Probationary assignment for a marketer. Probationary assignment

Passing a hiring test may be one of the conditions for filling a vacant position in an organization. In this regard, it is necessary to know what procedure for passing the test is provided for by law and what documents are drawn up during this period.

The procedure for passing the IP according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

According to this rule, if the probationary period is not completed, the employer has the right to terminate the employment relationship with him. When making such a decision, the employer is obliged to notify the person in writing. The notification is sent no later than three days before the day of termination of the legal relationship. Failure to comply with this procedure is grounds for appealing the decision to court.

In case of termination of relations, the opinion of the trade union (if there is one in the organization) is not taken into account. There is also no severance pay.

It should also be noted that if, in the process of fulfilling his duties, a person comes to the conclusion that the job is not suitable for him, then he also has the right to terminate the relationship at his own request. In this case, the employee is also obliged to notify the employer no later than three days before the date of termination of the contract.

Report on passing the IP

One of the important documents drawn up based on the test results of a new employee is a report. The information included in the report reflects the candidate’s ability to fill a position in the organization on a permanent basis and perform the duties required by his position.

The report must be completed by the person who has been assigned as a supervisor or mentor. The basis for drawing up the report is the probationary plan, which indicates the main tasks.

The report must reflect information about how the person coped with the tasks assigned to him during the test period, whether there were errors in his actions and how they were corrected.

Attention! The law establishes a period within which the report must be prepared. It must be ready no later than 2 weeks until the end of the test period.

In addition to the report, the employee’s supervisor draws up a conclusion, which is also an integral part of all documentation about the test. This document summarizes the information included in the probation report and reference.

The conclusion may take the form:

  1. Order;
  2. Analytical note;
  3. An act drawn up by the commission.

An organization may establish a form of conclusion by internal act. When such a form is not established, the conclusion is drawn up arbitrarily.

The conclusion states the assessment:

  1. Professional competence of the person;
  2. Its obligations;
  3. Performance;
  4. Ability to plan work;
  5. The quality of the work performed;
  6. Compliance with labor regulations;
  7. Ability to collaborate with other employees.

An example of a conclusion on completion of the probationary period, as well as a sample assignment for the probationary period, can be found below:

Characteristics of the employee after the verification period

Characteristics are another document drawn up based on the results of passing a test when hiring.

The characteristics are drawn up, like other documents, by the curator. When an organization has established the form of such a document, the characteristics must be drawn up strictly in accordance with it. When such a form is not approved, it is drawn up arbitrarily.

The specification must include the following information:

  1. About the organization;
  2. About the person for whom a probationary period has been established, indicating his personal information, as well as information about the position and structural unit of work;
  3. Test period;
  4. If the employee has length of service, his length of service is indicated;
  5. Information about the curator;
  6. Information about the tasks that were assigned to the person during the test period;
  7. Conclusions and comments from the manager (indicates what the employee did during the test period, whether the employee coped or failed to cope with the tasks assigned to them).

Actions of the employer upon completion of the tests

After the probationary period has ended and all the necessary documentation about the employee passing the test has been prepared, the employer must decide whether the employee was suitable for him.

When an employee, after the end of the probationary period, continues to work in the organization, this means that he completed the assigned tasks successfully. Additional registration of the employee after the probationary period is not required.

However, a person hired does not always successfully complete the probationary period. In this case, the employer must prepare a written report on the completion of the test. Next, the employee must be familiarized with the results (the fact of familiarization is confirmed by his signature). When an employee refuses to sign, a report is drawn up.

When the basis for termination of the contract is the initiative of the employer, the order must indicate the reasons for termination of the employment contract. The reason for dismissal of an employee is failure to pass the test.

Note! When the trial is terminated before the date established by the agreement, the employer is obliged to issue an order to this effect. The employee should be informed of the decision to end the probationary period.

I wrote this post to help managers avoid mistakes when choosing an in-house marketer.

Earlier in the blog we already discussed the pros and cons of different options cooperation with a marketer. Spoiler: the optimal method is agency + in-house, that is, it is important that the marketer in the company and the agency work synchronously.

Most of the tips in the article are not new, but it is important to remind you of them, because (as we see) many in the market still find it difficult to find a good marketer. And it’s quite difficult to understand whether it’s worth investing effort, time, and money into an employee from the first meeting.

At the interview

It's understandable that many candidates are nervous at first. After introductory stories about yourself, smoothly proceed to the main thing:

1. Check your logic. Knowledge of terms is not an indicator. Moreover, these kinds of questions are easy to find on the Internet and memorize. The candidate may not know the technicalities, but be creative and smart. Situational questions will allow you to assess the flexibility of thinking of the future employee.

Example: often assessments of product quality by the company itself and its customers do not coincide. Whose assessment is more important for business and why?

2. Test your basic knowledge to understand the level of training of a potential employee and the required time for his training and adaptation.

3. Check your soft skills: the speed of answers, behavior, reaction to questions will say a lot about the candidate as a person. After all, you will work not only with a specialist, but first and foremost with a person.

4. Explain with examples. Offer to solve a problem related to future responsibilities.

If you already have someone acting as a marketing specialist on staff, invite them to an interview to better evaluate the candidate's answers.

On probation

If the marketer successfully passed the interviews, during the first months of work, take a particularly close look at the following traits:

  1. Punctuality. This parameter can be assessed by meeting deadlines, speed of responses to letters, and also noticing whether the newcomer is late for work.
  2. Learning ability. It is important how quickly a person can apply new knowledge in practice, as well as whether he is looking for new tools or following the beaten path.
  3. Initiative. Most likely, during the probationary period you will not receive super-revolutionary ideas, but if an employee is interested in the development of the project and expresses his opinion on features that can be implemented, do not miss it.
  4. KPI fulfillment. It usually takes much longer to achieve key performance indicators than the probationary period. Try to come up with intermediate KPIs that can be achieved in a couple of months. If you can’t work with intermediate indicators, let the employee draw up a plan to achieve the necessary KPIs.
  5. Generation of ideas. A marketer must draw up a marketing strategy based on knowledge of the client’s business processes and its competitors. How the company will develop, what goals the business faces and with what steps the goals will be achieved - this information can reach the contractor through the marketing specialist’s proposals, as well as experiments.

  6. Definition. By this quality I mean adherence to deadlines, speed and correctness of responses to messages and letters. These obvious qualities are necessary to establish high-quality interaction between the client and the agency.
  7. Communication skills. The marketer constantly communicates with the manager and the contractor, so it is important to convey and defend his point of view without conflicts.
  8. Openness. It happens that a marketer on the client side does not communicate strategically important data for cooperation: profit, the number of new and regular clients. This information is needed to evaluate effective collaboration.
  9. Creativity. By creativity I don’t mean having a million ideas for a banner design or a font for a headline, but non-standard promotion ideas - even if there are only a few of them.
  10. If an employee lacks at least one of these qualities, the following situations are likely:

  • technical assignments not completed on time or partially completed;
  • losses: you will spend more time of a full-time marketer, programmers, and contractor. You will have to wait a very long time for your money back or completely forget about the payback;
  • bad relationship with the contractor. Usually, responsibility is asked from the contractor, and the agency is blamed for the lack of results. But if the client’s marketer, for a number of reasons, cannot maintain the required pace and quality of work, the agency will not be able to help the business.

Who is better to hire: a newbie or a “star”?

It all depends on the goals that the employer sets for itself and the salary that is included in the budget.

A newcomer will need to be trained, but most likely he will be very persistent and have an open-minded view of many business processes.

An experienced employee will cost the company an order of magnitude more, but will not make basic mistakes that an inexperienced marketer will probably encounter at first.

To ensure that a full-time marketer, working with only one project, does not drown in routine and lose productivity, send him to specialized conferences more often and, of course, increase his salary in proportion to the specialist’s development.

Types of Marketers

I will give several real examples of the influence of an in-house marketer on the result of cooperation with a contractor and the business as a whole. Of course, the types of specialists are described from the point of view of the contractor - the agency.


Communication: on Skype.

Situation: we asked the client to send three advertising banners. As a result, the marketer received almost 20 ideas from the overabundance of ideas.


  • creating banners takes a lot of designer time;
  • due to lengthy approvals, advertising campaigns were launched later than the originally agreed upon date;
  • a large number of banners scattered the statistics, and we could not determine the most effective ones for the period.

Result: By the scheduled time, we were unable to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the banners and the test period had to be extended (and therefore went beyond the budget).

How to fix?

First, prioritize all your ideas. Test priority areas, not the entire creative pool. Also set strict deadlines, for example, for banner approvals.


Communication: on Skype.

Situation: The client’s marketer was often slow or did not answer questions at all. Sometimes he went on vacation without leaving a replacement, or disappeared altogether.


  • coordination of work issues was delayed;
  • promotion results deteriorated because we could not complete some tasks without prior approval;
  • Despite the unsatisfactory result, you still need to pay for the specialists’ time.

Result: the client did not understand the reason for the low promotion results. The relationship with the agency deteriorated and we had to stop cooperation.

How to fix?

Set key performance indicators (KPIs) not only for the agency, but also for your marketer. For example, in Netpeak, each specialist has his own KPIs, which allow him to evaluate the employee’s work.


Communication: for urgent tasks - in Skype, for planned ones - in the task scheduler.

Situation:client marketer always responded within 24 hours. At the same time, he separated urgent and planned tasks, which allowed for efficient use of resources and time.

Result: This format of cooperation is as convenient as possible. We managed not only to achieve significant results, but also to establish good relationships between the client and agency teams.


A marketer on staff largely influences the outcome of project promotion. Let me remind you that in order for the company and the contractor to work synchronously, the in-house marketer must:

  1. Promptly respond to messages from agency specialists on urgent tasks - in Skype, on planned ones - in the task planner.
  2. Separate urgent and planned tasks to effectively use budget and time.
  3. Work according to KPIs.
  4. Know the specifics of the business and constantly gain new knowledge.

Find out how to come up with a test task or a detailed work plan. Download ready-made samples and use them in your work.

In the article

A document that your colleagues are already using:

When is it necessary to draw up a work plan for a probationary period?

The employer has the right to set a probationary period for a new employee. The purpose of the test is to make sure that the newcomer is able to perform his job function to the extent specified by the employment contract and job description.

Employees who need to install the test:

  • Young professionals who graduated from an accredited educational institution more than a year ago and have the required education.
  • Employees who have the required experience and education and will perform a new type of work using new technologies and equipment.

Labor legislation prohibits probationary periods for certain categories of workers. Read about them in the article.

The fact of establishing a probationary period is recorded as a condition of the employment contract. It is assumed that failure to pass the test means the employee’s failure to fulfill the terms of the employment contract, which entails dismissal under Part 1 of Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Is it necessary to complete the task during the probationary period?

The program, plan for completing the probationary period and tasks that the employee must complete to confirm his qualifications, not required.

If you urgently need to come up with a plan or task for an employee, look at the example or download a ready-made work plan.

The employer is interested in ensuring that the new employee meets the requirements of the vacancy. A newcomer who clearly cannot cope with the job will be fired. It is, of course, easier to dismiss him than an employee who is already on staff, but for this there must be grounds, supported by documents. Otherwise, the employee who did not pass the test may try to challenge his dismissal in court.

The fact that the newcomer could not cope with the task during the probationary period is grounds layoffs. Failure to comply with the testing program, supported by documents, serves as evidence of the employer's objectivity, absence of discrimination and bias.

And vice versa. When a new employee has fully passed the test established in accordance with the work plan for the probationary period, the employer can be sure that he will cope with the assigned work.

★ Experts from System Personnel will tell you how to properly set a probationary period for a newcomer and pay for it, how to formalize the results of the test

Probation period: program and plan

The program and work plan for the probationary period, a sample, is developed taking into account the specifics of the workplace, the composition and complexity of the work performed by the new employee, and the duration of the probationary period.

In general, its maximum duration is limited by the Labor Code and is three months. For management positions, the probationary period can be up to six months. For example, for:

  • heads of enterprises and their deputies,
  • chief accountants and their deputies,
  • heads of separate structural divisions.

The legislation does not provide for the possibility of extending the test period. But, if the probationary period has not yet ended, and the program has already been successfully completed, the probationary period can be canceled by an additional agreement to the employment contract.

If an employer doubts the loyalty or professional competence of a new employee, it is impossible to ask him for an open-ended application when hiring. But you can set a probationary period for a newcomer.

What to consider when drawing up a probationary program

Typically, individuals participating in the probation program include:

  1. Immediate supervisor.
  2. Mentor.
  3. HR manager or HR employee.
  4. New employee.

Program stages

Preparatory stage. The immediate supervisor and the HR employee participate. They ensure that the workplace and team are prepared for the arrival of a newcomer.

First work day. Everyone participates. The employee gets acquainted with the manager, team and mentor, together with whom he outlines tasks for the probationary period. An example of tasks can be proposed by both the immediate supervisor and the supervisor from the personnel department.

First working week. The newcomer gets up to speed, begins to implement the planned plan, and meets with the curator daily.

Subsequent working weeks until the end of the probationary period. The employee reports weekly to a mentor or supervisor. They monitor the completion of tasks and adjust the plan if necessary.

Work plan for a probationary period (example)

Include in your plan a list of tasks for the probationary period, the start and end dates of each task. Consider the difficulty and overall length of the trial period.

If the organization hires new employees with a probationary period is a frequent occurrence, develop a task form for the probationary period. The sample must be approved by local regulations.

Plan for the probationary period, sample (fragment)

The sample list of tasks for the probationary period includes those types of work, the quality of which the new employee must demonstrate.

When drawing up a plan, define clear and understandable criteria for assessing the completion of tasks.

Specify the criteria in your application for selection. Find out the criteria from the employee’s manager. As a rule, these include:

  • completed tasks efficiently and on time;
  • mastering corporate standards and norms;
  • successful interaction with colleagues.

Please confirm negative ratings:

  • acts on the release of defective products;
  • acts of poor quality work;
  • explanatory notes from the employee;
  • reports, memos from the immediate supervisor or mentor;
  • orders regarding violation of the terms of the employment contract or discipline.

Send a notice to the employee who fails the test. You can download an example of such a document at article.

When setting a probationary period for a new employee, provide documented evidence of the success or failure of the test. Make a list of tasks for the probationary period and set deadlines for their completion. Assess the quality of a newcomer’s work according to clear criteria with the involvement of a mentor and immediate supervisor.

Not only does the employer check the newly hired employee, but so does the employer's employee. The mutual decision whether they are on the right path or not depends on how the probationary period goes. Let’s look at what it means to “pass” the test from the employee’s perspective?

Vera Ignatkina,
editor-in-chief of the information and legal portal ""

At the legislative level, there are no special requirements for completing the probationary period, but it is necessary to comply with the general ones provided for in Art. 21-22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (“Basic rights and obligations of an employee” and “Basic rights and obligations of an employer”).
There are three test scenarios.

The employee has an individual work plan for the trial period. The document is drawn up in writing and signed by the parties.

Scenario #1

The company clearly regulates the procedure for conducting a probationary period (rather, in a special local regulation).
The tasks that an employee must solve or learn to solve within a specific time frame are clearly defined and enshrined in a special document (for example, in the “Individual Work Plan for a Probationary Period”).
The skills he must master are also clearly defined and spelled out.
At the end of the probationary period, the employer conducts a test, assessment or certification.

In such a situation, the employee knows what the employer expects from him. This option will not be ideal in several cases:

  • There are so many tasks in the plan that even an employee with five years of experience in the company will not complete them;
  • unreasonable deadlines are set;
  • tasks are set vaguely or incorrectly;
  • the completion of tasks depends on other employees who, consciously or not (for example, the company has not established business processes) delay their implementation.
Before signing a document with a work plan, you need to familiarize yourself with its contents, and if questions arise, discuss them with your immediate supervisor.
Just don’t challenge common truths: for example, foam at the mouth to defend the cancellation of sales altogether during the probationary period. Compare which sales plan is inadequate: in the first month of the trial period, make 20 sales of equipment worth 5 million rubles. each or refresh the entire customer base and make 1 sale of this equipment in the first month of operation, 2 in the second, and 3 in the third?

Often, managers believe that a new employee should save them from the epidemic called “Things are going badly in the company” and pull the business out of the crisis. In such a situation, alas, the presence of a written individual work plan for the probationary period often does not play any role: if the employee does not live up to expectations, he is fired.

The employee does not have a work plan for the probationary period.

Situational management during the probationary period indicates that everything will continue in the same vein. Each employee decides whether he can work in such an atmosphere or change the situation.

  • find out how the company usually conducts a probationary period,
  • find out whether the employee’s workload will increase in proportion to the acquisition of experience and knowledge, or whether all the work from his predecessor will immediately fall on him,
  • Will the tasks be recorded in writing, and on the basis of what results will the decision be made to complete the probationary period?
Having such information before joining a company will allow you to make a more informed decision and be prepared for possible “surprises.”

How to write a case study for a marketer interview.

Interviews with marketers often cause difficulties for HR specialists if it is necessary to first assess their professional skills and conduct an initial selection.

You can read about how you can solve this problem using cases in the article.

Interview for a marketing position - existing problems

An interview with a candidate for the position of marketing specialist in medium and large companies that have a personnel department is most often carried out in two stages. The first interview is conducted by an employee of the HR department, and at the next stage, the marketing manager’s immediate supervisor speaks with the candidate, who has a good idea of ​​what skills his employee must have to perform current tasks. In this case, the HR manager plays the role of a filter and allows candidates who best match the required profile to the next round of interviews. One of the problems that arises is assessing the candidate’s professional qualities for compliance with the requirements. Many of the marketers who did not pass the first stage of the interview often express the opinion that only a specialist, who is not an HR manager, can assess professional competence. And they are partly right, but wasting a manager’s time on a routine interview is not very right. How can we remove the contradiction between the need to obtain objective data about the candidate’s professional level and the lack of necessary knowledge in marketing by the manager conducting the initial interview.

To improve the quality of selection, it is advisable to use a tool such as test tasks for candidates - pre-prepared cases. They allow you to assess how proficient a marketer is with the tools that he will have to use in his work.

There are also difficulties in preparing such cases, since HR managers are not professional marketers. It is also difficult to prepare a case that meets conflicting requirements. On the one hand, it should be simple so that, at least during an interview, it can be completed in 5-10 minutes; on the other hand, the case should provide an opportunity to assess the real skills of the candidate.

What you definitely shouldn’t do is offer test tasks that involve choosing the “correct” answer from among those proposed (with the exception of financial calculations). Marketing is not mathematics; most often there is no clear answer. In addition, a specific decision depends on so many factors that it is simply impossible to describe them more or less fully in the case. Therefore, it is more important to assess how well the candidate’s logic of reasoning corresponds to the company’s marketing culture, and not to check how much the marketer remembers the definitions. The goal of the interview case is to understand what models the marketer owns and how confidently he does, and not to assess whether the marketer’s decision is “correct.” As a result, the HR employee has the opportunity to evaluate the marketer’s knowledge of what needs to be done, and his skills and abilities - how he does it.

From my point of view, such a case should be developed, or at least adapted, by the immediate supervisor. Who else, if not him, understands the tasks that a subordinate will have to solve. The problem is that few managers have experience in preparing such tasks. I hope that the experience described below in developing a case for an interview for the position of a marketing analyst will help them when developing tasks.

An example of developing a case for an interview with a marketer

As an example, let's consider the development of a case for a marketing analyst in a company that has its own production. For an experienced department manager, conducting an interview and assessing a candidate's knowledge of the basic analysis models required for the job is not difficult. The main problem is that the flow of candidates is quite large and it is impractical to devote a lot of time to obviously unsuitable candidates in professional terms. At the same time, the HR manager who conducts the interview does not know the specifics of the marketer’s work well enough to be able to assess his professional competence.

The task was to create a case for a marketing analyst that would allow the HR manager to evaluate the logic of the candidate’s reasoning and his mastery of the necessary tools.

We list the functional responsibilities

Main functional responsibilities for this position in a specific company:

  • Collection and analysis of market information.
  • Pricing – preparation of price proposals for manufactured products. Regular revision of prices depending on the market situation. Development of pricing policy for the sales department. And so on.
  • Introducing new products to the market - from the development stage to pricing and development of promotion programs.
  • Participation in the development of business plans, involving financial justification of the proposed solutions.

We compile a short list of marketing skills required by the candidate

The following skills were selected for assessment:

  • Ability to collect information from open sources and conduct marketing analysis of the market environment according to the classical scheme for the purposes of marketing planning.
  • Proficient in pricing practices. Understanding the factors influencing pricing policy. Ability to argue your proposals.
  • Understanding the features of working with a product at different stages of its life cycle.
  • Knowledge of the basics of financial calculations.

We develop questions, the answers to which allow us to assess the candidate’s ability to solve problems

When answering questions, the candidate must show his ability to analyze the situation, and the HR manager must have the opportunity, without having in-depth knowledge of marketing, to nevertheless objectively assess how well the candidate meets the company’s requirements for a marketing analyst.

The time required to answer each task should be 5 – 7 minutes.

And most importantly, for each issue, personnel department employees should be given recommendations by which they can evaluate the candidate.

As an example, we will describe a question for assessing the first two skills:

Ability to collect information from open sources and conduct marketing analysis...

Task formulation.

As the first task at your new job, your manager assigned you to organize the collection of information about competitors.

— What information regarding competitors of company *** do you expect to receive, and how?

— What conclusions can you draw based on it, and with what frequency?

It should be noted that analysis of competitors allows us to propose solutions that distinguish the company from their number. Constant monitoring of competitors and analysis is necessary for informed marketing decisions.

Regarding the information collected, at a minimum, the following should be stated:

— information on the assortment. (number of product groups, brands, ...)

— sales policy (dealers, distribution channels...).

— image (brand) (positioning, brand policy...)

Obtaining information involves using open sources: catalogues, visiting a company, exhibitions, the Internet, etc. It is advisable that for each category practical ways of obtaining information are named.

A description of the experience of independently obtaining information by telephone or other channels will be a plus.

Establishing close ties with the sales team must be mentioned, while obtaining information should involve an exchange of information and not a one-way process.


  • The answer requires practically no time for preparation - the candidate can answer immediately, after thinking about the answer.
  • It is possible to assess the completeness of the answer by asking additional questions if necessary. At a minimum, it is clear to what extent a marketing analyst is ready for a systematic analysis of market information.
  • The experience of collecting information and information support for decision-making, as well as the practice of planning at the previous place of work, becomes clearer.

Proficient in pricing...

Task formulation.

You are presented with the price list of the company ***. (an adapted price list is attached to the task).

You need to prepare proposals for changing the existing price list based on competitive analysis.

A. Formulate the questions that you will need to get answers to when preparing your proposal.

Q. Describe the approaches you will use to prepare the proposal, including obtaining the necessary information. What is the sequence of price formation?

C. Name the features of the existing price list that you would note. What would you suggest discussing when preparing a price list form to send to potential clients.

Question "A" of the task.

First of all, the candidate’s understanding of the dependence of prices on the company’s market strategy is assessed. Questions expected to be asked:

Goals for developing a new price list?

First of all, the candidate must demonstrate an understanding that any changes must be aimed at achieving the goals set.

As additional comments, when answering a similar question, we can say that the task is to increase sales volumes, which are associated, among other things, with not very successful pricing.

What pricing strategy does the company follow?

In response, you can ask for a possible strategy.

(analysis of the situation when making a proposal is important or different options should be given).

There may be questions about cost, desired rate of return, etc.

These questions should be left unanswered.

What segments does the company target?

In response, we can say that this can be judged from the information from the price list.

Information for analysis that will need to be obtained can be listed as questions. (market situation, competitors, competitive situation, etc.

In response to this, you can ask how the candidate himself expects to obtain the necessary information. Which essentially suggests the second question.

If questions are not asked, this indicates that the candidate is not fully aware of the relationship between pricing and other aspects of the business.

Question "B" of the task

The answer to the question shows the candidate's understanding of the factors influencing pricing in the company.

The answer should convey understanding (in order of importance):

  • Segments to which sales are directed;
  • goals that are achieved by discounts (increasing sales by stimulating purchases of larger quantities of goods, taking into account the needs of different segments, gaining a competitive advantage, etc.);
  • principles of pricing (gradation of discounts depending on the level of the distribution channel).
  • assortment policy;
  • product groups;
  • brand policy;
  • the image of the company, which is influenced by the form and content of the price list;

There must be logic in justifying the proposed solutions. The question “why” should have a logical justification using available information or expert opinion.

It is good if the candidate shows a logical and coherent description of the price formation process based on the analysis performed.

Question “C” of the task.

Answering a question shows the ability to critically analyze an existing option and justify proposals.

Possible options (not by priority)

— targeting different segments. (it is possible to develop a price list for various segments)

— no special offers (no offers for wholesale buyers)

For each of the comments, you can ask for suggestions for corrections.


The proposed task meets the objectives:

  • Answering the task requires 5 - 10 minutes.
  • The need to analyze a document “on sight” shows mastery of the practice of creating a price list.
  • The depth of the analysis and the range of issues raised can tell how much the candidate knows about pricing issues.

Instead of a conclusion

Even such a brief example of the sequence of developing tasks or a case for a candidate shows the opportunity to provide the HR manager with a tool that allows him to objectively conduct an initial assessment of the candidate’s possession of the necessary skills.

At the next stage of the interview, the manager can assess the candidate’s qualifications by asking him questions related to practical activities and the experience that the candidate has.

As you can see, the problem posed can be solved by the joint work of a HR specialist and the head of the marketing department.