The newest script on March 8 at school. The scenario of the holiday "March 8" in elementary school

A home quest for March 8 is a great way to congratulate the fair sex on International Women's Day. The essence of the game is very simple: the player sequentially finds cards with riddles and tasks, guesses them. The solution of each such puzzle indicates the object or place where the card with the next one is hidden. This "chain" of tasks eventually leads to a hidden gift or surprise. Tasks in the game are selected specifically for women and girls, starting from 14 years old. To conduct the quest, you just need to print out the tasks and hide them in the indicated places in your house, apartment, cottage or even office.

Items and places

All tasks in this quest are completed in several versions - each version has its own answer. This is done to make it easier for you to choose places where you will hide task cards. These places are listed below. Note that the words are combined into groups. Within the group, the answers related to one task are indicated through the “/” sign. In each group of words, we also indicate whether a template is provided for this task.

Bag/lamp/chest of drawers/pattern, door/cooler/frying pan, bathtub/shelf, sofa/hammer/printer, towel/monitor, curtain/mirror/passport, flower/chair/template, robe/dress/picture, oven/battery/ clock/refrigerator/phone, chandelier/box/template, flour(bread)/coffee maker, computer/calendar/template.

Description of tasks

Below is short description each task. Files prepared for printing with images of cards and instructions for organizing the quest are provided in a downloadable archive. Please note that many tasks are offered in several variations depending on the answer to them.

1. simple riddle about the subject

We offer several options for puzzles, and you choose which one suits you best. You can "dilute" the quest with riddles by inserting them between difficult tasks.

The first riddle can be put into a postcard and handed to the quest participant. In the instructions, we talk in detail about how to do this in the most interesting way. There is also text for an introductory postcard in the instructions.

2. Task "Rearrange letters"

From randomly scattered letters you need to make a word.

3. Task "Archaisms"

To unravel the word, it is necessary to compare ancient words with their modern counterparts.

4. Quest "Precious cipher"

It is necessary to solve the cipher of precious stones.

5. Task "Cubes"

The card depicts an intricate design consisting of many cubes. It is necessary to count the number of cubes, and the resulting number will indicate the key item.

6. Task "Puzzle"

From several fragments it is necessary to assemble a picture and decipher the word.

7. Question

We offer some interesting questions, the answer to which is any items in the house or office. Either erudition or ingenuity will help answer the question.

8. Task "Spring pictures"

To find out the secret word, you need to add the names of famous paintings.

9. Puzzles

Some interesting colorful puzzles.

10. Task "Women's handbags"

In addition, the kit includes blank card templates that you can fill in with your own tasks.

The script of the holiday on March 8 at school
Host: Hello dear guests. Today we meet again in our festive hall to
celebrate the first spring holiday - a holiday of goodness, light, life and love!
Dear women, girls, grandmothers. Charming, attractive, charming, endlessly
tender, Happy Holidays!
May this day spring rays
People and flowers will smile at you.
And let them always go through life with you
Love, health, happiness and dreams!
Host: 1
It smelled of March and spring,
but the winter is holding fast
The number eight is not simple -
The holidays are coming to our homes.
Lead 2
March 8 is a solemn day, a day of joy and beauty.
All over the world, he gives women his smiles and flowers.
Drops are dripping loudly near our window,
The birds sang merrily - spring has come to us now!
Maybe there is a bigger date
And probably not alone.
Only in the afternoon on March 8
Spring opens.
Denial of effort
The heat of creativity in the blood
Turns time
To peace, friendship and love.
That's why we lift it up
affirming being,
Golden number "8"
As your dignity.
The music is fabulous and the presenter reads the words:
Voice: Far Far Away
There lived a king.
The sides of that sovereign.
That king had innumerable wealth:
Neither gold nor precious stones.
And he had 8 daughter queens,
And also a wife.
In general, the house is full of women
The king would rejoice, but that's the trouble,
Every year March 8 for the king
Black day of the calendar:
The poor king of nights does not sleep,
Breaks his head, how to congratulate daughters,
The poor guy doesn't know.
And now he has a puzzle again
How can he arrange a holiday for the queens at home ...
(the curtain opens, there is a throne on the stage, the king sits on the throne, he looks tortured, the crown is on one side,
servants are scurrying around, everyone has a book in their hands, everyone is leafing through, looking for something, one servant found something and

Servant: Here, father, I think I found
(the king, perking up, looks into the book, then doomed)
Tsar: Again, not as boring and dry ...
Need something interesting
Not hackneyed and not fresh ...
Well, woe to me the king,
What to do, I do not understand?
Servant: Tsarbatyushka, I have read the announcement.
There will be a performance at the Belovskaya school,
They will sing and dance
In general, women congratulate
King (joyfully): Where is this school, where?
Show me quickly!
(the servant takes out a map (globe) and points with his finger)
Servant: Beyond lakes, forests
In Belovo she stands,
All guests are admitted to it.
Every year on March 8
This is where the concerts start
All girls, mothers, sisters.
Together, congratulations.
King: This is what we need
All the guys are in place.
To congratulate their queens,
Do not hit my face in the dirt,
Let's fly to this school
Let's see what's going on there.
Immediately, prepare the royal plane,
Let's fly...
(the curtain is slowly closing, at this time there is a commotion around the king, everyone is going on the road)
Voice: And at that time, at the Belovskaya school, a festive concert dedicated to
International Women's Day.
(solemn music sounds, My mother is the best backing track in the world)
Airplane sound music
(after the words of the song, the sound of an airplane is heard, after a few seconds the king and servant appear)
King: Finally arrived,
And we seem to have had time (referring to the servant)
Well, tell me quickly
Who is the most important here?
Servant: Here is the school empress, her name is director.
King: I'll figure it out myself! (approaches the director, kisses the pen)
King: King, nice to meet you!
The king (to the servant): Well, what kind of girls are these,
Are they school queens?
Servant: No, these are all the beauties of the school state.
King: Ah, well, I understand, I understand.
Well, where are the congratulations
Dances, jokes and fun?
Presenter 1: You are the king, father, do not rush.
Better sit down, sit down

Look at the kids
Well, here is the chair
Wouldn't you like to sit down?
King: Let the chair stand empty,
I have my own chair!
(to a servant) Nuka, Vanka, live faster.
Bring in my chair quickly
(the servant barely takes out like a royal throne, wipes himself with his palm, sighs)
King: Now let's sit down
And we'll look at your concert.
To the soundtrack of the song "Today is Mother's Day", the children, holding hands, run into the hall and settle down
throughout the hall in a checkerboard pattern, facing the audience. In the hands of children, flowers, balls, ribbons.
First-graders perform
1st girl: Happy March 8, happy spring holiday,
With the first rays in this bright hour!
Dear mothers, we love you very much.
And congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
1st boy: If mom is at home, the sun shines brighter,
If mom is not there, it’s bad for one;
I promise you, we'll finish the holiday,
I will hug my mother tightly.
2nd girl: My mother sings best of all,
3rd girl: And mine tells fairy tales!
4th girl: Don't boast, because you don't know
How much my mother gives affection!
2nd girl: I have the same mother's nose
And the same hair color!
And even though I'm shorter than me, but still
Our eyes and nose are the same!
3rd girl: Joy and sadness are sure
we share with mom again and again,
Because a daughter is for every mother
Faith and hope and love.
4th girl: Like two drops, we are similar with mom,
And when we leave the yard,
Passers-by often say
That she is my older sister.
2nd boy: Well then, my turn has come,
Without hesitating, I'll tell you right away.
Mom and I are generally one to one,
Even as I frown stubbornly.
Host: You don't have to argue,
You believe me without interference,

I confirm to you in detail
Your moms are truly the best!
1st girl: And now relatives, loved ones, affectionate
We congratulate you on this important day.
And wishing beautiful, fabulous days
We will sing a song for mothers.
All the children sing the song "Today is Mother's Day"
Host 1: What suddenly happened today?
Presenter 2: What suddenly happened today?
Presenter 1: Look how many are in the hall
Guests have gathered today!
Presenter 2: On this day, we hasten to congratulate,
Our women, such relatives
Presenter 1: Our grandmothers, beloved mothers,
And naughty girls!
Presenter 1: And now, congratulations on the holiday from students of grade 34
Scene on March 8 for schoolchildren "How to congratulate girls"
(Based on "Three girls under the window ...")
3 boys
Necessary equipment: chairs, desks, poster, diary, pens, notebooks, books

Here are the boys in the lesson,
So, in order to meet deadlines,
Discussed Women's Day.
There was a time - to do laziness!
Free in class
Take care of whatever.
Here they discussed
How to congratulate them girls
And the teacher was told
That the tasks will solve everything (they pretend to write in a notebook, but they themselves are having a conversation)
Boy 1:
If only I wrote the script
The first said of the guys,)
Strongly all I would not soar.
With his long river!
I would say: "Well, girls,
Congratulations on Women's Day,
I promise not to bother you
Nothing for pigtails!
begins with the fact that the children are sitting at their desks, the teacher is standing in front of them)
Suddenly there was laughter in the class,
This guy was embarrassed, (boys laugh, 1st makes an embarrassed face)

The teacher threatened
Almost hit them with a double! (the teacher approaches the student with red paste, takes the diary, threatens
finger, but does not put 2)
There was no scandal
We managed to continue the topic!
Boy 2:
If only I wrote the script
Then the second one says
I would congratulate everyone with verses,
So that there was a glorious feast on the mountain!
We just need to choose.
Rhymes for girls' names.
Hurry to help
I'll write my own poetry!
Leading: The teacher hears the conversation,
But thoughtfully silent.
And in a notebook he writes something,
He doesn't yell at kids.
Boy 3:
If only I did the script,
The third student said,
I would be behind this business,
A cool novel has arisen!
In prose, I would congratulate them,
And gave gifts
I would glorify everyone in the novel,
And I wouldn't forget myself! (dreamily)
Then they would give me an award
For the best novel
I would get medals
And the holiday of ladies is unimportant!
Here the teacher did not restrain himself,
Intervened in this conversation
And decided to help the guys -
He offered to write posters (the teacher shows the poster to the audience and the children)
He tells those guys.
The holiday date is near!
I propose to congratulate the ladies,
And leave a poster for them!
Let one give poetry
In prose, let the other glorify
Third - let him color everything,
Laughter will support more!
Here comes congratulations
Joy to them, and fun to you! (Students take a poster, sit down at the table and begin to decorate it)
This is the point here:
Be kind to others

Yes, and always remember
The head is one
And it is known to everyone, everywhere,
Well, it's better when three! (The boys stand up, show a pre-prepared poster
spectators and bow) ...
Presenter 2: On the eighth of March there is again a reason
Thank you very much
Presenter 1: For wisdom, understanding and honor,
For the warmth of sincere smiles.
Presenter 2: We wish you bright sunshine,
Spring streams and bird trills,
Presenter 1: Good luck in implementing ideas.
May all that you wished come true!
Presenter 2: And now the boys 56 will congratulate you on the holiday.
The 1st leading boy appears on the stage in home clothes, all wrapped in threads, from his pocket
scissors peek out. He has a bunch of scraps in his hands.
I am for my beloved mother
I wanted to sew a beautiful apron,
me for my mom
The dress cut out quickly -
I thought once - and everything is ready!
What is so difficult here?
It's not clear what happened...
Nothing succeeded!
Nothing to surprise mommy -
Will I give it to her?
I thought mom would be happy
Well, a lot of rubbish came out ... (shows rugged material)
The 2nd presenter appears on the stage with a saucepan and a whisk in his hand, with a chef's
Baking a cake is easy
You just have to be brave.
Seven eggs, a little flour,
Three tablespoons of pepper...
Or not, not at all!
It turns out a mess.
I'm completely confused -
Why put pepper in there?
Three hours of torment in the kitchen
The cream spilled, burned all hands,
The result is a burnt cake
And it doesn't look like a cake.
(1st presenter): It looks like we'll have to come up with other gifts, well, nothing, we won't
lose heart! After all, real men do not succumb to difficulties! (leave)
Moderator: Now let's play
Flower meadow (3 people)
Props are prepared in advance - colored paper is cut into small squares. Number of colors
paper should correspond to the number of teams playing. Then all the squares are shuffled and

laid out on the floor. Participants are announced that one team must collect all the roses (paper
red), the other - snowdrops (blue), the third - mimosa (yellow). The team wins
quickly collected all its "flowers".
Competition "I give a flower" (2 boys and 2 girls)
The students are divided into pairs. The girl clamps a bottle under her arm (preferably plastic, so as not to
break) with a narrow neck. Boys are given a flower (artificial or live) with a long
thin leg. They clamp it with their teeth. Then they are blindfolded.
The task of the boys is to put the stem of the flower into the bottle without the help of hands. The girls tell the boy
where to move.
The pair that completes the task the fastest wins.
 Big laundry (4 boys 2 girls)
You will need a rope with linen, a basin, two assistants. Assistants hold a taut rope, on
which clothespins attached linen. At the feet of the participants is a basin. At the leader's signal,
a woman collects linen (unclenches clothespins). The foot moves the basin in such a way that the linen gets
right into it. You can only move the basin with your feet, you cannot lower the rope. The one who wins
do it faster.
1 competition "Bows". The boy needs to tie a bow. Who will be the first to tie a bow, that girl
and will receive the maximum number of points (6 points) for this competition.
The girls are playing.
Competition Pigtails. (2 boys 2 girls)
You need to attach as many rubber bands to the boy's hair in just one minute.
Bagel necklace
For the competition, you need to buy a few kilograms of small bagels and a ball of thread. A task
women is to string as many bagels as possible on
thread. The leader marks the time and gives the start. After that, the participant begins to string bagels. When
the host says the word "Stop!", the woman stops. The host counts
bagels on a string and invites another participant. The lady whose necklace is made of drying wins
turned out to be the longest.
The competition is a mysterious candy.
For the competition, we take two sweets. Each candy is wrapped in paper and a riddle is written on the paper.
Maybe the simplest one that everyone knows. Then we wrap it with paper again, and again we write another
riddle. And so we make an unusual nesting doll from candy. That is, on each sheet we write a riddle.
810 riddles on each candy will be enough.
At the festival, we divide the guests into two teams. Give each team a candy. The leader gives a signal, and
the first team members unfold the first paper and read the riddle. Then they have to answer
to a riddle. If the answer is correct, then the candy is passed to the second participant. He also expands
his paper and reads the riddle and guesses it. And so on until the candy is in the hands of
last member. Whichever team answers the questions first wins.
Host 1: Dear women and girls,
May the sun shine brightly for you
Let the birds chirp outside the window
So that not only the day of March 8 -

Every day was considered your day.
Presenter 2: May your life be full
All that spring gives us:
With a modest and simple smile,
Health, happiness, beauty!
Presenter 1: Let this day warm you
Warm hearted wishes,
And let it accompany everywhere
Fulfillment of desires!
King: What good fellows you all are
This concert was organized
Singing, reciting poetry
There is something to learn from you.
Here we go back home
There will be a holiday for the wife
And for my daughters
(servant) Well, why are you quiet
Gathering until
The kingdom and the family are waiting for us!
(the king and the servant leave the stage, the servant again drags the royal throne, the king hurries him, leave behind
curtain, aircraft roar sounds)
Presenter 2: Dear women, girls, grandmothers!
Be happy!
Be loved!
Be lucky in everything
So that all sorrows pass,
So that only joy in the house!
To make the sun smile
Were true friends
Everything was decided
Everything came true
Forever from "A" to "Z"!
Host 2:
We wish you everything that life is rich in:
Long life!
May this holiday be the 8th of March
It will leave a mark on your soul for a whole year!
We wish you only happiness
To have a cloudless life
More sun, less storm
More joy and warmth.

May the sky be peaceful above you
Let the nightingales pour only for you,
Live surrounded by friends
Health and happiness and love to you!
Presenter 1: Our holiday is over, Thank you for your attention.

We offer you a detailed script for a festive concert for schoolchildren and their teachers dedicated to International Women's Day - March 8 .

Everyone knows that on this spring holiday, all women want attention and care shown towards them. We offer a scenario for holding a festive concert for the teachers of your school, you can invite the parents of your students to the holiday. The numbers for this concert are selected and rehearsed in advance, based on the creative abilities of your students and the technical equipment of the school.

holiday concert

Concert progress

(At the exit of the presenters - preferably male, the song "Reeks are murmuring ..")

Presenter 1:

Everything this spring is special.

Liver than sparrows hype.

I don't even try to express

How light and quiet in the soul.

Host 2:

In March, the eighth, a man hardly

A woman's whim will not be taken into account,

Apparently, they owe so much attention,

What do the calculations for the year!

Presenter 1:

Good afternoon! We are glad to see all of you in this hall! Our today's concert is dedicated to the holiday of spring, love and, of course, it is dedicated to you - our dear women.

Happy holiday of affection,

Love and attention

Happy Women's Charm!

Host 2:

Maybe there is a bigger date

And probably not alone.

Spring opens!

We contemplate the stars for two reasons: because they sparkle and because they are not reachable. But! Next to us shines a more tender and secretly deeper star - a woman!

Presenter 1:

What is femininity?

A flowing cloak of hair?

Slow glances solemnity?

Flexible creeper torso?

Host 2:

Maybe it's the brightness

fashionably painted lips

And the promises are hot

The rumble of calling trumpets?

Presenter 1:

Maybe spicy smells

Warm pie?

Or strange whims

Femininity is dear to us?

Lead 2:

But the main thing is not lost

In the vain whirlwinds of days? ..

How do you celebrate femininity

Ups of your soul?

Presenter 1:

Measured, measured

At least add, at least multiply -

Feminine essence entrusted

Roses, and bread, and a knife...

Lead 2: May the natural femininity be preserved for a long time in every woman present in this hall. The floor for congratulations is given to the director of our school (full name).

(Congratulations from the director or other member of the school administration - a male person.)

Presenter 1:

Dear women, good faithful!

Happy new spring to you, with the first drops!

Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun!

Happiness treasured, the purest!

A lot of affection, warmth, kindness to you, -

May your dreams come true!

Host 2: Poetry, music, flowers, nature - all this is beautiful, but if there were no woman in the world, we would not understand the delights of poetry, music, flowers and nature. Our today's concert opens with an ageless waltz.

(For the opening of the concert, it is best to use a mass dance composition or vocal number.)

Presenter 1: It's no secret that most of the teachers in our school are women. Often, especially during exams, we put undue pressure on them and do not always make a good impression. For which we apologize.

Host 2: Now on this stage you will see a musical sketch “We all learned a little” from the students of the _______________________________ class.

(A group of students sings a song to the motive “An Ordinary Story”, there is a board on the stage on which a map weighs, there are several desks, chairs, students are sitting, a teacher with a magazine is sitting at the teacher’s table.)

Regular goes, regular goes

A little scary for everyone, a little scary for everyone

No more.

And now you're standing, and now you're standing

At the map you

Can't show can't show

Entente campaign you!

dramatization : The teacher calls one of the students to the blackboard, he is worried, but approaches the map, holds a pointer in his hands and randomly shows something, looking at the teacher with hope, but the teacher shakes his head negatively, showing the student that the answer is not correct.

(A group of students performs a song to the motive “Dark Night”, the same objects are on the stage, only several stacks of books are laid out on one of the tables, a notebook with a pen is placed, a table lamp is placed - it’s good if the stage does not have a light on, but a lamp will be turned on, a student is sitting at this table.)

Dark night,

Only the lamp is on the table,

Only the stars burn in the sky

Think helping us.

Dark night,

We are getting ready to write

About Davydov and Shchukar,

All articles studying!

Staged: The student turns on the lamp only to the words “Only the lamp is on the table”, looks at the ceiling, yawns, stretches, studies various books, sighs and begins to write in a notebook.

(A group of students performs a song to the tune “The blue ball is spinning, spinning”, the same objects are on the stage, only a globe is placed on the teacher’s table, the students and the teacher are sitting.)

Spinning, spinning blue ball,

Spinning, spinning overhead

Spinning, spinning, wants to know -

Who knows geography on the "five"?!

Chorus: Where is the lake,

Where is the mountain

Where in the world does it get hot?

Where is this lake

Where is the mountain

Where in the world does it get hot?

dramatization : At the singing of the song, the teacher begins to walk between the desks with a globe in his hands, constantly spinning it. During the chorus, the teacher turns to different students in turn and, holding out a globe, asks them to show something on it. But the students shrug their shoulders, shake their heads negatively, showing that they are not ready to answer the teacher's questions. When the song ends, everyone freezes on stage.

(A group of students sings a song to the tune “And the bullets fly, bullets.”)

And deuces fly, deuces,

Crazy ones fly and not very much,

But you're ready to attack

The teacher will not receive the diary!

dramatization : The teacher shows that he puts a deuce in each student's diary, the students take turns grabbing their heads, worrying, but the last student takes one edge of his diary and does not give it to the teacher, the teacher tries to pull the student's hands out of his diary. In such a silent scene, the whole group freezes when the song ends.

Voice behind the scene: We hope that all of you understood that these skits are a joke. In fact, everything is not so bad and they teach us very well in our school so that we become good people, and we try to study well, and love our teachers and our school.

(All together sing a song to the tune “They teach at school.”)

Magnesium, sodium, chlorine and fluorine

And of course hydrogen

Reagents receive,

Not to blow up the school

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school!

Reagents receive,

Not to blow up the school

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school!

(The bow and departure from the stage takes place under the original song “They teach at school”.)

Lead 2: For congratulations, we invite boys from ... the class to this stage.

Reader 1:

Good luck in job! The weather is pleasant!

Love - pure, tender and constant!

Daughters - submissive! Plates - washed!

Husbands - hard-working and meeting with a smile!

Reader 2:

Love - burning, like in the series!

Five series - on each channel!

Trips - not to the garden, but to the sea!

Cakes - delicious, but without calories!

Reader 3:

The cars are foreign, but the steering wheel is on the left!

Spirits - from "Dior"! Flowers - daily!

Intentions - different, but better serious!

Dwellings - five-room and five-star!

Reader 4:

A well-deserved vacation - on the beaches and waves!

Trolleybuses - on time and to incomplete!

And come true - the dream of becoming a great artist!!!

And Women's Day - at least 300 times a year !!!

Well, here we congratulated, as best we could:

Men of the Universe - all women of the Earth!

(They leave the stage, lyrical music sounds.)

Presenter 1:

love you now

Not secretly - for show, -

Not after and not before I burn in your rays;

Sobbing or laughing, but I love now

And in the past - I do not want, but in the future - I do not know.

Host 2: Spring is the time of love, and love has inspired poets at all times. This theme is boundless: love was sung in ancient times, poets of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance sang about it, they write about it even today. Not only write, but also sing.

(A love song is being performed. This may be a song performance at the request of teachers.)

Presenter 1: Love ... How much in this sound for the heart of the Russian merged ... Although what am I talking about - ... Oh, yes, about love. Where there is love, there is passion. As you know in Spain, live the most passionate men and no less passionate women - what's to blame? Maybe the blood of the bullfighters flows in their veins, or maybe their heart, which beats in the rhythm of the Spanish castanets.

(Spanish dance is performed.)

Lead 2:

Oh those morning women

Not like evening women -

They are more modest, they are more shy,

Their eyes are not brightly outlined.

Presenter 1:

They watch dreams on the run

They rush into the jaws of a trolleybus,

But also on the unsteady, on the earthly shore

They seem like a puzzle to some.

Host 2:

Oh those morning women

Not like evening women -

Beyond the impossible but promised

Rushing somewhere like nomads.

Presenter 1:

On sidewalks and roadsides

Now they rush in strings, then in hordes,

But even in a troubled city

To some, they seem like a crossword puzzle.

Host 2:

Oh these evening women

Not like morning women -

So in a wonderful transformation

The sand at the bottom of the sea became pearls.

Presenter 1:

And, renouncing the daily turmoil,

They promise both joy and torment;

Do not unravel and scientists minds

Their eye is a dangerous radiation.

Host 2:

But if the morning women

They became completely different in the evening,

Do not rush to debunk them,

And do not try to declassify.

Presenter 1:

It's just that spring won't pass us by,

If they seem like a puzzle,

And running on the waves

And running after a trolleybus.

Host 2: Dear women, today not only students, but also teachers of our school came to congratulate you.

(Congratulations from the male half of the teaching staff.)

Presenter 1:

When the planet would suddenly freeze,

I would lie dead and cold

From the gaze of a woman

warmed by warmth,

In an instant, she would thaw ...

Lead 2:

In nature itself, the feminine

Stronger, perhaps, than all other beginnings.

Nature generously endowed women,

And people put it on a pedestal.

Presenter 1:

Everything on this day is solemn and holy.

In the hands - mimosa, the whole family is in the collection.

And it seems

Stand a little guilty

Before you - and the husband and sons ...

Host 2:

We all have one

One desire in my heart:

So that this day - big men's worries

Didn't stay like a memory

And it lasted a long, long time

All year round!..

Presenter 1: Congratulations to lovely women on the holiday of spring. It may not be easy for you to work with us, even if things at home are not always good, but on this very day, let your worries and anxieties leave you.

Lead 2: Women do not know the middle in anything: they are either much worse or much better than men. We are sure that our women are much better than us. We once again congratulate everyone on the holiday and wish you happiness, health and long life.

Presenter 1:

We wish you well

Lots of joy and happiness

Always be beautiful.

Host 2:

Live life without regrets

Do not know insults, losses,

May excellent health

It will be the best award ever!

Presenter 1:

Happy Women's Day, the beginning of spring,

With the first spring thawing!

Be healthy and happy you

Good luck to you big and small!

Lead 2: Our concert ends here. See you soon!

The hall is smartly decorated, the guests have taken their places, the children are waiting for their exit outside the door to the assembly hall. Under the spring melody, the presenter starts the program.

Presenter: Hello, dear viewers, dear mothers and grandmothers! Today we met again in our festive hall to celebrate the first spring holiday - the holiday of goodness, light, life and love!

So here we go!

To the soundtrack of the song "Today is a holiday", several boys from different classes come out at once and are located throughout the hall in a checkerboard pattern, facing the audience.

1st boy. Hello loved ones!

2nd boy. We all need!

3rd boy. The teachers are great -

4th boy. Women are wonderful!

1st boy.

Let the winter be full of excitement

Spring has come to us today.

Our beloved lovely ladies!

2nd boy.

Among the first days of spring

All over the earth, for all people

Spring and women are alike.

3rd boy.

Spring is the season of warmth and light,

It's time for excitement in the blood.

And let these words of greeting

They sound like a declaration of love.

All. Happy International Women's Day!

1st boy.

Dear mothers, grandmothers and aunts,
It's good that at this hour
You are not in the service, not at work,

In this hall, look at us!

2nd boy.

We love you very, very, very,
Very, infinitely - this is not a secret;

However, in short:
You have never been more loved!

They leave.

Dear girls, mothers, grandmothers! We congratulate everyone on the first spring holiday, International Women's Day. This is a holiday that glorifies a woman, a woman-worker, a woman-mother, the keeper of the hearth. There is nothing in the world brighter and more disinterested than the love of a mother. Maternal love warms, inspires, gives strength to the weak, inspires to a feat. In all languages, all over the world, only one word sounds the same, the great word is mom!

Everyone sings the song "Mama"

Mom is the first word

Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.

It happens - sleepless night
Mom is crying slowly
How is the daughter, how is her son -
Only in the morning my mother will fall asleep.

Mom is the first word
The main word in every destiny.
Mother earth and sky
Life gave me and you.

It happens - if it happens suddenly
In your house, grief is trouble,
Mom is the best, reliable friend -
Will be with you always.

Mom is the first word
The main word in every fate
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.

It happens - you become more mature
And like a bird you will fly high
Whoever you are, know that for mom you are -
As always, dear baby.

Mom is the first word
The main word in every fate
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.


Give women flowers

Whether for a birthday, in the spring,

One at a time or in a pile -

Give women flowers.

fragrant flowers

Suitable for anyone.

Coming to the house, leaving the house,

Give a sense of beauty.

Give at dusk and during the day,

On the square and in the corridor.

Those with whom in love or in discord,

Decorate with rainbow fire.

When a woman is sad

She goes to her kingdom

And here medicines are helpless,

But the fate of the lily is close.

And you need to give flowers like that,

To invest such a value in them,

So that a gentle heartbeat

conveyed their traits.

In the midst of endless turmoil

I call again: get up!

Forget yourself, don't forget

Give women flowers.

A. Drilinga

Song about mom .

After the song, a group of primary school children read poetry.

1st girl: Happy March 8, happy spring holiday,
With the first rays in this bright hour!
Dear mothers, we love you very much.
And congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

1st boy: If mom is at home, the sun shines brighter,
If there is no mother, it is bad for one;
I promise you, we'll finish the holiday,
I will hug my mother tightly.

(children's argument about whose mother is better)

2nd girl: My mom sings the best

3rd girl: Mine tells stories!

4th girl: Don't brag, you don't know
How much my mother gives affection!

2nd girl: I have the same mother's nose
And the same hair color!
And even though I'm shorter than me, but still
Our eyes and nose are the same!

3rd girl: Joy and sadness for sure
we share with mom again and again,
Because a daughter is for every mother -
Faith and hope and love.

4th girl: Like two drops, my mother and I are similar,
And when we leave the yard,
Passers-by often say
That she is my older sister.

2nd boy: Well then it's my turn
Without hesitating, I'll tell you right away.
Mom and I are generally one to one,
Even as I frown stubbornly.

Presenter: You don't have to argue
You believe me without interference,
I confirm to you in detail
Your moms are truly the best!

1st girl: And now relatives, loved ones, affectionate
We congratulate you on this important day.
And wishing beautiful, fabulous days
We will sing a song for mothers.

They sing a song about mom.(Give mothers handmade gifts).


The month of March, like a schoolboy, skipping

He rushed to us, so mischievous.

Take out the bouquets, boys,

Congratulate your classmates on spring!

Where there are flowers, frost will recede,

To make the streams ring near the schools.

Do not forget to put mimosa

In the morning on the teacher's table.

Bared the tops of the trees,

Forgetting your winter dreams.

Freckles sparkled fervently

On the face of laughter-spring.

A sunny bunny jumps on the desks,

Bird chirping floats from above,

From smiles of cheerful March

Flowers appear everywhere.

Telegrams, postcards, greetings -

March draws its eighth day

Do not forget, boys, bouquets,

Congratulate your classmates on spring!

V. Shumilin

Scene "Three mothers"

There is a table and three chairs in the center of the room. On one of the chairs is a doll. On the table is a tablecloth, a dish with four cheesecakes, a samovar, mugs, saucers.

presenter :
Dear mothers, dear grandmothers. How wonderful our guys are today, how kind, sunny! But, unfortunately, this is not always the case.
Often our children are so stubborn!
Every mother knows this.
We say something to our children,
But they don't listen to their mothers at all.

Boy :
Tanya came home from school one day
She lowered her heavy briefcase.
Quietly she sat down at the table
And she asked the doll, Manyasha:

Tanya enters, goes to the table and sits down on a chair, takes the doll in her arms.

How are you, daughter? How's your day, fidget?
You've probably been waiting for me, haven't you?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
Walking without a hat? Get a belt.

Come to dinner, spinner!
Eat everything, get better while you're young.
For dessert there will be cheesecake!

Tired mother came home from work
And she asked her daughter Tanya:

Mom enters, sits on a chair near Tanya.

Hi dear! How are you, daughter?
What did you get in your school diary?
Perhaps you were walking in the garden again?
Going through the puddles without fail?
Managed to forget about food again?
And so without end, every day!
Oh, it's just trouble with these daughters,
Let's go to dinner, spinner!
Grandma has already called us twice,
For dessert there will be cheesecake!

Then my grandmother, my mother's mother, came
And she asked her mother:

How are you, daughter?
Tired, perhaps, for a day?
Just half a minute to rest
The profession of a doctor is very difficult,
But at home, a healthy daughter needs you.
You can't go all day without lunch.
After all, you know yourself, fidget.
Oh, these daughters are just a disaster.
Soon it will be, like a match, thin.
Let's have dinner, spinner!
For dessert there will be cheesecake!

Everyone eats cheesecakes, drink tea.

Three mothers are sitting in the kitchen for tea,
They look at their daughters with love and affection.
What to do with daughters stubborn?
Oh, how not easy it is to be mothers!

1st host: Yes, that's how it turns out in reality!

2nd leader: It even made me a little sad.

1st host: To give this to your mother, what would make her feel better? BUT? (to the children) Who has any ideas?

Boy: Collect for mom
The work of such
To do all the work
He did a lot.
And washed and ironed
Roasted and boiled
And the floors in the kitchen
Sweep and wash.
To be able to darn
torn pants,
So that he read at night
Me and my sister books!
And when I come home from work,
Mom will be surprised
No work
You can go to sleep!

Presenter: Yes, our children are resourceful, you can’t say anything! But for sure the guys know: to make mom happy, you don’t need to wait for miracles. It is enough for you to take care of mothers yourself, to help with household chores, to speak affectionate, kind words to mothers. And of course, to please school success.

Competitive game with children "Helpers".

1 show jumping: sew on a button - who is faster and better.

2 competition: make a lunch menu and choose the necessary products.

3 contest: swaddle the doll.

4 competition: sing a lullaby.

Song about spring.

Congratulations from boys to girls.

1st host: We continue today's holiday
We congratulate our girls!

2nd leader: We would sing separately for each
We just sing, let's say it doesn't matter!

1 boy: If I once teased you offensively,
Honestly, I'm very ashamed.

2nd boy: And I'm not out of anger, out of habit
I often pulled your pigtails!

2nd leader: We are all bullies, because you know yourself,
But we won't hurt you anymore!

1st host: We ask you very much, you forgive us
And accept these congratulations!

1st boy: I confess - I will not lie,
I tell you the whole truth:
Just see Julia
I feel in my heart: I'm burning!

2nd boy: I want to tell Tanya
Shoulder leaning towards her,
About the weather, about football,
Yes, and you never know what?!

3rd boy: Olga is - the soul will rise,
Olga is gone - a dull look! ..
I am drawn to Olga
Feeling sensitive magnet!

4th boy: Everything with Katya is very handy,
I don't need others Kat:
In essence and in fact
It is better not to find Katya.

5th boy: I look at everything as if at an icon,
I can't take my eyes off the lovers...
Dasha, Dasha, Dasha!
You know how much I love you!

6th boy: You are God's gift, beautiful goddesses,
Your soul always moves!
We stand now on bended knee
Everything is before you, blazing, breathing a little.

1st host: May this day spring rays
People and flowers will smile at you.

2nd leader: And may they always go through life with you
Love, health, happiness and dreams.



Seryozha, Sveta - students of the same class

The action takes place in the classroom after the lessons.

Seryozha. You let my floors, and I'll wipe the board.

Sveta. Compared, it's better the other way around.

Seryozha. Okay, I'll water the flowers.

Sveta. Found a bug.

Seryozha. Okay, plus I'll put the chairs on the desks.

Sveta. I don't even want to talk.

Seryozha. You are a bad hostess. I won't marry you when I grow up!

Sveta. Oh, I'm scared, I'm dying now. Okay, I'll wash everything.

Seryozha. And I'll wipe the board.

Sveta. Yes, sit down. (Grumbled.) The pocket on my jacket was torn off. You can't stock up on jackets. It's good that I have a thread with a needle.

A musical number is being played.

1st host: Today is the holiday of mothers, but grandmothers are also mothers?!

2nd leader: Of course, and therefore now it is time to say kind words for our grandmothers.

1st host: Happy holiday, grandmothers, mother's mothers,
A woman's heart cannot grow old
Don't worry about emotional wounds
And you should not regret the years!

Girl: Very my grandmother
Mommy, I love you!
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead a gray strand.
So I want to touch
And then kiss!

2nd leader: Guys, I'm not rude to my grandmother,
Because I love my grandmother!
So let's congratulate grandmothers,
We wish grandmothers not to get sick!

Girl: A lot of different songs is about everything.
And now we will sing about the grandmother!

Song about grandma.


Wish people kindness

Wish people happiness!

Give women flowers

And warm welcome.

Do not reproach with trifle

After all, all life is a moment,

Love all women

For women's patience!

And, living up to gray hair,

Without reducing the heat

Love, women, men

For courage and strength!

Let only joy enter the door

Open those doors!

And there would be no bitter losses

Completely white!

Let love rule the world

And holy thoughts

And weddings are celebrated again

And golden weddings!

May your dreams come true

And all misfortunes will perish,

Let there be a lot of kindness

May there be peace and happiness!

Y. Orlov

Instrumental music sounds. Readers and all participants of the concert come out.

Readers(read the wishes one by one).

Be happy!

Be loved!

Be lucky in everything

So that all sorrows pass by,

So that only joy in the house!

To make the sun smile

Were true friends

Everything was decided

Everything came true

Forever - from "A" to "Z"!

I. Yavorovskaya

We wish you everything that life is rich in:


Long life!

It will leave a mark on your soul for a whole year!

The song is being played.

How do students see teachers? The most strict, the most cheerful, the most beloved - and many other definitions.

During the event, competitions are held to identify the best teachers in different categories, in between competitions there are funny skits that allow you to see the world through the eyes of a student.


Congratulations to female teachers on the holiday.


Balloons, paper flowers, holiday banner. You can arrange an exhibition of photographs "Teacher through the eyes of a student", crafts "Gift for March 8", drawings "Women's Day".

Required attributes for competitions:

  • A briefcase containing some object (for example, a textbook) and a list of school supplies;
  • Five cards;
  • Balloons and pencils;
  • Plan of any floor of the school, pencils;
  • Medals "The best teacher in ... (history, mathematics, Russian language and other subjects)".


  • Choreographic number;
  • Song on the theme of the holiday;
  • Video - advertising;
  • Polls "The most strict teacher" and "The most beloved teacher";
  • Competition "Guess the teacher by the smile";
  • Sketches.


  • Presenter 1
  • Lead 2

Event progress

Presenter 1:

We welcome everyone today
In our spacious hall!
We dedicate special words
To our beautiful ladies!

Host 2:

Teachers, students -
To all women on this beautiful Earth.
For those who have not yet found - let him meet the handsome prince
On a white horse!

Presenter 1:

And all at once joy,
Good luck always and in everything!
In general, congratulations on the national holiday -
March 8 - Women's Day!

Host 2: Let's decide on the purpose of tonight.

Presenter 1: Let's. It will be very simple - to amuse those with whom we have spent so many joyful moments.

Host 2: Those with whom we still have to spend a lot of free time.

Presenter 1: Despite the fact that we do not give you all the time voluntarily ...

Host 2: Despite the numerous homework assignments, solving which, our parents sometimes grab their heads ...

Presenter 1: Despite strict control over attendance…

Host 2: Despite all this, we love you. That is why we have prepared for you an unforgettable evening that will help cheer you up until the end of the school year!

Presenter 1: As they say in the cinema - let's go!

Choreographic number.

Host 2: And again we are with you!

Presenter 1: Forgot to warn that today there will be awards in a variety of categories!

Host 2: But to be rewarded, you have to earn it!

Presenter 1: And for this, take part in competitions and games so that we can identify the best in various categories.

Competitions are held to identify the "most-most ...":

  • "... quick-witted." On stage is a briefcase containing one item. The task of the participants is to determine what it is. A list of suggested items is attached. The knapsack can be felt, lifted, but not opened.
  • "... generous." All teachers receive small cards on which fives are drawn. Their task is to distribute cards to the audience in the hall in 1 minute. At the same time, each viewer should not get more than one "5". Whoever has fewer cards left wins.
  • "... sports." Wishing participants are given a pencil and a balloon. Their task is to use a pencil to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible. If the ball touches the floor, the participant is eliminated from the competition.

Host 2: Sport is the main component of health!

Presenter 1: But it's so tiring, so we'll give our teachers some time to relax and watch a short commercial.

Host 2: So we have revealed our little secrets to you, and now we will continue the competition.

  • "... fast." Each participant is given a sheet with a drawn plan of a school floor. The task of teachers is to depict the movement of the class during a fire alarm with arrows. The location of the fire is marked with a red cross on the map.
  • "... dancing." The teachers play different tunes. Their task is to perform the desired dance without losing the rhythm.
  • "... strict." To identify the winner in this nomination, a survey is conducted among students in advance, following which an award is made.

Host 2: This is a long-awaited holiday!

Presenter 1: And who is waiting for him so long?

Host 2: Like who? All women! After all, they are supposed to be worn on their hands on this day and give flowers!

Presenter 1: Speaking of gifts! Dear women, watch this scene and wind it around your mustache.

Host 2: What mouth? After all, they are women!

Presenter 1: Sorry, just cut on the nose! Or just remember!

Scene "Gift"

Teacher: Guys, let's talk about the holidays. List their main components.

Student 1: Tasty food!

Student 2: Room decoration, decorations, balloons!

Student 3: Present!

Teacher: What should be the gift?

Student 1: Need!

Student 2: Useful!

Student 3: Interesting!

Teacher: And most importantly - you need to give what you would choose for yourself, as if choosing a gift for yourself.

Student 1: Of course, Nina Alexandrovna!

Teacher: I hope that you don’t give your classmates cars on March 8, as was the case last year?

Student 2: Of course not! They are not even interesting for us now!

Student 3: We will give you the best gifts in the world!

Teacher: I'm counting on you guys! You can rely on the advice of your parents in choosing a gift.

The students and the teacher part ways. The song on the theme "March 8" sounds. Teacher and girls enter. The boys come out and hand each girl a pair of socks! The girls are outraged.

Teacher: Guys, what is this?

Student 1: Like what? Socks.

Teacher: I understand socks, but why did you decide that this would be the perfect gift for girls?

Student 2: Well, Nina Alexandrovna, you yourself advised me to ask my parents.

Student 3: Our dads said that moms always give them socks as a gift on February 23rd.

What not to give on February 23 - 13 most terrible gifts according to men Every year on February 23, millions of men receive the same gifts from women - socks and shaving foam, while women demand from their gentlemen to show imagination and give gifts different, original ... But our husbands are not worse than us! Here is a list of gifts that you should not give on February 23.

Student 1: Since they do it, it means that they themselves want the same gift!

Student 2: We thought you'd be happy!

Student 3: But just in case, they prepared another gift that they themselves would definitely never want to receive.

They give flowers to the girls and the teacher.

Teacher: They say the truth that someone else's soul is darkness. Dear teachers, do not give your soulmate socks on February 23, otherwise they will return them back to you on March 8.

The actors bow and leave.

Host 2: Let's hope that on the next holiday of the Defenders of the Fatherland we will definitely not be presented with socks!

Presenter 1: Well, we continue to identify winners in various categories!

Competitions continue to identify "The most-most ..."

  • "... smiling." Teachers' smiles are photographed in advance. Then a survey is conducted among the students, who must guess the teacher by the smile. The teacher who is recognized by the smile by the largest number of students wins.
  • "... cheerful." Each teacher conducts a fun game with the audience. Then, with the help of applause, the winner is determined.
  • "... eloquent." The task of the participants is to make a sentence in which all words begin with the same letter. The contestant who uses as many words as possible wins.
  • "... beloved." For this competition, a survey is conducted among school students in advance, according to the results of which the most beloved teacher is revealed.

Host 2: Dear teachers! This is the end of our awards ceremony for the best teachers.

Presenter 1: Let someone disagree with us, but it is very difficult to choose the best even in a certain area. After all, all of you were, are and will be the best for us!

Host 2: So loved that you just do not want to leave!

Scene "Graduate"

The lesson ends. A student walks into the class.

Teacher: Semyonov, are you late for class again?

Student: Excuse me, Antonina Sergeevna, I won't do it again.

Teacher: You've been feeding me these promises all year! Do you remember, on September 1, he promised to study well, but in the first half of the year he received "2" in three subjects?

Student: I remember. But that's how it happened...

Teacher: And on New Year promised me and my classmates that you would pull up all the tails! The teachers are still after you.

Student: Antonina Sergeevna, who will remember the old ...

Teacher: And on March 8? He promised me a bunch of good grades to earn, and he comes to the end of the lesson. I can't even ask you!

Student: It's hard for me to be on time...

Teacher: And how long will it continue? When will you learn to keep your promises?

Student: I'll start right today, because tomorrow - last call. And then graduation. So I won't go to school anymore! Therefore, I will never be late for your lesson.