Procurement - installation of a workplace (44-FZ). Signature formation component is not installed or does not work (works incorrectly)

The object does not support the Sign method property. YY message. Nikitina: Tell me, please, how to sign the documents. Installation is recommended to be performed under the Windows administrator account, after disabling anti-virus protection, if any, and selecting the item in the installation wizard. Need to add host https://bus. Reliable Sites and put low zone limits.

The package is part of Windows Vista and Windows 7, but may not be present on earlier versions of Windows operating systems.

LANIT Signature formation component. And in the "certification path" tab in the "certificate status" field, the message is "this certificate contains an invalid digital signature."

LANIT company (Laboratory of New Information technologies) announced the release of a new component of the LanDocs product line The new subsystem allows you to organize the exchange electronic documents signed with an electronic digital signature, and.

Procurement offer generation component. 2) To connect to the components of the "Electronic Budget" system and ensure the use electronic signature special means of cryptographic protection are used. The signature generation component is used to digitally sign data, sign code, to verify digital signatures, processing data for confidentiality purposes, hashing data, encrypting and decrypting data, and other tasks. Installing the Signature Generation Component ( The Signature Generation Component is used for digitally signing data, signing code, verifying digital signatures, processing data in

The signature generation component is not installed or does not work (does not work correctly).

1) Make sure that no notification is displayed at the top of the browser window or tab to prevent the launch or installation of add-ons (ActiveX controls):

"All Internet Explorer add-ons are disabled. Click here to manage, disable, or remove add-ons."

"This website is attempting to install the following add-on... If you trust this website and this add-on and want to install it, click here..."

"This site requires the following add-on... If you trust and allow this website and this add-on to run, click here..."

"Security settings prevent ActiveX controls from running on this page. The page may not display correctly. Click here to select options."

"Running ActiveX controls on this web page is not allowed by the current security settings."

"This program has been blocked because the publisher cannot be verified."

"Internet Explorer has blocked ActiveX controls."

If such notifications are present, the corresponding action must be allowed.

If Internet Explorer 10 is used, it is recommended to additionally allow the launch of unsigned ActiveX controls.

For this you need:

  • in the browser menu, select the “Tools” - “Browser Options” item (if the menu is not displayed by default, you must press Alt on the keyboard to display it). This will display the Browser Options window;
  • go to the "Security" tab;
  • select the "Trusted Sites" zone;
  • in the "Security level for this zone" section, click the "Other" button. This will display the Security Options window;
  • in the list of options, find the item "Download unsigned ActiveX controls" (block ActiveX controls and control modules) and switch this option to the "Enable" position.

2) Make sure that the launch of the installed signature generation component is not blocked due to insufficient trust in the website.

To do this, the node must be added to the Trusted Sites zone (Internet Options - Security - Trusted Sites - Sites) and low security restrictions are set for this zone (Internet Options - Security - Trusted Sites - Level security for this zone - Custom - Reset specific settings - Set to level - Low - Reset). As a result, in the category "ActiveX controls and plug-ins" in the security settings (Internet Options - Security - Trusted Sites - Security level for this zone - Other), the launch of ActiveX modules should be allowed (all items in this category should be set to "Enable ” or “Offer”).

Advanced: You must allow the installation and launch of ActiveX controls that have an invalid signature: "Internet Options" - "Advanced" - "Security" - "Allow the installation or execution of a program that has an invalid signature."

3) In other cases, it is necessary to install (reinstall) the signature generation component.

C:\Program Files\Lanit\

Default install path:

C:\Program Files\Lanit\Lanit.Signature Generation Component

Installing the 64-bit version of the signature component is only available on a 64-bit OS.
Correct operation of the 64-bit version of the signature component is possible only when using the 64-bit version of the Internet Explorer browser.

Installation of the 32-bit version of the signature component is available in 32-bit and 64-bit OS versions. Correct operation of the 32-bit version of the signature component is possible only when using the 32-bit version of the Internet Explorer browser.

4) If after these steps the signing error continues to occur, make sure that the bit depth of the launched Internet Explorer browser matches the installed version of the signing generation component.

You can check the bit depth of the default version of the IE browser in "Help" - "About" (in the 64-bit version, after specifying the version number, "64-bit edition" should be indicated, if this indication is not present, the 32-bit version).

Also, the correct operation of the signature generation component requires the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 (for Windows XP) or 3.5 (for later versions of Windows operating systems).

5) In rare cases, the launch of the signature generation component may block anti-virus and proactive protection software.

On July 1, 2018, version 8.2 of the EIS portal was launched... And problems with connection and signing began. For us, this was expressed in the failure of the CryptoPro plugins on the pages of the portal 44-FZ and 223-FZ. Moreover, it did not work only at State Procurement, all other portals (SUFD, Electronic Budget, BasGovRu, etc.) successfully launched after dancing with a tambourine and a register.

As it turned out, problems with logging in and signing documents occur in Internet Explorer version 10. We download version 11, for example, on the site ⇨ Yandex. There is some software from Yandex built in, but everything can be turned off without any problems. The current build version is 11.0.9600.18059IS (KB3093983). #purchases #zakupki #signature #not working #error #sign

Just in case, I uploaded all the necessary files for AWP ⇨ here. So it will be easier, and then suddenly the incompatibility of versions. Then download from there, so as not to search on the Internet.

  1. We put Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.18059IS if the version is IE 10.
  2. We put CryptoPro CSP 4.0.9944 in configuration" KS1" without any enhanced checks of keys, because there is nothing to check. Root Certificates put the site in storage " default".
  3. CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in 2.0.13292 we set according to the instructions from the State Procurement website (document version 1.0).
  4. Next, we put LANIT(Signature generation component
  5. We configure Internet Explorer 11 according to the instructions from the State Purchases (document version 2.3). Only first we reset the browser according to paragraphs 1.2.5 - 1.2.6, and then proceed to the settings according to paragraphs 1.2.1 - 1.2.4, 1.2.7. We pay special attention to paragraph 1.2.11, due to its non-compliance, there is no entry into the Personal Account.

Sometimes when successful work in Personal account you can get a site refusal " 403 Forbidden ", this means that your IP has been banned. You can wait 15-20 minutes, or use the utility SafeIP This thing is like FreeGate for Internet Explorer. Well, something like this.

UPD from 08/11/2018: Regarding instruction 1.2.11 ... When installing Exlorera, he manages to grab the update and the "Developer Tools" are greatly changed. Now you can not choose which version of the browser to pretend to be. I'm just posting some pictures next: