Seasonal work abroad: pros and cons. “I went to seasonal work abroad Poland is a great place for Russian students to work

For the average Russian, seasonal work abroad is an opportunity to earn money, get to know another state, and meet new people at the same time. In addition, especially inquisitive people can learn a foreign language and acquire useful connections that will help them work less and earn more in the future.

Seasonal work in Europe allows you to change your life

Example of a job offer in the Czech Republic

A certain percentage of Russians who go to work seasonally begin to implement their program of moving to another state in this way.

Whatever goals you pursue, always keep in mind that you are required to be willing to work overtime and in quite difficult conditions.

Work abroad for Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, Moldovans, etc. suggests that applicants are stress-resistant, sociable and strong people who are ready to live in Spartan conditions for some time.

The most common seasonal vacancies

If you have just started looking for an answer to the question of how to find a job abroad for the summer season, first decide what exactly you want and can do. In 2020, the easiest jobs to find are:

  • trainer;
  • animator;
  • counselor at the camp;
  • cook;
  • packer;
  • seller-cashier;
  • cleaning woman;
  • auxiliary worker;
  • work in greenhouses;
  • maids, etc.

Knowledge of the language and historical data about the country will allow you to get a job as a guide. Tourist specialties are in demand on the coasts in summer, and in ski resorts in winter.

During the holiday season, shops and supermarkets are looking for additional labor to serve visitors. Administrations outlets, knowing that they will not find temporary workers in the right amount in their hometown, they place ads on foreign websites and in newspapers, they turn to companies that employ citizens from less prosperous countries for help.

Another area is caring for the sick, the elderly and young children. And also open vacancies in reserves and parks. Some organizations are looking for volunteers who provide accommodation and food. True, in most cases, wages are not provided.

In which countries can you find a job

Russians, citizens of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and other states of the post-Soviet space choose a number of areas for work. The choice is most often influenced by the reviews of compatriots who already have experience of foreign employment.

Often in certain countries certain professions are offered. For example, the easiest way is in the hotel or tourism business. Housemaids, receptionists, guides, animators and similar professions are in demand.

Our compatriots go to Spain and France for such jobs as:

  • harvesting;
  • hotel service;
  • service in amusement parks.

You can work in these areas from May to October.

There is a possibility during the summer. Here, foreigners are offered employment in agricultural land, on livestock farms, as well as in fisheries.

One of the popular destinations is Poland, where there are not enough workers in many areas. As in other former socialist countries, they are not the best by European standards, because the local population migrates to neighboring states Western Europe.

How much do they pay and what conditions do they offer

Whatever country you go to, and whatever vacancy you take, be it strawberry cultivation or animation, you will be paid much more than in similar specialties at home.

The minimum work rate per day is 8 hours. But this, if you're lucky. As a rule, our compatriots work at least 10 hours. In factories and agriculture up to 13 hours a day. Overtime, as well as going out on holidays and weekends, are paid more generously.

Some employers provide workers with accommodation and meals, as well as payment for round-trip travel. Others are just accommodation. Some don't care where they live or what they eat temporary workers.

It is better to inquire about this issue even before concluding an agreement, since housing and food abroad are more expensive than here, and with a high workload, you will have no time to think about buying food and cooking.

Today BusinessTimes publishes the latest story about seasonal work abroad. In our next materials, you can read about the countries where it is best for Russians to go for seasonal work, about visa issues related to this type of income, as well as about possible options for seasonal employment.

My story began in the Czech Republic, in Prague. I was looking for some work for the summer in Prague, but I couldn't find anything. And then I came up with the idea to look for work in some other country. I decided to travel and work in New Zealand. Why exactly there? Because one day, when I was little, I met people in the Czech Republic who emigrated to New Zealand during the communist era in our country, and they told me that New Zealand is a great country for hiking. I really like this kind of travel, and besides, I heard that there are many opportunities to find seasonal work in New Zealand. All these reasons together pushed me to make my dreams come true.

I started looking for information about the country and travel there, found out where and how I can get a visa and work permit. I found all the information on the Internet. The first step was to get a visa. The student agency helped me get a visa and buy tickets. I arrived in Auckland at the end of October.

I spent two days in Oakland getting my tax number and opening a bank account. Then I went to Taupo for a day and then went to Hastings. There were so many tourists there that I could not book any accommodation in this city. Had trouble finding an overnight stay but finally found one, albeit only for one night. The next day I went to the information center and they helped me find accommodation in Napier because Hastings was really crowded.

When I first arrived in Hasting, I read that there was an opportunity to get a job in the apple orchards picking apples. This work usually starts in November, but people told me that this year there was a frosty winter and the apple picking work will start later. I was told the same thing at Napier. Then I decided that traveling is better than waiting for work. A couple of days later I went to the Mahia peninsula, with two other guys from the Czech Republic.

I met these guys on the bus. And then we went together to Lake Waikaremoana. Very necessary information was given to us at the job search office in Whakatane. Their employee told us important things - and we went to TePuke to pick kiwi flowers there. We worked for a whole week in the kiwi tree garden. After this job, we went to Taupo to find something better, like housekeeping. It so happened that our first employer promised to send a salary to our bank accounts on the very next Wednesday, but did not send it. I spent about NZ$30 to call him, but all he said was "sorry, I always forget".

I decided to solve this problem through the Department of Labor - but I never received the money. Then I spent another week in Taupo asking everyone about work. All attempts to get settled failed. The most interesting adventure of those days was a trip around Lake Taupo and the road through a flock of sheep to one farm - but at that moment there was no work for men. In early December, I returned to Hastings and registered with the seasonal worker's office.

And just two hours later I received a text message with a phone in Thornhill - and so began my work in the vineyards. The vineyard had to be lifted and tied with wire. Between Christmas and New Year I went to Tongario on a hiking trip. After the New Year, there was again no work, but then the French, whom I met in the vineyards, suggested me a job in a kiwi garden near Cleve. The kiwi harvest was just beginning - but it lasted only five days. Then I worked in a plum orchard picking plums for two weeks. Since January 28, I and another friend of mine have been unemployed, trying to find something every day. But now it is not very easy, because the apple picking season will only start in mid-February.

Seasonal work in Europe is a great way to earn money abroad. Harvesting does not require special skills and, by the standards of the CIS countries, is well paid. From this article you will learn the conditions of employment in Poland, Spain and Finland.

The work of picking strawberries in Poland is paid from the output. The harvest is counted in baskets, the payment for one basket is up to PLN 2.5, although such conditions are hard to find. Usually they pay 1-1.5 zlotys. In principle, a daily salary will turn out like picking apples and pears. Compared to Finland, seasonal work in Poland is less profitable, but you will have to spend less on food, travel and accommodation.

This country is also attractive in that it is easy to arrange a work or on your own. This requires a minimum. And if you want to speed up the process, you can contact the agency.

For your convenience, we have collected everything.

Jobs in Spain picking citrus fruits

The citrus harvest in Spain starts in January and continues through April. To calculate your salary, the employer counts how many boxes of oranges, lemons or tangerines you have collected per day. The price of one box is from 1 to 1.5 euros. You can collect 30-50 boxes per day. The only negative is that the box holds 19 kg of fruits, so the work is physically difficult.” . There you can also find job search sites in Spain.

Features of seasonal work in Europe

In order to find the first seasonal vacancy, you will have to contact the agency. At the same time, you will be absolutely legally employed and will be helped with paperwork. But you will have to spend money on the services of intermediaries. Next season, everything will be easier - you will be able to collect and process all the documents yourself. If the employer is satisfied with you, feel free to count on higher pay, better living conditions, and next year you will work directly.

There is a category of professional harvesters who only do what they roam around Europe. In summer they are in Finland, in autumn - in Poland, and in winter-spring - in Spain. Moreover, people get good money and they can live in clover for several free months in their native country.

There are a lot of announcements on the Internet about the recruitment of Russians for seasonal work Abroad. Intermediaries promise to find a place during the seasonal harvest, help with a visa and accommodation in the country. Workers are waiting for hard physical labor: they will have to spend several hours in an uncomfortable position, lift weights, get up early. A work visa is not always issued, often people enter on a tourist visa and stay in the country illegally for several months. But despite this, the number of people who want to sign up for seasonal work does not decrease, someone even perceives it as an adventure and an opportunity not only to earn money, but also to visit abroad. We asked people who traveled for seasonal work to talk about their experiences.



sea ​​kale

I went to work in South Korea, spent a total of a year and two months there. During this time, he was engaged in various things: he worked at several factories, harvested vegetables and fruits, but the most difficult thing was the harvest of seaweed. We simply called this work “the sea”. A Korean farmer rents a plot in the sea, puts ropes there, somehow spuds this cabbage, and when it grows, we sail on boats to collect it.

One leaf of cabbage is about two meters long, and it grows in bunches of five or six leaves. At a time, it was necessary to get two or three such beams, also taking into account the resistance of water. It turns out that you pull 80 kilograms. You had to get up at four in the morning and immediately climb into the cold sea. Before lunch, you pick cabbage, bring it to the shore by boat. After lunch, it is loaded into a car with a special crane, you take cabbage to special drying chambers.

Alco bonuses

More than half of those who come to work are indebted men who feed the whole family. Someone drowns in a mortgage and goes in the hope of closing it as soon as possible. Basically, these are people from Primorye, Transbaikalia, Buryatia, Siberia. Minimum payment in Korea in terms of rubles - this is about 100 thousand per month. Also, there are always some bonuses from employers, for example, they can be affixed with alcohol. In general, Koreans themselves are hardworking and responsible, they don’t even go on smoke breaks, and they need to somehow balance their work stress, so they can start drinking already from lunch. They have soju - local vodka, and it is considered quite normal to drink a couple of glasses in the afternoon, and in the evening it can legally flow into a booze. I even saw men who came for money, but started drinking there, and it got to the point that their wives sent money for a return ticket.

Many who return from work to Russia do not want to say that there are such tough bosses and hard work, and they say that they simply received a lot of money there, without particularly straining. Because of this, frail, weak men, office plankton and sissies then come to seasonal work, they think that now they can easily earn money there. There were a lot of those who left literally in the first days. Before that, I went in for sports, because it was somewhat easier for me than the others.


I initially entered Korea with practically no money, I didn’t know the language where to look for a job, I didn’t understand. But in Korea there is a labor exchange for unskilled workers, and I found the first place there. There are agents - these are the same workers who have already established good relations with the owners of the farms. From those who want to get a job, they take up to 20 thousand rubles, but all their help is that they will talk to the boss in Korean and ask if he needs workers. Sometimes a person pays, and they just give him a phone number - then call yourself and negotiate. There are real agents who can really help with work in some way - these are usually ethnic Koreans. But before contacting someone, it is better to sit on social networks in specialized groups, google all the information. I know a man who gave 40 thousand rubles for help in crossing the border, and he was simply printed out and given a route sheet downloaded from the Internet.

On the very first day of work, you will learn the first words, “poly-poly” is especially quickly remembered, which means “faster, faster”. When you stay in Korea for a long time, you start to meet different people, they can help with work. In general, even if you don’t know the language and don’t know how to do anything, but you smile, then you can already count on employment and a normal attitude from the authorities. In Korea, all sorts of merry fellows get better and get more hard workers.

One million rubles

When you work in a factory, you have to rent your own apartment. We found a one-room apartment for 15-18 thousand in rubles, for a two-room apartment we paid already 25. And on the seas or fields, housing is provided free of charge, but the conditions there are Spartan. I had only two sheets - one to sleep on, and the other to cover. There were no pillows, hot water or internet. I went to the nearest supermarket to catch wi-fi.

During this time, I definitely earned more than a million rubles, another thing is that I initially did not go for money, but for adventure. I spent some of that money there. In Korea, everything is quite expensive: a pack of cigarettes - 200 rubles, a kilogram of potatoes - 200 rubles. He sent some part to his family, brought something and made a contribution for the future.



strawberry fields

From Vyborg we went to Finland both for shopping and to the water park, which turned out to be even cheaper than St. Petersburg. I constantly heard talk about the possibility of going to work, but I couldn’t get to the farm - no one just shares such information. People who get into the brigade go to work for ten years in a row. The farmer recruits other workers only if someone from his brigade does not arrive or the fields increase. The first time I went on an ad in the newspaper. To go, I even took out a loan. We had a tourist visa, with which you can work in Finland for no more than three months.

At first I got to a good farmer, but only for three days. He was waiting for a whole bus of workers, but they were delayed, and the harvest had to be harvested. There was a large berry, and the attitude was excellent. It was necessary to cut the weeds on the field, you can’t tear them so as not to damage the roots. There were three of us: two men and myself. The farmer gave us secateurs and gloves, the gloves fit the men, but they turned out to be big for me. We laughed, and I went to collect without gloves. The farmer left somewhere, and then returned and brought me the gloves he had just bought in a small size. We can say that the farmer took care of us, and not just hired us.

Then we went to another farmer, but his berries were small, like blueberries. I thought that in Russia I would earn even more. I began to complain to the agent that he had brought me to a place where I couldn’t even repay a loan, picking berries all day long, and he said: “Well, leave!” I packed my things, got on the bus and went to Russia. A year later, it turned out again that the berry has gone, there are still no workers, and I live a two-hour drive from the farm. We packed up and went to a caring farmer together with my daughter.

Berries out of politics

The following year, I found a website on the Internet with a list of all the farmers in Finland. My daughter and I chose those who were closer to the border, who had an email address - wrote them letters with an offer to hire us. We sent out about a hundred letters, and only seven people answered. Closer to the season, two still wrote and asked if we were ready to come. One immediately sent invitations, explained that you need to take a certificate of income, and the other asked a bunch of questions. In the end, we went to the first one.

We traveled for an average of three weeks. We went to the fields by six in the morning, until about noon we picked berries. When the harvest was in full swing, they were harvested until three o'clock in the afternoon. Even when I went for the first time, I saw how women from the Baltics pick strawberries. They do not stand bent over, but put on knee pads and sit over the beds. So, indeed, the back and legs do not get tired, only the hands hurt. On the farm they give instructions: strawberries with a white tip are not good, overripe ones are discarded, without a tail - too. It happens that you accidentally pick the wrong strawberries, but you don’t throw them away, but you eat them. We ate so much that we didn't even want to eat.

Brigades are usually 20 people each, most of them come from Ukraine. They immediately introduced a rule - not a word about politics, we all came to work and are here in equal conditions. For workers, all farmers have equipped houses, where there are bedrooms for several people, a kitchen with all appliances, a bathhouse nearby, and wi-fi. They worked seven days a week, but in the afternoon it was possible to go to the same farmer to pick peas for an additional fee, to go for wild berries. There was also free time - we went shopping on the lakes, played the guitar, rode bicycles. There is such an expression "strawberry tan" - when the back is red, and the front is white skin. We also tried to sunbathe to even out our strawberry tan.

One thousand euros in three weeks

For strawberries, the standard container is a basket, which includes two and a half kilograms. Some take it by weight, somewhere they count by the piece, and somewhere they generally divide the income into the whole team. On average, a kilogram of berries is one euro. For three weeks of work, I earned about a thousand euros, my daughter the same amount. But I am a slow person and do not collect very quickly.

But we once had a guy, a gynecologist by profession, he could, where I collect one euro, make two. But some only recoup what they paid for travel to the farm, visa and local entertainment. Their goal is not to make money, but only to visit Finland. We spent what we earned in different ways: we invested in studies, invested in the dacha, then we took Daewoo Matiz and for the last time we went to harvest on it.

Seasonal work has many positive and negative sides. They allow you to get a good income in a short time, this is a great option for those who do not have a permanent job. Seasonal work abroad provides an opportunity to practice foreign language to get to know the country, to see how people live. The disadvantages include hard physical labor, a small amount of time for rest, as well as the most unforeseen circumstances that an employee can get into. In order for seasonal work to bring only positive results, you should seriously approach the choice of a company, an employer, discuss all issues of interest, and it is best to trust only trusted places. It is also necessary to decide on the choice of work that you have to perform, soberly assess your capabilities and health, work must be in strength. Seasonal work is a great experience and acquaintance with the country, and if you have plans for immigration, then maybe this step will be the first step in making your dream come true. To go and see everything with your own eyes in the country where you are going to immigrate is much better than listening to stories from people.

Main options for seasonal work abroad

For the summer period, you can pick up seasonal work in tourist resorts. In the winter season, workers are always required for ski centers. These can be vacancies for animators, waiters or assistants in the kitchen. Large selection of fruit and vegetable harvesting jobs. Picking strawberries, raspberries, black and red currants, apples - these are the most popular options for work that are offered in Europe. This one is good because it does not require great language knowledge, it allows you to earn money, get to know the life of people in another country.

Working abroad is an easy option for people who don't have special skills or are taking a break from their old routine.

Another option for employment for the season is work in nature reserves, work caring for children, the elderly or sick people. You can try yourself as a volunteer. This type of low-paid or generally happens without payment, but only food and housing are provided. This option is suitable for those who want to learn more about the chosen country, get to know the culture, get a good life experience, learn the language and possibly enroll in further education or find other job options.


Picking wild berries such as blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries is the main type of seasonal work in Finland. You can also go to the country for strawberry plantations or picking potatoes. If you plan to get a seasonal cooperation in another country, then you should start preparing documents in advance. The beginning of the season for picking berries and vegetables in exactly impossible to determine. It all depends on weather conditions and the rate of ripening of the berry, but still approximately the periods look like this:

  • For strawberries - end of June, beginning of July (up to four weeks)
  • For raspberries - end of July, beginning of August (duration from three to four weeks)
  • For forest blueberries - from July 10 (only two weeks)
  • For blueberries and blueberries - the period from the end of July (duration from four to six weeks)
  • For lingonberries and cloudberries - from the beginning to the end of August
  • To collect potatoes - early September

Picking wild berries such as blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries is the main type of seasonal work in Finland.

For seasonal work in Finland, you need to obtain work visa, it is drawn up on the basis of the contract of the employer. Be sure to take care of the advance submission of documents for seasonal work, as its registration takes much more time than a regular tourist one. It is best to do this two to three months before the start of the employment contract.

Northern berries also need someone to collect

Tips for those traveling to Finland for seasonal work:

  • Familiarize yourself with the labor laws of your country
  • Invitations from farms sent free of charge, there is no need to overpay intermediary firms for them
  • The employment contract must be in writing, describing the working conditions.
  • Specify the cost of accommodation, transport, food, whether these expenses will be deducted from the salary or you will pay for them yourself.
  • Be sure to write down the phone number of your country's embassy in Finland

Poland is a great place for Russian students to work

Poland is one of the most popular countries for seasonal work. It is in Poland that the largest number of workers from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine come. Poland is attractive due to its relatively close location, which means that a large amount of money is not required for the trip. In addition, the Polish language is quite similar to Ukrainian and Russian, which makes it easy to overcome the language barrier. What vacancies are offered in Poland for seasonal employment? Most often it is agricultural work. Every year, thousands of people come to the country to work in the apple picking. Almost always, workers are required in greenhouses to cut champignons.

Poland is attractive due to its relatively close location, which means that a large amount of money is not required for the trip.

May - September is the main period of seasonal work in Poland. Seasonal work in Poland is very popular among students. During the summer holidays, you can find a job on agricultural farms, as well as in hotels and catering facilities. During the summer, workers in amusement parks, waiters, bartenders are required. Be sure, if you apply for seasonal work abroad to specialized companies, ask for an agreement with the employer on hiring labor in your country. The conclusion of the contract should be directly with the foreign employer, and not with an intermediary firm.

Students can earn extra money as hotel employees

The list of the most popular vacancies in Poland for seasonal work:

  • Maid and administrators in hotels;
  • Cooks, kitchen assistants, dishwashers;
  • Packers, packers;
  • Cleaners in the supermarket;
  • Workers at meat processing plants, fish factories;
  • Farm workers;
  • Builders.

Such a different Europe: work in Norway

In Norway, seasonal workers are most often required for agricultural or livestock farms. The main types of work are weeding, pruning the garden, picking berries, making hay, caring for and cleaning animals. You can also get to this country for a rather exotic job, like a fish gutter, and there are also vacancies in salting and packaging fish products. For students with with good knowledge, you can get a job for the summer period in holiday camps for children or as service personnel in hotels. For seasonal vacancies that do not exceed 90 days, a work visa will be sufficient.

You can also get to this country for a rather exotic job, like a fish gutter, and there are also vacancies for salting and packaging fish products.

Norway specializes in fish, so you have to deal with it

In order to get a seasonal job in Norway, you must be at least 18 years old and have an employment agreement with the employer. Basic requirements for working conditions for seasonal workers in Norway:

  • Salary must be in accordance with the pay scale in the industry or the collective agreement of the enterprise (if both are not paid, equal to the minimum hourly rate)
  • Employment relationships must be approved and authorized by the Norwegian Labor Department
  • The work must be full-time, it is also possible to split into several offers from different employers

What does Spain have to offer?

Spain is one of the countries where you can go for seasonal agricultural work. It is attractive in this regard for foreigners from around the world. A favorable climate, good wages and the opportunity to see one of the most beautiful countries in Europe are the main advantages of seasonal work in Spain. It requires workers to pick olives, oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, grapes. With a good knowledge of Spanish, you can get a job as a hotel staff or find a job as a guide for tourists. The amount of payment for the collection of vegetables or fruits depends on the amount collected. It is necessary to subtract the cost of housing and food from the salary, but even under such conditions, you can make good money.

Most often, workers are required to pick olives, oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, and grapes.

Working on a plantation is the easiest option to go abroad at least for a season

Estimated salary amount

  • Workers in the service sector (maids, waiters, kitchen workers) - from 700 to 1000 euros
  • Agriculture (collection of vegetables, fruits) - piecework wages from 500 euros
  • Skilled building professions - 1000–1200 euros
  • Ancillary workers at a construction site - 500-800 euros

Let's go to France for the summer

Seasonal workers in France are most often required for agricultural work, parks and hotel business. The period of labor can be very different, it will depend on the location of the province and its climate. So for picking cherries and strawberries - May-June. The period for harvesting vegetables is from June to September. The apple picking season is September-October. A lot of seasonal workers are involved in the grape harvest, these works fall on September-October.

French wine is spread all over the world: for this amount of drinking, you definitely need more hands to cope with huge baskets of grapes.

The period of work can be very different, it will depend on the location of the province and its climate.

To travel for seasonal work in France is requested for three months on the basis of a contract with the employer. If the period of work is more than ninety days, then a residence permit is issued for the period of the work contract. The main regions of France where you can go on an agricultural basis:

  • Pyrenees, Beaujolais, Laura Valley, Burgundy - grape harvest
  • Rhone Valley - cherry picking
  • Center and Perigord - picking strawberries
  • Auvergne and Aquitaine - picking vegetables, corn

The largest tourism employers are Disneyland Paris and Asterix Park. If you want to get a job for the summer season in this industry, then you should start looking as early as February.

Fun Facts: Disneyland Paris employs over 12,000 seasonal workers for summer jobs.

Video: The Netherlands as the most popular travel option abroad

Finding a seasonal job in the Netherlands is not so difficult, because this country is famous for the widest variety of vacancies for seasonal workers. Most often, workers are required in greenhouses, after all The Netherlands is a country that occupies a leading position in the cultivation of flowers, vegetables and fruits. The contract, in most cases, is drawn up for six months, the payment is approximately 6 euros per hour. A key link in the Dutch economy is farming - therefore, workers are always required here for livestock farms.

In addition to the agricultural sector, in the Netherlands you can get seasonal construction work. Especially demanded professions are assemblers, welders and fitters. You can find seasonal work either on your own or through special firms with job banks.

Working abroad is an interesting experience that does not require special skills, new acquaintances and the opportunity to take a break from everyday life in your homeland.