Jack and the Beanstalk (English folk tale). Jack and the Beanstalk Beanstalk read

Once upon a time there lived a poor widow. She had an only son named Jack and a cow named Belyanka. The cow gave milk every morning, and the mother and son sold it at the market - they lived on this. But suddenly Belyanka stopped milking, and they simply did not know what to do.

How can we be? What to do? - in despair repeated mother.

Cheer up, mom! Jack said. - I'll get someone to work with.

Yes, you have already tried to be hired, but no one takes you, - answered the mother. - No, apparently, we will have to sell our Belyanka and open a shop with this money.

Well, okay, Mom, - Jack agreed. - Today is just a market day, and I will quickly sell Belyanka. And then we'll decide what to do.

And Jack took the cow to the market. But he did not have time to go far when he met a funny, funny old man, and he said to him:

Good morning Jack!

Good morning to you too! - answered Jack, and was surprised to himself: how does the old man know his name.

Well, Jack, where are you going? - asked the old man.

Go to the market to sell a cow.

Well well! Who should trade cows if not you! the old man laughed. “Tell me, how many beans do I have?”

Exactly two in each hand and one in your mouth! - answered Jack, apparently, a small mistake.

Right! - said the old man. - Look, here are the beans! - And the old man showed Jack some strange beans. - Since you're so smart, - continued the old man, - I'm not averse to swapping with you - I give these beans for your cow!

Go on your way! Jack got angry. - It will be better!

Uh, you don't know what beans are, said the old man. - Plant them in the evening, and by morning they will grow to the sky.

Yah? Truth? Jack was surprised.

True truth! And if not, take your cow back.

Goes! - Jack agreed, gave the old man Belyanka, and put the beans in his pocket.

Jack turned back home, and since he did not have time to go far from the house, it was not yet dark, and he was already at his door.

How are you back, Jack? - mother was surprised. - I see Belyanka is not with you, so you sold her? How much did they give you for it?

You never know, Mom! Jack replied.

Yah? Oh my good! Five pounds? Ten? Fifteen? Well, twenty something will not give!

I said you can't guess! What can you say about these beans? They are magical. Plant them in the evening and...

What?! cried Jack's mother. “Are you really such a simpleton that you gave my Belyanka, the most milking cow in the whole district, for a handful of some nasty beans?” It is for you! It is for you! It is for you! And your precious beans will fly out the window. So that! Now live to sleep! And don’t ask for food, you won’t get it anyway - not a piece, not a sip!

And so Jack went up to his attic, to his little room, sad, very sad: he made his mother angry, and he himself was left without supper. Finally, he did fall asleep.

And when he woke up, the room seemed very strange to him. The sun illuminated only one corner, and everything around remained dark, dark. Jack jumped out of bed, dressed and went to the window. And what did he see? What a strange tree! And these are his beans, which his mother threw out of the window into the garden the day before, sprouted and turned into a huge bean tree. It stretched all the way up, up and up to the sky. It turns out that the old man was telling the truth!

The beanstalk grew just outside Jack's window and went up like a real staircase. So Jack had only to open the window and jump onto the tree. And so he did. Jack climbed the beanstalk and climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed until he finally reached the sky. There he saw a long and wide road, as straight as an arrow. I went along this road and kept walking and walking and walking until I came to a huge, huge tall house. And at the threshold of this house stood a huge, enormous, tall woman.

Good morning, ma'am! Jack said very politely. - Be so kind as to give me breakfast, please!

After all, Jack had been without supper the night before, you know, and was now as hungry as a wolf.

Would you like to have breakfast? - said a huge, enormous, tall woman. - Yes, you yourself will get another for breakfast if you don’t get out of here! My husband is a giant and a cannibal, and he loves nothing more than boys fried in breadcrumbs.

Oh, ma'am, I beg you, give me something to eat! Jack didn't hesitate. - I haven't had a crumb in my mouth since yesterday morning. And it doesn't matter if they fry me or I'll die of hunger.

Well, the ogre's wife was, after all, not a bad woman at all. So she took Jack to the kitchen and gave him a piece of bread and cheese and a jug of fresh milk. But before Jack had time to finish with half of all this, when suddenly - top! Top! Top! - the whole house even shook from someone's steps.

Oh my God! Yes, that's my old man! gasped the giantess. - What to do? Hurry, hurry, jump over here!

And as soon as she managed to push Jack into the furnace, the ogre himself entered the house.

Well, he was really great! Three calves dangled from his belt. He untied them, threw them on the table and said:

Come on, wife, fry me a couple for breakfast! Wow! What does it smell like?

I feel the spirit of the British here.
Is he dead or alive
Comes to my breakfast.

What are you, dude! his wife told him. - You got it wrong. Or maybe it smells like that lamb that you liked so much yesterday at dinner. Come on, wash your face and change, and in the meantime I will prepare breakfast.

The ogre went out, and Jack was about to get out of the oven and run away, but the woman did not let him go.

Wait until he falls asleep, she said. - He always likes to take a nap after breakfast.

And so the giant had breakfast, then went up to a huge chest, took out two bags of gold from it and sat down to count the coins. He counted and counted, finally began to nod off and began to snore so that the whole house began to shake again.

Then Jack slowly got out of the furnace, tiptoed past the sleeping ogre, grabbed one bag of gold and God forbid! - straight to the beanstalk. He dropped the bag down into his garden, and he began to descend the stem, lower and lower, until at last he found himself at home.

Jack told his mother about everything, showed her a bag of gold and said:

Well, Mom, did I tell the truth about these beans? You see, they are really magical!

I don’t know what these beans are, - answered the mother, - but as for the cannibal, I think it’s the same one that killed your father and ruined us!

And I must tell you that when Jack was only three months old, a terrible cannibal giant appeared in their area. He grabbed anyone, but especially did not spare the kind and generous people. And Jack's father, although he was not rich himself, always helped the poor and the losers.

Oh, Jack, - finished the mother, - to think that the cannibal could eat you too! Don't you dare climb that stem ever again!

Jack promised, and they lived with their mother in full contentment with the money that was in the bag.

But in the end, the bag was empty, and Jack, forgetting his promise, decided to try his luck on top of the beanstalk one more time. One fine morning he got up early and climbed the beanstalk. He climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, until he finally found himself on a familiar road and reached along it to a huge, enormous tall house. Like last time, a huge, enormous, tall woman was standing at the threshold.

Good morning, ma'am, - Jack told her as if nothing had happened. - Be so kind as to give me something to eat, please!

Get out of here, little boy! the giantess replied. - Otherwise, my husband will eat you at breakfast. Uh, no, wait a minute, aren't you the youngster who came here recently? You know, on that very day my husband missed one sack of gold.

What a miracle, sir! Jack says. - True, I could tell something about this, but I'm so hungry that until I eat at least a piece, I won't be able to utter a word.

Then the giantess was so curious that she let Jack into the house and gave him something to eat. And Jack deliberately began to chew slowly, slowly. But suddenly - top! Top! Top! - they heard the steps of the giant, and the kind woman again hid Jack in the oven.

Everything happened just like last time. The ogre came in and said: "Fi-fi-fo-foot ..." and so on, breakfasted on three fried bulls, and then ordered his wife:

Wife, bring me a hen - the one that lays the golden eggs!

The giantess brought it, and he said to the hen: "Come on!" And the hen laid a golden egg. Then the cannibal began to nod and began to snore so that the whole house shook.

Then Jack slowly got out of the oven, grabbed the golden hen, and in no time was out the door. But then the hen cackled and woke up the ogre. And just as Jack was running out of the house, he heard the giant's voice behind him:

Wife, leave the golden hen alone! And the wife replied:

What is it you, my dear!

That was all Jack could hear. He rushed with all his might to the beanstalk and almost flew down it.

Jack returned home, showed his mother a miracle chicken and shouted: “Rush!” And the hen laid a golden egg.

Since then, every time Jack told her, "Rush!" - the hen was laying a golden egg.

Mother scolded Jack for disobeying her and again going to the cannibal, but she still liked the chicken.

And Jack, a restless guy, after a while decided to try his luck again at the top of the beanstalk. One fine morning he got up early and climbed the beanstalk.

He climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed until he reached the very top. True, this time he acted more carefully and did not go straight to the cannibal's house, but crept up slowly and hid in the bushes. I waited until the giantess came out with a bucket for water, and darted into the house! I climbed into the copper cauldron and waited. He didn’t wait long, suddenly he hears the familiar “top! Top! Top!", and now the ogre and his wife enter the room. oskakkah.ru - website

Fi-fi-fo-foot, I smell the spirit of the British here! - shouted the cannibal. - I can smell it, wife!

Can you hear it, dude? says the giantess. - Well, then, this is the tomboy that stole your gold and the chicken with golden eggs. He's probably in the oven.

And both rushed to the stove. Good thing Jack wasn't hiding there!

You are always with your fi-fi-fo-foot! - grumbled the ogre's wife and began to prepare breakfast for her husband.

The ogre sat down at the table, but still could not calm down, and kept muttering:

But still, I can swear that ... - He jumped up from the table, ransacked the pantry, and chests, and cupboards ...

I searched all the corners, only I didn’t think to look into the copper cauldron. At last he finished his breakfast and shouted:

Hey, wife, bring me a golden harp! The wife brought the harp and put it on the table.

Sing! - ordered the giant to the harp.

And the golden harp sang, so well that you will listen! And she sang and sang until the ogre fell asleep and snored like thunder.

It was then that Jack lightly lifted the lid of the boiler. He got out of it quietly, quietly, like a mouse, and crawled on all fours to the very table. He climbed onto the table, grabbed the harp, and rushed to the door.

But the harp called loudly, loudly:

Master! Master!

The ogre woke up and immediately saw Jack running away with his harp.

Jack rushed headlong, and the giant behind him. It cost him nothing to catch Jack, but Jack was the first to run, and therefore he managed to dodge the giant. And besides, he knew the road well. When he reached the bean tree, the ogre was only twenty paces away. And suddenly Jack was gone. Cannibal to and fro - no Jack! Finally, he thought to look at the beanstalk and sees: Jack is trying with his last strength, crawling down. The giant was afraid to go down the shaky stalk, but then the harp called again:

Master! Master!

And the giant just hung on the beanstalk, and he shook all over under his weight.

Jack descends lower and lower, and the giant follows him. But now Jack is right above the house. Here he screams:

Mother! Mother! Bring the ax! Bring the ax!

Mother ran out with an ax in her hands, rushed to the beanstalk, and froze in horror: huge legs of a giant stuck out of the clouds.

But then Jack jumped down to the ground, grabbed an ax and hacked at the beanstalk so hard that he almost cut it in half.

The ogre felt the stalk swaying and shaking, and he stopped to see what had happened. Here Jack strikes with an ax again and completely cuts the beanstalk. The stalk swayed and collapsed, and the ogre fell to the ground and twisted his neck.

Jack gave his mother a golden harp, and they began to live without grieving. And they did not remember about the giant.

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In a small English village there lived a poor widow and she had an only son named Jack. The day came when there was nothing to eat.

“We’ll have to sell us a cow, son,” said the mother.

Jack went with the cow to the market. On the way he met an old man.

“I will buy your cow,” he said. "I'll give you three magic beans in return."

Without thinking twice, Jack gave the old man a cow, and ran home with three beans in a handful. Oh, and the mother got angry at the stupid son! Angrily, she threw the beans out the window.

That evening, Jack went to bed hungry, and the next morning he looked out the window and was stunned. From his magic beans grew a sky-high beanstalk as thick as a tree. Jack began to climb the stalk and high up among the clouds he saw a wide road. The road led him to a huge house. Jack knocked on the door. Nobody. Then he entered and was even more surprised: everything in the house was huge, enormous. Before the boy had time to look around, thunderous steps were heard on the threshold. As soon as he managed to dive under the table, which was the size of an ordinary house, a giant burst into the room. The giant sniffed and growled:


Who is here? Who's there?

Alive, dead, come out!

Don't expect mercy from me!

Jack trembled with fear, but didn't move. And the giant threw a club into the corner and sat down at the table to dine. Having eaten to satiety, the giant took out a gold coin from his pocket, clinked it on the table, and immediately a mountain of gold grew. He counted the gold, hid it in a bag, and put the magic coin back in his pocket. Then he lay down and fell asleep. Jack jumped out from under the table, pulled out a coin from the giant and took off running.

The next morning Jack climbed the beanstalk again. Now he already knew the way. As soon as the boy had time to hide under the table, a giant stomped into the house. He unhooked three calves from his belt, roasted them, ate them, and released a little chicken from a cage in the corner. The hen cackled and laid a golden egg. The contented giant took the egg and locked the hen back in the cage. After that, he lay down and fell asleep. Jack crawled out from under the table, grabbed the cage with the hen, and was gone.

And on the third morning, indefatigable Jack climbed the beanstalk to the clouds. This time the giant brought home three rams. He quickly ate them and removed the harp from the wall. As soon as he touched her, magical music began to play. To the sounds of a wonderful melody, the giant fell asleep. Quick Jack grabbed the harp and rushed away. But the magic harp continued to play louder and louder. The giant woke up and rushed after Jack in pursuit. The ground shook under his feet. That's about to overtake the boy. But Jack managed to reach the beanstalk and began to quickly descend. Unfortunately, the giant did not lag behind, and when Jack jumped into the courtyard of his house, the shaggy head of the giant appeared from the clouds. The beanstalk trembled and twisted under the weight of the huge body. Jack was not taken aback, grabbed an ax and cut the stem. The giant with such force crashed to the ground from a height under heaven that he punched a huge hole into which he himself fell.

Jack was left with a fiat coin, a hen that lays golden eggs, and a harp that plays magic songs. And the mother hugged her son and said:

You are a brave and smart boy. How glad I am that you sold the cow for three magic beans!

Once upon a time there lived a guy. His name was Jack, and he lived with his old mother in a wasteland. The old woman spun yarn for people, but you wouldn’t get rich from it, and Jack was a lazy person, of which there are few. He did nothing, absolutely nothing, only basked in the sun - this is in the heat of summer, and in winter he sat in a corner by the hearth.

That's why everyone called him Jack the Lazy Man. Mother could not get Jack to help her even a little, and one day, on Monday, she said to him:

If you don’t earn your own living, I’ll drive you out of the house - live as you know!

These words penetrated Jack. The next morning, Tuesday, he went and hired himself for a penny a day to a farmer who lived next door. Worked for a day, got a penny and went home, but when he crossed a stream, he lost a coin. After all, he never held money in his hands.

Ah, you fool! his mother told him. - Yes, you should put a coin in your pocket!

I'll do that next time, Jack replied. On Wednesday, Jack went out again and hired himself to the shepherd. He worked for a day, and for this the shepherd gave him a jug of milk. Jack stuffed the jug into the deep pocket of his jacket, but he hadn't gone halfway before the milk spilled all over.

Oh my God! gasped the mother. - What would you carry a jug on your head.

I'll do that next time, Jack replied. And on Thursday, Jack again hired a farmer - for a piece of cream cheese a day. In the evening, Jack put cheese on his head and went home. But again he did not bring anything home: the soft cheese was all spread out and stuck to his hair.

Well, fool! - said the mother. You had to be careful to carry it in your hands.

I'll do that next time, Jack replied.

On Friday, Jack got hired by a baker who gave him a big cat for his work. Jack took the cat and carefully carried him in his arms, but the cat scratched all his hands, so he had to be released. And Jack returned home again with nothing.

What an idiot you are! - said the mother. - It was necessary for the cat to tie a rope around his neck and lead him on a leash!

I'll do that next time, Jack replied. And on Saturday, Jack hired a butcher, and he generously rewarded him - he cut off a whole leg of lamb. Jack tied a rope around the leg of lamb and dragged it after him through the mud. Can you imagine what kind of dish would turn out from such lamb!

This time, Jack's mother lost her temper. After all, for Sunday dinner, she had nothing but cabbage.

Oh, you're a dick! - she said to Jack, - I should have carried her on my shoulder!

I'll do that next time, Jack replied. On Monday Jack the lazy man left the house again and hired himself as a cattle dealer. He gave him a donkey for his work. It was difficult to put the donkey on his shoulders, but Jack strained and shouldered it.

And so he wandered with his reward to the house - he trudged, barely moving his legs. Soon he had to walk past the house of a rich man. This rich man had an only daughter, very pretty, but deaf and dumb, and besides, not laughing - she never laughed in her life. And the doctors told her father that she would not speak until someone made her laugh. And at the same time, when Jack with a donkey on his shoulders was passing by, the girl looked out the window. He sees a kid with a donkey on his shoulders, and rolled with laughter. And as she laughed, she immediately spoke and began to hear.

The rich man was so happy that he married his daughter to Jack. Here is Jack the lazy and got rich. He settled with his wife in a big house and took his mother to him. And the old woman lived with them until the end of her days, knowing neither need nor grief.

Once upon a time there lived a poor widow, and she had only one son, Jack, and a cow Belyanka. The cow gave milk every morning, and the mother and son sold it in the bazaar - they lived on this. But one time Belyanka did not give milk, and they simply did not know what to do.

How can we be? How to be? - repeated the mother, wringing her hands.

Cheer up, mom! Jack said. - I'll get someone to work with.

Yes, you've already tried to be hired, only no one takes you, - answered the mother. - No, apparently, we will have to sell our Belyanka and open a shop with the proceeds or do some other business.

Well, okay, Mom, - Jack agreed. - Today is just a market day, and I will quickly sell Belyanka. And then we'll decide what to do.

And so Jack took the reins in his hands and led the cow to the market. But he did not have time to go far, as he met with some wonderful old man.

Good morning Jack! - said the old man.

Good morning to you too! - answered Jack, and he himself is surprised: how does the old man know his name?

Well, Jack, where are you going? - asked the old man.

To the market, to sell a cow.

Well well! Who should trade cows if not you! the old man laughed. “Tell me, how many beans does it take to make five?”

Exactly two in each hand and one in your mouth! - answered Jack: he was not a small miss.

Right! - said the old man. - Look, here they are, these same beans! - and the old man pulled out a handful of some outlandish beans from his pocket. “And since you’re so smart,” the old man continued, “I’m not averse to swapping with you - beans for you, a cow for me!”

Go on your way! Jack got angry. - That would be better!

Uh, you don't know what beans are, said the old man. - Plant them in the evening, and by morning they will grow to the sky.

Yah? Truth? Jack was surprised.

True truth! And if not, take your cow back.

Okay! - Jack agreed: he gave the old man Belyanka, and put the beans in his pocket.

Jack turned back and came home early - it was not yet dark.

How! Are you back yet, Jack? - mother was surprised. - I see Belyanka is not with you, so you sold her? How much did they give you for it?

You never know, Mom! Jack answered.

Yah? Oh my good! Five pounds? Ten? Fifteen? Well, twenty something would not give!

I said you can't guess! What can you say about these beans? They are magical. Plant them in the evening and...

What?! cried Jack's mother. “Are you really such a fool, such a fool, such an ass, that you gave away my Belyanka, the most dairy cow in the whole district, and besides, smooth, well-fed, for a handful of some bad beans?” It is for you! It is for you! It is for you! And your precious beans - get them out the window! .. Well, now you can sleep well! And don’t ask for food - you still won’t get a sip or a piece!

And so Jack went up to his attic, to his little room, sad, very sad: he was sorry for his mother, and he himself was left without supper.

Finally, he did fall asleep.

And when I woke up, I barely recognized my room. The sun illuminated only one corner, and around it was dark, dark.

Jack jumped out of bed, dressed and went to the window. And what did he see? Yes, something like a big tree. And it's his beans that sprouted. In the evening, Jack's mother threw them out of the window into the garden, they sprouted, and the huge stalk stretched and stretched up and up until it grew to the very sky. It turns out that the old man spoke the truth!

The beanstalk grew right next to Jack's window. Here Jack opened the window, jumped on the stalk and climbed up as if on a ladder. And he kept climbing, and climbing, and climbing, and climbing, and climbing, and climbing, until, finally, he reached the very sky. There he saw a long and wide road, as straight as an arrow. I went along this road, and kept walking, and walking, and walking, until I came to a huge, huge tall house. And at the threshold of this house stood a huge, enormous, tall woman.

Good morning, ma'am! Jack said very politely. - Be so kind as to give me something to eat, please!

After all, Jack went to bed without supper and was now hungry as a wolf.

Would you like to have breakfast? - said a huge, enormous, tall woman. - Yes, you yourself will get another for breakfast if you don’t get out of here! My husband is a cannibal, and his favorite food is boys fried in breadcrumbs. You'd better leave while you're safe, otherwise he'll be back soon.

Oh, ma'am, I beg you, give me something to eat! Jack didn't hesitate. - I haven't had a crumb in my mouth since yesterday morning. I speak the true truth. And does it matter if they fry me or I will die of hunger?

I must say that the cannibal was a good woman. She took Jack into the kitchen and gave him a piece of bread and cheese and a pitcher of milk. But before Jack had time to eat even half of breakfast, when suddenly - top! top! top! - the whole house shook from someone's steps.

Oh my God! Yes, that's my old man! gasped the cannibal. - What to do? Quickly jump here!

And as soon as she managed to push Jack into the furnace, the ogre himself entered.

Well, he was great - a mountain-mountain! Three calves were dangling from his belt, tied by the legs. The cannibal untied them, threw them on the table and said:

Come on, wife, fry me a couple for breakfast! Wow! What does it smell like here?
I can smell the spirit of the British there.
Dead or alive,
Comes to my breakfast.

What are you, hubby? his wife told him. - You got it wrong. Or maybe it still smells like that little boy that we had yesterday for dinner - remember, he came to your taste. Come on, wash your face and change, and in the meantime I will prepare breakfast.

The ogre went out, and Jack was about to get out of the oven and run away, but the ogre did not let him in.

Wait until he falls asleep, she said. - After breakfast, he always goes to sleep.

And so the cannibal had breakfast, then went up to a huge chest, took out two bags of gold from it and sat down to count coins. He counted, counted, finally began to nod off and began to snore, so much so that again the whole house began to shake.

Then Jack slowly got out of the furnace, crept on tiptoe past the ogre, grabbed one bag of gold and God bless! - rushed to the beanstalk. He threw the bag down, right into the garden, and he himself began to go down the stem, lower and lower, until, at last, he found himself at his house.

Jack told his mother about everything that had happened to him, handed her a bag of gold and said:

Well, Mom, did I tell the truth about my beans? You see, they are really magical!

And so Jack and his mother began to live on the money that was in the bag. But in the end, the bag was empty, and Jack decided to try his luck at the top of the beanstalk one more time. One fine morning he got up early and climbed the beanstalk and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, until finally he found himself on a familiar road and reached along it to a huge, enormous tall at home. Like last time, a huge, enormous, tall woman was standing at the threshold.

Good morning, ma'am, - Jack told her as if nothing had happened. - Be so kind as to give me something to eat, please!

Get out of here, little boy! the giantess replied. - Otherwise, my husband will eat you at breakfast. Uh, no, wait a minute - aren't you the same boy that came here recently? You know, on that very day my husband lost a bag of gold.

What a miracle, sir! Jack says. “I could really say something about this, but I’m so hungry that until I eat at least a piece, I won’t be able to utter a word.

Then the giantess was so curious that she let Jack in and gave him something to eat. And Jack deliberately began to chew as slowly as possible. But suddenly - top! top! top! - the steps of the giant were heard, and the giantess again hid Jack in the furnace.

Then everything was like last time: the ogre came in, said: "Fi-fi-fo-fam ..." and so on, had breakfast with three fried bulls, and then ordered his wife:

Wife, bring me a hen - the one that lays the golden eggs!

The giantess brought it, and the ogre said to the hen: "Come on!" - and she laid a golden egg. Then the cannibal began to nod and began to snore so that the whole house shook.

Then Jack slowly got out of the oven, grabbed the golden hen and flew away in an instant. But then the hen cackled and woke up the ogre. And just as Jack was running out of the house, the giant's voice was heard:

Wife, hey wife, don't touch my golden hen!

And his wife answered him:

What do you think, hubby?

That was all Jack heard. He rushed with all his might to the beanstalk and almost flew down it.

Jack returned home, showed his mother the miracle chicken and shouted:

And the hen laid a golden egg. Since then, every time Jack told her to “go!”, the hen laid a golden egg.

So here it is. But this was not enough for Jack, and soon he again decided to try his luck at the top of the beanstalk. One fine morning he got up early and climbed the beanstalk and climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed until he reached the very top. True, this time he was careful not to immediately enter the cannibals' house, but crept up to him slowly and hid in the bushes. He waited until the giantess went with a bucket for water, and - sniffed into the house! Climbed into the copper cauldron and waits. He did not wait long; suddenly hears the familiar “top! top! top!” And now the ogre and his wife enter the room.

Fi-fi-fo-fam, I smell the spirit of the British there! - shouted the cannibal. - I can smell it, wife!

Can you hear it, dude? says the giantess. - Well, if this is the tomboy who stole your gold and a chicken with golden eggs, he certainly is sitting in the stove!

And both rushed to the stove. Good thing Jack didn't hide in it!

You are always with your "fi-fi-fo-fam!" - said the cannibal. - Yes, it smells like the boy you caught yesterday. I just fried it for you for breakfast. Well, I have a memory! Yes, and you are good too - for so many years you have not learned to distinguish a living spirit from a dead one!

At last the ogre sat down at the table for breakfast. But he kept mumbling:

Yes, but still I can swear that ... - and rising from the table, he rummaged through the pantry, and chests, and supplies ... He searched all the corners and nooks and crannies, only he did not guess to look into the copper cauldron.

But the cannibal had breakfast and shouted:

Wife, wife, bring me my golden harp! The wife brought the harp and placed it on the table in front of him.

Sing! - ordered the giant to the harp.

And the golden harp sang, so well that you will listen! And she sang and sang until the ogre fell asleep and began to snore: and he snored so loudly that it seemed like thunder was rumbling.

Here Jack lightly lifted the lid of the boiler. He got out of it quietly, quietly, like a mouse, and crawled on all fours to the very table. He climbed onto the table, grabbed the golden harp, and rushed to the door.

But the harp called loudly, loudly:

Master! Master!

The ogre woke up and saw Jack running away with his harp.

Jack ran headlong, and the ogre followed him and, of course, would have caught him, but Jack was the first to rush to the door; besides, he knew the road well. Here he jumped on the beanstalk, and the cannibal catches up. But suddenly Jack disappeared somewhere. The cannibal ran to the end of the road, he sees Jack already below - from the last strength he is in a hurry. The giant was afraid to step on a shaky stalk, stopped, stands, and Jack went down even lower. But then the harp called again:

Master! Master!

The giant stepped on a beanstalk, and the beanstalk shook under his weight.

Here Jack descends lower and lower, and the ogre follows him. And when Jack got to the roof of his house, he shouted:

Mother! Mother! Bring the axe, bring the axe! Mother ran out with an ax in her hands, rushed to the beanstalk, and froze in horror: after all, upstairs the giant had already pierced the clouds with his legs. Finally, Jack jumped down to the ground, grabbed an ax and slashed at the beanstalk so hard that he almost cut it in half.

The ogre felt that the stalk was swaying violently and stopped. "What happened?" - thinks. Here Jack strikes with an ax again - he completely cut the beanstalk. The stalk swayed and collapsed, and the ogre fell to the ground and twisted his neck.

Jack showed his mother a golden harp, and then they began to show it for money, and also sell golden eggs. And when they got rich, Jack married the princess and lived happily ever after.


There lived a young man named Jack. He lived with his mother in poverty. The old woman earned a living by knitting, and Jack was so lazy that he did nothing, only lay in the sun in the summer, and warm himself by the fireplace in the winter. That's why they called him Lazy Jack. The old woman endured, endured, but one Monday she said that if he did not start earning his living, she would kick him out of the house.

Hired Jack on Tuesday to a neighboring farmer for one penny. But when he returned home, crossing the stream, he lost a coin.

- Oh, stupid little one! his mother scolded him. You should have kept the money in your pocket.
"I'll do that next time," Jack agreed.

On Wednesday, he again left the house and hired himself to the shepherd, who gave him a jug of milk for his work. Jack took the pitcher and put it in a bulging large pocket. The milk soon leaked out.
- Ah, unintelligent! - the old woman was upset. “You should have put it on your head and brought it like that.
- I'll do that next time.

On Thursday, Jack again hired to work, this time with a cheese maker, who promised to give him soft cream cheese for his work. Jack went home in the evening, taking the cheese and putting it on his head. As he walked, the cheese crumbled, fell, only crumbs stuck to his hair.
- Well, you're a fool! - cried the old woman - You had to carefully carry it in your hands.
- Well, next time I won't be mistaken, - answered Jack.

On Friday, Jack got hired by the baker, who gave him a big, well-fed cat as a reward. Jack took it and carefully carried it in his hands. But the cat soon began to scratch so badly that he released him. Jack returned home again with nothing.
- Oh, you fool, you should have tied a rope to his paw and dragged it along like that.
- Nothing, mom. It will be so next time.

On Saturday, Jack hired a butcher, and he paid for his work with an excellent lamb ham. Jack tied a rope to the meat and dragged it after him through the mud. By the time he got home, the lamb was completely spoiled. This time the mother was completely pissed, because on Sunday for dinner she had only cabbage.
- Oh, headless! she shouted to her son. “You should have brought the meat on your shoulders.
- I'll do that next time.

Jack went on Sunday to look for work and got hired by the driver. He did a good job, and he gave him a donkey as a reward. Jack decided that it was hard to drag the donkey on his shoulders, but nevertheless he put it on his back and slowly walked home.

On the way, he had to pass by the house of a rich man who lived with his only daughter. She was very beautiful, but deaf and dumb. The girl never smiled, never laughed, and the doctors assured her that she would speak if she ever burst out laughing.

And just the beauty looked out of the window at the moment when Jack passed by her house. Seeing the donkey hung on Jack's shoulders, and especially the hooves dangling strangely and funny in the air, she burst out laughing out loud and ... was immediately able to hear and speak. Her father was delighted and in gratitude immediately decided to marry Jack to his daughter.

After that, the young, together with Jack's mother, settled in the same house and lived happily.

Although it is hard to believe in it, to be honest…