How to make business cards templates in Word. How to make a business card in Word yourself or using templates

Often, creating business cards may require specialized software such as Adobe Photoshop. You can do it yourself there only on condition that you understand the operation of the program at an average level, since Photoshop belongs to professional graphic editors and is still difficult to master for many users.

However, if you do not have any excessive requirements for a business card - you only need to specify contact details and arrange them more or less accurately, then you can use the capabilities of programs from the Microsoft Office suite, namely the Word program. You should not expect any "miracles" from her, but it is quite possible to create a business card with a standard design there. Plus, many users will be able to do it themselves without the need to go through any training.

How to make a business card in MS Word

The toolkit of the program allows not only filling out documents, but doing uncomplicated design various printed products: business cards, brochures, flyers, etc. The interface of modern versions of the product differs slightly from the interface of versions 2013, 2010 and 2007. In general, the instructions discussed in this article will be applicable to these versions.

Stage 1: Preparing the layout

First you need to prepare a layout for work. By default, in Word, all work is done on A4 sheet, which does not fit the size of a business card. The standard size of business cards is 50x90 mm (although there are other variations, but they are used very rarely).

Word offers several options for creating a base for a layout - tables and primitive shapes. The first ones are convenient in that you can develop several versions of the layout in them, but there may be problems with the arrangement of elements within the table. The rectangle, on the other hand, provides less room for creativity, but there will be no problems with the arrangement of elements.

In addition, if you want to make another design option, you can simply make another rectangle with the desired parameters.

So, let's create the first version of the layout:

The layout on which we will draw the design of the business card is ready. Let's move on to the next step.

Stage 2: Design

For now, the layout is just an empty rectangle. It needs to be filled in with some information and styled to make it all look nice. Here is an example of how you can do this:

Most business cards, in addition to the text part, also contain various auxiliary graphic elements– logos, lines, photos, icons. You can add them as well. Here's how it goes:

Also, according to similar instructions, the design of the reverse side of the business card is also created. A rectangle with the same parameters is drawn next to it and filled with various elements. On the reverse side of the business card, it is customary to have a logo, company name and / or person's name. True, you can not do the design of the back, as it is not always required.

The business card itself is ready, but it needs to be properly saved.

Step 3: Save the business card

If you are going to take your business card to print or simply open it on another computer, you will need to save it properly.

You can crop business cards yourself on a computer, however, for this you will have to convert a Word document into an image, and then crop it in a graphics editor. For example, let's convert a saved document with a business card into an image using the Convertio online service:

  1. Go to the main page of the service and put DOC and JPG in the bottom fields, respectively. Then use the "Select Files" button. You can download them not only from your computer, but also from a virtual disk (Google Drive, Dropbox) or via a direct link.
  2. We are uploading a file from a computer. After clicking on the appropriate button, Windows Explorer will open, in which you will need to select the desired file.
  3. After downloading it, which takes no more than a few seconds, click on the "Convert" button.
  4. Now wait for the file conversion to finish. After that, use the "Download" button, which will become active opposite the file name.
  5. After downloading the file to your computer, you can open it in a graphics editor and process it like a normal image.

Now let's look at how you can crop an image. Since Windows 10 is becoming the most common operating system, the cropping procedure will be carried out in Paint 3D - an improved version of the regular Paint for Windows 10.

  1. Upload an image to crop into the Paint 3D interface. This can be done by simply dragging it.
  2. With the left mouse button pressed, select the area with the business card layout. After that, use the "crop" button, which is located on the right side of the window.
  3. When you're done with cropping, click on the "Menu" item at the top of the screen. Select "Save" from this menu.
  4. The saved picture can already be carried to the printing house for subsequent printing.

As you can see, in a text editor Word creation business cards is possible, but you may encounter some difficulties when sending it to print. Also, do not forget that Word is not designed for full-fledged work with graphics, so you are unlikely to be able to do something outstanding with it.

If suddenly you need your business cards, then there are several ways to get them. You can order in the printing house and design and print. You can buy specialized programs for creating business cards on the Internet. And you can make them yourself quickly and efficiently. To do this, we need a regular Microsoft Word.

Creating a business card in Word is very easy. And it will take quite a bit of time. And if you have a printer at your disposal, then you can print them later without any problems. Let's look at two ways to create business cards.

First way

  1. Let's start Word.
  2. In the "Page Layout" tab, click on the "Margins" button and select "Narrow".
  1. We will print on a sheet of A4 format, which has dimensions - 210 x 297 mm, and the standard business card size is 90 x 50 mm. It turns out that 10 business cards will fit on a sheet - 2 columns of 5 pieces each. Therefore, we create a table consisting of two columns and five rows.

Let me remind you that we create a table through the items "Insert" → "Table" → select the required number of cells in the table.

  1. Select the table, right-click on it and select "Table Properties".

  1. In the window that opens, in the "Row" and "Column" tabs, set the row height to 5 cm and the column width to 9 cm. Then click "OK".

  1. Now we need to lighten the borders of the table so that the outline looks neater when printed. Right-click inside the table and select "Borders and Shading". In the "Borders" tab, select a light gray color.

  1. We find on the Internet or draw ourselves a picture-background for a business card, 9 x 5 cm in size. Put the cursor inside the table cell and use the "Insert" → "Picture" command to add the background of the future business card. If the background is slightly larger than the cell, it will stretch the cell. It's not scary. In the tab "Working with pictures" that appears at the top, set the desired size on the right.

  1. Now let's make our picture the background of the business card. To do this, select our drawing and next to it, the "Markup Options" button appears to the right of it. Click on it and select the position "Behind the text."

  1. If the picture is a little uneven, then you can move it with the mouse. You can use the arrow keys on the keyboard.
  2. Now you need to enter all the necessary text using a different style and different font sizes.

  1. Now we need to copy the resulting template to all other table cells. Select all the contents of the first cell and press Ctrl + C, put the cursor inside an empty cell and press Ctrl + V. Fill in all empty cells. Use the arrows on the keyboard to correct the position of the copied objects.

So we got 10 business cards. Can be printed.

Second way

  1. We start Word.
  2. Click "File" → "Create".
  3. In the window that appears, in the search line we write "Business cards". Press "Enter".

  1. The program loads several ready-made business card templates. Choose the one you like. Click on it and select "Create"

  1. In the "Home" tab, on the right we find and click the "Replace" button. In the "Find and Replace" window that appears, in the "Find" line, write "YOUR NAME". In the line "Replace with ..." we write our first and last name. Click "Replace All".

Word automatically entered the First Name and Last Name in all 10 business cards. Proceeding in a similar way, fill in all the texts in the template. Now it remains only to print the required number of sheets.

How it turned out, write in the comments.

After reading the comments from another thread about a business card maker, I thought someone might like another proven method.

Open MS Word, in this case menu 2007 is described.

To cancel, you will need to press the button with an arrow in the upper left corner "Cancel ..." or from the keyboard "Ctrl + Z"; return back - "Ctrl + Y".

Business card in MS Word

1. We set the margins of the document by 2 cm on each side.

(Page layout > Margins > Custom margins > Top, Bottom, Left, Right - set 2 cm each).

If you set the lower value to a minimum of 0.5 cm, this will help to avoid the appearance of a second blank page after inserting the table.

2. Insert a table 2 columns * 6 rows.

(Insert > Table > Use mouse to select cells 2 * 6)

3. Drag the bottom border of the table to the bottom edge of the sheet with the mouse.

4. Align the height of all 6 lines. It will turn out somewhere 5 cm high.

(Select all rows with the mouse > Right-click to bring up the drop-down menu > Align Row Height)

Another way.

You can only insert one row, not six. Drag the bottom border so that its height is about 5 cm, and press the "Tab" key to create 5 more lines. Then reduce or increase the height of the bottom line so that the table fits on one (first) page, and align the height of the lines.

By the way, the size of a standard business card is 5*9 cm. But we need to do a little more to cut off the black borders later.

5. Add indents from the borders in cells of 0.5 cm.

(Select the table > In the drop-down menu > Table properties > Cell > Options > Cell margins > Uncheck "As in the entire table" > Top, Bottom, Left, Right - set 0.5 cm each)

6. Insert the desired text and image in the first cell, edit as you like. Then we copy (Ctrl + C) the entire contents of this cell and paste (Ctrl + V) 11 times into the remaining empty cells.

To select the contents of the first cell, I recommend placing the cursor in the second cell of the table of the first row and pressing Shift + Tab.

You may need to copy and paste the image separately from the text, depending on the text wrapping options.

7. We print the first page on the draft (because you may have a second blank sheet), see how it turned out. If necessary, we correct something and print N-th number of times on thick paper. Cut out with scissors or a cutter. I recommend trimming the borders of the cells in such a way as to avoid the black edge on the edges of business cards.

Working with a picture (basics)

You can insert a picture simply by copying it from a folder or the Internet, or use the graphic file available on your computer from the program menu: Insert > Picture > Select file.

If you choose to insert a picture that is too large, I recommend that you first reduce it to the desired size on another page. And then cut (Ctrl + X) or copy (Ctrl + C) and paste into the cell.

You can reduce the size of the image by dragging it by the corner with the mouse.

When the picture is selected, the image editing menu will be active. To select an image, click on it with the mouse.

There you can change the properties of the picture: Picture Tools > Format > Arrange > Text Wrap > Behind Text. Then it will be easier for you to arrange the text in the cell field.

If you select "Text Wrap", you can change the distance from the text here: Picture Tools > Format > Arrange > Text Wrap > Advanced Markup Options... > Text Wrap > Distance from Text > Set the desired values ​​- top, bottom, right , left.

Working with text (basics)

On the Home tab.

1. Font (Ctrl+Shift+P):

Style - bold (Ctrl+B), italic (Ctrl+I), underlined (Ctrl+U).

Font size - for the title - larger than 16-14, for contacts - less than 10-8.

Alignment - left (Ctrl+L), center (Ctrl+E), right (Ctrl+R), justified (Ctrl+J).

You can use WordArt for the title.

Insert > Text > WordArt > select.

This topic has come up before on the subscript. For example, here is a fun article with pictures:


MS Word makes it possible not only to execute and arrange office documents.

Using the templates built into Word and their usual elements on a special panel, you will be able to create various kinds of documents, including cards for yourself or a company.

Microsoft Word contains all the parameters you need for this, with which you can approach the creation of business cards.
After the listed methods and techniques, you will not even need special programs and agencies for creating business cards.

1. Choose a background and texture for a business card in Word

Most of the time when creating postcards, cards or business cards, it is the design that takes away.

Usually, textures and other background images, including fonts and so on, take a very long time to select. All these elements should be combined and complement each other as much as possible.

Choosing a background color is far from simple adding your favorite shade to the background.

How to choose a business card color, general rules and orientation:
- consider the audience for which business cards are made;
- take into account the fact that the color should correspond to the activity or product;
- consider the meaning of the selected shade and its perception by the person.

As a rule, a business card is small in size, which means that the use of many colors and textures with text is best avoided.
All information is presented in a clear manner. Reflect the name of the organization, the name of the representative of the organization, his position, enter the address, contact information and company logo.

Font selection and text layout

You should rely on the following recommendations when choosing text and fonts:
- Do not use more than two different fonts. It is desirable to carry out inscriptions in the same style so that the person is not distracted;
- You can use "font families" to match different forms of characters with each other;
- the color of the text (font) should "look" or contrast with the shade or image on the background of the business card;
- the size of the letters should be acceptable, from 10 to 14 tp.

2. We use Word templates "a

Each version of Word includes a certain number of already ready-made templates to create certain elements: business cards, title pages, postcards, brochures for advertising, etc.

To go to the built-in templates for creating business cards, go to the "Create" item.

Find the "Recommended" tab and select the desired document type and design in general from the suggested recommendations. Click on it and open it in a new Word window.

Most often, the design of business cards is located completely on the sheet, about 8 - 10 copies per sheet of A4 format.

3. Using ready-made templates and loading them

If some templates are missing in Word, or there are none at all, go to the official Microsoft website and download them.

Business cards required for us can be found in a special section on the official website "Cards"

A Microsoft Word user can access these databases online. To do this, enter the program and try to create a document by selecting the "Cards" tab

Of course, you will need an internet connection to perform this action. Wait a while for existing designs to load in a specific category.

Select the required design from the proposed list and create a document with the corresponding button.

The file is now open in the required mode. In this mode, you can correct and change the business card to your liking.

To use a pre-designed, that is, a completely ready-made design from the Internet, you should download a template, which is usually located in the .doc or .docx extension. You can open this type of file in any version of Word.

Download and then open the required template, make all the necessary corrections to the information that is already in the business card.

After changing all the necessary items, you can proceed to print the document.

Advice: so that the main page parameters are not violated during printing, it is best to save business cards in PDF format.

The great advantage of working with standard templates is their versatility and versatility. They can be used on any version of MS Word.

If not all fonts are installed on the PC, then only certain inscriptions may look different.

4. Tables for creating business cards in Word

In order to create a new business card yourself, without a template, you can use regular tables, or by creating a special element in the "Canvas" mode.
We will review this method.

Word 10, 13, 16 instruction

Before creating, set the required document markup. To do this, click on the "Layout" tab. Next, select all the required field options. In the next drop-down list, select "Narrow".
The type provided is best suited for postcards and cards.

Now draw or create a table with two columns and five rows.

The table you created will become the outline for your cards. Stretch the created table to the entire sheet.

Go to the "Properties" of the table and set the height to 5 cm and the width to 9 cm.

We remove the indents that were automatically set after the table was created. You need to remove them so that the labels are displayed evenly in each of the cells.

Enter the properties, and after the table parameters. Margins must be set to "0 cm". Save your changes.

Now we create the text of business cards. But first, align all the characters with a ruler in the Word

The text can be set in the business card field at your discretion.
To create a background, right-click in a free cell. And then open a special window "Fills" and select the best background.

To add a logo or picture to the business card field, you need to use the "Insert" tab, and then select a picture or shapes.

To repeat (copy) an already created design, select the table and use the copy keys CTRL + C to paste it into the remaining rows using the key combination CTRL + P.

The logo will have to be transferred to a separate cell.

Create business cards Word 2007

To create business cards in Word 2007, you need to go to the "Page Layout" tab. Select Margins, and then select Narrow Margin.

Text editor MS Word allows you not only to view and design office documents.

With built-in templates or regular toolbar elements, you can create unique business cards for yourself or an entire company.

The program contains the necessary set of parameters with which you can creatively approach the task.

After mastering all the tricks and methods, you no longer have to use special programs or contact professional agencies to create business cards.

All the steps presented in the article were performed in MS Word 2016 and 2007. All instructions are universal and suitable for editor versions 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

Rules for choosing backgrounds and textures

The greatest amount of time when creating your own postcards, business cards, cards takes design development.

As a rule, textures, background images and additional elements are selected for a long time. All of them should be harmoniously combined and complement each other.

Choosing the right background color is not about adding your favorite shade from the palette. When choosing a color, be guided by the general rules:

  • the meaning of the shade and its psychological perception by a person;
  • audience for which business cards are made;
  • the color should match the proposed product or activity.

Since the business card is small, don't use a lot of different textures, colors, and text.

Information should be presented in a concise manner and clearly reflect the name of the organization, the name of the person, the position held, the company logo, address and contact information.

Text layout and font selection

When choosing a text for a business card, rely on the following recommendations:

  • Don't use more than two different fonts on the same business card. The inscriptions must be in the same style in order to attract the attention of a person;
  • Use font families to intelligently match different character forms;
  • The font color should contrast well with the background tint or image;
  • The size of the letters must be legible. Characters should be no larger than 10–14 typographic points (tp).

Using standard Word templates

Each version of Word has a fairly large number of ready-made templates for creating business cards, invitations, postcards, title pages, brochures and other elements.

Let's take a closer look at how to make a business card in Word using built-in templates. Open a word processor and click on the File tab. Then select "Create".

As a rule, business card designs are located all over the sheet (8-10 copies each). This allows you to quickly edit all cards and save paper during printing.

Loading and using ready-made templates

You can download additional Word templates that are not in the main word processor set on the official Microsoft website.

Templates suitable for business cards can be found in the "Cards" section.

To download ready-made business card templates, you can also use the databases of ready-made designs on the vertex42 and avery websites.

Also, users of licensed versions of MS Word can instantly access the online database of templates.

To do this, go to the program and at the stage of creating a document, select the "Cards" tab (figure below):

An Internet connection is required to perform this action. Wait a few seconds for the required designs of the selected category to load.

Now select the desired design from the list, click on it and click on the "Create" button.

To use a ready-made design from the Internet, download the template you are interested in. The downloaded file must be in the .doc or .docx format and open in any version of Word.

Open the document containing the template and make any necessary edits to the information contained on the business card:

  1. Company name;
  2. address;
  3. Your full name;
  4. position held;
  5. contact number;
  6. email address;
  7. business address;
  8. schedule.

After editing, the document page is ready for printing.

Advice: during the printing of a document, some page settings may be violated (margins, hyphenation, headers and footers, etc.).

To make printed business cards completely identical to the electronic version, resave the final Word document in PDF format (File ⇒ Save As ⇒ PDF Document).

The main advantage of working with templates is their versatility. They are suitable for absolutely all versions of MS Word.

Depending on the fonts installed on your computer, only some of the inscriptions may look different.

Using tables to create business cards

If you want to create a business card in Word yourself from scratch, you can use tables or create elements in Canvas mode.

Let's take a closer look at how to work with the first method in all versions of MS Word.

Instructions for Word 2010, 2013, 2016

First you need to set the appropriate document markup. To do this, click on the "Layout" tab. Select margin options. In the drop-down list, click on the "Narrow" item.

This type is best suited for creating business cards and postcards.

Now create a table (2 columns and 5 rows). To do this, on the main toolbar, go to the Insert tab and click on the Table icon.

Set the required dimension:

The created table will be the basis and outline for our business cards.

Stretch it to fit the entire page so it looks like this:

In the plate properties (Row and Column tabs), enter the width (9 cm) and height (5 cm).

Now we need to remove the indents that are set automatically when the table is created. Their removal is necessary so that the inscriptions are uniform in each cell.

Go to table properties. Select "Options". Set all margins to "0 cm". Save your changes.

To make the margins easier to trim after printing, lighten them slightly. To do this, switch to table design mode.

In the Table Styles box, select a lighter shade of the outline.

Now let's move on to creating the text of business cards.

First of all, you need to align the characters with a ruler.

For text, you can use any tools that are in the Word (different fonts, styles, spacing between characters, etc.).

To create a background, right-click on an empty space in a cell. Open the fill creation window and select the background color you like:

To add a logo, picture, or other element to your business card, use the Insert tab and then select Shapes or Pictures.

To copy the created design to other cells, select the contents of a table row using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C and paste it into other rows using the keys Ctrl + P .

Logos must be transferred separately for each cell. To fill the entire table at the same time, select all its columns and create a single fill.

Instructions for Word 2007

To mark up the desired page for placing 8-10 business cards in the 2007 version of Word, click on the "Page Layout" tab. Select the "Fields" icon.

In the drop-down list, click on "Narrow field".

Now create a table in such a way that there are 2 columns and 5 rows on one sheet.

Go to the Insert tab and create a table as shown in the image below:

Make an alignment. To do this, go to the table properties:

Remove the indents inside the table cells, as shown earlier in Figure 14.

To change the color of the borders of our table, you need to select the "Work with tables" tab. Next, click on the "Borders" icon and set the size - 0.25 pt.

In the Pen Color window, you can change the hue of the margins.

The basis for business cards is ready. Now you can start designing the layout.

Type the desired text inside the first cell and align it with a ruler (Figure 16). Select a color for the business card background (Figure 17).

Copy the created design to the rest of the plate cells.

If you indicated the site on the business card and a hyperlink was created, be sure to delete it (highlight the line and press the right mouse button):

Designing business cards in Canvas mode

In Word, you can create a canvas for working with additional shapes.

To create it, click on Insert ⇒ Artwork ⇒ Shapes ⇒ Create Canvas (for Word 2010, 2013, 2016) or Insert ⇒ Shapes ⇒ New Canvas (for Word 2007).

Add a rectangle to the canvas and remove the fill from the shape:

Inside the rectangle, you can enter text, add other shapes, logos or pictures (similar to how business cards were created in a table).

Move the pointer to the area of ​​the shape shown in the figure below and copy the resulting design.

After printing sheets with business cards, they should be cut. To do this as neatly as possible, do not use scissors.

It is better to take stationery scissors or a guillotine for cutting. Also, please note that the standard size of business cards (horizontal position) is 9x5 cm.

Thematic video: