Fairy tale turnip in a new way. Scenario of the fairy tale "turnip in a new way"

The tale TURP is one of the first that adults read to children. Children grow up and the traditional plot of a fairy tale becomes too simple for them. For preschoolers of the middle group, it is possible to offer a reading of the tale in a new manner, with new characters and compositional digressions. The story is also suitable for dramatization.

Scenario: Fairy tale TURP


  • Leading,
  • curtain,
  • grandma,
  • Granddaughter,
  • bug,
  • Murka,
  • mouse,
  • Chickens and Roosters,
  • Turnip.


- Fairy tale is the best
You, most importantly, believe
What about the golden key
There will always be a door.

The curtain. Two children come out and stand side by side.


— Dear viewers!
Do you want to see the story?
The tale of the turnip new way
Tell you everyone is happy.

Leading: - The curtain opens.

The two children go in different directions.

Hens and Roosters come out, dance and stand on opposite sides of the hall.

Leading: - There was a grandfather with his family and he decided to plant a turnip to please his grandmother and granddaughter.

The family sits at the table, drinking tea, the grandfather gets up, plants a turnip, waters.

Leading: - Grandfather planted a turnip, he tried his best.

All the children come out, stand around the turnip. A round dance game "Turnip" is being held.

Children sing:

- Turnip-reponka, grow strong,
Neither small nor large, to the mouse tail, YES!

The mouse is trying to catch up with the turnip.


- The mouse did not give a turnip,
She went up and succeeded.
The turnip has grown amazingly!
So delicious and so pretty!


- It's time to tear the turnip already,
Surprise everyone with a harvest.

Grandfather is pulling a turnip.

Turnip: - It's not time yet.

Leading: And the chickens...


— Ko-ko-ko, Ko-ko-ko,
Pulling a turnip is not easy.


- To tear our turnip,
Grandma should be called.
Go, Grandma, don't be lazy and stand behind me.


We'll see who's who
After all, I'm Grandma - oh-hoo.
Instead of morning exercise
I'm weeding the beds.
I will pull out the turnip in an instant,
The old man will be happy!

Leading: They pull, they pull, they can't pull.

Turnip: - It's not time yet.

Leading: And the chickens...


- Co-co-co, co-co-co,
Pulling a turnip is hard!


- I should call my granddaughter,
So we do not pick a turnip.
Very grown big
And so heavy.


- They began to call their granddaughter together,
To then pull again.

Grandfather: - Granddaughter!

grandmother: - Granddaughter!

Together: - Hurry, run, help pull the turnip!

Granddaughter: - I'm running, running, I'll help you as much as I can!

Leading: - Grandfather for a turnip.

Turnip: - It's not time yet.

Grandfather: - Oh oh oh.

Leading: - Grandma for grandpa.

grandmother: — Oh-hoo.

Leading: - Granddaughter for grandmother.

Granddaughter: - La-la-la.

Leading: They pull, they pull, they can't pull. And the chickens...

Chickens: - Where-where, where-where, oh, how big the turnip is!


- No, we can't do it again.
Our Bug should be called.
Bug, Bug, don't be lazy
Grab the bottom quickly.


What is the noise and what is the fight?
Woof woof woof.
I'm tired as a dog.
Woof woof woof.
So many things to do in the yard
Wagged her tail all day
Didn't have time to look back
Now right under your nose
The turnip grew without demand.

Leading: - Grandfather for a turnip.

Turnip: - It's not time yet.

Grandfather: - Oh oh oh.

Leading: - Grandma for grandpa.

grandmother: — Oh-hoo.

Leading: - Granddaughter for grandmother.

Granddaughter: - La-la-la.

Leading: - Bug for granddaughter.

Bug: - Woof woof woof.


- The bug ran up to the Granddaughter and began to pull on the skirt,
Only the turnip is all in place, to know not to pull them together.

Turnip: - It's not time yet.

Leading: And the chickens...

Chickens: — Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, pulling out a turnip is not easy!


"Wow, wow, wow, what's wrong?"
Murka should be called here.
Murka, Murka, help me out,
Help pull the turnip.


- Meow-meow, in all languages, I purr a little,
'Cause I'm doing science
And don't meow at me.
I don't catch mice
I'm afraid I'll be tired
I can study milk and sour cream.
I will tell you a secret -
I love fish, not turnips.


- So Murka arrived in time,
And they got down to business.
Grandfather for a turnip.

Turnip: - It's not time yet.

Grandfather: - Oh oh oh.

Leading: - Grandma for grandpa.

grandmother: — Oh-hoo.

Leading: - Granddaughter for grandmother.

Granddaughter: - La-la-la.

Leading: - Bug for granddaughter.

Bug: - Woof woof woof.

Leading: - Murka for the Bug.

Murka: - Meow meow.


- They pull together, but here's the trouble -
Turnip neither here nor there.
And the chickens...

Chickens: - Where-where, where-where, oh, how big the turnip is!


- It would not hurt to call the Mouse,
Just ran here.
The mouse is younger, let it help.


- Mouse, Mouse, don't be lazy,
Work hard with your dreams.


- Pee-pee-pee, I am a very strong mouse.
And my skin is stylish.
I'd be happy to try
And what is the reward?


- A small piece of turnip,
You will, my friend.

Leading: - Grandfather for a turnip.

Turnip: - It's not time yet.

Grandfather: - Oh oh oh.

Leading: - Grandma for grandpa.

grandmother: — Oh-hoo.

Leading: - Granddaughter for grandmother.

Granddaughter: - La-la-la.

Leading: - Bug for granddaughter.

Bug: - Woof woof woof.

Leading: - Murka for the Bug.

Murka: - Meow meow.

Leading: - Mouse for Murka.

Mouse: - Wee-wee-wee.

All: - Let's stand together, say "WOW!"


- They suddenly pulled out a turnip!
They threw her to the ground
Ten beds were destroyed.
And the chickens...

Chickens: - Ku-ka-re-ku, ku-ka-re-ku, they pulled out this turnip!

Turnip: - The time has come.


- Well, turnip, beauty,
So beautiful, so round.
And it should taste delicious.

All children dance around the turnip to the melody of the song "Like ours at the gate."

1. Ah yes, the turnip is good,
And you are round and delicious
Oh lyuli, oh lyuli,
And you are round and delicious.

2. Yes, how grandfather planted you,
How he watered you
Oh lyuli, oh lyuli,
How he watered you.

3. Yes, how did we come together,
And tensed up a little.
Oh lyuli, oh lyuli,
Yes, how tense together.

4. A glorious harvest has grown,
We surprised the whole region.
Oh lyuli, oh lyuli,
We surprised the whole region.

Leading: - The curtain is closing.


- This is the end of the story.
Who watched - well done.


(in a new way)


Anton Grandfather - "new Russian", banker Dedov.

Alesya Babka is the wife of the "new Russian".

Ulyana Granddaughter is a modern girl

Vanya Vnuk - party-goer

Ira Zhuchka - Maltese lap dog of the "new Russian".

Sergey The cat is Matroskin the cat.

Ruslan Mouse - smart, business, economic.

Anya Storyteller.

Narrator. We will show you now old fairy tale"Turnip". How did the fairy tale begin? That's right, grandfather planted a turnip.

Grandfather (with mobile phone).Yes, the banker Dedov is listening. Yes ... No ... Well, give them half a million ... Where? .. Yes, in the country. Yes, we need to harvest here. Yes, not for long. Listen, …(sees Repka) wow - ah ... (into the phone) okay, bye (puts the phone in his pocket, walks around Repka).Here - those are on - a! .. Here she was born. Tries to pull a turnip out of the ground.

Narrator. The grandfather began to drag a turnip out of the ground - pulls - pulls, he cannot pull it out. The grandfather called the grandmother for help.

Grandfather (on the phone).Hello, grandma, come down - downstairs, I want to show you something!

Grandmother. Well? Did you buy a new Mercedes, dear?

Grandfather. Look here! Look what a turnip! Gotta pull it out!

Grandmother. What is it, so what?(Points to his trademark outfit.)You look at me! And my nails!(Cheers.)

Grandfather. Come on, come on, take it!

Narrator. Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for Turnip: They pull - they pull, they cannot pull it out. Called grandma grandchildren.

Grandmother. (thoughtfully).Grandfather, call your grandchildren, they really gathered at the disco, maybe they haven’t left yet?

Grandfather (calling Granddaughter).Grandchildren, go down - ku to the garden, I'll show you!

Granddaughter (capriciously).Grandpa, what's the matter? I'm late, they're waiting for me at the disco.

Grandson. The wheelbarrow is already at the fence. What problems?

Grandfather. Come on, grab it, help pull the turnip out!

Granddaughter. Here's another one, I'll be digging in the ground!(Snorts.)

Grandson. Precisely, exactly, we will still be poking around in the ground!

Grandfather. Come on, come on, otherwise you will be left without dinner and pocket money!

Narrator. Taken again. Grandchildren for Grandmother, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for Turnip: they pull - they pull, they cannot pull it out. Then the granddaughter called the bug

Granddaughter. Come on, we'll help Grandfather Bug!

Bug (imitating the mistress).Well, here's another, we're just from the hairdresser's: haircut by the master, washed with shampoo, sprayed with perfume, I'll still dirty my paws!

Grandmother (strictly). Hold on - ka for the Granddaughter, we will pull the turnip! Otherwise, you won't see "Chappie" in the evening.

Narrator. A bug for Grandchildren, Grandchildren for Grandmother, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for a turnip: They pull - they pull, they cannot pull it out. Bug called the Cat.

Bug (patronizingly).Hey, Matroskin, there is work!

Matroskin (concerned).Leave me alone, I have a lot of things to do, I still don’t have Murka, Gavryusha is not fed, I’m going fishing with Uncle Fedor ...(doomed) what is it?

Bug (boastfully).Look at the owner's harvest! And we're just from the barbershop... come help!

Narrator. They took up again: the Cat for the Bug, the Bug for the Granddaughters, the Grandchildren for the Grandmother, the Grandmother for the Grandfather, the Grandfather for the Turnip: they pull - they pull, they cannot pull it out.

Matroskin. And I just saw a Mouse here, let him come to the rescue ...

Mouse.( runs out all in worries) “Mouse, Mouse”, what is “Mouse”? Is it weak without the Mouse?

Matroskin . Talk less, get to work!

Mouse (waving). Now!

Narrator. Pull again - pull the turnip. Mouse for Cat, Cat for Bug, Bug for Granddaughters, Grandchildren for Grandmother, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for Turnip. They pull - they pull, they pull - they pull, once ... and they pulled out a turnip ...

Grandfather. That's what a team means, that's what one friendly team means! What a big strong turnip, just put it in the Guinness Book of Records!

storyteller . Roles played:

Anton Artemenko Grandfather - "new Russian", banker Dedov. (bow)

Alesya Mikhailova Babka - the wife of the "new Russian" (bow)

Uliana DmitrievaGranddaughter - a modern girl (bow)

Vanya Vasiliev Grandson - party-goer (bow)

Ira Popleukhova Zhuchka - Maltese dog of the "new Russian" (bow)

Sergey Isaev Cat - cat Matroskin (bow)

Ruslan Saleev Mouse - smart, business, economic (bow)

Anya Vasilenko Narrator (bow)

Novik Nikita, Isaeva Elnura- help in the scenery (bow)

That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done! (general bow)


Characters: Presenter, Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse.


Leading - girl in a smart dress.

turnip - bright yellow lush sundress, 4-5 braids on the head, into which bright green ribbons are woven.

Grandfather- Russian folk shirt, belt, watering can.

grandma- Russian folk sundress, beads, a scarf is tied on the head, a laptop is in the hands.

Granddaughter- a brilliant outfit, a bow on her head, a small handbag in her hands.

bug- dog costume, additional antennae on the head, face painting.

Murka- cat costume, face painting.

Mouse - preferably the biggest boy in the class. Mouse costume, in the hands of a dumbbell.


Dear viewers:

teachers, parents,

Now our class

A story will tell you about Repka.

We will try very hard

And let's deal with anxiety!

So let's go-and-and-and-and-and!

Leading: Grandfather Tried to plant Turnip.

The grandfather comes out from behind the scenes, dragging Turnip along with him. The turnip kicks, rests with all his might.

Grandfather: What kind of vegetables are so harmful! He wanted to plant a cucumber, he refused. He asked for a carrot - she has things to do, you see! At least Turnip would grow a normal one, otherwise the grandmother grumbles that I'm a slacker ... (Turnip) Sit down. (Rip shakes his head) Sit down, I say! (The turnip squats down) Grow!

turnip(coquettishly): I don't want to!

Grandfather: Oh oh oh! How capricious we are! Grow!

Turnip: Well, fill me up or something ...

Grandpa is watering.

Turnip: Feed now.

Grandfather: Eh ... candy will you?

Turnip: Give me your candy, honey!

Turnip eats candy, grandfather goes backstage.

Leading: Turnip has grown big-very big. And what's the point. Not sweet. And besides, it's harmful...

The turnip reluctantly, slowly rises, stretches to its full height, stretches, demonstrates how big it is!

Leading: Grandfather came to pull Repka ...

Phonogram "Track 2 TURP"

Grandfather is trying to pull the Turnip out. The turnip is outraged.

Turnip: What are you doing? I am an advanced Turnip, I will complain! I'll go to court ... Save-and-and-and-those! I pull out-yu-yu-yu-yu-yut!

Grandfather: Here, let me pull you out, and go wherever you want.

Turnip: Well, I do not! The Russians don't give up!

Leading: Pulls, pulls, can't pull. Grandfather called Grandma.

Grandfather: Grandma, come here.

Phonogram "Track 3 BABKA"

Grandma comes out. She has a laptop in her hand. Granny's face is horrified at the fact that she has problems with the computer. The grandmother performs an impromptu dance to the music.

grandmother: How these viruses tortured me, if you knew. What do you have here? Turnip? Oh what a device! Let's scan it, archive it and send it to Baba Nyura by email!

Grandfather: Let's take it out for a start and cook porridge!

Phonogram "Track 2 TURP"

Start to pull together

Leading: Pull-pull... They can't pull it out.

Grandfather: Call, Grandma, the younger generation!

Leading: Grandma called her granddaughter.

grandmother: Granddaughter! Come here, here you need to extract one file ...

Phonogram "Track 4 VNUCHKA"

Granddaughter enters.

Grandfather: Granddaughter, help pull the turnip out.

Granddaughter: Oh, why did you plant a turnip? You'd be better off planting potatoes. And preferably immediately fries. Like at McDonald's. Well, oh well, let's get her out quickly, otherwise I have to run to the disco. I'm already late.

Phonogram "Track 2 TURP"

Leading: They pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out ... Granddaughter called Zhuchka.

Granddaughter: Bug, come to me!

Bug comes out. On his head is a headband with beetle antennae.

Phonogram "Track 5 Bug"

Bug: I'm not a bug. I (proudly)- Bug!

All(horrified): Insect???

Bug: No panic. I joked. Bug, I'm Bug. How can I help?

Granddaughter: Let's pull the turnip together!

Phonogram "TRACK 2 TURP"

Leading: Pull - pull. They cannot pull out. Called Zhuchka Murka.

Bug: Murochka, Murochka, come here, dear!

Murka comes out.

Phonogram "TRACK 6 MURKA"

Murka: That's how you, Bug, spoke: "Murochka!" And yesterday she drove me up a tree, tore out tufts of wool! F-f-f-f-f... (Hisses at the bug)

bug(attacks Murka): Woof woof woof!

Granddaughter: Girls, don't fight! Let's pull the turnip better!

Phonogram "TRACK 2 TURP"

Leading: Pull - pull. They can't pull out! She called Murka Mouse.

Murka: Mouse, run here! There is a deal!

The mouse enters. Big, pumped up muscles, stern face.

Phonogram "Track 7 MOUSE"

He stops, realizing that he isn't intimidating enough. Covers mouth with hand. He makes a second attempt in a rough voice: “I’ll tell you a secret!” The result satisfies the mouse, the mouse raises the index finger up: "Oh!" Like, now it's good, and continues the speech.


I'll tell you a secret:

There is no beast stronger than Mouse!

Now I'll get you a turnip!

Everyone will respect the Mouse

Stop offending!

Approaches Murka, makes a “goat”: U-tu-tu-tu-tu ...

Murka is scared.

Mouse: Equal! Quietly! (all heroes follow Mouse commands) We pull!

Phonogram "TRACK 2 TURP"

In the second part of the phonogram, the characters count up to three in chorus: “And one, and two, and three!” On the count of three turnips are pulled out.

Leading: Pull - pull. They pulled out a turnip!!! It hasn't even been a year!

Turnip: Well, thank you! Well I went... (gets up and runs backstage)

All: Where?!!! Hundred-oh-oh-oh!

Everyone, catching up with Repka, runs backstage like a snake.


Here is the end of the story.

And who listened - well done!

Phonogram "Track 1 INTRODUCTION"

All the actors take their bows.


A source of information:

music for the production is taken from http://www.mp3sort.com/forum/forum29.html

skits funny.

This kind of entertainment like playing funny tales scenes at a birthday party, at a corporate party, appeared relatively recently and immediately gained popularity. And everyone wants to participate, especially if there are elements of dressing up.

Professional hosts and toastmasters are best trained in this regard. They always have a certain set of things to transform: wigs, funny glasses, costumes, skirts, funny ties, balloons, sabers, weapons, musical instruments, masks, etc.

But at home, you can also play funny scenes. Firstly, you can also find something suitable for dressing up, and secondly, the main thing is internal transformation, the ability to improvise, use your sense of humor and just fool around.

That's why funny, funny fairy tales skits go to "Hurrah!" in a close, friendly company, in the circle of friends and relatives when celebrating a birthday, a holiday at home, at a corporate party.

Your attention is invited to play the well-known fairy tale scene "About the turnip" and make it funny and cool. My recommendations for organizing this type of entertainment:

  1. The main thing is to correctly distribute the roles between the guests, taking into account their acting abilities.
  2. If possible, dress up the actors in the appropriate costume or add some kind of clothing attribute so that you can see who it is?
  3. Can widely use cosmetics or make-up
  4. It is better that everyone has a text on a piece of paper or a piece of paper
  5. The facilitator reads the text of the fairy tale about the turnip, stopping at the place where the participants should say their line.
  6. That is, with each mention of the role played by guests in a fairy tale skit, you need to say your own words or phrase. Naturally, you need to do this not just like that, but artistically and funny.

Here is the actual text for the fairy tale scene:

- Grandfather planted a turnip.
- A large turnip has grown.
- The grandfather went to pull the turnip.

- Pulls - pulls, but you can not pull

-Grandpa called grandma.
- Grandma for grandpa. Grandfather for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull it out.
- The grandmother called her granddaughter.
- Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandfather for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull it out.
- Granddaughter called Zhuchka.
Bug for granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandfather for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull it out.
- Bug called the cat.
- A cat for a bug. Bug for granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandfather for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull it out.
- The cat called the mouse.
- Mouse for a cat. A cat for a bug. Bug for granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandfather for a turnip. Pull - pull - and pulled out a turnip.

In addition, you can assign yourself or guests to choose the phrases that they should pronounce when their role in the fairy tale is mentioned:

turnip- Man, remove the pen, I'm still 18 and not!

And here I am!

Dedka- Would kill!

We make a deluge and run away!

I have become old, my health is not the same!

Right now, such a booze will go!

grandma- Recently, my grandfather does not satisfy me! (Preferred)

Run Run!

Granddaughter-I'm ready!

Grandfather, grandmother, let's hurry up, I'm late for the disco!

bug- I'm not a bug, I'm a bug!

Dog work!

Maybe smoking is better?

Cat– I don’t work without valerian!

Get the dog off the playground, I'm allergic!

mouse- Finally!

Guys, maybe in a pile?

These fairy tales scenes funny will take a worthy place in your collection of entertainment for adults at home, for corporate parties.

Among other things, there are other versions of this fairy tale scene. They will appear on this site soon.

(Theatrical fairy tale for middle and high school students)
We offer you an interesting scenario of a fairy tale about a turnip in a new way. This story is written for middle and high school students. The script of the fairy tale about the turnip can be used at any school holiday and your teachers will be surprised by your acting skills.

The narrator: One fine, May day,
When the wind does not bend the branch,
When lilacs bloomed around
Grandfather Vanya planted a turnip.
A big turnip grew, grandfather came to dig it.

Grandfather: Blimey! This is a turnip, like in a fairy tale there is nothing to say!

The narrator: Grandpa took an inch, pulled more, more.
The spine sits firmly, it doesn’t go here, that’s all!

Grandfather: I can’t get a turnip alone, I need to call the old woman here.
Hey, grandma, go to the garden as soon as possible, but look what has grown in the garden,
People have never seen anything like this in their lives...

grandmother: Oh, my eyes are not right!
Really, in fact, it is! This has grown over the summer!

grandmother: And really, grandfather, well, now we will have lunch!

Grandfather: Are you really an old woman? Completely crazy in old age,
What use is this to us, tell me?

grandmother: And what to do, tell me?

Grandfather: Let's pull a turnip with you ...

grandmother: Let's bring her home.

Grandfather: Let me speak! I'll take her to the farmer to hand over,
I’ll conclude an agreement there, I’ll get money for the turnip.

grandmother: Let's go to the market on Sunday, buy whatever goods you like.
I will buy myself a fur coat, a hat ...

Grandfather: Eh, you would have everything on a rag. We'll rent it to the farmer, I'll buy myself a limousine.
I will drive around the village...

grandmother: Fool! What to say. He lived to seventy, but did not acquire a mind. Yes, the driver is just a laugh out of you, you will blindly pass us all here.

Grandfather: Okay, old one, calm down, it's better to hold me tight.
Together we are with you then, we will get a turnip without difficulty.

Grandfather and grandmother: Once like this, once like this,
No, don't pull it out!

grandmother: And together we can’t get a turnip, we need to call our granddaughter.

Grandfather and grandmother: Granddaughter, come here quickly!

Granddaughter (yawning): What happened? Trouble? They don't let you sleep peacefully.

Grandfather: Enough granddaughter to yawn.

grandmother: Look, granddaughter-baby, what a miracle our turnip is.

Granddaughter: Here is the turnip! Just class! I see this for the first time.

Grandfather: The turnip does not lend itself in any way, it is large and settled firmly.

grandmother: Granddaughter, can you help us?

Granddaughter: Help, whatever.

All: Once like this, once like this! No, don't pull it out!

Grandfather: Eh, there would be a shovel here, but it would be reluctant to carry it.
It is necessary to call the Bug for help, let her granddaughter pull the dress.

Granddaughter: Can you call a cat, a mouse?
You are not living in a fairy tale.

Grandfather: Only in this way, and not otherwise.

Granddaughter: What are you, grandfather, I have a Versace dress.
She will tear it with her teeth, then what will we say to mom?

Grandfather: Then let the grandmother pull the skirt.

grandmother: Look, and then put a patch on me.
Don't open your mouth, plant it yourself, take it out yourself.

The narrator: Grandfather scratched the back of his head, grinned and said.

Grandfather: Okay, I'll take out the turnip, only it will be all mine.
I buy what I want...

grandmother: What are you, Vanya, I'm joking.
Come on, let's rest a bit and start pulling again.
You, and I, and my granddaughter, and the Bug will not be needed.

Grandfather: Well, let's sit down Mania.

grandmother: Yes, my dear Vanya.

Grandfather: Let's pull out a turnip now, such a life will go with us.

Granddaughter: Let's go to the Canary Islands to sunbathe, there we will swim and dive.

grandmother: Or maybe all the same to the market, they brought a new product there.

Grandfather: How about investing money in a bank?

grandmother: No, we need to buy something.

Granddaughter: Let's buy a steamer, let us be taken to the Canary Islands.

Grandfather: The car is more important.

grandmother: A washing machine is needed.

The narrator: They argued for a long time, star lights appeared in the sky.
Finally, they realized it, in an instant they grabbed a turnip.

All: Once ... (pull out a turnip)

Grandfather: Something turnip, it seemed to me, is easy, they got it quickly, without difficulty.

Granddaughter (looks at the turnip): look, grandma, grandpa.

Grandfather and grandmother (look and find a mouse mink in a turnip):
There was, reponka ... and no.

Grandfather: The mouse climbed in, sat there and ate our whole turnip.

grandmother: Oh, they didn’t see, they missed it, they didn’t have time.

Grandfather: Wait, mouse tribe, I'll deal with it at once, give it time.

The mouse appears.

Mouse: Don't scold me here. You are to blame, you know.
From the beginning, do the deed, and then dream boldly.

The narrator: The mouse was right here, she taught them a lesson.