Book: Electronic oracle. Tick-tock walkers…Electronic oracle

Yung Robert

electronic oracle



Robert Jung is known to Soviet readers as the author of the book "Brighter than a Thousand Suns". The book \"The Future Has Already Begun. The Omnipotence and Powerlessness of America\", an excerpt from which we publish below, was first published in 1952, and revised and supplemented in 1964. Life has not removed the problems raised by the writer from the agenda. The laboratory of technical progress, the mechanism of its action that is obvious and hidden from the eyes, is of interest to the reader today no less than yesterday. Moreover, we are talking about such an exciting subject as the scientific planning of the future. Even one chapter from this book, which we are publishing in abbreviated form due to lack of space, will allow the Soviet reader to get an idea of ​​whose interests, what social forces the discoveries of scientists in the field of cybernetics serve in the USA. The Rand Corporation, the future planning organization Jung talks about, is founded and funded by the US Air Force. It is not for nothing that the first thing that the\"gathering of great minds \" took up was the projects of strategic bombing and\"psychological counterattacks \". The scientific programming of the future turns into the development of a strategy and tactics for a future war. And reasonable advice\"electronic oracle \" to which, judging by one of the above episodes, the rulers of America heeded at the time, does not change things. How else could one explain such a turn of events as, say, the current escalation of the Vietnam War? Falling credibility\"brain trust \"? Or - and this is the main conclusion to which the book leads - by the fact that, planning the distant future, American scientists from the "Rand Corporation" are forced, as R. Jung writes, "to give their knowledge to an enterprise that is most disgusting to reason , war \"? The reaction of scientists in this case is far from unambiguous. Some\"get used to it,\" looking at the future as a\"continuous chain of military conflicts \" they are already beginning to seem\"realistic \" and they are included in the search for optimal solutions\"in the real language of the struggle for world domination \". Others are trying to hide behind the cynical demagogy of reasoning about the\"stimulating effect \" for science militant sentiments of the powerful. Still others flee to the idyll of Princeton - based on private donations \"the abode of contemplative reflection\", where, as Jung shows in his book, the paths of science, cleansed of the filth of \"applied obligations\", where in the \"union of free minds \" disputes do not subside about whether it makes sense to openly oppose the use of science for evil. .. \"For five years I have seen a lot in this country, - writes R. Jung. - Enough to fill with doubts and anxiety. to lose the best thing on earth - respect for freedom and humanity \".

It happened on one of those rare days when Washington, usually calm and reserved, like a haughty aristocratic quarter, was riddled with political anxiety. \"The illustrious war hero was suddenly resigned,\" the telegraph agencies reported. The excitement generated by this measure penetrated the insulating belt of parks surrounding the power stations where political will is formed, rushed along the smooth lines of the streets. electrified the endless debate, and flashed with reflected rays again in government buildings, hidden in the shade of centuries-old trees behind cold marble facades. The American National Bureau of Standards (NBS) rarely has political conversations. Here they deal with the flammability of fabrics, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a new artificial fiber, and explore the properties of chemicals. But on that day, the excitement caused by such an inaccurate and so difficult to measure phenomenon as politics, it seems, also seized the businesslike \"investigators\"* of the NBS. As we passed through the park, which contains many laboratory buildings, measuring and testing stations, the air was heavy and saturated with that humid languor that climatically brings Washington closer to the cities of the American South. My companion pointed to cherry blossom trees that had been given to the Americans by the Japanese half a century ago, and this gave him a reason to express his views on US foreign policy. However, before he could finish his reasoning, we suddenly found ourselves in front of two low buildings of that precocious type, which in the capital is called "WW II" (World War II) **. - Do you know that the decision to remove the general was mainly born in these two buildings? - asked me my\"guide \". I was going to object to him that, they say, everyone knows who could make the decision\"put \" the hero of the war-the much-praised and much-lauded\"man in the White House\", the President of the United States of America. But the \"guide\" had already disappeared at the door of one of these unsightly buildings, where a sign hung over the entrance: \"National Bureau of Standards Eastern Automatic Computer\"***. Of course, I already knew that one of these buildings housed the latest "electronic brain". That's why I asked to be brought here to see this legendary building up close. Only I could not understand in any way what connection there could be between this perfect computer and the latest political sensation. My companion led me into a small room where, besides us, there was only a thin young man with a bored look, his fingers ran over some kind of keyboard, consisting of black buttons and switches. This stand reminded me of one of those consoles with numerous registers at which organists sit. And that\"organist\" whom we saw here,\"played from the notes\" - in front of him lay some kind of sheet. Over his shoulder, I saw on this sheet a lot of dots and dashes in various combinations - they, apparently, served as a guide for him. With a silent gesture, so as not to interfere with the worker, my companion pointed to the screens of cathode-ray tubes, various figures and arabesques continuously flashed there, they were drawn by a bluish-white luminous dot, they, visible through the scale grid illuminated by green, appeared and disappeared. These signs, apparently, came from the inside of the machine, hidden behind a partition - they informed about the nature of its work, about its condition and the course of its complex mental operations. Seizing the moment when the young man gave some rest to his nimble fingers, my companion introduced me. Then he asked, "What are you working on today, Ed?" The young man raised his bored eyes. - Nothing special. All the same. At four o'clock Francis is going to deal with some water problem. And then we will do another urgent task for the guys from the air force. The usual story: vortex calculations, strength tests. But it has nothing to do with me. I finish in half an hour and can leave. How do you like the story with the general, by the way? Incredible, right? But in my opinion ... He suddenly stopped: an orange light blinked on the remote control, at the same time there was a tinkle that you hear when letters fall into a typewriter. Red lights flashed between the black keys of the control panel, and on the lower television screen, a bluish-white dot darted down like a shooting star, leaving a clear luminous trail behind it. "Third time," Ed said submissively. “This is the third time in a single day he's done this kind of thing. - Turning to the partition separating his "piano" from the car, he read to the amazing electronic creation, who was behind the partition, a small notation: - Spoiled monster. Now, by your grace, I must sweat here for another two hours and start all over again. I felt a little awkward - like a guest who unwittingly became a witness to a painful family scandal. “SEAC is going through some more childhood illnesses,” my companion apologized to me. - It still happens that somewhere in one of the many current circuits there is a sudden short circuit, or several lamps fail, or a microscopic flaw is found in the magnetic coating of the tape on which the program is recorded. SEAC is not perfect. He's been here with us for a year, and we already know most of his bad habits. So, for example, in the morning he wakes up too long, he is extremely sensitive, and as soon as he is given an overly difficult task, he begins to have a nervous attack. But these small flaws mean nothing compared to the achievements that SEAC already has. Do you know what we called him? \"Washington Oracle\". And this building, where he stands, is \"Small White House\". - Oracle? So, you weren't joking when you talked about him in connection with the dismissal of the general? I asked. - That is, that it was SEAC who said the final word? Didn't joke at all. Listen to how it happened: the general spoke out in favor of a policy that would bring our country to the brink of a world war, or even plunge it into war. There are many supporters of this position of strength policy here in Washington, and the president would probably have had to bow to it in the end if SEAC had not made an objective judgment against which there were no reasonable arguments. We made the \"thinking machine\" perform calculations for several days, which no one had even undertaken before, because they take years. It was necessary to calculate how the American economy in all its sectors would react to the sudden outbreak of war. SEAC gave the answer in unequivocal, clear numbers: even the mere intensification of our offensive operations, required by the general, would cause a serious shock to our economic system, but as for starting a war, now it would be premature and extremely unfavorable for us. Each proposal of both sides, each strategic option was tested to the end with the help of SEAC on the numbers. And these calculations turned out to be the strongest trump card in the hands of the president when he decided the fate of the general and his policy.

To what extent the electronic brain has been involved since the end of the Second World War in shaping the foreign policy and military-political decisions of the American government, it is difficult to say, because all this is shrouded in a thick veil of secrecy. It is known that the feuds of the three weapons, each of which requires the lion's share of the budget for itself, are transferred to the electronic computer before the debate on the budget begins. In Washington, they often talk about the problems of world politics, using the terms poker, boxing and football. Science has long been trying to find some objective patterns in the card game and other games of chance. She believes that she has discovered some rules, and she wraps them in mathematical formulas. Following a certain\"system of the game\" should enable the player, if necessary, to choose, although not one hundred percent winning, but still the best tactics. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the \"Game Theory \" created by one outstanding mathematician and one economist at Princeton University aroused the liveliest interest in Washington. The scientific rules of bluffing, raffling, and risk determination established in this book on the example of a game of poker between two (the largest - three) partners were taken as the basis for a number of highly secret special studies of major political significance. Special departments of the General Staff and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are constantly working to adapt these more than serious games to each new situation. They translate diplomatic notes, armies, military industries, new weapons, psychological offensives and counter-offensives into the abstract language of poker strategy and have the electronic brain play out all sorts of tactical combinations to choose the best solution for their country and translate it back into the real language of the fight for world domination. .

When I stood in front of SEAC, the big electronic brain of the US National Bureau of Standards, and first heard about the political role played by this "thinking machine", the news struck me as unbelievable. A few months later, I visited across the country in Santa Monica, the Rand Corporation, an institution founded and funded by the US Air Force. Now I was not at all stunned by the message that almost three hundred scientists from various faculties are sketching "pictures of the future" that should inspire the state on its way in the next decade, no, even in the next millennium. H. D. Wells once predicted a similar government of scientists. The Brain Trust, which is constantly operating here in this California town, is more in line with this idea than any other institution. It consists of eight aerodynamicists, twenty-two economists, fifty-one mathematicians, two psychologists, four sociologists, forty computer technicians, and eighty-seven engineers. There is also one astronomer here, three logicians and eight statisticians, and Washington suggested to all of them: \"Tell us how we should act\". However, while Wells hoped that such a council of scientists would enthrone Reason instead of Arbitrariness, these people are forced to give their knowledge to the enterprise that is most opposed to reason - war ... In the slightly rundown premises of a former factory in Santa Monica, converted offices, imaginary wars are being waged today, imaginary victories are being celebrated and imaginary states are being created with the active participation of the strongest human and artificial brains. Here they look at the future\"realistically \"-as a continuous chain of political, economic and military conflicts. An ominous symptom of the era - the first concrete attempts of science practically, and not only theoretically, to deal with issues of state administration are under the fatal sign of destruction. If you talk about this with scientists working for the Rand Corporation, they defend themselves by arguing that the interests of militant rulers have always been the strongest incentive for the development of science, with a few exceptions. \"Peaceful studies of science, which took place from time to time, were the exception, not the rule\". And they return to their \"war games \", leading them either on paper or on an electronic machine. One participant in these secret maneuvers describes them as follows: \"Yesterday on\"Air Warfare Simulator\" - an analog computer - a war was played out between the armed forces\"blue\" and\"red\". This electronic brain deals twenty-four hours a day with the problems of the Rand Corporation. The various electronic circuits of the calculator can be turned on in such a way that they give a complete picture of the forces of the warring nations - of all populated cities, factories, fuel reserves, oil pipelines, bomb depots and air squadrons. The operation is reproduced at an accelerated pace: ten seconds correspond to days. Each side receives exhaustive information about its own capabilities and reserves, but as for the dispositions of the enemy, the parties know about them no more than in a real war. Target war game- deal with the enemy in a strategically optimal and most effective way. One of the belligerents may prefer to attack industrial centers, airfields and land communications. Perhaps it will use high-explosive bombs against some objects, and atomic bombs against others. Perhaps she will deal a strong blow at the very beginning of the war, or perhaps she will prefer to wait until the enemy’s forces are somewhat exhausted. Each tactical or strategic move is entered into the game using the corresponding button. The computer can then accurately calculate how much damage has been done to the enemy. The destruction of the air base weakens it for the moment, but with urgent repairs, the balance is restored. If the plant is destroyed, then the effect is not immediately noticeable, but it can be longer. The side that loses the air defense bases will suffer significantly greater losses during an enemy air attack. By deft maneuvers, one belligerent can bring his opponent into a state of almost complete helplessness long before his war machine as a whole is destroyed. As switches are flipped in the quiet room, both sides' possessions are reduced to ruins (symbolic). In the end, the arrow on the dial of one of the participants in the game drops to zero. And this means: his cities are destroyed by explosions, people are exhausted, paralyzed and possibly stricken with radiation sickness, and all aviation is destroyed - the game is lost. The Oracle has spoken...

* Researchers ** World War II. *** Eastern Computing Center of the National Bureau of Standards.



Robert Jung is known to Soviet readers as the author of the book Brighter than a Thousand Suns. The book "The Future Has Already Begun. The Omnipotence and Powerlessness of America", an excerpt from which we publish below, was first published in 1952, and revised and supplemented in 1964. Life has not removed the problems raised by the writer from the agenda. The laboratory of technical progress, the mechanism of its action that is obvious and hidden from the eyes, is of interest to the reader today no less than yesterday. Moreover, we are talking about such an exciting subject as the scientific planning of the future. Even one chapter from this book, which we are publishing in abbreviated form due to lack of space, will allow the Soviet reader to get an idea of ​​whose interests, what social forces the discoveries of scientists in the field of cybernetics serve in the USA. The Rand Corporation, the future-planning organization Jung talks about, is founded and funded by the US Air Force. It is not for nothing that the first thing that the "assembly of great minds" took up was the projects of strategic bombing and "psychological counterattacks." The scientific programming of the future turns into the development of a strategy and tactics for a future war. And the reasonable advice of the "electronic oracle", which, judging by one of the above episodes, the rulers of America listened to in their time, does not change things. How else could one explain such a turn of events as, say, the current escalation of the Vietnam War? The fall of the authority of the "brain trust"? Or - and this is the main conclusion to which the book leads - by the fact that, planning for the distant future, American scientists from the Rand Corporation are forced, as R. Jung writes, "to give their knowledge to an enterprise that is most opposed to reason, war" ? The reaction of scientists in this case is far from unambiguous. Some have "got used to it", looking at the future as a "continuous chain of military conflicts" is already beginning to seem "realistic" to them, and they are getting involved in the search for optimal solutions "in the real language of the struggle for world domination." Others try to hide behind the cynical demagogy of arguments about the "stimulating effect" for science of the warlike moods of the powerful. Still others flee to the idyll of Princeton, a "home of contemplative reflection" based on private donations, where, as Jung shows in his book, the paths of science cleansed of the filth of "applied commitments" are discussed without much result, where disputes do not subside in the "union of free minds" about whether it makes sense to openly oppose the use of science for evil. .. "For five years I have seen a lot in this country," writes R. Jung. the best thing on earth is respect for freedom and humanity."

It happened on one of those rare days when Washington, usually calm and reserved, like a haughty aristocratic quarter, was riddled with political anxiety. "The illustrious war hero has suddenly been dismissed," the wire agencies reported. The excitement generated by this measure penetrated the insulating belt of parks surrounding the power stations where political will is formed, rushed along the smooth lines of the streets. electrified the endless debate, and flashed with reflected rays again in government buildings, hidden in the shade of centuries-old trees behind cold marble facades. The American National Bureau of Standards (NBS) rarely has political conversations. Here they deal with the flammability of fabrics, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a new artificial fiber, and explore the properties of chemicals. But on that day, the excitement caused by such an inaccurate and so difficult to measure phenomenon as politics, it seems, also seized the businesslike "investigators" * of the NBS. As we passed through the park, which contains many laboratory buildings, measuring and testing stations, the air was heavy and saturated with that humid languor that climatically brings Washington closer to the cities of the American South. My companion pointed to cherry blossom trees that had been given to the Americans by the Japanese half a century ago, and this gave him a reason to express his views on US foreign policy. However, before he could finish his discourse, we suddenly found ourselves in front of two low buildings of that precocious type, which in the capital is called "WW II" (World War II) **. - Do you know that the decision to remove the general was mainly born in these two buildings? - my "guide" asked me. I was about to object to him that, they say, everyone knows who could have made the decision to "put up" a war hero - the much-lauded and much-lauded "man in the White House", the President of the United States of America. But the "guide" had already disappeared through the doorway of one of these unsightly buildings, where a sign hung over the entrance: "National Bureau of Standards Eastern Automatic Computer" ***. Of course, I already knew that one of these buildings housed the latest "electronic brain". That's why I asked to be brought here to see this legendary building up close. Only I could not understand in any way what connection there could be between this perfect computer and the latest political sensation. My companion led me into a small room where, besides us, there was only a thin young man with a bored look, his fingers ran over some kind of keyboard, consisting of black buttons and switches. This stand reminded me of one of those consoles with numerous registers at which organists sit. And that "organist", whom we saw here, "played according to the notes" - in front of him was some kind of sheet. Over his shoulder, I saw on this sheet a lot of dots and dashes in various combinations - they, apparently, served as a guide for him. With a silent gesture, so as not to interfere with the worker, my companion pointed to the screens of cathode-ray tubes, various figures and arabesques continuously flashed there, they were drawn by a bluish-white luminous dot, they, visible through the scale grid illuminated by green, appeared and disappeared. These signs, apparently, came from the inside of the machine, hidden behind a partition - they informed about the nature of its work, about its condition and the course of its complex mental operations. Seizing the moment when the young man gave some rest to his nimble fingers, my companion introduced me. Then he asked, "What are you working on today, Ed?" The young man raised his bored eyes. - Nothing special. All the same. At four o'clock Francis is going to deal with some water problem. And then we will do another urgent task for the guys from the air force. The usual story: vortex calculations, strength tests. But it has nothing to do with me. I finish in half an hour and can leave. How do you like the story with the general, by the way? Incredible, right? But in my opinion ... He suddenly stopped: an orange light blinked on the remote control, at the same time there was a tinkle that you hear when letters fall into a typewriter. Red lights flashed between the black keys of the control panel, and on the lower television screen, a bluish-white dot darted down like a shooting star, leaving a clear luminous trail behind it. "Third time," Ed said submissively. “This is the third time in a single day he's done this kind of thing. - Turning to the partition that separated his "piano" from the machine, he read to the amazing electronic creature, who was behind the partition, a small notation: - Spoiled monster. Now, by your grace, I must sweat here for another two hours and start all over again. I felt a little awkward - like a guest who unwittingly became a witness to a painful family scandal. “SEAC is going through some more childhood illnesses,” my companion apologized to me. - It still happens that somewhere in one of the many current circuits there is a sudden short circuit, or several lamps fail, or a microscopic flaw is found in the magnetic coating of the tape on which the program is recorded. SEAC is not perfect. He's been here with us for a year, and we already know most of his bad habits. So, for example, in the morning he wakes up too long, he is extremely sensitive, and as soon as he is given an overly difficult task, he begins to have a nervous attack. But these small flaws mean nothing compared to the achievements that SEAC already has. Do you know what we called him? Washington Oracle. And this building where he stands is the Little White House. - Oracle? So, you weren't joking when you talked about him in connection with the dismissal of the general? I asked. - That is, that it was SEAC who said the final word? Didn't joke at all. Listen to how it happened: the general spoke out in favor of a policy that would bring our country to the brink of a world war, or even plunge it into war. There are many supporters of this position of strength policy here in Washington, and the president would probably have had to bow to it in the end if SEAC had not made an objective judgment against which there were no reasonable arguments. We made the "thinking machine" perform calculations in a few days, which no one even took before, because they take years. It was necessary to calculate how the American economy in all its sectors would react to the sudden outbreak of war. SEAC gave the answer in unequivocal, clear numbers: even the mere intensification of our offensive operations, required by the general, would cause a serious shock to our economic system, but as for starting a war, now it would be premature and extremely unfavorable for us. Each proposal of both sides, each strategic option was tested to the end with the help of SEAC on the numbers. And these calculations turned out to be the strongest trump card in the hands of the president when he decided the fate of the general and his policy.

To what extent the electronic brain has been involved since the end of the Second World War in shaping the foreign policy and military-political decisions of the American government, it is difficult to say, because all this is shrouded in a thick veil of secrecy. It is known that the feuds of the three weapons, each of which requires the lion's share of the budget for itself, are transferred to the electronic computer before the debate on the budget begins. In Washington, they often talk about the problems of world politics, using the terms poker, boxing and football. Science has long been trying to find some objective patterns in the card game and other games of chance. She believes that she has discovered some rules, and she wraps them in mathematical formulas. Following a certain "system of the game" should enable the player, if necessary, to choose, although not one hundred percent winning, but still the best tactics. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the "Game Theory", created by one outstanding mathematician and one economist at Princeton University, aroused the liveliest interest in Washington. The scientific rules of bluffing, raffling, and risk determination established in this book on the example of a game of poker between two (the largest - three) partners were taken as the basis for a number of highly secret special studies of major political significance. Special departments of the General Staff and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are constantly working to adapt these more than serious games to each new situation. They translate diplomatic notes, armies, military industries, new weapons, psychological offensives and counter-offensives into the abstract language of poker strategy and have the electronic brain play out all sorts of tactical combinations to choose the best solution for their country and translate it back into the real language of the fight for world domination. .

When I stood in front of SEAC, the big electronic brain of the US National Bureau of Standards, and first heard about the political role played by this "thinking machine", the news struck me as incredible. A few months later, across the country in Santa Monica, I visited the Rand Corporation, an institution founded and funded by the US Air Force. Now I was not at all stunned by the news that almost three hundred scientists from various faculties are sketching "pictures of the future" that should inspire the state on its way in the next decade, no, even in the next millennium. H. D. Wells once predicted a similar government of scientists. The Brain Trust, which is constantly operating here in the California town, is more in line with this idea than any other institution. It consists of eight aerodynamicists, twenty-two economists, fifty-one mathematicians, two psychologists, four sociologists, forty computer technicians, and eighty-seven engineers. There is also one astronomer, three logicians and eight statisticians, and Washington suggested to all of them: "Tell us how we should act." However, while Wells hoped that such a council of scientists would enthrone Reason instead of Arbitrariness, these people are forced to give their knowledge to the enterprise that is most opposed to reason - war ... In the slightly rundown premises of a former factory in Santa Monica, converted offices, imaginary wars are being waged today, imaginary victories are being celebrated and imaginary states are being created with the active participation of the strongest human and artificial brains. Here the future is viewed "realistically" - as a continuous chain of political, economic and military conflicts. An ominous symptom of the era - the first concrete attempts of science practically, and not only theoretically, to deal with issues of state administration are under the fatal sign of destruction. If you talk about this with scientists working for the Rand Corporation, they defend themselves by arguing that the interests of militant rulers have always been the strongest stimulus for the development of science, with a few exceptions. "Peaceful pursuits of science, which took place from time to time, were the exception, not the rule." And they return to their "war games", leading them either on paper or on an electronic machine. One participant in these secret maneuvers describes them as follows: “Yesterday, a war was played out on the “Air Warfare Simulator” - an analog computer - between the armed forces of the “blue” and “red”. This electronic brain deals twenty-four hours a day with the problems of the Rand Corporation. The various electronic circuits of the calculator can be turned on in such a way that they give a complete picture of the forces of the warring nations - of all populated cities, factories, fuel reserves, oil pipelines, bomb depots and air squadrons. The operation is reproduced at an accelerated pace: ten seconds correspond to days. Each side receives exhaustive information about its own capabilities and reserves, but as for the dispositions of the enemy, the parties know about them no more than in a real war. The goal of the war game is to deal with the enemy in a strategically optimal and most effective way. One of the belligerents may prefer to attack industrial centers, airfields and land communications. Perhaps it will use high-explosive bombs against some objects, and atomic bombs against others. Perhaps she will deal a strong blow at the very beginning of the war, or perhaps she will prefer to wait until the enemy’s forces are somewhat exhausted. Each tactical or strategic move is entered into the game using the corresponding button. The computer can then accurately calculate how much damage has been done to the enemy. The destruction of the air base weakens it for the moment, but with urgent repairs, the balance is restored. If the plant is destroyed, then the effect is not immediately noticeable, but it can be longer. The side that loses the air defense bases will suffer significantly greater losses during an enemy air attack. By deft maneuvers, one belligerent can bring his opponent into a state of almost complete helplessness long before his war machine as a whole is destroyed. As switches are flipped in the quiet room, both sides' possessions are reduced to ruins (symbolic). In the end, the arrow on the dial of one of the participants in the game drops to zero. And this means: his cities are destroyed by explosions, people are exhausted, paralyzed and possibly stricken with radiation sickness, and all aviation is destroyed - the game is lost. The Oracle has spoken...

* Researchers ** World War II. *** Eastern Computing Center of the National Bureau of Standards.

Numerology - the study of numbers - appeared to the world under different names. It was called the science of the ten lamps, the teaching of the ten stars, the secret of the ten pillars of the universe, the book of the wise, consisting of ten palm leaves, the secret of the outflow of the great sea. However, representatives of various magical schools agreed that all numbers, without exception, contain some secret meaning and can tell people a lot.

Tick-tock walkers...

Tell me, what conclusions will you draw if, for example, you see the number 12 or, say, 48 several times a day? Nothing, you most likely will not pay any attention to it. But in vain, because the number 12 "screams" - wait for a new acquaintance, and 48 hints at a stormy love affair.

But of particular importance, according to magicians, are numbers that are a “reflection” of each other: 12 and 21, 32 and 23 or repeat each other - 12:12, 23:23, 11:11. Doesn't this remind you of anything? Well, of course, electronic clock! Therefore, let us undertake to study the wisdom of divination on these cunning walkers.

Rule number one is to use the electronic oracle only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Rule number two - do not cheat or manipulate the facts to please yourself. Only randomly seen paired or repeating numbers will slightly open the veil of the future in front of you.

Interpretation of the meanings of numbers

00.00 - any wish made with a pure heart will come true.
01.01 - wait for good news from a man.
01.10 - alas, the business you started will not bring the expected result.
01.11 - do not refuse any offers today.
02.02 - expect an invitation to visit or a club.
02.20 - suppress irritation, watch the words.
02.22 - a secret will be revealed to you.
03.03 - love is knocking on your door.
03.30 - alas, your feeling will remain unanswered.
03.33 - meet happiness and good luck.
04.04 - look at the situation from the other side.
04.40 - today is clearly not your day. Fortune is not in your favor.
04.44 - get a scolding from the authorities.
05.05 - secret enemies start a dishonest game against you.
05.50 - beware of water and fire.
05.55 - meeting with a wise man is not far off.
06.06 - imminent marriage (marriage).
07.07 - beware of people in military uniform.
08.08 - career takeoff.
09.09 - take care of wallets and handbags.
10.01 - Acquaintance with an influential man.
10.10 - it's time for a change.
11.11 - become dependent on someone (or something).
12.12 - success on the love front.
12.21 - acquaintance with a charming woman (a pleasant man).
13.13 - beware of rivals.
13.31 - get what you have been dreaming about for a long time.
14.14 - now love will rule the ball.
14.41 - you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.
15.15 - follow the advice of a wise man.
15.51 - get ready for a stormy but short romance.
16.16 - be careful on the road.
17.17 - beware of street hooligans.
18.18 - be careful on the road.
19.19 - success in business.
February 20 - a quarrel with a loved one.
20.20 - scandal in the family.
December 21 - the birth of a child or a new project.
21.21 - a stormy romance.
22.22 - a new acquaintance.
23.23 - a dangerous connection.
23.32 - health problems.


Since ancient times, it has been believed that the repetition of the same numbers is a special sign that fate sends us. Now you can not just mindlessly look at the numbers that catch your eye - you can read their secret meaning - decipher their mysterious codes.
If you accidentally saw digital combinations on an electronic watch, on a phone, on a computer screen that are “reflection” of each other: 12 and 21, 32 and 23 or repeat each other - 12:12, 23:23, 11:11. Know - it's not just that, the numbers tell you important information.

Interpretation of the meanings of numbers

Digital Watch

00.00 - do not plan anything serious in order to avoid disappointments, from where you go, you will return there - life is in a circle.
01.01 - wait for good news from a man.
01.10 - alas, there will be no expected result, you have started a business in which there are many pitfalls.
01.11 - do not refuse any offers, today you need to become a leader, take the reins of government into your own hands.
02.02 - expect an invitation to visit or a club, if a lady invites you somewhere, do not refuse.
02.20 - suppress irritation, follow the words, take your time, otherwise you will run into a conflict.
02.22 - a certain secret will be revealed to you, you will have to agree on an important matter.
03.03 - love is knocking on your door, you have the opportunity to have wonderful entertainment.
03.30 - alas, your feeling will remain unrequited, do not tell anyone about it.
03.33 - meet happiness and good luck, they are on the threshold.
04.04 - you are too fixated on something, look at it from the other side.
04.40 - today is clearly not your day: everything is too mundane, no flight of fancy and a surge of pleasant feelings, Fortune is not in your favor.
04.44 - the heavens are angry with you, and they are throwing lightning, wait it out, do nothing, get a scolding from the authorities.
05.05 - secret enemies start a dishonest game against you, love awaits you.
05.50 - beware of change, beware of water and fire.
05.55 - do not get involved in adventures, a meeting with a wise man is just around the corner.
06.06 - you will be offered a marriage proposal, imminent marriage (marriage).
07.07 - beware of people in uniform and loneliness.
08.08 - attention: ahead or money, or career takeoff.
09.09 - a change is coming, take care of your wallets and handbags.
10.01 - Acquaintance with an influential man.
10.10 - it's time for change, start a new business.
11.11 - good luck in business and a pleasant surprise, but beware, otherwise you may become dependent on someone (or something).
12.12 - success on the love front, your wish, made with a pure heart, will come true, you just have to make it before the clock shows 12.13.
12.21 - you will meet and work together with a pleasant person, meeting a charming woman (a pleasant man).
13.13 - carefully: you have secret enemies, beware of rivals.
13.31 - your old dream will come true if you are ready to pay for it with something personal.
14.14 - now love will rule the ball.
14.41 - you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.
15.15 - follow the advice of a wise man, beware of accidents and hooligans on the road ..
15.51 - get ready for a stormy but short romance.
16.16 - be careful on the road.
17.17 - in order not to spin like a squirrel in a wheel, ask a wise person for advice, beware of street hooligans.
18.18 - a big change awaits you, be careful on the road.
19.19 - great things await you, success in business.
February 20 - negotiate with a loved one, otherwise you will quarrel.
20.20 - scandal in the family.
December 21 - the birth of a child or a new project.
21.21 - a stormy romance.
22.22 - a new acquaintance, happy changes in personal life.
23.23 - a dangerous connection.
23.32 - health problems.

Three digit match:

000 - empty chores.
111 - success in work.
222 - improvement of personal life.
333 - the appearance of an opponent or rival is possible.
444 - be careful, injury or illness is possible.
555 is a long road.

Mechanical watches

If, when you accidentally look at the clock, the minute and hour hands coincide - this is a sign:
- if the arrows matched in the first quarter of the circle (between 12 and 3) - an interesting meeting awaits you;
- if the arrows matched in the second quarter of the circle (between 3 and 6) - be patient, you will be disappointed;
- if the arrows coincided in the third quarter of the circle (between 6 and 9) - a quick fulfillment of desire or unexpected income;
- if the arrows coincide in the fourth quarter of the circle (between 9 and 12) - trouble is coming;

How to fix an unpleasant prediction

What if we see 14.41 (unpleasant situation) on the clock, but we need 14.14 (beautiful love)? Can this code be cracked?
Can! You just have to look at the clock at 2:14 sharp and say firmly: “Beautiful love awaits me!” This can only be done on Friday and three Fridays in a row.
Why Friday? Because it is she who is in charge of love affairs. Friday is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love. And to wish yourself success in your work, it takes another day.

Monday (Moon)- day of women's affairs and desires.
Tuesday (Mars)- the day of men's deeds and desires, sports, as well as the day when something needs to be won back, in some way to show courage and courage.
Wednesday (Mercury)- the day of trade, contractual relations, purchase and sale, finance and various business affairs, where financial flows (but not large ones) appear.
Thursday (Jupiter)- the day of managing serious matters, big money, the day of laws and justice. If you are offended - this is to Jupiter. Friendly and kindred requests - to him. Educational affairs are also his.
Friday (Venus)- day of love affairs.
Saturday (Uranus) is a spiritual day. All desires of the soul, requests related to mysticism, esotericism, religious and spiritual practices - on Saturday.
Sunday (Sun)- a day of rest, and therefore all requests for entertainment, communication and, oddly enough, for quick enrichment, for gifts, especially those associated with gold and precious stones, are addressed to him.