The increase in police salaries in the last year. How much does a police officer in Russia earn? Police internship

Nowadays, everything is changing very quickly, and it is difficult to keep track of everything. That is why law enforcement is very important now. After all, they provide us with security. In 2018, the salary of law enforcement agencies will increase by almost one and a half times, but not for everyone. Today, the average salary of a police officer ranges from 16 to 20 thousand. After the increase, it will be from 22 to 27 thousand rubles.

For 2018-2020, indexation is provided at a rate of 4%. The salary will increase by this percentage every year. But, the State Duma Committee on Defense considered that 4% is not enough, because for all this time the salary of the police did not rise, and prices rose. Now they have increased by almost 50%. They insist on raising salaries by 10-20%. But, the bill states that the salary will increase by 7%, and the total salary by 5.5%.

Police will raise salaries in 2018 by 1.04 times how much: comparison with other countries

Consider the salaries of patrolmen in several countries.

  • USA - it depends on the state and city. But on average, it comes out from 2800 to 3400 dollars (165,000 - 200,000 thousand rubles);
  • Germany - also everything depends on the region and city. On average, 2200 - 2700 euros (150,000 - 190,000 thousand rubles);
  • Czech Republic, Greece - almost equal salary in these two countries. In the Czech Republic, 1000 - 1100 euros (70,000 - 80,000 thousand rubles) in Greece, 100 euros more than 1200 - 1300 (80,000 - 90,000 thousand rubles).

Salaries are indicated without bonuses, allowances, etc. In Russia, even if wages are doubled, they will not bring them closer to the level of wages in these countries.

The police will raise salaries in 2018 by 1.04 times how much: about the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

During the reform, a number of changes were made. Former policemen, now they have become policemen, they also all passed the certification, and those who did not pass it were expelled.

Any reform has its good and bad sides.

Good points include:

  • Requirements for work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have become tougher;
  • Increasing salaries for all employees;
  • There are more qualified employees, as tests need to be taken;
  • There was a prestige of service in police.

And this is not the whole list of improvements.

Bad sides of the reform:

  • By raising salaries, the profession of a policeman did not become prestigious;
  • People treated, not loving the police, and treat the police. From the fact that our bodies were renamed, absolutely nothing has changed;
  • Due to the unreasonable purge of personnel, professionals were forced to leave the police, now there are not enough employees.

And again, these are only small consequences of what the reform led to.

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Indexing will be done from the beginning of this year wages workers public sector. In particular, it is planned to increase the income level of employees of law enforcement agencies. When answering the question of whether there will be an increase in police salaries in 2018, one should not expect strong changes. Latest news report that the income change will occur based on the May Decrees.

How much do the police get

The level of wages in the police leaves much to be desired. The incomes of law enforcement officers do not match their image. This state of affairs does not add prestige. With a five-year service, an ordinary employee can count on a salary of 25 thousand rubles. Officers receive about 36 thousand rubles. With a total work experience of 15 years, the salary of officers rises to 40 thousand rubles. Some department heads receive about 100 thousand rubles.

What will be the size of the salary, directly depends on the area in which the employees of law enforcement agencies live. So, in Moscow, for example, a husband's salary is about 60 thousand rubles, while in Novorossiysk the salary may not reach the level of 20 thousand rubles.

Presidential Decree on Police Pay in 2018

The implementation of the May Decrees this year should take place in full. The president gave this order. Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Police officers will be recalculated salaries. Their size will increase by 150% compared to 2012. The government, for its part, will retain additional payments and benefits.

The country has a difficult socio-economic situation. Police officers do not have to rely on wage increases. Recent news reports that indexation of payments may be made due to staff reductions. The question of whether there will be an increase in police salaries in 2018 raises questions about the future of the country. The Russian Federation needs power structures. On the one hand, it is necessary to expand their number. On the other hand, the level of income of state employees leaves much to be desired.

Military salaries

Police salary: changes

This year there will be minor changes in the salary of the police. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation adopted new standards regarding the passage of the certification process by employees. If the exam is not completed, then such an employee may be. Based on the results, wages will be formed on the basis of achievements, completed job assignments and employee ranks. It is also planned to introduce a new system of fines.

The absence of an employee at the workplace, especially if he is absent without a good reason for several hours, may result in the deprivation of a bonus or part of the salary. To receive an additional payment for the complexity of the work performed, you must first obtain the appropriate permission from the head of the department.

There are a number of benefits for police officers.

Police officers in 2018 can count on the following range of benefits:

  • free corporate housing;
  • medicines and operations free of charge;
  • availability of additional leave;
  • receipt .

Almost all public sector salaries will be indexed this year. Such a norm is laid down in the May Decrees. Recent news reports that the increase in the income of state employees will occur by 3-4 percent. It was by this figure that the level of prices for goods and services in the Russian Federation increased.

In view of the prestige of the profession, it is possible that the salary increase for the security forces will be much greater than the inflationary processes in the country. It all depends on how much officials approve the budget. Increasing the salaries of law enforcement officers is a political issue. The country's prestige and security are at stake. It is important to attract the maximum number of new young personnel who will be able to defend the homeland.

The May 2012 decree promised an increase in salaries for employees of state structures, the deadline for its implementation is coming to an end, and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as representatives of the public sector, are interested in how the salary of the police will change in 2018? The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation confirms the increase in wages, but the amount of the increase has not yet been disclosed.

In recent years, the power structures of the Russian Federation have been transformed and are undergoing both external and internal reforms. The changes affected the very name of the division, the requirements for employees became more stringent. Also, management is experimenting with the size of the composition, trying to come up with an optimal solution. The purpose of the reforms is to ensure peace and reliable protection of the citizens of the country. To fulfill their main task, police officers will be provided with new equipment and technology. They also promise that the police will increase salaries in 2018. Thus, this profession is being popularized, and work in law enforcement agencies can be considered prestigious. Based on the statement made by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin about the salary of the police in 2018, already at the beginning of the coming year it will almost double.

What is the salary of police officers

Before making predictions about whether the police salary will increase in 2018, you need to figure out how the final amount of the salary that is paid to law enforcement officers is formed.

The formation of the salary of an employee of the power structure has a great resemblance to accrual and consists of several parts.

  1. Basic fixed salary. This part is subject to recalculation depending on annual inflation, therefore, due to it, the salary of police officers will definitely increase, but the amount of increase due to indexation will be insignificant.
  2. Cash accruals for the awarded title.
  3. Coefficient, the amount of which depends on the region of service.
  4. An increase based on years of service.
  5. An increase due to the complexity of the work, the irregular work schedule and the increased risk of injury and injury. Will this figure affect the increase in police salaries in 2018?
  6. Additional payments for awards awarded by the state.

It is worth noting that the payments from which the income of a police officer is formed are calculated individually for each employee, depending on the length of service, position held, etc., the only exception is a fixed salary.

Payment name 2012, rub. Salary of a lieutenant * of the police in 2018, rub. 2012, rub Salary of a police captain** in 2018, rub.
Cash salary
Salary for a special rank 10000 25000 11000 27500
Salary according to position 15000 37500 15500 38750
Additional payments
Percentage premium for years of service


= 3750,00

15% of salary salary


= 9375,00


= 5300,00

20% of salary salary


= 13250,00

Bonus for excellence

15000X0.05= 750,00

5% of the salary according to the position (for a 3rd class specialist)

37500X0.05= 1875,00

15500X0.1= 1550,00

10% of the salary according to the position (for a 2nd class specialist)

38750X0.1= 3875,00

Supplement for special conditions of service***

15000*0,2= 3000,00

Up to 40% of job salary

37500*0,2= 7500,00

Up to 40% of job salary

15500*0,2= 3100,00

Up to 40% of job salary

38750*0,2= 7750,00

Award for conscientious performance of official duties


= 6250,00

25% of monthly salary


= 15625,00

25% of monthly salary


= 6625,00

25% of monthly salary


= 16562,60

Total accrued 38750,00 96875,00 43075,00 107687,60
Personal income tax 13% 38750X0.13 = 5037,00 96875.00 X0.13 = 12594,00 43075.00 X0.13 = 5600,00 107687.60 X0.13 = 13999,00
For handover
33713 84281 37475 93688,60
Increase in monetary allowance by 2.5 times

What is the salary situation like today?

What will be the salary of police officers in 2018, if, according to the data obtained for the past and current years, the work of a policeman was far from prestigious professions? The reason for this was a relatively small salary, ordinary employees with five years of service received about 25,000 rubles, and the salary of officers amounted to about 36,000 rubles. If we talk about fifteen years of service, then during this time the remuneration for work can rise to 42,000 rubles. Along with such indicators, the monthly income of the heads of departments can be no more than 100,000 rubles. However, the indicators can vary significantly depending on the region, the coefficient of which significantly affects the final amount of the salary paid. For example, the remuneration for the labor of an ordinary employee in the capital has an average figure of 52,000 rubles, which differs significantly from the all-Russian one. And how much will be the salary of police officers in 2018?

The sad news for the police was the recent cancellation of the annual thirteenth salary and partial privileges.

If you look, then the average for the country is 32,000 rubles, while eliminating any risk to life and health. Comparing this indicator of the level of income of police officers with their risks and work intensity, the conclusion suggests itself that an increase in the salary of police officers in 2018 is simply necessary.

Interesting! It's a shame for our defenders of order when studying the income of employees of similar positions in other states. So, for example, US police officers, when transferred to rubles, receive about 120,000 monthly. And they have free travel.

The “May” laws of the head of state promised a 150% increase in police salaries in 2018, starting in 2012. However, the situation is unlikely to change so drastically. The current crisis, which has affected all spheres of the country's economy, will hardly allow us to allocate the necessary amount to fulfill the tasks set. The chance of increasing the indicators without taking into account the indexation of a part of the basic salary exists only on the condition that the optimization of the personnel policy of internal affairs officers will lead to a significant reduction in their number. Despite the above facts, a small part of the experts still believe that the increase in the salary of police officers in 2018 will still happen, but their opinion is also based only on the possibility of a reduction in personnel. After all, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country has already introduced new requirements for attestation of employees, as well as accounting for work achievements, which will largely affect their material support.

Predictions from the police themselves

The police officers themselves are not very confident in the global change in their salary for the better and believe that the salary of the police in 2018 can only rise by a small amount. They explain this by strengthening control over law enforcement officers.

  1. When the police officer is absent from the workplace for more than four hours without evidence good reason he may completely lose the bonus part of the salary and some amount from the fixed salary.
  2. Additional payments for the complexity of the labor process will depend on the decision of the direct supervisor of the employee of each unit.
  3. Without certification, work in law enforcement agencies is impossible. Based on this, employees who refuse to pass the assessment or receive an insufficient result will be dismissed.

According to the policemen themselves, such conditions can significantly thin out their team and lead to an increase in the salary of the police in 2018. But there are also positive aspects.

  1. Police officers now have the opportunity to receive free housing according to the queue.
  2. The security forces were also given the opportunity to receive free expensive medical care or a unique intervention by a surgeon.
  3. An additional ten days were added to their annual leave.
  4. Now they have the opportunity to have free rest in a sanatorium with their families.

Another positive moment was the government's statement about ensuring the working conditions of police officers by repairing buildings allocated for police stations and providing the required equipment. They also promise to conduct free courses aimed at improving the level of professionalism of employees. But what amount will be the salary of the police in 2018, let's see in fact.

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, launched in 2009 at the initiative of the President, has, in fact, come to an end and the time has come for conclusions. Naturally, the main question for police officers and their families is whether the salary in the police will be increased in 2018. Most ordinary citizens did not notice anything other than changing the name from "police" to "police", however, in fact, the transformation of the department is in full swing. For example, certification of employees was introduced, many of whom did not pass it and lost their positions. Since 2016, a number of positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been reduced, after which the total number of police officers in the Russian Federation should not exceed 900 thousand people, although this is not positively assessed by everyone. First of all, due to the optimization of personnel, it is planned to allocate resources to increase the salaries of police officers in 2018, but not everything is so simple.

Features of the formation of police salaries

The salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on the following positions:

the salary itself;

rank bonuses;

assigned regional coefficient;

superannuation for years of service;

additional payments for the complexity and intensity of work.

All of the above positions, except for the salary, are individual in nature, that is, they are set depending on the specifics of the service, the place of its performance, the risk to life, etc. paper documentation. At the same time, additional financial remuneration is provided for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, marked with state awards.

What are the salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs now?

The current level of income in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is unlikely to add a desire to join the department for service. Recently, there have been persistent rumors that the salary of a police officer in 2018 will increase significantly. Before talking about increasing salaries, you should deal with the indicators already achieved. So, ordinary law enforcement officers (without officer ranks) with a length of service not exceeding 5 years are entitled to 25 thousand rubles as a salary. Officers with similar experience can count on 36 thousand rubles, and 42 thousand rubles after 15 years of service in the department.

It should be noted a significant difference in the level of income between officers and heads of departments (divisions). The salary of the latter is at least 80 thousand rubles, and sometimes reaches 100 thousand rubles a month. However, even these figures are inferior to the salaries of ordinary policemen in the developed countries of the world. If we take the United States, then there the average earnings of an ordinary "cop" in terms of domestic currency is at least 120 thousand rubles a month, excluding allowances. Maybe that's why the demand for this vacancy in America is higher, and competitive selection stricter.

Income level in the police for 2018

According to the "May" decrees of Vladimir Putin, by 2018 the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should increase by about 150%. If not for the economic crisis that erupted due to the fall in world energy prices, these figures would have been quite achievable. Now, there is no need to talk about any large-scale increase in the salaries of police officers in 2018. Those funds that were released after the optimization of the state, obviously, will not be enough for a tangible increase in salaries. Most likely next year, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should expect the following figures:

the salary of police officers who have worked for less than 5 years in the authorities will be 26-27 thousand rubles;

police officers who have worked for at least 10 years will be able to receive 28-29 thousand rubles;

those with more than 15 years of service have the right to count on 32-33 thousand rubles.

Employees in the rank from junior lieutenant to captain are provided with a salary of at least 32 thousand rubles. In managerial positions (from major to general), the monthly salary will be from 40 thousand rubles. The return of 13 salaries, as well as free travel in public transport in 2018, should not be expected by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: official representatives of the department have already announced this.

However, there are also positive developments. So, at a meeting in the Kremlin, President Vladimir Putin recalled the May decrees and that some state employees, including the police, were left "overboard" and the situation needs to be corrected, despite all the economic problems in the country. Therefore, there is a very high probability that the increase in the salary of police officers in 2018 will be included in the budget, which means it is guaranteed to happen.

Additional benefits for the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Despite the fact that there will be no significant salary increase for police officers in 2018, a number of benefits have been left for the department that can partly compensate for financial losses. This list includes: additional days for labor leave (up to 10); placing in a separate queue for service housing; the option of receiving sanatorium treatment for yourself and relatives; the possibility of free qualified medical care, including operations. In addition, for servants of law enforcement agencies, separate housing is provided in hostels when they enter the service. If an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a family, the employer, that is, the department, is obliged to provide him with a separate room. In this regard, nothing has changed since the days of the USSR, when work in the police was perhaps the only reliable way for young guys from the provinces to gain a foothold in Moscow. Will there be indexing in 2018?...

According to the official statement of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in October 2017, officials will consider a bill according to which in 2018 all police salaries will be indexed by 5.5%. The allowances will help overcome the negative effects of inflation, estimated by specialists at the level of 5-6%. If the project is approved, indexation should be expected in January-February 2017. The Ministry of Finance also expressed its intention to direct funding to improve working conditions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The funds will be used to refurbish the premises, purchase necessary equipment, professional development of employees.

Thus, the topic of when the police will increase salaries in 2018 is not yet closed, but now we can say that a significant increase in salaries is not expected. Ordinary employees can only hope for a miracle and for finding additional financial reserves in the RF Ministry of Finance.