Essence and functions of labor, its social aspects. Subject area of ​​sociology of work

In the process of labor, people enter into certain social relations,

By interacting with each other. Social interactions in the world of work is a form

Social ties, realized in the exchange of activities and mutual action. objective

The basis of the interaction of people is the commonality or divergence of their interests, close

Or distant goals, views. Intermediaries of interaction between people in the world of work,

Its intermediate links are tools and objects of labor, material and

Spiritual blessings. The constant interaction of individuals or communities in the process

Labor activity in certain social conditions forms specific

Social relations.

Social relations are relations between members of social communities and

These communities about their social status, image and way of life, in

Ultimately, about the conditions for the formation and development of personality, social

Communities. They are manifested in the position of certain groups of workers in the labor

process, communication links between them, i.e. in the exchange of information for

Influencing the behavior and performance of others, as well as to evaluate one's own

Own position, which affects the formation of the interests and behavior of these groups.

These relations are inextricably linked with labor relations and are conditioned by them.

Initially. For example, in a labor organization, workers get used to, adapt to

Objective needs and thus enter into labor Relations regardless

The one who will work nearby, who is the leader, what is his style of activity. However

Then each worker in his own way manifests himself in relationships with each other, with

Head, in relation to work, to the order of distribution of work, etc. Therefore, on

On the basis of objective relations, relations of a socio-psychological nature begin to take shape, characterized by a certain emotional mood,

The nature of communication between people and relationships in the labor organization, the atmosphere in it.

Thus, social and labor relations make it possible to determine the social

Significance, role, place, social position of an individual and a group. They are

The link between the worker and the master, the leader and a group of subordinates,

Certain groups of workers and their individual members. No group of workers

No member of a labor organization can exist outside of such relations, outside

Mutual obligations relative to each other, outside of interactions.

As you can see, in practice there is a variety of social and labor relations. Them,

As well as various social phenomena and processes in the conditions of the existing market and

Studied the sociology of labor. So the sociology of work is the study of the functioning and

Social aspects of the labor market. If we try to narrow this concept, then

We can say that the sociology of labor is the behavior of employers and employees in

The response to the action of economic and social incentives to work. It is this kind

Incentives, on the one hand, encourage individual choice, and on the other hand, limit

His. In sociological theory, the emphasis is on incentives that regulate labor

Behavior that is not impersonal in nature and relates to workers, a wide range of

Groups of people.

The subject of the sociology of labor is the structure and mechanism of social and labor

Relations, as well as social processes and phenomena in the world of work.

The purpose of the sociology of work is the study of social processes and the development

Aimed at creating optimal conditions for the functioning of society,

Collective, group, individual in the sphere of work and achievement on this basis

The most complete implementation and optimal combination of their interests.

The tasks of the sociology of labor are:

Studying and optimizing the social structure of society, labor organization


Analysis of the labor market as a regulator of optimal and rational mobility

labor resources;

Finding ways to optimally realize the labor potential of modern


The optimal combination of moral and material incentives and improvement

Attitudes towards labor in market conditions;

Strengthening social control and combating various kinds of deviations from

Generally accepted moral principles and norms in the sphere of work;

Studying the causes and developing a system of measures to prevent and resolve

Labor conflicts;

Creation of a system of social guarantees that protect workers in society,

Labor organization, etc.

In other words, the tasks of the sociology of labor are reduced to the development of methods and techniques

The use of social factors in the interests of solving the most important socio-economic problems of society and the individual, which include the creation of a system

Social guarantees, maintenance and consolidation of social security of citizens with

The purpose of the accelerated social reorientation of the economy.

For the collection and analysis of information in the sociology of labor are widely used

Sociological methods that manifest themselves in:

Achieved knowledge about the subject of research (understanding the essence of labor and

labor relations);

The process of fact gathering methods;

A way to make a conclusion, i.e. draw conclusions about cause and effect

connections between phenomena.

It should be noted that research conducted within the framework of the sociology of labor,

Provide the necessary and sufficiently reliable information for the formation

Social policy, development of evidence-based programs of socio-economic

Development of labor organizations (collectives) to solve social problems and

Controversy that constantly accompanies labor activity and workers. So

Thus, the sociology of labor is called upon, on the one hand, to expand knowledge about the real

The existing reality, on the other hand, to promote the establishment of new ties and

Processes taking place in the world of work.

The labor sciences of a sociological profile exist within sociology as a whole, but

They are not necessarily integral parts of the sociology of work. Sociological they

They are not only in methods, but also in the subject of research. Their common feature is the study

Social aspects of social labor. Emergence of disciplines within the sociology of labor

Work- it is an expedient activity of people aimed at creating material and cultural values. Labor is the basis and an indispensable condition for the life of people. By influencing the environment, changing and adapting it to their needs, people not only ensure their existence, but also create conditions for the development and progress of society.

Labor and Ra bot - the concepts are not equivalent, not identical. Labor is a social phenomenon, it is inherent only in man. Just as a person's life is impossible outside of society, so there can be no labor without a person and outside of society. Work is a physical concept, it can be performed by a person, an animal, or a machine. Labor is measured by working time, work by kilograms.

Mandatory elements of labor are labor and means of production.

Work force is a combination of physical and spiritual abilities of a person that are used by it in the labor process. The labor force is the main productive force of society. Means of production consist of objects of labor and means of labor. Objects of labor- these are products of nature, in the process of work they undergo one or another change and turn into consumer value. If the objects of labor form the material basis of the product, then they are called basic materials, and if they contribute to the labor process itself or add new properties to the main material, then they are called auxiliary materials. The objects of labor in a broad sense include everything that is sought, mined, processed, formed, i.e. material resources, scientific knowledge, etc.

Means of labor- these are the tools of production, with the help of which a person acts on the objects of labor and modifies them. The means of labor include tools and a workplace.

labor process is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The main forms of its manifestation are the costs of human energy, the interaction of an employee with the means of production (objects and means of labor) and the production interaction of workers with each other both horizontally (relationships of complicity in a single labor process) and vertically (relationships between a leader and a subordinate) . The role of labor in the development of man and society is manifested in the fact that in the process of work not only material and spiritual values ​​​​are created to meet the needs of people, but also the workers themselves develop, who acquire skills, reveal their abilities, replenish and enrich knowledge. The creative nature of labor finds its expression in the emergence of new ideas, progressive technologies, in more advanced and highly productive tools, new types of products, materials, energy, which, in turn, lead to the development of needs.

Thus, in the process of labor activity, goods and services are not only produced, cultural values ​​are created, etc., but appear. New needs with requirements for their further satisfaction (Fig. 1).

At all times, labor has been and remains the most important production factor, a type of human activity.

Activity- this is the internal (mental) and external (physical) activity of a person, regulated by a conscious goal.

Labor activity is the leading, main human activity. Since during a life at any moment a person can be in one of two states - activity or inactivity, activity acts as an active process, and inactivity - as a passive one.

The main criteria that distinguish labor from non-labor activities are:

link to wealth creation, i.e. creation and growth of material, spiritual, household goods. Activities that are not related to creation are not labor. For example, walks, travel, games as a form of relaxation, eating, medical procedures. Such activity is associated with the consumption of goods for the restoration of working capacity, development, reproduction of life;

purposefulness of activity. Aimless activity has nothing to do with work, because it is a waste of human energy and does not give positive results;

legitimacy of activity. Work includes only prohibited activities, and prohibited, criminal activities cannot be labor, as they are aimed at misappropriation of the results of someone else's labor and are prosecuted by law;

demand for activities. If a person spent time and effort on the manufacture of a product, turned out to be useless to anyone, then such an activity cannot be considered labor.

The goals of labor activity may be the production of consumer goods and services or the means necessary for their production.

In the process of labor, a person is influenced by a large number of external production and non-production factors that affect its performance and health. The combination of these factors is called working conditions.

Under working conditions is understood as a set of elements of the production environment that affect the functional state of a person, his performance, health, all aspects of its development, and above all, the attitude to work and its efficiency. Working conditions are formed in the process of production and are determined by the type and level of equipment, technology and organization of production.

Capitalism, i.e. market economy is a system of social interaction and division of labor based on private ownership of the means

production. The material factors of production are owned by individual citizens, capitalists and landowners. Production in factories and farms is organized by entrepreneurs and farmers, that is, individuals or associations of individuals who either own capital themselves or have borrowed or rented from the owners. The hallmark of capitalism is free enterprise. The goal of any entrepreneur, be it an industrialist or a farmer, is to make a profit.

Using the text, indicate any two characteristic features market economy reviewed by the author!

Capitalism, i.e. market economy is a system of social interaction and division of labor based on private ownership of the environment.

production lines. The material factors of production are owned by individual citizens, capitalists and landowners. Production in factories and farms is organized by entrepreneurs and farmers, that is, individuals or associations of individuals who either own capital themselves or have borrowed or rented from the owners. The hallmark of capitalism is free enterprise. The goal of any entrepreneur, be it an industrialist or a farmer, is to make a profit.

The real masters in the capitalist system of the market economy are the consumers. By buying or not buying, they decide who should own the capital and run the businesses. They determine what should be produced, as well as how much and what quality. Their choice translates into profit or loss for the entrepreneur. They make the poor rich and the rich poor. These owners are not easy to get along with. They are full of whims and quirks, they are fickle and unpredictable. They do not put a penny on the previous merits. As soon as they are offered something that is more to their taste or cheaper, they leave the old suppliers. The main thing for them is their own well-being and satisfaction. They do not care about the money spent by the capitalists, nor the fate of the workers who lose their jobs, as consumers they stop buying what they used to buy.

When we say that the production of a certain commodity A does not pay off, what do we mean? This indicates that consumers are no longer willing to pay manufacturers what they need to cover the necessary production costs, while at the same time the income of other producers turns out to be higher than production costs. Consumer demands play an important role in the distribution of productive resources between different branches of the production of consumer goods. The consumers thus decide how much raw material and labor will be used to make A and how much the other good will require. It makes no sense, therefore, to oppose production for the sake of profit and production for the sake of consumption. The desire for profit forces the entrepreneur to supply consumers with those goods for which there is a demand in the first place. If the entrepreneur were not driven by the profit motive, he could produce more goods A despite the consumer's preference for something else. The desire for profit is the factor that forces the businessman to most effectively ensure the production of the goods most preferred by the consumers themselves.

Thus, the capitalist system of production is an economic democracy where every cent has a vote. The sovereign people is the consumer. Capitalists, entrepreneurs and farmers are the representatives of the people. If they do not correspond to the assigned task, if they are not able to produce at a minimum cost the goods demanded by consumers, they lose their posts. Their responsibility is to serve consumers. Profits and losses are the instruments by which consumers control all kinds of economic activity.

using the text, give three explanations for the author's idea that the owner of the market is the consumer

What is the labor market for?

How do ask questions work in the labor market?
Why is it difficult to achieve equilibrium in the labor market?
What are the reasons for unemployment?
What are the characteristics of different types of unemployment?
Why is unemployment an inevitable companion of a market economy?
How does the state regulate the employment of the population?

How did labor influence the processes of anthropogenesis and sociogenesis? What are the goals of labor activity? How do they manifest themselves in terms of profession

Specialty, qualification? What are the differences between labor and play in human life?

Please help me check if I did it right. 1. The social consequences of the scientific and technological revolution are discussed in the judgment:

Thanks to scientific and technical progress, it is possible to increase labor productivity and quality


in the era of scientific and technological revolution, the subject of labor is qualitatively changing - materials that are processed in the production process

under the influence of the scientific and technological revolution, the professional structure of the working class is changing

2. Intensive economic growth is most characterized by:

involvement in the production process of additional factors of production: natural resources, labor

Using the achievements of scientific and technological progress

improving the quality of goods

3. Extensive economic growth is most characterized by:
+ involvement in the production process of additional factors of production: natural resources, labor

Using the achievements of scientific and technological progress

Increasing the number of products produced

4. Opponents of economic growth:

believe that economic growth is in conflict with universal human values

refer to the effects of pollution environment

They think that economic growth causes people anxiety

5. The need for state intervention in the market economy is associated with:


the need to use resources efficiently

Uneven economic development

6. Social regulation of the market economy means:

Maintaining the poor

even distribution of income

higher taxes for the rich

7. Legal regulation market economy means:

issuance of laws strictly regulating the behavior of market participants


publication of laws aimed at protecting the interests of all participants in market relations

Issuance of laws aimed at limiting monopolies

8. At what stage of the economic cycle is there a sharp decline in demand for goods and services?

9. Which of the following characteristics corresponds to the stage of revival?
The output of the quantity of goods reaches the pre-crisis state
+ The output of the number of goods exceeds the pre-crisis level
Unemployment and inflation are on the rise

10. Which of the characteristics most accurately reflects the essence of the overproduction crisis?
The crisis leads to people's uncertainty about the future
The crisis is characterized as a negative phenomenon in the economy
+ Crisis is a natural stage of development, an imbalance in the economy

11. Economic function of the state:
ensuring the defense of the country
protection of law and order
+ support for the disabled and pensioners

12. The task of the Central Bank in regulating the monetary sphere of the state:
+ fighting inflation
distribution of the state budget
financing of major transactions

13. Will benefit from higher inflation:
military personnel on a fixed income
+ debtors who borrowed money at a fixed percentage
fixed-interest lenders

14. Emission is:

undesirable phenomenon in the economy

The process of issuing banknotes to regulate the amount of money supply

The process of issuing banknotes, inevitably leading to inflation

In the process of labor, people enter into certain social relations, interacting with each other. Social interactions in the sphere of work are a form of social relations realized in the exchange of activities and mutual action. The objective basis for the interaction of people is the commonality or divergence of their interests, close or distant goals, views. The mediators of the interaction of people in the sphere of labor, its intermediate links are tools and objects of labor, material and spiritual benefits. The constant interaction of separate individuals or communities in the process of labor activity in certain social conditions forms specific social relations.
Social relations are relations between members of social communities and these communities about their social status, lifestyle and way of life, and ultimately, about the conditions for the formation and development of personality, social communities. They are manifested in the position of individual groups of workers in the labor process, communication links between them, i.e. in the mutual exchange of information to influence the behavior and performance of others, as well as to assess their own position, which affects the formation of the interests and behavior of these groups.
These relations are inextricably linked with labor relations and are conditioned by them from the very beginning. For example, workers get used to the labor organization, adapt due to objective needs and thus enter into labor relations, regardless of who will work nearby, who is the leader, what style of activity he has. However, then each worker manifests himself in his own way in his relationship with each other, with the manager, in relation to work, to the order of distribution of work, etc. Consequently, on the basis of objective relations, relations of a socio-psychological nature begin to take shape, characterized by a certain emotional mood, the nature of people's communication and relationships in a labor organization, and the atmosphere in it.
Thus, social and labor relations make it possible to determine the social significance, role, place, social position of an individual and a group. They are the link between the worker and the master, the leader and a group of subordinates, certain groups of workers and their individual members. Not a single group of workers, not a single member of a labor organization can exist outside of such relations, outside of mutual obligations in relation to each other, outside of interactions.
As you can see, in practice there is a variety of social and labor relations. They, as well as various social phenomena and processes in the conditions of the existing market, are studied by the sociology of labor. Therefore, the sociology of labor is the study of the functioning and social aspects of the market in the world of work. If we try to narrow this concept, we can say that the sociology of labor is the behavior of employers and employees in response to the action of economic and social incentives to work. his. In sociological theory, the emphasis is on incentives that regulate labor behavior, which are not impersonal in nature and relate to workers, wide groups of people.
The subject of the sociology of labor is the structure and mechanism of social and labor relations, as well as social processes and phenomena in the sphere of labor.
The purpose of the sociology of labor is the study of social processes and the development of recommendations for their regulation and management, forecasting and planning, aimed at creating optimal conditions for the functioning of society, a team, a group, an individual in the world of work and, on this basis, achieving the most complete implementation and optimal combination their interests.
The tasks of the sociology of labor are:
study and optimization of the social structure of society, labor organization (team);
analysis of the labor market as a regulator of optimal and rational mobility of labor resources;
finding ways to optimally realize the labor potential of a modern worker;
the optimal combination of moral and material incentives and the improvement of attitudes towards work in market conditions;
strengthening social control and combating various kinds of deviations from generally accepted moral principles and norms in the world of work;
studying the causes and developing a system of measures to prevent and resolve labor conflicts;
creating a system of social guarantees that protect workers in society, labor organization, etc.
In other words, the tasks of the sociology of labor are reduced to the development of methods and techniques for using social factors in the interests of solving the most important socio-economic problems of society and the individual, which include the creation of a system of social guarantees, maintaining and strengthening the social protection of citizens in order to accelerate the social reorientation of the economy.
To collect and analyze information in the sociology of labor, sociological methods are widely used, which manifest themselves in:
achieved knowledge about the subject of research (understanding the essence of labor and relations in the sphere of labor);
the process of fact gathering methods;
way to make a conclusion, i.e. formulate conclusions about causal relationships between phenomena.
It should be noted that research conducted within the framework of the sociology of labor provides the necessary and sufficiently reliable information for the formation of social policy, the development of scientifically based programs for the socio-economic development of labor organizations (collectives), for solving social problems and contradictions that constantly accompany labor activity and workers. . Thus, the sociology of labor is called upon, on the one hand, to expand knowledge about the really existing reality, on the other hand, to promote the establishment of new connections and processes taking place in the sphere of labor.
The labor sciences of a sociological profile exist within sociology as a whole, but are not necessarily constituent parts of the sociology of labor. They are sociological not only in terms of methods, but also in terms of the subject of research. Their common feature is the study of the social aspects of social labor. The emergence of disciplines within the sociology of labor has become possible due to the fact that this science analyzes social labor at the macro and micro levels. The first concerns the institutional aspect of work, and the second - motivational and behavioral.
Economic sociology belongs to young branches of knowledge. Its subject is value orientations, needs, interests and behavior of large social groups(demographic, vocational, etc.) at the macro and micro levels in the conditions of market conditions. How are the reduction and employment of the administrative apparatus, unskilled workers, engineers, doctors, etc. taking place? How does the assessment of remuneration (moral and material) of labor change in various social groups, in the spheres of individual and collective labor, state, private and cooperative production? These and other questions are called upon and answered by economic sociology. The subject of the study of the sociology of labor is precisely the circle of its scientific problems in intersection with other sociological disciplines.
Labor economics studies the mechanism of action of economic laws in the sphere of labor, the forms of their manifestation in the social organization of labor. Economics is interested in the process of value creation itself. For it, labor costs are important at all stages of the production cycle, while the sociology of labor considers the labor interactions of workers and the labor relations that arise between them. For example, in stimulating labor, the economy is interested in wages. In this case, the tariff system is studied, wage, the relationship between them. Sociology of labor, paying due attention to the problem financial incentives, considers, first of all, the totality of motives for work, such incentives as the content of labor, its organization and conditions, the degree of independence in work, the nature of relationships in the team, etc.

Pollution of a section of the sea and coast caused by an oil tanker accident serves as an example of the relationship between 1) civilization and culture 2) technology and technology 3) society and nature 4) rights and morals Significant interactions of people that cause certain emotions are called 1) mutual concessions 2) sphere creative activity 3) spheres of public life 4) interpersonal relationships Irina prepares for the exam in chemistry: she reads a textbook, reference literature, solves problems, and performs tests. In case of difficulty, she turns to the teacher for advice. One of the results of this activity is 1) an exam 2) a textbook 3) chemistry 4) an excellent mark Are the following judgments about the development of society correct? A. The development of society is connected with the presence or absence of natural resources. B. The development of society is largely determined by the creative potential of people. 1) only A is correct 2) only B is correct 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect whether the following judgments about patriotism? A. Patriotism involves love and respect for the historical traditions of one's country. B. Patriotism presupposes good knowledge Patriotic history and culture. 1) only A is correct 3) both judgments are correct 2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are incorrect Any product intended for sale or exchange on the market is called 1) money 2) resource 3) price 4) commodity South Africa. For a whole year, she set aside a certain part of her salary for the subsequent purchase of a tourist voucher. What function of money does this example illustrate? 1) a means of payment 3) a measure of value 2) a means of exchange 4) a means of accumulation In country Z there is commodity production and money circulation. What additional information will allow us to conclude that the economy of country Z is of a command (planned) nature? 1) The country has a fixed exchange rate. 2) Most workers work for industrial enterprises. 3) The state determines the volume and structure of manufactured products. 4) Factors of production are privately owned. Are the following statements about the market mechanism correct? A. The market mechanism is based on the freedom of entrepreneurial activity. B. An important element of the market mechanism is the competition of producers of goods and services. 1) only A is correct 3) both judgments are correct 2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are incorrect K.'s family has a tradition: to gather in the evening and talk about all the problems. What role of the family in a person's life does this example illustrate? 1) The family provides emotional support. 2) The family carries out primary socialization. 3) The family takes care of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 4) The family provides economic support to its members. Are the following statements about social conflict correct? A. Social conflicts help each of the participants to reveal their goals and expectations. B. The resolution of a conflict often involves a transition to mutually beneficial cooperation between the parties. 1) only A is correct 2) only B is correct 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect 4) nomination at the elections of one, the most worthy candidate The supreme power in state Z is inherited. What additional information would allow us to conclude that the states