Elevator presentation for job search. Correct Elevator Pitch

If you are looking for a job, then you need to create your own elevator pitch. This is a 30-60 second solo presentation summarizing facts relevant to the position you are applying for. Elevator pitch should answer the questions:

  • Who are you and what do you do?
  • How can you help?
  • Why are you the ideal candidate?

By talking about yourself, you lay the foundation for the entire interview. However, packing your entire experience into a 60-second presentation isn't easy. Therefore, I decided to make this process easier for you and offer the rules that you need to follow when writing a selling elevator pitch.

Rule number 1. Say what they want to hear

Tailor your speech to the job.

Focus on the requirements described in the job posting.
Your task is to convey significant information about yourself in terms of the requirements of the vacancy and the company. Use the tips that are contained in the job description in the sections: "Duties" and "Requirements". These are keywords and expressions that your interviewer is already familiar with. Therefore, all you need is to include them in your story.


  • “You need someone with experience in the construction industry. I have worked for YYY for more than 4 years in the position of "Head of the Legal Department", the main field of activity of which was the construction of residential complexes.
  • “You are looking for an employee with experience in a startup. I managed to build a sales department at XXX from scratch and achieved the company's business plan in 1 year.

N! B! Look for keywords in the job description before each interview.

If you are looking for a job that is different from what you are currently doing, then tailor your speech to match the purpose of your search. For example, if you want to be a project manager, then focus your speech on activities related to project management, instead of talking about your current job, which has nothing to do with what you want to get.
Also make a list of your skills and accomplishments that are relevant to your search goal.

N! B! Remove anything from your elevator pitch that doesn't apply to the position you're looking for.

Rule number 2. Prepare your program 5 points

The first thing I do in any interview preparation course is to create a 5 point program for each client. This is what I recommend you do as well. Program 5 points will become a lifesaver for you at the interview and when answering other questions: “What are your strengths?”, “Why are you the best candidate?” and etc.

Rule number 3.Structure your speech

Elevator pitch is self-presentation, and like any presentation, it should have a structure. I propose to use the 3-part composition of Aristotle:

1. Introduction

You can start your speech with gratitude. For example, "Thank you for this opportunity to meet with you today." And then give answers to 3 questions: What is your profession? What do you do? What companies did you work for?


  • “I am a brand manager with over 10 years of experience in the travel industry. I have worked in companies like X and Y and I want to continue to develop in this area.”
  • “I am a business coach specializing in retail and direct sales. I have 17 years of experience in the three largest multinational companies in the cosmetics market: Schwarzkopf & Henkel, L'Oreal, Avon.
  • “I have more than 3 years of experience in marketing, trade marketing, planning and analytics. I gained valuable international experience in the FMCG, automotive and publishing industries. He has worked in countries such as Italy, Poland and the UK.”

2. Main body

Then briefly talk about your key results and what specific benefits your background can bring to a potential employer. Also in this part it is worth including your program of 5 points.


p style="padding-left: 30px;">"I would like to note three main achievements during the period of work in the company:
1. Increased turnover in the CIS region by 3 times
2. Launched 5 national distributors
3. Brought the company's products to 3 new markets of the CIS countries
My strengths as a professional are skills and knowledge:
Markets of the CIS countries
Management of distribution channels, distribution network
Management of the company's marketing activities, development of promotion strategies for various sales channels
Team building and management
Ability to effectively present the company and its products
Negotiating with the first persons of companies, federal retail chains, contractors, representatives of state authorities. bodies
The ability to transfer experience, business models obtained in one market to other markets.

p style="padding-left: 30px;">"I have knowledge in the following areas: international financial reporting standards, financial analysis, cash flow management, cost optimization and tax burden.
I have the skills to: manage a team, prepare an annual budget, automate the budget process, negotiate with credit institutions, pass audits, develop and implement internal procedures, including due diligence.
I believe that my main achievement is that in 2016, according to financial results, our division was recognized as the best foreign division in the XXX group of companies.

p style="padding-left: 30px;">"I know how to choose the best strategy for promoting goods on the market, adapt Western strategies to Russian standards. I have a high level of knowledge in pricing, budgeting. I have practical knowledge in the development and introduction of new products to the market, processes and procedures for planning and accounting.
I can assess the company's potential in the market in terms of: price, positioning, advertising opportunities, demand. I also know how to identify strengths and weaknesses, propose a development strategy, develop advertising activities, calculate efficiency.
The latest successful achievement in the work was the implementation of loyalty campaigns without the mediation of agencies with a 45% increase in turnover.”

3. Conclusion

At the end of your elevator pitch, answer the question: Why do you want to work for this company?


  • “I am interested in your company because I see huge opportunities for myself to prove myself, to apply the accumulated experience and knowledge to improve the position and popularize your company's products on the market. I really appreciate the corporate standards and values ​​adopted in the company. Therefore, I decided to participate in the competition for this vacancy and I am sure that my experience will be valuable.”
  • “Your vacancy attracted me with the content of the work. Responsibilities are in line with my experience. I can work well with digital tools, set up analytical tools and organize work with contractors. I would like to apply all my experience in such an undoubtedly interesting and socially useful project. When I began to look for information about the company on your site, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that your company was the first to use technology "X" and my desire to work with you became even greater.

Rule number 4. Speak the same language

Have you ever found yourself in the company of people who work in a different professional field than you? How did you feel? How did you navigate the topic of conversation? Is it embarrassing? Uncomfortable?
Now imagine in this place an HR manager who, in a conversation with you about professional experience, feels the same way. Recruiters do not have to be experts in your field and may not understand much of what you say. What do you think: who will be able to impress HR - a candidate whose answers contain a large number of professional terms or a candidate whose answers are clear? You will only succeed if the person you are addressing understands you. So don't use jargon when talking to someone who doesn't understand your industry, but don't explain simple terms to someone who is an expert in your industry.

N! B! If you want to be not only heard, but also understood, speak in a common language.

Rule number 5. Train

It is very important that you read your speech aloud several times. You must pronounce it confidently and convincingly. Rehearse your performance in front of your friends and ask for their feedback. If they didn’t understand the key points of your speech, then you need to work on it more.

I hope these tips will help you create your selling elevator pitch.

Good luck!

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Job search and career development coach. The only trainer-interviewer in Russia who prepares for all types of interviews. Resume writing expert. Author of the books: "I'm afraid of interviews!", "To strike on the spot #Resume", "To strike on the spot #Cover letter".

ELEVATOR PRESENTATION - elevator pitch. + Examples. Elevator pitch (elevator speech, elevator pitch / speech or elevator presentation) is a format for a presentation or performance in a limited time, usually one minute - (the time the elevator moves in a high-rise building). The peculiarity of the presentation in the elevator is that within one minute, the entrepreneur must explain the essence of his business idea and its attractiveness to the investor. Story. The history of this performance format goes far back to the middle of the 20th century. Aspiring entrepreneurs deliberately tried to snag busy potential investors while they were riding the elevator to the top floors of the skyscraper to tell them about their project. One of the clearest examples of elevator pitch is the case with the founders of Google. Back in 1998, the then start-up entrepreneurs, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, received $100,000 for the development of their still non-existent company, because they managed to intelligibly explain to Andy Bechtolsheim, who was late for a meeting, the profitability of investing in Google. Features of the presentation in the elevator Why is it needed? Despite the fact that today it is difficult to imagine a story when, after a bright speech in an elevator, an investor can immediately give out the required amount, the “elevator pitch” format is used to present business projects. This is necessary in order to understand how novice entrepreneurs themselves realize the main advantages and benefits of their project. Everything ingenious is simple, including a brilliant business idea. If an entrepreneur is able to separate the wheat from the chaff and give out information that is interesting to the investor, then we can conclude that he is able to think clearly and act correctly in the conduct of his business. The presentation format in the elevator shows well the concentration and resourcefulness of a novice businessman. How to prepare? To prepare for the elevator pitch, you can start with the tips and tricks for public speaking skills. Particular attention should be paid to the formulation and memorization of key thoughts and conclusions. In addition, it is important to work on diction and intonation, since you will most likely have to speak faster than usual. Format. The format of an elevator presentation may vary depending on different scenarios. First, it is important to know who the presentation is for. The presentation in the elevator should be built individually. Each investor has his own hook on which he can be hooked. Someone is interested in the idea itself, its originality and innovativeness, someone is only interested in the financial side of the matter, someone can talk informally, someone is interested in the official tone, etc. Secondly, the presentation format depends on what supporting elements you have. Do you have ready-made samples of the product of your future company with you, which will say everything for you? Do you have additional material to back up your claims? Thirdly, it matters whether you are speaking alone or if there are several people. Together it is easier to influence, but this requires more painstaking preparation and coordination of actions. Presentation Structure Unlike other presentations, elevator presentations do not have a recommended structure. Preparing for a presentation in an elevator is a creative process, and you need to create it based on your own creativity. Despite this, we can give some recommendations on the structure of the "elevator speech": At the beginning, it is desirable to attract the attention of the listener as much as possible, to make him think about what you are saying. For example, you can bring some unexpected emotional fact that, in a subsequent speech, will emphasize the importance of your project for an investor. In the main part of the presentation in the elevator, it is important to say how your project compares favorably with everything else, how it is attractive to the investor. Finally, make a small, generous offer to the investor. However, it is important not to praise yourself, but, on the contrary, to say about the importance of the role of this particular investor for you and ask for help. The investor should feel his strength and necessity for you after he understands the profitability of your project. Elevator pitch rules As a result, the following general recommendations can be distinguished for a presentation in an elevator: 1. You need to find out as much as possible what is interesting to the listener. You need to contact him personally, and say what he wants to hear. 2. Speech should be clean, emotional, without unnecessary pauses and selection of the right words. 3. You need to speak faster than usual, but not too fast. 4. Do not talk about what is not a key factor in the success of your project. If you can throw out some information, throw it out. 5. Use spectacular elements - demonstration of patterns, metaphors and comparisons. What to do Below are the rules for presenting in an elevator to an investor, as described in a popular internet video. 1. Brevity. The elevator presentation should be short. It is limited to only 1-2 minutes of the investor's time. Sometimes the time limits are even tighter. 2. Availability. Elevator pitch speech should be easy to understand. Often an investor does not have any desire, time and energy to try to understand the abstruse schemes described by a novice businessman. Even if a child becomes a viewer of the presentation in the elevator, he must understand what the presentation is about. 3. Profitability. The project described in the presentation in the elevator should cause greed. After all, investors want to make money, or rather a lot of money. 4. Irresistible. And finally, the presentation in the elevator must be irresistible. If after the presentation the investor has more questions than answers, the aspiring entrepreneur will need to return to the desktop again and finish his presentation. What not to do When presenting in an elevator, an entrepreneur should not make the following mistakes: 1. You can not look at the ceiling and remember some important facts. 2. You can not pause, giving the investor the opportunity to get out of your rut and ask some tricky question. 3. It is impossible not to know the investor in person: who is it, what is he interested in. You can just waste a lot of time talking to "the wrong person." 4. Ignorance of the market is a very serious omission. You need to know exactly a few key numbers about the market, confirming the potential success of your project. 5. Don't talk about yourself. The investor must see fire in the eyes, energy and potential. 6. And finally, it is completely unforgivable not to know why you came to the investor, namely, how much you want to receive from him and what you are going to spend it on. Five examples of “elevator presentations” Example 1: You want to find a job In this example, you talk about your main strengths and skills, reinforce them with an example, and directly ask if you have a place in the company: “Hello, my name is Svetlana. I am an environmentalist looking for a job that will help me use my research and analytical skills. Over the past few years, I have strengthened them by working with local environmental organizations and authorities to preserve and maintain the quality of water resources. Also in the future, I would like to develop educational programs to inform the population about the protection of water resources. I know that your organization is involved in water quality control projects. Tell me, can I try to become part of your organization and strengthen it with my knowledge?” Example 2. You want to take part in the performance A more eccentric example for creative people: “Hello, Andrey! My name is Olga Bessonova, I love you as an artist, I myself play in the theater, star in television projects, serials. I would very much like to participate in your performance "Poetry of the Soul", which will be held on August 20. I know that you will read poetry, and I would like to supplement the performance with my participation. I would love to come up with choreography, scenography, moving scenery, and I would like to dance to some music during your reading, if possible. And to dance something understandable, some kind of theatrical pantomimic dance. Listen to me please. I can show you a few steps right now, if you'll excuse me. Look? What do you think?" Example 3: You want to reach out to your boss with a new idea. Is your boss still having trouble finding the time to listen to you? You will need a maximum of 30 seconds to convey the problem and how to solve it. This can be done even by simply walking the manager down the corridor: “In our organization, most employees do not have access to printers for printing documents, although they need it for work. It is necessary to give everyone the opportunity to quickly print documents so as not to lose working time for unnecessary communications. I propose to put one printer for use by all employees in the secretary's office. You can buy a new printer, as Company N did for a similar problem, or you can use a printer from the purchasing department for this purpose, since it is not used much in the work of the department. Any of these options are cheaper than the third - to purchase printers for each employee. Example 4: You are promoting your product or service Good decision if you are promoting a product or service. Tell us who you are, what you develop, your advantages over competitors, and add a final question that provokes dialogue: “Our company develops mobile applications that help organizations simplify the process of training their employees. This significantly reduces the busy time of top managers, allowing them to focus on more important tasks. Unlike most developers, we visit client companies to pinpoint the needs of future users. This approach ensures that, on average, 95% of our customers are satisfied with beta versions of our products. Tell us how your company deals with remote training of staff? Example 5. You are looking for investors This option is suitable for a "viral" video, and for personal meetings, if you are looking for investors for your business. "Hey! I'm Philipp Kravchenko from Just Pizza. Yesterday, the revenue of our small pizzeria amounted to more than 90 thousand rubles. We plan to replicate our success and build a global company. How? We create an efficient production model, combining fast food and cloud technologies, and get a "smart" pizzeria, where the IT system is a means of production and allows us to achieve unprecedented efficiency. We are looking for investors to develop through franchising. Our idea has already shown its efficiency, and the market and the popularity of the product allows us to grow to incredible proportions. Our eyes are on fire, but at the same time we are patient and efficient. Let's conquer the world together. It will probably be one of your best investments." The examples described above are not a panacea for guidance. Rather, a clear demonstration of the fact that such a speech can be useful in many life situations. Only you yourself can tell about your individual advantages in colors and with a twist. We wish you to come up with your own spectacular self-presentation, rehearse well and be able to use it at the right time.

Elevator presentations are a concise, accessible, original self-presentation that must be persuasive and carefully crafted for an important casual or near-accidental meeting. That meeting, during which in a matter of seconds there is an opportunity to tell about yourself, your idea or product to an influential person. This meeting can take place anywhere, and it is not at all necessary that it will happen in an elevator according to the classic English scenario.

Here are a few examples and situations where such a speech is necessary.

Example 1. You want to find a job

In this example, you talk about your main advantages and skills, reinforce them with an example, and directly ask if you have a place in the company:

“Hello, my name is Svetlana. I am an environmentalist looking for a job that will help me use my research and analytical skills. Over the past few years, I have strengthened them by working with local environmental organizations and authorities to preserve and maintain the quality of water resources. Also in the future, I would like to develop educational programs to inform the population about the protection of water resources.
I know that your organization is involved in water quality control projects. Tell me, can I try to become part of your organization and strengthen it with my knowledge?”

Example 2. You want to take part in the performance

A more eccentric example for creatives:

"Hello Andrey! My name is Olga Bessonova, I love you as an artist, I myself play in the theater, star in television projects, serials. I would very much like to participate in your performance "Poetry of the Soul", which will be held on August 20. I know that you will read poetry, and I would like to supplement the performance with my participation. I would love to come up with choreography, scenography, moving scenery, and I would like to dance to some music during your reading, if possible. And to dance something understandable, some kind of theatrical pantomimic dance.
Listen to me please. I can show you a few steps right now, if you'll excuse me. Look? What do you think?"

Example 3: You want to reach out to your boss with a new idea

Is your boss still having trouble finding the time to listen to you? You will need a maximum of 30 seconds to convey the problem and how to solve it. This can be done even by simply escorting the leader down the corridor:

“In our organization, most employees do not have access to printers for printing documents, although they need it for work. It is necessary to give everyone the opportunity to quickly print documents so as not to lose working time for unnecessary communications.
I propose to put one printer for use by all employees in the secretary's office. You can buy a new printer, as Company N did for a similar problem, or you can use a printer from the purchasing department for this purpose, since it is not used much in the work of the department. Any of these options are cheaper than the third - to purchase printers for each employee.

Example 4: You are distributing your product or service

A good decision if you are promoting a product or service. Tell us who you are, what you develop, your advantages over competitors and add a final question that provokes dialogue:

“Our company is developing mobile applications that help organizations simplify the process of training their employees. This significantly reduces the busy time of top managers, allowing them to focus on more important tasks. Unlike most developers, we visit client companies to pinpoint the needs of future users. This approach ensures that, on average, 95% of our customers are satisfied with beta versions of our products.
Tell us how your company deals with remote training of personnel?”

Example 5. You are looking for investors

This option is suitable for a "viral" video, and for personal meetings if you are looking for investors for your business.

"Hey! I'm Philipp Kravchenko from Just Pizza. Yesterday, the revenue of our small pizzeria amounted to more than 80 thousand hryvnia. We plan to replicate our success and build a global company.
How? We create an efficient production model, combining fast food and cloud technologies, and get a "smart" pizzeria, where the IT system is a means of production and allows us to achieve unprecedented efficiency. We are looking for investors to develop through franchising. Our idea has already shown its efficiency, and the market and the popularity of the product allows us to grow to incredible proportions.
Our eyes are on fire, but at the same time we are patient and efficient. Let's conquer the world together. It will probably be one of your best investments."

The examples described above are not a panacea for guidance. Rather, a clear demonstration of the fact that such a speech can be useful in many life situations. Only you yourself can tell about your individual advantages in colors and with a twist.

We wish you to turn on your ingenuity, come up with your own self-presentation, rehearse well and be able to use it at the right time. And such a moment, believe me, will definitely come.

HR managers, and even more so company executives, are always very busy, and it is almost impossible to get an appointment with them or just chat. Sending out resumes is also not always a suitable option, especially if there are an impressive number of applicants for a specific vacancy.

What to do in such a situation for a candidate who wants to get a job, has the necessary skills and knowledge, but cannot declare himself? The answer is simple. It's all about the elevator.

What is elevator pitch?

Elevator speech (elevator pitch) is a communication technique that is widely used in the startup and business environment, but can also be useful when looking for a job. Its main distinguishing feature is the need to present yourself to a potential employer or investor in a limited amount of time, during which the most ordinary elevator takes passengers to the floor. Usually it is from 30 to 60 seconds.

A reasonable question arises: why the elevator? Everything is quite logical. Firstly, elevators are installed in almost all business centers, and employees of absolutely all levels are simply forced to use them. Secondly, while a person is driving to his office, he most likely does not think about anything important and is ready to receive information. And yes, you can't really get anywhere from the elevator.

An elevator presentation is a powerful way to reach out to someone with a busy schedule, get them interested, and continue the conversation in a more comfortable environment.

The birthplace of elevator speech, as well as the tallest skyscrapers, is the USA. And the most successful example of using such a presentation is Google. Back when the current No. 1 search site was just a project on paper, its founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin were able to get investments for development in an elevator, impressing Andy Bechtolsheim with their half-minute story.

This story is somewhat like a fairy tale, but it certainly has its share of truth. An elevator presentation is a powerful way to reach out to someone with a busy schedule, get them interested, and continue the conversation in a more comfortable environment. We have put together key recommendations for you to help you prepare for the right conversation and be on top of it.

So, let's imagine that you entered the elevator, and you have a serious conversation with a person on whom your future employment depends. Available in less than a minute. The "elevator" can be an interview, when you are asked to briefly tell about yourself, or any other casual meeting with the right person (for example, at a professional get-together or conference).

Rule number 1. Ready? Always ready!

Elevator speech in its classic form, unlike the usual interview, is almost impossible to predict and plan. You'll never know for sure when you'll get the chance to tell the right person about yourself. That is why it is better to be ready at almost any time. But at the same time, do not let your speech look like a memorized text. It should be as simple and understandable as possible. Without unnecessary definitions and "smart" words - their time will come when you will have a full-fledged meeting. Naturalness is one of the keys to the heart of the interlocutor.

Rule number 2. Information, information and nothing but information

In your quest to grab some potential employer attention and a chance, keep in mind that your time is extremely limited. In 30 seconds, you need to have time to tell all the key facts about yourself that can “hook”. Clearly indicate what your profession and specialization are, what you do, and what functions you are ready to take on. Until you can clearly describe what position you are applying for, no presentations will most likely save you.

Ideally, an elevator speech should contain answers to the questions “Who are you?”, “What do you do?”, “What do you want to get?”.

Rule number 3. pen

When composing the text of the presentation, write down on a piece of paper everything that you would like to mention. This includes professional qualities, knowledge and other advantages of you as a candidate. When the list is complete, arm yourself with a red pen and begin to gradually cross out items that you can do without. Continue like this until your speech is reduced to the optimal size of 80-90 words or 8-10 sentences. Ideally, an elevator speech should contain answers to the questions “Who are you?”, “What do you do?”, “What do you want to get?”. Good example: “Hi. My name is Anna. I am a manager with 5 years of experience in sales. Now I am looking for a job in a trading company. This story will take about 10 seconds. The rest of the time can be spent describing your skills.

Rule number 4. Alignment with the interlocutor

When talking about yourself, it is difficult to refrain from praising and listing positive qualities, but do not forget that every person listening to you will seek benefits in words just for themselves. For example, the previous elevator pitch example can be improved by mentioning that a manager with experience in sales has mastered customer service techniques, and has several dozen successful deals to his credit. This will give a signal to the employer that the listed qualities of the candidate can be used for the benefit of the company.

It is important to speak the text several times in front of a mirror or to a person who can appreciate the presentation. Think about the intonation with which you will say this or that phrase that you want to convey.

Rule number 5. speak out loud

Writing a good speech is only half the battle. Real difficulties and adventures will begin when you pronounce the text: the words, as it turned out, do not sound quite right, and it is better to swap the second sentence with the third one or remove it altogether. And add to this a little more excitement, and your speech will not even remotely resemble the original version. That is why it is important to speak the text several times in front of a mirror or to a person who can evaluate the presentation. Think about the intonation with which you will say this or that phrase that you want to convey. Such a technique will help to get together at a crucial moment.

Rule number 6. reaction online

The situation can sometimes get out of control. It is a fact. Of course, it is not possible to predict everything, but it is simply necessary to prepare various presentation options. In order not to get confused in the wording, make a list of keywords (or a plan) for yourself, build on them and, of course, improvise. This will bring you closer to success.

It is better to end the presentation with an invitation to further discussion of all the details of possible cooperation, the exchange of business cards.

An important note: elevator speech is not only a good opportunity to express yourself. The main purpose of such a speech is to make acquaintance and continue communication. That is why it is better to finish the presentation with an invitation to further discussion of all the details of possible cooperation, the exchange of business cards. Intrigue your interlocutor so that he wants to know more about your professional level and, quite likely, offers you a position.

Rule number 8. Employer minute

We dedicate this paragraph to those who work with the staff and to whom, to a greater extent, all the presentations and methods described above are aimed. Such people can also use elevator speech in their work, but only in reverse. So, a number of managers consider a conversation in an elevator with their employees not only as a way to pass the time, but also an opportunity to find out how a person works, whether he has any plans or ideas. With the right approach, this tactic can bring results.

Finally, we note that elevator speech is not even a negotiating method. It's a skill. It needs to be constantly developed and supported. It is likely that your first presentation will fail miserably, but do not take this as a signal of defeat. Focus, practice, and your speech will surely find its grateful listener.

How to do the right Elevator Pitch and what is it? The second story. Also true.

This time it took place in another, but also an international corporation, also in an elevator. Imagine the USA, Seattle, the first half of the 2000s. We then did a series of large projects for this corporation. I was in the role of analyst and was preparing to be promoted to project manager. The role of the analyst (and the future project manager) is such that you have to actively communicate with completely different people. And a large share of success lies in the ability to arouse sympathy and location. Otherwise, you understand, there will be no communication. And if there is no communication, then there is no necessary information, no cooperation, and no satisfied client, which subsequently causes a lack of money, contracts and business.

If anyone thought that the above was an unnecessary preface and lyrics, then he (a) was mistaken.

Because sometimes (as in this story) it is important to have a preliminary attitude towards you from the person who is important to you, and with whom you will perform Elevator Pitch (hereinafter EP).

Okay, now you'll see for yourself.

I'm standing in the office, waiting for the elevator. Time passes, the elevator stops. I don't really remember what I was thinking at that moment, but certainly not about the EP. The elevator doors open. There are people. But nothing, all the same down. There is still a place. I enter.

And then my good friend turns to me, a representative of the client, one of the key players (domain expert). And I have built a wonderful relationship with her over the course of the project. We greet each other. As usual, in an American way, joyful and sweet, add a little sincerity to this (at the expense of a good relationship).

Now it is very important: the pause could last until the first floor, we could exchange a couple of polite meaningless phrases, anything could happen, but the following happened.

My friend introduces me to her colleague-acquaintance-girlfriend. TA-dah! Here it is, a wonderful super-moment from the history of the EP. She introduces us. He tells in a nutshell about us, our company, our projects, our benefit, and about me (out of unnecessary modesty I will omit, but briefly the point is that a cool guy and the right person). Gives me the floor, like add. I add: about the company, about projects, about useful results that have been made or brought. For months and even years of practice in sales & marketing English, for tens and hundreds of meetings with different right people, words bounce off your teeth, you don’t have to invent something, mumble or pause. You just say it like it is, putting in the right words as you go.

All this takes a few seconds. After all, you still need to have time to give the floor to a new friend. But you don't have to succeed. The fact is that this (1) acquaintance, 2) introduction, 3) a few key words) is enough for us to start a conversation in the elevator, we continued a little, leaving it, and ended up with her inviting me to an important corporate event (we can go there if someone imagines restrictions for contractors, yes, there are such, but this time it was possible), where we continued communication and found out the needs of the client that we can satisfy in future projects.

Only a few floors in the elevator.

Just a few minutes.

Just randomly catch the right elevator with the right people.

Just something to be introduced to a new friend (new friend).

And say the right words.

Business something ;-)

For those who are interested in what happened next: naturally, I went to this meeting, inviting another project manager with me. We listened to the speech of our new acquaintance, her plans and the essence of the initiative that she was going to implement at the corporate level, saving many tens and hundreds of millions of dollars. Time passed, and this acquaintance grew into a large and long series of projects for this client, into a considerable number of jobs for our company, and into good money. It was good customer money saved. It was good money that came from the client to our company. The initiative was serious. And successful.

And again, the Elevator Pitch started it all.

Anyone who knows me or follows my progress knows what I'm talking about. And so it was. Those were fun times ;-)

Once again (let's fix it in memory):

What did I sell or make? Well, in this case, rather, they helped me sell. Sell-recommend me. Nevertheless, implicitly or implicitly, my old friend and I sold the opportunity to significantly save, cut corporate costs to a new one.

How did it happen? In a couple of minutes. Acquaintance. A couple of phrases about myself. Demonstration of value. Click! An invitation to the next meeting.

And this everything you need from an EP : CONTINUATION AND POSSIBILITY OF NEXT CONTACT.

And further. If anyone thinks that this is a miracle, then he is mistaken. This is the luck that accompanies prepared people.