Introduction of preschoolers to the world of professions through role-playing games. Role-playing game in kindergarten Plot-role-playing game "We are military intelligence officers"

Oksana Gulyaeva

F. I. About the teacher - Gulyaeva Oksana Nikolaevna

Place of work:

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Caskil" With. Tuora-Kyuel MR "Tattinskiy ulus", Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Topic: «,»

« Introduction to the world of professions for preschoolers,through role-playing games»

The game is a means by which children show their independence during the distribution of roles and actions during the game. The child lives in the game. And our task is to become a guiding and connecting link in the child-play chain, tactfully supporting the leadership to enrich the play experience of kids.


Introduce children to several professions;

Show the importance of labor activity in human life;

Support at preschoolers interest in interacting with children different ages; Cultivate a respectful and kind attitude towards people of different professions. Start introducing children to different types professional work is necessary from preschool age. This helps to expand their ideas about the world of adults, arouse interest in their professional activity, to form respect for work and respect for things, enriches vocabulary.

But how to do it? This is where our job as educators lies.

One of the main tasks preschool education - the formation of a positive attitude towards work and primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of every person.

For this, it is very important for the child - preschooler develop interest in different professions.

We attach particular importance to the formation in children of knowledge about the work of adults, an accessible understanding of its role in people's lives. AT preschool children need to show diversity professions and on the basis of this knowledge to form ideas that different types of labor can meet different needs of people. Labor is a manifestation of people's concern for each other.

Introducing children to the work of adults, we focus on one or another profession showing its importance and necessity. Excursions, observations, stories that are conducted in the educational activities of the group help to educate children in respect for working people, interest in the work of adults, respect for the results of labor. Since we live in a small village, we do not have large enterprises, various organizations are not understood by children and many are unknown. adult professions. To this end, I created conditions in the group to consolidate the knowledge of children and assimilate various professions.

In the group, she designed a subject-developing environment, taking into account gender-role education, which was constantly replenished in accordance with the age of the children. Together with children and parents

Made attributes for role-playing games: "Hospital", "Salon", "Score", "Mail", "Pharmacy", "School", "Garage", "Steamboat"

designed albums: "Album professions» , « Professions kindergarten workers, "Kindergarten", "School", "Army".

Issued didactic games "Who needs what?", "Who's doing what?", "Puzzles", "What's wrong with the artist?", "Collect a picture", "Name profession» , "Whose subject?"

As a result of my work, the following will be achieved: results:

1. Children will be interested in self-acquaintance with a number professions.

2. Children will learn to reflect in plot-Role playing features professions.

3. Children will have an idea of ​​what is in demand in society professions.

4. Parents will become active assistants in the upbringing and education of children.

I believe that introducing children to the work of adults is not only a means of forming systemic knowledge, but also a significant social and emotional means of familiarizing them with the world of adults, acquiring children the experience of communicating with people. Attitude to professions is developed in the process of socialization of the individual, which covers and preschool period. The emotional attitude of an adult to work has a great influence on children. Children have the opportunity to expand and refine their knowledge of professions and enrich the vocabulary. In a casual conversation with children, I ensured the development of children's thinking, the ability to establish the simplest connections and relationships, aroused interest in the work activities of adults. Goodwill, an interested attitude to children's issues, encouragement of speaking in a dialogue made it possible to overcome isolation, shyness, and indecision in children. Acquaintance of children with the work of adults is not only a means of forming systemic knowledge, but also a significant social and emotional means of familiarizing with the world of adults, acquiring children the experience of communicating with people. Children have the opportunity to expand and refine their knowledge of professions and vocabulary. plot Role-playing is of great importance in familiarizing with the work of adults. In the game, children consolidate their knowledge, reproduce the actions of an adult. Thus, the formation of children's ideas preschool age about the world of professions- this is a necessary process, which, of course, we adults control, using in our activities all the possibilities of the learning process, while taking into account the age and psychophysical characteristics of children. The work carried out in this direction will allow unobtrusively to bring children to the important conclusion that the right choice professions determines success in life. good job, interesting profession is a great blessing they should be treasured.


1. Kondrashov V.P. Introduction of preschoolers to the world of professions: Teaching aid. -Balashov: Publishing house "Nikolaev", 2004.

2. Zaitseva I. V., Vetrova I. N. plot-role-playing games // Educator preschool educational institution. 2009, No. 10. S. 48-56.

3. Ivanova N. V., Bardinova E. Yu., Kalinina A. M. Social development of children in DOW: Toolkit. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.

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Annotation. This article reveals the topic of early career guidance for children of senior preschool age through a role-playing game. The features of this type of game, which directly affect the formation of ideas about the professions of adults in older preschoolers, are considered in detail. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the role-playing game is a link between older preschoolers and the world of professions.
Keywords: career guidance, pre-professional self-determination, children of senior preschool age, profession, role-playing game.

In the modern age of the political, economic, social and cultural upsurge of society, various interesting and exciting professions are emerging. In the general education system, new institutions are being created - lyceums, gymnasiums, diversified schools, the task of which is professional orientation the rising generation.

And where exactly does the formation of children's initial ideas about professions take place?

Early career guidance of a child, according to many teachers, should take place within the walls of a preschool institution. It is in the educational programs of preschool educational institutions that the task of familiarizing children with the work of adults is spelled out, within the framework of which children are introduced to professions. And what is the purpose of early career guidance, you ask?

The main goal of early career guidance for children is to develop the child's emotional attitude to the professional world, to give the opportunity to show their strengths and capabilities in various activities and professions.

Obtaining such knowledge, the child, firstly, develops a skill of work, develops a respectful attitude towards the work of adults. different professions; secondly, his horizons are expanding, and finally, it contributes to the early manifestation of the child's interests and inclinations for a particular profession.

Consequently, the task of acquainting children with professions implies preparing the child so that in due time he can boldly enter an independent life and specifically choose his own path of professional activity, that is, we are talking about professional self-determination.

In a children's institution, the pre-professional self-determination of the child takes place directly, since it is not connected with the choice and development of a profession, but prepares and leads to this. Thus, the main goal is the gradual formation of the child's readiness to independently plan, analyze and implement his own path of professional development.

Pre-professional self-determination of the child occurs in the senior group. According to A.N. Leontiev, it is children of older preschool age who develop the ability to evaluate the activities of another person, to compare themselves with others. At this age, there is a direct interest in the world of adults and in their various activities. If at the younger preschool age, simple imitation, imitation of the labor actions of adults is carried out, then already at the older preschool age, children have knowledge about individual professions and everything connected with them.

In the practice of preschool institutions, a certain set of methods has been accumulated that contribute to the formation in children of ideas about the professions of adults. This includes an excursion, a conversation, reading children's fiction, observing specific labor actions of people of different professions, experimenting with different materials and, of course, playing.

The game is the leading activity of a preschool child. Children spend a lot of their time playing. Consequently, the game is a key means of forming in children of senior preschool age ideas about the professions of adults. The main type of game, where children are directly acquainted with the professions of adults, is a role-playing game. It is in the senior group of a preschool educational institution that a real, meaningful and rich role-playing game unfolds.

In the role-playing game, children reproduce the adult world. Here they create an imaginary situation, reincarnate in the images of the adults around him, taking on their roles, and perform it in the play environment they created. For example, playing in the hospital, they depict a doctor who receives patients in his office.

The main feature of the role-playing game is the independence of children. They choose the theme of the game, determine the plot lines, take on roles, decide where to deploy the game, and so on. At the same time, children are free to choose the means to create their image. For example, picking up any book and a “pointer” stick, he can become a teacher at school. Such a game of fantasy and freedom in realizing the idea of ​​the game allows the child to feel like a part of the adult world, to get used to any profession that in real life will not be available to him soon. And the content of the game itself helps to understand the main motives and goals of adult professional activity.

Another feature of the role-playing game is that it is creative. The creative abilities of children are already manifested in the fact that they create a plan and unfold the plot of the game. Creativity in this type of game is also expressed by the fact that children depict the professions of adults from their own point of view, that is, as they see it, but at the same time it is limited by the rules of the game.

The role-playing game is a collective game, during which the children themselves establish game rules, monitor their implementation, and regulate relationships. It is also important that children exchange information among themselves, which contributes to the enrichment of their knowledge about the professions of adults.

During the game, children change roles, which directly contributes to increasing their interest in various aspects of the profession in which they play. That is, the educator must ensure that children do not portray only one role in the process of playing activity, but a change of roles takes place. Also a priority during the game is the constant change of the composition of the players, as this contributes to the mutual influence of children on each other and the expansion of the amount of information that is acquired during the game.

Also important is the fact that by playing out a certain situation, the child thereby embodies his view and shows his attitude towards him.

In the role-playing games of children of senior preschool age, the desire to show the work of certain institutions - a store, a hospital, a hairdresser, a pharmacy, etc., is most manifested. . Games are implemented aimed at playing the plot of a particular profession (doctor, sailor, driver, police officer). Also, older preschoolers are characterized by playing the professions of their parents. It is common for older preschoolers to combine their life impressions with the knowledge acquired from stories, conversations, observations, and books during the game.

It should also be noted that in the process of a role-playing game, children not only expand their knowledge about people with different professions, but also enrich their knowledge in other areas. For example, the children decided to play the game "Police". The plot of the game is that a bus with kindergarten children is driving, and a traffic police officer stops them and reminds them of the rules traffic.

An important role in the organization of the role-playing game is also played by the educator. It stimulates children: it introduces new attributes (tools, equipment) into the game, the roles of new specialties, and adds new plots. All this directly contributes to the formation of children's ideas about the professions of adults.

I would like to note such a feature of the role-playing game that it requires preliminary preparation. This is where the closest connection of this type of game with the above methods of familiarizing children with the professions of adults is visible. There are a lot of professions in our world, and if an older preschooler, for example, does not know who an astronomer is, how then can he play his role?!

The benefit of a role-playing game lies in the fact that it is emotionally saturated. And if the game activity gives joy and satisfaction to the child, then this is a positive incentive for learning something new or consolidating previously acquired knowledge about professions.

Thus, the role-playing game is a guide for children of senior preschool age to the profession of adults. Since this type of game contributes to the practical experience of the surrounding reality, children expand their knowledge and impressions, learn something new. The role-playing game gives a joyful realization that the child has become an adult, he has a profession and he seeks to perform any professional actions, even within the framework of the game.


  1. Boychenko, N.A. etc. Plot and role-playing games for preschoolers. / ON THE. Boychenko, G.I. Grigorenko, E.I. Kovalenko, E.I. Shcherbakova - K .: Rad.shkola, 1982. - 112 p.
  2. Kondrashev, V.P. Introduction of preschoolers to the world of professions: Teaching aid / V.P. Kondrashev. - Balashov: Ed. "Nikolaev", 2004. - 52 p.
  3. Mikhailenko, N.Ya., Korotkova N.A. Organization of a plot game in kindergarten: A guide for the teacher. 2nd ed., rev. / N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova - M.: Ed. "Gnoi and D", 2000. - 96 p.
  4. Pasechnikova, T.V. Career guidance work in the conditions of a preschool educational organization: Methodological guide / T.V. Pasechnikova - Samara: Ed. TsPO, 2013. - 45 p.

Card index of role-playing games "Professions"

Game number 1. "A family"

Tasks: encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. To improve the ability to independently create a game environment for the intended plot. To reveal the moral essence of the activities of adults: a responsible attitude to their duties, mutual assistance and the collective nature of work.

Preliminary work: reading the story of V. Oseeva"Magic word"and subsequent conversation. Task for children: to learn at home about the work of parents. A conversation about how we spend the day off. Looking at family photos. Dramatization of the poem by S. Mikhalkov"What do you have?" . Compilation of children's stories on the topic"How I live at home". Examining illustrations on the topic"A family" . Making attributes for the game with children.

Game material: household items, dolls, items - substitutes.

Roles: Mom, dad, children, grandma, grandpa.

Game actions: game problem situations:"Like Mom's Not Home"(taking care of the younger ones, doing feasible homework), "We are preparing for the holiday"(joint business with family), "Cooking the kid's lunch", "Our day off"and others. To introduce elements of labor into the game: washing doll linen, mending clothes, cleaning the room. In the course of the game, select, change toys, objects, design a game environment using a variety of auxiliary material, use home-made attributes.

Game number 2. "Hospital"

Tasks: to arouse in children an interest in the professions of a doctor, a nurse; to cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude to the patient, kindness, responsiveness, a culture of communication. To form in children the ability to take on a role and perform appropriate game actions,

"Dr. Aibolit"in recording. Reading fiction: Ya. Zabila"Yasochka caught a cold", E. Uspensky "Played in the hospital", V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?"

Game material: dressing gowns, hats, pencil and prescription paper, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.

Roles: doctors, nurses, patients, nurses.

Game actions: the patient is admitted to the hospital. The doctor examines patients, carefully listens to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures pressure, looks at the throat, makes an appointment, measures temperature, writes out prescriptions. The nurse in the treatment room makes injections, dressings, treats wounds, etc. The nurse cleans the rooms, changes linen.

Game number 3. "chauffeurs"

Tasks: consolidation of knowledge and skills about the work of a driver, on the basis of which the children will be able to develop a plot, creative game. Development of interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children. Raising in children respect for the work of the driver.

Preliminary work: observing cars on the street. Game-occupation"The drivers go on a flight". Learning a mobile game"Pedestrians and taxis". Reading and viewing illustrations on the topic"chauffeurs" . Reading stories from B. Zhitkov's book"What did I see?" . Construction of a garage for several cars and a truck from building material. Construction of sand bridges, tunnels, roads, garages.

Game material: cars of various brands, a traffic light, a gas station, building materials, steering wheels, a cap and a traffic police inspector's baton.

Roles: drivers, mechanic, tanker, dispatcher.

Game actions: game situation"Trip Around the City", taxi drivers, buses drive around the city observing the rules of the road, building the necessary premises for the game.

Game number 4. "Salon"

Tasks: to develop interest and respect for the profession of a hairdresser, to cultivate a culture of behavior in public places. To promote the establishment of role-playing interaction in the game and the assimilation of role-playing relationships. To form the right relationships of children in the team.

Preliminary work: children visit a hairdresser with their parents. Children's stories about what they did at the hairdresser. Ethical conversation about the culture of behavior in public places. Reviewing the album with samples of hairstyles. Didactic game"Comb the doll beautifully". Walk to the nearest hairdresser. Album making"Hair Models".

Game material: a mirror, a set of combs, a razor, scissors, a hair clipper, a hair dryer, curlers, hairspray, cologne, an album with samples of hairstyles, hair dye, bathrobes, negligee, towels, money, a mop, buckets, rags for dust, for the floor.

Roles: hairdressers - ladies' master, men's master, cleaner, clients, manicurist.

Game actions: visitors take off their outerwear, politely greet the hairdresser, ask for a haircut, consult with the hairdresser, pay money, thank for the services. The hairdresser washes the hair, dries, combs, cuts, dyes the hair, shaves, refreshes with cologne, gives recommendations on hair care, the manicurist does the manicure. Can be connected to the game"A family"

Game number 5. "School"

Objectives: to expand the knowledge of children about the school. Help children master the expressive means of realizing the role(intonation, facial expressions, gestures). Independently create a game environment for the intended game. Contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop the plots of the game. Help children learn some moral standards. Create an image of a good teacher. To cultivate friendship, the ability to live and work in a team. Development of a positive image of the school. Consolidate knowledge about school attributes.

Preliminary work: excursion to MAOU secondary school No. 19(inspection of the school building and school grounds, inspection of the classroom). Interview with a 1st grade teacher. Conversation with children about the excursion. A conversation about school supplies using illustrated material. Riddles about the school, school supplies. Reading fiction to children by S. Marshak"First of September", Aleksina "The First Day", V. Voronkova "Girlfriends Go to School", E. Moshkovsky "We play school". Production of attributes for the game(briefcases, notebooks, baby books, timetables…). Occupation "Creation of the Forest School"

Game material: briefcases, books, notebooks, pens, pencils, pointer, cards, school board, teacher's table and chair, globe, teacher's magazine,

Roles: students, teacher, principal, attendant.

Game actions: the teacher leads the lessons, the students answer questions, tell, count. The director is present at the lesson, makes notes in his notebook. The technician monitors the cleanliness of the room, gives a call. The duty officer monitors discipline at breaks, checks changeable shoes. The teacher organizes the game according to a preliminary collectively drawn up plan-plot. Acting as an equal partner or performing the main(minor)role, indirectly influence the change in the gaming environment, lead the correction of gaming relations. Encourage the construction of interconnected buildings(school, street, park), correctly distribute the duties of each participant in the collective activity.

Game number 6. "Kindergarten"

Tasks: to expand and consolidate children's ideas about the content of the labor activities of kindergarten employees.

Preliminary work: observation of the work of the educator, assistant educator. Conversation with children about the work of a teacher, assistant teacher, cook, nurse and other kindergarten workers. Excursion-inspection of the musical(physical education)hall followed by a conversation about the work of the muses. leader(gym teacher.) . Excursion to the medical office, observation of the work of a nurse, conversations from the personal experience of children. Inspection of the kitchen, a conversation about technical equipment that facilitates the work of kitchen workers. Compilation of children's stories on the topic"My Best Day in Kindergarten"Reading fiction story by N. Artyukhova"Compote" and a conversation about the work of the attendants. Listening to a song"Kindergarten" A. Fillipenko.

Game material: dolls, furniture, kitchen and dining utensils, cleaning kits, honey. tools, clothes for the cook, nurses, sports equipment, children's visit notebook, etc.

Roles: educator, junior educator, manager, cook, music director, sports director, nurse, children, parents.

Game actions: the teacher receives children, talks with parents, conducts morning exercises, classes, organizes games ... The junior teacher keeps order in the group, assists the teacher in preparing for classes, receives food ... Music. the leader conducts the music. occupation. The doctor examines the children, listens, makes appointments. The nurse weighs, measures the children, gives pills, checks the cleanliness of the groups, the kitchen. The cook prepares food, gives it to the teacher's assistants.

Game number 7. " Ambulance»

Tasks: to arouse in children an interest in the professions of a doctor, a nurse; to cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude to the patient, kindness, responsiveness, a culture of communication.

Preliminary work: an excursion to the medical office of the preschool department of the MAOU secondary school No. 19. Monitoring the work of a nurse(listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions). Listening to the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky"Dr. Aibolit"in recording. Reading fiction stories by Y. Zabila"Yasochka caught a cold", E. Uspensky "Played in the hospital", a poem by V. Mayakovsky"Who to be?" . Examining medical instruments(phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tonometer, tweezers, etc.). Conversation with children about the work of a doctor, a nurse.

Game material: telephone, bathrobes, hats, pencil and prescription paper, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets.

Roles: doctor, nurse, ambulance driver, patient.

Game actions: The patient calls 03 and calls an ambulance: he calls his full name, reports his age, address, complaints. The ambulance arrives. The doctor and nurse go to the patient. The doctor examines the patient, carefully listens to his complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures pressure, looks at the throat. The nurse measures the temperature, follows the instructions of the doctor: gives medicine, gives injections, treats and bandages the wound, etc. If the patient feels very unwell, he is picked up and taken to the hospital.

Game number 8. "Veterinary clinic"

Tasks: to arouse children's interest in the profession of a veterinarian; to cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards animals, kindness, responsiveness, a culture of communication.

Preliminary work: excursion to the medical office. Supervision of the doctor's work(listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions). Conversation with children about the work of a veterinarian. Drawing"My favorite animal". Making with children attributes for the game with the involvement of parents(robes, hats, recipes, etc.)

Game material: animals, bathrobes, hats, pencil and prescription paper, phonendoscope, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders.

Roles: veterinarian, nurse, nurse, veterinary pharmacy worker, people with sick animals.

Game actions: Sick animals are brought to the veterinary clinic. Veterinarian receives patients, listens attentively to the complaints of their owner, asks questions, examines a sick animal, listens with a phonendoscope, measures the temperature, makes an appointment. The nurse writes a prescription. The animal is taken to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, treats and bandages wounds, lubricates with ointment, etc. After the reception, the owner of the sick animal goes to the veterinary pharmacy and buys the medicine prescribed by the doctor for further treatment at home.

Game number 9. "Score"

Tasks: to arouse in children an interest in the profession of a seller, to form the skills of a culture of behavior in public places, to cultivate friendly relations.

Preliminary work: excursion to the store. Reading fiction B. Voronko"A Tale of Unusual Purchases"etc. Ethical conversation about behavior in public places. Meeting of children with their mother, who works as a shop assistant. Compilation of children's stories on the topic"What can we do?" : "How to buy bread at a bakery?", “How to cross the road to get to the store?”, "Where do they sell notebooks, pencils?"etc. Making attributes for the game with children(sweets, money, wallets, plastic cards, price tags, etc.).

Game material: scales, cash register, bathrobes, hats, bags, wallets, price tags, goods by department, a car for transporting goods, cleaning equipment.

Roles: store manager, sales assistants, cashier, customers, driver.

Game actions: The driver brings the goods by car, the loaders unload, the sellers arrange the goods on the shelves. The director keeps order in the store, makes sure that the goods are delivered to the store on time, calls the base, orders the goods. Buyers are coming. Sellers offer goods, show, weigh. The buyer pays for the purchase at the checkout, receives a check. The cashier receives the money, punches the check, gives the buyer change, check. The cleaner cleans the room.

Game situations:"At the grocery store", "Clothes" , "Products" , "Fabrics" , "Souvenirs" , "Cookery" , "Books" , "Sporting goods" .

Game number 10. "Sewing Studio"

Tasks: to expand and consolidate children's knowledge about working in a sewing studio, to form an initial idea that a lot of work is spent on making each item, to strengthen social behavior skills, to thank for the help and care provided, to develop and strengthen friendly relations between children.

Preliminary work: observation of the work of the doorkeeper in kindergarten(repairs clothes). Meeting with employees of a sewing studio(parents) , conversation. Reading fiction: S. Mikhalkov"Hare Tailor", Greenberg "Olin Apron" . Didactic game"What do you have woolen?"Examining tissue samples. Conversation“What fabric can be sewn from?”Album making"Tissue Samples". Looking at fashion magazines. Application"Doll in a beautiful dress".

Game material: a variety of fabrics in the window, 2-3 sewing machines, scissors, patterns(patterns) , measuring tape, cutting table, irons, ironing boards, aprons for seamstresses, fashion magazine.

Roles: clients, fashion designer, cutter, seamstresses, embroiderer, ironer, storekeeper, receiving cashier.

Game actions: clients come to the studio, the fashion designer helps them with the choice of model, style. They make an order, take measurements, lay out patterns and cut, try on, tailor products, finish them, embroider, iron, a seamstress delivers finished products to a warehouse, pay for an order, receive an order.

Game number 11. "Photo studio"

Tasks: to expand and consolidate children's knowledge about working in a photo studio, to cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and to each other, to teach gratitude for the help and service provided.

Preliminary work: viewing an album with sample photos. Introduction to the camera. Examination of a child's and a real camera. Looking at family photos. Making attributes for the game with children.

Game material: children's cameras, a mirror, a hairbrush, photographic films, photo samples, photo frames, photo albums, money, checks, cash register, photo samples.

Roles: photographer, cashier, customers.

Game actions: the cashier takes the order, receives the money, knocks out the check. The client greets, places an order, pays, takes off outerwear, puts himself in order, takes a picture, thanks for the service. The photographer takes pictures, takes pictures. In the photo studio you can take a picture, develop the film, view the film on a special device, take photos(including documents), increase, restore photos, buy a photo album.

Game number 12. "Beauty saloon"

Objectives: to expand and consolidate children's knowledge about work in"Beauty Salon", cause a desire to look beautiful, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and each other.

Preliminary work: children visit a hairdresser with their parents. Children's stories about what they did at the hairdresser. The teacher's story about the culture of behavior in public places. Reviewing the album with samples of hairstyles. Examination of booklets with samples of cosmetics. Didactic game"Comb the doll beautifully". Didactic game"Cinderella is going to the ball". Walk to the nearest hairdresser. Making attributes for the game with the involvement of parents(robes, capes, towels, napkins, etc.)

Game material: mirror, comb set, razor, scissors, hair clipper, hair dryer, hairspray, cologne, nail polish, children's cosmetics, hairstyle sample album, hair dye, bathrobes, capes, towels, cash desk , checks, money, mop, bucket.

Roles: hairdresser, manicurist, beauty parlor master, cashier, clients.

Game actions: the hairdresser washes hair, combs, makes haircuts, dyes hair, shaves, refreshes with cologne. The manicurist makes a manicure, covers the nails with varnish, gives recommendations for caring for the hands. The master of the beauty parlor makes a facial massage, wipes with lotion, lubricates with cream, paints eyes, lips, etc. The cashier knocks out checks. The cleaner sweeps, changes used towels, napkins. Visitors politely greet the employees of the salon, ask for a service, consult with the masters, pay to the cashier, and thank for the services.

Game number 13. "Construction"

Tasks: to form specific ideas about construction, its stages; consolidate knowledge about working professions; to cultivate respect for the work of builders; to form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game.

Preliminary Work: Reading Fiction"Who built that house?" S. Baruzdina, "Here will be a city" A. Markushi, "How the subway was built"F. Leva. Examination of paintings, illustrations about construction and conversations on the content. Conversation about safety at the construction site. Drawing on a theme"Home construction". Production of attributes for games.

Game material: construction plans, various building materials, uniforms, helmets, tools, construction equipment, material samples, design magazines, substitute items.

Roles: architect, builder, bricklayer, driver, loader.

Game actions: selection of a construction object. The choice of building material, the method of its delivery to the construction site. Construction. Building design. Delivery of the object.

Game number 14. "Library"

Tasks: to display in the game knowledge about the surrounding life, to show the social significance of libraries; to expand ideas about library employees, to consolidate the rules of conduct in a public place; familiarize with the rules for using the book; arouse interest and love for books, cultivate a caring attitude towards them.

Preliminary work: an excursion to the library of the MAOU secondary school No. 19, followed by a conversation. Reading fiction story by S. Zhupanin"I am a librarian", opening "Book Workshop"book repair. Making pockets in books and forms. Exhibition of drawings based on the works read.

Game material: forms, books, file cabinet.

Roles: librarian, readers.

Game actions: design of readers' forms. Acceptance of applications by the librarian. Working with a file. Issuance of books. Reading room.

State budgetary professional educational institution

Irkutsk region

Cheremkhovo Pedagogical College


Role-playing games about professions

in kindergarten



Table of contents

1. Explanatory note…………………………………………………3

1.1.General information about the project…………………………………………3

1.2.Relevance of the problem………………………………………………3

1.3.General provisions of the project…………………………………………4

2. List of references………………………………………………………10

3. Projects of role-playing games "Cosmos", "Cafe",

"Shop", "Correspondent"…………………………………………….11

1. Explanatory note

1.1.General information about the project

Theme: Professional games for preschoolers

The purpose of the project: To study the problem of forming a primary idea of ​​the world of professions and interest in professional and labor activities at preschool age through the organization of gaming activities, in particular, role-playing games.


Explore theoretical basis game activity of children of senior preschool age;

To analyze the tasks of developing gaming activities and the formation of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and in the life of each person in the program of preschool education;

To select projects of role-playing games for children of senior preschool age.

Object of study: the process of forming a primary idea of ​​the world of professions and interest in professional and labor activities in preschool age.

Subject of study: role-playing games as a means of forming a primary idea of ​​the world of professions in preschool age.

1.2.Relevance of the problem

Social and professional self-determination of citizens is one of the central mechanisms of socio-economic development and is a continuous process. At the same time, it is carried out in the form of a phased building by a person of an individual set of common and professional competencies based on his personal abilities and needs.

Professional self-determination is a person's definition of himself in relation to the criteria of professionalism developed in society. One person considers the criterion of professionalism to be simply belonging to a profession or receiving a special education, and, accordingly, he evaluates himself from these positions. Another person believes that the criterion of professionalism is an individual creative contribution to one's profession, the enrichment of one's personality by the means of the profession; accordingly, he or she otherwise self-determines himself from this higher level and further self-realizes.

Self-determination is understood as a conscious choice, identification and assertion of a person's position in problem situations. Currently, there are different approaches to understanding the essence professional self-determination.

Professional self-determination is a process that covers the entire period of a person's professional activity: from the emergence of professional intentions to exit from work.

The emergence of professional self-determination covers senior school age, but it is preceded by preschool age. It is at preschool age that primary ideas about the world of professions are formed and interest in professional and labor activities is shown through the organization of role-playing games.

Role-playing games allow you to meet the basic needs of the child: knowledge of the world, active movements, communication, the desire for independence, active participation in the lives of adults. In the game, the child is enriched, his subjective experience is transformed as an important source of his own development. It is the game that creates the zone of proximal development and itself acts as a source of development. It develops the ability to imagine, arbitrary regulation of actions and feelings, experience of interaction and mutual understanding is acquired. The plot-role-playing game provides the child with a sense of freedom, subordination of things, actions, relationships and allows him to fully realize himself, achieve a state of complete emotional comfort.

1.3. General provisions of the project

Features of the role-playing game are revealed in the works of psychologists L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets, as well as teachers R.I. Zhukovsky, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, A.P. Y. Mikhailenko.

D. B. Elkonin noted that the leading activity in preschool children is a role-playing game. Its value lies in the fact that it influences the process of formation of individual mental functions, such as: thinking, memory, speech, imagination, attention.

It is proved that the game is social in nature, and one of the first to note this was K.D.Ushinsky. He defined play as a way for a child to enter into the full complexity of the adult world around him. Children's games reflect the surrounding social environment, which provides "...material, much more diverse and real than that offered by a toy store."

The studies of A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin, R.I. Zhukovskaya show that the development of the game during preschool age proceeds in the direction from the object game, recreating the actions of adults, to the role-playing game, recreating relationships between people.

As the game develops, the child masters the components inherent in any activity: he learns to set a goal, plan, and achieve results. Then he transfers these skills to other types of activity, first of all, to labor. At one time, A.S. Makarenko expressed the idea that a good game is similar to Good work: they are related by the responsibility for achieving the goal, the effort of thought, the joy of creativity, the culture of activity. In addition, according to A.S. Makarenko, the game prepares children for those neuropsychic costs that labor requires. This means that arbitrariness of behavior is developed in the game. Due to the need to follow the rules, children become more organized, learn to evaluate themselves and their capabilities, acquire dexterity, dexterity, which facilitates the formation of strong work skills.

Children of the older group reproduce in the game not only the labor actions of adults, but also the relationship of people at work. Along with the games of previous children, reflecting the life of the family, kindergarten, the work of people of certain professions, children of this age willingly play more complex games, reflecting the nature of the work of representatives of different professions, their relationships. To expand and deepen the ideas of preschoolers about various professions, evoke the interests of older children. But no matter how varied the set of ready-made toys, you always need to do something with your hands to play. If children have clear ideas about a particular type of labor, they can do a lot with their own hands.

In the preparatory group, familiarization with the work of adults is much more complicated and requires the use of more diverse methodological techniques. First of all, it is necessary to establish the level of knowledge of children about the activities of their parents: in which enterprise they work, what is the name of their position and what are their job responsibilities, what type of product the enterprise produces or what type of services they provide.

Forming an active interest in the work activity of adults, one should pay attention to children's ideas about the moral side of work: what benefits do parents bring with their work? Why do all people work? Why do cooks try to cook delicious food, and seamstresses make beautiful clothes?

The task of the teacher is to arouse in children the desire to learn as much as possible about the profession that interests them. The games prompt the teacher which excursions need to be organized in order to enrich the children's experience. Interest in the game can be supported by the stories of specialists (father-carpenter, mother-painter). These stories, agreed with the educator, may be accompanied by a demonstration of tools and actions with them. As a rule, children immediately use the acquired knowledge in the game.

Gradually, children are imbued with the consciousness that people doing different jobs at the same enterprise are participating in a common cause.

on the preparation and planning of role-playing games and the complication of their plots.

1. The use of surprise moments (receipt of a letter, parcel, telegram, arrival and meeting of a guest, etc.) in order to maintain children's interest in the game.

2. Sending a letter, a parcel with a message, with a request.

3. Reading books on the topic of the game, discussing the plot, the actions of the characters.

4. Viewing a filmstrip, cartoon on the theme of the game.

5. Conducting an excursion on the theme of the game.

6. Observation of the work of adults in the immediate environment of the child (doctor, nurse, cook, seamstress, etc.).

7. Conducting conversations about various professions, accompanied by the examination of relevant illustrations.

8. Introduction to the game of a new role already familiar to children, clarification of responsibilities.

9. Assisting children in organizing a play environment.

10. Joint game with children.

11. Introduction of new attributes, clarification of their meaning, application options.

12. Statement of problem game tasks.

13. Visiting another group, watching a similar game, discussing it.

14. The teacher's story about the games of children from another group.

15. Instructing children to talk with their parents about the topic of the game (what is interesting about this or that profession), after which the children share with each other what they have learned.

16. An instruction to parents to visit the theater, zoo, shops, etc. with their children; exchange experiences.

17. Drawing up children's stories on the topics “How we played”, “How you can play even more interesting”, “How we helped each other”, etc.

18. Compilation of stories based on plot-shaped toys.

19. Drawing up an album with the children on the subject of the game.

20. Discussion with the children of the role-playing game plan.

21. Discussion of the course and results of the game (goal: to help children realize their actions and deeds in a role-playing game).

22. Use of facial sketches, elements of psycho-gymnastics.

23. Involving children in the manufacture and design of attributes.

The role of the educator in the game can be different: he can be a direct participant in the game, an adviser, an assistant, etc. But in all cases, the educator, attentive to the ideas and aspirations of the children, without suppressing their initiative and independence, influences the content of the games, creates conditions for their deployment, for the development of children's ingenuity, creativity. It helps children to establish relationships of friendship and mutual assistance. In games, the teacher studies each child, his interests, individual abilities, monitors his experiences in order to find the right ways and means of developing his personality, which can be the first step in the career guidance of a preschool child.

Of great importance is the beginning of the game, the moment of its occurrence. In order to interest children in the future game, I use the following techniques:

1) discussion with children about what and where they want to play;

2) "surprise" presentation of an interesting attribute of the proposed game (a parcel from aliens in the game "Cosmonauts", search for a treasure drawing, etc.);

3) participation in the game of the educator (unobtrusive, tactful, in the role of not a mentor, but a participant: "Good afternoon! And I'm a doctor, I came to find out how your daughter feels");

4) indirect motivation for the game ("I need to buy a refrigerator. But how to deliver it home? Maybe Dima will agree to become a truck driver? ..").

It is also important to finish the game correctly, which means not only the completion of its plot, but also a summing up. This is necessary to maintain children's interest in the game in general, to form in them the ability and habit to analyze the actions of their own and comrades. Discussion of the course of the game also allows the educator to identify their own shortcomings in its preparation.

Methods of directing role-playing games for children.

Methods of organizing and managing gaming activities aimed at developing the children's team

1. Setting perspectives for children in an interesting, exciting activity.

2. Performance by the educator of a leading role and showing in a game situation how it is possible to regulate the relationship between the players.

3. Providing assistance in reproducing and disclosing the norms and rules of relationships during long-term performance of the role.

4. Exercise children in organizing games on their own and developing the ability to coordinate the plot of the game through explanations, approvals, praise, trust, advice on the possible selection of material for the game, a conversation-talk about the further course of the game, summing up, a positive assessment of the proposals of children, making attributes and homemade products.

5. Teaching to independent distribution of roles, taking into account the capabilities, interests, desires of each child by studying and revealing to children his best, positive aspects. Reproduction and disclosure of actions, habits, mores and customs of certain characters in the game, giving advice on the distribution of roles, individual tasks and assignments for independent development of the role and bringing it to the end.

6. Explanation of the concepts of "good", "bad", "good", "evil" in game situations related to the implementation of the content of the game, the implementation of the role and game rules.

7. Establishment of gaming traditions.

Methods for developing the content of creative games and children's relationships based on the relationship between learning and play.

1. Conducting excursions (primary, repeated, final).

2. Organization of meetings with people of different professions.

3. Emotionally expressive reading of fiction, reflecting the social orientation of adult work.

4. Conversations, stories of the educator using illustrative material about the work of adults and their relationships in its process.

5. Stories of the educator based on specially selected photographs related to the professions of parents, reproductions from paintings, about current events taking place in the country.

6. Drawing up children's stories on certain topics related to observations of the work of adults.

7. Individual conversations with children, clarifying knowledge, ideas about current events, about what is good and what is bad.

8. Dramatization of individual literary works using toys and with the participation of children.

9. The use of puppet theater characters to conduct ethical conversations, to dramatize literary works with the ideas of friendship and camaraderie.

Methods for developing the content of the game based on the relationship of the game with labor.

1. Teaching children the skills and abilities of designing from building material.

2. Assistance in the development of creativity in games and productive activities.

3. Learning to work in a team and in pairs.

4. Teaching children to independently select toys, attributes for organizing creative games.

So, the role-playing game is the main activity of children, in which they reflect the knowledge gained about professions, this is the leading means of educating character traits necessary for work: sociability, the desire to fulfill their plans with other children, the ability to live and work together. The content of games and the fulfillment of a role in it, obedience to the rules of behavior and the development of gaming and real relationships, coordinating actions with other players and helping each other - all this contributes to the formation of moral qualities in children, friendly relations, which is so necessary in the further professional activity of a person. .

Role-playing game projects

The project of the role-playing game "Cosmos"

(for seniors)

Target: to form the ability to independently deploy the game, to combine various thematic plots into a single game plot.

Tasks : to learn to deliberately build the plot of the game from 4-5 semantic episodes, to perform sequential game actions; develop the ability to diversify imaginary actions; to teach independently to resolve conflict situations, to promote the manifestation of good feelings and relationships.

Expected results

1. Manifestation in independent activity of specific role-playing actions and role-playing speech.

2. Role interaction with peers (2-3 people).

3. Role communication, dialogue.

Stages of gaming activity


Teacher activity


Problem Identification

Outlining the story line

Literature study

I know the world (section "Space" 2000

Lesson with children of senior preschool age on the topic: Conquest of Space. Skorolupova O.A. (M., 2002)

Klushantsev P. (M., 1980).

What the telescope said

Collective creativity of children (M., 1998).

Obraztsova T.N. Role-playing games for children (M., 2005).

Organizational work

Reading fiction:

Bulychev K. "The Secret of the Third Planet", Medvedev V. "Starship Brunka", Kashchenko V. "Find the constellations", Borozdin V. "The first in space", Klushantsev P. "What the telescope told", Leonov A. "Steps over planet"

Productive activities

Production of attributes for the game. Decoration of the panel "Outer Space"

Conversations with children

“Earth is our home in the Universe”, “Journey to the Moon”, “Stars - what are they?”, “What is the solar system?”

Didactic games

"Star Trek", "Find the extra", "Scouts", "What has changed", construction "Cosmodrome".


Acquaintance with the surrounding world "Earth is our home in the Universe"

The development of speech "The rocket flies to the stars",

Development of elementary mathematical concepts 2Great space journey»

Construction of "Our spaceship"

Drawing. "Path to the Stars 2"

Application. "Space collage".

Working with parents

Information leaflet about classes on the topic "Conquest of space"


Systematization of information

Taking on a role.

Discussion of the content of the game.

Organization of the playing space.

Providing leadership

Distribution of roles. Taking on a secondary role. Discussion of the content of the game - questions. Management of the organization of the play space.

Children's play activities

The game.

Compliance with the rules, the fulfillment of the roles assumed.

Relationship with a partner (constructor-builder).

Changing the role-playing action during the game.

Acts as a creator of problem-game situations.



Take part in the discussion of the game.

Evaluate the ability to play together.

Summing up the game. Diagnosis of gaming skills.

Vocabulary minimum

Part of a dictionary

Senior group

preschool group


Designer, cosmonaut, trainer, flight engineer, biotechnician

General Designer, Science and Space Center, Head of Research Flights, Sports Simulators


Control panel, catapult, parachute, radio equipment, video, hyperbaric chamber, satellite communications.

labor activities

Build, photograph, design, see off, meet, manage, fly, observe.

Manage, coordinate, repair, train, research.

Labor qualities

Qualitatively, politely, attentively, successfully, responsibly.

High quality, conscientious, organized, clear.

The project of the role-playing game "Cafe"

Target: to form a desire to organize a role-playing game "Cafe".

Tasks: develop and enrich the plot of the game, lead to the independent creation of game ideas; to teach to perform game actions in accordance with the general game plan; learn how to choose your own attributes for the game; continue to form the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners, to observe role-playing interactions and relationships in the game.

Expected Result:

1. Improving knowledge about labor in a cafe.

2. Formation of communication skills.

3. Manifestation of the ability to listen to partners, to combine their ideas with their own.

Stages of gaming activity


Joint activities of the teacher and children

Teacher activity


Problem Identification

Diagnosis of gaming skills, gaming environment

Diagnostics according to the method of G.Ya.Kudrina

Outlining the story line

Literature study

V. Abramenkov "Education by the game." (M., 2011).

Didactic games with children

Today, much is said about the fact that modern children differ from children of the last century, including the organization of play activities. Today, kindergarten teachers face an acute problem related to the organization of the play activities of modern children. Children are spoiled by the abundance and variety of games and toys that do not always carry the necessary psychological and pedagogical information. Both parents and educators experience difficulties: what games parents played and what educators practiced for years and used in their lives, now - in changed conditions - have ceased to work.

The game - in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard - acts as a form of socialization of the child. The game is not entertainment, but a special method of involving children in creative activity, a method of stimulating their activity. The social and communicative development of preschoolers occurs through the game as a leading children's activity. The game is a school of social relations in which the forms of the child's behavior are modeled. And our task is to correctly and skillfully help children acquire the necessary social skills in the game.

The game gives children the opportunity to reproduce the adult world and participate in an imaginary social life. Children learn to resolve conflicts, express emotions and interact appropriately with others. A plot-role-playing game is an activity in which children take on the labor or social functions of adults and, in specially created play, imaginary conditions, reproduce (or model) the life of adults and the relationships between them.

I want to present the experience of the teachers of our kindergarten in building preliminary work for role-playing games with a professional plot "DOCTOR", "FIREMAN", "REScuer of the Ministry of Emergencies".

What motivated us to do this:

A large flow of information from the media about emergencies, disasters and catastrophes in the world;

The need to update children's knowledge about actions in emergency situations;

Insufficiently frequent appeal to role-playing games with modern themes.

This fact is confirmed by a sociological study conducted by the Moscow Center for the Sociology of Education of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the direction of V.S. Skobkin. During the survey, older preschoolers answered the following questions: what games do you know? What do you like to play? Do you know the rules of your favorite game? The results of the answers and their analysis gave the following picture. The first place is occupied by outdoor games with rules - 45%. The second place - 25% is occupied by role-playing games, among which traditional “daughters-mothers” (11.2%) took the leading position among girls; among boys, the most popular games are “cars” (5%). Other plots of role-playing games, such as "shop", "hospital", "robots", "school", were named by less than 1% of children.

This statistics allows us to say that the role-playing games of children are very monotonous and are limited, mainly, to family topics. There are practically no games with professional plots. Meanwhile, these games, to the greatest extent, contribute to the entry of the child into the world of adults - the game role in a concentrated form embodies the connection with society. Taking on the role of, for example, a “doctor”, a child must perform role-playing actions that are inherent in people of this profession.

In accordance with GEF DO, one of the most important tasks in raising children is: “Creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child, as a subject of relations with himself, other children, adults and the world. In solving this problem, gaming activity is the most effective. One of the priority tasks of modern preschool education is to ensure a high level of social and communicative development of future first graders as a prerequisite for their successful adaptation and socialization in the children's community.

Social development is a process during which a child learns the values, traditions, culture of the society in which he will live. A child of preschool age perceives the social world around him differently than adults perceive and understand it. This happens due to a small life experience, features of development, perception, thinking, imagination, high emotionality.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the main tasks of the social and communicative development of children of senior preschool age are:

1. Create conditions for children of preschool age to master the norms and values ​​accepted in society.

2. Develop social and emotional intellect children, their emotional responsiveness, empathy.

3. Contribute to the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of children's actions.

4. To form a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family, a community of children and adults in a team.

5. To form in children the basics of safe behavior in everyday life, society, in nature, as well as readiness to interact with peers.

The solution of these problems can be effectively carried out by means of STORY-ROLE PLAYING GAMES with a professional plot. We decided to focus on such professions as a fireman, doctor, rescuer of the Ministry of Emergencies. In the plans: traffic inspector, policeman, military professions. Because in this way we solve problems related to security - one of the most pressing topics of recent years.

In the course of observing children's play activities, we had a question: Why don't children play, for example, firefighters? Do they have enough knowledge to organize the game? Are children familiar with professional activities, with the names of paraphernalia? Do children have any interest in these types of professional activities of adults? We have carried out diagnostics.

Diagnostic technique:

1. Didactic and word games "Who needs what for work?", "Everything professions are needed", "Who's doing what? "," Pick up and name "(who lost what) - using this method, we check the vocabulary and conceptual stock of words about various professions, tools, materials, purpose.

2. Based on the questionnaire L.V. Kutsakova on the topic “Professional activities of adults”, we developed our own.

1) Knowledge about the work activity of adults: – Who works where? (in the hospital, during accidents, on fires).

2) Knowledge of basic labor processes: – What does it do? Doctor, Veterinarian, Fireman, Rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, policeman, military, traffic police inspector.

3) Knowledge about the materials, tools, tools and mechanisms necessary for work: - What does he use (what tools)? Doctor, Veterinarian, Fireman, Rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, policeman, military, traffic police inspector.

4) Knowledge about the interaction of people of different professions: - Who helps whom? Who is working together?

5) Respect for the work of adults: -How should we treat other people's work? What are we doing for this? How do we behave?

3. The method of observing gaming activity.

As a result of the diagnostics, the following was revealed:

- 50% of children have a low level of knowledge about the professions proposed for consideration, especially their labor activities, tools and materials of each profession;

– 65% of respondents have a narrow active and passive vocabulary on this topic;

- in 45%, the fulfillment of assignments and labor activities without desire, only out of necessity (because it is necessary, the educator said so, etc.).

We were convinced of the need to create such a system of work so that the children "play". At the first stage, the group analyzed and adjusted the necessary conditions: compiled perspective plan work, the subject-developing environment was replenished with attributes for role-playing games, new didactic games and manuals on the topic "Professions", children's fiction and pictures on this topic.

We introduced children to professions using various types of joint children's activities: play, communication, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, etc.

The following forms of work with children were used:

- conversations with children on the topic,

- viewing illustrations and pictures (photos) on a given topic,

- watching videos and presentations,

- reading literary works, poems, riddles,

– development of GCD of a cognitive nature using an interactive whiteboard,

– conducting sports entertainment "We are firefighters",

- role-playing games "Firefighters", "Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergencies", "Hospital", etc.,

- didactic games "Who needs what for work", "All professions are important ...", etc.

Work to familiarize children with professions was carried out in close cooperation with the families of pupils:

- design of the exhibition of drawings of co-creation of children and parents "Such necessary professions",

- holding a quiz with children and parents "All professions are needed ...",

– design of visual information for parents "Introduction of children to the professions" Fireman", "Rescuer", "Policeman"",

- a conversation with parents "Tell the child about your professional activities",

- GCD with parents using an interactive whiteboard,

– a master class for the parents of the group on making models.

As a result of the work carried out, the following results were achieved:

1. Children are motivated to independently get acquainted with a number of professions.

2. Children learned to reflect the features of professions in the role-playing game.

3. Children have an idea of ​​the professions that are in demand in modern society.

4. Parents have become active helpers in the upbringing and education of children.