Business idea: we open our own tire shop. How to open a tire service from scratch and how much it costs What you need for a tire service opening

At first glance, it may seem that opening your own tire shop is not the best option for a novice entrepreneur. Indeed, wherever you look, signs flaunt everywhere, urging car owners to change tires or repair damage.

Nevertheless, opening a tire service is one of the few business ideas that, despite the complete occupancy of this niche in the market, will bring good income.

Seasonality of business and other nuances

The highest percentage of profit falls on spring and autumn when it's time to "change shoes". Part of the money received is directed to cover the costs associated with the activities of tire fitting in winter and summer.

Some entrepreneurs even suspend activities during the summer, but this is not the best solution. Troubles such as a flat tire, warped rims, or complete tire wear requiring the purchase and installation of new tires can happen at any time. Of course, in the summer there are no queues like in spring and autumn, but the competition at this time of the year is significantly reduced, because some services are temporarily closed.

If you decide to open your tire shop from scratch, pay attention to a number of other features:

  • the profitability of the business largely depends on the location (more on this below);
  • to open a small tire shop, not so much initial investment is required;
  • the owner of a tire shop can work under one of several taxation systems (“simplified”, “imputed” or patent). Each of these reporting methods has its pros and cons. So, under the patent system, you can not hire more than 15 workers. The difference between UTII is that the amount of tax does not depend on the profit received, while the number of employees is taken into account when calculating the amount payable to the budget. Those who work on the "simplified" pay taxes depending on the profits received;
  • you need to decide which tire shop you want to open. The most common type is the stationary version. Such auto repair shops provide a full range of services related to the operation of tires and wheels. There are also mobile tire changers that provide services with a visit to any agreed place;
  • among other things, there are services that work with cars, trucks or specialized (rare and sports cars).

What do you need to get started?

Before you go to the tax and other services, take care purchasing the necessary equipment and finding a suitable place. As practice shows, it is these activities that require the most time.

Make a list of the necessary tools and fixtures, find good suppliers and place an order (if the equipment is not available). Make an approximate calculation and decide how much more money will need to be invested.

Things are much more difficult for those who do not have initial capital. You can ask friends or relatives for the required amount, but not everyone can boast of having wealthy acquaintances. Some sell free real estate and invest the proceeds in a business. At the same time, it must be remembered that any own business is fraught with high risks, which means that there is a possibility that you can be left without an apartment and without a business.

The best option for those who decide to open a tire shop is to contact a credit institution.

Some banks offer targeted loans for favorable conditions for the development of their own business. After the required amount is in hand, you can proceed to the direct implementation of your project.

Another important point is the preparation of a business plan. Some start-up entrepreneurs omit this stage and manage only by compiling a list of expected expenses and income. However, a person trying himself as a businessman for the first time is still recommended to draw up such a project. This will help you plan well. economic activity and allocate funds effectively.

Service location selection

One of the most problematic stages of opening your own tire service is finding a suitable location. The most "profitable" places, as a rule, are already occupied, so you have to look for additional "loopholes". It is necessary to arrange tire fitting near busy highways or in the area of ​​garage cooperatives. Such places are rarely empty, so you need to study the demand and find out which workshops can not cope with the influx of customers.

If you see a long queue at the tire shop of those who want to “change shoes” for the winter, and at the same time some impatient drivers turn around and leave, then the demand in this area is high, so you can look after a place nearby. Just do not try to open a workshop across the street from a competitor - the idea is not the best. Consider also places in the vicinity of car washes, gas stations and parking lots.

Please note that your tire shop must be clearly visible from the road. The room itself can be a large garage with a pit and a convenient entrance. Also make sure there is enough parking space.

The size and furnishings of the premises directly depend on which customers you are going to serve. If the service is designed for VIP class customers, then the conditions must be provided accordingly. Set aside a separate "waiting room" where car owners can have tea or coffee while their car is being serviced.

Required personnel and equipment

It is most reliable to work with a trusted familiar master, but if there is no such person, you can place an advertisement for a vacancy in a newspaper or on the Internet. For a small workshop two or three people will be enough one of which is yourself. If you have no experience in this area, learn tire fitting on your own. It is not enough to be a manager, you also need to understand all the intricacies of business.

Over time, you will be able to train employees yourself and create a staff of good specialists. Be sure to follow your masters, check the quality of work and the funds received.

Some workers withhold part of the proceeds or perform work at different rates. Do not spare money for the installation of video cameras - this will help to control the activities of the workshop, being from it even at a great distance.

When choosing equipment, be guided by your own budget. If there are not so many funds, the purchase of used devices will be the way out. If possible, consult with a knowledgeable person so as not to buy damaged equipment. Below is an approximate list of the necessary accessories for tire fitting:

  • Tire changer, such a device costs about 50,000 rubles;
  • Wheel balancing machine, you can buy the device for 35,000 rubles;
  • Vulcanizer, prices start at 7,000 rubles;
  • Jack, their prices are very different (the cheapest can be found for 1500 rubles);
  • Compressor (from 150,000 rubles);
  • Additional tools and equipment: pneumatic wrench, wheel inflation gun, wheel inspection bath, wrenches, workbench, etc.

Nuances when working with trucks and mobile service

It is most profitable to open a mobile tire fitting with an existing stationary workshop. At the same time, departure to the house or to any place in the city can be provide as an additional service.

In order to open a mobile service, you need to purchase a suitable car. It will contain all the equipment with tools: a balancing and tire changer, a rolling jack, a vulcanizer, a compressor, etc. Take care of purchasing a generator that will provide the devices with electricity.

The car must be such that it can freely accommodate all of the listed equipment and not interfere with the craftsmen doing their work.

Make sure the car is in good condition and reliable, otherwise the reputation of your mobile tire service will be seriously affected. Imagine a situation in which a customer's call is canceled due to a vehicle breakdown. Most likely, a person will no longer want to use the services of your workshop a second time.

The prices for the services of a mobile tire fitting service are slightly higher than the prices of stationary workshops. A significant percentage of the client audience are women, so employees should look neat and behave politely. Don't forget to advertise on your call vehicle.

It is somewhat more difficult to open a truck tire service. Firstly, this requires more funds, and secondly, you need to choose a place very carefully. The advantage of such a business is the almost complete absence of competitors, which means you can count on constant demand and high income.

How much does it cost to open and is it profitable?

It's time to take stock. Since the prices in all regions are different, the total cost will also differ. Average, opening a tire shop can take from 200,000 to 500,000 rubles(depending on workshop size):

  • Purchase of equipment - from 80,000 to 160,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of tools and additional equipment - up to 20,000 rubles;
  • Rent - from 20,000 per month;
  • Salary for two employees - from 40,000 rubles per month;
  • Consumables - from 8000 rubles;
  • Furniture - from 8000 rubles.

Things are much easier if you have your own garage. You can open a small workshop in it, designed to service several cars a day. In this case, you can limit yourself to spending up to 35,000 rubles.

Now let's calculate how much the profit will be approximately. If you service 25 cars a day, then you can earn 100,000 rubles a month just for repairs: the cost of repairing a wheel is from 100 to 150 rubles, so up to 3,000-4,000 rubles will come out per day. And if we consider the activities of the tire shop in the autumn-spring period, then the revenue increases several times, because the tire change service will be in the greatest demand.

Thus, opening your own tire shop is a profitable and inexpensive business in which absolutely everyone can try themselves as a novice entrepreneur. With properly organized work, the business will pay off in the shortest possible time. Moreover, the number of car owners is increasing every day, and at the same time, the demand for car repair shops is also growing.

Interview with the owner of a network of tire shops

On the video - an interesting story about this area of ​​\u200b\u200bbusiness:

Tire fitting - profitable business, which requires a small initial investment and is able to develop. You can start from a small container with minimal equipment, and from a large workshop. It all depends on the possibilities and desires. The main difficulties that will have to be faced are high competition and seasonality. The first confirms that it is profitable to open a tire shop. Workshops with similar services are growing by leaps and bounds. You don't need a lot of documents, they are processed quite quickly. The income in the season is 15-20 thousand rubles a day, so there are enough people who want to work in this field.

Seasonality has discouraged many from doing this business. Those who do not take it into account burn out.

The urgent demand for tire fitting services is observed only in autumn and spring when you need to “change shoes” for a car, changing winter or summer tires. In summer and winter, such services are practically not required, so the first thing to do when deciding to open a tire shop is to think about additional services and work that will support the business during the off-season.

These include balancing disks, charging batteries. It's a good idea to provide on-site tire fitting services. They are willingly ordered by women, finding themselves in a difficult situation on the road. Installing armored wheels on a VIP class car can bring about 10,000 rubles per client. If there is a lot of space, you can provide wheel storage services. This will give another 3,000 rubles from the kit to the piggy bank of the enterprise. Only after deciding the issue of additional services, you can take on the paperwork.

Investment size

What can you save on

In this list, there are items where you can cut costs, and those where savings are completely inappropriate. You can save on the salary of assistants before the opening, if you prepare the premises, arrange the equipment and furniture yourself, with the help of friends or relatives, and hire a staff member when everything is ready and the tire service starts work. In this case, his salary will be included in the monthly expense item and paid out of the funds already earned during this period.

It is most beneficial for the owner of a tire fitting to assign employees not a salary, but a piecework wage. Due to seasonality, some months may not be very profitable. However, with such an approach, there is a risk of staff turnover, and in such a business as tire fitting, it is necessary to have proven, reliable people among employees. You may not need to rent a room if the tire shop opens in your own garage or in the courtyard of your private house. Thus, under certain conditions, you can save 40 thousand rubles.

What not to save

It is categorically impossible to save on equipment. Those who buy second-hand are at great risk. Used equipment has too much wear and tear, so you can only buy from hands that which has already worked out its operational life by half or more. With further use, it will quickly break down or will not perform its functions efficiently enough, and poor-quality tire fitting services will result in a bad reputation and loss of customers. The work of electricians, which will also have to be paid, will be needed if there is no 380 W cable in the room. A regular 220 W network is not suitable for professional equipment.

Step-by-step instruction

Having opened the IP and looked after the place, you need to decide on the premises. Next, you need to obtain permits from various authorities, make repairs and carry out the necessary communications. Special repairs in the room are not required, however, it does not hurt to paint the walls and equip shelves and cabinets for tools and materials - this will add solidity to your establishment and attract “expensive” customers with luxury cars, whose services are paid higher. In addition, cleanliness and tidiness is an additional competitive advantage.

It is advisable to equip the room with a sufficient number of lighting fixtures. Next, you need to bring furniture. You will need tool cabinets, a desk, chairs. A small cabinet for papers and documents will also come in handy.

After that, you need to purchase equipment and tools:

  • Tire changer.
  • Balancing stand.
  • Vulcanizer.
  • Jack.
  • Compressor.
  • Bath for checking wheels.
  • Battery charger.
  • Pneumatic wrench.
  • Workbench.
  • Keys.
  • Pistol for pumping.

These actions must be coordinated with the traffic police. Lighting at night during the spring-autumn hype will add customers. During this period, many establishments of this type are open around the clock or until late at night.

A good move would be to resort to ads that can be posted at the entrance to a crowded place and the entrance to parking lots or gas stations located nearby.

Choosing a place is perhaps the most important, difficult and responsible stage in preparing for the opening of a tire service. The lion's share of the profit of the future enterprise depends on this. Due to the fact that this field of activity brings good profits, and the initial costs are low, competition is very high. All good places have been occupied for a long time, so you will have to travel more than one kilometer, looking for an advantageous position. When choosing, you need to consider several nuances:

  • There should be a busy road, highway, transport hub nearby.
  • Convenient access roads to the object are desirable (it is too expensive to conduct them yourself).
  • Welcome in the neighborhood: parking, car repair without tire fitting, garages, gas station, auto parts store, that is, places where motorists call in when necessary.
  • It requires a large number of cars, so it is wise to consider options near entertainment and shopping centers.
  • There should not be competitors with similar services nearby.
  • It is undesirable to choose a place in close proximity to residential buildings, especially private ones, since you will have to work only at a limited time, and there will be many dissatisfied with such a neighborhood among the residents.
  • It is not recommended to arrange tire fitting near children's institutions and hospitals. Unpleasant skirmishes with their leadership are possible.

It’s good if there is already a room for rent in the place of your choice that is suitable for tire fitting. You will only have to coordinate its opening with the necessary authorities and take care of the installation of a 380 W electrical network.

The documents

You need to register your business. It is easier and more profitable to open an IP, LLC for tire fitting, it is advisable to draw up only if you plan to seriously expand later. In case of hiring employees, it is necessary to issue them in accordance with the Labor Code.

The tire business is good because it does not require much paperwork., as with groceries or children's clothing. However, here it is also necessary to draw up a package of documents by visiting Rospotrebnadzor, the administration of the district where tire fitting will operate, SES, and the fire service. Having received permission from these authorities, it is necessary to conclude a number of agreements:

  • For garbage and waste disposal.
  • Disinfection, disinfestation, deratization.
  • Washing and cleaning uniforms.
  • About the disposal of fluorescent lamps.
  • To clean the air conditioning system.

To work, you will need to draw up internal documentation according to the standards tax authorities: logs for consumables, tools, inventory, accounting documents, etc. Registration of all necessary permits takes about 1.5-2 months, so it is advisable to start well in advance so as not to miss the season of high demand in spring and autumn.

When creating your own tire fitting business plan, you should understand that this is not a business where you will earn a huge amount in a couple of months. The complexity of this business lies, first of all, in the huge competition - in big cities you can find about fifty tire shops with excellent craftsmen and reasonable prices. In addition, we must not forget about the large amount of equipment needed to open a tire shop. You will have to invest a tidy sum just to start your business. So why, if everything is so complicated, are we writing about this business? The fact is that as the number of cars on the roads increases, so does the number of potential clients tire fitting. And these clients will in any case use the services of a tire shop twice a year, and whether it will be your workshop or a competitor’s workshop depends on personal efforts and advertising.

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The advantage of this business lies in the constancy of the influx of money, albeit not a lot. In certain periods, you will not earn much money, which is enough only for the payback of functioning, and in the season you will earn 5 times more than usual. In addition, we will tell you how you can reduce the cost of rent, staff salaries, as well as present possible prospects for expanding the business in the future.

Tire service business plan: first steps

The first thing to do is register your company. Registration of a company as an individual entrepreneur is suitable for us - it will be easier for us to pay taxes, and in general for a small business this is the best option. Registration takes place in several steps, the main thing is to come up with a company name, indicate authorized capital and the owner of the company. In addition to this, there will be many more certificates, which not everyone wants to collect - there are special companies for this. They themselves, for a certain amount, will go through all the instances and receive a work permit. Drawing up documents will cost 3 thousand rubles, these are our first tire fitting costs.

After the registration of the tire fitting business has been completed, you need to start looking for a room for tire fitting. This is a very important, if not the most important, item in a business plan. If you do not know where to open a tire service, then you should take a couple of professional advice. We need to choose the most suitable place for our business based on accessibility for customers, openness of the area and low rent, which allows us not to cheat too much on our services. Do not chase the city center, the influx of customers will increase insignificantly, but the price will be 200 thousand per month. Too expensive for a young business. Try to find a spacious garage or tire changer in an open area where you can park a few cars. In the Moscow area, you can find boxes for tire fitting for 10 thousand rubles a month. The fact is that such a box costs 60 thousand and its owner simply earns on rent.

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How to start a tire business

The main difficulty in opening a new tire service is the price of equipment, for the most part, the cost of the tire business is made up of it. If you buy absolutely everything that you may need, of the highest quality, then the price will reach 40 thousand dollars. Naturally, a new player in the tire fitting market does not have such a budget. We will cut our costs, buy cheaper equipment and get by with the most necessary tools. Now we will tell you how a tire fitting business plan can “lose weight” with the help of simple secrets.

In order to change the tires on the car, it must be raised. Cool tire changing companies use a crane, which the car drives into, rises up, after which the tires are changed. Such a crane costs 160 thousand rubles. Let's replace it with a jack, which performs the same functions, only the process does not look so impressive. The price of a jack starts from 1.5 thousand rubles and reaches 17 thousand. Moreover, a jack for 17 thousand rubles lifts a truck. Also, when opening a tire shop, it is advised to buy a car for cleaning old tires. This is a small installation costing 130 thousand rubles, which will wash old tires in ten minutes. But only 10% of customers want to pay for it, the rest just throw the tires in the trunk and take them to their garage. We need to buy only the equipment that is useful in our work, we will not spend such sums on unnecessary equipment.

We need to purchase a tire changer for passenger car wheels, a balancing stand and a compressor for pumping pressure. This is the basis of tire fitting, the main tools for working with tires and their repair. It is also worth buying a vulcanizer, it is inexpensive and is used quite often. All this equipment will cost us 102 thousand rubles and these are the biggest costs in our tire fitting business plan. These one-time expenses make this business one of the hardest to start.

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Tire business plan: staff search

Usually, a tire shop is open in the afternoon, as car owners work until two hours, and after work they go to change tires and repair their breakdowns. We will start from this schedule and hire one person to do all the work in the workshop. It takes two people to work perfectly, but if we decide to cut costs to a minimum, we will have to work ourselves. We will not perform special work, we will simply provide assistance in installing the jack, supplying the tool. We will also perform accounting work and receive payment for the work performed.

The salary in the field of tire fitting varies depending on the range of services provided by the master. Just jacking up the car, jacking it up and changing the tires is one thing, but adjusting the tire pressure, checking them for internal damage, and so on is another level of work. We will find a good specialist and offer two types of salary - piecework or time. It is more profitable for us to provide piecework wages, it stimulates the employee more. In addition, during the "off season" we will not pay wasted money without receiving any income. The optimal rate is 10% of the total profit of the enterprise per month.

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Finding Clients for the Tire Business

In any business, customers are the most important element. Customers bring their money and allow us to pay for our operation, customers force us to compete. Before you start your work, take care of your customer base - create an interesting promotion, distribute flyers at the car wash to all customers, tell your friends that you have opened your own business and you can provide services at a discount. Our task is to give some kind of start to your business, if you stand still, then soon you will not only go into debt, but also lose the desire to work.

Don't forget the power of the internet - these days it's very effective tool for marketing and if you do it right, customers will come. Write ads on special boards, they appear on the Internet at every step, tell about your services in in social networks. Such an advertisement will cost a couple of hundred rubles, but it will bring about a dozen customers and will definitely pay for itself. Remember - the main thing is to have a sufficient client base by winter and summer, which will bring enough money during the season, so that they can then function until the next season. This is how all small tire shops live.

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Tire business plan: expenses and income

Pay attention to how much money is spent on equipment. These are huge expenses for the tire business and you don’t have to immediately pay 102 thousand for all the equipment - gradually buy each item on the list and when you decide to open your own tire shop, you will already have everything you need. We need to spend a total of 102,000 rubles on equipment. You can not do without consumables - patches, oils and so on. With a small flow of customers, our material costs will amount to 6 thousand rubles.

Operating costs are also high. We will pay 10,000 rubles for the rent of the premises and 15,000 rubles will be spent on the salary of the master. Let's also add advertising costs - 3 thousand rubles a month will be enough. As a result, we need 28,000 rubles a month for the operation, which is quite a payback amount.

Let's talk about income in this area. Replacing tires will cost the client 1800 rubles, add here the price of tire pressure diagnostics - 1000 rubles and get average check from the client. In order to pay for ourselves and pay taxes, we need to serve 10-12 clients per month. With the right advertising, you will get 10 customers per day.

Tire fitting is a highly profitable (~40%) and fast-payback type of business. The car has become the main attribute of the life of a modern person. Tire service is a wheel maintenance service: tire change, tire repair, disc straightening, painting, running in and balancing. The growth rate of car sales in Russia is 8-10% annually (according to OOO MIP). The development of car loans contributes to maintaining a positive trend in car sales. In the article, we will consider how to open a tire service from scratch and give an example of a business plan with calculations.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a tire fitting

The volume of car sales is strongly influenced by macroeconomic factors: the level of GDP, real disposable income, inflation, consumer price index, exchange rate (RUB/USD), capital inflow/outflow. Thus, the depreciation of RUB/USD leads to an increase in prices for cars and car loans, which, as a result, reduces the level of sales and the number of cars. The leader in car sales is the car market of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Tatarstan. In Moscow in 2016 ~ 5 million cars. This is due to the presence of developed dealer networks in large metropolitan areas. The constant growth in the number of cars (~8-10% per year) stimulates the development of business for their maintenance: car services, tire shops, service stations, etc. (see →” “)

The main types of tire fitting

There are the following types of tire fitting at the place of service:

  1. stationary - the provision of a range of services at a permanent place;
  2. mobile is the provision of wheel maintenance services right on the road, by deploying a mobile workshop. In this case, services can be provided both comprehensively and partially, solving problems concrete nature. (Mobile tire fitting allows you to reduce rental costs, but at the same time reduces the list of possible services!)

According to the type of service machines, tire fitting is divided into:

  • passenger (car service);
  • cargo (providing services to trucks, vans, trailers);
  • specialized (aimed at working with exclusive and sports cars).

Stages of opening a tire shop

The main stages of opening a tire shop are to register an organization in tax office, pension fund, conclusion of agreements with power supply services.

  1. Registration with the tax office of the form of doing business (IP or LLC);
  2. Collect the necessary documentation for the pension fund;
  3. Obtaining written permission from the district administration to rent and conduct this type of activity;
  4. Obtaining sanitary and epidemiological documentation from Rospotrebnadzor: a document on compliance with the sanitary standards of the premises, permission to carry out activities (from Rospotrebnadzor), an agreement on the removal / disposal of garbage, agreements on disinfection by companies, an agreement on cleaning overalls and a ventilation system, an agreement on the disposal of lamps containing mercury;
  5. Obtaining permission from the fire inspectorate;
  6. Availability of internal documentation: accounting journals, inventory journals;

How to open a tire shop from scratch: business registration and taxation

When registering with the tax office, business forms for tire fitting are used: individual entrepreneurs or LLCs. The table below summarizes the main benefits and required list documents for their registration. When registering a type of activity according to OKVED, choose: 50.20.2 - “Maintenance and repair of other auto Vehicle”(reflects the entire list of tire fitting services); 50.20.3 - “Provision of other types of vehicle maintenance services” (for a mobile tire shop). It is important to indicate all types of activities of the organization, if a type of activity without registration is found, this will be considered illegal business, which leads to a large fine.

Form of business organization Benefits of using Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a mobile tire service, when hiring 1-2 people
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (800 rubles);
  • certified application by a notary in the form No. P21001;
  • application for the transition to the simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to create a stationary tire fitting, hiring personnel, attracting loans and capital construction
  • application in the form No. Р11001;
  • charter of LLC;
  • a decision to open an LLC or a protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (4000 rubles);
  • copies of the founders' passports certified by a notary;
  • application for the transition to the USN.

By law, the authorized capital of an LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

All documents will be ready within 5 working days. Best Choice taxation system for tire fitting will be USN(simplified tax system). The simplified tax system is applied if the annual income does not exceed 51 million rubles. The interest rate is - 15%(income minus expenses).

We select technical equipment and equipment

Consider the basic equipment necessary for the full operation of the business. All equipment can be divided into 3 groups: automated (A); semi-automated (PA); computerized.

To work, you will need the following types of equipment:

  • Tire changer(A, PA). With a large traffic of machines, it is recommended to use automatic, because it has a high performance.
  • Vulcanizer– heat treatment to eliminate damage and defects of tires;
  • Balancing equipment(A, PA) - carry out diagnostics and balancing of cast and steel disks.
  • Compressor(with pressure over 10 bar) used for tire changer.
  • nitrogen generator- equipment for tire inflation, prevents aging and rupture of tires, reduces the likelihood of rust on the rims.
  • Tire bath- allows you to determine the location of a tire puncture.
  • welding equipment– carries out argon and other types of welding;
  • Diagnostic- allows you to identify and localize problems and damage;
  • Painting– carries out painting of disks;
  • Auxiliary equipment– other types of equipment – ​​bead expander for truck tires, jacks, lifts, equipment for adjusting the angle of convergence of the wheels.

Choosing a place for tire fitting

The location of the future tire shop should also be approached responsibly, because its subsequent profitability largely depends on this. Location is a key success factor for future business. The best place to locate such an enterprise would be a zone near active highways and highways, at the entrances to the city and exits from it, in the area of ​​​​central or just busy streets.

The choice of location also depends on the type of tire fitting (passenger, truck and specialized). So, for example, truck tire fitting works more efficiently if it is located next to warehouses, enterprises or intercity routes. The location of a truck tire shop in the city center will be unprofitable due to the lower concentration of trucks.

The location next to gas stations and parking lots actively stimulates business development, because it is convenient for drivers, because. you can get all the services you need.

Tire opening costs

Actual costs may increase or decrease based on a variety of factors, here are the average figures to estimate the total investment costs. The initial investment costs will be - The opening of the company will cost ~ 15,000,000 rubles.

  • purchase necessary equipment– from $2,500 to $4,000;
  • rent a room - $ 500 per month;
  • purchase inventory and necessary tools - $ 400;
  • buy a cash register - from $100 to $300;
  • consumables - about $ 200;
  • furniture - from $ 200 to $ 1,000;
  • balancing stand - from $1,400 to $2,500;
  • pay for the work of 2 mechanics - from $ 1,000 to $ 1,500 per month.

To reduce costs, some entrepreneurs organize tire fitting in their own garage. It is recommended for aspiring entrepreneurs to start a business on a franchise basis.

Business profitability and payback

When providing comprehensive services and the work of 2 auto mechanics, income during the month will be ~ 300,000 rubles. Monthly fixed costs are ~160,000 rubles. Net profit 140,000 rubles. The maximum profitability falls on the off-season (spring, autumn), when the demand for tire changes increases. The payback period for the initial investment is ~1-1.5 years. Tire services can be added with car wash, painting and Maintenance(see →” “, see →” “).

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine site

Business Profitability

(3.7 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(2.3 out of 5)
Tire fitting is a promising business for large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk, where there is an increase in the number of cars. The attractiveness of tire fitting is high profitability (~ 40%) and payback for 12-18 months of initial investment. The disadvantages of the business is its pronounced seasonality with peaks in spring and autumn. The ease of opening a tire shop attracts many competitors. A key factor in the success of the business is its location near busy highways. It is recommended that aspiring entrepreneurs do business on a franchise, this will eliminate many mistakes.

The dream of any novice businessman is to find a source of constant profit with a small investment. Today we will discuss one of the areas of business that seriously claims to meet these attractive conditions - opening your own tire service.

The automotive services market is in demand and highly profitable. The number of cars is growing every day, and this is the best proof of the guaranteed prospects of this business.

Balancing, vulcanization and tire fitting itself is the most popular services among vehicle owners. Some disadvantage of such a business, according to experts, is enough pronounced seasonality, however, subject to certain points when opening a business, this disadvantage can be quite successfully avoided. What are the most important nuances?

Pay attention to solving administrative issues

Determine for yourself the need to follow all the established rules. Do not forget the folk wisdom about the fact that “the miser pays twice” - work without registration and payment of tax payments will cost you more.

You do not need to go through the licensing and certification procedure, or. We also recommend choosing a simplified taxation system for yourself. If your locality has introduced a single tax on imputed income (UTII) for tire fitting, then you can apply it. With UTII, as well as when providing services to the population, you can do without the use of a cash register.

For a more civilized image of your future enterprise, you can go through a voluntary certification procedure. The received document will serve as your additional recommendation for consumers of services. However, in the absence of the necessary funds at the stage of opening a tire service, certification can be postponed until more favorable times.

A little advice: make your workshop universal, i.e. designed for both new and old cars, foreign cars and representatives of the domestic auto industry.

A well-chosen location is the key to business success

This postulate is suitable for almost any enterprise providing services. The location of the tire fitting room has an extremely large impact on the level of his income. The owner of a tire service located on the outskirts will not have to rely on receiving a constant profit.

True, the other extreme is also possible, if your enterprise is located near a major highway, but surrounded by several points for providing the same services, incomes are unlikely to please you very much. In order not to miscalculate with the choice of a place, follow the following rules:

Choose a location located:

  • close to busy highway
  • next to a popular gas station
  • not far from the garage cooperative.

The room in which the tire shop is located also matters.

Tire workshops open in various premises. It can be:

  • small trailers - this option is suitable in case of tight financial conditions
  • garage - if it is your own garage, you can save on rent.
  • a room rented in a large service station - this option is good because it will provide you with an initial clientele.
  • a small capital structure - if there are opportunities, this option seems to be the most acceptable.

Wherever the chosen place is, keep in mind that the room must be dry, warm and bright, as well as good access and parking for waiting cars. According to reputable owners of car services, a room with an area of ​​10 to 40 sq.m. is required to accommodate a tire shop.

There is also such a possibility of organizing a business as mobile or mobile tire service. Its organization is possible in the form of an additional service, or an independent enterprise.

The essence is simple: if a trouble occurs with the wheel while driving, the driver contacts the operator on duty and calls a mobile crew, which in a short time eliminates the gap or puncture of the tire. To organize such a service, you will need an operator, two cars and two qualified specialists.

Equipment and consumables for opening a tire shop.

The services of tire shops cannot be provided qualitatively without the following equipment:

By the way, consumables in tire fitting will need a lot. These are tools for surface roughing, and vulcanizing liquid, and sandpaper, and rollers for rolling. For the purchase of these necessary details, we advise you to conclude an agreement with one supplier. So it will be easier for you to control the amount of materials needed.

Personnel decides everything

High-quality customer service is the key to the success of the enterprise, so the search for personnel should be given sufficient attention. The search for personnel for a future enterprise can be organized with the help of advertisements in newspapers.

Given the specifics of the provision of services, if you do not plan to personally control the actions of employees, pay attention to the circle of your relatives and friends. Workshop maintenance can be handled by two people- they can be found among their loved ones. Later, when the business begins to develop and grow, it is these people who can become your assistants in management.

If possible, you can combine tire fitting and car wash. Read our article.

Marketing and Advertising

As soon as the workshop is ready to receive the first clients, start your own advertising company. Believe me, not the most expensive methods can bring excellent results. For example, take advantage of the Internet.

Create groups on popular social networks, send mailings to e-mail, report yourself on the forums of motorists. These methods will bring great returns and help expand your customer base. Over time, your customers will become regular, bring their acquaintances and friends. But at the same time, you still should not forget about the constant monitoring of the quality of work and the courtesy of the craftsmen.