Competitions for a holiday in oriental style. Party in oriental style - scenario for adults

Scenario for adults "Insert a word"

But these words can be used for a completely different entertainment. It is some kind of competition. At a certain point in the evening, you give all the guests sheets of paper with written phrases that include Japanese words.

In order to come up with these phrases, you can use the words above. Examples of such phrases can be: “But my kimono is not finished”, “Now I will show you my favorite karate trick”, “One more word - and hara-kiri cannot be avoided”, “What kind of brave shogun is sitting in front of me?”, “Oh , passion, I love to sing under karaoke”, “Just the same mystery of Sudoku”, “Banzai!!!” Each piece of paper should contain one such statement.

The competition rules are as follows: everyone should insert their phrase during a conversation or some other fun at least three times. This phrase should not be pronounced meaninglessly, but, so to speak, "in the subject." We advise you not to limit this game by time.

But still, warn the guests that the first one to complete this task will receive a valuable prize.

This entertainment practically does not need a description. But the only thing you need to do is point out the Japanese origin of this word. But still, we advise you to choose songs with oriental notes. In any pop disc, there are sure to be 2-3 such songs.

If your company is especially active, then sing all together, and best of all, choose "oriental beauties" for backup dancers.

Best Oriental Beauty

Choose the best oriental diva (Japanese, Indian, etc.). We propose the following criteria for evaluating participants:

1) best suit;

3) the best oriental dance.

The first two criteria require the home preparation of "beauties". The dance can be prepared in advance, or it can be a real improvisation. If you have a mixture of styles, then it is best for girls to perform a belly dance. Skill is not required.

I advise you to put a belt of coins on the girl. Surely one of your friends is engaged in belly dancing. It is fashionable now, just ask this person to give it to you for the evening, and best of all, invite her to your evening. Coins on such scarves, if you hang it on your belt, ring even during normal walking.

So don't let the members worry: A simple figure-of-eight movement of the hips or strikes will make the coins ring very loudly. One option might be to perform an Egyptian dance. To do this, you just need to take postures with your hands. The simplest dance, in our opinion, is still the Japanese dance. But for him you need to prepare props, namely 2 fans. Of course, you can make them yourself, but we advise you to purchase two small hand fans from the store. Feel free to buy them.

Be sure that they will not gather dust aimlessly in your apartment after the party. They are so adorable that you can put them on any shelf as a souvenir, as my friend did, or hang them on the wall with photographs as a memento of your fun party. And in hot weather, you can use them for their intended purpose.

For Japanese dance, each girl must have two fans in her hand. It looks very impressive when they open at the same time. During the dance, you can cover your face with open fans. The same type of movement can be done on your knees, sitting, standing.

Don't forget how a Japanese woman should bow at the beginning of the dance and at the end. Please note that the gait should be small mincing steps, otherwise the Japanese woman will be "fake". We advise you not to include the whole song.

It is better to let the girls dance in turn for 1–1.5 minutes. If the dance is prepared in advance, then let it be almost a whole song.

After all the evaluations, the jury chooses the most natural oriental beauty. It is best if the jury is as objective as possible. After all, everyone was preparing and you can easily offend any girl.

So the best option would be to award the nominations "The Most Hardworking", "The Most Natural Oriental Diva", "The Most Charming".

Game "Twist"

You can buy this game in the store. But you can do it yourself. For it you will need: 25 sheets of A4 format, on the sheets you need to print or draw the outline of the palm and the outline of the foot. Inside each foot, you insert the outline of a cube with a number from 1 to 6 inside. You do this randomly.

This game can be played both by one couple and by a group of friends, and the company must include both girls and young people. The host rolls the die and calls out the name, the number that has fallen out and the part of the body: right hand, left hand, right foot, left foot and maybe the head. Example: Katya - left leg 6, Sasha - left leg 2, Katya - right leg 3, Sasha - right leg 4, Katya - right arm 1, Sasha - right leg 2, etc. As a result, everything is intertwined, legs and arms are leaving.

The poses are very exotic - hence the name.

This section is one of the most interesting. In no case do not neglect it, as the oriental atmosphere will be created to a greater extent by costumes. It is in them that guests will truly feel like representatives of the East. If your party will be in a purely Japanese style, then for the guys costumes are practically not difficult.

Almost everyone has friends who have done or are still doing oriental wrestling. In this case, you just need to borrow a kimono from them. Kimono is usually white. Usually only the colors of the belts differ. If not everyone has a black belt, then you can easily make it from any rope by tying it over a kimono.

When you find a friend with a suit, then try to find his friends, because everyone who has done, for example, karate, must have a kimono. Don't forget about the fairer sex. After all, girls are engaged in different types of wrestling.

You can also invite that very friend or girlfriend to the holiday, i.e. those who did it. But do not forget to warn your guest that he, as a connoisseur of oriental culture, is simply obliged to demonstrate his skills. Let this be a short speech, consisting of techniques.

But do not forget that this number will require additional space for the stage.

Nevertheless, a kimono, especially if it is for men, will look very good on the representatives of the stronger sex. For girls, we advise you to make a costume from the directly upper part of the kimono and skirt. The skirt should preferably begin under the bust, and its length should be up to the ankles.

If the girls don't want to wear a kimono, then any large piece of fabric can help here. you will need to wind it up so that the sleeves are as wide as possible, and fasten the fabric in the middle with a huge brooch. This "blouse" looks very impressive. Recently, all kinds of sweaters and dresses with a high collar and buttons sewn vertically at the throat have been in fashion.

They will be the perfect costume for an oriental style party. As a last resort, as a costume for girls, you can use a regular silk robe, fastening it with all the buttons.

Japanese girls should not forget about the appropriate makeup and hairstyle. Try to make your face as white as possible, for this, just use a shade of powder 1-2 tones lighter than your skin color. Of course, the most suitable option would be white.

Eyebrows and eyes should be made up brightly, they should be summed up with a black pencil. Lips, optionally pink or peach. http://site

Don't forget your hair. It is necessary to tightly collect all the hair in a bun and insert two sticks. If this hairstyle does not suit you at all, then we advise you to leave the bangs. You will find hair sticks in any department with hairpins and combs.

If you do not want to buy them, then they can be easily cut from ordinary pieces of wood, sharpening the end on one side and leaving it thick enough on the other. You can draw lines and curls on such sticks with a marker. If you do not want to do them at all, then you can do it differently. You just stick disposable chopsticks in your head, you can also buy them in the napkins and other table accessories department or in a Chinese restaurant or sushi bar. They are usually sold in packs of two or twelve.

But in order for the sticks on your head and for food not to match, we advise you to decorate the hair sticks with a marker.

We figured out the external "Japanese" look, now let's move on to a mixed party. Any Arab girl can look like this: a veil, which can be any scarf tied on the face just below the eyes, or, in the most extreme case, even a pareo, blouse or topic, preferably, should be with a deep neckline and with a huge amount of rhinestones and embellishments. Try to wear jewelry.

Crosses here, as you understand, will be out of place, but pendants with large pendants will perfectly harmonize with your oriental style. Don't forget big bangles, rings, and brightly painted and lined eyes. On the bottom, you can wear both wide pants and long skirts with a yoke, or flared down. We also suggest that you wear belts and belts on this day, if they are associated with the East. Most often, these are metal belts, consisting of rings fastened to each other.

If you can’t find a suit at all, then you can do the following: put on a swimsuit top and sew all kinds of beads on the bodice. If you have beads as Christmas decorations, then you can sew them on this bodice in such a way that it resembles the top of a belly dancer costume.

For men, in this case, any bathrobe will do. Instead of a turban, you can wrap a towel on your head in such a way as to attach a large brooch inside. The Sultan's costume will be provided to you.

You can easily make an Indian costume (something like a national sari) with a long piece of cloth. It can be decorated with braid and beads along one edge. It is necessary to wind this piece of matter so that one part of it covers the head, and its continuation is wrapped as if it were a skirt. The transition from the head to the bottom should preferably be vertical and pass in front.

We suggest you take an ordinary table and unscrew its legs. Thus, it will become so low that it will be more convenient to sit behind it on the floor. Take care of pillows in advance, you can use pillows from the sofa, and blankets that will create comfort and make your floor softer. Do not forget about chopsticks, umbrellas as salad decorations. Also, to give the table an oriental flavor, place deep dishes with floating flower buds on the table. Large floating peony buds look especially beautiful on the table.

In the water, if there are no flowers, place floating candles and do not forget to light them. Candles in the water will add oriental comfort to the feast.

Enough has been said about decorating the table, now you need to move on to the most delicious requisite of the evening: the choice of dishes. Here you can name dishes almost without stopping. But you need to remember the main thing: cook rice for a side dish, and the main dish is fish. Sushi, rolls and other trendy dishes will also bring great joy to your guests: they will never see such a party in a sushi bar. We also advise you to prepare salads with squid, crab sticks, sea kale, etc. Remember: the main dishes are seafood.

If the party is not Japanese, but is a mixture of oriental styles, then you can safely cook lagman, bizhbarmak, Korean carrot, adjika. Here, the main theme may simply be spicy food.

Alcohol is an important moment in the preparation of the table. Now on the shelves of stores there is a huge selection of oriental drinks. Chinese wine, beer with various Japanese names, you can even find rice vodka if you try hard.

But do not overdo it, otherwise your "Eastern" guests will behave in a very non-Eastern way.

As for the selection of music and decoration of the apartment, here you must enter the role of a designer and think through everything to the smallest detail. To create an oriental flavor, you will need to make your room more comfortable and welcoming. To do this, you can use the candles, which we have already talked about above, or simply dim the light. As many velvet pillows, carpets and figurines as possible.

Velvet has the ability to make a room softer and warmer. If you have pieces of material that looks like velvet, then cover chairs and blankets with it. If you have a large fan, then be sure to hang it, if not, then you can make it yourself. Take a piece of paper, draw an oriental ornament or a sakura branch on it and fold it like an accordion, as you fold a notebook sheet.

Hang blades and swords on the wall, any weapon, even a toy one. Now toy swords look very believable. Draw a dragon on the Whatman paper, cut it out and also hang it on the wall. The fiery dragon looks very impressive.

Also on the Internet you can find a huge number of black and white pictures that show the outlines of Chinese houses. You can simply print them on a printer and simply hang them on the wall in black and white. Also, for a romantic mood, the outlines of the Indian tomb Taj Mahal are suitable.

In general, try not to be limited to our advice.

As for music, as we noted at the very beginning of the book, look on your computer. Surely you have at least one Japanese game in it. Any Arabic motifs will also do.

Be sure to try to immerse yourself in the eastern world. If we managed to convince you, then you will never forget about this evening.

Theme parties have recently become fashionable in our country. With their help, you can unusually and cheerfully celebrate almost any holiday. It's cool to celebrate a girl's birthday in oriental style. However, for this it is not enough to competently decorate the room where the celebration will take place. It is also necessary to draw up an interesting and cool script so that the hero of the occasion and the guests present at the holiday are satisfied.

Decoration of the premises and actors

You can hold such an event in a cafe, restaurant, as well as in an ordinary apartment.

Remember that the Arabs love lavish festivities, so when decorating the room, use fabrics and balls of bright colors. Gold should prevail.

You can also install several low coffee tables instead of a regular table, and use satin pillows embroidered with gold threads instead of chairs. Host a birthday cool script in oriental style can be both a man and a woman. They should take care of a proper costume in advance. A girl, for example, can dress up in a shiny dress and decorate herself with jewelry, and a man can confine himself to a loose shirt with long sleeves, light trousers and a turban, which should be built from a sheet or towel and decorated with a brooch. The hero of the occasion must be warned in advance that her birthday will be celebrated in a somewhat unusual setting. This is necessary so that she has time to choose the right outfit. Tell her that at the celebration she will play the role of a female sultan and a whole harem of male guests will obey her. This, in fact, is the essence of this scenario.

Start of the event

The birthday girl should enter the hall only after the rest of the guests have already gathered there. When she appears, everyone should stand up and slightly bow their heads. The presenter can explain to the guests in advance that there is nothing humiliating in this procedure, because they all play certain roles in a festive atmosphere, where the birthday girl got the role of the imperious ruler of one of the ancient fairy-tale eastern countries.

Which one is best for her child to go to school? After all, the choice of outfit for such a holiday should be approached seriously! Invited as a witness to a wedding, but you can't decide on a hairstyle? It doesn't matter - we have several styling options for you.

presenter: Lady, the delight of our souls, look how many guests have gathered here today on the occasion of your birthday! The tables are bursting with food, the goblets are filled with wine, command the holiday to begin. The host must warn the hero of the occasion in advance that after each such proposal, she must pronounce the phrase “I command!” in a loud and clear voice.

Belly dance from the most skillful masters

presenter: And now, especially for our birthday girl and dear guests, dancers from different countries, the most experienced craftswomen, will perform a belly dance. And I will ask you to come to the center of the hall and support our craftswomen with applause. Cool belly dance will be performed by men dressed as oriental dancers. Costumes should be prepared for them in advance - scarves with coins, chiffon trousers and a top in the form of a short bodice. By the way, it can be replaced with the upper part of the swimsuit stuffed with cotton. Any oriental music is suitable for this cool dance. which can be found on the Internet. One scarf with coins should be left for the birthday girl and asked to go out to the dancers so that she can show her skills.

Competition "Preparation for the oriental fashion show"

presenter: Today, in honor of the birthday of the birthday girl, we will host an oriental fashion show. Our models will demonstrate the jewelry that the best jewelers brought to us because of the seven seas and three oceans. For a fashion show, I will ask five girls and five men to come to the middle of the hall. Dear representatives of the fair sex will demonstrate jewelry, but we will need men as fashion designers. On a long table or several chairs there are trays with jewelry - these are beads, necklaces, hairpins, brooches and bracelets.

Rings should not be chosen for this test, as they may not fit any of the girls in size, and subsequently there will be problems in order to remove them.

Men seat their ladies on chairs and, at the command of the presenter, begin to decorate them at speed with the jewelry on the table. This process will take two to three minutes. After that, you need to count the jewelry. The winner is the couple whose man managed to use the most jewelry.. presenter: And now our models will arrange the promised fashion show for you. I invite you to meet them with applause. To slow oriental music, the girls defile along an impromptu catwalk.

Oriental compliments for the hero of the occasion

presenter: Dear guests, it is time to praise our birthday girl. Your task is to come up with compliments for each letter of the alphabet. I will show you an example and you will continue. I compliment on "a": "You are angelic" or on "b": "You are priceless." And now it's your turn. I call the letter, and the one who is ready for a compliment raises his hand. For every word of praise addressed to our hero of the occasion, I give you a token. Whoever has the most tokens at the end of the alphabet will be the winner.. The main and magnificent prize awaits him - the smile of our charming birthday girl!

Contest "Eating Turkish delight for speed"

presenter: Our dear men, we all know how much many of you love sweets. Yes, yes, yes, you should not be modest, do you like sweets? Let's, do not be shy, raise your hands, those who cannot imagine their life without confectionery. I will ask you to come into the hall. You all know that the East is famous not only for its excellent cuisine, but also for its confectionery. If I start listing them all, our evening will definitely drag on. Therefore, I suggest you treat yourself to Turkish Delight. Let's see which of you will cope with one difficult task the fastest. Now you have to eat a few pieces of oriental sweets at speed.

True, there is one catch in this task: you should do this without the help of hands.

On the table you need to arrange bowls with oriental sweets. It doesn't have to be Turkish Delight. If you can’t get it in the store, then instead of this sweet, you can use marshmallow, broken into pieces of gozinaki, marmalade or nougat. Don't put too many sweets in bowls, and be sure to put glasses of water or juice on the table.

Dramatization of the song "Oriental Tales"

presenter: Dear guests, do you know that our birthday girl is an enviable bride. Suitors from all over the world constantly go to her to woo. So today, our palace was visited by the Arab sheikh Al-Mahali-Praise-yes not-Praise! If you only knew how rich this man is. He has as many as 15 towers! No, I'm not about higher education. He just doesn’t have an education, and he doesn’t need it. He has oil rigs... And also diamond processing factories and networks. No, no, not fishing, but jewelry stores. Let's applaud him and ask our birthday girl to come out to meet the groom and give him an answer. And she will do it, of course, with a song. During the feast, the host takes one of the guests aside in advance. He will need to portray an Arab sheikh.

Since most of the sheikhs are male in body, you should stock up on foam rubber in advance. It must be tied to the body of the guest. You can put a turban on his head.

The national outfit of an oil tycoon should be depicted from a silk long robe. Do not forget also about the massive shiny chains and rings. The sheikh and the birthday girl should dance and sing for the guests to the song "Oriental Tales". presenter: Well, our birthday girl refused this groom. True, he, I must confess to you, is somehow not very ... We will wait for the prince on a white horse - an Arabian horse.

Quiz "Oriental Tales"

presenter: Dear guests and an incomparable birthday girl, you probably all read oriental tales in your childhood: “Aladdin's Magic Lamp”, for example, or “A Thousand and One Nights”. Now we will check how well you remember them. Let's have a quiz on the theme of oriental tales. Questions on oriental tales can be any. Here is a sample list of them:

  • What household item did Aladdin summon the genie from? (lamp)
  • What was the name of the monkey that accompanied Aladdin? (Abu)
  • Which vehicle increased danger moved Aladdin? (Magic carpet)
  • What was the name of the main character from One Thousand and One Nights? (Scheherazade)
  • What was the name of the king to whom Scheherazade told fairy tales? (Shahriyar)
  • Scheherazade told the king the tale of the Black Horse. It spoke of one thing, the owner of which could not be afraid of any danger. What is this thing? (copper pipe)
  • As you know, a collection of Arabic tales was written in antiquity. Much later, it was translated into one of the most widespread languages ​​and immediately gained popularity throughout Europe, and then throughout the world. What language was the collection of Arabic tales translated into? (French)

For each correct answer, the presenter gives the guest a token. Whoever has the most tokens at the end of the quiz is the winner. presenter: And we have a winner! At the beginning of the quiz, I did not talk about what prize awaits him. Surely, all of you are intrigued! So, this is the right to take out a cake with candles for our birthday girl. By the way, this cake is amazing. It was delivered by evening ship from distant islands, where the best confectioners live and work! True, in order to try it, you will have to say a short toast to the birthday girl! Tea drinking completes the birthday according to the eastern scenario. If one of the guests, and the birthday girl herself, wants to dance and relax again, you should not prevent them from doing so. The holiday can go on!

1. Achma with cheese
2. Arabic shawarma
3. Baklava
4. sweets: halva, Turkish delight, dried apricots, nuts
5. pistachios
6. olives
7. fruits: grapes, apples, tangerines
8. cake
9. wine and other alcohol
disposable hookah nozzles
disc with oriental melodies

oriental tablecloth
napkins on the tablecloth
disposable wipes
disposable tableware
leaflets with sayings
kitchen towel
paper + markers
cake candles
At the beginning, all objects are placed, a tablecloth is laid on the table, a hookah is placed in the middle, the table is set, oriental music is turned on in the background.
Meeting with guests.
Scheherazade greets all guests with the words:
Already a thousand nights
We do not close our quivering eyes:
We tell stories to the people
And we weave carpets of patterned speeches.
The night is one thousand and one:
The full moon shines in the sky.
Today there will be a fairy tale "About the Sultan"
-We hope she likes it.
To set the mood for an oriental theme + as a present about an oriental party, each guest is offered a packaged halva, but the halva is “unusual” - a twisted piece of paper is tied to each piece with a bow, on which the guest can read oriental wisdom (see attachment). Sayings are all different, the guest chooses, not knowing what is inside - an element of the game.
Scheherazade: there are many smart people in the east, who knows, maybe this wisdom will help you in life.
And escorts guests to the place of rest.
The main congratulatory part.
Andrey - we have a prominent guy
And for many, he is enviable.
Because we all, friends,
You can't really argue with him!
He does not name his age.
Everything is hidden under a secret.
I give you the exact answer:
"The hero of the day is few years old."
If you want to live in wonder
Perform the rituals on this birthday.
Because this is sacred
We bring wine to you dear.
So that there is always a balyk in the house,
Take 30 drops of wine on your tongue.
(Pipette drip 30 drops on the tongue of the hero of the day.)
To drink cognac in the evenings,
You must drink this wine today, 30 grams.
(Pour 30 grams to the hero of the day.)
So that your life goes like clockwork,
We will consecrate you with this wine.
(With a brush dipped in wine, the hero of the day is “consecrated” with ears, chin, nose.)
Through all these rituals,
Pour wine into glasses for guests.
(The hero of the day pours for the guests.)
(after the glasses are poured)
Scheherazade: Since the glasses are full, I propose to honor our hero of the day, everyone will say a word to us, continuing the phrase "Our hero of the day is the most ...".
(guests in a circle continue this phrase with some adjective)
Shahraza ends the general toast with the words:
You are our most, most
The most expensive.
We all love you
Always be like this!
Game part.
(After the guests have eaten, drank and relaxed, a game is offered in the middle of the evening.)
Shahrazade: We all know the wonderful collection of Arabic fairy tales "1001 Nights". What is the point of these stories? Faced with the infidelity of his first wife, Sultan Shahriyar takes a new wife every day and executes her at dawn the next day. However, this terrible order is broken when he marries Shahrazade, the wise daughter of his vizier. Every night she tells a fascinating story and interrupts the story "at the most interesting place" - and the king is unable to refuse to hear the end of the story.
We have a Sultan - our Anniversary. (A drawing paper is unfolded, where the hero of the day is depicted in a humorous sultanic form). Scheherazade is also available, but a real sultan is supposed to live fabulously, so I suggest that each guest take a marker and draw what he wants for the birthday man or what, in his opinion, the sultan should have. Draw, but do not name, and we will all guess.
(all guests draw, guess and evaluate each other's work).
Well, now it's time to wash the gifts. (glasses are poured)
(a little later towards the end of the evening)
We present the jug to the birthday man in the dance,
From the bottom of our hearts, we ask you to accept it today.
Our dear hero of the day!
When you taste the contents of the jar,
Then you can see the fabulous genie.
(The hero of the day drinks water from a jug, a genie appears.)
Genie (one of the guests with a turban on his head):
No wonder you rubbed your jug,
The genie is now free.
I will be your servant
I will execute any order of yours.
I read your thoughts
I have known about the anniversary for a long time.
You don't have to tell me
I know what to give you.
To immediately disappear in the bones of the ache,
Dance with us "Belly Dance".
(Oriental music sounds. A dancer appears and dances a belly dance)
Culmination of the evening.
A cake is brought out with candles.
Like Andryushin's birthday
We baked a loaf
Here is such a beauty.
And you don't yawn
Make a wish
And blow out the candles.
After that, a second belly dance with scarves is danced.
The well-fed cuts slices for the hungry slowly. (Arabic saying)
From a lot of running around, only shoes are torn. (Persian saying)
The wolf cried to God: "I'm so lonely!" (Sumerian proverb)
Come on - don't be afraid, take it - don't be shy! (Kurdish proverb)
A long wedding will teach you how to dance. (Arabic saying)
The knife does not cut its handle. (Persian saying)
Before stealing a minaret, dig a hole (to hide it there) (Persian proverb)
Running water will not become dirty. (Turkish proverb)
Kiss the hand you can't cut off. (Persian saying)
You can't eat everything, you can't feed everyone. (Vietnamese proverb)

We may not know the intricacies of Arab ethnic culture as such, but all of us, both kids and adults, will smile, remembering fairy tales known from childhood, sit cross-legged on the floor and drink sherbet in small sips. We may not understand dance at all, but we all know about belly dancing - the unique art of speaking with the movement of the body. And yet, we, far from Islam, Russians, are insanely attracted by a showcase with unique Arabic sweets, fragrant spices, and incense. We are delighted with kaftans and dresses self made and intricate embroidery. And we are just crazy about the mystery of Arab women hiding their faces behind a transparent veil.

But is it really possible to recreate all this oriental beauty at home? How to make sure that all the guests who come to the holiday, from the very doorstep, plunge into the sea of ​​​​fabulous Arab bliss and be delighted with everything that happens? Our experts already know the answer to these questions!

Preparing for a party for couples in love "Arabian Night"


Using the method of associations, we determine the most characteristic and recognizable forms for the Arab holiday. For me, of course, this is a turban, Aladdin's lamp, a silk scarf, a manuscript, a crescent moon, a flying carpet. I think that for most of your guests who are familiar with Arab culture only by hearsay - too. Let's add a pinch of fantasy and a bit of artistic talent to this fabulous knowledge and get a unique spicy dish called invitations to the celebration of love in Arabic!

Option 1. Padishah's turban

Such an invitation card will inform your guests that a truly grandiose, royal holiday is being prepared! For such an invitation, you will need: a sheet of white tracing paper, a piece of black felt, a swan feather, a few red rhinestones, scissors, glue. Also, it would be nice to stock up on a few sheets of white cardboard with an openwork pattern, but cardboard of such texture is a rarity on sale. You can replace openwork cardboard by gluing a piece of vinyl wallpaper similar in style to ordinary cardboard.

The principle and sequence of manufacturing: carefully glue the tracing paper to the openwork blank. Let the card base dry a bit. In the meantime - cut out a rectangle from felt, then - round off its edges. Using glue, attach the rectangle to the workpiece. And then - we decorate the turban to our liking - we glue rhinestones, a feather and other decorations to it that you will like.

Option 2. Edge of temptation

Arab girls, even revealing some parts of their bodies in the dance, continue to hide their faces from prying eyes. Why not embody this contradiction in a beautiful invitation card? Modesty and passion, prohibition and permission, appeal and rejection - this is the essence of the Arabian night on Valentine's Day!

For such a postcard, you should look for: vinyl wrapping paper (we took a pink floral print, as this color corresponds to the holiday in honor of which the party is being organized), a couple of meters of pink ribbon and ready-made ribbon flowers decorated with beads or large beads. The manufacturing method is very simple: fold a square of vinyl in half, and on the front side, cut off the upper right corner diagonally. Glue a piece of pink tape (5 cm wide) to the cut. “Tie” the card with a belt and fasten the ribbon rose - buckle. Inside the card, insert another sheet with the text of the invitation, handwritten in the style of Arabic calligraphy.

Option 3. Sheikh's order

The basis of such an invitation is a sheet of paper folded into a tube with text (the form of an ancient papyrus-decree). A flask for the "decree" can serve as a piece of ordinary plastic mesh, which is used to pack flowers. The final touch is a white transparent bow to secure the invitation and give it the shape of a tube.

In addition to the handmade options we offer, you can also search for printed invitation cards in the Arabic style.

A few more words about the text:

“Dear _________ (boy and girl names)! We invite you to take a closer look at what is called "love in Arabic". Come visit us on ______ (date) at _______ (time). A lot of surprises are waiting for you: we will cook fabulous sherbet, hookah and learn how to dance belly dance. And yet, you will be met by a real oriental fortune-teller who will predict your fate for the next hundred years! Don't forget the dress code! Arabic costumes - your pass to the holiday! Waiting for you! You will remember this Valentine's Day for the rest of your life!


Now, dear hosts of the event, your main task is not to disappoint your guests! After all, they expect a bright extravaganza from you! Feast of Passionate Feelings! And what, first of all, forms the appropriate mood? Of course, the “atmosphere” surrounding your guests! Don't waste time! Start charging the atmosphere of your home with the aura of the hot Arabian night!

Arch - heart

At the entrance to your friends' house, you should be greeted by a heart-shaped arch and a "Be my Valentine!" banner. Perhaps this is the only "heart" attribute of the holiday. This decoration will instantly create an intimate mood for your guests. Perhaps this is the main (and only) function of the arch. Further - only oriental symbols.

Garlands under the ceiling

Electric strings of white lights, fixed under the ceiling in a chaotic manner, will help create the effect of a starry sky in your home. What could be better for a romantic Arabian night?

Drapery fabrics

Bright silk, organza, brocade and velvet are luxurious fabrics that should be used to decorate walls and cover all furniture to create a visualization of an Arabian rich tent in the room. Use red, orange, gold colors. On the floor should be laid carpets with an intricate pattern, made to match the fabrics of the drapery.

Arabic style table decor

Low Arabic tables should be placed along the walls so that you can sit around them. The main advantage of this layout is the free middle of the room. If you are thinking of organizing a dance master class, you simply won’t find the best option for organizing space!

And a few more tips for decorating holiday tables. Tablecloths buy plain, silk, or - two-color. And randomly scatter seat cushions around the table, made in the same tone as the tablecloth. Thus, you will bring the festive atmosphere of your home as close as possible to the tent of Scheherazade!

Take dishes, glasses and other cutlery with gilding. Arab culture approvingly and respectfully treat this precious metal. And on golden plates they serve treats only for the most dear and honored guests!

Hourglass, candles, aroma lamps

The subtle aroma of incense emanating from the spout of Aladdin's lamp, candles in beautiful candlesticks, huge hourglasses symbolizing the mysterious "sands of time" - there is nothing better to create a distinct effect of "presence"!

Brass lanterns and kerosene lamps

Brass lanterns and kerosene lamps can also be used as decorative items for an Arabic party. True, it is better not to light kerosene lamps (especially if the room for the holiday is poorly ventilated), since when burning kerosene, an unpleasant (and very harmful) smoke can fill the room.

Treasure chest

A real chest made by ancient masters can be bought at an antiques store. Fill it with coins, "precious" jewelry, and other treasures. You can decorate the central table of the holiday with such splendor - for sure, the chest will cause a lot of admiration among your guests.

flower arrangements

Fresh flowers will add more charm and sensuality to an Arabic Valentine's Day party. True, you need to select exotic, tropical types of flowers with brightly colored petals for the holiday. Orchids, violets, carnations, lotuses - exactly what you need!


Well, your house is ready to meet honorable Arab guests! Look again at everything around with a critical eye. So yes! Handsomely! Even a Moroccan sheikh would consider it an honor to dine in such a luxuriously decorated room! If only he would honor you with his presence on the Day of Love! Moreover, he brought with him his entire harem, both dancers and musicians! Then the Arabian night would be filled with juice, meaning, fun!

Why am I? And besides, you, as the host of the party, need to do everything to set your guests on the Arab wave and convince them to wear exotic oriental costumes. You can offer guests some relevant ideas for choosing an Arabic outfit. For example, they can dress up as princes and princesses of Persia, sultans, genies, girls from the sultan's harem, sheikhs, sorcerers, snake charmers, and others. About some of the possible outfits - in more detail.

Sultan (sheikh) costume

The Sultan is the head of state, the most influential person in the Muslim official hierarchy. While the sheikh is the official religious leader or representative of an influential Arab house. However, more often we meet the appeal "sheikh" or "shaitan" to a person of breathtakingly sexual appearance. So the image of the sheikh is the best fit for our romantic holiday!

Costume details: headdress, belt, outerwear and bloomers tied tightly around the ankles. The headdress can be either a traditional, Arabic scarf, fastened with jute around the head, or a turban, decorated with jewelry. Outerwear - a long shirt, caftan, or vest. As an accessory that completes the image, you can use a dagger or sword.

Harem princess costume

A real sultan has a huge harem! And, of course, for the most honored guests, he selects the most beautiful girls as companions! The costume of a harem princess can be both exotic, but modest, or very open and seductive. Arab women wear loose harem pants made of transparent fabrics that fit snugly around the waist and ankles, and bustiers (both with sleeves and without). A small crown or other hair ornament completes the look. But it is not mandatory.

Arab dancer costume

The dancer's costume is very similar to that of the harem princess. But there is one very significant difference. To create "music of the body" the dancer needs a special belt made of coins (or bells) and castanets. Most often, dancers wear long, flowing, light skirts and trousers, decorated with threads of coins on the belt. The top of the costume is a dense top, made of the same flowing fabric, decorated with beads, rhinestones, precious stones and fringes. You can also add a veil to the costume, which will add mystery and emphasize the beauty of the eyes.

Genie costume

The role of genie at your holiday can be played by both boys and girls. And who said that genie girls who fulfill their cherished desires do not exist? Your holiday is just created in order to refute this opinion!

In principle, a genie costume consists of the same details as other Arabic-style outfits. However, the main difference is that the "genie" carries a lamp with him from which he emerges.

A few costume ideas for Arab couples

If you want your costume and the costume of your loved one to play “in unison” this evening, make them in the same style and color scheme. And also - choose for yourself the appropriate roles that are in harmony with each other. For example, try to transform into a sultan and a harem princess, a sheikh and a dancer, Aladdin and Jasmine.

The magic of the East intoxicates no worse than a strong hookah, beckons like the gaze of an Arab princess, delights like the brilliance of thousands of precious stones in the king's treasury. A fabulous oriental party will take you and your friends to an amazingly beautiful world full of inimitable color! Tired of the frantic rhythm of modern music, boring monotonous gatherings and stuffy cramped clubs? Let's go East now!

Surely you can’t wait to start decorating the hall, but let me make a small remark: in geography there is no concept of “eastern countries”. Conventionally, Iran and Iraq, Arabia and Syria, Korea and China, Indonesia, Thailand and many other Asian countries are called so. But Korea and, for example, the former Persia are two big differences. Of course, you can try to combine dissimilar cultures within the same party, but this approach requires a lot of investment and titanic efforts. Therefore, we will leave China, Japan, Mongolia for a separate topic, and today we will turn our eyes to the Middle East.


The design of a hall or a small room begins with an imitation of a tent. Ideally, you need to completely cover the ceiling and walls with a flowing fabric - silk, brocade or satin in muted red, orange, blue or lavender. The golden color complements the background shade, making the interior very rich, bright and catchy. There should be a lot of gold in general, it's hard to overdo it. The fabric diverges in wide stripes from the center of the ceiling and descends to the floor along the walls.

Oriental outfits and paraphernalia do not fit into the interior of a modern hall, but draping even a small room with fabric is an expensive pleasure. Although a fabric or a tent, if you go to nature, you can rent. Or use paper instead of fabric - cheap wallpaper with a suitable pattern. Or partially close the walls by hanging fabric sheets at equal distances.

The second indispensable element of decor is bright ethnic carpets. It is necessary to close the entire floor, or at least the places where low carved tables will stand. Arrange ottomans, low benches or lay out beautiful patterned pillows around the tables. A table (or tables, if there are many guests) can be placed on a trestle bed covered with a carpet. Place a hookah table in a conspicuous place, real or props. Several clay vases with lush greenery, daggers and swords on the walls, thematic images - caravans, steppes, Persian and Arab cities, sultans and princesses. You can use a photo of the oriental bazaar - a very atmospheric element.

If dances are planned according to the scenario, arrange tables along the walls, freeing up the central part of the hall. You can define the "stage" zone - a large fluffy carpet and a curtain of bright ribbons or shining strands of beads.

Special attention deserves chased copper and brass utensils - coasters or cups, trays, jugs, Turks and coffee pots, plates with engraving and characteristic patterns. Crazy beauty! Ask your friends - dishes are often brought back from vacation as souvenirs. Or rent a party kit, it's not very expensive. It's okay if the Uzbek kumgan is next to the Arabic tagine, no one will notice.

Do not forget about the lighting of the “tent”: an oriental-style party takes place in soft diffused lighting, and in some places even mysterious twilight. Ideally, these are lamps and lamps, without a common powerful light source. Chandeliers can be hidden behind fabric or paper screens. Do not overdo it, in the twilight the gold of the decor will fade away, and friends will quickly start to yawn (soft pillows and comfortable sofas will help).


  • a postcard in the form of a hookah, a wine jug, a chased tray;
  • postcard in the form of a camel, a curved sword, a tent. You can cut out the figure of a sultan or a dancer, at the same time hint at the dress code;
  • write from right to left, decorate the invitation with Arabic letters or words. Just get the translation first, otherwise something else indecent will turn out.


Ah girls! Each of us at least once dreamed of being a real oriental princess, shrouded in a flowing cloud of fabric, erotically opening her back and shyly hiding her face behind a silk barrier that was insurmountable for an outsider. Such an opportunity should not be missed! Therefore, away from embarrassment - we put on a long skirt with cuts almost to the waist and a bodice embroidered with sequins and gold braid. Too revealing outfits - not your style? Instead of a skirt, wear wide trousers gathered at the ankles and a short top. On the legs are comfortable soft slippers, embroidered with beads or braid in the same color scheme as the costume.

Pay attention to accessories: on the forehead, neck, wrists and ankles, in the ears, large metal jewelry or a scattering of faceted stones. The make-up is expressive, bright, with an indispensable emphasis on the eyes - clear traced arrows, fluffy eyelashes, bright shadows in the color of the suit.

A daring Baghdad thief or a nomadic Bedouin, a majestic sultan or a brave warrior? Men also have a choice, and it is quite wide. The easiest option is loose, belted pants gathered down and a tight vest on a naked body. Or on a thin linen shirt, if the naked body suffered from the treacherous attack of beer and sandwich armadas.


Of course, it is desirable to do without pork and seafood. Lamb or mutton, rabbit meat, poultry meat in the form of a stew with vegetables and spices. Or in the form of fragrant pilaf, shurpa or stewed portioned pieces in a huge common dish, with juicy gravy and a hill of greens - mmmm! Oriental dishes are full of flavors, hearty, fatty and very tasty! At the same time, the recipes are quite simple, and the ingredients can be bought at any store - experiment!

Bread is the head of everything, not only in Slavic cuisine. Fortunately, in addition to traditional long loaves and loaves, you can buy cereal buns, pita bread and flat cakes in the grocery store. It is better to break the bread with your hands and lay it in a slide. If you plan to eat bread (without utensils), be sure to provide bowls of fragrant water to rinse your fingers.

Oriental sweets - halva, Turkish delight, baklava, candied and dried fruits, nuts, nougat and ayla will become a real decoration of the table. Powdered with sugar bliss, crushed nuts or chocolate chips, sweets on high multi-level coasters, slides on large trays and in miniature saucers. A lot of fruits - figs, grapes, melons, apricots, oranges - also in a neat scattering or slide.


Oriental rest and a strict scenario are absolutely incompatible concepts. The theme of the evening is languid relaxation, pleasant ethnic music, friendly conversations and peace of mind. But no matter how the guests get bored in such a relaxing atmosphere!


Prepare cards with drawings or pictures of thematic items, images, costume elements, etc. On the back, write the name and a couple of incorrect options. Show the card and read the options. And let the guests guess what is shown in the picture - pilaf, shurpa or rice soup, drover or sultan, scimitar or scimitar?


Invite the guests to take turns naming associations on an oriental theme. Yes, so as not to repeat. No thoughts? Pay the fine - say a real oriental toast-wish to all those present! And atmospheric, and without interruption from the absorption of goodies.

Move your booty

When the first hunger is satisfied, it is time for aesthetic pleasure for men and a demonstration of charms for women. This, of course, is about oriental dances, without which the party will lose some of its charm. Invite a coach or professional dancers for half an hour. Or you can just turn on the clip or suitable music, and beautifully twist the priests and tummies to the delight of the strong half of humanity.

If you plan to include a competition for the title of "Best Belly Dancer" in the scenario, do not forget to prepare gifts for all the princesses - sweets, jewelry, aromatic oils or incense.

Strong and brave

And now let the men demonstrate strength, courage and dexterity, not yet be lazy with a piece of lamb in their teeth!

  • playful fights on cardboard sabers;
  • javelin throwing at a target (evil cardboard Bedouin, for example);
  • races or battles on camels (in the role of a camel - the hardiest guys). Do you remember how you played horses as a child?

Intersperse moving dance and competitive competitions with table entertainment to give guests a break. You can offer ladies to decorate their legs and arms with “tattoos” with henna. Or arrange a battle of the sexes (yes, yes, today Eastern women are extremely daring!) - two huge trays, many, many sweets, disposable gloves. Put on gloves and build the Sultan's palace! Who will make the sweet castle higher, boys or girls?

As gifts for all friends, pendants with a sealed drop of oil, figurines of genies (of course, wish-fulfilling ones!), are suitable. Commemorative engraving can be done on souvenir daggers for men and wide chased bracelets for girls.