Technical operation and maintenance of electrical equipment work. Who can work, having received the specialty of the operation of railways

Modern growth rates of transport infrastructure development require a large number of highly qualified personnel specializing in the field of transport operation. Depending on the necessary skills and their application, for obtaining education in this area, the following specialties can be distinguished.

Specialty: railway operation

Specialists, profile "Operation railways”, ensure the organization of the movement of trains throughout the territory of our country. Their area of ​​responsibility is to ensure the timely transportation of passengers and goods, as well as the regulation of the activities of all services servicing railways and communications.

Useful skills of the railway operation specialty:

1. Development of plans to improve the coordination of transportation.
2. Competent orientation in the legislation concerning the scope of operation of railways.
3. Drawing up plans and transport and technological schemes for the delivery of goods.
4. Organization and equipment of the objects of the entrusted transport infrastructure, taking into account the capacities, location and territory planning.
5. Management in the field of logistics and passenger traffic.

Professions in the field of railway operation:

transport manager;
railway engineer;

Specialty: technical operation of rolling stock

Technicians carrying out activities in the profile: "Technical operation of rolling stock" ensure the safe movement and long-term service of freight and passenger locomotives. Thanks to their qualified and responsible work, the delivery of goods and people by rail remains one of the safest ways to travel.

Useful skills of the specialty technical operation of rolling stock:

1. The study of technological processes of operation of rolling stock.
2. Organization and carrying out of repair work.
3. Proper execution of all necessary documentation.
4. Carrying out scheduled and preventive inspections of the composition, with the identification of possible malfunctions.

Professions in the specialty technical operation of rolling stock:

assistant driver;
wagon inspector;
rolling stock repairman.

Specialty: operation of transport and technical machines and complexes

Professions in the field of operation of transport and technical machines and complexes ensure the introduction of advanced technologies in modern engineering. Innovative developments of specialists allow to improve specifications mechanisms, and thereby increase the productivity in their field of activity.

Useful skills of the specialty operation of transport and technical machines and complexes:

1. Designing cars, mechanisms and parts for them.
2. Organization of testing of vehicles and other equipment in order to improve the quality of production technology.
3. Development of design and exterior of machines and complexes.
4. Diagnostics of various systems of machines and mechanisms.

Professions in the specialty operation of transport and technical machines and complexes:

Transport engineer;
transport service specialist
Auto Mechanic;

Specialty: operation of transport electrical equipment and automation

Thanks to the correct operation of electrical equipment, control is exercised over most systems of any mechanism. A technician working in the profile "Operation of transport electrical equipment and automation" ensures the smooth operation of vehicles, thereby ensuring the successful operation of the enterprise.

Useful skills of the specialty operation of transport electrical equipment and automation:

1. Maintenance and repair of electrical equipment of mechanisms.
2. Ability to competently, and in accordance with existing standards, draw up the necessary documentation.
3. Organization of preventive inspections of entrusted equipment.
4. Diagnostics of power supply systems in transport.

Professions in the specialty operation of transport electrical equipment and automation:

Car mechanic;

Specialty: construction and operation of highways

The development of the infrastructure of many industries depends on a high-quality and well-designed system of roads. Engineers who have mastered the profession "Construction and operation of roads" ensure the long-term and safe movement of various types of transport across the territory of our country.

Useful skills of the specialty construction and operation of highways:

1. Development and planning of design and survey, topogeodesic, engineering-geological and other types of work.
2. Control over the conduct of construction and installation work.
3. Design of transport facilities.
4. Participation in the production of road building materials.
5. Preparation of plans for the development of transport infrastructure in accordance with technical regulations.

Professions in the specialty construction and operation of roads:

Design engineer;

Specialty: technical operation of cars

Maintenance and operation road transport- the main factor in the successful management of logistics and passenger traffic. A specialist operating in the field of “Technical operation of vehicles” is primarily responsible for the safe and organized transportation of goods.

This article is devoted to such an interesting, but also complex field of activity as subways and Russian Railways, namely the specialization "Technical operation of railways". Let's talk about what kind of profession it is, where you can work. Let's share other information.

After what grade of school do they take?

Immediately, we note that this specialty is generalized, and it exists only in railway technical schools and colleges. And the institutions are already completely different, or rather, narrow-profile. Look: for example, the university has the specialties "Locomotives", "Wagons", "Organization of transportation by railway transport" and others. See? Everything is separate. Even the study of locomotives at different faculties has dissimilar disciplines, types of cars, locomotives. And the specialty "Technical operation of the rolling stock of railways" is, as it were, a simplified and generalized version.

You can enroll after 9th grade. Or you can even go to study, even if you have a higher education (naturally, in another industry). Teaching in the daytime, evening and part-time departments. So, if there is an acute desire to leave, for example, from the food sector to the railway sector, then they will accept it without hindrance. It is necessary to pass, in addition to dictation, physics and mathematics.

Is it really necessary to have an education on the railroad?

There is an increasing demand for specialists higher education, despite the fact that there are far fewer engineering positions than usual. It is for such “ordinary” positions that people with a legal or zoological education are hired. Let's not talk about those who were hired to work in Russian Railways or in the metro. Let it not be about us. Believe me, this area requires knowledge of the profile. Imagine that the same railway worker will be put in a pharmacy behind the counter to sell medicines. Does he know much? No. So it is in the field of transport: you need to understand at least the very basics. This will help the specialty "Technical operation of the rolling stock of railways", which is designed for workers of different professions.

Let's use an example to explain why education is needed here. Imagine that you have been hired to do various operations with locomotives. The worker needs to determine at some point in time what category the malfunction can be attributed to, so that the repair crews can know what to prepare for and what to fix. An illiterate operator can choose a completely different category, which will lead to problems for all workers associated with the repair. The operator will receive a reprimand or lose the bonus. And this is just one example.

What positions?

Now let's see what can be offered to a graduate of a railway technical school with the qualification "Technical operation of rolling stock of railways." What is the job of such a person? Keep in mind that many positions will require a medical examination, as the transport sector is a hazardous industry.

So, now about positions. To be more precise, at first we will divide into various enterprises, services. As you know, there is a subway. It's all one area, one industry. In the subway, you can work in an electric depot with rolling stock, either in a repair shop or in an operation shop.

At Russian Railways, the division is not divided into workshops, but into structural units. Therefore, choose in advance: for operation or for repair. If there is a desire to work at the plant, then definitely - repair.

So let's consider:

  • exploitation: decoding of tapes, computer operator, contractor, line operator;
  • repair: locksmith, technician, defectoscopist, inspector, compiler of wagons.

Conductors and drivers

Maybe someone will ask now: "But what about the machinists, conductors? Why haven't they been reminded of them?" And they didn’t remind me because they have their own courses. There are courses for assistant drivers, conductors. Drivers are trained only after they have been assistants for the required amount of time, for example, 2 years. Conductors have their own courses.

By the way, it should be noted that in railway colleges they study to become an assistant driver (of electric trains, for example). It is completely optional to study them at the courses "Technical operation of the rolling stock of railways". During the training, all students learn theory, do laboratory work and go to practice.

Is it worth going?

Remember, if you have serious health problems: poor hearing, inattention, absent-mindedness, limited movement, neurological diseases, very poor eyesight, a sick heart, weak blood vessels and a problem with pressure, then it is better to give up your idea. The profession "Technical operation of the rolling stock of railways" requires the employee to be attentive and in good health. You can, of course, for the sake of interest, get an education and be a railway worker only with a diploma, no one will forbid. But the practice will need to be completed (a medical examination is not needed, unless you are going to immediately go on a flight as an assistant driver or conductor).

Here are some of the points related to the profession "Technical operation of the rolling stock of railways." Any nuances can arise only during the selection of a position or already in the process of work. The salary of a technician with such a profession is small, and the responsibility and psycho-emotional (or physical) load are large.

Qualification - technician

The profession of "car mechanic" was born with the development of road transport. The production and operation of automobiles increased the need for people who could repair them in the event of a breakdown. With the invention of the assembly line by Henry Ford (30s of the XX century), the number of cars increased dramatically. This created a need to increase the number of people who can maintain the car in good condition. The complication of car design and the emergence of sophisticated diagnostic equipment (50s of the 20th century) lead to the division of the specialties of a car mechanic: minder, car electrician, painter, vulcanizer, etc. To date, this profession remains in demand as the number of cars produced is steadily growing, and progress does not stand still. Noisy and dirty, they will gradually leave the city, and they will be replaced by highly efficient and environmentally friendly transport.

Transport of the future
are solar-powered vehicles converted to use hydrogen. It does not matter that you are in heavy traffic, you have a "smart" car. Equipped with a navigation system, the car will pave the way in a fast flow, and the driver can relax. There are many predictions and fantasies about what the car of the future will be like. Many scientists are working on the latest technologies in the automotive industry. Whatever it is, its main task - to serve the person will remain unchanged.
That is why the specialty "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles" is now in demand and highly paid.
Reliable work depends on the work of a car mechanic vehicle. Auto mechanic checks technical condition car and, if necessary, carries out its timely repair. The safety of the movement of passengers in the car will depend on how the car mechanic tries. So responsibility is necessary professional quality car repairman.
Our graduates work at various motor transport enterprises, service stations. Many open their workshops and shops.
On the basis of the college there are training workshops, the material and technical base of which allows for practice during the training period, as well as repairing college cars. In the same workshops, students complete their graduation projects.

Students receive theoretical materials in specially equipped classrooms equipped with various stands made by students of graduate groups as a thesis, as well as modern methods and training programs based on the latest achievements of science and technology.
The main task of training specialists for us is to bring them to the forefront of science and technology while simultaneously developing analytical thinking and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, which will allow them to be competitive and find the most profitable job for themselves in the future.
Every year, the competition "Best in Profession" is held, where our students take an active part and win prizes.
On the day of the motorist, students of our college lay flowers at the monument to soldiers - motorists of 1941-1945. On this day, there is an exhibition of rare cars that you will not see on a normal day.

During their studies at the college, students can learn all the intricacies of the device, maintenance and repair of automotive equipment, learn how to professionally drive cars and trucks.
Also, students have the opportunity to study at a driving school at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education SGTU named after Yu.A. Gagarin. and get right.

Personal qualities:

A car mechanic works both indoors (workshops, boxes, garages) and outdoors. It is possible to perform work in very uncomfortable positions. Great load on the musculoskeletal and visual apparatus.

A car repair mechanic can work both alone and in teams, interacting with specialists from other profiles. In this case, he needs the ability to work in a team, a developed sense of responsibility for the work of the team as a whole, as well as for the high-quality performance of all work performed by different specialists.


  • visual and hearing impairments;
  • chronic diseases of the joints, deformity of the fingers;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergic diseases;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders.


Base Term
Form of study
Maintenance and repair
road transport
Qualification - technician
based on 9 classes 3 years 10 months Full-time education
based on 11 classes 2 years 10 months Extramural studies
Full-time education

State educational standard in the specialty "Maintenance and repairroad transport» for the training of a specialist in this profile involves the study of manyprofessional and special disciplines:

To carry out competent maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, a specialist must know not only its structure, but also understand the processes that occur during its operation. It is necessary to know and understand the physical and chemical processes that occur in the engines during its operation.

Successful assimilation of the program will allow the student to understand that the specialty he has chosen is interesting and will be in demand by society, both today and in the foreseeable future. A car, like a living being, requires daily care and maintenance, timely repairs and continuous diagnostics of its condition. Fulfillment of these requirements will allow you to operate the car for a long period and successfully perform work.

Upon graduation, you will be able to work:

  • bus, taxi parks;
  • motor transport enterprises;
  • convoys;
  • transport shops;
  • shipping companies;
  • car services;
  • motor sports;
  • service stations and instrumental control of vehicles;
  • automotive units of the Armed Forces and the police.


The field of professional activity of graduates in the specialty "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles": organizing and carrying out maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, organizing the activities of primary labor collectives.

Advantages of the specialty:

Profession restrictions: disgust for "dirty" work, the need to constantly master new technologies, high physical stress, high responsibility for the final result.

A motor vehicle maintenance and repair technician is preparing for the following activities:

  • Maintenance and repair of vehicles.
    • Organize and carry out maintenance and repair of vehicles.
    • Carry out technical control during storage, operation, maintenance and repair of vehicles.
    • Develop technological processes repair of units and parts.
  • Organization of the activities of the team of performers.
    • Plan and organize maintenance and repair of vehicles.
    • Monitor and evaluate the quality of the work of the contractors.
    • Organize the safe conduct of work during the maintenance and repair of vehicles.

State budgetary professional institution

Irkutsk region

Cheremkhovo Mining and Technical College named after M.I. Shchadov


Introduction to the specialty

basic professional

educational program in the specialty

(140448, Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by industry) )

Cheremkhovo, 2015


cycle commission

mining disciplines


_____________IN AND. Popov



methodological council


Protocol No.___

dated ___________ 2015

MC Chairman

___________ E.K. Vashchuk ------

Working programm academic discipline developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standards (hereinafter - GEF) for the professions of secondary vocational education(hereinafter SPO)

Developer organization : State budgetary professional institution of the Irkutsk region "Cheremkhovo Mining and Technical College named after V.I. M.I. Shchadov

Developer Arbatskaya A.M. Lecturer GBPOU IO "CHGTK named after M.I. Shchadov

The work program is intended for specialties of secondary vocational education:

140448, Maintenance and service of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by industry)





3. conditions for the implementation of the program GENERAL PROFESSIONAL DISCIPLINE

4. Monitoring and evaluation of development results GENERAL PROFESSIONAL DISCIPLINE

1. passport working PROGRAM general professional discipline

Introduction to the specialty

    1. Scope of the approximate programs

Work program of general professional discipline Introduction to the professionis part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialties of secondary vocational education140448 Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by industry)

    1. The place of general professional discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program: discipline is ingeneral professional cycle.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the academic discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the academic discipline:

As a result of studying the academic disciplinethe student must:

have an idea :

    about the place of the specialty in the socio-economic sphere;


    general characteristics of the specialty;

    requirements for the level of specialist training in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty;

    organization and provision of the educational process;

    forms and methods of independent work;

    the basics of the student's information culture;

be able to:

    use the knowledge of the discipline "Introduction to the specialty" in the process of mastering the specialty.

the maximum study load of a student is 10 hours, including:

obligatory classroom teaching load of the student 8 hours;

student's independent work 2 hours.


2.1. The volume of the discipline and types academic work

Type of study work

Watch volume

Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)




test papers


Independent work of the student (total)

Final certification in the form of a test

  1. 2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline of the OP. 13 Introduction to the specialty

Name of sections and topics

The content of the educational material, laboratory works and practical classes, independent work of the student

Watch volume

Level of development






Subject, goals and objectives of the academic discipline "Introduction to the specialty", hthe meaning of the discipline and its role in the training of specialists. Information about the formation of the specialty.


Section 1.

The main professional program in the specialty 140448


The main professional educational program in the specialty is the Federal State Educational Standard SPO (FSES)

Independent work:

Law Russian Federation"On Education"

Section 2

GEF requirements for the training of mid-level specialists

The content of the educational material:


General characteristics of the specialty 140448 "Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by industry)".

Independent work:

Standard requirements for a mid-level specialist.

Graduate qualification. General competenciesCVD.

Independent work:

Requirements for the preparation of a graduate in the humanities and socio-economic disciplines.

Requirements for training in mathematics and natural sciences.

Independent work:

Requirements for the preparation of a graduate in general professional disciplines.

Requirements for the preparation of a graduate in professional modules.

Section 3

The content and directions of the specialist's activity. Brief review of general professional disciplines and professional modules.

The content of the educational material:


    Summary EP "Engineering graphics", "Metrology, standardization and certification", "Technical mechanics", "Labor protection". Knowledge and skills.

    Summary of the EP "Electrical Engineering and Electronics", "Information Technology in Professional Activities", "Materials Science".

Independent work:

    Summary of the EP "Fundamentals of Economics", "Legal Basis for Professional Activities", "Life Safety"

    Summary of PM.01 "Organization of maintenance and repair of electrical and electromechanical equipment."

    Independent work:

    Summary of PM.02 "Performing service maintenance of household machines and appliances."

    Independent work:

    Summary of PM.03 “Organization of activities production unit". The composition of the module, the main professional competencies.

    Independent work:

    Summary of PM.04 "Performance of work by profession Electrician for the repair of electrical equipment." The composition of the module, the main professional competencies.

Section 4

Information culture of the student

The content of the educational material:



    Fundamentals of student's information culture.Information culture in human life.

    Library - repository information resources, the basis of education and self-education. System of catalogs and cards. Card and electronic catalogs.

    Reference publications in educational and practical activities. Types of reference manuals: encyclopedias (universal, branch, thematic); dictionaries (spelling, explanatory, language, branch); reference books.

    Bibliography, its types. Index of GOSTs as an example of a branch bibliography. Methodology of student's bibliographic work (in term paper, diploma design). Ways of grouping the material in the bibliographic list: alphabetical, systematic, chapter by chapter, chronological.

    File system for storing information in a PC. File types. File archiving. Types and formats of material storage media: hard disk drives, floppy disks, optical disks, flash disks.

    The concept of the global Internet and its functions. Internet Services. Basics of working with browser programs.

    Create, send and forward emails, attach files to emails. Search for information on the global Internet. Overview of Internet search servers.

Section 5

Organization of independent work of the student.

The content of the educational material:


    Student's independent work: concept, purpose, functions. Forms of independent work: classroom (classroom) and extracurricular (extracurricular).

    Methods of independent work.

    Means of independent work of the student: with a summary, with educational and reference literature; technical means information; visual aids; handouts, etc.

    Methodology for keeping lecture notes, educational literature, etc.

Management of independent work of students: ways, means, techniques.

Topic 3.

Competencies in the professional field

The content of the educational material:


    Technical documentation for the specialty. The concept of technical documentation, features of working with it.

    Planning of individual work of the head. Cyclogram of the work of the middle manager. Basic methods of team management, problems of psychological interaction.

    Labor legislation and features of its application. Operating modes, forms wages, types of material and non-material incentives. Encouragement and punishment of employees, types of disciplinary punishments. Laborcontracts.

    Job Search Technology. Resumes, features of their presentation. Techniques for conducting a conversation when applying for a job.

Independent work of students

    Preparation of presentations, abstracts. Preparing and writing resumes, sample employment contracts. Work in the library, work with catalogs, selection of literature for abstracts. Analysis of production situations.




3.1. Minimum Logistics Requirements

The composition of the educational, methodological and logistical support of the program of the general professional discipline "Geology" includes:

multifunctional teacher complex;

visual aids (sets of training tables, stands, diagrams, posters, etc.);

information and communication means;

collection of minerals

3.2. Information support of training

For students

1. Platov N.A. Fundamentals of engineering geology. M. Infra-M 2012-174 p.

Control and evaluation of the results of mastering the discipline

Control and evaluation the results of mastering the discipline are carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes, testing, as well as the implementation by students of individual tasks, projects, research.

Molded OK, PC

Learning Outcomes

(learned skills, acquired knowledge)

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes



PC. 2.4.

be able to

Conduct field observations and documentation of geological objects, work with a mountain compass, describe rock samples, determine the origin of landforms and deposits in various rocks by the structure of debris;

Determine the forms and elements of landforms, the relative age of rocks from geological, geomorphological, physical-graphic maps;

Determine the physical properties of minerals, the structure and texture of rocks;

Determine the forms of occurrence of rocks and types of faults;

Classify continental deposits by type;

Summarize facies-genetic features;

Determine the elements of the geological structure of the deposit;

Identify industrial types of mineral deposits;

Determine the amount of water inflows into mine workings and to various water intake facilities;

Expert assessment at a practical lesson

Expert assessment at a practical lesson

Evaluation of development results

Expert assessment at a practical lesson

Expert review. Observation

Expert review. Observation

Expert review. Observation

Expert assessment at a practical lesson



PC. 2.4.

know :

Physical properties and characteristics of the shells of the Earth, the material composition of the earth's crust, general patterns of structure and history of the development of the earth's crust and the placement of minerals in it;

Classification and properties of tectonic movements;

Genetic types, age and relationship with Quaternary landforms;

Endogenous and exogenous geological processes;

Geological and technogenic human activities;

The structure of the underground hydrosphere;

- structure and texture of rocks;

- physical and chemical properties of rocks;

- fundamentals of oil and gas geology;

- features of hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions of mineral deposits;

- basic minerals and rocks;

- main types of mineral deposits;

- basics of hydrogeology: the water cycle in nature; the origin of groundwater and its physical properties; gas and bacterial composition of groundwater; aeration zone waters; ground and artesian waters; groundwater in fractured and karst rocks; groundwater in the area of ​​permafrost development; mineral, industrial and thermal waters; conditions of watering of mineral deposits; fundamentals of groundwater dynamics;

- Fundamentals of engineering geology: rocks as groups and their physical and mechanical properties;

- methods and means of studying and surveying mining facilities;

- methods of geomorphological research and methods of studying stratigraphic division;

- methods for determining the age of geological bodies and restoring geological events of the past.

Expert assessment at a practical lesson

Expert assessment at a practical lesson

Expert review. Observation

Implementation and public defense of individual and group projects

Expert assessment at a practical lesson

Evaluation of development results

Expert assessment at a practical lesson

Expert review. Observation

Expert review. Observation

Execution and protection of group projects

Expert review. Observation

Expert assessment at a practical lesson

Level of the educational program: Middle-Level Specialist Training Program

Form of study: full-time

Awarded qualification: Technician

Type of educational program: Main

Normative period of education: 3 years 10 months

Language in which training is provided: Russian

Direction of preparation: Electricity and heat power engineering

Modern life is unthinkable without electrical energy. Millions of people in Everyday life- at work and at home - they deal with electrical devices and equipment. Its uninterrupted operation is ensured by a specialist in the technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment. No industry can do without such specialists.

Aviation or shipbuilding, metallurgy or the military-industrial complex, mining, utilities or social services will not be able to provide services if there is no electricity or broken equipment. An electrical technician, using the readings of measuring instruments, will quickly determine the node where the malfunction occurred, turn it off from the network, disassemble and fix the problem, turn it on and achieve normal operation. The specialist will organize and carry out maintenance, repair and testing of electrical and electromechanical equipment. It requires subtle observation, composure, clarity of thought.

An electrical technician must be able to do a lot with his own hands, own a wide variety of tools and devices. Today, a good electrical technician is also an electronics specialist. The operation of electrical substations, power lines, repair of electrical machines, electrical equipment of transport devices, which include cranes, elevators, maintenance of relay protection equipment and automation systems, depends on it.

A modern specialist in the technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment must know the structure and principle of operation of electrical equipment, be able to read drawings and diagrams, understand technical documentation, perform various technical calculations, and much more. This specialty requires the utmost composure, absolute attention, balance, composure, high personal discipline and personal responsibility and is suitable for those who want to realize the dream of a real man's work, who are interested in the creative nature of work.

Forms of mastering the main professional educational program in the specialty:

  • full-time;

Normative term for mastering the main professional educational program

  • on the basis of basic general education (9 classes) - 3 years 10 months.

Graduate Qualification - technician

The technician prepares for the following activities:

Organization of maintenance and repair of electrical and electromechanical equipment.

Maintenance of household machines and appliances.

Organization of activities of the production unit.

Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees.

Purpose of the specialty:

A qualified specialist organizes Maintenance and repair of electrical and electromechanical equipment; performs service maintenance household machines and appliances; organizes the activities of the production unit; performs work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees; participates in the modernization of industrial electrical and electromechanical equipment.

Must know:

Technical parameters, characteristics and features of various types of electrical machines,

Main characteristics and principle of construction of automatic control systems for electrical and electromechanical equipment,

Methods and equipment for diagnosing and monitoring the technical condition of electrical and electromechanical equipment and household appliances,

Advanced technologies for the repair of household appliances.

Should be able to:

Perform adjustment, adjustment and inspection, diagnostics, maintenance and repair of electrical and electromechanical
equipment and household appliances,

Maintain records of all types of work

organize work,

Analyze the results of the work of the team of performers,

Participate in the design and manufacture, testing of new electrical and electromechanical equipment,

To perform work in one or more working professions or positions of employees,

Observe the ethics of business communication in the team and when working with clients.

Advantages of the specialty:

  • sustained high demand for qualified specialists;
  • a variety of specializations within the specialty, the ability to choose the most suitable, interesting work;
  • high profit payment.

Upon graduation, you will be able to work in the following companies:

  • Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant;
  • Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant;
  • Chelyabinsk Forge and Press Plant;
  • PJSC Uralskaya Kuznitsa, etc.

Intellectual abilities:

  • chemistry,
  • physics,
  • maths,
  • drawing.

Creative skills:

  • creativity

To be successful as a production technician, you must have the following professionally important qualities:

Technical mindset;

Developed attention;

Ability to make decisions;

Ability to solve non-standard tasks;

Professionally important qualities:

  • drawing skills,
  • good eyeball,
  • good coordination of both hands,

Psychological features.