High margin goods from China. New on the market: strange things from China New products from China

the abolition of free delivery to Ukraine, Belarus and the Russian Federation, caused a storm of comments and speculation from analysts and experts of all stripes and shades. And how much noise in the comments was - through the roof. As a result, everyone turned out to be wrong - and free shipping seems to have not gone away, and prices remained almost at the same level. Many sellers, as before, send parcels along protected trails on mail turtles, but "for free." Just silently including shipping in the price of the goods. Others, on the contrary, will issue a track number for tracking the package for a small fee. Which method to use is a personal matter for everyone. But what's nice, inexplicably sent purchases. By courier and directly to your hands.

So the season "that's it, I won't order anything else" is cancelled. So, it's time to talk about another ten useful (or not very useful - it's impossible to please everyone at once) little things worth "within a radius" of $5.

Another change in AliExpress policy, related to the abolition of free shipping to Ukraine, Belarus and the Russian Federation, caused a storm of comments and speculation from analysts and experts of all stripes and shades. And how much noise in the comments was - through the roof. As a result, everyone turned out to be wrong - and free delivery seems to have not gone away, and prices remained almost at the same level. Many sellers, as before, send parcels along protected trails on mail turtles, but "for free." Just silently including shipping in the price of the goods. Others, on the contrary, will issue a track number for tracking the package for a small fee. Which method to use is a personal matter for everyone. But what is nice, the purchases sent in an incomprehensible way began to be delivered by "Nova Poshta". By courier and directly to your hands.

So the season "that's it, I won't order anything else" is cancelled. So, it's time to talk about the next ten useful (or not so - it's impossible to please everyone at once) little things worth "within a radius" of $5.

1. Smartphone microscope

Another Chinese essay on the topic of interchangeable optics for gadgets. Intricate contraption with illumination and a combination of lenses that give out 60x zoom. Whether this is so is difficult to verify. You can’t see dead microbes in tea, but it’s quite possible to look at the first spring mosquito in close-up. Not suitable for all smartphones, moreover, most likely, before using the "microscope" you will have to remove the case.

Price: $2,83

2. Socket with USB

Fans of roaming abroad periodically post pictures of such gizmos in hotels or public places with an enthusiastic squeal. The solution is really practical and convenient. And most importantly - almost two times cheaper than in our online stores.

Price: $6,53

3. Humidifier

I agree, not the best. necessary thing in the economy of a strong and independent user. But to change the microclimate in the room - you can’t imagine cheaper. It is enough to wind the device on a regular plastic bottle and plug it into the network. The humidifier is powered by a USB port.

Price: $4,40

4. Magnetic laces

A real find for the laziest. Suitable for shoes that do not require tight lacing. The magnetic mount is quite secure. Instead of tying or tucking your laces every time, just thread them into the fastening once and not return to this issue. The accessory is available in five colors and with fluorescent properties.

Price: from $1.6

5. Monopod with mirror

A trifle, but nice, as they say in such cases. A small mirror allows you to use the main camera to shoot and get better quality photos than when using the front camera. This innovative solution is complemented by a wired shooting remote control and strong clamps to securely hold your smartphone.

Price: from $2.15

6. External battery

Universal external battery 4000 mAh "the size of a credit card." The dimensions are almost the same, with the exception, perhaps, of the thickness. It is 6 mm, and you can only carry the battery in a wallet that is not too burdened with banknotes. There is a short non-removable micro USB cable and an operation indicator.

7. USB network adapter

Of course, 3G is developing everywhere, but there are enough places where there is not even decent Wi-Fi. There are still places where the Internet is accessed only by cable. Also, the device is useful if the network controller is covered in the laptop. In the case of Windows, there are no particular difficulties, but with Android - absolutely as lucky - it all depends on the directness of the hands of the manufacturer.


8. Smartphone shaver

The miracle of Chinese industry, senseless and merciless. And useless - this miracle can only slightly chew on the harsh male stubble. Available in three colors and with micro USB, lightning and even USB-C connectors. I got into the review just for fun. Practical application - as a gift to a user suffering from gadgetomania in a severe form.

Popular goods from China: is it profitable to trade them + 3 online platforms with suppliers + TOP-10 product categories.

If you decide to engage in trade, then you probably want to know what are the popular products from China.

But it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, because sales affect all aspects of our lives, and what one buyer needs is not at all interesting to another.

It is also worth considering that it will not always allow you to determine the popularity of goods, since they all have different costs and margins.

Why is it profitable to trade goods from China?

The stereotype that everything made in China is poor quality and defective is beginning to lose its strength.

AT last years one can notice a trend towards the fact that manufactured goods (including fakes) have become better and more expensive. But still their cost remains more affordable. Even deciding to purchase something for yourself in a single copy directly from China, you can save a lot.

What makes goods from China stand out from the rest:

    Low cost

    Since the goods are produced in large quantities, and their deliveries are established around the world, the cost price is quite low. And given the fact that in the end they are sold with a margin of up to 300%, it is quite profitable to trade popular goods from China.

    Wide range of products

    It is probably easier to list what is not produced in China. Therefore, any entrepreneur can find those products that he will be interested in selling.

    Availability and well-established delivery schemes

    Not a problem, moreover, you can get in touch with them remotely, so you don’t even have to go to this country. Of course, there are many risks associated with this, but before cooperation, you can familiarize yourself with samples of goods.

You also need to find a logistician who will live in China. He will take over some of the duties of checking, packing and shipping the goods.

Thus, you only need to find reliable suppliers and set up trade - open a stationary store or an online store and make yourself known.

You can even create your own brand if you wish. Certain products will be produced under your name and logo. You will need to promote your business and develop advertising company to make yourself known.

Why are buyers willing to buy popular Chinese products from us?

It's no secret that you can order the item you like directly from China. Then the question arises: why trade in popular goods from China?

And there are several reasons for this:

    Time saving

    Not all buyers are ready to wait for an order for several weeks or even months, many are willing to pay for the goods to be in their hands a few days later.

    Reluctance to look for something yourself

    Again, not many Internet users can independently search for a product that suits them, view reviews and study seller ratings. Some of them will prefer to pay extra, but get the most understandable and complete information in Russian.


    Not everyone can cross the psychological barrier and decide to order goods directly from China.

    Many people prefer to shop locally, and this applies to both stationary stores and online shopping, where you can pay in cash or cash on delivery.

    In addition, many appreciate live communication, when you can call a consultant or contact the seller to clarify the details of interest.

Thus, all the work on the search, description and shooting of goods is carried out by you. By the way, the last point is very important, as buyers are interested in how the product looks live.

And you include all your work in the margin, for which buyers are still willing to pay, which once again confirms the profitability of trading in popular goods from China.

3 large online platforms with suppliers of goods from China

And before moving on to an overview of the top most popular products from China, let's go through the popular online platforms with suppliers:


    Everyone has heard of this site. Here you can buy anything. Due to the fall of the ruble, many goods here have ceased to be budget, but still many people continue to buy goods here.

    The undoubted advantage is free shipping, which applies to most goods, the Russian language, the ability to communicate with the seller and bargain with him.


    This site is designed for small and large wholesale, that is, it is a vivid example of an intermediary working on B2B principles. Before you need to pay attention to the status of the seller, the presence of a good website, as well as a retail store.


    A large Asian hypermarket with a wide range and decent quality of goods. There is a multilingual support service, the ability to pay for an order in several currencies (including rubles), but delivery is paid, and prices are an order of magnitude higher than in other inmags.

The most popular goods from China: TOP 10 categories

1. Electronic gadgets and accessories for them.

The crisis has left its mark on the purchasing power of many citizens of our country, so the demand for electronic gadgets from China has grown. Most of them are distinguished by a reasonable price and a good “stuffing”, but still there is a “more expensive” category, which is also popular among technology lovers.

So, these include:

  • smartphones and tablets;
  • memory drives;
  • wired and wireless headphones;
  • smart watch;
  • fitness trackers;
  • media players.

As for the first option, Asian versions of gadgets are cheaper, but then you have to take care of the global firmware yourself. Or you can immediately purchase international versions of smartphones.

Before ordering a large batch of gadgets, start by testing a few copies, take them to a service center to make sure they are of good quality.

Separately or additionally, you can trade various accessories: covers, protective glasses and films, portable batteries. In any case, the output from such sales will, of course, be subject to their competent organization.

2. Small household appliances.

Electronic gadgets are followed by small household appliances. These popular products from China include electric kettles, coffee makers, juicers, blenders, and food processors. This can also include various gadgets for the "smart home" - climate stations, cleaning robots, video surveillance.

Chinese manufacturers follow trends and new technologies, so you can always offer customers relevant products at affordable prices.

But, as in the first case, investments in the business will be impressive, because you need to provide customers with a wide range of goods.

3. Clothes, shoes and accessories.

Fakes and replicas of well-known brands are in demand, but in this case, you should indicate this when reselling goods and choose quality copies. But you can go the other way - follow fashion trends and look for clothing and footwear options that match them.

Since many sellers resell this category of goods, both in stationary showrooms and on the Internet, order small quantities of the most popular items and test your business so that you can then proceed to larger purchases.

4. Goods for the home.

The Chinese market is distinguished by a variety of home goods that can be matched to any interior style and season. This includes various decor, bedding, textiles, hobby items, and garden accessories.

You can stop at one category of goods or cover most of the range.

Investing in a business will depend on what you choose to deal with. Relatively little capital will be needed to trade in small decor items: garlands, frames, wall stickers, artificial flowers.

5. Pet supplies.

Most of the pet products are made in China, but we sell them at a hefty markup, although some items may cost a few dollars to purchase.

What will be in constant demand are toys for pets, brushes, rugs, beds and pillows.

But goods with a maximum markup, such as costumes, unusual collars, houses, have a maximum markup, since such purchases are approached more deliberately.

Do not be lazy and look for something that is not offered in other stores in order to stand out from their background and thereby win over customers.

6. Office.

High-quality and stylish stationery has always been in demand. At any time of the year (you can not even talk about the eve of the school year) people buy notebooks, pens, pencils, sketchbooks.

But now diaries (of which there are a lot in China), multi-colored adhesive tapes, stickers, stickers are especially popular.

You can also trade in items for artists - brushes, paints, easels, which are inferior in price to European copies.

7. Goods for sports and recreation.

Sports and outdoor activities are now in vogue. These two categories of popular goods from China stand side by side, so if you decide to open a store, you can combine them, thereby controlling the level of sales.

For example, in autumn and winter, many people buy sports equipment, and before summer, tents, backpacks, and barbecues are extremely popular.

As a rule, the sizes of goods are small and medium, which significantly reduces the cost of delivery of goods, and on some sites where you can order small lots, it is completely free.

8. Lighting items.

Another important category of the most popular products from China is lighting items: chandeliers, night lamps, table lamps, decorative garlands, LED lamps.

As a rule, the purchase cost of small items is not large, and delivery will not be expensive either, so doing such a business is quite profitable. Again, do not forget that most of these products are made in China, so buying them from there is the most profitable option.

In addition, buyers always want to check the light bulbs and diodes in operation, so as not to purchase defective goods.

9. Crockery and kitchen utensils.

Most of the products in this category that we see on store shelves come from China. Here you can find everything - from silicone molds to expensive pots and dinner sets.

Various fashionable water bottles and devices that make our lives easier (cup teapots, food-grade silicone, decorative cutting knives) can be purchased directly from China.

And here such a moment is important that many people prefer to find all sorts of little things in the place, rather than ordering via the Internet and waiting for a small parcel for several weeks, which, moreover, can be lost along the way (and this is a fairly common occurrence).

What are the most popular products from China?

In this video you will learn about the TOP 5 cheapest and most popular things:

10. Furniture.

And finally, we left the most interesting ...

Probably, many will be surprised, but China is by far the leader in the production of furniture. Many eminent companies moved here, and this did not affect the quality of the furniture produced.

Selling furniture from the Middle Kingdom is quite profitable and interesting, despite the fact that the niche may seem busy. From there you can carry a variety of specimens, which we simply do not have.

But in this case, looking for suppliers via the Internet is quite risky, because the investments in the business are huge.

In the province of Guangdong, namely in the city of Foshan, there is the largest wholesale center where furniture tours are organized. At the exhibitions, you can personally see the samples and directly order the furniture you are interested in.

The time of its production and delivery will take about one and a half months, and the amount of prepayment is often 30% of the total order value.

In one article it is difficult to fully cover all the most popular products from China, because it's easier to list what is unprofitable to buy here.

Manufacturers from the Celestial Empire always follow the latest fashion trends, “peep” the secrets at branded factories, and implement cheaper options, which, as a result, are in great demand among us.

You are required to find goods with acceptable quality at the best prices and sell them, thereby building your own profitable business.

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Today, China is a leading country - a manufacturer of various goods. Below are the most interesting Chinese top - new items that are rapidly gaining popularity.

New from China 2019

The ideas of the Chinese are endless. Fashion, electronics, everyday life, clothing, jewelry - in any category, new and unique products are created every year. China has flooded the world market not only with fakes, but also with unique things.

Among the interesting novelties, a product from China that has proven itself is liquid phone cases. These covers have a convex ornament along which the liquid moves, looks impressive.

2019 pays a lot of attention to shapewear. The demand for such Shapewear underwear is only growing. It helps to emphasize a beautiful figure. Many retailers are actively stocking knitwear.

The real sensation was a simple-looking backpack, but with recharging and a digital lock. The backpack is suitable for the city and outdoor recreation.

The new generation VR 3D glasses are great, realistic, vividly reproduce 3D video, without brakes. They have a powerful extension that is difficult to compete with other gadgets.

Cool electronic novelties of goods from China in 2019 or "goods of the future" were presented on.

Popular goods for business wholesale from China

Whatever type of business you are engaged in, whether you own an online store or a large warehouse, it is important for you to be information-savvy. Buying the best and most relevant things in time, at the best price, of decent quality, as well as exclusive ones, is already half the success. Selling which, you earn money. Since the whole world uses Chinese goods, we constantly buy and sell them, it is logical to buy directly from suppliers without overpaying to Russian-speaking intermediaries.

Let's get acquainted with the top - new products from China, which are in demand among Russian-speaking buyers. What are the global trends that have not yet become relevant in our market, but only to become popular.

Suitable even for a beginner. It does not require special skills or education. A small contribution is enough to start the project.”


A sought-after and popular product, the demand for it lasts all year round, only the seasonal wardrobe changes. Definitely, low prices for buying clothes only in Chinese online stores. There you can buy wardrobe items at the lowest cost. You can buy everything, even high-quality copies of well-known brands that are in great demand among buyers.

To make your business flourish, you can safely buy and then sell Chinese clothes from popular brands that have already conquered the European market. Such clothes are time-tested and deserve great trust from customers.

Dresslily is aimed at a female audience. The men's range is quite modest. But the women's is represented by an abundance of accessories, cosmetics, perfumes, as well as a variety of clothes from everyday life to costume holidays. In essence, this is a trading platform that has collected all the most interesting and cheap.

Chinese brands in demand among buyers:

  • If we talk about sportswear, then there is no equal Sprandi. The clothes are comfortable and the price is cheap.
  • For everyday wardrobe, Li Ning offers shorts, T-shirts, which are suitable not only for the gym. They also sell down jackets that are in great demand.
  • If you need a first-class suit, then the Romon brand offers a beautiful classic for a modest price.
  • And ardent fashionistas will find attractive Saint Angelo clothes.
  • Fun Time - children's clothing for different ages.

“Clothes from Chinese factories are famous for their cheapness, variety, and quality. In 2017, China's global sales surpassed the US by 43%."

No one except the Celestial Empire can boast of such a variety of utensils for a car. Many products are quite useful and are actively used for car care. Even a trinket that improves the driver's quality of life can be a useful acquisition.

A car kettle can be a wonderful gift for yourself or a friend. It works from a cigarette lighter. If you overslept for work, there is no time to drink tea or coffee at home, you can heat water and brew tea along the way, or while you are standing in a traffic jam or relaxing in nature.

A programmable image translator on the wheels will make your car stand out from others. Bright animation on the car disk will surprise others. Colored headlight stickers are bought well.

Every motorist must have a jump starter. If the battery is dead, to envy the engine, you need an external battery, which can be purchased for several thousand rubles from a Chinese manufacturer.

Online stores in China offer more than two thousand accessories for car owners. The most popular sites are Aliexpress, as well as TomTop. Prices pleasantly surprise with their affordability. It is also convenient that it is easy to track popular products by looking at sales statistics.

The choice of things for the house is incredibly extensive. There are useful little things for the apartment, as well as the most unusual and exclusive offers. All sorts of cute little things flooded the market. They are always so relevant that it is stores that specialize only in the sale of such things that open. The value is that they surprise with new products every year.

The Chinese always have ideas in this regard. They know how to create and sell interesting factory products at an affordable price. Here are some interesting novelties: 3D stickers for walls, floors, ceilings and even toilet lids or cistern. Such decorations will decorate any living space, create a stunning illusion. Volumetric art is always in fashion.

For hostesses - it's just a paradise. For less than 100 rubles you can buy all the most popular kitchen utensils, which are much more expensive in TV stores.

List of products that have a high sales rate:

  • Silicone molds for baking.
  • Kitchen coasters.
  • Miniature kitchen timer.
  • Peeler for citrus fruits.
  • Plungers.
  • Universal caps for a bottle neck or a cup.

Even such a trifle as a tea bag clip will save you from constantly wrapping the bag around a teaspoon. And an electronic measuring cup is also a thermometer, as well as a kitchen scale.

It is worth talking separately about useful gizmos from China for everyday life:

  • Xiaomi water tester analyzes the composition of water for the presence of: heavy metals, salts, living organisms.
  • Versatile pull-out refrigerator shelves increase storage capacity.
  • The wireless front door bell does not require any wires.
  • Self-vulcanizing tape seals the problem area much more effectively than electrical tape.
  • Vacuum food sealer keeps food fresh longer.

Unusual gifts

The craziest things can be found in Chinese manufacturers. Looking at a curious little thing, it will most likely turn out that the country of origin is China. Perhaps this reaction is due to a difference in thinking. For residents of other countries, these may be mediocre things that are not surprising.

Hat for women going home late, completely covering the face. Or a figurine in the form of a pyramid - poop to decorate the room.

Even letters from Hogwarts, Harry Potter wands are on sale.

A very unusual gift is a silicone dispenser for liquid soap. To heighten the effect, it is better to pour green soap.

Fishing lovers should not forget to give a Bluetooth float, the smartphone will tell you when the fish are biting and when they are not.

And for those who do not like it when they drink without asking, there is a special cap for a bottle with a code, like on a suitcase.

All fans of the game Pokemon Go will be delighted with a portable charger. It is enough to charge a smartphone a couple of times. This live charger glows blue while the phone is charging, red while the battery is charging. Even when you are present, the charger glows brightly, simulating the safety of a trainer when searching for Pokémon.

“Chinese online stores are the most suitable for buying interesting goods. By choosing the right category, having carefully studied it, there is a high probability that you will find the desired product.

Electronic accessories

Everything that we love so much and are happy to buy from the Chinese. Their electronics, they became famous throughout the globe. , smartphones, tablets are not inferior in quality, and due to the low price, they are in great demand in our market.

They produce not only gadgets with accessories for them, you should also pay attention to automotive, medical, garden, and household accessories. These are various 3D printers, solar panels, hearing aids, video recorders. Aliexpress has the largest assortment.

Top 10 best products

It is not easy enough to name the top ten, the main criterion will be salability. Clothing of various brands, as well as home accessories, is in the greatest demand among customers. Fashion trends in 2019 are aimed at convenience and beauty.

Top 10 best selling products of 2019:

  • Xthree baseball cap. Original baseball cap. High quality cotton. Unisex.

  • Flexible hair clip. Creates a perfect bun on the head, holds long hair well.

  • Fashionable women's sweatshirt with a hood for spring or autumn.

  • Vacuum food sealer. Prolongs the freshness and preservation of food.

  • Glowing spinner. The toy is a fidget that blew up the Internet.

  • Constructor 3D aircraft. Drone with remote control.

  • LED lamps for the car. Sold in a set of 10 pieces, universal for any car.

  • Brush for cleaning the car air conditioner. Qualitatively cleans dust from inaccessible cracks.

The Celestial Empire always pleases not only with interesting, but also educational goods. The trend in China today is only exclusive things and new chips. Interesting products:

  • A popular cube is the Rubik's cube, a favorite puzzle from childhood. The Chinese outdid everyone and created a Rubik's Cube that connects via Bluetooth, thanks to the program, all the actions taken will be sent to the smartphone, and the application will teach and suggest where it is better to twist.

  • The next find is a magnetic charger. More than nineteen thousand people consider it a useful invention. Charging itself joins the hole, it is worth bringing it.

  • Fidget Cube dice that mimic the sound of popping bubbles from a bubble bag. If you want to press something with your hands, these things will come in handy after all.

  • A very useful thing in everyday life is a folding eggplant for ten liters. Convenient to take with you, saves a lot of space. How did such an idea only come to mind, but the little thing is most useful.

Chinese Goods Trends 2019

The top products from China in 2019 include PopSocket, a useful accessory. This smartphone mount provides protection for your smartphone from a fatal fall. Thanks to him, the phone is in safe hands, it is almost impossible to drop it. You can no longer be afraid to miss your smartphone when you write a message with one hand. Its second function is to serve as a stand while watching videos.

Wireless headphones flooded. The choice of different models is great. In China, such an accessory costs 600 rubles and is very popular.

Smart wifi sockets in the house are a salvation. Forgot whether the iron is turned off when you run out of the apartment? Just turn off the outlet remotely. You can turn it off as well as turn it on. If you set the outlet to turn on in the morning, it will work as an alarm clock by turning on the TV.

Silicone sponges are amazing. They cost about 50 rubles. Easy to wash, long-term retain their qualities.

A strong growth in sales in 2019 is seen in the flame effect lamp. But, few entrepreneurs buy, although the sales rate of the product is above average. This trendy product is suitable for buying in bulk for a lighting store or everything for decoration. They look bright, set a person up for a spontaneous purchase.

Useful for successful women, as well as self-care men, a thing from China is a manicure printer. If you don’t have enough free time, money, or just don’t feel like going to the salon, you can create a masterpiece yourself at home. The printer will make a beautiful manicure without unnecessary torment, just by printing on the nails.

“Trend products are highly sought after and popular, but do not stand the test of time. Having soared swiftly to the peak of their triumph, they fall just as sharply. It is important to sell them on time.


Chinese goods are ordered constantly by different countries. Acquire both in bulk and by the piece. The main advantage is low price, huge variety, decent quality. Most online stores delight customers with free shipping, which has a positive effect on purchases. After a simple analysis, you can choose the right products for your business.

The channel "Wholesale goods from China - Easy China Business" showed in a video review of new products that are delivered from China to Russia, Ukraine and other countries in the fall of the current 2017.

In our place where we buy other JBL speakers. During a walk around Shenzhen, we came here in search of something else of interest. Let's say a JBL speaker. So she hangs herself and ... The JBL Extreme speaker is big. You can put it on, fully wear it and feel like a tough guy in the yard. I noticed several speakers that are similar to those produced by Xiaomi. In China, there are people who think and there are those who copy. It's good that there are both! I hold in my hands a speaker that looks like “Xiaomi” - also flat, small and cool in appearance ... We get it. It's nice to have it in your hands. Small, put it on and play. An interesting option.

Speakers of a different kind and also very good. The first is about five dollars, and the other is about six. I think it's good!
Looking through the shelves, we see different headphones. For example, such "droplets", which also sell well. Can be found in other packaging. I have already heard about the Jabra brand, perhaps it will also be useful to someone.
There is a small column in the form of a ramp for children, combined with a night lamp. You can upload stories or fairy tales, put a child, she will tell and glow.

There is a "mushroom" - it is quite inexpensive, its cost is 4 and a little dollars. It attaches to your phone and doubles as a stand and speaker. We stick the phone, put it on and turn on some music or watch a movie. There is a USB connection. The main thing is that the gadget is inexpensive.
Next column, quite good. Suitable for both kids and nice to stand on the table. Worth a little over 6 dollars. Comes in a beautiful package. The column, although quite heavy, is also compact, that is, it does not take up much space.

Heading "Chuechka" from Dmitry Belousov. These are humidifiers. More and more often we see entrepreneurs in Shenzhen on the shelves, who, as a rule, represent the most popular and trendy goods. Therefore, we are looking at this type of goods. Prices vary, but still they are small: from 4 to 8 dollars. These are the most common humidifiers. Can be used in a car and can be used indoors.

Next, our eyes appear "smart backpack". It is similar to a children's smart watch that is put on a child to know where he is. You know that children have a lot of books in their backpacks, changeable shoes and all that, and they suddenly remember in confusion where they put their phone. And on the straps of the backpack, in the reach of the hands, there are buttons "Accept a call", "Reject". Also a speaker, a camera and an emergency call button for mom. Cool, new, I like the design too. The cost is about 60 dollars. But security demands it.
This is a product that can also be sold. These are rubber drums, "rubber piano". In fact, they have been sold in Shenzhen for several years. We do not know for what reason the popularity did not reach us.

The success of a business largely depends on the successful choice of a niche, as well as further stimulation of the interest of buyers by updating and expanding the existing range. Let's try to figure out which new products from China in 2017 are relevant and in consumer demand.

Main trends of 2017

New items from China 2017 are subject to the general trends of the world of trade and this year it is:

  • Electronics and technical items. Chinese manufacturers do not get tired of delighting their customers with new models of mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, laptops, with which flash drives, batteries, power banks, wireless chargers, headphones, cases and other related products are sold with a bang.
  • Goods for those who care about their health. This year, the trend of a healthy lifestyle continues. Therefore, the market is replenished with new models of pedometers, expanders, sports equipment, yoga mats and other products aimed at improving health.
  • Environmental friendliness. Eco shopping bags, wood handles, metal water bottles and many other green products are gaining popularity.

Chinese goods that are always in fashion

No matter what novelties of the Chinese market in 2017 appear among the offers of online stores, traditionally the categories of goods that do not cease to be very popular are clothes, shoes and accessories. In particular, replicas of well-known brands (bags, watches, glasses, shoes) are in high demand. Chinese manufacturers keep abreast of global fashion trends and offer their customers high-quality copies at attractive prices.

  • cosmetics;
  • care products;
  • children's toys;
  • household goods;
  • auto products.

How to order goods from China?

You can buy new items of popular products on Chinese sites on your own, or by contacting an intermediary company. The second method is suitable for those who find it difficult to automatically translate descriptions into Russian or need to place a wholesale order and need to be sure of the seller and the quality of the goods.

Intermediary companies Taobao, 1688, Aliexpress will help:

  • purchase high-quality bags, clothes, shoes and glasses in bulk from China;
  • figure out how to buy on Aliexpress safely;
  • to negotiate with the seller and prompt trusted manufacturers from whom it is worth buying wholesale and retail watches from China;
  • choose the best way and route of delivery;
  • check the quality of goods (correspondence of sizes, colors, absence of defects);
  • organize cooperation on the dropshipping system, as well as provide access to their own catalogs, where you can buy shoes, glasses and bags in bulk from China.

Also, if you need prompt delivery of cargo, you can order the service of cargo delivery from China. It should be borne in mind that the choice of an intermediary largely depends on how easy it will be for you to do business.

Turning to Anno Danini, you get additional guarantees for the safety of cargo during transportation, as well as the ability to quickly resolve organizational issues and documentary support at customs.