How are long-distance trains prepared for departure? How to ride a train correctly What engine is installed in a passenger train.

What type of fuel do trains run on? and got the best answer

Answer from ***[guru]
The locomotives ran on coal. Now (retro trains) - on heating oil, there they attached a nozzle to the furnace.
A wood-burning steam locomotive will not go, the pressure in the boiler will not rise. And there is not enough space in the tender for such "fuel". Firewood will need six wagons.
Diesel locomotives use diesel fuel, the same that is poured at gas stations. One refueling (5 tons) for a diesel locomotive ChME-3 takes about 5 days average work by station.
Electric locomotives and electric trains run thanks to electric current.
And with regards to the definition of "train": a train is a group of cars led by a locomotive.
At the electric train - this is a section (2 cars). It is designed in such a way that technically there should always be a motor and trailer car. Please note that the number of cars in the train for this reason is always EVEN.
The so-called "multisection train" with several parallel locomotives.

Answer from Pavel Zelenkov[guru]
Which? Now mostly electric locomotives

Answer from Natalia Nalimova[guru]
on different. We usually run on electric or diesel.

Answer from Aka Diesel[guru]
On different, electricity, diesel fuel, coal, and finally on wood.

Answer from Mite[guru]
on diesel

Answer from Vitaly[newbie]
on diesel

Answer from N/a[active]
alcohol) xD
mostly diesel)

Answer from Victor Kirshenmann[guru]
Steam locomotives on wood, coal, later on diesel fuel. Diesel locomotives on diesel fuel, Electric locomotives use el. energy. Only all these are not trains, but locomotives. Trains are made up of wagons. There is the concept of an electric train, so it uses email. energy, for example in the subway.

Answer from Sash![guru]
Direct wheel drive for all electric. Electric locomotives are taken from the network, and diesel locomotives from their diesel generator.



It is difficult to overestimate the importance of "electric trains", as they are called by passengers using the services of suburban electric trains. Every year, millions of people travel by electric trains. Only the railway junction of the capital transports more than half a billion passengers per year in commuter traffic.
The beginning of the introduction of electric traction on the railways was laid, as already noted, by the electrification of the suburban section of Baku - Sabunchi - Surakhani, intended for the transportation of oil field workers. For this section, the cars were built by the Mytishchi Carriage Works, and the traction engines were built by the Dynamo plant named after. S. M. Kirov.
For the next suburban electrified section Moscow - Mytishchi (1929), the multiple unit sections were also created by the Mytishchi plant, and the traction engines for them were created by the Dynamo plant. The section consisted of motor car in conjunction with two trailed(on both sides of the motor); it was controlled from cabins located at the ends of both trailer cars. Motor cars received the designation St.
In 1932-1941. The Mytishchi plant and the Dynamo plant produced three-car sections of Sd. Since 1947, the Riga Carriage Works (RVZ) began to produce three-car sections Ср.
Electrical equipment for them also supplied the plant "Dynamo" them. S. M. Kirov. Since at that time electrified DC roads operated with contact voltages of 1500 and 3000 V, the sections could operate at two voltages. Since 1949, all equipment for sections was manufactured by the Riga Carriage Building and the Riga Electrotechnical (REZ) plants.
Due to the fact that new sections of railways were electrified only at a voltage of 3000 V and sections of 1500 V began to be transferred to the same voltage, the need to build sections Cp disappeared. Since 1952, RVZ and REZ began to produce three-car sections Cp3 for 3000 V. Electric trains consisting of nine or six cars were formed from them. However, these sections had low acceleration (one of the most important parameters in commuter traffic with frequent stops) and low design speed (85 km/h).
These shortcomings could be eliminated by increasing the number of motor cars in the train. In 1957, the Riga factories, together with the Dynamo plant named after. S. M. Kirov produced the first ten-car electric trains of the ER1 series with five motor cars, stopping the construction of the SR3 sections. The maximum speed of the ER1 electric train has increased to 130 km/h, the starting acceleration has increased to 0.6 m/s2. The composition of electrical equipment included machines and apparatus of a more advanced design.
Since 1962, the Riga and Kalinin Carriage Works began producing ER2 electric trains. Unlike ER1, they had elongated external sliding doors to allow passengers to board and disembark at stops with low and high platforms.
In 1964-1968. A batch of ER22 electric trains equipped with regenerative-rheostatic braking was produced. The design speed of such a train remained at the level of 130 km/h, since it is not advisable to increase it for suburban traffic, but the starting acceleration increased to 0.7 m/s2. However, the operation of these electric trains has also revealed a number of disadvantages associated with the temperature instability of the characteristics of the braking control system in operation and the limited range of application of regenerative braking, especially when the voltage in the contact network increases. These shortcomings caused increased wear of the traction motor manifolds and a significant number of all-round lights. In this regard, the construction of ER22 electric trains was stopped.
Since 1984, the ER200 electric train has been in constant operation for intercity passenger traffic, capable of speeds up to 200 km/h. It consists of 12 motor cars with 48 traction engines and two trailer head cars.
In connection with the beginning of the electrification of railways using the alternating current system, in July 1959, the RVZ produced the first two-car section, consisting of a motor and trailer cars. After extensive testing by the RVZ, REZ plants, together with the Kalinin Carriage Building and other plants, the first ten-car AC electric train ER7 with mercury rectifiers was produced. Then, on these trains, mercury rectifiers, as well as on electric locomotives, were replaced by silicon ones (ER7K).
The operating experience of ER7K electric trains was taken into account during the construction of ER9 electric trains, the serial production of which began in 1962. Electric trains, in which rectifier units began to be located under the cars, were given the designation ER9P. The production of new modifications of AC electric trains - ER9M and ER9E, with modernized equipment, improved mechanical part and increased comfort conditions for passengers, has been mastered.
Electric trains are formed from sections. Each section includes a motor (M), trailer (P) or head (D) cars (Fig. 121).

Rice. 121 Scheme of formation of electric trains ER2 and ER9

The train is formed according to the scheme: (G-(-M)-(- (P-(-+ M)+ (P + M)+ (P+M)+ (M+G). Excluding sections P--M, you can reduce the number of cars to four or, by adding a section, increase it to 12 (in particular, the increased flow of suburban passengers on certain routes of the Moscow junction determined the need to use twelve-car trains).In any version, the electric train contains two head cars, and the number of motor cars is equal to half the total number of cars.In what follows, when describing, we will assume that the electric train consists of ten cars.
The design speed of electric trains ER2 and ER9 is 130 km/h, there are 20 traction motors in a ten-car train. The starting acceleration of serial electric trains is 0.6 m/s2, therefore, the train can reach speeds of up to 100 km/h in the time t= v:a= 46 s (with uniformly accelerated movement).


On electric trains, DC traction motors powered by a 3000 V contact network and pulsating current motors powered through converters from a 25,000 V contact network are installed. Traction motors are sequentially excited. The power of traction motors of electric trains is much lower than that of electric locomotives, and in hourly mode is 200 kW. Four traction motors are installed on each motor car and, therefore, a ten-car electric train is driven by traction motors with a total power of 4000 kW.
The relatively low power of traction motors and the specifics of the operating mode of electric trains make it possible to apply self-ventilation system; the fan is mounted on the motor shaft. With self-ventilation, a vacuum is created inside the engine, which contributes to the penetration of dust and snow into the engine. Therefore, on electric trains, the air intake is carried out in the upper part of the car body. Air passes through cleaning filters and settling chambers, and then through flexible pipes that are connected to traction motors. During the acceleration of the electric train for some time, the traction motors operate with a current greater than the nominal (continuous mode) value. The speed of movement and air consumption are low, which causes rapid heating of the motor windings. Then, in almost all cases, the electric train moves in the run-down mode at a sufficiently high speed and braking. The temperature of the traction motor by the next start after parking has time to decrease significantly.
The traction motors of DC electric trains are started when the starting rheostat is switched on at serial connection traction motors of a motor car with subsequent transition to series-parallel connection (two motors in each circuit). Recall that for electric locomotives such a connection is conditionally considered parallel. With this method of starting, the loss of electricity in the starting rheostats of a motor car is reduced to 33% of the total energy spent on starting, instead of 50% if the start was carried out without regrouping the traction motors. This is very important in suburban traffic with relatively frequent stops and starts of electric trains.
The transition from one connection of motors to another is carried out according to the bridge scheme. As with electric locomotives, excitation weakening is used to increase the number of speed characteristics in electric trains. Usually two steps are used. The direction of movement is changed by switching the excitation windings.
On ER9 AC electric trains of all indices, a rectifier unit assembled from silicon diodes is connected to the secondary winding of the transformer in a bridge circuit; it feeds the traction motors with pulsating current. Traction motors are permanently connected in two parallel groups: two in series in each group. To regulate the input voltage and, consequently, the speed of movement, the secondary winding of the transformer has eight sections with the same voltages in each section; the voltage of each section of the secondary winding of the transformer at idle is 276 V. Therefore, the maximum voltage of the secondary winding is 276-8 = 2208 V. In addition to traction motors, the power circuit of electric trains includes basically the same devices as on electric locomotives - current collectors , reversers, protection devices, etc. The operation of the power circuit devices is controlled using the driver's controllers. But, unlike electric locomotives, the necessary switching during start-up, acceleration and movement is carried out automatically.. The use of automatic control became possible because, unlike a train with an electric locomotive in the head, where the mass of the train can vary widely, the mass of an electric train is determined mainly by the tare of the cars, i.e., it is practically constant. Automatic switching takes place under the control of the acceleration relay, which operates depending on the value of the traction current.
The main group apparatus that performs all the switching in the power circuit of the ER2 motor car is rheostat controller, in ER9 electric trains - main controller.
The main handle of the driver's controller, which controls the operation of the traction motors, has only four positions instead of more than three dozen on electric locomotives. When it is set to position I, the rheostat controller under the control of the acceleration relay, turning and making the appropriate switching, removes the stages of the starting rheostat from the control circuit when the traction motors are connected in series. In position II of the main handle of the driver's controller, the first, and then automatically the second stage of excitation weakening is switched on. Position III of the main handle of the controller corresponds to the parallel connection of the motors. All necessary switching is also carried out under the control of the acceleration relay. If the main handle of the driver's controller is set to position IV, further acceleration of the electric train is carried out, since two positions of excitation weakening are automatically switched on in turn. In addition, the main handle of the driver's controller has a maneuvering position in which, with the starting rheostat turned on and the motors connected in series, the electric train moves at low speed.
The main handle of the ER9 electric train driver controller has the same number of positions. Depending on its position, under the control of the acceleration relay, the shaft of the main controller rotates. As a result, the number of sections of the secondary winding of the transformer connected to the rectifier installation, as well as the stages of excitation attenuation, change.
The protection of the power circuits of electric trains is similar to the protection of such circuits on electric locomotives: from a high-speed or main switch to protection against radio interference. To protect axle bearings of wheel sets from electrocorrosion, two grounding devices are installed for each bogie of a motor car.
To ensure the operation of electric trains, auxiliary machines are installed: motor-compressors, motor-generators, motor-fans, electric pumps for the circulation of cooling oil in the traction transformer of motor cars ER9, a phase splitter, etc.
Unlike electric locomotives, the motor-compressor motors of DC electric trains operate at a nominal voltage of 1.5 kV. To obtain a voltage of 1.5 kV, a special DC machine is installed, called voltage divider.
All bogies of motor and trailer cars are two-axle with double spring suspension. The first stage of the spring suspension is located in the axle box and is called the over-axle suspension, and the second, located in the center of the bogie, is called the central suspension. In spring suspension applied only coil springs. Leaf springs are not used because they have significant internal friction between the sheets. When an electric train moves, high-frequency vibrations occur that are not damped by leaf springs. These vibrations are transmitted to the car in the form of noise, shaking, vibration. Cylindrical springs, having no internal friction, provide the car with a smooth and silent ride. Other additional vibration dampers are also provided in the trolley device.
Wheel sets of motor and trailer cars of electric trains have a different design. The wheel pair of a motor car, like on an electric locomotive, consists of wheel centers on which tires are mounted. They also have a gearbox bearing assembly. The wheelset of a trailer car consists only of an axle and two solid-rolled wheels.
On electric trains ER2 and ER9P (M, E), frame suspension of traction motors is used. The traction drive is one-way, it consists of a large spur gear and gear, which are enclosed in a cast housing that provides a constant central, and an elastic coupling. The elastic coupling transmits the torque from the engine to the gear train and compensates for the misalignment of the engine and gear shafts resulting from the mutual movement of the fully sprung engine and unsprung wheelset when the car is moving.
Automatic locomotive signaling (ALSN) and train hitchhiking, updated in the head cars of electric trains, increase traffic safety, contribute to an increase in the throughput of railways. ALSN devices allow the passage of the yellow light of a traffic light at a speed of not more than 60 km / h. When a red light is on at a locomotive traffic light, the speed must not exceed 20 km/h. If the specified speeds are exceeded, the hitchhiking will work and the electric train will be forced to stop, which the driver can no longer prevent. The main device for hitchhiking is electropneumatic valve, connecting the electrical part with the pneumatic brake system of the electric train.
The equipment of electric trains is mainly located under the bodies of the cars. Starting rheostats, excitation attenuation resistors, inductive shunts, a high-speed switch, etc. are installed under the body of a motor car on a DC electric train. A current collector, a device for protection against radio interference, arresters, support insulators with a connecting bus for parallel operation of electric train current collectors are installed on the roof. In the front part of the car there are two cabinets: one for high-voltage devices (acceleration relay, counter, ammeter, etc.), the other for low-voltage equipment.
An accumulator battery, a motor-compressor, a control generator and other equipment are installed under the body in the head and trailer cars. The head car has a driver's cab with the devices necessary to control the electric train.
In ER9P(M, E) electric trains, the main equipment is also located under the cars, including a traction transformer, smoothing reactors, etc. The main switch is installed on the roof of the motor car.

What is a train anyway? This is a row of wagons without an engine, which is pulled along the rails by a locomotive. It also moves due to the motor - electric or combined (diesel and electric motor). One locomotive can pull several dozen wagons. When one locomotive is not enough, the train is pulled by a pair or even several pairs of electric locomotives or locomotives.

What are the types of engines in a locomotive?

  • Electric motors are used only in trains that run on a single track for short distances. Such trains receive electricity from wires stretched above the track. The exception is metro trains - they receive electricity through the third rail on the way.
  • Combined motors are capable of providing enough power to move locomotives pulling freight trains with heavy loads. The burning diesel fuel drives a generator that generates electricity, and the electricity powers the motors that drive the wheels.
  • Previously, electric and combined motors in locomotives, steam locomotives had a steam engine (which is why the then locomotives were called steam locomotives). The steam engine was powered by superheated steam, which was obtained by burning coal or firewood in furnaces.

Why do train wheels rattle?

The rail bed consists of separate rail sections of 25 meters each. There is a small gap between them, it is necessary because in the summer heat the metal tends to expand, and in the winter cold, on the contrary, it narrows. And these gaps provide the mobility of the metal without compromising its operation.

The characteristic knock of the wheels is obtained from the fact that the car has to “jump” onto the next section of the rail, because the edge of the rail, when the train wheel runs over it, slightly bends under the weight of the train.

The knock is repeated in a certain sequence, which depends on the weight of the composition and its speed.

In countries where sharp temperature changes are quite insignificant, the rails are laid without a gap and the wheels of the car ride along them without knocking.

Why the numbering of cars on the train is not always “from the head” and what kind of cars are

Usually "the head goes ahead" in those trains that move from the starting station. And vice versa - when sending from the final. But along the way, the direction can change several times, and the locomotive turns out to be from one end of the train, then from the other. And at the Kyiv-passenger station, the usual phrase "numbering from the head (or tail)" has now been replaced by new landmarks - east or west directions.

So, in order to figure out where the numbering starts from, you should carefully listen to what the “aunt who announces the arrival of the train” says.

How are the cars located and is it possible to get into a car that is not your own

Second-class carriages are always located at the edges of the train, and compartment, SV and restaurant cars are in the center of the train. That is, if you bought a ticket for a compartment car, you should immediately go to the center of the train.

And at stations where there is a short stop time, you can get into the nearest car, and then go into your already moving train.

In everyday life, such concepts as a train, a steam locomotive, a locomotive and an electric train are considered interchangeable, so most people do not even think about the difference between them. But among the railroad, these terms are usually shared, because they have completely different meanings.

Technically, a train is a set of a certain number of wagons coupled together, driven by a locomotive. In turn, the locomotive is a traction means, a self-propelled carriage that pulls all the cars along with it. As an analogy, two cars can be cited, one of which cannot start and is towed. A car moving ahead in such a situation is akin to a locomotive.

The locomotives themselves, in turn, are divided into many categories depending on the type of power plant. There are locomotives that run on electric traction, there are those that run on steam - these are, in fact, steam locomotives, and there are those that have a gasoline or diesel engine.

It is diesel engines that are most common on the railways of our country, while steam locomotives are considered the “last century”. At the same time, most locomotives can operate both from electric traction and by burning fuel, which allows them to be autonomous and travel a certain distance, for example to the next major station, even in the event of a power failure.

Locomotives have one feature in common: they cannot carry cargo and passengers. They are designed only to pull the wagons behind them.

Electric train: train without diesel

But the electric train, which is popularly called the electric train, is devoid of a locomotive. It is powered by a motor car, which, as the name suggests, is equipped with an electric motor. Usually, part of such a car is occupied by the driver's cab and the compartment for the power unit, and the rest is used to transport passengers or cargo.

How is an electric train different from a regular train? It is designed to move over short distances - within one or two areas, it has only seats, and there are no shelves for sleeping. Even in the train, there is usually no restaurant car, and there is a bathroom only in the motor car, since the duration of the route rarely exceeds two hours.

However, recently there have been electric trains of a higher degree of comfort, which, in addition, move over relatively long distances. They are equipped with dry closets, TVs, and flight attendants, food and water peddlers work in the cars. They differ from classic trains only in the type of power plant and the lack of sleeping shelves.

Long distance trains

Ordinary trains, in turn, are designed to travel across the country. The cars in them are divided into classes: the well-known reserved seats, compartments and SV (luxury). Each car must have a flight attendant who monitors the comfort and safety of passengers, warns them about approaching stations where they should get off, provides bed linen, tea, coffee, water, and helps in emergency situations. The car is equipped with toilets near each exit and a device for heating water. There should also be a dining car on the train.

On the website, you can buy a train ticket in seconds, pay for it with Visa or Mastercard, electronic money and other methods. And on most flights it will be possible to board without even presenting a paper copy of the ticket: electronic registration is enough.

What type of fuel do trains run on? and got the best answer

Answer from ***[guru]
The locomotives ran on coal. Now (retro trains) - on heating oil, there they attached a nozzle to the furnace.
A wood-burning steam locomotive will not go, the pressure in the boiler will not rise. And there is not enough space in the tender for such "fuel". Firewood will need six wagons.
Diesel locomotives use diesel fuel, the same that is poured at gas stations. One refueling (5 tons) for a diesel locomotive ChME-3 is enough for about 5 days of average work at the station.
Electric locomotives and electric trains run thanks to electric current.
And with regards to the definition of "train": a train is a group of cars led by a locomotive.
At the electric train - this is a section (2 cars). It is designed in such a way that technically there should always be a motor and trailer car. Please note that the number of cars in the train for this reason is always EVEN.
The so-called "multisection train" with several parallel locomotives.

Answer from Pavel Zelenkov[guru]
Which? Now mostly electric locomotives

Answer from Natalia Nalimova[guru]
on different. We usually run on electric or diesel.

Answer from Aka Diesel[guru]
On different, electricity, diesel fuel, coal, and finally on wood.

Answer from Mite[guru]
on diesel

Answer from Vitaly[newbie]
on diesel

Answer from N/a[active]
alcohol) xD
mostly diesel)

Answer from Victor Kirshenmann[guru]
Steam locomotives on wood, coal, later on diesel fuel. Diesel locomotives on diesel fuel, Electric locomotives use el. energy. Only all these are not trains, but locomotives. Trains are made up of wagons. There is the concept of an electric train, so it uses email. energy, for example in the subway.

Answer from Sash![guru]
Direct wheel drive for all electric. Electric locomotives are taken from the network, and diesel locomotives from their diesel generator.