Agronomy slide. Presentation “Agronomist profession of the present and future

AGRONOMIST Tabar-Cherkiy secondary school of Apastovsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

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Profession history:

The profession of an agronomist is very ancient. Already several thousand years ago, the people of Ancient Egypt, China, Greece, Rome and India knew how to properly cultivate and ennoble the land and grow various agricultural plants. The first agronomists were people who were engaged in the cultivation of wild plants with their subsequent cultivation. During the development of agriculture, the specifics of the profession of an agronomist has undergone many changes, but to this day remains a significant part of the science of growing cultivated agricultural plants.…

slide 3

About history:

The first known Russian agronomist was Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov (1738-1833). He developed new methods of growing grain and vegetable crops, potatoes, flax, and put them into practice.

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Agronomists were greatly assisted by the works of famous Russian scientists. V. V. Dokuchaev (1846-1903) developed ways to restore and increase the fertility of chernozem, K. A. Timiryazev (1843-1920) studied the needs of plants for nutrients, D. N. Pryanishnikov (1865-1948) explained how plants absorb nitrogen, developed methods for applying nitrogen fertilizers. IV Michurin (1855-1935) developed new varieties of fruit and berry crops.

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Photographs of scientists

  • slide 6

    Who is an agronomist?

    The word "agronomist" comes from two Greek words: "agros" - field and "nomos" - law An agronomist is an agricultural specialist with comprehensive knowledge in the field of agronomy. He creates new varieties of field, garden, horticultural crops. Plans for agricultural work, taking into account the characteristics of the area.

    Slide 7

    Slide 9

    Professional skills:

    the ability to understand the types and characteristics of soils; knowledge of the features and stages of development of certain plant crops; knowledge in the field of natural sciences: chemistry, physics, biology (botany); knowledge of the types and principles of operation of agricultural machinery; possession of the basics of laboratory activities

    Slide 10

    The basis of the profession "Agronomist" are:

    School knowledge: biology; physics; chemistry; geography. Special knowledge: soil science; biochemistry; biophysics; ecology; meleoring; agricultural technology.

    “A young agronomist went out into the fields ...” Many years have passed since this song was written, a lot has changed - and the profession of an agronomist is far from romanticization, and you can’t even rank it among the popular ones, it is far from being a lawyer, economist and even a programmer. However, it is safe to say that this is one of the professions without which we cannot live ... physically!

    From the Greek language, the word "agronomy" literally translates as "the law of the field." This is the name of the science of one of the branches of agriculture - crop production, agriculture. Agronomy is based on a whole range of natural sciences: botany, genetics, plant physiology, soil science, and biochemistry ... In turn, agronomy is divided into a number of areas: agrophysics, breeding, crop production, seed science, agricultural entomology, land reclamation, plant pathology.

    An agronomist has many responsibilities. He controls the entire process of agricultural production, starting with recommendations for the purchase of seeds. This is followed by the preparation of soils for sowing and planting, the use of fertilizers, the preparation and storage of seeds, planting material, sowing or planting, the fight against pests and plant diseases ... However, the "place of work" of an agronomist is not only a field. He also develops production plans and calendar schedules for field work (in the old days - for a collective farm, now - for a joint-stock company ... in everyday work in the field, the difference is small), draws up the appropriate reporting documentation.

    We talked about the daily practice of an "ordinary" agronomist, but in agronomy - as in any human activity - there is practice, and there is theory, there is Scientific research on which practice can rely. Similar research is being carried out in the field of agronomy. In laboratories and on experimental fields, new technologies for soil cultivation, fertilizers, ways to combat pests and diseases are being developed - and those that would not then “backfire” on people with poisoning and mutations.

    What kind of person do you need to be to become an agronomist? First of all, you need to have "iron" health and endurance - there is no place for a pampered city dweller in the countryside. Such work is categorically contraindicated for people who are prone to allergic reactions to certain plants or who often “catch” colds. The ability to make quick decisions and take responsibility for them is essential. And, of course, one must love and feel the earth and vegetable world- truly, as it is sung in the song with which we began our conversation about the profession of an agronomist, to come to the earth "as to your bride."

    Since the profession of an agronomist has a scientific basis, it involves higher education, and you can get it at the agronomic faculty of the agrarian university or the agricultural academy. A graduate of such an educational institution will definitely find himself in a large agricultural complex, a farm or a greenhouse, and maybe even in a research institute of the corresponding profile.

    But wherever agronomists work, it is safe to say that it depends on them whether we will be full tomorrow. And the responsibility for the coming victory in the "battle for import substitution" also lies with agronomists to a large extent.

    Butakova Anastasia



    The theme of my project is “Profession agronomist”.

    My dad has been working in farming"Esin". At home, he often talks about his work and what a wonderful agronomist they have. I was very interested in who an "agronomist" is. Dad said that this is such a profession. Then I decided to learn more about this profession and make a project on this topic.

    determine the importance of the profession of agronomist in agriculture
    - find out who an agronomist is;

    - find material about this profession in the scientific literature and the Internet;

    Find out when this profession appeared;

    Learn about the first Russian agronomists;
    - meet with a local agronomist Mamonov S.N. in order to obtain information on this topic;
    - determine the importance of the agronomist profession in agriculture;

    I put forward the following hypothesis:
    Agronomist is one of the main professions in agriculture.

    Stages of my work:

    1. The study of scientific literature and articles from the Internet on this topic;

    2. Conversation with agronomist Mamonov S.N.
    3. Registration of the collected material in the form of a message and presentation;
    4. Summing up the work;
    5. Conclusions.

    From scientific literature and the Internet, I learned a lot about this interesting profession.

    The word "agronomist" comes from two Greek words: "agros" - field and "nomos" - law. An agronomist is a specialist in agriculture. He knows well the laws of agriculture, the laws of agronomy. Knowledge of these laws helps the agronomist grow high yields of agricultural plants.

    The profession of an agronomist is very ancient. Already several thousand years ago, the people of Ancient Egypt, China, Greece, Rome and India knew how to properly cultivate and ennoble the land and grow various agricultural plants. The first agronomists were people who were engaged in the cultivation of wild plants with their subsequent cultivation. During the development of agriculture, the specifics of the profession has undergone many changes, but to this day remains an important part of the science of growing cultivated agricultural plants. A specialist sees better than others how plants develop, what they lack, what changes occur in the soil. He is the main conductor of science in the economy, determines the technology of labor, its organization. A significant place in the activity of an agronomist is the planning of the production process. He determines the set of field work, their sequence, beginning and end, the content of field experiments, distributes the means of production; conducts not only production, but also scientific and production work; carefully studies the effectiveness of varietal crops, one or another tillage, and the application of various types of fertilizers.

    Several thousand years ago, people knew the rules and instructions for cultivating the land and growing agricultural plants. This can be read in the surviving documents and books of that time. In ancient Russian books one can also find entries on agronomy: how to plow the land, how deep to sow grain, how to grow cabbage and turnips. The first agronomists were people who began to grow wild plants and domesticate them. Before the advent of writing, agronomic knowledge was transmitted orally from father to son, from generation to generation.

    first known Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov (1738-1833) was a Russian agronomist. He developed new methods for growing grain and vegetable crops, potatoes, flax and hemp and put them into practice.

    Great help for agronomists provided the works of famous Russian scientists.

    V. V. Dokuchaev (1846-1903) developed ways to restore and increase the fertility of chernozem, K. A. Timiryazev (1843-1920) studied the needs of plants for nutrients, D. N. Pryanishnikov (1865-1948) explained how plants absorb nitrogen, developed methods for applying nitrogen fertilizers. IV Michurin (1855-1935) developed new varieties of fruit and berry crops.

    An agronomist is a significant specialist in the field of agriculture. Its tasks include the creation of new varieties of garden, horticultural and field crops. A professional agronomist must also be good at planning, controlling and improving the production process carried out by the workers under his supervision. It is the agronomist who is the main conductor of science in agriculture, who must be able to determine the technology and organization of labor.

    In order to successfully perform his functions, an agronomist must first of all have such personality traits as initiative, efficiency, creative attitude to work, the ability to be observant, to notice and take into account changes in nature in his work, and, if necessary, make emergency and non-standard decisions. Often, his activity takes place against the background of emotional tension, accompanied by anxiety, for example, in adverse weather conditions, which can nullify everything previously done. Therefore, the will, a developed sense of responsibility for decisions taken- qualities required in this profession.

    In our district, agronomists are trained by the Far Eastern State Agrarian University and the Blagoveshchensk Agricultural College.

    I met with our local agronomist Mamonov Sergey Nikolaevich. From a conversation with him, I learned that he is a graduate of the Far Eastern Agrarian University. At the university, he underwent military training and is a lieutenant in the reserve. From childhood, he dreamed of becoming an agronomist, working with the land, and his dream came true. In 2008, he graduated from the university and in the same year entered graduate school in absentia, which he graduated in 2012. From 2008 to 2013 he worked at the SOI Institute. And already in 2013 he came to our Sergeevka, where he works as an agronomist to this day.

    From Sergey Nikolaevich I learned a lot of interesting things about this profession. He told me that

    A modern agronomist is a versatile specialist in agricultural production. He knows everything related to the cultivation of plants, that is, their agricultural technology, to the subtleties: methods of tillage, the timing and methods of sowing and harvesting, the features of caring for crops and plantings. For example, wheat, oats, onions, radishes can be sown early. The seeds of these plants begin to germinate when the soil is still cold. But with the sowing of corn, you have to wait. She loves warm soil. Even later, cucumbers and zucchini are sown. Turnip seeds are very small. Therefore, they must be embedded in the soil at a shallow depth. Peas with rather large seeds are buried in the soil by 5-6 cm, and potato tubers - by 12-15 cm. The agronomist knows well how to care for plants, what and when to apply fertilizers, how much fertilizer should be applied per hectare crops, how to deal with weeds, diseases and pests. Since all work in the fields is carried out by machines, the agronomist understands agricultural machinery.

    Future agronomists are preparing themselves for the fact that they will have to work not only with land, seeds, fertilizers, but also with people. Their tasks include planning and organizing work, providing the necessary assistance, for example, in eliminating marriage in work, training and education. Therefore, an agronomist must have organizational and pedagogical skills and abilities. This has a lot to do with labor productivity.

    In addition, I found out where agronomists can work

    - this is research institutes;

    Professional skills, which an agronomist should own is

    - the ability to understand the types and characteristics of soils;

    • knowledge of the features and stages of development of certain plant crops;
    • knowledge in the field of natural sciences: chemistry, physics, biology (botany);
    • knowledge of the types and principles of operation of agricultural machinery;
    • possession of the basics of laboratory activities

    I asked Sergei Nikolaevich about what school subjects helped him in choosing this profession, and he replied that it was biology, physics, chemistry and geography.

    And to the special knowledge that he acquired at the university, he attributed soil science; biochemistry; biophysics; ecology, land reclamation and agricultural technology.

    Sergei Nikolayevich has been helping the students of our school in experimental work at the school's educational-experimental site for several years now. Under his leadership, the guys lay and conduct experiments with different cultures. Several experiments have been carried out with soy. With one of these works, the guys of grade 9 spoke at a scientific and practical conference in DalGAU and

    took the honorary place.

    As a result of my work, I learned a lot about agronomists and concluded that

    An agronomist is a specialist who knows the science of agriculture and agriculture. This is one of the main professions in agriculture.

    Without this profession, it is impossible to grow a crop of vegetables, bread, fruits, fruits.

    And I would like to end my project with this poem:

    The agronomist has a concern every day -
    As soon as the sun comes out, he is already on his feet.
    And sometimes it gets awkward...
    But duty calls and he is back in business.

    The great responsibility of the agronomist -
    For the harvest, for the cleanliness of the fields.
    He knows so well
    Danger of sun and rain.

    But the harvest
    It's important not to miss anything here.
    I became serious, confidently counting
    Fee increments and where to place them.

    And so from year to year, from century to century ...
    A simple man, it seemed
    Responsible for our food -
    For bread, for pasta and for porridge.

    It may be strange, but I will say now:
    “Thank you, you are our agronomist,
    For all the hard work and hard work.
    You are the pride of a million generations!”

    Agronomist(from Greek. agronomos, from agros- field and nómos - law) - an agricultural specialist with comprehensive knowledge in the field of growing and harvesting plants. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

    Features of the profession

    An agronomist is one of the key figures in an agricultural enterprise. The main task of the agronomist is the management of agricultural production and its improvement.

    The farm can grow bread, vegetables, fruits, forage grasses, sunflowers, etc. - depending on the climate, soil, market demand. The agronomist determines which varieties are best grown, chooses which field work and at what time to carry out. For example, when growing cucumbers, he chooses the time for sowing seeds, planting seedlings in the field, watering, weeding and harvesting. He is in charge of all these processes.

    Thanks to his knowledge, an agronomist can better than others assess the condition of the soil, understand whether plants are developing well. In submission to the agronomist - machine operators and field farmers. He organizes their work, training, timely assistance in case of difficulties. Labor productivity in the economy, and hence profitability, depends on this.

    The beginnings of agronomy appeared when people began to domesticate wild plants. Cultivation advice is found in ancient written sources. The first known Russian agronomists were A. T. Bolotov (1738-1833) and I. M. Komov (1750-1792). They developed new methods for growing grain and vegetable crops, potatoes, flax and hemp and put them into practice.

    Agronomists were greatly assisted by the works of famous Russian scientists. V. V. Dokuchaev (1846-1903) developed ways to restore and increase the fertility of chernozem, K. A. Timiryazev (1843-1920) studied the needs of plants for nutrients, D. N. Pryanishnikov (1865-1948) explained how plants absorb nitrogen, developed methods for applying nitrogen fertilizers. IV Michurin (1855-1935) developed new varieties of fruit and berry crops.

    The agronomist closely monitors the yield and weather resistance of various varieties. Evaluates the effectiveness of methods of tillage, fertilizers. In other words, it conducts research and production work. This allows you to choose the best varieties and working methods in the future. However, agriculture is very dependent on the weather. And an experienced agronomist, when planning work, takes into account possible weather vagaries. This does not always work out: the risk of losing the crop increases both in rainy years and in drought years. If the lack of moisture can be dealt with to some extent with the help of irrigation systems, then prolonged rains and unexpected frosts require special measures.


    Agronomists work on state farms, collective farms, farms.

    Salary as of 03/28/2019

    Russia 20000-60000 ₽

    Moscow 50000-120000 ₽

    Important qualities

    An agronomist must be a responsible and proactive person, easy-going, capable of making emergency non-standard decisions. A creative attitude to work and observation, organizational skills are necessary.

    Knowledge and skills

    An agronomist must be able to organize the production of agricultural crops, understand the principles of crop rotation, fertilization, and other methods of agricultural technology, be able to organize seed production, obtain new varieties, and conduct scientific research.

    To do this, you need to know general biology and botany, agriculture, crop production, agrochemistry, land reclamation, the basics of breeding and seed production, and the economics of the industry.

    The profession of "agronomist" is quiet, modest, but one of those that absolutely every one of us needs. After all, the results of the work of agronomists directly affect our health.

    Average salary: 35,000 rubles per month




    entry barrier


    The word "agronomist" comes from the Greek words "nomos" (law) and "agros" (field). People began to study the laws of agriculture for a long time. After all, the development of mankind depended on a rich harvest on cultivated lands. The first agronomists were people who guessed to switch from the tedious search and gathering of wild plants to their cultivation. In numerous historical written sources belonging to China, India, Ancient Rome and Egypt, which are thousands of years old, there are many records with valuable information on how to properly plow the land, sow grain, grow vegetables and fruits.

    Description and characteristics of the profession

    An agronomist is one of the main specialists in the field of agriculture. He examines the conditions in which the crops, seedlings and seedlings are located, determines the weather conditions, the criteria for heat and moisture, the methods of tillage, the amount of fertilizer used, in order to determine whether the plants develop correctly, which is not enough for normal growth, increasing the yield. The main task of an agronomist is to increase crop yields in optimal and environmentally friendly ways.

    In this work, in addition to production, creative and scientific components are essential. The agronomist constantly monitors nature, experiments with plants. At the same time, he also acts as an organizer of agricultural work related to tillage, sowing or planting seedlings and seedlings in the ground, caring for plants and harvesting.

    Directions, specialties and educational institutions according to the profile of training

    Training programs in the direction of "Agronomy" are available in many educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education throughout the country, with the exception of those located beyond the Arctic Circle.

    It studies:

    • crop production;
    • Horticulture and viticulture;
    • Feed production;
    • Agribusiness;
    • Meadow landscapes and lawns;
    • Breeding and genetics of agricultural crops;
    • Plant protection.

    The leading university in the specialty "agronomy" is the Russian Agrarian University. K.A. Timiryazeva(previously it was called the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev.)

    Other universities providing high quality education:

    • Moscow State Agroengineering University named after V.P. Goryachkin;
    • Kazan State Agrarian University;
    • Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin;
    • Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov;
    • St. Petersburg State Agrarian University.

    Graduates of these educational institutions will be willingly hired both in the farm and in the agricultural holding.

    For admission, you need the results of the exam in the following subjects:

    • biology (profile),
    • Russian language,
    • physics, mathematics, geography, informatics and ICT, chemistry (at the choice of the university),
    • foreign language (at the discretion of the university).

    If you want to get up early and start earning money on your own, then the option of obtaining a secondary vocational education is suitable. There are about fifty educational institutions of this kind in the country (most of all - in Tatarstan: there are four of them), so it will not be difficult to choose the closest one to your home. It is convenient that admission is carried out according to the competition of certificates, without the results of the exam. Subsequently, you can complete your education at the Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University.

    Professional responsibilities

    To fulfill his main task, the agronomist must:

    • ensure the rational use of agricultural land using environmentally friendly technologies;
    • select plant varieties in accordance with the characteristics of the climate;
    • check the quality of seeds and prepare them for sowing;
    • inspect lands in order to identify diseases and pests of plants;
    • think over a scheme for pest control without harming plants, soil and people;
    • determine the methods of fertilization and calculate the doses of applied top dressings;
    • draw up crop rotation schemes;
    • control the quality of products and the conditions of their primary processing;
    • monitor the progress of field work and adjust their plan if necessary.

    In addition, an agronomist must conduct research on the effectiveness of new technologies and mechanisms, advise management on any issue within his competence, calculate the economic efficiency of production, and even make a weather forecast.

    Who suits

    Of course, only a person who has been accustomed to working on the land and enthusiastic about it since childhood can become a real agronomist.

    An agronomist must have:

    • analytical mind;
    • a sense of responsibility;
    • organization and self-discipline;
    • observation;
    • scrupulousness;
    • communication and organizational skills.

    In addition, it must be borne in mind that this is quite a hard job, because you have to work in all weather conditions, walk a lot, and take part in it yourself during harvesting. So the working day of an agronomist in a hot season lasts from early dawn until dark.


    Unfortunately, it cannot be said that such intense and responsible work is highly paid. Wage an ordinary agronomist is from 12,000 rubles. With the acquisition of experience, it grows, but rarely goes beyond 25 thousand, although some vacancies offer more than 40,000. The complexity of employment is also due to the requirement of employers to have at least a year of work experience. Often, novice specialists must undergo practical training after graduation as an agronomist's assistant. Assistant salaries can be below 12,000.

    True, it must be taken into account that, in addition to the salary, the agronomist, as a rule, receives income in kind - the products of the agricultural enterprise. At the same time, he must have his own personal plot.

    How to build a career

    You should not expect a career take-off in this profession either: usually this is the path to the chief agronomist. In large agricultural firms, you can take the post of deputy head, in agricultural holdings - become the head of the direction. A fairly common option is to go into farming, work for yourself. In this case, there will also be no huge incomes: most of the country is located in the zone of risky farming. Another way is a narrow specialization, for example, in the fight against pests or plant diseases. In this case, you can serve several households. It is also impossible to rule out switching to related areas - landscape gardening, work in ornamental plant nurseries.

    Prospects for the profession

    But the prospects for the profession inspire optimism: no matter what happens, there will always be people. Therefore, agricultural specialists will always be in demand.

    Man in ancient times began to cultivate the land, to grow grain and vegetable crops. Over time, agronomy appeared - an important science based on the study of agricultural production. An agronomist is a person who is a conductor of this science in agriculture. This is one of the most important jobs in the countryside. The result of labor in the agricultural industry largely depends on the specialist.

    What does an agronomist do

    What does an agronomist do and what does he do? Currently, the profession is in demand in agricultural enterprises, large farms, as well as in fruit nurseries and greenhouses. This specialist is responsible for the cultivation of agricultural products.

    The result of the agronomist's work is visible after harvesting. The efficiency of his work is determined by the productivity indicators.

    With the onset of autumn, the agronomist has new worries. He must ensure the safety of the grown crop, prepare high-quality seeds for the new planting year.

    How to become an agronomist

    From early spring to late autumn, agronomists spend most of their working time outdoors, in the field. For rather long periods of time (during sowing, fodder harvesting, harvesting), the agronomist has an irregular working day.

    This specialist organizes the work of tractor drivers, combine operators, drivers. An agronomist needs to be able to find a common language with a team of agricultural workers.

    One of the main features of this profession is that the work of these specialists depends on weather conditions. Protracted rains or, conversely, drought can lead to a sharp drop in productivity. In this case, all the efforts of agronomists become largely in vain.

    A person who decides to devote himself to agronomy must possess the following qualities:

    • the ability to think independently and make responsible decisions;
    • the ability to predict the various stages of agricultural production;
    • organizational skills;
    • physical and emotional endurance;
    • observation.

    The salary of a specialist varies depending on the qualification and region. detailed information presented in the diagram.

    Do not miss:

    Pros and cons of being an agronomist


    • variety of activities;
    • significance for society;
    • spends a lot of time outdoors.


    • unfavorable working conditions;
    • dependence of labor results on natural and climatic conditions;
    • low wages typical for agricultural specialists.

    Where to study as an agronomist

    • Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy. K. A. Timiryazev;
    • Novosibirsk State Agrarian University;
    • Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University;
    • Blagoveshchensk Agricultural Institute;
    • St. Petersburg State Agrarian University.

    The word "agronomist" comes from two
    Greek words: "agros" - a field and "nomos" -
    - Agricultural specialist.
    He knows well the laws of agriculture, the laws
    agronomy. Knowledge of these laws helps
    agronomist grow high yields
    agricultural plants

    profession is ancient.
    In ancient Egypt
    Ancient Rome, already
    several thousand years
    back, people knew
    land cultivation and
    x plants.

    documents and books
    records can be found
    in agronomy: how
    plow the land, on
    how deep to sow
    grow cabbages and turnips.

    The first agronomists
    there were people who
    started growing
    wild plants, deal with them
    Before the advent of writing, agronomic knowledge was transmitted orally from
    father to son, from generation to generation.

    The first known Russians
    agronomists were A. T. Bolotov (1738
    - 1833) and I. M. Komov (1750-1792).
    They developed new techniques
    growing grains and vegetables
    crops, potatoes, flax and hemp
    and applied them in practice.
    Agronomists were greatly assisted by the works of famous Russian scientists.

    A. T.

    I. M. Komov

    V. V. Dokuchaev (1846-1903)
    developed ways to restore
    and increasing the fertility of black soil.
    K. A. Timiryazev (1843-1920) studied


    K. A. Timiryazev

    D. N. Pryanishnikov (1865-1948)
    explained how plants absorb
    application of nitrogen fertilizers.
    I. V. Michurin (1855-1935) brought
    new varieties of fruits and berries


    I. V. Michurin

    versatile specialist
    To him
    all that is known
    plants, that is
    agricultural technology: ways
    terms and methods of se-va
    and harvesting, features of caring for

    The agronomist knows
    look after
    plants, which
    How many
    bring in
    on the
    hectare to receive
    good harvest like
    weeds, diseases
    and pests.

    Checking the readiness of the harvest

    Since all work in the fields is carried out
    machines, the agronomist understands
    agricultural machinery.
    agricultural production.
    He arranges people correctly and
    cars in the areas. Make sure not to
    it was downtime.

    Autumn has come.
    Came to the fields
    grew up
    economy. Is in
    this and the share of labor
    high yield
    - the biggest
    his reward.

    In order to successfully perform their functions,
    an agronomist must first of all have such
    personality traits like
    creative attitude to work
    ability to be observant
    notice and take into account in their work
    changes occurring in nature
    the need to take emergency and
    non-standard solutions.

    Significant place in activity
    agronomist takes planning
    production process. He
    defines a set of field works, their
    ending, field content
    production, etc.

    Experts measure humidity

    research and production
    work - carefully
    studies the effectiveness of varietal crops,
    some kind of processing
    types of fertilizers.

    The agronomist deals not only with the land,
    seeds, fertilizers, but also with people,
    who grow bread.
    His tasks include planning and
    organizing their work, providing
    assistance needed, such as
    elimination of defects in work, training and
    educating them.
    Therefore, an agronomist must have
    organizational and pedagogical
    skills, abilities.

    how much
    clearly plans work
    agronomist, in many ways
    labor productivity.
    An experienced worker
    in the evening informs about
    who, where and what
    will do tomorrow
    on the

    Content of labor:
    Organization of production of agricultural crops,
    crop rotation
    individual methods of agricultural technology,
    scientifically based mapping
    cultivation and work plans
    for certain periods of agricultural work and
    organization of their implementation; organization
    seed production, obtaining new varieties,
    conducting scientific research.

    Must know:
    general biological
    crop production,
    breeding and seed production, economics

    professionally important
    analytical mind;
    operational and long-term
    developed eye;
    sense of responsibility.

    Often his activities are
    background of emotional tension, accompanied by anxiety, for example,
    under adverse weather conditions,
    that can nullify everything before
    That's why
    sense of responsibility for

    The word "agronomist" comes from two Greek words: "agros" field and "nomos" law An agronomist is an agricultural specialist with comprehensive knowledge in the field of agronomy. He creates new varieties of field, garden, horticultural crops. Plans for agricultural work, taking into account the characteristics of the area.

    Often choosing future profession, young people do not think about subsequent employment. And absolutely in vain. It is not enough to get a prestigious profession, the main thing is to get a job corresponding to this profession Today, farms work in a completely new way than they did 20 years ago. If a farmer grows vegetables, then a huge area of ​​work is usually automated. The specialist only controls the automation, making the necessary measurements and records. Naturally, work on a farm also involves manual labor, but such work ennobles a person. Modern farms install polycarbonate greenhouses, which are both pleasant and safe to work in. The crop in them grows quickly and efficiently, which additionally pleases the person who works in them.

    An agronomist is a significant specialist in the field of agriculture. Its tasks include the creation of new varieties of garden, horticultural and field crops. A professional agronomist must also be good at planning, controlling and improving the production process carried out by the workers under his supervision. It is the agronomist who is the main conductor of science in agriculture, who must be able to determine the technology and organization of labor.

    Today, the profession of an agronomist is in high demand in various large agricultural complexes of the country, as well as in small farms, greenhouses, nurseries, greenhouses and other research and educational institutions. It is from the calculations of the agronomist that the start time of sowing or harvesting depends, as well as ways to deal with field pests or natural disasters.

    The profession of an agronomist is very ancient. Already several thousand years ago, the people of Ancient Egypt, China, Greece, Rome and India knew how to properly cultivate and ennoble the land and grow various agricultural plants. The first agronomists were people who were engaged in the cultivation of wild plants with their subsequent cultivation. During the development of agriculture, the specifics of the profession of an agronomist has undergone many changes, but to this day remains a significant part of

    About history: The first famous Russian agronomist was Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov (). He developed new methods of growing grain and vegetable crops, potatoes, flax, and put them into practice.

    A modern agronomist is a versatile specialist in agricultural production. He knows everything related to the cultivation of plants, that is, their agricultural technology, to the subtleties: methods of tillage, the timing and methods of sowing and harvesting, the features of caring for crops and plantings. The agronomist knows well how to care for plants, what and when to apply fertilizers, how much fertilizer should be applied per hectare to get a good harvest, how to fight weeds, diseases and pests.

    When choosing a future profession, you should always pay attention to the needs of the labor market. It makes no sense to get a profession for show or because it is prestigious. The profession should be interesting and bring material benefits, that is, provide a normal life for you and your family.

    Butakova Anastasia

    An agronomist is a specialist who knows the science of agriculture and agriculture. This is one of the main professions in agriculture.

    Without this profession, it is impossible to grow a crop of vegetables, bread, fruits, fruits.



    The theme of my project is “Profession agronomist”.

    My dad has been working at the Yesin farm for several years now. At home, he often talks about his work and what a wonderful agronomist they have. I was very interested in who an "agronomist" is. Dad said that this is such a profession. Then I decided to learn more about this profession and make a project on this topic.

    determine the importance of the profession of agronomist in agriculture
    - find out who an agronomist is;

    - find material about this profession in the scientific literature and the Internet;

    Find out when this profession appeared;

    Learn about the first Russian agronomists;
    - meet with a local agronomist Mamonov S.N. in order to obtain information on this topic;
    - determine the importance of the agronomist profession in agriculture;

    I put forward the following hypothesis:
    Agronomist is one of the main professions in agriculture.

    Stages of my work:

    1. The study of scientific literature and articles from the Internet on this topic;

    2. Conversation with agronomist Mamonov S.N.
    3. Registration of the collected material in the form of a message and presentation;
    4. Summing up the work;
    5. Conclusions.

    From scientific literature and the Internet, I learned a lot about this interesting profession.

    The word "agronomist" comes from two Greek words: "agros" - field and "nomos" - law. An agronomist is a specialist in agriculture. He knows well the laws of agriculture, the laws of agronomy. Knowledge of these laws helps the agronomist grow high yields of agricultural plants.

    The profession of an agronomist is very ancient.Already several thousand years ago, the people of Ancient Egypt, China, Greece, Rome and India knew how to properly cultivate and ennoble the land and grow various agricultural plants. The first agronomists were people who were engaged in the cultivation of wild plants with their subsequent cultivation. During the development of agriculture, the specifics of the profession has undergone many changes, but to this day remains an important part of the science of growing cultivated agricultural plants. A specialist sees better than others how plants develop, what they lack, what changes occur in the soil. He is the main conductor of science in the economy, determines the technology of labor, its organization. A significant place in the activity of an agronomist is the planning of the production process. He determines the set of field work, their sequence, beginning and end, the content of field experiments, distributes the means of production; conducts not only production, but also scientific and production work; carefully studies the effectiveness of varietal crops, one or another tillage, and the application of various types of fertilizers.

    Several thousand years ago, people knew the rules and instructions for cultivating the land and growing agricultural plants. This can be read in the surviving documents and books of that time. In ancient Russian books one can also find entries on agronomy: how to plow the land, how deep to sow grain, how to grow cabbage and turnips. The first agronomists were people who began to grow wild plants and domesticate them. Before the advent of writing, agronomic knowledge was transmitted orally from father to son, from generation to generation.

    first knownAndrei Timofeevich Bolotov (1738-1833) was a Russian agronomist. He developed new methods for growing grain and vegetable crops, potatoes, flax and hemp and put them into practice.

    Great help for agronomistsprovided the works of famous Russian scientists.

    V. V. Dokuchaev (1846-1903) developed ways to restore and increase the fertility of chernozem, K. A. Timiryazev (1843-1920) studied the needs of plants for nutrients, D. N. Pryanishnikov (1865-1948) explained how plants absorb nitrogen, developed methods for applying nitrogen fertilizers. IV Michurin (1855-1935) developed new varieties of fruit and berry crops.

    An agronomist is a significant specialist in the field of agriculture. Its tasks include the creation of new varieties of garden, horticultural and field crops. A professional agronomist must also be good at planning, controlling and improving the production process carried out by the workers under his supervision. It is the agronomist who is the main conductor of science in agriculture, who must be able to determine the technology and organization of labor.

    In order to successfully perform his functions, an agronomist must first of all have such personality traits as initiative, efficiency, creative attitude to work, the ability to be observant, to notice and take into account changes in nature in his work, and, if necessary, make emergency and non-standard decisions. Often, his activity takes place against the background of emotional tension, accompanied by anxiety, for example, in adverse weather conditions, which can nullify everything previously done. Therefore, the will, a developed sense of responsibility for the decisions made are the qualities necessary in this profession.

    In our district, agronomists are trained by the Far Eastern State Agrarian University and the Blagoveshchensk Agricultural College.

    I met with our local agronomist Mamonov Sergey Nikolaevich. From a conversation with him, I learned that he is a graduate of the Far Eastern Agrarian University. At the university, he underwent military training and is a lieutenant in the reserve. From childhood, he dreamed of becoming an agronomist, working with the land, and his dream came true. In 2008, he graduated from the university and in the same year entered graduate school in absentia, which he graduated in 2012. From 2008 to 2013 he worked at the SOI Institute. And already in 2013 he came to our Sergeevka, where he works as an agronomist to this day.

    From Sergey Nikolaevich I learned a lot of interesting things about this profession. He told me that

    A modern agronomist is a versatile specialist in agricultural production. He knows everything related to the cultivation of plants, that is, their agricultural technology, to the subtleties: methods of tillage, the timing and methods of sowing and harvesting, the features of caring for crops and plantings. For example, wheat, oats, onions, radishes can be sown early. The seeds of these plants begin to germinate when the soil is still cold. But with the sowing of corn, you have to wait. She loves warm soil. Even later, cucumbers and zucchini are sown. Turnip seeds are very small. Therefore, they must be embedded in the soil at a shallow depth. Peas with rather large seeds are buried in the soil by 5-6 cm, and potato tubers - by 12-15 cm. The agronomist knows well how to care for plants, what and when to apply fertilizers, how much fertilizer should be applied per hectare crops, how to deal with weeds, diseases and pests. Since all work in the fields is carried out by machines, the agronomist understands agricultural machinery.

    Future agronomists are preparing themselves for the fact that they will have to work not only with land, seeds, fertilizers, but also with people. Their tasks include planning and organizing work, providing the necessary assistance, for example, in eliminating marriage in work, training and education. Therefore, an agronomist must have organizational and pedagogical skills and abilities. This has a lot to do with labor productivity.

    In addition, I found out where agronomists can work

    - this is research institutes;

    Professional skills, which an agronomist should own is

    - the ability to understand the types and characteristics of soils;

    • knowledge of the features and stages of development of certain plant crops;
    • knowledge in the field of natural sciences: chemistry, physics, biology (botany);
    • knowledge of the types and principles of operation of agricultural machinery;
    • possession of the basics of laboratory activities

    I asked Sergei Nikolaevich about what school subjects helped him in choosing this profession, and he replied that it wasbiology, physics, chemistry and geography.

    And to the special knowledge that he acquired at the university, he attributedsoil science; biochemistry; biophysics; ecology, land reclamation and agricultural technology.

    Sergei Nikolayevich has been helping the students of our school in experimental work at the school's educational-experimental site for several years now. Under his leadership, the guys lay and conduct experiments with different cultures. Several experiments have been carried out with soy. With one of these works, the guys of grade 9 spoke at a scientific and practical conference in DalGAU and

    took the honorary place.

    As a result of my work, I learned a lot about agronomists and concluded that

    An agronomist is a specialist who knows the science of agriculture and agriculture. This is one of the main professions in agriculture.

    Without this profession, it is impossible to grow a crop of vegetables, bread, fruits, fruits.

    And I would like to end my project with this poem:

    The agronomist has a concern every day -
    As soon as the sun comes out, he is already on his feet.
    And sometimes it gets awkward...
    But duty calls and he is back in business.

    The great responsibility of the agronomist -
    For the harvest, for the cleanliness of the fields.
    He knows so well
    Danger of sun and rain.

    But the harvest
    It's important not to miss anything here.
    I became serious, confidently counting
    Fee increments and where to place them.

    And so from year to year, from century to century ...
    A simple man, it seemed
    Responsible for our food -
    For bread, for pasta and for porridge.

    It may be strange, but I will say now:
    “Thank you, you are our agronomist,
    For all the hard work and hard work.
    You are the pride of a million generations!”