Analysis and improvement of marketing activities. Thesis: Improving marketing activities (on the example of an enterprise)


: 86 pp., 3 fig., 15 tab., 40 sources, 7 adj.


The object and subject of the study is the organization of marketing in the enterprise.

The purpose of the work is to identify the main types and directions of marketing activities, evaluation and methods of marketing.

When performing the work, methods of theoretical analysis, and synthesis, induction and deduction were used.

In the process of work, the concepts, essences and main features of marketing management at the enterprise are defined, the organizational and economic characteristics of JSC Borisov Plant Metalist are given, an analysis of the organization of the marketing service at the enterprise is made, an analysis of marketing activity planning is made.

The elements of the scientific novelty of the obtained results are the systematic coverage of some debatable issues related to the planning and organization of marketing activities at the enterprises of the Republic of Belarus.

In the course of the graduation work, such proposals were tested as: subordination of the logistics department, the deputy director for production was offered justifications for increasing the wages of highly qualified workers, engineers, managers; a strategic marketing plan and a plan of ongoing activities for the analysis of the marketing environment have been developed, a new organizational structure for marketing management has been proposed.

The technical, economic and social significance lies in increasing the productivity and marketing of the enterprise's goods.

The author of the work confirms that the calculation and analytical material presented in it correctly and objectively reflects the state of the process under study, and all theoretical, methodological and methodological provisions and concepts borrowed from literary and other sources are accompanied by references to their authors.


Currently, not one enterprise in the system of market relations cannot function normally without a marketing service at the enterprise. And the usefulness of marketing is increasing every moment. This is because the needs of people, as you know, are unlimited, and the resources of the enterprise are limited. Each subject has its own needs, which are not always well-satisfied. Each needs its own individual approach. Therefore, in the new conditions, the enterprise that can most accurately distinguish and capture a variety of tastes survives. This is what marketing does.

Not all managers now have a clear idea of ​​the market and the difficulties they may face. In the conditions of central planning, when supplying manufactured products, managers did not think about marketing: the distribution network, trade were obliged to accept it. The budget covered the costs of inefficient production, financed capital construction. The main task of the heads of enterprises was the strict implementation of plans, in the development of which they practically did not take part.

Under market conditions, a trading network may refuse to produce, the state does not cover losses, banks dictate their terms when issuing loans, and there is competition inherent in the market. An enterprise that is not adapted to market relations can thus quickly go bankrupt. To avoid this, specialists in the field of economic activity need to master the methods and techniques of management in a market economy.

In the modern Republic of Belarus, marketing is of particular importance in a competitive environment, so the experience of marketing activities of domestic enterprises is very limited. At the same time, they are often still guided by the principle "sell what they take, and at any price." This certainly goes against the very idea of ​​marketing.

All companies need to think ahead and develop long-term strategies that would allow them to quickly respond to changing market conditions. Each company must find its own style of work that best takes into account the specifics of the conditions, opportunities, goals and resources. Marketing plays an important role in strategic planning. It provides the necessary information to develop a strategic plan. Strategic planning, in turn, determines the role of marketing in the organization. Guided by the strategic plan, the marketing department, together with other departments of the company, works to achieve the main strategic goals.

Any activity presupposes the presence of a goal - the state to which one should strive. If this condition is not met, then it is hardly worth getting down to business, because it is simply not clear what kind of business it is. It should be clear from this how important goal setting is.

Goals are also important in terms of coordination. Since an organization is made up of people, it will only be successful if every employee strives for the same goal as everyone else.

The modern concept of marketing is that all activities of the enterprise are based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future. Moreover, one of the goals of marketing is to identify unsatisfied customer requests in order to orient production to meet these requests. The marketing system puts the production of goods in a functional dependence on requests and requires the production of goods in the assortment and quantity required by the consumer. That is why marketing, as a set of established methods for studying markets, in addition to everything else, directs its efforts to create effective distribution channels and conduct integrated advertising campaigns.

Interest in such a multifaceted and now so relevant topic as marketing, and it should be noted that every year it becomes more and more, if not global, grows not only within a single country, but also in the world as a whole. This is because marketing affects the interests of each of us in any day of our lives. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or promoting an idea, we're marketing. We need to know what the market is, who operates on it, how it functions, what its needs are.

As already noted, in the conditions of market relations and especially in the period of transition to the market, marketing is one of the most important economic disciplines. The effective functioning of the entire national economy depends on how well the marketing system is built.

At the moment, there is a mass of all kinds of literature on marketing; in Western countries, a huge long-term experience has been accumulated on the functioning of the marketing system. But due to the fact that marketing in Belarus operates in specific conditions, today there are very few monographs by domestic authors on marketing, in which one could find competent, deeply thought-out, calculated proposals for creating a Belarusian marketing system that meets our realities.

The purpose of the thesis is the development of measures to improve the marketing activities of the enterprise.

The goal set defines the main tasks to be solved in this work:

definition of the essence of the concept of marketing activities;

determining the need for strategic marketing planning;

determination of measures for the organization of marketing management and the main directions of marketing activities;

analysis of the organizational and economic state of OAO Borisov Plant Metalist;

analysis of the organization of the marketing service at the enterprise;

analysis of the commodity and marketing policy of the enterprise;

marketing planning analysis;

proposal of directions for improving the management system of the marketing activities of the enterprise.

1. The role and place of marketing in the production and economic activities of the enterprise at the present stage

1.1 The essence, content and main factors of the marketing activities of the enterprise

The emergence of marketing as a specific economic system, a method for solving production and market problems, is nothing more than a response of an economic unit to such processes as the complication of the problem of production and sale of goods due to the rapid expansion of their range, rapid renewal, and an unprecedented increase in production capabilities. , frequent shifts in the nature and structure of market demand, its market fluctuations, and ever-increasing competition in the market.

Marketing is a complex, multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon. This explains the impossibility in one universal definition to give a complete, adequate description of marketing to its essence, principles and functions.

At present, about 2000 definitions of marketing have already been put forward, each of which considers one or another side of marketing or makes an attempt to characterize it comprehensively.

Experts put a double meaning into the term "marketing": it is both one of the functions of management, and an integral concept of management in the conditions of market relations.

As a management function, marketing is no less important than any activity related to finance, production, research, logistics, etc.

As a management concept (business philosophy), marketing requires a company to view consumption as a "democratic" process in which consumers have the right to "vote" for the product they want with their money. This determines the success of the company and allows you to optimally meet the needs of the consumer.

Since marketing is a way to convince the masses to buy, most people mistakenly equate this concept with sales and promotion. The difference is this: selling is mainly face-to-face contact - the seller is dealing with potential buyers. Marketing uses the media and other means to grab the attention and convince many people - people who may not have any direct contact with anyone from the marketer's company at all. One of the leading management theorists, Peter Drucker, puts it this way: The goal of marketing is to make sales efforts unnecessary. Its goal is to know and understand the client so well that the product or service will fit the latter exactly and sell itself.

The term "marketing" originated in the United States at the turn of the 20th century, and as a leading management function, marketing has been considered since the 50s.

F. Kotler offers the following definition: marketing is a social and managerial process aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of individuals and groups through the supply and exchange of goods. The key concepts of this definition are needs, needs and demand; product; costs and satisfaction; exchange, transactions and relationships.

The UK Marketing Institute defines marketing as "the management process aimed at identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements and making a profit". Similar American organizations define marketing in roughly the same categories.

Basic principles follow from the essence of marketing. However, in domestic and foreign literature under the "principles of marketing" quite different things are understood. Having considered the positions of various authors, comparing them, we single out the following fundamental principles:

1. Careful consideration of the needs, state and dynamics of demand and market conditions when making economic decisions.

2. Creation of conditions for maximum adaptation of production to market requirements, to the structure of demand (and based not on momentary benefits, but on a long-term perspective).

3. Impact on the market, on the buyer with the help of all available means, primarily advertising.

Marketing activity is a set of activities focused on the study of such issues as:

analysis of the external (in relation to the enterprise) environment, which includes markets, sources of supply, and much more. The analysis allows you to identify factors that contribute to commercial success or create an obstacle to this. As a result of the analysis, a data bank is formed for making informed marketing decisions;

analysis of consumers, both actual (acting, buying the company's products) and potential (who still need to be convinced to become relevant). This analysis consists of examining the demographic, economic, geographic and other characteristics of people who have the right to make a purchase decision, as well as their needs in the broadest sense of this concept and the acquisition processes of both our and competing products;

study of existing and planning of future products, that is, the development of concepts for the creation of new products and or modernization of old ones, including their assortment and parametric series, packaging, etc. Obsolete goods that do not give a given profit are removed from production and export;

planning of product distribution and sales, including the creation, if necessary, of appropriate distribution networks with warehouses and shops, as well as agency networks;

providing demand generation and sales promotion (FOSSTIs) through a combination of advertising, personal selling, prestigious non-profit events ("public relations") and various types of economic incentives aimed at buyers, agents and direct sellers;

provision of a pricing policy, which consists in planning systems and price levels for exported goods, determining the "technology" for using prices, loan terms, discounts, etc.;

meeting the technical and social standards of the country importing the goods of the enterprise, which means the obligation to ensure the proper levels of safety in the use of goods and environmental protection; compliance with moral and ethical rules, the proper level of consumer properties of the goods;

management of marketing activities (marketing) as a system, i.e. planning, implementation and control of the marketing program and individual responsibilities of each participant in the work of the enterprise, assessment of risks and profits, the effectiveness of marketing decisions.

For the implementation of the above activities, it is necessary to take into account the large role of those on whom, in essence, the effectiveness of the marketing strategy depends, namely marketing entities, which include manufacturers and service organizations, wholesale and retail trade organizations, marketing specialists and various consumers. It is important to note that although the responsibility for performing marketing functions can be delegated and distributed in various ways, in most cases they cannot be completely neglected, they must be performed by someone.

The marketing process begins with the study of the buyer and the identification of his needs, and ends with the purchase of the product by the buyer and the satisfaction of his identified needs.

The market in which marketing entities operate can be divided into a "seller's market", where the company sells its own products, and a "buyer's market", where it purchases the necessary production components. Thus, marketing is mainly beneficial to both sellers and buyers of goods.

However, before establishing contacts with partners of interest, it is necessary to establish:

whether the other party is interested in it;

whether there are technical means of communication (telephone, telefax) and the person responsible for communication.

Communication and business communication with actual and potential partners is the most important part of marketing.

Obviously, the type of marketing determines the way it is managed. Marketing management, as defined by F. Kotler, is the analysis, planning, implementation and control of activities designed to establish, strengthen and maintain profitable exchanges with target customers in order to achieve certain organizational objectives, such as making a profit, increasing sales , increase in market share, etc. .

The task of marketing management is to influence the level, time and nature of demand in such a way that it helps the organization achieve its goals. Simply put, marketing management is demand management.

Commercial organizations carry out their marketing activities mainly on the concept of socially oriented marketing.

The socially oriented concept of marketing, which is characteristic of the current stage of development of human civilization, is based on a new business philosophy focused on meeting the reasonable, healthy needs of solvent demand carriers. Its goal is to ensure the long-term well-being of not only the individual enterprise, but society as a whole. The difference between this concept and the traditional one is that, from its point of view, an enterprise in its activities cannot be limited solely to satisfying its needs (making a profit) by satisfying the needs of customers. It must also take into account the interests of society as a whole.

An important premise of this concept is that the activities of the enterprise always lead to more significant changes in the external environment than it seems at first glance. Of course, by producing a product and selling it, the company satisfies objectively existing needs. In addition, acting honestly in the market, the company contributes to the development of the economy. However, the consequences of activities are often non-economic. A plant that produces cars indirectly affects the state of the external environment, since it pollutes it itself; Exhaust gases generated during the use of cars also have a negative impact on the environment. A film in which violence is shown not only brings in large incomes and supports the existence of cinemas, but also has an impact on the minds of the audience, on their moral principles. Nature and morality are universal values; acting on them, the market participant affects the interests of society.

The main idea of ​​socially oriented marketing is that any market participant should think about what his activity leads to in a broad perspective, and, if possible, minimize its negative aspects. At the very least, if it is not possible to completely stop the negative impact, the market participant should make efforts to reduce its consequences. It is hardly possible to imagine that a person will soon give up cars that run on gasoline and pollute the environment. However, their manufacturers should strive to keep this impact as small as possible. And this involves investing in scientific and technical developments, and environmental protection, etc.

Marketing is the process of managing all major aspects of an enterprise. It is designed to form the most rational management decisions of a particular enterprise, coordinate various areas of its activities and ensure high efficiency of the final results of this activity.

Allocate the following factors influencing the marketing activities of the enterprise.

General (determine the market capacity of any product)

Socio-economic factors

The volume and structure of the product offer

Product range and quality

Sizes of exports and imports.

Purchasing power of the population


Level and compliance of prices for goods

Degree of market saturation

Geographic location of the market

The state of the sales, trade and service network.

Specific (determine the development of markets for individual products)

Natural and climatic conditions

fashion change

National household traditions

Achieved level of security in the region

In the process of market research, it is necessary to identify the mechanism of action of a system of factors and assess their degree of influence on the volume and structure of demand in a particular product market.

Determining the prospects for the development of a particular market cannot be carried out in isolation from other socio-economic forecasts. The influence of a large number of factors requires the construction of several models of market development and finding the optimal one. It is necessary to clearly define at what level of consolidation to build a forecast of the capacity of the commodity market. The degree of aggregation (aggregation) depends on the degree of forecasting and planning.

There are several types of forecasting:

Opportunistic (up to 6 months)

Short term (up to 2 years)

Medium term (up to 5 years)

Long-term (up to 10 years)

Promising (more than 10 years)

Marketing should be focused on the strategic goals of the enterprise.

Careful planning helps a company to anticipate and respond quickly to changes in the environment, and to always be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Successful companies work according to a plan, however, it is designed in such a way as not to limit entrepreneurial initiatives.

Typically, companies make annual, long-term and strategic plans.

The annual plan is a short-term plan that describes the current situation, company goals, strategy for the coming year, action program, budget, and forms of control.

The long term plan describes the main factors and forces that will influence the organization over the next few years. It contains long-term goals, the main marketing strategies that will be used to achieve them, and identifies the necessary resources. Such a long-term plan is updated annually to make adjustments in accordance with the changes that have occurred. Annual and long-term plans are related to the current activities of the company, help in its implementation.

A strategic plan is created to help a company take advantage of opportunities in an ever-changing environment. It is the process of establishing and maintaining a strategic alignment between the company's goals and capabilities, on the one hand, and changing market opportunities, on the other.

Strategic planning is the foundation for other types of planning in the company. It begins with the definition of global goals and mission of the company. Then more specific goals are set. For this, complete information is collected about the internal environment of the organization, its competitors, the situation on the market and everything else that in one way or another will help to influence the work of the company. After conducting a SWOT analysis, a detailed report is prepared on the strengths and weaknesses of the company, the opportunities and threats that it will have to face. Top management then decides which specific activities and products to engage in, and what support to provide to each of them. In turn, each division responsible for a particular product or activity must develop its own detailed marketing and other plans, in accordance with the overall plan of the company. Thus, marketing planning is carried out at the levels of departments responsible for certain activities, product categories and markets. It facilitates strategic planning through detailed planning of various marketing situations. The planning process covers four stages: analysis, planning, implementation, control.

The planning process begins with a complete analysis of the state of affairs in the company. The company must analyze the environment in which it operates, identify opportunities and avoid threats. It is necessary to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, ongoing and possible marketing activities in order to determine the opportunities they advocate. The analysis provides each subsequent stage with the necessary information.

SWOT analysis means the study of the factors of strength (Strength) and weakness (Weakness) of the firm in relation to the considered SBU, as well as opportunities (Opportunity) and threats (Thread) for the firm in connection with the discovery of activity in the relevant market segment. The SWOT analysis is complemented by an analysis of past activities (if any), which allows you to establish an existing strategy and detect trends in the development of the situation. SWOT analysis refers to a conceptual approach rather than a specific technique. If you try to turn it into a real methodology, you will have to use the results of the classical economic and organizational analysis of the company, approaches developed as part of strategic planning, for example, M. Porter's competitive analysis, as well as analytical concepts of marketing and, first of all, market segmentation.

To predict the development of the external environment, it is necessary to take into account situations that may appear over time, situations that are most likely to be selected.

The next step is to establish the possible impact of the identified environmental events on the firm that may take place in the external environment, classified according to the nature of their possible impact on the firm and the likelihood of this impact. For further analysis, negative and positive situations are selected, the impact of which on the firm is quite likely. Accordingly, the set of situations is divided into two groups: positive (opportunities) and negative (threats).

Positive situations that can take place in the external environment are classified according to the degree of their favorableness for the firm and the degree of influence on the firm. For further analysis, for each situation, the rank of favorableness is determined (the product of the degree of favorableness by the degree of influence).

Similarly, negative situations that may take place in the external environment are classified according to the degree of their unfavorability for the firm and the degree of influence on the firm.

For further analysis, for each situation, the rank of unfavorability is determined (the product of the degree of unfavorability and the degree of influence).

The identified situations, both positive and negative, are listed in descending order of favorableness ranks. For each situation, characteristics of the corporate profile are identified that allow or do not allow the firm to take advantage of a favorable situation to its advantage or resist a negative situation.

The assessments received at the SWOT analysis stage serve to formulate a list of problems and develop initial options for the strategy concept during strategic reflection, which, in turn, are the material for selecting key issues and strategy concepts. This stage is difficult to formalize. The main approaches here are ranking and peer review.

The strategic plan also includes the mission of the enterprise. The mission defines the main purpose of the company. A firm often starts its business with a clear mission statement set by its founder. However, over time, the mission is gradually overwritten as the company develops new products and conquers new markets. The mission may remain clear, but some managers forget about it.

Many firms develop formal company mission statements that offer ready-made answers to these questions. A mission statement is a statement of a company's purpose: what it wants to achieve in the broadest sense. A clear mission statement acts as an "invisible hand" that guides the company's employees, allowing them to work independently and at the same time collectively to achieve the overall goals of the enterprise.

The firm's mission statement should reflect the company's vision and direction for the next ten to twenty years. Companies should not revisit their mission every few years in response to the slightest change in the market environment. However, the company should redefine its mission if it does not inspire consumer confidence or conflicts with the best way for the company to develop. The mission of the company determines the philosophy of the enterprise and the main purpose of the activity, and the strategic goals are the real measurable tasks facing the company.

The strategic plan defines the overall purpose and objectives of the company. Within each division, marketing helps to achieve common strategic goals.

The marketing strategy focuses on target buyers. The company selects the market, divides it into segments, selects the most promising ones and focuses on serving and satisfying these segments. It develops a marketing mix that consists of the components under its control: product, price, distribution, and promotion. To draw up and put into action the optimal marketing mix, the company conducts analysis of marketing information, marketing planning, organization of the marketing service and marketing control. Through these activities, the company monitors the marketing environment and adapts to its changes.

In order to succeed in today's highly competitive marketplace, firms must be customer-centric in their operations, attracting them with a higher value than their competitors. But before a company can satisfy a customer, it must understand its needs and requirements. Therefore, real marketing requires a thorough analysis of the target audience. Companies recognize that they cannot satisfy all customers in a given market - or cannot satisfy everyone equally. There are too many buyers and everyone has different needs. But some companies have an advantage in serving certain market segments. Therefore, each company should divide the entire market, select the most attractive segments and develop a strategy on how to serve the selected segments more efficiently than competitors do. This process consists of five steps: demand quantification and forecasting, market segmentation, target segment selection, product positioning in the market, and competitive product positioning analysis.

1.2 Place of the steel enameled household utensils market in the Belarusian economy

The market for steel enameled household utensils is significantly affected by a change in consumer culture. Today there is a favorable situation for the emergence of a new formation of dishes that more fully takes into account the preferences, tastes and values ​​of consumers.

The range of steel enameled utensils on the market of the Republic of Belarus was constantly expanding, its own production was being established, supplies were made from Russia and the CIS countries, new technologies for applying vacuum decorative coatings were introduced.

The steel enameled ware is convenient and practical in daily use. For decorative design, multi-color decor is used. At the request of the customer, dishes can be produced in the form of separate products and sets. Sets of household utensils, steel enameled sinks, stainless steel sinks, unified sinks, tinware, custom-made sold-out cabinets are in constant demand at home and abroad. The Belarusian market offers high-quality products and at very reasonable prices.

On the market of Belarusian steel enameled utensils, the following products can be distinguished, which are in the greatest demand:

sets of household kitchen utensils;

pans with a capacity of 2.0; 3.0 and 5.0 liters are available with a stainless steel rim;

mugs with a capacity of 0.25; 0.4; 0.5; 1.0 and 1.5 l;

pans with a capacity of 0.6; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 3.0; 5.0 and 5.5 l;

ladle with a capacity of 0.5 l;

butter dish, salad bowl with a capacity of 1.5 and 2.0 liters;

plate with a capacity of 0.25 and 0.4 l;

a can with a capacity of 2.0 and 3.0 l;

kettle with a capacity of 1.5 and 3.5 liters;

kettle for tea leaves;

sugar bowl;

form for jellied;

bowls with a capacity of 0.6; 1.5; 2.5 and 4.0 l;

basins with a capacity of 9.0 and 16.0 l;

pans with a capacity of 9.0 and 12 liters;

tank with a capacity of 25 l;

bucket with a lid (without a lid) with a capacity of 12l.

In the development of the range of household steel enameled utensils, the following main areas can be distinguished:

increase in the share of complete products-sets of dishes;

improving the comfort of products;

creation of multifunctional products;

development of highly specialized products;

development of compact designs of folding products, combined products, etc.;

increasing the aesthetic value of goods through more diverse decoration, harmoniously combined with the form and function of the product and the properties of the metal.

Among the largest enterprises manufacturing and supplying steel enameled utensils to the Belarusian market are:

OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metallist" (Borisov);

Slutsk plant of enamelware (Slutsk);

OJSC "Emalposuda" (Minsk);

LLC "Belpromservis" (Moscow);

"Neva-Metal Ware" (St. Petersburg).

The products of these enterprises are well known to the domestic buyer. They are widely represented in the windows of the largest trade enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, such as OJSC "TsUM", OJSC "GUM", department store "Belarus", trading house "Neman" and many others.

Based on the results of studying the market for household steel enameled utensils, we will assess the competitiveness of all products of these enterprises.

The list of enterprises participating in the comparative analysis is selected in such a way that they can be compared in terms of volumes and range of products.

Table 1.2.1 Analysis of enterprises supplying steel enameled utensils to the Belarusian market



Slutsk enamelware factory (Slutsk)

JSC "Emal-ware" (Minsk)

OJSC Borisov Plant Metallist (Borisov)

Belprom-service LLC (Moscow)

"Neva-Metal Ware" (St. Petersburg)

Availability of advanced equipment

Manufacture of stainless steel cookware

Possibility of various decorations

Customer Service Level

Manufacture of dishes of complex design

Product Demand


Availability of own raw materials

Volume of production

Having the most perfect quality control service

The best location in relation to consumers

For more efficient operation of enterprises producing steel enameled utensils in a market economy, the following marketing research is recommended.

Note. Source: own development

2. Analysis of the implementation of the marketing concept at OJSC Borisov Plant Metallist

2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise

OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metallist" was organized in 1929 on the basis of a small artel that produces simple cutlery (knives, forks, potato peelers).

Since 1945, the plant began to produce enameled dishes.

Since 1975, the plant has mastered the production of heating and cooling units for the cab of MTZ-80 tractors.

In 1977, a workshop for the production of household household items made of tinplate (graters, baking dishes, pails, milk sumps, gardening watering cans) was attached to the plant.

Since 1985, the plant has mastered the production of steel enameled sinks and sinks.

The organization is constantly working on updating its range, so in 2001 it mastered the production of pots with a thick bottom and stainless rim, in 2002 it mastered the production of stainless steel sinks, 2003 - a round enameled sink, 2004 - protective screens for batteries, 2005 - steam cooking set, seaming lid, 7.5 liter milk sump.

Currently, the plant specializes in the production of steel enameled household utensils (more than 50 items), steel enameled and stainless steel sanitary appliances (5 items), household household items made of metals and their alloys (more than 30 items).

The products manufactured by the plant are in demand not only in the Republic of Belarus, but are also exported to the CIS countries - Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine.

On the basis of the order of the founder - the Minsk Regional Territorial State Property Fund dated December 30, 2004 No. 33 - through the transformation of the republican unitary enterprise, the Borisov plant "Krasny metallist" was created and registered on 02.03.2005. Open Joint Stock Company "Borisov Plant "Metallist"

OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metallist" is part of the Belarusian State Concern for the production and sale of consumer goods "Belmestprom".

The organization is an independent economic entity with the right of a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, current and other bank accounts, including currency, seals and stamps, samples of which are approved by the head.

The relations of the enterprise with legal services and citizens in all spheres of its activity are determined by agreements and legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

The main goal of the policy is to produce competitive products that meet the requirements and expectations of consumers in the domestic and foreign markets.

The management of the organization has identified the following quality objectives, in the achievement of which all personnel of the organization are fully involved:

market research and orientation to market demand and specific requirements and expectations of consumers;

expanding sales markets and increasing sales volumes;

improvement of products and production processes through the introduction of advanced technologies and developments;

development of fundamentally new high-quality competitive types of products;

long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation with reliable suppliers, which contributes to the creation of value and increase in performance;

continuous training of employees in professional skills, issues of the quality management system, recognition of the merits of the contractor;

continuous continuous improvement of the quality management system, giving an increase in the effectiveness and efficiency in work.

The management of the organization assumes responsibility for providing the means and resources that ensure the implementation of the company's policy, and encourages each employee of the organization to take an active part in the implementation of the tasks set.

According to the statistical reporting for 2006, 440 mln. amounted to 60% in comparable prices in relation to 2005. Technical re-equipment was not carried out in the reporting year.

The source of financing of production costs is depreciation. In the reporting period, stamps were manufactured in the amount of 294 million rubles. and put into operation for the production of basic products, 140 million rubles. disbursed funds for the reconstruction of the heating main.

The plant has 394 physical units of various equipment, including by groups:

Metal-cutting 72 units.

Forging and pressing 122 units.

Technological 96 units.

Lifting and transport 55 units

Furnace, dryer 15 units.

Woodworking 5 units

Welding 29 units

Total 394 units.

Let's analyze the age composition of the equipment at OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist"

Table 2.1.1 Age composition of equipment at OAO Borisov Plant Metallist

equipment identification

5 to 10 years

10 to 20 years

Over 20 years

Forging and pressing

metal cutting



Furnaces, dryers



According to Table 2.1 1, three quarters of the equipment is over 20 years old and needs to be updated.

In the composition of fixed production assets, the largest share is occupied by working machines and equipment - 62.1%.

Characteristics of fixed production assets are given in table 2.1.2.

Table 2.1.2 Basic production assets of JSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist"

Note. Source: own development.

According to the results of Table 2.1 2, the degree of wear is quite high (74.9% on average), which indicates the physical and moral obsolescence of fixed production assets, which in turn reduces the productivity of the equipment. The company should think about upgrading its equipment.

According to the annual documentation, in 2006, the volume of production of JSC "Borisov Plant "Metallist" in comparable prices amounted to 5324 million rubles, which was 104.5% compared to 2005. The production of consumer goods amounted to 5622 million rubles, 133.3 % by 2005.

The output of marketable products in kind and in comparable terms (in actual prices) for the main nomenclature is presented in Table 2.1.3

Table 2.1.3 Output of marketable products of OAO Borisov Plant Metalist in 2006

Note. Source: own development.

In accordance with table 2.1 3, the largest share in the production of marketable products is sanitary ware (sinks and sinks), which is due to the steady demand for them. In the total volume of production of sanitary products, 23.4% falls on sanitary products made from give-and-take raw materials (out of 225.2 thousand pieces, 98.2 thousand pieces from give-and-take raw materials.

The growth rate of consumer goods in 2006 was 133.3%, with the adjusted figure of 105%. The production of consumer goods amounted to 5622.2 million rubles. The highest specific growth in the production of consumer goods is occupied by sanitary ware - 72.4%, steel enameled dishes - 23%, tin products - 4.6%.

Thus, in the future, the company should pay attention to the promotion of steel enameled utensils and steel products on the market. To do this, it is worth studying the market for these goods in more detail and attracting buyers.

No less important are studies in the field of foreign economic activity.

At OJSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist" the volume of exports - imports in thousands of US dollars for 2006 is characterized by the following data:

Table 2.1.4 Foreign economic activity

Note. Source: own development.

Thus, the volume of exports in the reporting year increased by 1.7 times and amounted to 167.2% against the plan of 105%, mainly due to the growth of deliveries to the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

The volume of imports decreased by 3.1 thousand US dollars and amounted to 99.4% - all deliveries - from the Russian Federation against the plan of 104%.

The positive balance in foreign economic activity amounted to 907.8 thousand US dollars (264.1% against 2005). However, due to the difficult financial situation, there are no foreign investments in the enterprise.

The adjusted indicator for the share of new products in the total production volume was within 1.1% with a target of 2.0%. The share of certified products was 91.2%, while the target was 87.1%.

The level of profitability of sold products +5.1% was not ensured against the plan of +8%.

The energy saving indicator was not met, with the plan - 9%, the actual value was - 1.6%.

Stocks of finished products in the warehouse at the end of the reporting year to the average monthly production amounted to 2.4 months. with a standard of 1.0 months.

The main reason for the failure to meet the forecast indicators of the socio-economic development of the organization was the low volume of production and, as a result, the lack of the necessary working capital to purchase raw materials in sufficient quantities.

Any shipment of goods from the JSC "Borisov Plant "Metallist" enterprise is made on the basis of a contract. Contracts are used to facilitate the achievement of obligations.

The standard contract of OAO "Borisov Plant "Metalist" (Appendix B) has the following consecutive sections;

characteristics of the parties;

subject of the contract;

price and amount of the contract;

conditions and terms of delivery of goods;

responsibility of the parties

terms of claims;

penalties and the procedure for compensation for losses;

other additional terms of the contract;

legal addresses and details of the parties.

Since the shipment of goods from the warehouse of OJSC "Borisov Plant" Metalist "is mainly carried out by road, the main document is the waybill. Forms of waybills are forms of strict reporting. They are issued in a numbered form to prevent the possibility of issuing unreceived goods.

The main type of delivery of goods at JSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist" is self-delivery by road. The sale is made on the basis of a concluded contract for the supply of goods. The recipient's representative presents the issued power of attorney to the recipient's organization to receive material assets, as well as a copy of the payment order (if the contract provides advance payment) or a letter of guarantee (if the contract provides for payment after receipt of material assets from OJSC Borisovsky Plant Metalist. After that, a consignment note of form TTN-1 is issued. The invoice is issued in four copies: the first copy remains with OJSC Borisovsky Plant "Metallist", the second is handed over to the consignee, the fourth to the carrier (the third copy remains at the checkpoint of JSC "Borisov Plant "Metallist" as a pass for the export of products from a warehouse located on the territory of the organization).

Before payment (during vacation or before it, depending on the terms of the contract), the accounting department issues an invoice and a price agreement protocol, which must be signed by the seller and buyer of the goods without fail.

To date, the plant is working to improve the financial situation, the enterprise has developed measures to break even and an action plan to ensure the achievement of the target parameters of the plant's development.

2.2 Organizational characteristics of the enterprise

Let's analyze and give the current management structure.

For the purpose of the most rational functioning, the enterprise must have such an organizational structure that will allow: to make, if necessary, its changes adequately to the conditions of the enterprise; carry out the minimum time transfer of capital from one line of activity to another based on an assessment of their effectiveness; ensure the fastest possible transfer of accurate and reliable information from top to bottom and back to management levels for prompt decision-making to improve the efficiency of a particular area and the entire enterprise.

A matrix management structure is organized at the JSC "Borisov Plant "Metallist" enterprise. The advantage of this structure is the presence of both horizontal and vertical links.

The chief manager at the JSC "Borisov Zavod" Metallist " is the general director. He organizes the work and effective interaction of production units and other structural divisions of this enterprise, their activities in order to achieve high rates of development and improve production.

The General Director in the development of specific issues and the preparation of appropriate decisions, programs, plans is assisted by a special management apparatus, consisting of functional units (personnel service, financial department, etc.). These divisions carry out their decisions through the general director, or (within special powers) directly bring them to specialized services or individual performers at a lower level. Functional divisions, as a rule, do not have the right to independently give orders to production divisions.

The financial director organizes the management of the movement of financial resources of the enterprise and the regulation of financial relations, in order to make the most efficient use of all types of resources in the process of production and sale of products and maximize profits. Ensures the development of the financial strategy of the enterprise and its financial stability. Manages the development of draft long-term and current financial plans, forecast balances and cash budgets. Determines the sources of production and economic activity of the enterprise. Conducts research and analysis of financial markets, assesses possible financial risk and develops proposals for its reduction. Carries out the investment policy and asset management of the enterprise, determines their optimal structure, prepares proposals for the replacement, liquidation of assets, monitors the portfolio.

Organizes the development of working capital standards and measures to accelerate their turnover. Analyzes the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. Monitors the implementation of the financial plan and budget, product sales plan, profit plan and other financial indicators, proper spending of funds.

The accounting department consists of 8 people: chief accountant, 7 accountants.

The chief accountant ensures control over the reflection on the accounting accounts of all business transactions carried out, the provision of operational information on the financial condition of the association, the preparation of financial statements on time and the economic analysis of the financial and economic activities of the association. The Chief Accountant reports directly to the General Director.

Accountants report directly to the chief accountant and perform work in various areas of accounting (accounting for fixed assets, inventories, production costs, sales of products, results of financial and economic activities, settlements with suppliers and customers, as well as for services rendered, etc.). P.). To carry out the reception and control of primary documentation for the relevant areas of accounting and prepare for counting processing. To calculate and transfer taxes to the budget and off-budget funds, funds for financing capital investments, staff salaries and other payments and payments.

The Human Resources Department is engaged in the selection and hiring of qualified employees.

The commercial director manages the financial and economic activities of the enterprise in the field of logistics, procurement and storage of goods, marketing of products on the market and under supply contracts, transport and administrative services, ensuring the efficient and targeted use of material and financial resources, reducing their losses , acceleration of the turnover of working capital.

The transport department delivers raw materials and goods, ensures their proper safety during transportation.

The warehouse provides storage, warehousing and release of inventory items, organization of loading and unloading operations.

The Raw Materials Supply Department organizes the uninterrupted supply of raw materials and material resources to the enterprise, concludes contracts with suppliers.

The marketing department carries out market research and forecasts its development, analyzes and develops the most effective methods of sales and advertising, determines the competitiveness of products, organizes advertising in the media, organizes and conducts exhibitions, fairs, presentations.

Thus, the organizational structure of the management of the enterprise JSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist" is a multi-stage matrix structure.

Let's give an organizational assessment of the current management structure of OAO Borisov Plant Metallist.

Table 2.2.1 Organizational assessment of the current structure of the enterprise OJSC Borisov Plant Metallist

Note. Source: own development.

In accordance with Table 2.2.1, all department heads interact with each other, for example, the head of the personnel department provides documents and data on the staff turnover of the accounting department, which, in turn, keeps records of the employees of the organization. The chief accountant is engaged in the calculation and issuance of wages to the management apparatus and workers. The Deputy Director also informs the accountants about the volume and amount of goods sold.

There is a marketing and sales department at the JSC "Borisov Plant "Metalist" enterprise, which reports to its director. Its activities are regulated by the regulation on the marketing department (Appendix A)

The quantitative and qualitative composition of this department is given in Table. 2.2.2

Table 2.2.2 Number of employees of the marketing and sales department

Note. Source: own development.

The marketing and sales department is headed by a chief who is appointed and dismissed by the head of the enterprise JSC Borisov Plant Metalist. He searches and studies potential markets for profitable sales of the plant's products:

reveals the dissatisfaction of demand in the market under study, as well as the ability of the JSC Borisov Plant Metalist to satisfy it;

reveals the requirements, requests, wishes of consumers to the quality, assortment, design and methods of selling the company's products;

participates in the development of a strategy for the market behavior of OAO Borisov Plant Metalist;

collects, studies, evaluates, analyzes and enriches domestic and foreign materials on the state, capacity and development trends of potential markets for products, the possibility and economic feasibility of entering these markets;

is engaged in the collection and systematization of data on enterprises and foreign companies that produce similar products, the behavior of competitors and their intentions in the studied markets;

conducts a comparative analysis of the properties and quality of products of the JSC Borisov Plant Metallist and competing firms;

organizes the study of consumer assessments, opinions, consumer claims regarding the quality and range of products offered, their susceptibility to advertising; identification and accounting of unsatisfactory demand and the need for goods that the enterprise can master;

comes up with proposals to the management on the need to conduct comparative tests of samples of products of enterprises;

takes part in organizing and holding international republican exhibitions;

informs the plant about the claims and wishes of consumers identified at exhibitions, fairs and during negotiations with wholesale buyers;

informs the management of the division about the identified unsatisfactory demand for products and the wishes of consumers. Based on the results of marketing activities, draws up a report and gives a brief description of the products required on the market;

receives information from the management about the inclusion in the plan, the timing of development and the expected properties of new types of goods and their modifications;

collects information about buyers' refusals from the company's products, organizes trial sales of pilot batches of new products;

collects information about the nature of consumer claims to the quality, consumer and other properties of the company's products;

every six months presents to the management a market review with an analysis of the results of studying the sales markets and proposals for the market behavior strategy of OAO Borisov Plant Metalist for the upcoming planning period;

carries out the organization of marketing of the enterprise's products in accordance with the planned targets, concluded contracts, its shipment to consumers in the time and volume established by the implementation plan.

is responsible for violations of loading deadlines, preventing downtime of auto and rail transport;

provides control over the fulfillment by the company's divisions of orders, contractual obligations on time, in terms of the volume of products sold, range, completeness and quality, over the state of stocks of finished products in warehouses. Takes measures to ensure the timely receipt of funds for the sale of products, Ensures accounting for the fulfillment of orders and contracts, shipments and balances of unsold finished products, timely execution of sales documentation, provided for reporting on sales (deliveries) on the implementation of the sales plan. Coordinates the activities of warehouses for finished products, supervises the employees of the department

Appendix B contains the job description of the leading sales economist.

Training of personnel and advanced training at the enterprise is carried out in accordance with the plan, on the basis of applications from the heads of departments and in accordance with production needs.

Training, retraining, training in related professions and advanced training of workers at the plant is organized according to the course (industrial-technical and special-purpose courses) and individual forms of training. Training is carried out in accordance with approved plans and programs. For professions that require special training, workers are trained in training centers and factories in Borisov, Minsk or at their own enterprise with the invitation of teachers of training centers with a license for training.

Managers and specialists improve their skills on the job at advanced training institutes, at seminars organized at various educational institutions and at the enterprise on the job.

An important role in the organizational structure of the enterprise JSC "Borisov Plant "Metallist" is the rational distribution of responsibility between the workers and services of the enterprise. Responsibility is an obligation to fulfill delegated tasks and be responsible for their satisfactory resolution. The distribution of powers at the enterprise JSC "Borisov Plant" Metallist "predetermines the the nature of the organizational structure. In a centralized structure, the right to make decisions is assigned to higher-level managers. The decision on the level of centralization depends on many factors: the nature of the business environment, the style of decision-making by top management, the type of strategy implemented by the firm, the qualifications and experience of lower-level management personnel.

A special issue is the organization of relations between the marketing department and other divisions of the JSC Borisov Plant Metallist. Much here depends on how the structure of the enterprise as a whole meets the principles of marketing.

As you know, the structure of the enterprise JSC "Borisov Plant" Metallist "is focused on production, then most of its departments, structural units are interested not in the implementation of marketing goals, but only in the utmost minimization of production costs. Thus, product developers strive to create the most economical models, often to the detriment of the popularity of goods in the market. Supply departments are focused on purchasing cheaper and not always high-quality materials and raw materials. Orientation towards reducing labor costs, characteristic of production departments, is in conflict with the need to improve consumer properties of goods. Warehousing of goods also often does not answer any questions. the needs of the safety of manufactured products, nor the needs of the dynamics of market demand.

Such a target orientation of the structural units of the enterprise JSC "Borisov Plant" Metalist ", focused on production, inevitably leads them to constant and unproductive conflicts with the department and marketing goals. The implementation of a unified strategy is also difficult because the departments of development, production, planning, sales are scattered, subordinated to different managers (deputy directors), the connections between them are complex and multi-stage, and these departments themselves are very little responsible for the final market goals and sales results.

It is clear that the effectiveness of the functioning of the marketing organizational structure largely depends on those personnel, personnel who are engaged in marketing. Moreover, we are talking not only about their professional qualifications, but also about the degree of responsibility, knowledge and acceptance of the marketing concept in force at the enterprise, stimulating the initiative of marketing specialists. The heads of the marketing department and each of its divisions must have functions, means, duties and rights, responsibility and authority fixed in the relevant documents (primarily in the "Regulations on the department"), including in relations with other divisions, departments and branches of the company , its representatives.

The central task of the marketing department at the JSC "Borisov Zavod" Metallist ", focused on taking into account customer requests, is to ensure product quality as the depth of customer satisfaction at a level that allows maintaining the desired market conditions.

2.3 Economic characteristics of the enterprise

The main source of analytical information is the balance sheet (form No. 1), which is grouped in a certain order and generalized information about the amount of the organization's funds in a single monetary meter at a specific point in time.

Funds, their composition and placement, as well as the sources of these funds and their placement, are grouped in the balance in sections and articles.

Another important source of analytical information is the “Profit and Loss Statement” (form No. 2). From this form we obtain information on sales proceeds, cost of sales, profits and others.

To analyze the financial and commercial activities of the organization, in addition to the data given in the balance sheets, additional information is required. They will be extracted from synthetic and analytical accounting, as well as other forms of reporting.

Let's analyze the structure of the liabilities of the balance sheet and the influence of the main sections of the balance sheet on the replenishment of its active part.

Table 2.3.1 Analysis of the structure of the liability of the balance sheet and the impact of the main sections of the balance sheet on the replenishment of its active part.

Name of the organization's balance sheet items

Indicator of the structure of the liabilities side of the balance sheet

Growth (+),

decline (-)

Specific gravity.%

Absolute value, million rubles

Specific gravity.%

value, million rubles

Sources of own funds

Income and expenses

Long-term credits and loans

Short-term credits and loans

Accounts payable

Settlements with suppliers and contractors

Payroll calculations

Settlements for other transactions with personnel

Calculations for taxes and fees

Social insurance payments

Settlements with shareholders

Settlements with different debtors and creditors

Other types of liabilities

CJSC "Tander", whose activities are based on the principles of marketing, has developed a program of marketing activities. The goals of the enterprise are achieved through the assessment and satisfaction of customer requirements. Marketing not only creates the conditions for entering the market, but also helps to consolidate the company's position in the market, expand sales, and rapidly change product characteristics under the influence of technological advances and consumer requirements.

Competent development of the marketing program is the most important element of the technical and economic activity of the enterprise.

The marketing program includes sections: a summary of benchmarks; a statement of the current marketing situation; list of dangers and opportunities; list of tasks and problems; marketing strategy; action programs; budget and control procedures.

The plan is based on marketing goals and targets. The marketing program should reflect: the goal and benchmarks (for example, increase the share of sales in a given market, increase profits from sales, etc.); conjuncture forecast for the planned period; a description of the areas of marketing work to obtain the data necessary for the preparation of marketing plans in the future (market research); action plan (where, who, when and how should act and how much it will cost); assortment policy of the enterprise; policy in the field of work with suppliers of materials and components; price policy; policy in the field of distribution of goods; advertising and promotion policy; characteristics of budgets (profit and loss forecast); breakdown of activities by time of their implementation; control order.

The marketing program should form the basis on which more detailed plans (programs) can be developed for the functional purpose and for each type of product.

To solve various marketing problems, the company develops a general estimate of marketing costs. Typically, the total amount of marketing fees is determined as a percentage of the estimated turnover. The enterprise must determine how best to allocate the total amount of royalties for marketing a particular product and for individual elements of marketing: for advertising, promotion of a product on the market, direct sale to customers, etc.

The issue of assignments and expenses for the development and mastering of new or improved types of products and improving their quality is of particular interest. The marketing service studies the requirements of consumers and, through feedback from them, identifies shortcomings in the design and quality of manufacturing products, evaluates product reliability indicators, formulates tasks for design, technological, testing and other departments of the plant. The effectiveness of the marketing activity of the enterprise in the market depends on the fulfillment of these tasks.

It is advisable to include in the marketing plan the main tasks for the development of new or modernization of manufactured products, the necessary refinement of technologies, the improvement of product testing, the control of its manufacture, the development of service, etc. indicating the performers and deadlines.

A marketing plan is formed for the coming year and for the future (2, 5 or more years); necessary clarifications can be made to it in the course of its implementation and changes in the situation on the market.

Control over the implementation of the marketing plan is carried out by the management of the structural divisions of the enterprise that carry out marketing activities and the management of the enterprise (director).

A report on the implementation of the marketing plan for each six months is submitted to the head of the enterprise.

Despite the presence of a marketing and sales department, providing it with relevant documentation for the positions provided for by the staffing table, the regulation on this service, one of the reasons for the unstable financial situation of the enterprise is the lack of permanent sales markets, both internal and external.

The marketing program, like any other, links the tasks facing different structural units, but aimed at a common result. Moreover, the marketing plan is intended for the most part to unite these disparate, at the level of departments, tasks into a single, at the enterprise level, whole.

Problems in communication regarding the plan negatively affect its implementation. The motivation of employees to execute the plan increases when they actively participate in its development.

It is advisable to appoint the head of each department or unit involved in the implementation of the plan, responsible for the implementation of the envisaged activities. The person responsible for the development of the marketing plan conducts interviews with these individuals to ensure that the main provisions of the document and the necessary details are correctly understood, which provides feedback at all levels of the organization.

All heads of commercial services, economic services and production directors should familiarize themselves with the marketing plan.

The results of the implementation of the marketing plan for the past month, the report on the implementation of product programs, and the costs within the marketing budget are heard collectively. The meeting is chaired by the commercial director of CJSC "Tander". Based on the results of the meeting, a protocol is drawn up, in which measures are entered that are adjustments to the current marketing plan. Prepares a marketing department protocol. The protocol is signed by the Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs. The protocol is introduced to all services that take part in the implementation of the plan.

It is envisaged to hold final meetings on the implementation of the marketing program for the six months. Preparation of materials for the meeting is carried out by the marketing department. The meeting is chaired by the Deputy Director of Commercial Affairs. The General Director gets acquainted with the minutes of the meeting following the results of the half year.

In a modern market economy, an enterprise uses many tools to achieve a competitive advantage, and it did not immediately come to an understanding that it is marketing that provides a clear mechanism for its (competitive advantage) planning and implementation; in a few years, marketing has "grown" from a simple sales department into an important functional area activities of the company, consider how the development of marketing departments is going on, how they are organized, how they interact with other services of the enterprise.

For a more successful implementation of the marketing program at CJSC "Tander" it is necessary to analyze in detail the possible options for the intra-company marketing system. To note their advantages and disadvantages, to link the possibility of their implementation with the capabilities of the enterprise.

In the development of an intra-company marketing system, six stages can be distinguished.

Stage 1. Simple sales department. Small companies, as a rule, create a position of deputy. sales director, whose task is to manage the sales force. However, the Deputy The director is directly involved in trading. When a company needs to conduct marketing research or an advertising campaign, Deputy. sales director hires specialists from other companies.

Stage 2. The sales department, which performs the functions of marketing. As the company expands, it has to add or enhance some marketing services. She needs to conduct market research to understand the needs of local buyers and market potential. After that, you need to conduct an advertising campaign in the selected area - to present yourself and your products. To accomplish these tasks, The sales director hires specialists - a marketing research manager and an advertising manager. He may also hire a marketing specialist to manage these and other marketing functions.

Stage 3. Independent marketing department. As the firm continues to grow, it can afford additional investment in marketing research, product development, advertising and sales promotion, and service improvement.

Gradually, the director of the company comes to understand that from the point of view of profit, the separation of marketing into an independent department will be beneficial. For the management of the department, the post of deputy is established. marketing director. Like the deputy sales director, he reports to the director. At this stage, sales and marketing are already two different functions, which nevertheless must be closely related.

This alignment of forces allows the director to more balanced assess the opportunities and problems of his company. Assume that sales are falling and the director is looking for a solution to the problem. Deputy The sales director may offer to hire more salespeople, raise their salaries, hold a top-selling competition, train them, or lower the price to make the product sell better. Deputy marketing director should analyze the situation in the market.

Stage 4. Modern marketing department. Although the deputy directors of sales and marketing and must work together, the relationship between them is often strained, based on distrust of each other. Deputy sales director is indignant that sales personnel are given a smaller place in marketing, deputy. The marketing director is asking for more funds for non-trade activities.

The job of a marketing manager is to identify targeted growth opportunities, strategies, and marketing programs. Sales personnel are responsible for the implementation of these programs. Marketers start from marketing research, try to isolate and understand market segments, plan, always keep a long-term perspective in mind. Their goal is to increase the market share with a profit for the company, while sales workers, on the contrary, rely on their work experience, trying to reach each specific buyer. The bulk of their working time is spent on personal communication with clients and customers. They live for today and try to fulfill their marketing plan.

If too much friction arises between trade and marketing, the director of the company can, having sorted out the conflict, either return marketing to the leadership of the deputy. director of sales, or instruct the head of the marketing department to be responsible for everything, including the sales staff. The latter solution is the basis of the modern marketing department - a department led by an executive director of marketing and sales. In his submission are all those who perform any marketing functions, and sales managers.

Stage 5. An effective marketing company. A firm can have an active marketing department and still fail in the marketplace. It all depends on how other departments of the company look at customers, how they perceive their marketing responsibility. If they consider all this to be the direct responsibility of the marketing department, then the marketing of such a company cannot be called effective. Only when all employees understand that they owe their jobs to the customers who choose their products can we speak of an effective marketing campaign.

The paradox is that when a company starts to reduce costs, reduce to change its structure, the main blow falls on the marketing and sales departments. At the same time, their task remains the same - to provide as much income as possible. To maintain efficiency and position in the company, marketers and salespeople have to be creative in working with customers and creating profits.

Stage 6. A company based on processes and results. Now, many companies are changing their organizational structure again, focusing on key processes rather than departments. Organization "by department" is increasingly seen as a barrier to core business functions such as creating new products, acquiring and retaining customers, processing orders, and serving customers. In order to achieve certain results in all these processes, mixed teams are created in companies and their leaders are appointed. Marketers and salespeople are increasingly working in such teams. As a consequence, they report to two "bosses": the team or teams and the marketing department. Each team periodically sends the performance characteristics of its members to the departments. Marketing departments are responsible for training their employees, assigning them to new teams, and generally evaluating their work.

Based on the collected information, we made an analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise. CJSC "Tander" is a developing company and one of the largest trading companies throughout Russia. It does not stop in development and every day everything develops and develops.

You can offer the heads of all sales outlets of the company a few recommendations for improving marketing activities. First of all, this is a big and painstaking work with sales assistants and cashiers. It is required to conduct a briefing on maintenance techniques with them, and also with the sellers of the trading floor. The director of the branch must instruct the marketing department to engage in advertising promotion of the company, to conclude an agreement with an advertising agency. Also conduct sales promotion methods such as tasting, coupons, promotions.

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The relevance of improving marketing activities at the enterprise is determined, first of all, by its orientation towards meeting, first of all, the needs of consumers of products. Marketing activities should contribute to the successful solution of seemingly mutually exclusive tasks: to increase the flexibility of production, to quickly change the range of products in accordance with the needs of the consumer, and at the same time promptly introduce new equipment and technology.

Marketing is the coordination of the activities of an enterprise in the market; its characteristic features are consistency and complexity.

Marketing activity is the basis for a comprehensive solution of one's tasks: searching for a consumer, determining one's own capabilities, assessing the level of competitiveness of a company and products. Marketing activity implies a system of various activities that need to be analyzed and the best option chosen.

At present, not a single enterprise in the system of market relations can function normally without a marketing service in the enterprise. And the usefulness of marketing is increasing every moment. This is because the needs of people, as you know, are unlimited, and the resources of the enterprise are limited. Each subject has its own needs, which are not always well-satisfied. Each needs its own individual approach. Therefore, in the new conditions, the company that can most accurately identify and capture a variety of tastes has competitive advantages.

Modern marketing is considered as a system for organizing all the activities of an enterprise for the development, production and marketing of goods, the provision of services based on a comprehensive study of the market and real customer requests, in order to maximize profits.

The goal of the marketing activities of retailers is to obtain certain commercial results by managing their own resources in the most efficient way, satisfying the needs of customers more effectively than competitors. The market is gradually saturated, the achievement of strategic goals is possible only on the basis of building long-term, trusting relationships with consumers and members of distribution networks.

Marketing management plays an important and sometimes decisive role in the competitive struggle in the market. It is on the market that the product produced and the labor expended on it prove their social significance and gain recognition from consumers. Based on this, it can be noted that the topic of improving the marketing activities of an enterprise as a subject of study for this final work is not only relevant, but also quite promising.

In accordance with the chosen topic, the goal of the thesis was formulated, which is to improve marketing activities using the example of a retail enterprise.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are defined in the graduation project:

· consideration of the theoretical foundations of marketing activities;

· analysis of the company's activities;

· analysis of the organization of marketing activities;

· substantiation of the need to improve marketing activities at this enterprise;

· development of a proposal to improve the organization of marketing activities.

The object of research is a retail enterprise, and the subject of research is the organization of marketing activities at a retail enterprise. The main theoretical and methodological sources in writing this work were Russian and foreign publications devoted to marketing and management of marketing activities at the enterprise. The practical part of the work is based on marketing research data, annual reports of the enterprise, business plan.

In the process of work, the concepts, essences and main features of marketing management at an enterprise are defined, the organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise are given, an analysis is made of the range of goods offered, the organization of retail marketing. Based on the results of the study, measures are proposed to improve marketing activities at a retail enterprise, which contribute to an increase in the main indicators characterizing the effectiveness of activities.

The structure of the work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and list of references.


1 Essence and main forms of marketing activity

The basis of market relations is the free choice of forms of economic activity by the individual; access to various types of resources; free choice of economic relations; free formation of prices, depending on the supply and demand for goods; free movement of capital, etc.

The subjects of market relations are entrepreneurs who are the bearers of economic initiative. This means that they have administrative and economic independence and the right to dispose of production resources and manufactured products, thereby fully turning on the mechanism of market competition, one of the main requirements of which is the maximum possible adaptation of the production and commercial activities of commodity producers and resellers to market consumers and the emerging here conjuncture. And it implies the need to organize production and sales of products according to the principle “we offer what the market requires”, that is, based on market research.

Ensuring the effective development and functioning of both large enterprises and young firms in a market economy is currently a complex problem. Effective work in the domestic and foreign markets requires knowledge and consideration of objective market laws, the ability to organize the regular receipt and prompt use of market information, increase the competitiveness of one's products, etc. All this is an element of marketing - one of the most effective concepts of the economy. It is on the basis of marketing activities that most commercial operations in the world market are carried out.

In the broadest sense, marketing is the organization of the company's management in the field of strategic planning, aimed at satisfying consumer orders and making a profit.

In the economic literature, there are many definitions of marketing, arising from a different understanding of its essence and objectives.

Marketing is a system for organizing and managing the production and marketing activities of enterprises, studying the market in order to form and satisfy demand for products and services and make a profit.

In the term "marketing" experts put a double meaning: it is one of the functions of management, and an integral concept of management in the conditions of market relations.

Marketing is a complex, multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon. This explains the impossibility in one universal definition to give a complete, adequate description of marketing to its essence, principles and functions.

The term "marketing" arose in the United States at the turn of the 20th century, and as a leading management function, marketing began to be considered from the 50s.

At present, about 2000 definitions of marketing have already been put forward, each of which considers one or another side of marketing or makes an attempt to characterize it comprehensively.

F. Kotler offers the following definition: marketing is a social and managerial process aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of individuals and groups through the supply and exchange of goods. The key concepts of this definition are needs, needs and demand; product; costs and satisfaction; exchange, transactions and relationships. The UK Marketing Institute defines marketing as "the management process aimed at identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements and making a profit." Similar American organizations define marketing in roughly the same categories.

Traditional marketing refers to the concept of selling an enterprise, which consists in orienting sales to the demand currently available in the current markets of the enterprise consumers, and selling them already produced goods, i.e. market orientation is not the main task of the enterprise, on the contrary, the market must already have sufficient capacity to consume the goods produced by the enterprise.

The main place in the implementation of the marketing concept is given to the purely marketing divisions of the enterprise, whose task in this case is to find markets with the most favorable sales conditions and to sell products to consumers available in these markets.

Modern marketing is primarily focused on market demands, adapting the supply of goods by enterprises for this. The task of marketing is not only focusing on the sale of already produced goods, but also a comprehensive study of the needs and capabilities of consumers. These identified needs become the starting point for all decisions and actions taken in the enterprise. This understanding of marketing makes it not a private function of the enterprise, implemented by the sales department, but an integrated concept of enterprise management as a whole.

Marketing as a management concept means “planning, coordinating and controlling all the activities of an enterprise related to existing and potential markets”. The set of marketing management activities can be defined as a uniquely identifiable management process, including the phases of analysis, planning, motivation, coordination and control, corresponding to the general management functions.

The main functions of marketing include analysis of the environment, consumers; market research; planning of goods (services), sales; promotion of goods; prices; ensuring social responsibility in marketing management.

Marketing entities include manufacturers and service organizations, wholesalers and retailers, marketers, and various consumers.

Marketing activity is a set of activities focused on the study of such issues as:

Analysis of the external (in relation to the enterprise) environment, which includes markets, sources of supply and much more. The analysis allows you to identify factors that contribute to commercial success or create an obstacle to this. As a result of the analysis, a data bank is formed for making informed marketing decisions.

Analysis of consumers, both actual (acting, buying the company's products) and potential (who still need to be convinced to become relevant). This analysis consists of examining the demographic, economic, geographic and other characteristics of people who have the right to make a purchase decision, as well as their needs in the broadest sense of this concept and the acquisition processes of both our and competing products.

Studying existing and planning future products, that is, developing concepts for creating new products and / or upgrading old ones, including their assortment and parametric series, packaging, etc. Outdated products that do not give a given profit are removed from production and export.

Merchandising and sales planning, including the creation, if necessary, of appropriate distribution networks with warehouses and shops, as well as agency networks.

A complex of marketing communications, the essence of which is to provide complete information and bring it to the target audience (consumers) with a feedback. A firm's communications policy is an important element of the marketing mix, which includes: advertising, public relations work, and personal selling.

Ensuring a pricing policy, which consists in planning systems and price levels for exported products, determining the “technology” for using prices, loan terms, discounts, etc.

Satisfying the technical and social norms of the country importing the company's products, which means the obligation to ensure the proper levels of product safety and environmental protection; compliance with moral and ethical rules; the proper level of consumer properties of products.

For the implementation of the above activities, it is necessary to take into account the large role of those on whom, in essence, the effectiveness of the marketing strategy depends, namely marketing entities, which include manufacturers and service organizations, wholesale and retail trade organizations, marketing specialists and various consumers.

The marketing process begins with the study of the buyer and the identification of his needs, and ends with the purchase of the product by the buyer and the satisfaction of his identified needs.

The market in which marketing entities operate can be divided into a "seller's market", where the company sells its own products, and a "buyer's market", where it purchases the necessary production components. Thus, marketing is mainly beneficial to both sellers and buyers of products.

Obviously, the type of marketing determines the way it is managed. Marketing management, as defined by F. Kotler, is the analysis, planning, implementation and control of activities designed to establish, strengthen and maintain profitable exchanges with target customers in order to achieve certain organizational objectives, such as making a profit, increasing sales , increase in market share, etc. The task of marketing management is to influence the level, time and nature of demand in such a way that it helps the organization achieve its goals. Simply put, marketing management is demand management. There are five main forms (concepts) on the basis of which commercial organizations carry out their marketing activities:

· concept of production improvement;

· the concept of product improvement;

· the concept of intensifying commercial efforts;

· marketing concept;

· the concept of social and ethical marketing.

The use of each of them is mandatory and, first of all, raises the question of what should be the balance of interests of producers, consumers and society as a whole. After all, quite often these interests come into conflict with each other.

Production concept, or the concept of production improvement. Enterprises adhering to this concept have predominantly serial or large-scale production with high efficiency and low cost, and the sale of their products is carried out through numerous trading enterprises.

The main idea of ​​the concept of product improvement is the orientation of consumers to one or another product or service that is superior in technical characteristics and performance to analogues and thereby brings more benefits to consumers. Manufacturers at the same time direct their efforts to improve the quality of their products, despite higher costs, and, consequently, prices.

The marketing concept, or the concept of intensifying commercial efforts, assumes that consumers will buy the offered products in sufficient volume only if the company has made certain efforts to promote the products and increase their sales.

Marketing concept. This concept replaces the marketing concept and changes its content. The difference between a sales concept and a marketing concept is as follows: activities based on a sales concept start with the products available to the firm. At the same time, the main task is to achieve the volume of sales necessary to make a profit through various sales promotion activities. The activity based on the concept of marketing begins with the identification of real and potential buyers and their needs. The firm plans and coordinates the development of specific programs to meet identified needs.

The socio-ethical concept of marketing, which is characteristic of the current stage of development of human civilization, is based on a new philosophy of entrepreneurship, focused on meeting the reasonable, healthy needs of solvent demand carriers. Its goal is to ensure the long-term well-being of not only the individual enterprise, but society as a whole.

It is this kind of orientation of the image of the enterprise that should attract buyers as a factor in the competitiveness of this enterprise among the rest.

Every firm, enterprise or company is interested in the effective management of its marketing activities. In particular, she needs to know how to analyze market opportunities, select suitable target markets, develop an effective marketing mix, and successfully manage the implementation of marketing efforts. All this makes up the process of marketing management.

In market conditions, it is not enough to rely on intuition, the judgments of managers and specialists, and past experience, but it is necessary to obtain adequate information before and after making decisions. To reduce the degree of uncertainty and risk, the enterprise must have reliable, sufficient and timely information.

Marketing information is understood as information obtained in the course of studying the process of exchanging the results of socially useful activities and interaction regarding such an exchange of all subjects of the market system, used in all areas (levels) of entrepreneurship, including marketing activities. The necessary information is obtained from the internal reporting of the enterprise, marketing observations, research and data analysis.

The modern concept of marketing is that all activities of the enterprise are based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future. Moreover, one of the goals of marketing is to identify unsatisfied customer requests in order to orient production to meet these requests. The marketing system puts the production of products in a functional dependence on requests and requires the production of products in the assortment and quantity required by the consumer. That is why marketing, as a set of established methods for studying markets, in addition to everything else, directs its efforts to create effective distribution channels and conduct integrated advertising campaigns.

Interest in such a multifaceted and now so relevant topic as marketing, and it should be noted that every year it becomes more and more, if not global, grows not only within a single country, but also in the world as a whole. This is due to the fact that marketing affects the interests of each of us in any day of our lives. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or promoting an idea, we're marketing. We need to know what the market is, who operates on it, how it functions, what its needs are.

Making a conclusion about the theoretical substantiation of the relevance of such a topic as the management of marketing activities, it should be noted that marketing is an integral part of the life of society.

As already noted, in the conditions of market relations, marketing for enterprises is one of the most important functions. The effective functioning of enterprises depends on how well the marketing system is built.

1.2 Organization and planning of marketing in the enterprise

Functional orientation is characterized by the production and sale of one product or a limited type of homogeneous product, through the same distribution channels. With this form of management organization, homogeneous activities are grouped into functional units or departments that report to the marketing manager.

Such an organizational management structure allows the company to avoid duplication of operations by individual services. The functional principle of management is most successfully used by medium-sized firms. Large firms are product oriented. In this case, the markets are divided into markets for industrial goods and consumer goods. In firms that adhere to this orientation, the chief marketing officer coordinates and controls the marketing activities of all departments in the enterprise.

Marketing management on the basis of the product principle provides optimal conditions for the specialization of employees, coordination of the activities of individual units, their linkage with the overall goals and objectives of the company.

Significant management efficiency is noted in cases where the market requirements for advertising, marketing, packaging, etc., for each product, have their own characteristics. The disadvantages of commodity orientation of management include duplication of operations within departments.

The regional orientation of marketing management is also used by large companies with sales markets in different areas. Particularly widespread, regional orientation has received among international monopolies with vast markets, which can be subdivided into clearly defined geographical areas. With the regional orientation of management, the characteristics and requirements of buyers located in a particular area, district or territory are studied in relation to the company's products. As well as commodity orientation, in the regional there is duplication of operations, the problem of coordination and communication. In an attempt to overcome these shortcomings, some firms combine the advantages of a regional orientation with a product or customer orientation.

Orientation to the buyer (market) is the most common marketing management scheme. Its development was facilitated by the intensification of competition for the sales market of individual regions and groups of buyers. When managing with a focus on the buyer (market), it becomes possible to most fully, through the appropriate organization of distribution channels, pricing, packaging, maintenance, to take into account the characteristics of consumer groups.

Some firms sell their products to different customer groups or markets that have their own specific characteristics. The more specific the market to be served, the more necessary a dedicated sales manager and dedicated staff who know the needs of the customers.

When focusing on the buyer (market), the company creates conditions for coordinating the activities of departments and services of the company. However, the possibility of specialization of workers in individual goods is reduced.

Enterprises can conduct independent marketing research or entrust its conduct to specialized agencies. The main areas of marketing research are as follows:

· market research;

· study of marketing tools;

· study of the external environment;

· studies of the internal environment;

· study of the market of productive forces;

· study of motives;

· marketing intelligence.

One of the main goals of marketing research is to determine the company's market opportunities. It is necessary to correctly assess and predict the size of the market, its growth potential and possible profit.

Market segmentation is one of the functions in the system of marketing activities and is associated with the implementation of work on the classification of buyers or consumers of products that are on the market or brought to it. After dividing the market into consumer groups and identifying the opportunities for each of them, the company must evaluate their attractiveness and select one or more segments for development. When evaluating market segments, two factors must be taken into account: the overall attractiveness of the segment, as well as the goals and resources of the enterprise. When choosing target segments, business leaders decide whether it will focus on one segment or several, on a particular product or a particular market, or on the entire market at once. The offer of one product to one segment - concentrated segmentation - is more often used by small enterprises that seek to gain advantages over competitors. Expansion of market segments, i.e. offering one product to several segments allows the company to expand the market for the product. By offering several products to one segment, i.e. resorting to assortment segmentation, they usually use related products. In differentiated segmentation, several different products are offered to several segments. In order to gain a competitive advantage, each business must find its own ways to differentiate products.

Differentiation - the process of developing a number of essential features of the product, designed to distinguish it from competitors' products.

The market offer can be differentiated in five areas: product, services, personnel, distribution channels, image.

After determining the target market segment, the company must study the properties and image of competitors' products and assess the position of their products in the market. Having studied the positions of competitors, the company decides on the positioning of its products. Positioning is the way in which consumers identify a product by its most important characteristics.

In practice, product positions are determined using positioning maps, which are a two-dimensional matrix of different pairs of characteristics. Properly organized market positioning is a prerequisite for effective marketing mix development. The marketing mix is ​​a link between producers and consumers that form market segments and includes: product, price, means of promoting the product to the market and distribution channels. Essentially, any product is a packaged service to solve a problem. The task of the marketer is to identify the needs hidden behind any product and sell not the properties of this product, but the benefits from it. Of course, the characteristics of the product - its size, color, packaging are also very important.

Price, like the product, is an element of the marketing mix. A company that pursues a certain pricing policy actively influences both the volume of sales in the market and the amount of profit received. Commercial results, the degree of efficiency of all production and marketing activities of the enterprise depend on how correctly and thoughtfully the pricing policy is built.

Maintaining a pricing policy requires excellent knowledge of the market situation, high qualifications of decision makers, and the ability to anticipate possible changes in the market situation.

The means of promoting goods to the market, the purpose of which is to stimulate demand, are one of the most important components of the marketing mix. The main ones are: advertising, public relations, organization of exhibitions, fairs, discounts, trade on credit, etc.

Advertising is a message intended for some predetermined group of people, paid for by a specific customer and aimed at inducing this group to specific actions desired by the customer. Before launching an advertising campaign, businesses must decide what they want to achieve with advertising, which markets to conquer, how to formulate a message, what advertising media to use, when and how often to advertise, and how much to spend on it. Thus, advertising affects the interests of every person on any day of his life and is perceived by us as part of everyday public culture.

Public relations is defined as "the promotion of a common understanding of goodwill between an individual, an organization and other people, groups of people or society as a whole through the dissemination of explanatory material, the development of exchange and the evaluation of public reaction." The task of the PR manager is to prepare and conduct press conferences, briefings, press cocktails, presentations, meetings with company executives, press releases, photographs and other press materials, on the basis of which articles, essays and reports will then be written.

A good way to present the company to a wide audience, as well as to make new useful contacts and maintain old ones, is to participate in exhibitions and industry conferences. In order for the money spent for these purposes not to be wasted, participation in events must be carefully prepared.

Thus, with the help of advertising and PR, a kind of contact is established with existing or potential buyers, the purpose of which is to create a favorable idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe goods and services provided and form the image of the company.

Sales promotion, which is understood as a set of techniques that increase sales throughout the entire life cycle of a product, has recently become especially important. The incentives are primarily prices: reduced in honor of the holiday; discounted through coupons distributed through print media or direct mail.

In addition to money, “in-kind” incentives are also possible: free distribution of samples, an invitation to try a new product; offering a gift from both related products and a completely outsider.

“Active” incentives have proven themselves well: contests, games, lotteries. Today, they are used by all the leading consumer goods manufacturers who painstakingly seek out fresh ideas and personas, especially on television.

The considered measures to stimulate sales, applied by enterprises jointly and in strict accordance with advertising, are today the most widely used, significantly increasing the volume and profitability of sales.

In marketing firms, all functions related to the implementation of the market management concept are concentrated in the marketing department, which is the center of the firm's activities.

The main task of the marketing department is to develop a strategy and tactics for the company's behavior in the market, taking into account its goals, financial and production capabilities. Market research is the basis for developing a marketing strategy. The main strategic goal of the company is to conquer or expand the market, to maximize profits in a constantly changing market situation. Market research is the sole responsibility of the marketing department.

A typical organizational structure of the marketing department includes the following services:

· market research and analysis;

· advertising and sales promotion;

· product design;

· market planning, transport.

Such a number of services in the marketing department is conditional. In specific firms, the number of services in this department may be much larger, and they may have different names.

Marketing planning in different enterprises is carried out in different ways. This concerns the content of the plan, the duration of the planning horizon, the sequence of development, the organization of planning.

The marketing activity plan may have the following sections:

· product plan (what and at what time will be released);

· research and development of new products;

· marketing plan, increasing its efficiency (number, equipment with new modern equipment, training sales staff, stimulating their work, choosing their territorial structure);

· advertising and sales promotion plan;

· distribution channel operation plan (type and number of channels, management of these channels);

· price plan, including price changes in the future;

· marketing research plan;

· plan for the functioning of the physical distribution system (storage and delivery of goods to consumers);

· marketing organization plan (improving the work of the marketing department, its information system, communication with other departments of the organization).

A marketing plan is developed for each strategic business unit of an organization and, in terms of formal structure, usually consists of the following sections:

Executive Summary - The opening section of a marketing plan that provides a brief summary of the main objectives and recommendations included in the plan. This section helps management quickly understand the main focus of the plan. It is usually followed by a table of contents of the plan.

The current marketing situation is the section of the marketing plan that describes the target market and the organization's position in it. Includes the following subsections: market description (down to the level of the main market segments), product overview (sales volume, prices, profitability), competition (for main competitors, information is provided regarding their product strategies, market share, prices, distribution and promotion), distribution (sales trends and development of main distribution channels).

Hazards and Opportunities - A section of a marketing plan that identifies the main hazards and opportunities that a product may face in the marketplace. The potential harm of each hazard is assessed, i.e. complications arising from unfavorable trends and events that, if not targeted by marketing efforts, can lead to the undermining of the viability of the product or even to its death. Each opportunity (an attractive area of ​​marketing efforts in which the organization can gain an advantage over competitors) should be evaluated in terms of its prospects, and the ability to successfully use it.

Marketing goals characterize the target orientation of the plan and initially formulate the desired results of activities in specific markets. Goals in the field of product policy, pricing, bringing products to consumers, advertising, etc. are lower level targets. They appear as a result of working out the initial marketing goals for individual elements of the marketing mix.

Marketing strategies are the main directions of marketing activities, following which organizations seek to achieve their marketing goals. The marketing strategy includes specific strategies for target markets, the marketing mix used, and marketing costs. Strategies developed for each market segment should address new and emerging products, pricing, promotion of products, bringing the product to consumers, and should indicate how the strategy responds to the dangers and opportunities of the market.

A program of action (operational calendar plan), sometimes simply called a program, is a detailed program that shows what should be done, who and when should perform the accepted tasks, how much it will cost, what decisions and actions should be coordinated in order to fulfill marketing plan.

Usually, the program also briefly describes the goals that the program activities are aimed at achieving. In other words, the program is a set of activities that must be carried out by the marketing and other services of the organization so that the chosen strategies can achieve the goal of the marketing plan.

Marketing budget - a section of the marketing plan that reflects the projected values ​​of income, costs and profits. The amount of income is justified in terms of forecast values ​​of sales volume and prices. Costs are defined as the sum of the costs of production, distribution and marketing, the latter are detailed in this budget.

The "Control" section characterizes the procedures and methods of control that must be implemented to assess the level of success of the plan. To do this, standards (criteria) are established by which progress in the implementation of marketing plans is measured. This once again emphasizes the importance of quantitative and temporal certainty of the goals, strategies and activities of marketing activities. Measurement of the success of the plan can be carried out for the annual time interval, and quarterly, and for each month or week. All of the above sections characterize both strategic and tactical plans, but the main difference between them lies in the degree of detail in the development of individual sections of the marketing plan.

In conclusion, we note that in different companies the specific set of marketing planning procedures is different. General is the system logic of making planned decisions.

1.3 Retail marketing activities

Retailing is bringing customers to the last link in the distribution chain and usually involves some form of direct contact with the real consumer, which is an important hallmark of retailing. In a traditional store, the customer and the retailer's employees come into direct contact, similar to what happened in open markets, and this brings both benefits and inconveniences for the retailer when trading goods.

In any marketplace where direct human contact occurs, there is a premium on the interactive skills of the people involved and a close relationship between marketing and sales. However, retail is not just sales, as even when there is personal contact, a number of marketing activities will need to be undertaken before, during and after the transaction to ensure complete customer satisfaction. This is a characteristic of many retail situations.

Retail businesses in the past were very different from what we know today, although some of the current businesses have been in business for most of the past century and their development has led to the current forms of commerce.

In retail marketing, there are two specific aspects: firstly, you need to attract customers to a store, restaurant, hotel or virtual online store, and secondly, to convince visitors to make a purchase in this store. Both of these are the main conditions for success.

Retailing in most Western countries is a dynamic and highly competitive business area. As discussed in Section 1.1, change happens all the time, and keeping existing customers and gaining new ones requires the constant introduction of new ideas.

General characteristics of the cafe Pizza Parmesan. Analysis of the marketing activities of the Pizza Parmesan cafe. The object of the study is the activity of the marketing service of the Pizza Parmesan cafe. Subject of research planning of marketing activities in the Pizza Parmesan cafe.

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