How much does an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment earn. How much does an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment earn Salaries of electricians in other cities of Russia

The life of a modern person is simply impossible to imagine without electricity, the presence of which everyone perceives as something due and obligatory. However, in reality, to get electricity, you have to do an enormous amount of work. After the end of production, it is necessary to send electricity to consumers through transmission lines, which in the future must be serviced by the masters of electrical networks.

Of course, such work is very responsible and even dangerous to health, so before you start learning the basics of this profession, you need to clarify what salary is provided for an electrician.

The main tasks of this profession

Before you find out what the salary of the master for the repair and maintenance of equipment or a contact network is, you should figure out what professional tasks an electrician should perform and what obligations he has:

  • laying of electrical wiring and networks;
  • repair work of any kind of electrical equipment;
  • professional maintenance of both networks and equipment powered by electricity.

It is probably easy to understand that any duty of an electrician is very dangerous. Therefore, a specialist with a permit of the appropriate level can perform this or that work. Its level is affected by:

  1. Experience.
  2. Received education.
  3. Passing required exams.
  4. Improving the level of qualifications in special courses.

Given the above points, a specialist in the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment can be assigned the appropriate category, ranging from 1st to 8th.

It will be possible to become an electrician only if you have a certificate of completion of secondary specialized education in the profession corresponding to the chosen field of activity. In addition, the master must necessarily undergo retraining once every 5 years, as this is a mandatory requirement for all work that is classified as dangerous.

What is the salary level of an electrician in Russian cities

The work of an electrician in Russia is estimated at about 35 thousand rubles. However, the salary of electricians of OPS and SCB, who operate in the capital of Russia or in the Far North, can be almost doubled, especially if the electrician is a highly qualified specialist. And for beginners who, for example, start their work on railway(as a fitter of the Russian Railways contact network), the average salary can vary from 13 to 17 thousand rubles. Earnings of electricians of MOESK, who need to openly serve metropolitan substations, reach 40 thousand rubles, their work requires accuracy and care.

The highest earnings of electricians in Russian regions

According to statistics, the salary paid to an electrician depends not only on the level of professionalism of the master, but also on the Russian region:

  • 52,000 rubles will be the salary of an electrician working in the Krasnoyarsk region;
  • 49,000 rubles will be able to receive an electrician of the Sakhalin region;
  • 35,000 - 37,000 rubles - the salary of Moscow and St. Petersburg electricians;
  • approximately 30,000 rubles are received by highly qualified electricians working in Novgorod;
  • 25,000 - the salary of an electrician in the Murmansk region.

According to these data, the highest salary is for electricians in the Krasnoyarsk District, and the lowest salary for an electrician is recorded in the Murmansk Region.

It is almost impossible to imagine the modern world without electricity. Almost all enterprises and institutions are able to work only with uninterrupted power supply. Yes, and in everyday life to do without electrical appliances will not work. Therefore, the profession of an electrician is in demand everywhere.

How much does an electrician earn for such labor necessary for people's lives? What are the occupational risks and benefits? What additional payments and bonuses can a specialist in this profession? What pension can an electrician expect?

Professional responsibilities

In order to get a position as an electrician, it is not enough to be well versed in electrical engineering. First you need to get one of the electrical specialties. Specialists with secondary specialized education: electrical equipment technician and electrician.

Job Responsibilities technique consists in the repair of electrical appliances, the prevention and elimination of all problems. He also deals with the prevention of devices, measurements and calculations. The technician must know the principles of operation of transformers, diagrams of the device of energy automatic systems.

The duties of an electrician include the assembly and repair of electrical networks, simple assemblies and lighting devices, as well as the inspection and repair of power supplies.

An electrical engineer, a specialist with a higher education, designs electrical supply systems for structures, controls the correct implementation of this project. His responsibilities include repairing electrical devices and preventing possible emergencies.

In addition, an electrician in any position must:

  • to carry out technical operation and maintenance of electrical equipment;
  • realize service maintenance household machines and electrical appliances;
  • to adjust, adjust and check electrical equipment;
  • comply with safety regulations for the operation of electrical equipment and conduct standard and certification tests;
  • carry out metrological verification of products; draw up defective statements and reporting documentation;
  • ensure safety at the operating facility.

The work of an electrician is associated with a high risk to life and health and implies a high level of responsibility for one's own safety and the safety of other employees and the entire enterprise.

It should be noted that only specialists who have a permit for electrical safety can perform work with electricity.

What affects the salary of an electrician

Electricians have been in demand ever since people learned how to control electricity and put it at the service of mankind. Today, more than 9,500 jobs in this position remain vacant in Russia. However, it should be noted that the amount of salary depends on the following factors:


A young specialist without work experience, employers offer a place with a salary of 12-18 thousand rubles. The number of such vacancies does not exceed 2-3% of all offers. Electricians with an experience of 1-3 years are ready to pay 19-34 thousand rubles. Electrical maintenance specialists, whose experience is 3-6 years, can count on wages from 35 to 150 thousand rubles.

Place of work

An electrician who ensures the operation of a bakery receives 25-28 thousand rubles for his work. monthly. When an electrician-installer, at a facility under construction, earns 40-70 thousand rubles. Employers are ready to pay ship electromechanics from 150 thousand rubles. The highest salary is received by electromechanics serving the enterprises of the diamond mining industry from 400 thousand per month.

Qualification and tolerance class

There are 6 classes of access to work with electrical equipment. The lowest class 1 - employees with this clearance class cannot work with electrical equipment. Electricians of the 2nd class can work at objects with a low level of danger. Class 3 gives access to work with voltages up to 1000 V. Specialists of classes 4-6 have a higher electrical engineering education and are allowed to work with objects from 1000 to 15000 V.

Of course, the average monthly income also depends on the place of residence of a specialist in electrical engineering. In the capital region, the salaries of electricians are much higher than in the provincial ones.

Additional bonuses

As additional bonuses for electricians working on a rotational basis, employers guarantee:

  • accommodation in a hostel;
  • discount food;
  • medical examination at the expense of the employer;
  • travel expenses to and from work.

How much do electricians earn in Moscow

The salaries of electricians in the capital region are quite high and are in the range of 25-120 thousand rubles. per month. An analysis of vacancies showed that Moscow is experiencing a shortage of specialists in the maintenance of electrical equipment. Today, about 2,000 vacancies for electricians remain open.

Most employers are ready to pay specialists with higher education 40-80 thousand rubles. monthly. The average monthly salary is 44-58 thousand rubles. per month. This is 1.5-2 times more than the average salary in Moscow.

Salaries of electricians in other cities of Russia

The highest incomes have electromechanics working in an underground mine "Lucky" them. F.B. Andreeva in Yakutia. Most of their working time is spent working underground. For their hard work, they receive from 406 thousand rubles. per month. Average salaries for electricians Republic of Sakha amount to 79-93 thousand rubles.

High salaries are received by electricians at a gold mining enterprise in the city of Bodaibo Irkutsk regions - up to 142 thousand rubles. Average salaries in the Irkutsk region are at the level of 30-60 thousand rubles.

Electricians make good money Krasnoyarsk Territory and Sverdlovsk region up to 120 thousand rubles. Average indicators are in the range of 30-50 thousand rubles.

In St. Petersburg, electricians earn between 17-70 thousand rubles. per month. On average, salaries in the northern capital are 30-42 thousand rubles.

AT Saratov, Krasnodar, Smolensk, Penza, Voronezh, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Samara and Tula an electrician is paid a salary of 13-60 thousand rubles. per month. AT Tambov electrical specialists receive less than their colleagues, only 9-30 thousand rubles.
Thus, the average monthly salary in the regions of Russia is 31-33 thousand rubles. This corresponds to the average salaries of other workers in the country's economy.

How much do electricians earn in other countries of the world

AT USA an electrical engineer earns 115-230 thousand dollars a year (6.9-13.8 million rubles). Their average monthly salaries are 28.8 thousand dollars (1.7 million rubles) per month. German electricians earn 2.5 - 2.9 thousand euros (180-205 thousand rubles), French- 2 thousand euros (140 thousand rubles), English- 2.5 thousand pounds (200 thousand rubles). Which is significantly higher than the income of Russian electricians.


Some categories of electricians are eligible for a preferential pension. These include electric linemen who were engaged in the installation of high-voltage overhead lines and electricians for the repair of overhead power lines, working at a height of more than 5 m.

If the worker's experience in these specialties is more than 12.5 years, then he can retire at the age of 55. The average amount of pensions for electricians is 13.5-15.5 thousand rubles.

It is worth noting that today electricians in the firms "Husband for an hour" are in great demand. It can be performed by both working specialists, combining with the main place of work, and retired electricians. Applicants are offered traveling work with a piecework form of payment, which is 40-43 thousand rubles. per month.

You can also choose another payment method - hourly payment. It has advantages, as the employee immediately receives payment from the customer. In this case, the electrician's income is 50% of the calculation amount, where the first hour of work is 990 rubles, and the next 500-600 rubles.

Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment 2nd category Characteristics of work. Performing individual simple work on the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment under the guidance of an electrician of a higher qualification. Installation and repair of junction boxes, terminal blocks, safety shields and lighting fittings. Cleaning and purging with compressed air of electrical equipment with partial disassembly, washing and wiping of parts. Cleaning contacts and contact surfaces. Cutting, splicing, insulation and soldering of wires with voltage up to 1000 V. Laying of installation wires and cables. Maintenance and repair of solar and wind power plants with a capacity of up to 50 kW. Performing simple plumbing, assembly and carpentry when repairing electrical equipment. Connecting and disconnecting electrical equipment and performing simple measurements. Working with pneumatic and power tools. Lifting operations using simple lifting equipment and cranes operated from the floor. Checking and measuring the insulation resistance of distribution networks of stators and rotors of electric motors, transformer windings, inputs and outputs of cables with a megohmmeter.

Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment 2nd category Must know: the design and principle of operation of electric motors, generators, transformers, switching and control gear, batteries and electrical appliances; main types of electrical materials, their properties and purpose; rules and methods of installation and repair of electrical equipment in the scope of work performed; name, purpose and rules for using the applied working and measuring instruments and basic information about the production and organization of the workplace; techniques and methods for replacing, splicing and soldering low voltage wires; rules for first aid in case of electric shock; safety regulations for the maintenance of electrical installations in the scope of qualification group II; methods and sequence of rigging operations.

Work examples.

Lighting fittings: switches, socket outlets, cartridges, etc. - installation with network connection.

Inputs and outputs of cables - checking the insulation resistance with a megohmmeter.

The details are simple - coil springs, brackets, jumpers, lugs and contacts - fabrication and installation.

Illumination - installation.

Cables and wires - cutting ends, crimping and soldering tips.

Structures made of steel and other metals for electrical appliances manufacturing and installation.

Contactors, relays, controllers, command devices - checking and tightening fasteners, cleaning and filing contacts, replacing and lubricating them, replacing arc extinguishing devices.

Household electrical appliances: stoves, irons, etc. - dismantling, repair and assembly.

Wires and cables (overhead) - installation, dismantling, repair and replacement.

Welding transformers - disassembly, simple repair, assembly, terminal shield installation.

Socles of electric lamps - soldering ends.

Shields and distribution boxes - change and installation of fuses and circuit breakers.

Power or lighting network shields with a simple scheme (up to eight groups) - manufacturing and installation.

Electric motors and generators - partial disassembly, cleaning and blowing with compressed air, lubrication, replacement of brushes.

Grounding electrodes - installation and driving.

Payment for work according to the tariff scale of pieceworkers is made in the case when more than 50% the total amount of work performed in conventional units or more 50% of the monthly working time falls on TO, TR and installation work. In other cases, electricians are paid according to the tariff scale of time workers.

The basic salary of electricians is calculated at the hourly tariff rate corresponding to the average category of work with the duration of the working time of an electrician per month 173.1 hours

Additional wages and social security contributions are calculated as a percentage of the basic wage in accordance with the regulations in force in the economy on cost accounting and planning:

a) a bonus of up to 40%;

b) district coefficient in accordance with the zone ( on average 15%);

c) holiday pay 6,5%;

d) social security contributions 4,4%.

Monthly official salary electrician is determined by the formula:

O m \u003d T s * F r.v. , (9.2)

where: About m — monthly salary, rub.;

T s — hourly tariff rate, rub.;

F r.v average annual working time (working time fund) per month (173.1).

Assuming that the exploitation services (THEN) works on the farm 3 rank for pieceworkers, then his monthly salary will be equal to:

About m = 5,12 * Nmo * 173.1 \u003d 886.2 rubles.

where: Nmo the number of electricians in the maintenance group.

Salary for THEN and TR for 199_

Estimated indicators

Annual labor costs, man-hours
Average category of work
Tariff rate of the middle category, rub.
Basic salary, rub.

886.2 Nto

979.7 Ntr

Bonuses up to 40% of the basic salary, rub.
Regional coefficient to the basic salary
Vacation pay 6.5% of the basic salary, rub.
Total (general salary fund), rub.
Charges of 4.4% on the general salary fund, rub.
Total salary of electricians, rub.

The amount of costs for materials, spare parts, semi-finished products and purchased products, for the implementation THEN and TR determined as a percentage of the main wages. These figures are reliable, derived on the basis of calculations. The amount of these costs for various groups of electrical equipment is given in table 9.3.

Cost of materials used to complete THEN and TR

electrical equipment

Equipment groups

The cost of materials as a % of the basic salary for:

Switchgear and electrical
Asynchronous electric motors
Control and protection equipment for electric drives
Welding transformers
Welding converters and generators
Electrothermal equipment
Lighting and irradiation installations
Average value for all groups of equipment available on the farm

The cost of materials, spare parts and raw materials, determined in %- max to the basic salary of electricians, is on average for TO - 31%, for TR - 86% (see table. 9.3.)

Overhead costs are taken by part-time students from the financial plan of the economy. Full-time students overhead at THEN and TR take equal 50% from the cost of materials at THEN and TR. Cost calculation THEN and TR electrical equipment is summarized in table 9.4.

Calculation of the cost of electrical equipment for 199_ year


Salary of electricians, rub. (from Table 9.2.)
Including the main one, rub.
Costs for materials, spare parts and raw materials, rub.
Maintenance costs Vehicle and maintenance, operation of the equipment of the electrical section, rub.
Overhead costs, rub.
Planned savings, rub.
Total costs for maintenance and repair, rub. 3

Note: 1 at 12.6% from 280 rubles. cost of PTO equipment, project No. 216-224 tab. 7.1.1.

2 at 36% of the basic salary

3 total costs include the salary of electricians

Calculation of costs for operational (duty) maintenance is carried out separately: the cost of one man-hour with an on-duty (operational) service is equal to the cost of one man-hour at THEN.

In our example, the cost of THEN constitute 383 man-hours , and on TR670 man-hours

Maintenance costs will be:

(383 + 670) 0.15 = 157.97 man-hours

Determine the cost of 1 man-hour THEN

Electricity in the modern world is one of the most important components of our life. At the same time, ensuring energy supply is a complex, dangerous and multi-stage process. The energy produced at power plants needs to be delivered to the final consumer, and this task is handled by the masters of electrical networks, servicing the power lines. Before you find out what the salary of an electrician, you should list his job responsibilities.

The main work of the power supply master is laying, repairing and maintaining electrical networks. Electricians also install, repair and maintain equipment that generates electric current. The work of any specialist is associated with a real danger to life, therefore, admission to it is regulated by the level of admission that corresponds to the category of the employee. The salary of an electrician technician corresponds to the position held and the complexity of the work, so the higher the rank, the more the specialist earns.

electrician salary

All electricians have a category - from 2 to 8. The second category is assigned after receiving a secondary specialized specialized education. The fourth category is received along with a certificate of higher education or after 5 years of service. Often, for maintenance work, the category of an electrician is limited to the sixth. To obtain 7th and 8th grades, a specific education is required, which allows you to work directly in the production of electricity at stations.

Average electrician salary

Considering as a whole, an electrician in housing and communal services, the average salary in Russia in 2016 was 27,660 rubles. In large cities, taking into account specialists employed in the private sector working with electrical equipment, the average salary was 43,000 rubles, with minimum wage labor for open vacancies of 6 thousand and reaching up to 100 thousand rubles.

If you do not take into account specific positions, but provide information on real earnings in the regions, then we can say that objectively an electrician of the 4th category has a salary of 20-25 thousand rubles. At the same time, the salary of an electrician of the 5th category, on average, brings at least 23 thousand per month. In addition to the category, wages depend on specialization and region.

electrical engineer salary

An electrical network engineer is an electrician of the 6th category, whose salary often exceeds 30,000 rubles per month. The duties of an employee include the maintenance of transformers, complex production equipment or industrial engineering systems. For example, performing work related to the repair of electronics on cars and in shipping, a specialist in Russia can earn 31,300 rubles in almost any region.

electrician technician salary

Electrical technicians and fitters are mainly involved in the maintenance and replacement of local electrical networks in the public sector. The salary of an electrician technician, who performs relatively complex work and usually has a 4 or 5 category, differs little from the average salary, rarely below 30 thousand rubles per month of work. The electrician on duty, with the exception of the positions of a night electrician on calls, has an income of about 26,700 rubles. The worst thing about wages is if you are an electrician - a salary in this specialty is almost always below 20,000, although such work is less responsible and dangerous, and is usually limited to replacing electrical wiring or checking the meter.

Electrician salary in Moscow

The profession of an electrician in administrative cities, including the capital, in terms of wages, practically does not exceed the average for Russia and is even lower than in a number of northern cities. The average salary of an electrician in Moscow, as well as the salary of an electrician in St. Petersburg in the field of municipal employment with the 6th category, is 35,000 rubles.

Salary of an electrician in Russia

The salary of an electrician is highest in the North - for an engineering position in the Sakhalin Region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it is about 50,000, and a little less than 45 thousand in the Magadan Region. Some of the lowest salaries, that is, less than 30 thousand rubles, are in the Kaluga, Novgorod, Murmansk and Chelyabinsk regions. At the same time, the average salary of an electrician in Russia is in the range of 30-35 thousand.