Clear the house of unnecessary things. Tips from Leo Babauta: how to get rid of trash in the apartment

A person who was born in the era of queues on the Romanian walls, a total shortage and goods "on coupons", in principle, cannot easily part with things. We still do not have the habit of auditing and regularly getting rid of rubbish. What to do so that the apartment does not turn into a temporary storage warehouse?

How to find what is long overdue

Imagine that you offer your residential interior in the “Apartment of the Week” section. To do this, you will have to send a filming of the project. So do it - snap all the rooms at least on the mobile camera. And now look at the result on a large monitor - this is what your apartment looks like from the outside. The photographs will immediately reveal things that do not fit well into the interior, things that are not in their places or have been asking for a long time in the trash. Another bonus of photography is that you have immortalized your sentimental trash in the picture. Now it’s not so pity to throw away a dozen souvenirs from the last trip: they clog space, but you stopped noticing them anyway.

In addition to the photographic, one can apply the chronological principle of ejection. Get rid of everything that has not been used for more than a year: spices with an expired shelf life, half-empty perfume bottles, blisters with a couple of pills (there must be a full first-aid kit), jars with the remnants of a cream that will never run out. Boldly clear the space from stale things.

The third principle of searching for the unnecessary is spatial-volumetric. Initially, determine the amount of things that you are ready to store. For example, children's crafts and drawings, the first scribbles: allocate a container or box for them. When it is full, together with the child, select the most interesting works, and throw the rest away - free up space for storing new ones. Resist the temptation to buy large cabinets against the advice of the shop assistants. Remember: their task is to sell you furniture and get their percentage. And yours is to learn how to store things in the available volume and not introduce yourself into the temptation of a high-capacity closet.

How to find the right place

Take advantage of the main rule of the merchandiser - a beautiful display of goods. Yes, you have a lot of cosmetics, a lot of shampoos, a lot of keys on the chest of drawers. But this is not a reason to hide everything in boxes where you will not find anything or it will be inconvenient to use. But it’s trite to wipe the dust under all the good, carefully group it (you can put it in baskets or put it on decorative plates) or simply arrange it beautifully - it definitely won’t hurt.

Chaos creates not only the number of objects, but also how they are adjacent to each other. For example, if outerwear, and scarves, hats, and bags, and a dog leash, and children's removable shoes, and much more, hang on the wall in the hallway, then a feeling of a hopeless mess is created. It is important that things are not just kept in their places, but are kept surrounded by their own kind. Let only outerwear remain on the hanger in the hallway. Send hats to the hat shelf, shoes to the cabinet. Well, for a dog leash, get a personal hook.

There are always reserves for storing things, in any apartment. The main thing is to see them and use them.

Under the ceiling. If you need somewhere to store rarely used items, the easiest way is to raise the storage furniture above eye level. Usually we do not lift our heads up to the ceiling - this is perfect place for placing bookshelves. Along the perimeter of the room with an area of ​​12 square meters, a pair of voluminous bookcases will enter.

Above the door. We hang a shelf here 20 centimeters above the door jamb (to avoid the tunnel effect), put things in boxes on it.

Between wall and closet. If you think that only an ironing board will fit in these 15 centimeters, you are wasting precious space. A system of shelves on a rail (narrow, but the entire depth of the cabinet) and flower containers for balcony plants will come to your aid. You will be surprised how many children's cars, cubes, soft bunnies will go into such an impromptu floor-to-ceiling storage system. And the ironing board can be rearranged behind the curtain.

How to put things together rationally:

Hang whatever you can on the wall. Clear the countertop of spice jars, discard the bulky knife holder (the magnetic strip on the wall is harder for a child to reach and easier to keep clean). Even blenders are sold with holders for fixing on the wall - probably not in vain? We hang cleaning products under the sink on the railing by the trigger of the sprayer.

We hang scarves and belts in the closet. To do this, we buy a dozen rings for curtains, we cling to the crossbar of the hanger with crabs - we carefully thread a scarf into each ring. Such a hanger with scarves can already be hung on the rod of an ordinary wardrobe. You can do the same with belts.

Instead of jumbled-up boxes, place your rings on a vertical paper towel holder. By the way, a cardboard cylinder from a used roll is an excellent organizer for earrings: just fill the required number of holes with an awl. On the second one, you can wear bracelets. Well, or just buy a decorative tree-stand for jewelry - decorate your house with decorations.

No more mismatched pillowcases and duvet covers: Stack them inward instead of on top of each other so that the set remains a set.

Marina Busel


The most correct furniture for storing a large number of different things is built-in furniture. It is made to order, and therefore allows you to take into account exactly your storage needs, style and space of the room.

There is no way to make furniture to order, but there is nowhere to store things? Buy dressers! There is a huge amount of things placed in the boxes, much more than on the shelves. In addition, the chests of drawers are decorative. A lot of things can be placed on racks, large and small. Especially if you complement the shelves with roomy and beautiful boxes.

Make the most of the space in each room: raise the bed to a small podium and use it as a closet. Or place flat boxes on wheels under the bed. You can make a closet under the stairs, use any niches. Where possible, put bedside tables, hang small cabinets. Use chests, boxes, baskets, stools with opening tops. All this can be easily moved and put in different places, using any free space. And the last tip: do not store unnecessary things!

In any family there are many necessary and unnecessary things that we keep. Dosed, you can put things on display, but it is better, of course, not to keep them in plain sight, not to spoil the appearance of the apartment. Modern furniture allows you not to create unnecessary trash in the apartment - use built-in wardrobes hidden under wall panels (both in classic and modern styles). Get beds with a lifting mechanism that frees up storage space, coffee tables with interior space. Do not forget that the kitchen can also have mezzanines: cabinets can be hung in two rows, taking up space under the ceiling, which is usually empty. In the living rooms, you can use suitcases, chests, ottomans or banquettes with storage. It decorates the interior! Buy boxes that can be folded neatly under the bed, over the closet, or just stacked in the corner. The boxes come in a variety of sizes and colors, so it's easy to match them with colors interior.

Text: Svetlana Volina
Illustrations: Nastya Yarovaya

He approaches imperceptibly. It occupies all corners, cabinets, drawers and space under the bed. It is easy to let him into the house into the house, but getting rid of it is very, very difficult. His name is Hlam. How to get rid of trash in the apartment, how to recognize which things are superfluous?

Rubbish accumulates gradually, remains when the hand does not rise to throw something away, is brought into the house with regular guests who are not aware of your tastes and give completely unnecessary gifts. Today we offer a small reminder for those who are thinking about how to get rid of trash in an apartment and cannot decide what to throw out and what not.

Get rid of trash: what things are superfluous in our home?

Things (appliances, dishes, clothes) that broken/torn and cannot be repaired

Things that are damaged and that you put aside to fix and then forgot- and they have been in a spoiled state for more than 1 year. If your hands didn’t reach you in a year, it means that you don’t really need this thing, but you did fine without it for the last 365 days.

Clothes that have become small, large, frayed, worn out, morally obsolete, tired or simply do not like it and you do not wear it, but carefully shift it from place to place with each one. A couple of pants and sweaters can be left in case of repair or work in the country, it's time to get rid of all the other rubbish. Good, but (via the link - I'll tell you how) via the Internet.

Medications- sort out your first aid kit: all expired tablets and jars are subject to urgent expulsion.

Outdated documents, printouts, checks and receipts- Another category of clearly superfluous things. From time to time it is worth looking through your own diaries, receipts for payment of various services, warranty cards, checks, discount coupons, notes and photocopies - if something is outdated, feel free to throw it away.

Unnecessary gifts: souvenirs, etc. Unfortunately, this happens to everyone: we all receive unnecessary, inappropriate or simply do not like gifts. The fact that this is a gift should not hold you back from taking a decisive step: get rid of unnecessary things that will never be useful to you at all, if something is in good condition, give it away. If you wish, you can take a picture of what has been preserved in an acceptable condition and - just recently I wrote an article about the nuances of selling used things.

Postcards and the memory of other people's memories. Of course, you can leave a couple of greeting cards that have been preserved from childhood to show to your grandchildren later, but carefully storing a dried flower from a friend’s wedding, a lottery ticket that your mother won $ 20 three years ago, or a drawing of a cousin’s friend is not the most rational solution.

A box of sweets donated the year before should also go next. New Year grandmother, and a ticket from the first flight by plane, and a birthday card from the bank whose card you use - with all this "good" you will never get rid of the rubbish in the apartment.

By the way, if you already leave postcards or children's drawings, then there is no need to keep them in a box on the mezzanine - create a memory board where you will keep the most memorable and expensive reminders. If something is expensive, but not so expensive that you can keep it alive all your life, click on the camera and store it electronically.

If your house is getting crowded from the rubbish filling it, then it's time to get rid of it as soon as possible! We ourselves do not notice that superfluous things create a mess not only in the apartment, but also in life, they are a projection of our internal state

If your house is getting crowded from the rubbish filling it, then it's time to get rid of it as soon as possible! We ourselves do not notice that superfluous things create a mess not only in the apartment, but also in life, they are a projection of our internal state. So maybe in order to improve your personal life, improve your health, change jobs, change your lifestyle, you should start by getting rid of unnecessary things in our house?


Rubbish is not only frankly old and worn-out things, but also all that unnecessary that has not been used for years and does not bring aesthetic pleasure, but continues to be stored in the far corners of cabinets, in closets and mezzanines. Such things not only take up precious space, but also attract new trash.

After many years of total shortages, it is very difficult for us to change our mentality, to learn how to rationally approach household items. We do not know how to easily part with unnecessary things, accumulating them in the bowels of our house.

Banal laziness also becomes the cause of clutter - at first you can’t force yourself to keep the house in order every day, and then, when the trash grows into an unthinkable pile, you don’t have the strength to fight it at all.

In addition, human values ​​change over time, and already what made us happy just a year ago has no value today or even interferes with it.


Of course, it is not so easy to take and throw away all the unnecessary accumulated over the years. Firstly, we have already become related to all these useless things, we do not notice their unattractiveness. To take off your rose-colored glasses, try looking at your home through the eyes of a stranger. Or take pictures of the rooms from several angles and imagine that these photos are placed in a magazine - all the flaws will immediately catch your eye.

Secondly, getting rid of trash is not such a quick and easy thing, it cannot be done in one go. Therefore, if you are determined to end the mess once and for all, plan this action. For example, decide that you spend one day off a month on sorting out one corner and mercilessly getting rid of everything that is superfluous. Thus, in a few months your apartment will turn from a warehouse into a comfortable and cozy place. If you want to get the mess out of the way quickly, do some trash removal every weekend for a month, or even for a couple of weeks in the evenings. The main thing here is not to stray from the intended course and to bring the matter to the end.

Another approach helps someone - walk around the apartment, quickly collect and throw away 15, 30, 50 unnecessary things. In this way, of course, you cannot get rid of all the rubbish, but you can part with some part of it. In addition, this method is good to use as a warm-up to reconcile yourself with getting rid of excess.

Even when you are determined to say goodbye to rubbish, you will be tormented by the question: what to throw out after all, and what to leave? The simplest criterion is to imagine that you are moving into a new apartment and determine what things you might need in your new life and which are best left in your old one.

Get rid of any clothes that are worn out, out of fashion, out of size or tired of you have not worn for the past couple of years and are not going to wear. Some strong and comfortable things can be sent to the country or left in case of cleaning or repair, but the rest is better to throw away or give away.

Broken or damaged items that can no longer be repaired and used for their intended purpose should also be thrown away. An exception may be items that can be given a second life right now (for example, plant a flower in a cracked but pretty mug). Look, maybe it's time to update the frying pan, tablecloth or bedding?

When traveling, it is very difficult to resist buying some kind of souvenir, and acquaintances strive to bring a memorable gift. Before you have time to look back, these cute little things have already occupied all the free surfaces and attract a lot of dust. Remove all knick-knacks from shelves and cabinets - this will save the apartment from unnecessary "noise", and you will save a few precious minutes during cleaning.

Re-gift or give away unwanted gifts. Even if you do not need them, there will definitely be someone to whom they will bring joy and benefit. Sort through old letters and greeting cards, collect only the most valuable messages in a separate box, and get rid of the rest.

Review documents, printouts, abstracts. If some of them are hopelessly outdated or have not been used for a long time, throw them away without regret. Put the rest of the papers in a box or on a shelf designated for them.

Sort through the available medicines and cosmetics, throw away all expired jars and packaging.

Keep only worthwhile copies in your home library, and it is better to give fiction to someone after reading it. Don't buy more books than your bookshelves can hold. Do not hoard old magazines, throw them away, give them to someone, or hand them over to waste paper. Sort old discs, keep only those that contain important information or favorite movies for you.

Don't get too many storage spaces. Putting things in order, get rid of not only trash, but also an unnecessary closet, chest of drawers or whatnot, in which it was so convenient to store everything that you don’t need, but it’s a pity to throw it away.

If you are going to buy something, ask yourself if you really need this thing and you will use it. Often we buy something new just because we can't find it at home. Get your own storage place for each thing, then they will not seem like an immense pile, it will be easy to navigate in them.

In order not to receive another batch of unnecessary gifts on your birthday, hint about what you would like to receive. Your friends will only be happy to get rid of the problem of choice.

Get one place in the house (bedside table, closet, basket) where you will put rubbish - everything that should be thrown away, but it's a pity. Once every three months, get rid of the contents of this place.


Do not overdo it in an effort to get rid of everything superfluous! If you are going to throw out this or that thing, ask your household members if it is worth doing it. It may turn out that in your opinion a useless item will be valuable for a husband or child.

There are also things that there is no power to part with - for example, a prom dress, a gift from a beloved but long-dead grandmother, a grandfather's notebook, clothes sewn by oneself, a daughter's first drawing, a page from a son's diary, old letters from mom , a newspaper with a note about dad ...

In order not to torment yourself, organize a place where all this could be really carefully stored, so that later you can show it to your children and grandchildren. Let it become your "grandmother's chest" - after all, for some really memorable and valuable things, it is very important that they remain safe for as long as possible and be passed on from generation to generation.

Many, not unreasonably, believe that order in the head can only be achieved with the help of order in the house. If we are surrounded by things that are in their places, then about the spiritual.

It just so happened that Plyushkin lives in all of us. It is he who collects things that have already served their purpose. To part with such things for many is akin to a feat. Would they still come in handy? I'd rather take them to the dacha or to the garage, and one day they will be able to complete their "mission". Familiar? At best, only 10% of these deferred things will be useful in the future. All the rest will litter the space allotted for them.

If you look at old things, they can be conditionally divided into two parts. Such things may have practical or sentimental value. Old furniture, utensils, appliances and other things that have outlived their time are not disposed of by us, but are moved to storage places or remain in the house at all. Don't throw them away? These things have practical value. At least that's how we think of them.

IMPORTANT: According to authoritative psychologists, 90% of things that have not been used for more than 2 years will no longer be used in the future. Apply the two-year rule to your belongings. If they do not pass it, you can safely get rid of such old trash.

Things are much more complicated with sentimental things. Old porcelain figurines that do not fit into the interior, but were bought by my mother, we cannot remove from our apartment. The old rocking chair, in which grandfather liked to relax, is also not raised to be disposed of. What to do with them? How to get rid of things that have such sentimental value? Everything is very simple. These are just things. They do not need to be identified with loved ones, and then the memory of them will not suffer.

How to get rid of old things? Where to begin?

Before you start freeing your living space from unnecessary trash, you need to determine the order of work. It is best to start getting rid of old things from the place where they are folded for long-term storage. Remember the "two years" rule? If during this time you did not use these things, give them to friends, those in need or dispose of them.

IMPORTANT: In order to "dig" in old things, set yourself a rule. Once a day, get rid of one unnecessary thing that your eyes fell on. The above rule will come in handy.

Where to donate unwanted items?

Very important question? Where to put things that you no longer use? Sending according to the standard scheme "to the dacha" or "to the garage" is only delaying the solution of the issue for later. Here we need a radical method. Take a large box and put things in that you no longer need. In this case, you need to create a list of these things. Then call your friends and tell them that you want to get rid of some things that you no longer need. Perhaps your friends will take some of them for themselves.

I'll give you what you don't need

Another way to eliminate rubbish is to advertise in the newspaper "I will give away unnecessary things." Many things, old books, music CDs, etc. can be disposed of in this way. And, thanks to self-pickup, you don’t even have to spend money on their disposal.

IMPORTANT: Some old books, home furnishings, records, and other similar items may have monetary value. Therefore, before submitting an announcement that you want to give them away for free, it is advisable to find out the real value of such things.

Donate unwanted items

You can unload your closets, balconies and mezzanines with the help of orphanages, shelters, orphanages and similar institutions. They accept children's things and shoes, as well as books, stationery, sports equipment, dishes and educational games. Of course, not every thing can be given to such places. Yes, and before traveling to institutions of this kind, you must first call and find out if they will accept such things from you. Some orphanages that have rich sponsors are unlikely to need such things.

Good things, albeit used ones, are accepted by Comprehensive Social Service Centers. Some religious institutions and public foundations will also gladly take household items, clothes and other things from you.

Unnecessary things for a summer residence

Of course, getting rid of old things cannot be done without giving. Many of them can find a second youth there. An old TV or a desk can come in handy for a summer residence. But, some of these items can be used for other purposes. And in a completely different way. For example, if you saw a bath along, then you can make two half-chairs-semi-sofas from it. Of course, only if you lay soft pillows on the bottom.

An old rusty bike from the garage can be moved to the country house to decorate it. Now it is very fashionable to use it vehicle in landscape design. A bicycle can be a great stylish flower pot holder.

Even old shoes can be entered into such garden decor. In rubber boots or leather shoes that have served their time, you can pour the earth and plant beautiful flowers. And if wicker baskets or baskets are left from your grandmother, then they can be used as flower pots.

There are a lot of ideas to breathe a second life into old things. The main thing is the presence of imagination. Try it, you will succeed.

What to do with unnecessary things with your own hands?

You can get rid of unnecessary things not only with the help of the above methods. You can make something useful and interesting for your home out of old things. The simplest thing is to change the upholstery of old upholstered furniture. In this way, you can kill two birds with one stone. Save on the purchase of new upholstered furniture and update the one you are already used to, and which has become convenient and comfortable for you.

The old floor lamp is worn out and without it the room is not so cozy? No problem. And it can be restored. Usually the lampshade suffers first. The material from which it is made can be replaced with a new one. You can even pull an old sweater over the lampshade. Get an exclusive designer thing, which on specialized sites is valued at a tidy sum.

Ideas for a house from unnecessary things

Most often, old things are used for storage systems. Small jars of baby puree can be used to store bolts and nails. But, you can approach this issue more creatively and make containers for salt, pepper and other spices out of them. To do this, the jars need to be washed and dried. The baby food label must be removed. Jars must be completely transparent.

Now we take their covers and fasten them to the wall cabinet using short self-tapping screws. Such that they do not pass through the furniture shield. Pour spices into these jars and twist into lids.

An old tennis ball can be used as a housekeeper or bill holder. To do this, it must be cut on one side and screwed to the wall with a self-tapping screw. Speaking of keys. In order not to lose the keys, instead of a key fob, use a small "brick" from the Lego constructor. On the wall you need to attach another part of the designer. And when you come home from the street and open the door, then connect the two parts of the designer. The keys will be there.

Pieces from old furniture can be used to make shelves. The easiest way to make them is with ropes. To do this, you need to saw the boards from the furniture system to the same size and drill holes for the ropes in their corners. We pass the ropes through such holes. In order to keep the boards at the right height, you just need to tie knots on the ropes.

Crafts from unnecessary things

From things that have served their time, you can make beautiful crafts. They are very popular with children. You can make bird feeders out of old plastic bottles. To do this, U-shaped cutouts are cut out on the sides of the bottle. Then the plastic needs to be bent. Pour food and hang on the street. The feeder is ready.

From a glass bottle you can make a vase or a lamp. In both cases, you need to cut off part of the bottle. In the first case, the upper part, and in the second, the lower part. To do this, use a woolen thread soaked in kerosene or solvent. The length of the thread should be such that it can be wrapped around a glass bottle 3-4 times.

After soaking the thread with a solvent, we immediately wind it on the bottle where the cut is planned, and tie it in a knot. Ignite the thread with a lighter. The bottle must be kept parallel to the floor. During burning, the bottle must be scrolled so that the fire burns the entire thread as quickly as possible. As soon as the fire begins to go out, dip the bottle in cold water. Due to the temperature difference in the line of fire, the bottle will burst.

You can use sandpaper to finish the edges.

If you are using the bottle as a vase, put an old colored sock over it. The brighter it is, the more beautiful the vase will be.

Chandelier from old glass bottles

If the bottle is used as a chandelier, then we pass the wire through the neck and screw the cartridge into it. It should be inside the bottle. It is important to secure the cartridge very well. In addition to the main purpose, it should be used as a fastener for such a chandelier.

How to sell unnecessary things?

  • Not all old items are recyclable. There are some that are valuable to collectors. You can find out what things are valuable with the help of specialized auction sites, communities and forums of collectors, etc. Just look at what they sell there. If you have such things that you do not need, then you can get rid of them with profit.
  • Oddly enough, quite a lot of old things can be sold at a high price. For example, old computers, some models of tube TVs, transistors and tape recorders are highly valued. Not so long ago, at a well-known auction, a children's electronic toy Nintendo Game Boy was sold for 3 thousand dollars.
  • Coins, stamps, collectible cards and other similar items are also of high value. Some mechanical toys, dolls, car models can also be sold. Some are even very expensive.
  • Magazines, postcards, posters, vinyl records and discs are highly sought after by collectors. Perhaps in your old things there are those for which collectors will give a fortune? Do not rush to throw them away without knowing their true value.

Oksana. From sweaters that have already gone out of fashion, I sew cushions for the sofa. I have already sewn for all my relatives, I pass on to my friends. Don't throw them away.

Peter. And I made a swing for my granddaughter from an old tire. The idea is certainly not new, but it turned out very well. Granddaughter appreciated. I use old plastic canisters as a storage system for small parts in the garage.

Video: What to do with old things? creative ideas

People, as a rule, do not realize that at any moment they can throw anything out of their lives. Anytime. © Carlos Castaneda

Many people have a hamster instinct: hide everything you can in a mink. Gradually, things clog all the pores of the house, they lie somewhere on the mezzanine for years, gather dust and deteriorate in closets and pantries, orphanly huddle under sofas and shelves. You have probably noticed that the owners of apartments, randomly stuffed with various junk, are usually unhappy and unlucky in life. Maybe they have a reason to accumulate these things. But this may be the main reason for their unhappiness.

The house is a mirror image of ourselves. It is a symbolic representation of ourselves, in a deeper sense, an extension of us. There is great healing power in clearing the house of unnecessary things. If your house is kept clean and tidy, then your mind will also be in order.

The main approach: absolutely ruthlessly get rid of trash. The desire to hold on to old things is a sure sign of the psychology of poverty.

It is important to remember:

  • Criterion in the selection of an unnecessary one: if a thing is not useful within a year or two, it will never be needed.
  • Old unnecessary things draw energy onto themselves.
  • The constant contemplation of old and decrepit things, if it is not collectible and restored to a shine antiques, forms the psychology of poverty in our minds. We get used to being content patched and shabby.
  • By collecting unnecessary things “just in case”, we assume that this case will come.
  • By clinging to things that no longer serve you, you are clinging to principles and ideas that no longer serve you.
  • As soon as you put things in order in the house and get rid of unnecessary things, there is both money and time to buy a new one.
  • Particular attention should be paid to torn and broken things. They must either be repaired immediately or thrown away immediately. And in no case should they be allowed to lie for a long time until “hands reach”. Eastern practitioners warn: the negative energy of cumulative destruction involuntarily breaks the inner harmony of the house. Broken and defective things create negative energy in your home, contribute to stagnation in life, and even negatively affect your health.
  • When you buy something for your home, remember that how you feel when you buy will affect how you feel when the item is in your home. If you are buying something and the seller is rude and you feel annoyed, chances are you will never truly enjoy the item. If the mood when buying is good and joyful, then the associations with this item will be pleasant.
  • Every thing has its own time and purpose. Eastern practitioners say that your favorite thing gives you positive charges, absorbing negative ones. Having served its term, it, like a battery, must be disposed of. However, if you do not part with it, its negative charge can spoil the entire spiritual atmosphere in your apartment.
  • If during the year the thing that you were looking for and with difficulty got, remained unnecessary, say goodbye to it.
  • Buy only what is perfect, not just pretty.
  • Before you hang a new shirt in the closet, throw out the oldest one.
  • Get rid of everything that does not fit in style, color and size.
  • Get rid of everything old and worn, with specks, holes, as well as things that are frayed, worn out and nondescript in appearance.
  • This rule even applies to books that you accidentally bought and never used. Leave only the set that will reflect you today the way you want to be tomorrow.
  • It is important to have a REALLY favorite thing in your wardrobe. Favorite things give confidence. Favorite things - they sit somehow differently, and you feel great in them, and this feeling is transmitted to others.
  • Broken appliances work like vampires, taking away the positive energy of the room and amplifying the negative.
  • First of all, the trash can should be made happy by chipped and cracked dishes and mirrors with some defects.
  • The altered thing ends its days too soon in a dark wardrobe.
  • Things tend to adopt and accumulate the energy of a person. Mostly negative. When there is too much energy, the thing begins to give it away. This is especially true for upholstered furniture for sleeping. The maximum service life of a bed or sofa (at least a mattress) is 10 years.
  • If there are objects in the house that remind you of something bad or were given to you by a person you do not like, get rid of them.
  • In the east, they say that through the holes and holes in the clothes there is a leakage of energy potential. You can't hide yourself from yourself.
  • And Eastern philosophers also recommend constantly changing something in the house, rearranging furniture, washing dust. Let things know that they have not been forgotten.
  • Never wear clothes that have negative memories attached to you, no matter how much they cost.
  • All things, when wearing which you experience physical discomfort, should be ruthlessly thrown away.
  • Things in your home should evoke good memories. Otherwise, negative associations will reduce the energy of your home.

Of course, it is not necessary to throw everything in the trash. Some of them can be donated, some can be given to those people who need them more.