Franchises of health food stores and cafes - customers are healthier, you are richer! How to open a health food store.

To improve their health, they resort to various diets and simply healthy food. Someone goes to special restaurants or limits their menu in establishments Catering, someone prefers to cook on their own. But many are ready to order such food with home delivery. It is this category of healthy food consumers that will become customers of your business.

It should also be noted that a healthy lifestyle, in particular, a balanced diet, is mainly interested in people with above-average incomes. And they will be ready to pay 1-2 thousand rubles a day for a balanced diet. The cost depends both on your margin (usually 30-40%) and on the composition of the menu.


To start a business like this, you need a few things. First, it will be necessary to find potential clients. For this, it will be necessary to lay in the advertising budget about 150-200 thousand rubles. Your main advertising platforms are articles in local glossy magazines, catalogs + advertising in urban social media (groups). advertising campaign it will be necessary to spend at least two months, choosing for the subsequent placement of about two or three sites (the cheapest and most effective).

Next, you will need the following staff based on 20 clients (with an average check of 1.5 - 2 thousand rubles per day). First, if you are not a professional nutritionist, then you will need the occasional services of this specialist for menu consultation. This is about 25 thousand rubles a month. You will need a chef to prepare this meal (three or five meals per person). Keep in mind that you will need his services all seven days a week. The total salary of a cook will be about 30 thousand rubles a month. He will work at night. You will also need couriers in cars, 2-3 people who will deliver orders in the morning. Their salary will be about 15 thousand rubles a month per person, with work seven days a week for two to three hours in the morning.

Thus, you can reach a monthly turnover of 850-1300 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, marginality will exceed 30%.

What is the price

Based on three months in advance, you need to lay down about 350-400 thousand rubles for salaries. Another 200 thousand rubles will go to the advertising company. About 160-220 thousand rubles a month will have to be spent on the purchase of products.
Approximately 10-15 thousand rubles a month will need to be pledged for the services of accounting and outsourcing lawyers. About ten thousand rubles will have to be spent on registration of IP. In total, as an initial capital, you will need about 600-800 thousand rubles.

Profit is you, if properly conducted advertising company You will start receiving within the first month.

Marginality: about 30-40%, that is, with a turnover of even 800 thousand rubles, you can recoup your initial investment in three to four months after launch.

Everything related to a healthy lifestyle is considered a popular trend today. The media is talking about it and social networks, and gyms crowded with young people. And on this or that trend, you can always make good money.

Actually, those who first launched the proper nutrition delivery service in Russia probably thought so. And they weren't wrong. The service really turned out to be timely and perfectly fit into the general healthy lifestyle trend.

How profitable this business idea is and what difficulties an entrepreneur will face in this niche, we wrote in the material

Starting such a business is quite realistic even for a novice entrepreneur - organizing a service and doing business is relatively simple and straightforward.

However, the main advantage of franchising in the nutrition delivery niche is recognition and trust. If you need time to get known about you in your city and strength to inspire confidence when launching on your own, then working under a more or less well-known brand will allow the company to gain momentum as quickly as possible.

After analyzing the proper nutrition delivery market, we saw that there are few companies offering such a service, mainly small regional players in million-plus cities. And those who develop by franchising can be completely counted on the fingers.

Which Nutrition Franchise Should You Choose?

So, we reviewed 3 franchises for the delivery of proper nutrition companies - Smart Food, Lose weight easily and DetoxPro.

smart food Losing weight is easy DetoxPro
Year of foundation 2013 2015
Franchising 2014 2015
Number of points 12 5 41
Investments from 2,000,000 rubles 100 000 rub.
What is the investment spent on? Lump sum, rent of production, equipment, products, consumables, business trip Franchise Package Lump sum, equipment, rent, start of work with the audience.
Lump sum 300 000 rub. for cities with less than 1 million people, 500,000 rubles. more than 1 million people 450 000 rub. 100,000-150,000 rubles
Royalty 6% No 5 000 rub. per month from the 3rd month work
Other payments No No No
Opening time 2 months 15 days
Payback 12-15 months 6 months
Average check 1 700 rub. 300-400 rub. 2 700 rub.
Net profit 150 000 rubles 100 000 rub. 30-40% of revenue
Square from 100-150 sq.m from 10 sq.m., then - according to production load
Support Yes Yes Yes
Own enterprises there is Yes there is
Additionally Franchise food delivery. own software. The company provides only the brand, developed menus, branded packaging, marketing program and consultations. Franchise packages - food production and delivery, juice and smoothie delivery, complex franchise

*the data is given for February 2017, some numbers may have changed by the time you read it, but we can assume that the general alignment remains the same.

smart foodhas been operating in the segment of balanced nutrition delivery in Yekaterinburg for the fourth year. During this time, the company managed to tell about itself, form a customer base, and now it consistently receives from 100 orders a day. The Smart Food network has managed to open 12 operating enterprises over the years of franchising development.

To start a Smart Food franchise business, you need to invest a considerable amount of investment - from 2,000,000 rubles. A significant part of this amount, as the franchisor explained, is occupied by equipment, the cost of which is 1,700,000 rubles. The rest is rent, groceries, supplies, and a lump sum. The break-even point is reached by partners, as a rule, for 2 months of work, and the minimum payback period is 12 months.

And although there may be from 1 to 10 proper nutrition delivery services in the market of one city, the competitive advantage of Smart Food among all other players is its own software, thanks to which modern young people who do not have time can order online.

In general, starting cooperation with Smart Food, you get a so-called mentor who will accompany you at all stages of work. If this format of work does not suit you, external business processes such as business registration, search for premises, recruitment, etc. you can set it up yourself - then consider franchising"Losing weight is easy."

In general, they will help you understand the intricacies of the delivery of dietary nutrition. The franchise package includes: the right to use the company's brand, a marketing program plan, training sessions for management personnel and a regional website. Everything else remains on the shoulders of the entrepreneur himself. The cost of the franchise is 450,000 rubles.

Another franchise allows you to produce and sell food, smoothies and juices under the brandDetoxPro.

Detox Pro gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to work on the production and delivery of food and desserts, as well as smoothies and juices, if they wish. For this, the franchisor has packaged separate franchise packages worth 100,000 and 150,000 rubles.

The business was founded in September 2016. The idea came to Andrey Cherenkov through his own practice. He is a professional athlete and nutrition is a very important part of his life. Unfortunately, he did not always have enough time to cook a full set of dishes for the whole day, and he had to dodge or eat in a cafe.

He came into business through big sports, and being a professional athlete, coach, nutrition consultant, Andrey still could not earn as much as he wanted. In addition, participation in competitions, special meals, travel and equipment are very expensive. Thus, the idea of ​​​​creating your own fitness center was born.

Andrey began to communicate in a get-together of businessmen, gain experience, study. He even found an investor, but two months later he refused to implement the business plan that Andrey had been developing all this time. However, he still did not stop and nevertheless opened the Women's Territory fitness studio.

This project lasted only 3 months - then Andrei realized that some cardinal decisions were needed. At that time he had a blog with a large audience, and Andrei used a public statement to stimulate himself as much as possible to achieve his goals.

He promised that if by September 2016 he did not open a healthy food delivery service, he would star in a pornographic film. Here there was definitely nowhere to retreat, since Andrei did not plan such a film career for himself at all.

In the capital, such food delivery services flourish, and in Kursk at that time there were only pizzas and sushi. Therefore, we can say that Andrey discovered the business for himself, feeling the need for a healthy diet. It turned out that the demand is high.

He started with the purchase of two refrigerators and stoves at Avito for 60,000 rubles. Hired a chef, developed the first menu. Investments were not involved - these were Andrey's personal funds. They paid off in a month, and in three - the turnover exceeded one million.

In a small business, ideas related to healthy eating can bring a stable and attractive income. The main condition is cooking, selling only healthy food or ingredients for self-cooking at home. This is due to the fact that modern society is focused on healthy eating, and the pace of life in megacities does not allow time to stand at the stove and go shopping in search of environmentally friendly products.

Below we will talk about the business, which is based on the preparation of recipes for delicious, original and healthy dishes. This menu is of particular interest to people who are puzzled by the fight against extra pounds, that is, this is your future target audience.

The business scheme is quite simple. First, dietary recipes are compiled, then the necessary ingredients are purchased. After that, they are pre-processed. The last chord is the delivery of ingredients to the customer, there are two options: to deliver ready-made dishes or a set of ingredients, and the customer mixes them according to the recipe at home. That is, we offer the client to completely forget about going to the grocery store, he pays a fixed amount and the necessary products for five healthy meals a day are delivered to him, they only need to be mixed according to recipes. I must say that recipes are developed individually for each customer with the participation of a nutritionist, the client not only eats healthy food, but also loses weight.

At first it may seem that such a service is very expensive, but think about how much money you spend on unnecessary products? How much in the refrigerator is wasted and thrown away? As a result, it turns out that a healthy diet, when everything is bought for you, cooked and brought to you, is much cheaper than buying and cooking on your own.

Focus on experience

Such a project is already working in Russia, however, the birthplace of the idea is England (Harvard Business School). The business concept was developed by several entrepreneurs. In Russia, a great merit in promoting the idea belongs to Olga Zinovieva. Every day she cooked homemade food, over time it came to the understanding that the process of preparing any dish can be simplified, optimized and, accordingly, saved on time. In particular, she eliminated unnecessary steps, we are talking about going to stores, preparing ingredients, and so on.

As the results of the Elementaree project showed, no more than half an hour is spent on cooking any dish. Businessmen buy products against the background of their careful selection, weigh, peel, cut, prepare broths. For packing dishes, special boxes are used, which are delivered to customers. Detailed instructions are attached to each box with a dish.

The project cost $200,000 to start.

This is interesting: read our other business ideas -, and.

Business complexities

The project will be successful only in megacities, for example, in the capital or St. Petersburg. There are many such cities business people who, due to their employment, cannot regularly cook tasty and healthy food for themselves. At the same time, busy people understand that the “fast food” of cafeterias and other similar establishments is harmful to health. There is only one way out - to contact an organization that will promptly prepare and deliver useful products. Plus, do not forget that millions of women are on a diet and are constantly trying to lose weight, and with a healthy diet, this happens smoothly and by itself.

At first glance, the idea seems new. To some extent, this is true, however, Russian entrepreneurs have already begun to master this niche. Therefore, do not rely on the complete absence of competitors. But there is no need to be afraid of tough pressure from competitors, since there are few businessmen working in the niche.

Some difficulties may arise with the development of the product, the establishment of communications. You will need to resolve the issue with the site, the place for production, the staff. It's not so easy to come up with and promote your own.

Experts say that before the start, testing should be carried out, which will optimize the proposals. Small audience and food tests will suffice.

Get ready for a big investment first. The project, working in the capital, has shown that it is more rational to start with a small audience. The duration of testing various dishes is 7 days. The cost of a serving is 350-400 rubles or 700 for a set for 5 meals a day. It was found that the tested preference was mainly given to risotto, dietary fish, salads, dishes, including beef. We take note!

The practice of Elementaree has shown that over time it is worth doing both one-time dinners and a long-term diet. The cost of a single order is 350 rubles, a trial weekly diet is 7 thousand rubles, a monthly one is 21 thousand rubles. The experience of the current project has shown that through a low-calorie diet, you can get rid of five kilograms in a month.

Tip: don't offer ineffective diets, as they will cause you to lose customers who will be impossible to return.

A few words about the site

It is created before the start, as it is necessary to establish contacts with potential customers. Do not make an electronic resource complicated and oversaturated with information.

You also have to make a lot of efforts to promote the product. There is nothing to be surprised. The offer for many is a novelty, which will naturally cause doubt among potential customers. A site created earlier will come to the rescue. You need to clearly state the benefits of your ingredients and dishes.

The most difficult task is the delivery of orders. It will be difficult to find a courier company with a small number of orders. Practice has shown that you will have to make do with your couriers in the first couple. It would be nice if they had their own transport. Otherwise, couriers will have to travel by metro, buses and other public transport.