Seed production line. Roasted sunflower seeds production as a business

Attachments: from 300 000 rubles

Payback: from 3 months

Fried sunflower seeds are a popular product in our country. It is bought with pleasure by young people and the older generation. This delicacy is not only tasty, but also healthy. The demand for such snacks is stable, so it is realistic to create a profitable and promising business in this area.

Business concept and target audience

Taste roasted sunflower seeds sunflower everyone knows. The following factors make them popular:

  • there are no age restrictions: they are eaten by children, adults and the elderly;
  • seeds can be eaten anywhere - at work, on the street, sitting at home in front of the TV;
  • with moderate consumption, the effect on health is only positive.

The seeds contain many valuable elements: vitamins, zinc, magnesium, polyunsaturated fatty acids. The active components of the seeds are useful for hair, skin, nervous system. They help lower cholesterol levels, help get rid of nicotine addiction.

Potential buyers can be individual entrepreneurs- owners of small shops and stalls, as well as wholesale customers.

What is required for implementation?

When selecting a production hall, it is important to consider compliance with the hygienic requirements for food production rooms. The area of ​​the workshop and two warehouses must be at least 60 square meters.

To avoid the penetration of mice and rats, which are also not indifferent to seeds, a concrete floor and metal doors will help.

What other features of the business should be taken into account:

  • It is better to locate a shop for the production of roasted seeds on the outskirts of the city: it is cheaper even taking into account transportation costs.
  • The line for the production of snacks includes frying, cooling and packaging equipment. It can be operated by two workers in the workshop. If you plan to work in two shifts, you will have to hire four employees.
  • Due to the high competition, you will have to spend money on developing an unusual packaging design, an advertising campaign with promotions and lotteries, and creating a website. It is also worth calling potential wholesale customers and offering your products.
Roasted Seed Production Line

Have you purchased everything you need for production? It's time to find a supplier of raw materials. Remember the quality of the seeds, the taste of your products depends on it. Saving is inappropriate. It is worth buying a small amount of seeds from different suppliers, tasting and choosing the one you like.

Step-by-step instructions for starting production

The first step is to draw up a business plan and formalize the enterprise. One registration of an individual entrepreneur with the OKVED code 15.33 is not enough. You will need quality certificates and permits from sanitary authorities - you produce food products. It is better to choose the taxation system of the USN "Income" or "Income minus expenses", depending on the region.

After you have rented a room, purchased raw materials and equipment, hired workers, you can start manufacturing products. The technology is simple:

  1. Sort raw seeds by size using a sieve with a vibrator, discard poor quality ones.
  2. Remove dirt, rinse, salt.
  3. Roast and let cool.
  4. Pack in bags of the desired size.

If you intend to flavor your product, you will need a panning machine.

Financial calculations

Starting capital and monthly expenses

In the column of initial expenses, first of all, you need to enter the purchase of equipment (prices in rubles):

  • roasting oven - 33,000;
  • cooling apparatus with anti-scale filters - 32,000;
  • packaging machine - 45,000.

Also, the start-up capital includes the cost of raw materials and transport - 50,000, wages workers for the first month - 48,000, rent for the same period - 6,000. Costs for a cash register - 18,000, for processing all documents - 10,000, for Internet accounting - 8,000 (annual payment). Advertising campaign and the creation of the site will cost 40,000, and the iron doors in the workshop - 10,000.

In total, at the start of the business, you will need 300,000 rubles.

The monthly expenses will include the cost of raw materials and transport, wages and rent. The figure comes out quite modest - 104,000 rubles.

How much can you earn and payback periods

A kilogram of raw seeds for wholesale purchases will cost 22 rubles. The cost of a 50-gram package: 1.1 rubles for raw materials and 30 kopecks for packaging. If we include here the remuneration of the employee, utility bills, it turns out 2.5 rubles. The cost of a 50-gram pack in the store is about 25 rubles. Without value added tax, this figure is 20 rubles. As a result, the yield of one pack is 17.5 rubles.

The production line is capable of producing 45,000 packs per month (25 shifts). We multiply this figure by 17.5 and get a profit without paying taxes - 787,500 rubles. But this is if you have your own store, and all the seeds are sold out.

If you sell seeds in bulk, then the price per pack starts from 6 rubles. In this case, the profit without taxes is 157,500.

If you subtract 6% tax, you get 148,050 net profit, which is also not bad.

Full payback in this case - in three months.

Benefits and possible risks

The production of roasted seeds has its own advantages and "pitfalls". Let's consider them in more detail:

The technological line can be easily reconfigured for roasting pumpkin seeds, coffee beans, peanuts.

If in the future you decide to purchase additional equipment, you can produce butter, spread, drying oil, and other products.

It can be concluded that the production roasted seeds sunflower is a profitable, promising, highly efficient and quickly payback type of business.

Producers of seeds in Russia. The 2020 catalog contains a rating of 60 trademarks representing on Russian market snack product - seeds. Manufacturing enterprises-suppliers offer products in bulk without unnecessary markups and intermediaries. The list contains well-known and large companies and new brands.

Production is established in the cities: Moscow and the Moscow Region, Krasnodar, Omsk, Vidnoye, Kazan, Voronezh, etc. The list includes well-known brands: Cool Oker, Native Spaces, Moscow Nut Company, Talkers, Agroprodukt and etc.

The range of packaged and weight seeds:

  • fried selected;
  • cleaned;
  • from sunflower seeds, pumpkins;
  • dried (white and black seeds);
  • salty;
  • with flavors etc.

Manufacturing firms offer an additional range of snacks own production: peanuts, pistachios, croutons. The product is certified, sold in strong packaging in bulk to the regions of Russia, the CIS countries and customs union. Documents and certificates available.

Enterprises are pleased to offer cooperation to dealers, wholesale buyers, owners of trading business and large retail chains.

To buy a product in bulk or order a price list and prices, contact an employee of the enterprise at an exhibition or at email(address of the sales department and the official website, see the Contacts tab). Wholesale, delivery by transport companies.

Let's look at these steps in more detail:
Calibration. This is the process of separating large grains from small ones, as well as cleaning debris. For this purpose, special calibration machines or vibrating screens are used, which perform the function of dividing the product into several fractions.
Washing. What you should pay attention to is, of course, productivity (usually it ranges from 100-150 kg / h). Sinks have a design of a through passage, tunnel type. There are:

  • with top irrigation;
  • with top and bottom watering (for a more thorough washing of the product);
  • with one heater at the outlet;
  • with two heaters (for stronger drying of the product, which reduces the frying time later).

Product salting. It is used in the production of salty products (more often nuts, less often seeds). This function is performed by the so-called additive machine (also called a coating drum). Usually such devices are used for high performance.

frying. To date, a very large number of various ovens for drying and frying bulk products are presented on the market.

The most common option is an electric drum oven. Such models, as a rule, are equipped with: a stainless steel drum, agitators located inside the drum, a thermostat, windows for removing moisture, and a sampling blade. Some models are additionally equipped with coolers.

In addition to electric ovens, gas-fired drum ovens are also common. All specifications they save, while allowing significant energy savings. Ordinary gas (propane-butane mixture) is used as fuel for such furnaces, the cylinder is connected using an ordinary gearbox.

The next model, according to customer demand, are models that work on the principle of frying in a stream of hot air. The models are fundamentally different from those described above in their principle of operation, where the seeds are placed in a bunker and roasted "in a fluidized bed". The roasting process takes place in a suspended state due to the operation of a pressure fan at a temperature of 220 ° C. The advantage of this model is a powerful blowing of the product, in which the weight of the carbon particles settle in the exhaust pipe, and do not mix with the product.

Next, it is worth noting models that work on infrared radiation. Models roast (dry) the product using a stream of infrared radiation, which heats the product itself, and not the surrounding air. Typically, such furnaces have a continuous cycle of operation, and allow you to get high productivity (250, 500 or 1000 kg / h). On such ovens it is easy to obtain a clean, evenly fried product without burnt particles. The main characteristic is the heating of the product from the inside, significant energy savings, cleanliness of production, and the purity of the resulting product, due to the absence of heating of the surface of the product and the walls of the furnace, the absence of soot, the absence of heating the air in the room, the absence of soot and burning, easy and precise adjustment of operating modes.

They are ideal for roasting all types of nuts, seeds, vegetables, including potatoes (for the production of dry mashed potatoes).

And the latest model that is gaining more and more popularity is microwave roasting ovens. Such an oven has the advantages of infrared ovens.

Coolers necessary for rapid cooling of the product. The cooling of seeds after roasting occurs rather slowly, while maintaining a high temperature inside the shell for a long time, therefore, coolers are used to prevent overcooking and rapid cooling. There are two types of coolers on the market:

  • open round design with agitators and directed air flow;
  • conveyor type.

The choice of cooler design depends on the area of ​​​​the room and the principle of operation of the furnace itself.

Polishing. For finer cleaning of the product from debris and carbon deposits, cleaning and polishing machines are used. When using such a machine, the need for pre-washing of raw materials is eliminated, because. this type of equipment copes with the cleaning of seeds better.

The last stage in the production of seeds is, of course, packing and packing.

The demand for products directly depends on “what the product is dressed in”, how colorful and attractive its packaging will be.

Standard packaging is: 3-seam bag "pillow" (seam on top, seam on the bottom, back in the middle "fin"). Such packaging is formed by filling and packaging machines with a volumetric or weight dispenser. A large number of questions always raises the principle of operation of the apparatus.

The product is poured into the storage hopper, after which it is fed into the dispenser, where the required doses are measured and, further, the package is formed.

Features that you should pay attention to are the productivity of the device (number of packs per minute), easy reconfiguration to a different package size, and a different dose of the product - these are the points that will allow the device to be universal.

Profitability and high productivity are achieved in automatic devices.

That's all the main points in the production of roasted sunflower seeds. Whatever equipment you choose, this type of production always remains highly profitable.

In addition to our own production, it is always possible to provide packaging services using existing equipment, which is also a separate line of business.

The line is easily reoriented to the production of other products, such as frying and packaging of any nuts, packaging of dried fruits, the production of dry mashed potatoes, packaging of spices, food concentrates and much more.

Recently, such a product as fried sunflower seeds has been especially popular, especially among young people. In addition, a certain (and considerable segment) of the market for this kind of snacks is fried pumpkin and, again, sunflower seeds, but peeled.

Along with its undoubted usefulness, such products have another advantage: high payback and very low cost of equipment for production. This fact is known to few, as start-up entrepreneurs often ignore this fast-growing market segment, embarrassed by the low selling price of products.

It is this fact that makes them refuse to open a business for the production of fried seeds without even studying the issue. In addition, residents of the northern regions of the country often simply do not want to get involved in production based on imported raw materials, fearing inflated prices and supply disruptions.

Thus, the real coverage of needs, i.e. the volume of output does not correspond to the needs of the consumer at all. Therefore, fried sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are often imported to regions where these crops do not grow, from afar, and already in the form of finished products, on the price of which the interest of intermediaries, a transport company, etc. is “wound up”.

All of the above makes the production of roasted sunflower seeds (in original packaging) very profitable business, if, of course, competently dispose of the funds invested in it.

Requirements for production and storage facilities and personnel of the sunflower seed roasting business

A production facility for a sunflower seed roasting business is no different from a facility for the production of any other food products - it is only enough that it complies with sanitary and building codes and regulations. Depending on the type of equipment - electric oven for frying or gas - fire safety measures must also be adjusted.

By and large, it is believed that an electric stove is more expensive to operate, but a gas stove requires additional investments at the initial stage (design documentation for gas equipment; installation of an additional fire shield, etc. - in most regions, gas equipment also requires a separate room) .

Ultimately, the choice is made in favor of the type of furnace that corresponds to the equipment of the room - i.e. if the room is not equipped with a gas pipe, it does not make sense to start it on purpose if the volume of production is small.

It is advisable to equip the storage room with additional options against mice and rats - a concrete floor, an iron tight-closing door, etc., as well as birds that can fly into the windows (if any) or penetrate through a poorly covered roof.

There are also no special requirements for personnel: the presence or absence of a technologist in such a primitive, by and large, production will not affect the quality of the products; ordinary workers will be considered unskilled, respectively, there is no need to talk about high labor costs.

Production and auxiliary equipment for the production of roasted sunflower seeds

The main apparatus will, of course, be the brazier. There are several types of fryers: gas, electric, or microwave ovens (they are also powered, of course, by electricity, but fundamentally differ in the way they are roasted). The latter are quite rare and are made only to order.

Microwave ovens, perhaps the most promising roasting method, are not worth buying just for the production of sunflower seeds - except as an additional equipment when expanding production (see the section on business prospects).

According to the scheme of roasting sunflower seeds, there are periodic loading-unloading ovens (i.e., each roasting cycle is carried out manually loading and unloading seeds) and walk-through (automated - on one side of the roasting drum, raw seeds are supplied, on the other - fried seeds are unloaded).

As you might guess, continuous furnaces primarily eliminate the notorious human factor and can be built into a fully automatic line for the production of roasted and packaged seeds. However, even large manufacturers are more willing to take several dozen impassable braziers.

Of course, the point here is not at all the price of the equipment: with large volumes of production, an automated line is, of course, much more profitable. In this case, the consumer principle applies: "simplicity is a guarantee of reliability."

The fact is that non-passage ovens allow you to control the roasting process manually, at any time you can turn them off and, for example, fix some problem, etc. Of course, also for the start of production, for the moment of opening own business cheap and not requiring qualified personnel non-passage furnaces (especially gas ones) are much more profitable.

The second, both in importance and cost, is packaging equipment. Packaging for sunflower seeds is a polypropylene bag (capacity from 50 to 300-500 g), soldered from a polypropylene tape with two horizontal "Euro-seams" and one vertical overlap.

Polypropylene tapes can be metallized (opaque, with a mirror inner surface) and transparent (such packaging is 2 times cheaper than the first).

The mini-line for frying and packaging of fried seeds consists of a semi-automatic packaging machine and an electric (or, respectively, gas) oven.

Its cost is € 2,600 (less than 110 thousand rubles), and its productivity is 30 kg per hour. It occupies up to 10 meters of area (taking into account the aisles and the area for unloading under boxes or boxes on a pallet).

As you can see, the cost of the line is quite small. Based on the workshop area and financial capabilities, production can be completed with any number of mini-lines.

The installation and list of additional equipment is determined by the type of raw materials that will be used and your ability to expand your business. Regarding raw materials: if you use sunflower heads, you will need a special crusher to extract seeds (a grain cleaning machine - about 320 thousand rubles or a vibrating pneumatic table - about 180 thousand rubles).

In addition, sometimes sunflower seeds are washed in special baths before frying, and after frying, they are passed through a cooler cleaner, consisting of a rotating sieve with a fine mesh, and simply sifting black dust and ash deposits from roasted seeds. See the extension below.

Further prospects for business development

As mentioned above, the ovens used for roasting sunflower seeds can (after appropriate one-time reconfiguration) also be used for roasting pumpkin seeds, peanuts, coffee beans, etc.

In addition, by purchasing separate equipment for cleaning, peeling and separating sunflower seeds (about 670 thousand rubles), you can sell the sunflower kernel, which also has its own demand.

In general, there are a lot of development options: this is the production of fodder cake, cake, butter, drying oil, margarine, gozinaki, halva and much more, up to biofuel from husks.

Video about the production process of packaged roasted seeds

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This business idea is probably familiar to everyone, if not to everyone, then to many for sure. We have all seen grandmothers selling delicious homemade seeds more than once. They still sometimes let you try before you buy from someone better. After all roasted sunflower seeds it is a special product and requires special popularity and demand.

It can be noted that their example is a mini business project for the production and sale of fried seeds.

Grandmothers painstakingly grow (some may purchase) sunflower seeds, when the seeds ripen, they knock them out of the sunflower itself, then fry them at home, each according to its own recipe.

Frying options can be different, most are simply fried with salt, while some are poured with salt water during frying.

After that, it remains only to prepare branded bags from the newspaper and you can advance to the place with the best traffic to sell the goods, and you can start promoting the goods by saying to passable consumers, for example, such a text “ roasted seeds buy do not pass by!

Grandmothers selling seeds quickly gained great popularity, and this simply could not be overlooked by enterprising people who betrayed this business idea on a large scale. They just had to build a chain of supply - production - and sales of seeds by packing them in a bright sealed package. Of course, these seeds were inferior in taste to those that were sold by grandmothers, but for the price they were noticeably superior.

How to organize your own production

First you need a room. The requirements for production and storage facilities are not much different from all other food production. The premises must comply with sanitary and building codes and regulations.

Equipment for production is divided into two types - it is gas and electric. The advantage of gas production equipment is that it is cheaper than electric equipment, but there is also a minus, it requires additional investments for the installation of gas pipes in the room. The majority chooses electric production.

Warehouses, on the other hand, need additional protection against rats and mice, a concrete floor and a tight-fitting iron door are well suited. Also, do not forget about protection from birds that can fly in through windows or penetrate through a poorly covered roof. There are no special requirements for personnel, so there is no need to talk about high costs for paying personnel.

Production and additional equipment

According to the method of roasting, braziers can be divided into gas, electric and microwave ovens.

Microwave ovens are quite rare in production, but the range of their services causes only positive emotions, you should not limit yourself to roasting sunflower seeds with them. Microwave ovens are great for business expansion (see Development Outlook)

According to the roasting scheme, the ovens are divided into 2 types, periodic loading and unloading and walk-through:

– Batch-loading-unloading ovens, the so-called continuous ovens, allow you to control the roasting process manually, stop the process at the right time and correct the problem that has arisen. But these ovens require personnel.

- Continuous, automated furnaces exclude the presence of the necessary personnel, and hence certain costs. The downside of automated ovens is the likelihood of worse product quality.

Packaging equipment is next in importance. The packaging for seeds will be a polypropylene bag soldered from a special polypropylene tape with two horizontal "Euro-seams" and one vertical overlap. The capacity of this package will be from 50 to 300 grams.

The mini-line for the production of fried sunflower seeds will consist of a semi-automatic packaging machine and an electric (gas) oven.

The cost of such a mini-line will cost a little less than 150,000 rubles, with a capacity of about 30 kilograms per hour. It will take a little less than 11 meters of floor space.

Regarding raw materials: if you use sunflower heads, then you will need a special crusher to extract the seeds (a grain cleaning machine - about 320 thousand rubles or a vibrating pneumatic table - about 180 thousand rubles).

In addition, sometimes sunflower seeds are washed in special baths before frying, and after frying they are passed through a cleaner-cooler, consisting of a rotating sieve with a fine mesh, and simply sifting black dust and ash deposits from fried products. (For development prospects, see below)

Promotion of product sales

Of course, the success of a business depends on the quality of products, but do not forget about stimulating sales of roasted sunflower seeds. To help buyers make the right choice.

A good incentive to buy can be a surprise inside the product package. This surprise can be completely different, ranging from candy, chewing gum, chupa chups and ending with non-food products - a keychain, a toy or a souvenir.

Development prospects

After appropriate reconfiguration, the ovens that were used to roast sunflower seeds can be used with the same success for roasting pumpkin seeds, peanuts, coffee beans, etc.

In addition, by purchasing separate equipment for cleaning, peeling and separating sunflower seeds (about 670 thousand rubles), you can sell the sunflower kernel, which also has its own demand.

By and large, there are quite a few development options: it can be the production of feed cake, cake, butter, drying oil, margarine, gozinaki, halva and much more.

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