Where to work for a mother with a small child. How to find a job for a young mother

Every mother will say that the first 3 years after the birth of a baby is a serious test. After all, you need to not only take care of the crumbs, but also keep yourself in good shape. Daily routine can be depressing and relaxing. And the prices for children's things are simply baffling. Working at home for mothers on maternity leave has recently been gaining more and more popularity and is becoming the most relevant way of stable income, and the only right way out is to start your own business at home.

This is not about a modest side job. There are many ways to earn a salary that will be much higher than the average. But a strategy is needed. Without a plan and purpose, there will be no progress. This was proved by thousands of young mothers who acted in the blind.

To create your home business, to minimize the risks, you need to carefully analyze these issues:

  1. How to choose a direction? Where to begin?
  2. What jobs are most in demand today?
  3. What are the pros and cons of working from home?
  4. Top vacancies who can work from home
  5. Top vacancies, who can work on the Internet
  6. Options for proven part-time jobs where experience and skills are not needed
  7. What do new moms need to know about working from home?
  8. How to do everything and where to find time?

Choosing a direction: how to start working without leaving home

Before you go online, you need to decide on your knowledge base and skills. You can't ignore preferences. Options pop up in my head. This will help with further selection, when entire lists of offers begin to flash before your eyes.

  1. Application of their skills, talents, skills and abilities. It is not necessary that they be brought to a professional level. Experience will come with practice.
  2. Professionalism and work experience. A previously obtained diploma or skills from a previous job will allow you to stand out among those who are just starting to move in this direction.
  3. Resources. Some vacancies require additional resources (special programs, materials, space, phone, Internet).

Important! Even a favorite thing in the process of earning money turns into a routine. You need to prepare for this in advance.

Important! When doing any work, it is very important to allocate time so that it does not interfere with communication with the baby. After all, his birth and upbringing is paramount, unlike financial income.

The last factor that always influences the choice is the child himself. Features of his character, health regulate every day of his mother. It is impossible that his interests be oppressed against the background of a new occupation.

Popular vacancies: a list of the most suitable vacancies for mothers on maternity leave

These data were obtained in the course of various sociological surveys. They reflect those types of earnings where it is easiest for women on maternity leave to prove themselves. There are professions from all 3 areas described above:

  • Copywriting. Writing unique articles for websites and blogs. The work requires knowledge of spelling, grammar. It is necessary to clearly formulate thoughts, it is easy to express them on paper. You can work through special exchanges or with customers without intermediaries ( read in detail: );
  • Nanny. The profession is actively developed in Europe and America. A young mother arranges a mini-garden at home. A spacious room, a large number of toys, sleeping places are required;
  • Home beauty salon. Many mothers on maternity leave, who previously did not engage in such services at all, begin to take various courses in order to independently do professional haircuts, hairstyles, manicures, pedicures, eyelash extensions, etc. (all this at home);
  • Polls. Dozens of sites allow each registered user to take surveys, tests and get paid for it;
  • Products self made. A simple hobby can become the start of a business. Even if there are no skills in the production of any products, the main processes are described in a very accessible and step-by-step manner on the Internet. You can make souvenirs, make hair ornaments, cook candles, bake cakes, sew sets for discharge;
  • Site administrator. He must create websites, monitor their activity, post new content, news or products. The competition is strong, but young sites often take newcomers, who are then trained;
  • Tutor. Modern system education in last years strengthened the preparation of students for final exams (GIA, USE). They often need extra help. Conducting lessons at home for 3-4 hours a day, you can solve many financial problems;
  • Design solutions (work as a designer, artist, illustrator). This includes working with Photoshop (photo processing), writing portraits, preparing illustrations for books. Definitely need talent and materials (like brushes and painting canvases). With the help of the Internet, you can find many clients. It is especially convenient to search for clients through social networks. Design skills can be applied when creating websites. The work is available to remote users;
  • Confectionery and home cooking. A bright birthday cake with cartoon figures is an expensive treat. Such work costs money, and many parents are ready to place an order to please their child. You can bake pies and croissants, produce semi-finished products (you can also look for customers through social networks. Create a page or group on social networks and post your creations. Clients will find you themselves). Catering is also actively developing. This is the preparation and delivery of meals for office workers by order (the main thing is only to find distribution channels). The ability to cook well and tasty is always profitable and profitable;
  • Your own training program. If before the birth of a child you were engaged in a certain business, then on maternity leave you can make an online school. She allows you to conduct lessons on Skype and get decent money. For example, you edited wedding videos. Now there is no time for this, but you can conduct a master class on the Internet. Create a plan for how a beginner will learn how to edit a video. Each point of the plan is a new lesson. A thoughtful program will be useful for your students. And the feedback received after the training will help the school move to a new level;
  • Sale of goods (mediation). This trend is familiar to everyone. You take the place of an intermediary, sell things, cosmetics via the Internet and get your percentage. Earnings depend on perseverance and advertising. Social media works best.

This list may not end for a long time. Its essence is that a woman must decide on her skills and choose the appropriate option. You don't have to jump right into the highest paying offer. Every work from home starts with zero pay. But the plus is that you set the top bar.

Pros and cons of working from home for new moms

Before starting a new career, you need to carefully read its advantages and disadvantages. They should not push or stop the process. But understanding the situation provides additional guarantees for future success.

Let's start with the positives:

  • You are Boss. All decisions are made by you. No need to put up with annoying colleagues or report to those who are above. All work is carried out directly at our discretion or only through the customer. At the same time, there is no subordination, generating a mutually beneficial partnership;
  • Free scheduling. A child's illness, a vacation, or a simple desire to rest do not entail major changes in the schedule;
  • Constant development. You can raise the bar of earnings, look for new clients and improve your skills;
  • Minimal expenses at the first stages. It removes the risks. If the first thing did not work out, then you can safely try something new;
  • Savings on travel, lunches and buying clothes for the office. This is a significant savings and in a month they will not pull a decent amount out of your wallet. At the first stages, this nuance always helps out;
  • The team is missing. There is no need to establish personal connections, control your behavior with employees, obey higher levels;
  • You no longer need to be afraid of dismissal, fines or reprimands. In such a situation, you are your own employer, boss, and the main driving force. Emotional comfort and earnings depend only on personal motivation.

Women who have already worked officially will enthusiastically perceive these pluses.

But we must not forget about the disadvantages of working from home:

  • The kid often ruins plans. In the first years of a child's life, his regimen is getting better, which encourages the mother to wake up at night. This is reflected in the general state of health and entails her fatigue. Therefore, earnings can be weak and it is difficult to find time for their implementation. If there are no housewives and child care assistants, then it is difficult to organize the working day properly, and this creates chaos;
  • Lack of control. This item, which is so happy in the list of positive things, can turn into a trap. Without control, it is difficult to consistently produce a good result. You should always prescribe your schedule, set goals for the day, week and month. Without it, progress can be stretched out. In addition, the proximity of the refrigerator nearby provokes constant snacking and entails not only the lack of a stable weight, but also constant interruptions in work;
  • Risks. Firstly, it is spending on advertising, equipment (laptop, cosmetics and everything you need for work), which may not lead to the intended results. For example, you stopped believing in the idea and abandoned the case, the child began to get sick often, the second pregnancy. Second, they are scammers. They come up with new tricks every year. Without experience, you can fall into deception and waste not only time, but also your own cash. To avoid a negative experience, you need to periodically read information on sites about scammers on the Internet.

TOP 8 vacancies at home for mothers on maternity leave: popular destinations in 2019

While the child is sleeping or quietly playing, the mother has the opportunity to do her own thing. 2-3 hours a day is enough to start your own business. With a good reputation, you can negotiate with the employer/customer for a daily payment. In 2019, the leaders are the following areas.


This is a highly demanded job, and it is not a difficult job that is available to almost everyone. The job of a typesetter is that the customer gives the required volume for processing. Customers need their reports, documents, tables and any other materials to be reprinted from handwritten/printed sources, as well as audio and video files.

Moreover, tables, formulas and diagrams located on the media have a separate cost and are negotiated additionally.

Work experience does not play a special role. You just need to submit your order on time. The faster you type, the more money you get. The disadvantage of this job, as with all part-time jobs without experience, is low pay. To get a good salary, it is worth doing large volumes. Therefore, typing speed is important. She will improve with practice.

You can find a job via the Internet (finding such a customer is not difficult. There are a huge number of ads on the Internet, which indicate the scheme, conditions and payment methods for anyone who decides to apply for employment. There are also many exchanges where you can take such tasks. For example:, ). There are many offers with conditions and requirements for future employees. But you should always be aware of scammers. You can recognize them by 3 points:

  1. Sending a deposit for work. Before handing out the work, you are asked to pay a deposit for the work to be done. It looks like you are receiving important information and have to pay a deposit, which will then be returned. As soon as you deposit money, your account will be blocked. Complaining won't help.
  2. Test work. It's easy to get caught here, as everything looks logical. You need to do a test task, which will be paid after verification. You do not lose your finances, but you complete the order for free. The customer will receive it, but will not pay.
  3. SMS confirmation. The relationship between the contractor and the customer should not involve sending SMS. By creating short numbers, mostly of 4 digits, scammers ask to send a confirmation to the customer from their phone. Accordingly, a decent amount of money is written off. If you are asked to do this, then you should immediately interrupt the dialogue. From the phone, in case of sending a message, money will be debited.

It is with the vacancy of a typesetter that many young mothers begin their search. It attracts with its simplicity. But you need to analyze each proposal and not do anything hastily. It is enough to find one regular customer to provide yourself with work.

Sale of goods. Intermediation on the Internet (+ joint purchases)

Trade is a profitable area for the formation of a new business. And if there is a commercial vein, then success is guaranteed. The most popular direction is mediation. You buy a product on one of the trading platforms, and then sell it using ready-made online stores or social networks.

It is necessary to calculate the profit in advance. It consists of a percentage that you will add to the original price. You can distribute goods not only via the Internet, but also among your relatives and friends.

Delivery is usually via mail. If you want to develop a business, then you can think about your own delivery. In addition to public sites for sale, you can use a personal online store. It is created independently or under the order.

Exclusive confectionery

Over the past few years, people have often begun to order cakes and cupcakes in bizarre shapes, with different decorations. They are perfect for holidays and events.

Moms who want to make money can use this idea. If you can bake delicious cakes, then you urgently need to master their decor. Particular attention should be paid to birthday cakes for children (the occasions are different, from birthdays to anniversaries and weddings). For decorations, characters from popular cartoons are used. The price increases several times. Women who have already begun to move in this direction receive orders a month in advance.

The upside of the job is that professional bakeries ask for even more money for the same job. Against their background, you will seem like a lifeline. But before finding clients, you need to create a vibrant portfolio. Without it, orders will be tight. When processing your first and subsequent orders, you need to create a portfolio that will brightly and colorfully present the work, forcing you to turn to you.

Coursework and theses

This way of earning is suitable for mothers who have specialization and the necessary knowledge. Students are the main customers.

The only negative is the seasonal nature of the work. Many students begin to think about a diploma only at the end of the academic year. There are almost no orders in summer and autumn. The themes of highly specialized works can often be repeated. It is important to avoid repetition.

Handmade goods

Another area of ​​trade that is actively developing. Remember that once they were good at knitting, sewing, sculpting, creating toys and souvenirs. Every mother on maternity leave has a chance to make good money while sitting at home. The advantage is that there is no particular schedule. You can create your own masterpieces in your free time. But for active sales gotta get to the heart of the matter:

  • follow fashion trends;
  • set yourself a bar (how many units of goods you need to make per day);
  • develop your page in social networks.

Goods can be different products. Often young mothers create jewelry (earrings, bracelets, chains, pendants, hoops). It is beneficial to use your author's style. But if it is not there yet, then it is better not to invent too much. This will come with experience and practice.

If there is no desire to engage in jewelry, then you can sell soap or candles of different colors. The emphasis is on an interesting shape and aroma. There are a lot of videos and instructions on the Internet that will help even a teapot to make high-quality soap or candles.

You can make hair ornaments, knit napkins and vases, sew beautiful pillows, pour bath salt into beautiful tubes, arrange spices in trays, glue organizers and come up with various options which your imagination will allow you to do.

Various souvenirs, children's knitted hats and socks, decorations for phones, pillows, etc. are actively sold. They can be implemented through social networks.

Such work is called hand-made.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Work with texts (copywriting, rewriting)

There are several dozens of special exchanges where you can earn money by writing texts. Salary depends on the amount of work and experience. On the selected site, you need to register and understand the rules of the exchange.

The next step is choosing a direction. There are 4 options:

  1. Copywriting– writing unique and original texts with all the requirements of the customer. This includes a set of keywords, volume and other parameters. The volume can be different, and payment will be made according to the number of characters written by you.
  2. Rewriting– writing an article based on several sources from the Internet. The text must be unique. It is important to take into account the requirements of the customer. Nothing more can be written. Rewriting- this is, in fact, rewriting an already finished (original) text to make it unique. "Rewriting" is a lexical change in the text while maintaining the semantic load.
  3. Translation of texts. This is a difficult job that requires high knowledge foreign language. The translation must be completed within the specified time. The salary here is higher than when writing texts in their native language. The task will not be difficult for those who have good knowledge foreign languages.
  4. Writing texts. Some copywriting exchanges offer the opportunity to sell your original articles. The advantage is that you can write on your favorite topics / on any topic. It is important to avoid grammatical, stylistic, punctuation and syntax errors. Prices for articles are set by you. Editors will additionally check your text, evaluate it for uniqueness and put it up for sale.

Photo and video editor, video clip maker

it highly paid profession. Orders can be searched on special exchanges, using your website or group. There is also the option of working for an organization, only at home. For high-quality execution of orders, you need to own a number of programs for working with photos and videos. They can always be downloaded from the Internet.

If this direction has become interesting for you, then you can get good lessons through the Internet. There are detailed videos showing the intricacies of working with Photoshop. On the Internet, you can find and download any training courses on photo and video processing. Together with this profession, young mothers combine work as a photographer. It's profitable. The salary increases sharply, you create personnel yourself. This option is also suitable for married couples, where the husband travels to events and shoots, and the wife edits the footage at home. Customers can also be found through social networks. Create a portfolio and the customer will find you himself.

Professional Services

If a woman has an excellent haircut and always does hairstyles for her friends at home, then talent should not be wasted. You can expand your customer base.

There is nothing strange about this today. Beauty salons require a lot of money for their services, so people are looking for an alternative. The list of vacancies is huge: massage, manicure, pedicure, epilation, haircut, make-up, fortune-telling on cards, aerobics, housekeeping, etc. etc. - lots of options!

To make good money in this direction, you need to consider the following points:

  • customer safety (all materials and devices must be cleaned and sterilized);
  • craftsmanship (you need to keep learning and keep track of what is fashionable);
  • savings for customers (lower prices than competitors, this is an opportunity to stand out).

You need to start with practice. Models can be friends and relatives. Interesting work you need to take pictures to create a portfolio. It can be posted on websites and social networks. This will attract customers and make your services in demand. Do not put it high prices, focus on accessibility at first. Start small.

Earnings on Avito

Today, the direction of buying and selling various goods on free classifieds boards is popular. The scheme is quite simple. You buy cheap goods, for example, from China. Then put your price on it and sell it through Avito.

The secret of success is in good suppliers who offer up-to-date products at very low prices.

TOP professions on the Internet for mothers on maternity leave: popular destinations in 2019

This is a list of professions where all activity is concentrated on the Internet. Each type of earnings has its own income limits and requires a different level of immersion in work.

SEO copywriter

The job consists in writing advertising texts that meet all the requirements of search engines such as Yandex, Rambler or Google. The customer describes his requirements in detail. They must be taken into account. These tasks are not as difficult as they seem.

The customers here are the owners of commercial sites, online stores, web studios and advertising agencies.


Rewriting has already been mentioned above. To engage in this direction, you need to be able to present the material in simple words, quickly understand new topics, do not make mistakes. The reader should read the article with interest, quickly find the answers he needs.


A moneymaker is a person who has his own project on the Internet (website, blog, forum). It is important to choose a topic that you like and constantly fill it with new content (articles). Earnings come from affiliate programs, contextual and banner advertising and link sales.


A blogger is the owner of a particular site where he actively posts his posts, photos and videos. Often one topic is chosen. Visitors can subscribe to the blog. They comment on the materials, show their attitude to what is happening on the site.

A large number of active subscribers guarantees income. It is also formed on the basis of advertising, selling links. Bloggers can also use their posts and articles to advertise.

SMO Specialist

This profession involves the creation and promotion of groups in social networks. For example, a customer needs an advertisement for his new online store. The contractor creates a group, fills it with content, and recruits users.

In a short time, the store begins to develop. Customers for such projects are advertising agencies, companies different direction, internet services.


The vacancy of a writer requires good concentration, because there can be talk of earning money only after doing a large amount of work. Topics should be chosen based on personal preferences.

There are two options for writing a book. The first involves the creation of a fiction book. Here you need imagination and an interesting style. The second is to write a non-fiction book.

It could be a collection of recipes, childcare tips, or proper housekeeping. You can sell your books electronically or in print.

Content manager

The essence of the profession is to replenish the Internet site (websites, forums, groups in social networks) with new information. This is part of the promotion. The customer indicates the number of posts that need to be done per day. Periodically, he will control their quality.

The task is not easy. The performer should be able to easily find new and interesting material. To do this, you need to register on foreign sites in order to be able to intercept new ideas.

Work from home on the Internet, which does not require investments and special skills

If there is no opportunity or desire to start a new business, you can get by with small part-time jobs. These methods will not help to make a fortune, but they will take care of a constant influx of money for small expenses. They are easy to understand. Most often, this is a monotonous job. Here is a list of suggestions:

  • Clicks on ads. In your free time on special sites you click on advertising banners, watch commercials. For each action, pennies are credited to your account;
  • Polls. It is better to register for several sites with surveys at once. They will send questions to be answered. 100-150 rubles are immediately paid for it. To receive many such offers, you need to fill out a profile with high quality and indicate that you are interested in everything;
  • Likes and reposts. It is necessary to register on a special site. Every second there will be new posts from social networks. You need to like or repost. You can’t accelerate much, as your account may be blocked;
  • Introduction of captchas. Captcha is a set of numbers and letters that are often displayed on the Internet. On special captcha exchanges, you just need to enter them in the window that appears. You can do this endlessly. But to get a minimum profit, you need to tune in to hours of boring work;
  • Promotions.
  • Promotions. You can register and declare yourself as a member of any common brand. But with this method, the main type of payment is the samples of the products sold;

Hello dear readers! Many people need additional income, especially mothers who are on maternity leave. Therefore, to help with this issue, we have prepared for you a detailed and detailed article on the topic: work for moms on maternity leave at home.

If there is no time and opportunity for standard work, then you should not despair, you can always find work at home or temporary part-time job ! At the same time, you will be able to give full care and attention to your baby😀, and work in your free time.

In reality, there are a lot of well-paid vacancies and part-time job options for mothers on maternity leave.

Even if you do not have experience or any special knowledge, finding a job is not as difficult as you might imagine. Trust me, there are plenty of job opportunities. no cheating and no investment !

What kind of earnings can mothers expect on maternity leave?
It is quite possible to earn from 10 - 25 thousand rubles a month, allocating about 4-6 hours a day for work!

By the way, we also described effective ways to make money and work on the Internet!👈 Be sure to read it!🙂

From the current article, you will learn what specific professions can bring good earnings to mothers on maternity leave and how to use useful and creative ideas to start your small home business.

  • Where and how to find a job or part-time job for mothers on maternity leave?
  • What can you earn at home?
  • What sites can you find jobs for young mothers?
  • How do scammers operate and how not to fall for their bait?

You will definitely learn about this and many more important and interesting points from this article!

1. Earnings on maternity leave at home - which direction of work to choose?

There is a wide variety of ways to earn money for mothers on maternity leave. In general, we will consider the most popular and proven ones!

For simplicity, we have identified 5 main options for earning money:

  1. Earnings on the Internet , or the so-called online work. There are even special sites for finding jobs for moms on the Internet. . By the way, here is one of those resources for you. http://www.mamalancer.ru/vakansii. It has a lot of orders for female freelancers and a good forum for newbies. ;
  2. Offline work , i.e. offline work at home. For example, this can include official work as a call center operator;
  3. Earning at home associated with certain skills, talents and hobbies;
  4. small business ideas , which are completely without investments or with minimum investment allow mothers to earn money at home;
  5. Internet services and sites where you can earn without experience and special skills. For example, one of the options is paid online surveys.

You will learn about all these directions and ways of earning from this article and you will only have to choose the most suitable one.

I would like to separately note that a woman can find her dream job on the Internet. Perhaps you have a talent for writing, then why not use it and become a commercial writer?

You can even create articles for websites, where materials on pregnancy, childbirth, parenting are laid out and receive money for this, simply by sharing their knowledge and experience.

For example, my friend on maternity leave made money writing articles (copywriting) for about 30-40 thousand rubles per month, while there was plenty of time for the child, and even left for cooking, cleaning ... and doing personal business!

The list of the most popular professions for women on maternity leave includes:

  • copywriting;
  • babysitting, hairdressing or makeup services;
  • site administrator;
  • call center operator;
  • account manager in social networks;
  • manicure masters
  • transcriber (translating audio or video into a text version).

And this is not a complete list of what a woman with a child can do. There are just a huge number of offers on the Internet. But our task is to select and select the best and most useful of them.

Remember that any occupation requires diligence, and at the beginning of your journey, troubles may arise, sometimes disappointment and self-doubt may visit. But this is no reason to give up. Everyone has gone through this at some point.

Be sure to believe in yourself and you will succeed!🙂

2. Cons ( - ) and pluses (+ ) work for mothers on maternity leave

Working on maternity leave has its own positive and negative sides, so that it would be more convenient for you to familiarize yourself with them, we presented them in the form of a small table:

Pros (+) Minuses (-)
Free work schedule! The opportunity not to break away from the child and plan your own working time. The organization of working time requires special self-discipline which is sometimes simply not enough.
Lack of leadership. You are definitely not in danger of being fired - you are your own boss! You can't always count on high pay for your work.
The opportunity to find a job that will bring you not only money, but also pleasure! You can even start a business doing what you love to do! woman experiencing double load . A small child constantly requires increased attention, and the workflow can turn into real chaos. Therefore, it is not worth talking about special productivity.
No need to spend extra money on travel and food at work! These things can actually save you a decent amount of money. There is also the possibility of encountering scammers , so you should not trust everyone in a row, and it is best to check the information that you receive. In such cases, you can protect yourself from negligent employers.

You can organize your time, but for this you need to try. You can work in those moments when the child is sleeping and does not distract you from business. As you can see, remote maternity leave work at home has its own specifics and characteristics.

2. Where and how to find a job / part-time job for mothers on maternity leave: the best sites and places to find work + a list of vacancies

We will tell you about the most popular places where young mothers can find work for themselves. These are not only sites on the Internet with remote part-time work, but also useful ideas that can bring you money.

After all, even a simple hobby (for example, in the form of cooking or knitting) will help you earn money while you are on maternity leave. Do not rush to take on everything. You can make a plan in a notebook and highlight the most suitable jobs and part-time options for you.

Jobs for young mothers- a good opportunity to spend the time of the decree with benefit, doing your own self-development and at the same time earning money.

Site #1: Kwork

Website kwork.ru quite an interesting resource, suitable for making money. It's a non-dust job for moms on the internet . You can get money on it simply by completing certain tasks.

The payment for the work is fixed and is 500 rubles. There you can place your ads and wait for customers to respond to it.

What can be offered to clients? First of all, it is:

  • writing articles, notes, reviews for online stores,
  • posting ads,
  • administration of groups in Vkontakte,
  • and many more simple things!😀

The site is not a freelance exchange, but, nevertheless, hundreds of new orders appear on it every day.

There are certain disadvantages, which is that you will not receive supposedly fixed 500 rubles for your services. You will have to pay 100 rubles in favor of the service for using its services.

But in principle, this resource can be called ideal for mothers on maternity leave, because without much effort you can earn from 400 rubles a day.

Site number 2: ETHT copywriting exchange

Without any investment or deception, you can write articles on the site. This is one of the oldest text exchanges on the Internet. Thousands of tasks are posted on it every day.

At the same time, you can engage in rewriting, copywriting, SEO copywriting, write reviews, poems, congratulations, sell your photos or author's texts. it perfect place to work on maternity leave .

The site has 16 service categories that you can provide to customers. Below are just a few:

  • cleaning and housekeeping,
  • writing articles,
  • various virtual assistance,
  • promotions and events,
  • WEB design,
  • legal aid,
  • health and beauty services,
  • tutoring.

Customers can independently determine the cost of the task and orient their price list. The contractor can always agree to the specified amount, or ask for more. The task is paid through a special service available on the site.

Site #5: Kadroff

Website " Kadroff» (www.kadrof.ru) is the best type of freelancing exchange, where a variety of tasks are posted daily for people working remotely.

On this resource you can find orders for copywriting, SEO copywriting, rewriting, video transcription (transcription), offer your services for writing poems, congratulations, reviews and announcements.

There are also a variety of remote vacancies for working at home: a designer, an operator-manager, proofreaders ... You can often find other easy-to-perform tasks that can be performed without a special job. skills and experience.

Personnel - remote work vacancies for mothers on maternity leave - examples

Customers post their assignments, indicating the postal address to which they need to send their resume or job offer.

The only negative of the site is that scammers sometimes appear there. How to check if a conscientious customer is in front of you?

Just copy the address Email and paste the Google search string. Freelancers have their own databases where you can track negligent performers and blacklisted customers.

Part 1. Work from home via the Internet

This part of the article will be devoted to remote work at home via the Internet, where we will present the 7 most popular vacancies for mothers on maternity leave.

Remote work on the Internet provides a lot of advantages. First of all, it doesn’t matter to the employer whether you are on maternity leave or not. It is important for him to get a certain result at a specific time.

If you work remotely, you should always plan your time in case of unforeseen circumstances. After all, a small child can get sick, then you definitely won’t think about your work.

Job #1: Copywriter

copywriter is a commercial writer who creates unique texts. You can work as a copywriter both with direct customers and with the help of exchanges, such as:

You can take a job for rewriting, copywriting, SEO copywriting. You can write articles on topics that you are familiar with, for example birth, care and upbringing of a child .

Copywriting is the compilation of unique and competent commercial texts for the site, and rewriting is the writing of texts based on existing sources. Well, SEO copywriting is the creation of author's content with the inclusion of keywords.

There are different prices on the exchanges, but on average they start from $0.5 per thousand characters . And for a mother on maternity leave, this is a great part-time job that does not require costs or effort. The main thing is your desire to work, learn something new, and be a literate person.

Job #2: Typist

There is another fairly popular type of work for moms on the Internet. . And this typing .

But is such work a reality or is it a myth, is it possible to type texts and get paid for it?

Can! For example, typing the texts of term papers, theses, or reprinting texts from handwritten or book materials. Such a part-time job is well suited for young mothers. But it is desirable to know at least the general rules of the Russian language and not make mistakes.

How much do typists get paid?
Typing prices vary from 15 to 100 rubles for the reprinted article. Of course, you won't earn much money this way. But a good typist can receive 8-15 thousand rubles per month .

You can find typing orders on copywriting exchanges or on job portals, such as rabota.yandex.ru or avito.ru. Useful tools for you will be the following programs: Office Word and Adobe FineReader.

Job #3: Translator

Can you translate texts? For example, if you know English or German well, then you can earn quite a good amount of money from translations.

Translators are always in demand, their services are worth from 120 rubles and more per thousand characters.

As a rule, translations are required for technical texts, legal documents, commercial articles. Where to look for customers?

You can register on the copywriting exchange. For example, on the ETXT exchange, you can always find good transfer orders.

The cost of translation varies depending on the level of qualification. from 30 to 250 rubles for 1000 characters. Over time, a professional translator with a good portfolio can earn up to 50-80 thousand rubles per month.

Vacancy number 4: Performer of student work

On maternity leave, you can earn extra money by writing diplomas, term papers, problem solving. This will help you register on a pretty good resource " Student24". The interface of the site "Student24" is simple and clear.

What about payment?
Different prices. For example, the standard exchange rate is from 1.5 to 4.5 thousand rubles depending on complexity and source material.

Also, assignments for student work can be found on the exchanges, or, if you wish, place your ad on helping students on the Avito website.

And do not forget about tutoring, because you can improve the knowledge of schoolchildren in the Russian language or mathematics, because your experience, Skype and clients are enough for this, which can be easily found through ads.

Job #5: Call Center Operator

Job #6: Video blogger

Why not try the profession video blogger?🎥 This does not even require special knowledge and experience.

All you need is a good camera, an interesting plot for the audience and the ability to use the service. YouTube. Such work for young mothers can be not only profitable, but also very interesting.

Of course, you can list a huge number of famous mothers on YouTube, but as an example, channel Tatyana Starikova (www.youtube.com/user/Tatiana12011991), in which a young mother shares the secrets of caring for children, her everyday life, shopping and leisure.

Popular blogs on YouTube earn pretty decent amounts through advertising and affiliate programs.

By the way, here you can add affiliate programs that will bring additional money.

The only negative is that there is a lot of such content and it takes time to promote your channel. And you need to come up with something that will really hook the audience and make them subscribe to your channel.

However, do not be afraid of competition. Competition is quite normal and it shows that the niche is in high demand! But trying is not torture, try it, and maybe you will be able to become a famous and popular blogger.😀

Vacancy number 7: Moderator in public or in a group

💡 Surveys - how much do they pay?
Payment for one survey by and large depends on the number of questions in the questionnaire. For an "average" survey you can earn 40-50 rubles, at a time cost of 10-20 minutes.

Everything is simple here:

  1. you register on a survey site (preferably 4 or more) and fill out your profile,
  2. then letters with current surveys will be sent to your mail,
  3. the letter will contain a link to the survey - you click on it,
  4. answer questions carefully, express your personal opinion and get paid.

An uncomplicated way of earning, nevertheless, quite a significant amount can run up in a month up to 4-6 thousand rubles . For moms on maternity leave, surveys can be a good additional source of income!

Here are some great questionnaires:

Method 2: Comments and reviews

A slightly different option for making money on the Internet is comments and reviews. In this case, there are also no difficulties - you only need to write small reviews on websites and reviews about various companies, online stores ...

For each such review or comment, you will receive somewhere10-50 rubles !

Method 3: Social networks

Almost each of us is registered in at least one social network in which we constantly communicate with our friends.

There are special online services (for example, my favorite is ) where advertisers order and pay for various actions on the social network.

For example, join a certain community on Vkontakte. For you, this is a “second” matter, requiring only one click on the button. So by devoting a little time, you can earn some money without straining at all, which is at least enough for your small expenses.

Method 4: Surfing, clicks and views

The final way to simply make money on the Internet, which I would like to briefly talk about, is viewing promotional materials and clicks.

Usually, only sites and platforms that host ad blocks make money on advertising. But now anyone can install in their browser ( website viewer software) special plugin , which will not only show you ads, but also charge you money for viewing them.

There are also special active advertising sites that will also allow you to earn a little!

In detail the essence of such earnings with step by step guide set out in 2 articles: how to earn money without investments and.

So, we have considered the most relevant vacancies for mothers on maternity leave, and now we can give useful tips that will allow you to earn more and enjoy your favorite business, while always being with your baby next to you.

Often, scammers catch naive applicants by offering to pay for employment or materials for work. In no case do not agree to this, labor law directly indicates that this is a violation of your rights.

Tip #2: Be careful with network marketing

Do not cooperate with dubious MLM. Some network companies are even considered destructive sects that officially sell the same cosmetics.

Working in such a pyramid, you run the risk of falling under a negative influence, and such work will certainly not bring money.

It makes sense to work only with proven and big companies network marketing!

Tip #3: Don't rush to the first job offer you see

Always think over your every step and do not rush to plunge headlong into any job offered, because scammers are on the alert. Be sure to search for information about the organization on the network by entering its name or postal address into the search bar of the browser.

If you decide to make money with handmade products, then carefully study the preferences of customers. It's one thing to sell single-color handmade soap bars, but it's another to include coffee beans, flower petals, and come up with unusual packaging.

Always turn on your imagination. Thinking of selling knitwear? Then why not make a fancy wool coat or baby carrier instead of a standard sweater? You must surprise the client, attract with your offers.

Be careful, because under the guise of a regular high-paying job (both online and offline) deception!

Such unfortunate scammers offer very high pay for simple work on the Internet in order to lure more "victims". As it turns out later, in order to start work, you must definitely pay a certain amount, for example, the so-called insurance fee (about 300-800 rubles).

Such scammers will do their best to convince you to pay this “small” fee, which, as they will claim, you will easily and completely “pay back” on the first day of work.

As you understand, after payment from such "employers" there is neither a rumor nor a spirit!

Also, do not believe in various "super profitable" schemes, strategies and programs that allow you to quickly earn money (for example, beating online casinos or guessing the lottery).

I want to tell you about a real case of fraud, which was told to us by one of the readers of our magazine.

The real scam story!
Olga came across the site freeworkl.ru, where they offer remote work on sorting and correcting documents. It would seem nothing unusual - work like work!

For example, for a simple sorting of documents, the site promises to pay about 850 rubles. Not bad!🙂

And for the usual filling of price lists from a ready-made source - they promise 600 rubles ! In addition, they promise instant payouts at your first request. Not a job, just a dream!

As a result, Olga thought that she had found exactly the job that she had been looking for for so long, and even with a very high pay.

After registering on the site, it turned out that in order to access tasks, you need to buy a subscription for a month for a "symbolic" fee in 240 rubles💰 .

Deciding that the completion of even one task would more than pay off all the investments, Olga paid for a subscription, but the tasks were still unavailable for some reason.

She wrote to technical support, where they kindly explained to her that at the moment a monthly subscription is not available and you need to pay for a subscription. for 3 months for 610 rubles !

Olga did not agree and decided to return her 240 rubles, but as it turned out, it was easy to return them impossible- the system does not process the refund, and technical support “suddenly” disappeared and does not answer any questions!

Therefore, be suspicious of sites and people who promise you unique and "incredibly" profitable and tempting terms of cooperation!

Be vigilant and attentive, and do not take the word of people you do not know (and don't send money❗️).

5. Conclusion

Maternity leave time can be spent wisely raising your child, earning extra money in your spare time and engaging in personal self-development. You can always find occupation to your liking, without breaking away from its main duty - be a good mom .

It is very important for a woman to realize herself in life as a mother, a good wife and an experienced specialist. Engaging in new, exciting and income-generating activities opens up tempting prospects for new earnings.

The answer to the question "What kind of work is suitable for mothers on maternity leave?" you can also find from the following video:

Also watch a very interesting video on the topic “What should mom do on maternity leave?”, In which Maria Chudnaya shares her personal experience:

Part-time work on maternity leave will help not only improve your financial condition, but also take your mind off household chores, and perhaps even enjoy work.

We sincerely wish you success in finding your favorite job!

In our article, we tried to tell you as much as possible in detail and in an accessible way about working for mothers on maternity leave, so if the article turned out to be at least a little useful for you, share it on social networks with your friends and acquaintances!

Also don't forget to comment and ask questions!

Looking for information on how to make money for a young mother on maternity leave? We propose to study the list and analysis of the most worthy vacancies to date.

Many mothers feel uncomfortable about the lack of enough money in the family. There is no one to leave the baby to go to the main job. The idea of ​​working from home comes up. How to do it? What can really bring additional income on maternity leave?

Reasons for looking for earnings on maternity leave

  • If you need a job in order not to be just a housewife and a mother, but to feel your importance in general, then you can realize yourself in simple projects. This category may include professions or activities that bring emotional pleasure. Often, young mothers, wanting to develop with their baby, open a children's studio for various interests or sell hand-made goods. This allows you to combine caring for the baby and work.
  • Things are quite different when the mother's income is a vital necessity. Every family's circumstances are different. Sometimes a spouse is not able to provide the house with everything necessary, not to mention entertainment and additional expenses. Then the mother decides to find a job that brings at least some income.

The scope of career choice for young mothers is constantly expanding. But the result depends on the applicant's abilities or the desire to explore new horizons.

Let's consider each situation separately, making a list of suitable ways to earn money for a mother on maternity leave.

Work for pleasure

If the baby does not take much time, then you can earn on what you know how to do without additional training:

Hobbies are at the top of the list of additional income. Every mother has a favorite pastime: knitting, embroidery, sewing, decoupage, drawing, weaving with beads, etc.

It all depends on the skills, speed of execution and the ability to find customers to implement their services.

Work from home in the previous organization where you worked before the decree: accountant, translator or teacher of foreign languages, designer of various directions (furniture, interior, landscape, web, leaflets, booklets), lawyer (drawing up contracts, consultations), psychologist, massage therapist, proofreader, tutor.

Realize your dreams and earn income

On maternity leave, many mothers learn new professions that they thought about before, but did not have enough time to learn:

  • visagiste;
  • beautician;
  • the hairdresser;
  • photographer;
  • stylist;
  • culinary specialist (custom-made cakes are especially in demand);
  • florist.

Organizer of children's leisure

The specialty has a wide range of opportunities: from group classes with children on their development to organizing holidays with theatrical performances or shows. Find like-minded people and come up with a business that will be interesting for mothers and their babies.

A creative, sociable person without complexes has a large field for self-realization.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

The list of vacancies that can bring pleasure and benefit can be long. Next, we will look at areas of activity that can bring, perhaps, more income, but not always personal satisfaction.

If you do not have organizational skills, do not have a hobby that will bring income, do not have the opportunity to fulfill part of the obligations of your previous job, we recommend that you consider the following positions:


The Internet is a great platform for finding earnings for mom with a baby. Many doubt the real opportunity to get a good income through the virtual world. Having heard about various deceptions, a young mother does not risk wasting time, and sometimes money, in vain. But you can make money if you know what:

  • Copywriting or rewriting - this is a common activity if you have a literary mindset and literacy. There are special platforms (exchanges) where you can choose the appropriate direction and write texts to order. At first, the money can be small - experience, rating, and the ability to quickly type text are required. More about
  • Website or blog development. This type of activity is suitable for those who can offer interesting information to the visitor. Topics are selected individually. But you can't expect a quick return. The development of any business requires time and the trust of users. Here is information on how to create a blog http://aimblog.ru/kak-sozdat-blog
  • Online store can become one of the types of earnings, if you have something to offer.
  • Moderator of thematic forums or social groups. Work is done from home, sitting at the computer. It is necessary to monitor the work of the site / forum / group and remove information that violates the terms of use. You can choose certain hours when there will be free time and take several directions under your care.
  • Text proofreader - elimination of errors, typos, incorrect phrases, information from the finished text. The work is painstaking, requiring good knowledge of the Russian language and text formatting standards.

READ MORE: Ways to earn money through the Internet for moms on maternity leave. (Without pyramids and MLM)

Advice! Do not try to make money on the Internet on empty promises or tempting offers that require investment. We want to earn, not spend. Money can only be invested in training that is required for retraining. Take the time to read people's reviews of online jobs that interest you.

Other earning opportunities

If the computer and the World Wide Web are not for you, you can find work outside the home. But then you have to look for a nanny for the child during your absence. ()

  • Social work

Take patronage over people in need of social assistance (buying food, medicine, walking pets, or just a heart-to-heart conversation). You can allocate a couple of hours a day for this and take control of the people living nearby.

Broad or narrow profile agent. There is different areas when you can be a representative of an insurance, trading company, engage in a survey, any kind of campaigning or census. Income can be inconsistent, as agents receive a percentage of the final result.

  • Marketing

Distributor of goods for various purposes. Suitable only for those who can convince people well of the need to purchase the proposed product or service. Endurance, resistance to stress - this is also not the last requirement.

  • Educational sphere

Often the organizers of children's clubs, circles, schools are the same young mothers who were looking for additional income on maternity leave. It became their main job, bringing pleasure and income.

You can start small:

  1. Recruit a few children who need care for a short time. Become a nanny for an hour (). You can take care of your baby and get money for babysitting services.
  2. If the house allows you to organize a home kindergarten, then go for it. The state can support such undertakings.
  3. If you have the talent of an artist, musician or something else, open a children's hobby group.

Maternity leave is in many ways, of course, a wonderful time. Mom can spend a lot of time with her child, family, which she did not allow herself for a long time. But sometimes you get so tired of cute relatives and household chores! I want to change activities, and then finances begin to sing romances. Of course, there is a way out - to start working at home. Giant profits will not appear immediately, but you can shake things up, jump out of the circle of household chores, start your own money and even find something to your liking and for life after the decree.

Is it possible to combine work with the decree without harming the child?

Benefits of working on maternity leave

  • I have an opportunity contribute to the family budget, sometimes very significant.
  • Most often work on maternity leave is remote, which means that you do not need to go to the office, saving time, money for travel, lunches and office clothes.
  • You yourself you plan your work schedule, choose a convenient time for work.
  • This is good brain shake. I know for myself that after some time of sitting at home, there is a feeling that this part of the body has atrophied. The very search for job options is a wonderful exercise for the mind.
  • To some extent, you are self-fulfilling and you can even find a new profession.

There are also cons, and a lot ...

  • Lies on mom, after all, no one cancels household chores and child care. In addition, whatever one may say, you have to devote less time to the baby, communicating with him. It’s good if there is a grandmother who can stay with the child for 2-4 hours so that the mother can work hard at this time. Most often, this is not possible, and mothers save either on sleep, working at night, or on a child. From my own experience I will say that two hours of daytime sleep of a child is too little for any significant labor feats.
  • Required self-discipline , clear timing.
  • Working from home you can "dig in" and generally stop going out into public places (walking with a child in the yard or jogging through grocery stores does not count).

Where and how much can mommy earn on maternity leave via the Internet?

Of course, the easiest way to find a job for moms on maternity leave is on the World Wide Web. For beginners, no special knowledge and skills are required. You just need to be well versed in the virtual space and be familiar with social networks firsthand. True, for unprofessional work and pay will be low.

As elsewhere, for more serious earnings, more serious investments of knowledge and skills are also needed. Often additional training is needed.

  • Paid Surveys

To take surveys for money, you need to register on one of the sites and wait for an invitation by e-mail. There is no need to brag about special earnings here, from 25 rubles per survey and extremely irregular income. It all depends on whether your characteristics are suitable (age, gender, occupation, place of residence, and many others). Here are some resources: anketka.ru, platnijopros.ru, o.voprosnik.ru. Monthly earnings are enough to pay for the phone.

  • Earn on clicks
  • Rewriting, copywriting

Writing articles for sites on a given topic (copyright), or rewriting existing ones in other words (rewriting). Of course, we need literacy, experience in writing essays (articles), at least school ones. Exchanges Etxt.ru, Advego.ru, Text.ru, Turbotext.ru and others. Issue price from 1000 to 20000 per month.

  • Social media group administrator

The task is to promote the Vkontakte group, Odnoklassniki and so on. You have to fill the page with content and photos, remove spam, attract new members, conduct different competitions, stock. You need to have experience in posting information on social networks, at least a little knowledge of Photoshop, it is optimal to undergo a little training. Earnings from 6000 rubles per month.

  • Site administrator

The main tasks are about the same as the group administrator. Posting new information, articles, newsletters. If this is a website, for example, an online store, then it is your responsibility to monitor the relevance of the assortment.

  • Site owner

Many, having worked "for their uncle", create their own website and work for themselves. However, the process is not fast. Creating a site after passing the appropriate training is a matter of several hours, but sometimes it is not possible to promote it, wait for a decent level of traffic, advertisers even in a year. Continuous long-term work is needed, and not paid by anyone, in order to achieve any significant result.

  • Organizer of joint purchases

You can study from a page on social networks or on special forums. You need to find a product that is popular and gather a group of people who want to buy it in order to purchase a wholesale batch. You get a percentage, usually not very high - 10-15, after all, buyers should also have some kind of benefit compared to the store. You will have to perform the duties of a seller, logistician, accountant. The upper ceiling of earnings is limited by your ambitions, time, ability to choose a sought-after item for sale.

  • Online consultant

You can consult on professional activity(for example, if you are a lawyer, accountant, psychologist, doctor), for newly acquired skills (breastfeeding, baby care, wearing a sling, etc.), to be a consultant in an online store. It is convenient to earn extra money on the relevant forums or create your own page in the networks. Earnings 3000-20000 rubles.

  • Designer

The scope for activity is huge. Of course, you need to own graphic programs and creativity. You can design a lot of things: logos, booklets, calendars, brochures, websites… The list is endless. I don't mean jobs that require a lot of skill, like home appliance design.

These hobbies have become a permanent source of income for many women.

It's great if the subject of your hobby can be sold. These may be different things.

  1. Jewelry made of beads, leather, hairpins, artificial flowers.
  2. Soap, candles, handmade cosmetics.
  3. Cakes decorated with fondant figurines or just office lunches.
  4. Various homemade toys for children.
  5. Postcards.
  6. Sewing, knitting.
  7. Any other item that is in demand.

It is simply impossible to list everything, any crafts, both ancient and modern, are used.

To sell the object of your passion, you need not only to be able to make beautiful and in demand things, you also need to have a certain warehouse of character in order to promote them, gain a clientele.

There are two ways to advance, and it is desirable to combine them optimally. In order for as many people as possible to know about your willingness to put your creations on stream, you need to don't be shy and let people know about it : friends, acquaintances, mothers in line at the clinic, parents in the class or group of an older child, neighbors on the porch.

In addition, I consider it necessary create an account on Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki , where it will be possible to exhibit already completed works, to accept orders. Ask your friends to selflessly help you promote. Well, what should they put a class under the picture of the next masterpiece. And if the masterpiece is really a success, then the photo will constantly pop up in the news feed of a variety of people.

Selling ready-made things is easy. You can do it without haste, when you want and can.

If this is work to order and it is necessary to meet the allotted time, it is quite possible that you will have to sacrifice rest.

It does not matter if it was not possible to master useful skills before the decree, it is never too late to start. Look through the sites of handmakers, think about what is closer to you and what, importantly, there is an opportunity to do, that is, whether you need a separate room or workplace where and how to purchase consumables, how long the process takes, what are the initial costs. From my experience with soap making, I know that need start-up investment (it took me about 10,000, I had to) to purchase components.

You can sell not only goods, but also services. For example, engage in tutoring, write congratulations to order, take pictures, build nails, do haircuts and hairstyles at home. But all this will have to be done either during the child’s sleep, or to negotiate with grandmothers, aunts, dad and other people around to keep the baby busy. Otherwise, there is a risk of being left without a clientele, since it is unlikely that anyone will like your constant throwing on the subject of including a cartoon-give a toy-drink-pee-eat and so on. A person who is ready to pay for your work has the right to count on all your attention and time .

Piece work or part-time work for women on maternity leave

Just great if your main job allows you to work remotely . Having the Internet at home, connecting your computer to the office network is a breeze. Often, employers are happy to meet halfway, as there is no need to accept a new person, to bring him up to date. While on maternity leave, you can do most of the work at home and periodically visit the office to resolve pressing issues. Most often, this scheme works accountants, translators, designers, IT specialists .

Find part-time work in the evenings or on weekends , that is, when the child will be, for example, with dad, it is difficult, but possible. I was refused several times, motivated by the fact that I would go on sick leave. All my objections such as: the child is still not kindergarten, and what's the difference - dad to sit with a sick child or a healthy one, were not taken into account. Of the part-time jobs that were suitable for me on the schedule, there were: cleaner, operator (online store, bank, tow truck, etc.), packer, administrator .

You are lucky if your specialty allows you to work part-time on weekends: doctors, teachers, hairdressers, lawyers, accountants can always find a suitable vacancy or negotiate with their main employer. For some reason, a plastics processing technologist, as in my case, is not popular for working in the evenings and on weekends.

There are sites that offer specifically scheduled or part-time work for moms, for example, Richmother.ru, Mamarabotaet.ru

If you are determined to work during maternity leave, first decide what you would like to do, how much time you can devote to this activity and what income you expect.

try Decide what time of day is best for you to work . It is better that the child does not spin under his feet at this time, otherwise you will often have to be distracted, and the task will take much longer to complete.

In order to be in time for everything and at the same time the household did not suffer, it is necessary to educate in oneself iron self-discipline . Highly helps to-do list , which needs to include not only work, but also cooking, walking with a child.

    • (+) Advantages of working at home for mothers during maternity leave
    • (-) Cons of working for mothers on maternity leave
    • Method number 1. Home typist
    • Method number 2. Intermediation on the Internet (+ joint purchases)
    • Method number 3. home cooking
    • Method number 4. Coursework and theses
    • Method number 5. Hand-made products
    • Method number 6. Work with texts, copywriting, rewriting (work at home typing)
    • Method number 7. Working with photos
    • Method number 8. Professional Services at home
    • Method number 9. Earnings on Avito
    • Profession 1. SEO copywriter
    • Profession 2. Rewriter
    • Profession 3. Moneymaker
    • Profession 4. Blogger
    • Profession 5. SMO Specialist
    • Profession 6. Writer
    • Profession 7. Content Manager
    • Rule number 1. Time to work
    • Rule number 2. Action plan
    • Rule number 3. Setting up for work
    • Rule number 4. Systematization of contacts.
    • Rule number 5. Compliance with the regime
  • 8. Conclusion

The birth of a baby is the most beautiful and touching moment in the life of every mother. Now there are new concerns, interests, and the schedule of ordinary life is being completely rebuilt. But, little by little, everything returns to normal. With the proper distribution of their main responsibilities, there is also a lot of free time, which can be spent not only with benefit, but also for financial gain, milking yourself.

From this article you will learn:

  • The main directions and types of earnings for mothers
  • The pros and cons of working from home for moms
  • The main types of work at home - vacancies

Methods and types of work at home for mothers with children

1. What kind of work exists for mothers with children - directions, popular vacancies

Working for mothers on maternity leave without leaving home allows you to improve the financial condition of the family. In general, such a home type of side job can be divided into 3 main directions.

  1. Applying your skills. This is the maximum use of one's own skills, talents, abilities for their subsequent implementation.
  2. Professional Features. Opportunity to take into account the experience gained as a result of previous work and own specialization.
  3. Presence of conditions. Implementation of the proposed activity, having all the necessary components. For example, room, phone, internet.

Of course, doing any work, it is very important to allocate time so that it does not interfere with communication with the baby. After all, his birth and upbringing is paramount, unlike financial income.

There are many options for organizing work at home for mothers on maternity leave, but the most basic and most acceptable in modern conditions are listed.

Work at home - vacancies for mothers on maternity leave

List of jobs for moms on maternity leave - popular vacancies

  • Copywriting. Creation of texts and their placement on special sites. You must be able to correctly express your thoughts, monitor spelling and eliminate basic errors.
  • Providing babysitting services. If the mother has experience in communicating with children, you can organize a side job in parallel.
  • Beauty saloon . After graduating from hairdressing courses, it is quite possible to do haircuts, styling, hair coloring at home. (Read also -)
  • Polls. This is a type of Internet - earnings, where, after registration, they pass tests and answer questions. Upon completion of such a procedure, the agreed funds are transferred to the electronic wallet.
  • Opening a private kindergarten . Due to the demographic situation, this direction is becoming popular and in demand. With experience and desire, knowing the basic techniques, you can study all the necessary information and organize a group of children as an informal home kindergarten.
  • Handmade . Even if there are no skills in the production of any products, the main processes are described in a very accessible and step-by-step manner on the Internet. You can make souvenirs, make hair ornaments, cook candles, bake cakes, sew sets for discharge.
  • Site administration. With certain abilities, it becomes possible to create sites, control their activity, post news, expand the range of goods and services, and deal with its content.
  • Tutoring. Now the system Russian education involves an enhanced passing of the final exams. Such events require additional preparation, which makes it possible to increase the relevance of tutoring. Studying at home 3-4 hours a day, you can significantly improve your financial situation.
  • Work as a designer, artist, illustrator on distance. Having the skills, it is quite possible to make money in social networks. Photo processing, writing portraits, website design, work with orders are also available to remote users.
  • home cooking. Catering is gaining more and more popularity. This is lunch delivery. own production to the office staff on request. The ability to cook well and tasty is always profitable and profitable. The production of semi-finished products for sale, baking pies, fragrant buns and croissants will be in constant demand. It remains only to find distribution channels.
  • Distance learning. This is internet work. It involves the development of a special methodology, and possibly a whole course, and is aimed at your any professional knowledge.
  • mediation. This is a resale of goods through electronic platforms. It is based on getting the difference between the initial cost and the final cost.

Having decided on the decision to make money, it is worth choosing only the main direction that will most interesting .

2. Advantages and disadvantages of working from home for moms

Working at home, at its core, has a lot of advantages that are undeniable even for novice workers.

(+) Advantages of working at home for mothers during maternity leave

  • Firstly, all the time given to work can be easily and simply controlled. This allows you to take into account the circumstances that arise during the day, does not create dependence and makes a woman free to make decisions.
  • Secondly, there is no boss. All work is carried out directly at our discretion or only through the customer. At the same time, there is no subordination, generating a mutually beneficial partnership.
  • Thirdly, reducing additional costs. There is no need to plan money for travel, meals and clothes for the office. This is a significant savings, allowing you to start work almost from scratch.
  • Fourth, there is no team. There is no need to establish personal connections, control your behavior with employees, obey higher levels.
  • AND, fifth, the fear of dismissal has no basis under itself. In such a situation, you are your own employer, boss, and the main driving force. Stability, like the level of earnings, will depend only on specific conditions and the desire to provide it.

(-) Cons of working for mothers on maternity leave

Along with such significant advantages, of course, there are minuses that are important to talk about. In any case, having a small child in her arms, the burden on a woman is very noticeable.

  • In the first years of a baby’s life, his regimen is getting better, which encourages the mother to wake up at night. This is reflected in the general state of health and entails her fatigue. Therefore, earnings may be weak and hard to find time to do it. If there are no housewives and childcare assistants, then it is difficult to organize the working day properly, and this creates chaos.
  • In addition, the proximity of the refrigerator nearby provokes constant snacking and entails not only the lack of a stable weight, but also constant interruptions in work.
  • An important factor worth mentioning when starting labor activity, is that there are a huge number of scammers on the Internet offering false earnings .

Without experience, you can get scammed and waste not only time, but also your own money.

3. Work at home for mothers on maternity leave - TOP 8 vacancies and ways to earn money for 2019 for women

Let us consider in more detail some areas and vacancies that may be of interest to mothers who begin their work. All of the listed vacancies and ways of earning can be with daily payment. It all depends on your agreement with the customer. To achieve this, it is necessary to have a good reputation or a long term of successful cooperation.

Method number 1. Home typist

This is not a complicated operation, which is available to almost everyone. The task and meaning of a typist at home is that the direct customer gives the required amount for processing. The data can be in printed and handwritten sight, as well as audio cassettes.

And tables, formulas and scheme located on the carrier have a separate cost and are negotiated additionally.

Finding such an employer is not difficult. There are a huge number of ads on the Internet, which indicate the scheme, conditions and methods of payment for anyone who decides to apply for employment. (When applying for a job, we recommend reading - "")

The thing is, it's not that simple. Due to the relevance of the proposals, there are many fraudulent organizations which, under the guise of a conscientious customer, are posted on websites and use the services of gullible consumers.

Typing at home - one of the ways to earn money for mom

You can recognize scammers by 3 main points:

  1. Payment for upcoming material. Before handing out the work, you are asked to pay a deposit for the source being sent.
  2. Payment for a test set. Before performing their duties, the site employee offers to go through a certain stage of testing, which should reveal the real abilities and level of work to be issued subsequently. The results of such a test and the work of the editor are paid. The amount is sounded small, and it seems natural. Actually this is a scam.
  3. SMS confirmation. This approach is only gaining momentum. By creating short numbers, mostly of 4 digits, scammers ask to send a confirmation to the customer from their phone. Accordingly, a decent amount of money is written off. You may be asked to decode the data about the employer in this way, or choose the most profitable order, but you need to look realistically at the situation and understand that these actions are definitely fraudulent.

In general, working with the same site, the plausibility of which was calculated correctly, you achieve a high typing speed, you have privileges in choosing, and a stable payment for your activities. Vacancy " Home typist” is the most attractive and understandable for any beginner.

Method number 2. Intermediation on the Internet (+ joint purchases)

Having a commercial streak, you can very quickly calculate what percentage of earnings you get when selling a large batch of goods at retail. Virtual Stores become our everyday way of life, and it no longer surprises anyone that you can buy there household appliances , clothes, hygiene products, souvenirs and even home furnishings.

If you study a huge number of sites very well, you can understand that there are special trading platforms where online markets are located. They produce goods in large quantities and at reasonable discounted prices. You can place an order and receive it through the mail, or organize self-delivery.

Further, taking into account milestones of costs, the retail price is calculated and the product is placed on the usual popular retail sales site, which is available to all modern users. In addition, distribution can be done through a circle of close acquaintances, former colleagues or relatives.

You can also create an online store and sell your products there. To do this, we recommend reading the article - - step-by-step instructions.

Method number 3. home cooking

Some young mothers not only feel comfortable in the kitchen and are able to impress their home inhabitants with masterpieces, but also, learning new recipes for cooking, have the opportunity to offer them for sale.

Those, for example Those who have a pronounced passion for baking cakes will be able to do what they love and make money on it. By studying new techniques and design options for baked products, you can find your own uniqueness.

When processing your first and subsequent orders, you need to create a portfolio that will brightly and colorfully present the work, forcing you to turn to you. The occasions are different, from birthdays to wedding anniversaries, so you can think ahead appearance upcoming baking, its decoration and options that give a special originality.

Method number 4. Coursework and theses

This is a way that is available only to those who have a certain specialization and the necessary set of knowledge, which are reflected in the topics themselves. The main customers will be students.

But, the work is seasonal in nature, in addition, the course of lectures implies only the presence 10-12 options, there is a risk of repetition. If such earnings are considered as temporary or periodic, then it is quite affordable.

Method number 5. Hand-made products

Having free time at your disposal, remember that you once knew how to knit, sew, sculpt, create toys and souvenirs well. Watch some videos on this topic. Perhaps you will find the direction that will have a special uniqueness and high sales. Such work is called hand-made. Can do hair ornaments, boil candles various colors knit napkins and vases, sew beautiful pillows, to scatter the salt for baths in beautiful tubes, arrange spice trays, glue organizers and come up with various options that your imagination will allow you to do.

You can sell finished products through sales sites and social networks, where many users are registered.

Method number 6. Work with texts, copywriting, rewriting (work from home typing)

Currently, there are special exchanges for freelancers, where you can sell your writing skills and earn good money. To get started, it is important to register and familiarize yourself with the rules of the site.

  • Copywriting- writing texts in your own words on order, taking into account all the necessary keys and conditions. The volume can be different, and payment will be made according to the number of characters written by you.
  • Rewriting– execution of the order with the help of 2-3 sources. At the same time, information is studied and, without losing its meaning, it is narrated in its own words in a given key. This is a lexical change of the original text. It is also important to pay attention to the uniqueness of your own work. There should not be significant repetitions, coincidences with Internet sites. Originality is welcome.
  • Text translation. The task will not be difficult for those who have good knowledge of foreign languages ​​and are able to process this material in a timely manner. The pay for this kind of work is always good.
  • Writing texts. This is an independent way of earning, in which an article is written on any topic of interest, checked and posted on the site. It is important to avoid grammatical, stylistic, punctuation and syntax errors. You can set the cost of your work yourself. The editors will additionally check the submitted material, evaluate it for uniqueness and put it up for sale.

Method number 7. Working with photos

In order to start such an activity, you need a special program that helps in processing and retouching the original copies. In order to get it, just go to a site that has available information on this topic. Not only all processes will be described there, but recommendations will also be given.

Very often, such resources host a special demo version of the program. It has a number of basic features to help you get started. In addition, in various forums dedicated to this problem, questions and answers are published on situations that occur in the process. photoshop. After studying the information, you will understand that the basic knowledge is already there and you can try, and then take orders.

By the way, knowing how to take good shots, you can work photographer. Now there is no need for special studios and developers. In the early stages, it is easy to use non-professional equipment, and then think about expanding your own business. (We recommend reading -)

Method number 8. Professional services at home

If you have special skills that are in demand even in your narrow circle, then you can think about selling them.

For example, this could be massage, Card reading, manicure, pedicure, makeup, aerobics, home economics and etc. Organize your business from the comfort of your own home.

For starters, it will be enough to experiment on girlfriends, friends. If the hairstyles are successful, spend this service for free, taking photos of the results. Choose the best of them and post them on your social media site. This will attract attention from the outside and make your services in demand. Do not set high prices, focus on availability at first. Start small.

Method number 9. Earnings on Avito

Nowadays, such an unusual way of making money at home as buying and selling goods on free classifieds boards is becoming increasingly popular. There are many ways to make money accordingly. For example, one of the schemes offers to order cheap clothes in China and sell them at current market prices in our realities through Avito. In general, earnings are based on one of the most ancient business schemes in the world - buying and selling. Find a supplier with cheap goods and learn how to sell them for more. There are a lot of earning schemes on Avito today, we have collected the best 18 ways in our free checklist, so we advise you to download and study it.

Download a free checklist of ideas

18 ideas how to make money on Avito right now

Watch a video from specialist Andrey Merkulov about effective schemes for making money on Avito in your spare time:

4. 7 popular jobs on the Internet that are suitable for maternity leave

Given the constant workload, and dependence on your own baby, not every profession can become the main one on maternity leave. Nevertheless, it is possible to draw up a certain list, having studied which, each will be able to decide on the direction and type of work that is most interesting in the proposed circumstances.

Profession 1. SEO copywriter

This is a specialty that involves the creation of advertising texts adapted specifically for Internet searches. They are made according to the requirements of such search engines as Yandex, Rambler, Google. Of course, there are basic working nuances, and it is necessary to take them into account.

The customer, offering to write such a text, voices all the necessary framework. But in reality it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main clients here are Web - studios, advertising agencies, online stores, owners of commercial sites.

Profession 2. Rewriter

This type of income was discussed earlier. Deciding on it, it is worth having basic skills. It is important to present the material simply and easily; be able to work quickly and without significant errors; write interesting and concise; choose the most important and focus on it.

Profession 3. Moneymaker

This direction is associated with your own small business, that is own project in the Internet network. Usually, a personal website, blog or forum on an interesting topic is created and gradually developed. Read also our article - - step by step instructions "

At the same time, profit can be obtained from affiliate programs, placed advertisements and links sold from the created web project. It is aimed most of all not at improving the financial condition, but at spiritual satisfaction with one's achievements.

Profession 4. Blogger

This is a person who creates a certain kind of site, where relevant posts, images or multimedia are placed that correspond to the topic being consecrated. It is read by a huge number of not only subscribers, but also ordinary visitors, leaving their own comments, opinions and advice.

The more popular the blog, the greater the chances of making money. You can also place here contextual advertising and sell links, deal with marketing offers of entire companies.

Profession 5. SMO Specialist

This is a person who is able to create, promote and post groups on social networks. The job itself is very interesting and informative. For example, the customer may ask to advance Cell phones on sale.

You will need to create a group, make notes in it that unobtrusively explain and attract people to the features of such a technique, and organize new subscribers. Through such methods, you can tell both about the benefits of the product and about the online store that sells directly. The customers of such services are advertising agencies, Internet services, and various companies.

Profession 6. Writer

This vacancy allows you to develop your abilities with the help of pens and sheet of paper. Its essence is that having interesting material, in your free time you can sketch out a plan writing a book. Any subject is possible, from artistic presentation to business style.

Think carefully, maybe your diary has accumulated a huge number of recipes that have already been tried many times and it is you who know the main nuances of their preparation, which you will be happy to share with your readers.

Or such a situation is possible in which even a woman who constantly leads a household is able to present its aspects in an accessible and interesting form. Such work can be placed both on the site and sold virtually, or sent to one of the print publishers.

Profession 7. Content manager

This is a specialist who monitors constant updates on the site. When it comes to mass publications, articles, news, and current interviews are important here. When working with a particular firm, you will most likely need check the price, update promotions, view details.

5. Work from home without investments and cheating on the Internet, which does not require special skills

There is a huge number of very young mothers who, by coincidence, have not yet managed to gain sufficient work experience and do not have the opportunity to offer their services at the level of a qualified worker.

What to do in this case? There is an exit.

It is worth trying to master the following areas:

  1. Mouse clicking advertising banners and collecting bonuses. For such services, customers offer real payment, but it is very insignificant.
  2. Promotions. You can register and declare yourself as a member of any common brand. But with this method, the main type of payment is samples of the products sold.
  3. Polls. Participation in various surveys. This option brings 100 to 150 rubles. but, the downside is that it is necessary to approach all the specified parameters, starting from the characteristics of weight and height, to bad habits and family ties. Although, it's worth a try.
  4. Likes and reposts. This is the approval of photographs, pictures, works. It is enough to have registration on this site and in a social network.
  5. Working as a mystery shopper. The task is that when making a purchase, you need to correctly evaluate the service, the attitude of the seller, knowledge of the assortment, the level of answers to questions. More specific characteristics and tasks are set by the customer himself.
  6. Earning on youtube. Read the article - "".

6. Tips for choosing the best way to earn money for moms

Remember that financial improvement is not the main goal.

If you still want to try, and the conditions are conducive, pay attention to a few important tips:

  1. To begin with, remember, maybe there was a situation in which you would really like to do something unusual. For example, It would be interesting paint, or weave braids, learn to take pictures or engage website development. This is most likely the right time to start.
  2. Plan your day right. Make time for work, baby and rest.
  3. Study the information about the upcoming job, pay attention to the employer, reviews about him and the duration of his stay in the market for such services. Read on the Internet information about the experience of other performers, analyze possible errors.
  4. Get a special virtual wallet where your earned money will be collected.
  5. Pay attention to "snacks" and small sweets, but control these moments.

7. 5 time management rules for women on maternity leave working at home

In order to properly organize your work during maternity leave, you must follow 5 basic rules.

They will help set the schedule and distribute attention properly.

Rule number 1. Time to work

To begin with, it is important to work out the most efficient time that will contribute to the workflow. The most convenient option will be the baby's sleep. Consider the period of the day where it is most convenient to highlight it.

Rule number 2. Action plan

Write down briefly all the necessary worries, the execution of which is mandatory during the day. Check if there will be free time after that. Try to stick to what is written.

Rule number 3. Setting up for work

In order for the performance indicators to be high, it is important to enter the workflow correctly. There is a special way that makes such a moment enjoyable. Come up with your own ritual, for example, drink a cup of hot coffee with a bun first and proceed.

Rule number 4. Systematization of contacts.

All the accumulated data of customers, virtual employees should be placed in a special database in advance and duplicated in a diary. This is done in case of occurrence of circumstances leading to their loss.

Rule number 5. Compliance with the regime

Do not forget about your own health. Take care to control work, sleep and rest. give the body a chance to relax.

8. Conclusion

We offer you to watch the video - “How to make money on the Internet without investments and deception with the withdrawal of money»

Being on maternity leave, young mothers gradually get used to the main worries and troubles, while gaining a piece of free time. In order to spend it usefully, it is important to initially decide what you would like to do.

Such an organization of the distribution of one's own time can bring not a bad income, but with its proper development, it can become the main thing that used to be only in dreams.

In addition, such methods of activity, and in general, work at home for mothers on maternity leave help to reduce depression and postpartum stress. The main attention is paid to work, the baby, your own body and there is no time left for third-party experiences.