", but "what for" - in this small linguistic difference lies the cynical question of efficiency.

Only soldiers fight for ideas, generals fight for resources. Remember any war.

Everything that is done for the staff should bring in more money than is invested in this event. Because it is a resource.

The same production resource as, say, machine tools and equipment, only more troublesome to operate. The resource, of course, must be protected. The rest of the resources of the enterprise would say the same thing if they could speak.

Who said you don't have to take care of machines? If they are not lubricated and repaired, they will become unusable. But decorating them with garlands and making them an end in itself is a waste and dangerous waste of money. Out of machine love, so to speak, you can start decorating the milling machine with two colored lanterns; he will not require three more to be hung for him in the next quarter. But it’s more difficult with people - they deteriorate from extra “garlands” and stop working.

But in general - the principle of sufficiency of care must be observed in both cases. In production, the chief mechanic monitors the state of the equipment fleet. And at the enterprise for the state, performance and workload of human resources - HR manager.

And the goal of the HR manager is to ensure that employees are used effectively. And effective use means that nothing is given or wasted.

Manager on staff, as opposed to the manager for personnel, always stands on the side of efficiency, and this, as a rule, is the position of management. Therefore, HR always supports the management, and does not oppose it in defending the collective of its right to idleness. Therefore, a good HR manager is approached fawningly and disliked for preventing the company's time and money from being wasted for the pleasure of employees.

With the love of the people, we have almost figured out - they will love the personnel manager only in one case - if he condemns all the actions of the management on the sidelines and does not slander. That is, to be useless for the company in absolutely everything. And even a little harm, encouraging disloyalty.

Speaking in general, it is possible to be kind to the staff, but not for long. Because no one has enough money for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to be fair.

An HR manager has a duty to care about the performance of people, not about themselves - that's what is rarely written in magazines and textbooks. If, in order to increase efficiency, it is necessary to take care of the level of education or the comfort of the staff's rest, then it is necessary to conduct a training and provide a ticket to a sanatorium. But one should never confuse the tool for achieving the goal with the goal itself, i.e. do not forget who works for whom - employees should work for the enterprise, and not vice versa.

To do this, the HR manager needs to think like a leader, and not like a specialist. And for this you need to be a leader to a certain extent. It already depends on the position of the leadership.

The main task of the personnel manager is to interest people in the success of a business, task, or project. The task "to please the employee", solved by the manager for staff does not really motivate people to perform, but in the long run it demotivates.

The enterprise does not need to please the staff, but there is a need to be needed by it. These, as they say in Odessa, are two big differences.

If compared in the coordinate system of the Soviet era, a good HR is not a trade union, but rather a commissar.

Sooner or later, there comes a point in everyone’s career when an employee says to himself, “That’s enough for me.” And calms down, ceases to seek and achieve. And only a good HR can track this moment in time and take away this “superfluous” from a person, which prevents him from moving forward for the benefit of the company.

Who will love such a personnel manager if he makes employees be in good shape all the time and keep them on a half-starved "ration"?

First, people who aspire to an event feel better in anticipation of it, and not at the moment of its achievement. Consider, for example, the New Year. In addition, a person lives for self-affirmation and this joy should not be taken away from him with premature and undeserved gifts.

Secondly, the professionalism of a good HR manager is precisely manifested in the assignment of the amount of motivation - the minimum allowable amount when it is still motivating, that is, having received it, the employee will be satisfied. And no more to save the company's money and leave room for further growth, and nothing less to achieve the company's goal and employee satisfaction.

What does this "starvation ration" mean in practice? Everyone has his own and this does not mean poverty at all, it can be quite high. If at the moment the official Zhiguli is a necessary minimum for the vice-president of the company, HR must vigilantly ensure that it does not grow into a Mercedes without special need, since you need to give only what you really want and deserve, but no more than that.

Well, and thirdly - who said that the personnel manager should be loved by everyone? His work also needs to be measured in terms of efficiency for the enterprise, and not his "degree of satisfaction with the company"! He should be useful, not pleased. However, like all other employees.

Why we manage

Why don't they write about the goals of human resource management, at least so often, so that HR finally has a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat it does - and the role of HR managers in companies would be about the same?

They write, of course, but, as a rule, in an allegorical form. Motivation, they say, is one of the concerns of the HR manager. And then again - how to provide this motivation. Leaving again "behind the scenes" the goal of providing motivation - and so, it seems, of course - so that they work better.

And to put it bluntly, somehow it turns out badly, cynically. Therefore, the meaning of the existence of personnel managers in the organization acquires a certain mystery.

But if you still decide and say it like it is? It's not all that scary:

The main task of the personnel manager is to ensure the most complete exploitation of the mental and physical capabilities of the employee at the lowest possible cost..

Well, if HR comes to you and starts talking about the balance of interests, mission, social obligations and other things that your company lacks so much - be sure to check if he is lying, does he believe in it?

If he does not lie and believes - drive him in the neck!

A modern practical publication created especially for HR directors. In each room:

  • effective management decisions, ideas and know-how;
  • advanced methods of motivation, assessment and training of personnel;
  • advice on how to apply the theoretical foundations in practice;
  • advice on career and personal effectiveness;
  • recommendations in the development and protection of the HR budget.

Every month, the successful experience of several dozen HR directors of foreign and domestic companies will help you. Without water - bright, juicy, practical! Live information in a format that is easy to use. Especially for managers who manage the most valuable resource - people.

Sections of the magazine "Director of Human Resources"

  1. HR pulse (Briefly about the main events, people and ideas).
  2. Personnel efficiency (how to ensure the quality work of company employees).
  3. Background (labor law for the head).
  4. HR department (how to organize the work of the personnel department).
  5. Personal effectiveness (training, career, lifestyle).

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  • “Personal HR response” service (5 personal written consultations per year from leading HR practitioners);
  • electronic assistants at (including Professional tests and HR documents)
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