Enumeration of the types of handicraft activity. Let's go to business

1. manufacturing and repair:

saddlery and saddlery;

horse-drawn carts, sledges and children's sledges;

fishing gear and accessories for fishing;

2. production and repair of objects and their parts for personal (domestic) needs of citizens from wire, twine, synthetic tape, tin, clay, plant materials of local origin, including wood;

3. fabrication, installation and repair structures, inventory and accessories for keeping birds, animals, bees;

4 . blacksmith craft;

5. production of hand knitted products;

6. manufacture of hand-woven products, as well as products made in patchwork technique;

7. lace, macrame;

8. making yarn;

9. production of hand embroidery;

10. weaving with beads;

11. artistic processing and painting wood, stone, bone, horn, metal, tin, glass, ceramics, plywood;

12. making handicrafts(kitchen utensils, toys, interior dolls, decorative panels, caskets, cigarette cases, snuff boxes, ashtrays, piggy banks, candlesticks, door handles, furniture parts and decorations, key chains, key holders, wallets, gloves, mittens, belts, jewelry, bracelets, jewelry for hair, combs, combs, decorative additions to clothes, figurines, vases, flower pots and flowerpots, turning figurative products, Easter Easter eggs, souvenirs (including those on a magnetic basis), Christmas tree decorations, photo frames, frames for paintings, decorative slats, covers, cases for phone, tablet and glasses, wedding accessories);

13. production of products from felted wool;

14. binding of pages provided by the consumer;

15. production candles;

16. manufacturing flowers and compositions, including from plant materials of local origin (with the exception of compositions from natural flowers);

17. production small items glass, natural and polymer clay, wood, natural resin and their use for creating jewelry, decorating clothes;

18. production the national Belarusian costume (its details) with the preservation of the traditional cut and embroidery;

19. production greeting cards, photo albums, folders without the use of printing and printing equipment;

20. production agricultural and horticultural tools or parts thereof, sharpening and repair of cutlery and tools;

21. production art products from paper and papier-mâché;

22. production national musical instruments in non-factory conditions;

23. making stained-glass windows;

25. production glazed and unglazed stove tiles, decorative tiles and panel inserts, tiled cornices made of natural clay by manual stuffing or pouring into plaster molds, pressing, manual setting, decoration, glazing;

26. making soap;

27. guilloche;

28. other activities on the creation of objects of creativity, as well as activities carried out using manual labor, with the exception of activities that are not related to entrepreneurial activity, in the implementation of which a single tax is paid from individual entrepreneurs and other individuals.

TRAVELING around Belarus, I always try to buy a souvenir with local flavor even in the smallest settlement. I give preference to products of original masters, and not consumer goods. It is fundamentally. Firstly, because it is difficult to overestimate the power of warmth emanating from handmade work. Secondly, we need to support domestic artisans. By the way, just for them, the problem of sales is now more relevant than ever, although its niche in the art market has been conquered long ago. However, many representatives of the creative layer are puzzling over who to sell the product to.

The REASON for the situation in which the artisans find themselves is obvious: a handmade product, whatever one may say, cannot cost a penny, and the purchasing power of potential consumers is not so high. Even if the buyer decides to purchase a hand-made item, he will think about whether it is too expensive. An example from life. Last year I was looking for a birthday present for my father: he, a great patriot, on holidays wanted to shine in a linen shirt with a Belarusian traditional ornament. The search for an embroidered shirt, which some textile workers have now launched into mass production, was not difficult. In Minsk souvenir shops, prices for “kashuli” with national color, but with machine embroidery, ranged from 80 to 120 rubles per copy. What about craftsmen? They do not ask for less than 180-200 rubles per unit of goods.

There is nothing special about the fact that a handmade product (shirt, jug, plate, etc.) costs more than an industrial product. Piece goods, explains the chairman of the Belarusian Union of Masters of Folk Art, Professor Yevgeny Sakhuta:

When a person turns to the field of arts and crafts, for him, work on products is, first of all, a way to bring his creative ideas to life. If a person wants to make money on the chosen business, that is, to sell his work, and not to engage in it as an amateur, then he registers as an artisan. And it does not matter what exactly you are doing: purely folk art or fashionable hand-made. The rules are the same for everyone: you need to pay one basic amount per year, becoming registered with the tax office.

And if you want to live here - know how to spin. Therefore, each artisan, in order to stay in the souvenir business, creates a personal formula for success.

Natalia SABIC can turn a dry piece of clay into a work of art
Photo from social networks

The MOST common and predictable way is to sell products through retail. He was chosen for himself by the spouses Oleg and Natalia Sabichi from the village of Studenki, Nesvizh district. Craftsmen are engaged in ceramics.

They learned how to turn silent pieces of clay into works of art as a student - at the Kobrin Art School. However, they made ceramics their business only five years ago. Now handmade dishes and various household items. Oleg Sabich tells me that his own souvenir shop, which was opened in Nesvizh, helps him stay afloat:

We rent a small pavilion from a private trader, where we put up our products for sale. However, it is winter now, the flow of tourists to the Nesvizh Castle is noticeably lower than at other times of the year, and the demand for products has fallen. Now they are saving regional exhibitions of arts and crafts, where we exhibit. Sometimes we travel somewhere in the off-season. But once at a time it doesn’t happen: once they sold 10 items, the next time they returned with nothing at all. And the rent for the pavilion, please, pay - 50 euros per month.

The craftswoman Galina Borodina from the village of Lipen, Osipovichi district, went the other way. She supplies her products to souvenir shops in Minsk and nearby regional centers. Her main credo is to be always in sight and be able to flexibly change the direction of creativity in related forms.

The story of the Lipen craftswoman is unusual. I have never had anything to do with professional art: by profession I am a mechanic in instrumentation and automation (a specialist in the maintenance, repair and operation of various instrumentation and automatic control systems). Personal interest brought me to craftsmanship. At first I was attracted by felting, then patchwork, knitting, but the search for "oneself in art" led to the manufacture of coaster dolls. They were noticed in the capital and other regions of the country, recalls Galina Borodina:

Participation in exhibitions throughout Belarus and promotion through social networks helped me. Those who liked my work appeared, word of mouth worked, and only then the first offers came from souvenir shops. Therefore, my advice to novice craftsmen is to express yourself as much as possible and offer your work to large sellers - specialized stores. Now I'm trying my hand in a new direction - a small clay souvenir. There is a demand for memorabilia such as magnets and figurines. So why not?

It took several years for Tatyana Klymenko from Kalinkovichi to break into the market. She says that she has never been able to sell and advertise products - souvenirs, postcards, albums, gift boxes, designer jewelry, decorated bottles, plates and other interior items. Therefore, I gave away my first works to friends:

Kalinkovichi master of hand-made Tatyana KLIMENKO.
Photo from the website of the newspaper "Kalinkavitsky Naviny"

- When our Criminal Procedure Code, where I taught, was closed, I had a choice: to teach in a circle in the House of Creativity or go to free bread. She left, took a chance - and did not regret it. Is it a profitable business? I will say this: I earn bread and butter. Now my works are ordered in batches, and enterprises not only from our regional center, but also from Gomel and Minsk. Perhaps I would supply my works to some souvenir shop, but we didn’t have such a place in the regional center until recently.

And NOW appeared. In November last year, the first store of arts and crafts "Life-art" was opened in Kalinkovichi. According to its owner Pavel Chigirev, the souvenir business is Klondike:

The first months of sales showed that there is demand. Handmade now in fashion, in trend. This is interesting for the buyer, because you can buy a unique decoration for your home or for yourself. Initially, there were no connections in this area. He threw a call in social networks, which of the artisans would be ready to cooperate with us, and the results were not long in coming. We managed to form a team of suppliers, which means we offer the consumer a wide range of products. We have handmade jewelry, wet felting and leather products. I think when we establish contacts with original artisans from the village, our assortment will have a real national flavor.


From January 1, the rate of the handicraft fee is set at 23 rubles. This size applies regardless of the number of types of handicraft. The fee is paid before the start of the craft activity. It is important that income from this kind of occupation is exempt from income and single taxes.

In the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus.

How to arrange a craft activity

To register a craft activity, you need to come to the tax office at the place of registration with a passport. After a conversation with the inspector, you must write an application, pay a fee and draw up a book of records of inspections. The entire procedure will take less than an hour. To save time, you can pay the fee in advance and attach a copy to the application, and also purchase a record book at the points of sale of the Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties, the Belblankavyd publishing house, and post offices. When registering, the craftsman will be assigned an account number of the payer.

It is important to know that the handicraft fee is paid before the goods are sold. That is, when planning to start selling, say, from August 1, take the trouble to deposit the amount before this date. The fee rate is one base value (once per calendar year) set on the date of payment (today - 23 rubles). Further, the fee will also have to be paid “in advance” no later than December 28 of each year.

If you want to give up handicraft, then you do not need to report your decision to the tax office. You won't have to pay for the liquidation of activities, as entrepreneurs do.

Photo: Dmitry Brushko, TUT.BY. Photo is illustrative

What is craft activity?

“Those who want to register handicraft activities should carefully read the Decree of the President dated May 16, 2005 No. 225 “On some issues of handicraft activities by individuals,” said the deputy head of the taxation department for individuals of the inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties for the city of Minsk Inna Kovalenko. - Of course, before drawing up documents, the inspector is obliged to explain to the potential artisan all the nuances. But it is better to come to the meeting already prepared in order to conduct a conversation in detail.

The document mentioned above contains 29 items that fall under the concept of "craft". However, many of them are indicated with reservations. For example, subparagraphs 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 of paragraph 1 of the decree state that an artisan can make wood, vines and other wood materials kitchen utensils (decorative spoons, coasters, baskets, various spatulas and grips), equipment for playgrounds, beehives, drinkers, feeders, etc. But at the same time, the craftsman cannot make furniture, chests, barrels and other cooperage items from these materials.

Or more. In accordance with subparagraph 1.2.4 of paragraph 1 of the decree, blacksmithing is equated to handicraft only if you do not forge fireplace grates, stairs, fences and gates.

“We were once asked if a craftsman could make plywood boxes in the following way: create mock-ups on a computer, then cut out the details on laser equipment from friends, and then arrange the goods on their own,” Inna Viktorovna gives an example. - I had to refuse, because the fundamental conditions were violated. Firstly, an artisan does not have the right to involve third parties in the manufacture of goods, even family members (working as a “cleaning house” is possible only if relatives are also registered as artisans). And secondly, plywood is not included in the decree as “other wood-based materials”.

Photo: Dmitry Brushko, TUT.BY. Photo is illustrative

However, the craftsman can be trained by third parties. According to subparagraph 1.7 of paragraph 1 of Decree No. 225, individuals have the right to transfer their experience free of charge. To do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the “student” on the training of handicraft activities for the duration of the educational process.

Another important point. Handicraft involves not only the manufacture of a unique product from scratch, but also the execution of work. True, here it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances. If you buy a batch of glasses through an online store and want to paint them for the purpose of selling, then such an activity goes beyond the craft. The reason is the use of an item manufactured by third parties and completely ready for sale. It is quite another matter if you are engaged in guilloche - finishing the customer's products with openwork lace or burning out using a special apparatus. This option is quite acceptable.

The use of improvised means in the production of goods is a separate conversation. An artisan can use only those tools (including electric ones) that allow the production of small batches of goods and without which it is impossible in principle to create a handicraft product. So, printing greeting cards on printing equipment has nothing to do with the craft, but sewing clothes on a machine with an electric drive is a suitable option.

What kind of hobbies do people not have: someone makes jewelry, someone sculpts pots, someone knits or embroiders, and someone even makes glamorous felt boots or toys! And for some, over time, the hobby becomes a good, if not the main source of income. For who will refuse to do what they love and at the same time work at a convenient time for themselves? But how to do it right and what will it cost? Turns out, You can start your own business in just a day or two..

The most important thing, of course, is to decide exactly whether you need to give your hobby an official status? If you work primarily for yourself and for loved ones, sell only a couple of postcards a month, and do not plan to scale up your sales yet, then this is not necessary. But if you want to provide for yourself with the help of your hobby, if you want to participate in various exhibitions, if you want to give your products for sale in gift shops, etc., then you need to register as an artisan.

You can become an artisan in just a day or two, while, as we were explained in the capital tax office, the registration procedure equally accessible to all. People with disabilities do not need to provide any additional documents. The only exception: if a person with a disability cannot independently apply to the tax authority with an application (for example, due to physical limitations), this can be done by someone instead of him by a power of attorney.

How much does it cost to become an artisan?

The list of types of handicraft activities is quite wide: from making and repairing fishing tackle, chests and buckets to beading, embroidery, carving and macrame. At the same time, this list has recently been supplemented with completely new types of needlework: now it includes decoupage(decorating fabrics, dishes, furniture using meticulously cut paper), terra(collage technique using natural ingredients - from shells and sand to branches, fruits, etc.), scrapbooking(manual production of postcards and photo albums), quilling(paper rolling), paper products and many others.

A little advice: it is better to choose from the list of activities that you want to do before coming to the tax office. At the same time, their number can be any, the amount of tax collection does not depend on it.

By the way, stop being afraid of huge payouts. Craftsmen no longer pay income tax, but handicraft fee of 1 base unit per year(today it is 100 thousand rubles).

Thus, you should contact the tax office at the place of residence and write an application there and pay the tax fee. In the tax office, a stamp is put on the receipt and assigned a UNP, which become an official permit for practicing “paid” needlework. From now on, you have the right to sell your products.

When preparing documents, it is important not to forget that every artisan must have Inspection book, which can be purchased at bookstores and stationery stores. It must be stitched, excluding the cover - the title and last pages, numbered and handed over to the tax authority.

Where to sell your products?

Option one - the Internet. This option is the easiest, not even requiring leaving the house. Decree No. 225 of May 16, 2005 " On some issues of the implementation of handicraft activities by individuals"does not contain norms restricting the place of self-sale of products made by an artisan, which means that the master can sell his own products via the Internet - in social networks and using virtual "showcases" without involving other persons, the Ministry of Taxes and Duties said. At the same time, experts specify: internet showcase is a web page containing description of goods and indication of places where they can be purchased. In case the website contains telephone, price or other information allowing to place an order or products, online storefronts are online stores. To sell handicraft goods in an online store, additional registration procedures are required: an online store - in the Trade Register of the Republic of Belarus, and an artisan - as an individual entrepreneur.

Option two - galleries. The artisan has the right to conclude commission agreements for the sale of his products with legal entities, for example, galleries, shops, kiosks - any trading platforms, except for online stores.

Option three - acquaintances and friends. They can buy exclusive first-hand masterpieces from you. If you make good and high-quality things, word of mouth will work - and you won’t have to look for buyers.

Svetlana Busko.


Craftsmen on maternity leave will once again be able to count on full assistance

On August 5, President of Belarus Lukashenko received a report from the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Marianna Shchetkina. Among other things, the head of state supported the government's proposal to grant the right to certain categories of employed citizens (artisans, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, private notaries) to suspend their respective activities due to caring for a child under the age of 3.

In our country, citizens working under an employment contract have the right to suspend their labor activity for the period of caring for a child under the age of 3 and take social leave with the payment of benefits in full. For self-employed citizens, the current legislation does not provide such a right to suspend their activities in connection with the care of a child. In this regard, in order to receive the full allowance for the care of a child under the age of 3, they are forced to go through the established procedure for terminating the corresponding type of activity.

The President instructed to develop a simple and convenient scheme for the suspension of activities by these categories of citizens. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection will prepare a draft of the relevant decree in the near future. The adoption of the decree will ensure an equal approach in assigning state benefits to all categories of employed persons.


Sergey Drozdovsky, project coordinator of the Office for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities:

From personal experience, I can say that for people with disabilities, engaging in handicraft activities is rather a forced necessity, not a call of the soul. This is almost the last chance for many to try to realize themselves and earn something. The main problem over which, apparently, disability "does not hang" is the sale of products in Belarus. For example, a girl lives in Vitebsk (she moves in a wheelchair), who makes excellent interior dolls. Their cost is high, the sales market is not very developed, so for now it is very risky to turn such work into the only source of income. However, today crafting - most affordable self-employment at the same time - with the smallest commercial risks. That is why, thinking about how to make a living, you should not discard this direction. There are organizations and people in Belarus who can help and give advice. It's worth it just to take it!

Tatiana Zhernosek, public relations specialist of the Belarusian public association "Positive Movement":

It used to be an opinion that a thing made with your own hands will never pay off and they are sold simply “for the soul”. In my opinion, if you properly promote your activities, you can earn good money. The main thing is to have a concept. Ideas such as " Buy mittens - save the child" or " Buy a bag of ecological material - save eight trees". So you can even do various social projects! Handicraft can also be of interest to tourists, who are becoming more and more in our cities. And it makes no difference who exactly produces these things - people with or without disabilities. It is possible not to advertise it at all, especially if we want to ensure that people with disabilities believe in themselves.

Anastasia Kuzmich, coordinator of international youth programs of the international public association "Education without Borders":

My work gives me the opportunity to visit other countries. Therefore, I have many successful examples of how people with disabilities have an active life position, and in general are quite strongly involved in the life of their cities and villages. For example, once in Wroclaw I was lucky enough to visit a hand-made street market, which was made by people with disabilities. I have never seen such beauty - I brought my favorite earrings from there! There, right on the spot, there was an opportunity to meet and communicate with the authors of these masterpieces! Why not hold such fairs in our country?

Gorodok craftsmen

Many well-known masters of arts and crafts work in the Gorodok region. This land has long been rich in traditions in embroidery, ceramics, and woodcarving. This shot introduces a young knitter Natalya Yushkova. A crocheted shawl is an example of a beautiful women's attire, for which Gorodok craftsmen have long been famous. In the town house of crafts, Natalya works as a weaving master. The same picture shows the coat of arms of Gorodok, made by the second master - a ceramist Irina Shalaeva.

Eugene Pesetsky.


Changes and additions:

Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated August 24, 2006 No. 522 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2006, No. 142, 1/7848);

Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 1, 2007 No. 116 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2007, No. 83, 1/8471)

Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of January 21, 2008 No. 28 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2008, No. 27, 1/9377)

In order to create favorable conditions for the implementation of handicraft activities by individuals:

1. Determine that:

1.1. handicraft activity is understood as non-entrepreneurial activity of individuals for the manufacture and sale of goods, performance of work, provision of services using manual labor and tools, including electric ones, carried out independently, without involving other individuals under labor and (or) civil law contracts and aimed at meeting the everyday needs of citizens;

1.2. individuals (with the exception of individuals carrying out activities in accordance with the legislation on folk art, folk crafts (handicrafts), as well as individuals who are prohibited by legislative acts from carrying out other activities) have the right to carry out, according to the declarative principle, without state registration as individual entrepreneurs, the following craft activities:

1.2.1. production and repair of: agricultural and horticultural tools and their parts (cutters, cuttings, rakes, ax handles, shovels, hoes, sickles, axes, garden shears, hand saws and others); harness and saddlery (collars, saddles, harnesses, reins and other parts of the harness); horse-drawn carts and sledges;

1.2.2. production of objects and their parts for personal (domestic) needs of citizens; household utensils and kitchen utensils (small appliances and kitchen utensils, hand-held kitchen appliances used in processing, preparing or serving dishes) made of clay, wood and other wood materials; products made from straw, wild plants (vines, reeds, lindens and others), with the exception of furniture; wooden barrels, vats, tubs and other cooperage products;

1.2.3. production, installation and repair of wooden sheds, greenhouses, arbors, beehives, cages, houses and other premises for keeping animals and birds;

1.2.4. blacksmithing (with the exception of activities for the manufacture of fireplace grates, stairs, fences);

1.2.5. production of hand-knitted and crocheted products;

1.2.6. production of hand-weaving products, in patchwork technique (from fabric, leather or other materials);

1.2.7. lace, macrame;

1.2.8. yarn production;

1.2.9. production of hand embroidery;

1.2.10. embroidery and weaving with beads;

1.2.11. artistic processing of wood (carving);

1.2.12. making toys from cloth, leather, straw, clay or other materials;

1.2.13. production of felted shoes, cloaks, insoles;

1.3. for the implementation of handicraft activities (regardless of the number of types of this activity carried out), a fee is charged in the amount of one base unit per calendar year, determined at the time of its payment, which is credited to the relevant budgets of the regions and the city of Minsk. Payment of the fee for the implementation of handicraft activities (hereinafter referred to as the fee) for each subsequent calendar year is made no later than the 28th day of the last month of the current calendar year in which handicraft activities are carried out. Individuals engaged in the types of handicraft activities listed in subparagraph 1.2 of this paragraph are payers of the fee and do not pay income tax, a single tax on individual entrepreneurs and other individuals, and also do not maintain state statistical reporting; When declaring by individuals as sources of funds at the expense of which expenses were incurred, income received from the implementation of handicraft activities, the actual income received is reflected in the declaration. When declaring as the indicated sources of income in excess of 100 times the amount of the fee for the implementation of handicraft activities in a calendar year, an additional fee of 10 percent of the amount of such an excess is paid. Payment of the additional fee is made within a month from the date of delivery to the individual by the tax authority of the relevant tax notice;

1.4. before the start of handicraft activities, an individual pays a fee and submits an application for registration to the tax authority at the place of residence, indicating data on payment of the fee;

1.5. implementation after July 1, 2005 by individuals of the types of handicraft activities named in subparagraph 1.2 of this paragraph, without paying a fee and filing an application with a tax authority for registration is prohibited.

2. Has expired.

3. The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus: before July 1, 2005, take measures to implement this Decree; within three months to ensure that legislative acts are brought into line with this Decree; explain the issues of compliance with the rules for the implementation of handicraft activities, defined in this Decree.

4. This Decree shall enter into force on July 1, 2005, with the exception of paragraph 3 and this paragraph, which shall enter into force on the date of signing this Decree. President of the Republic of Belarus A. Lukashenko.

The most common crafting questions and answers

Question: How to become an artisan?

Answer: For this, an individual who has expressed a desire to carry out handicraft activities is obliged to pay a fee for the implementation of handicraft activities before the start of such activity. Regardless of how many types of handicraft activities (one, two or all types) a citizen will carry out, the amount of the fee is set and amounts to one base amount per calendar year, determined at the time of its payment. To date, the base value is 35,000 rubles (from 01.04.2012 - 100,000 rubles). As a rule, the fee is paid through the settlement and cash centers of banking institutions. In this case, the payer of the fee fills out a receipt indicating the last name, first name and patronymic, place of residence, types of handicraft activities and the period (calendar year) for which the fee is paid. After paying the fee, the payer submits an application to the tax authority at the place of residence for registration (an application form is issued free of charge), which indicates the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, data on the place of residence of an individual, information about a passport or other identity document, as well as data on payment of the fee. The registration of the payer with the tax authority is accompanied by the assignment of a payer account number (UNP). The document certifying the registration of the payer with the tax authority is a notification of the assignment of the UNP of the established form. For each subsequent calendar year, the fee is paid no later than the 28th day of the last month of the current calendar year in which handicraft activities are carried out.

Question: Well, the craftsman has paid the fee, is he still obliged to pay anything to the state (income tax, single tax)?

Answer: Almost all types of handicraft activities are characterized by a high level of manual labor and are not highly profitable. With this in mind, citizens engaged in handicraft activities do not pay income tax, a single tax on individual entrepreneurs and other individuals, and also do not keep any reporting. At the same time, citizens engaged in handicraft activities need to keep records of income, since in case of income from the implementation of handicraft activities in the amount exceeding 100 times the fee for the implementation of handicraft activities during the calendar year, an individual is obliged to pay an additional fee of 10% of the amount of such excess.

Question: Does the legislation provide for any liability for “negligent artisans” who carry out their activities with violations?

Answer: For violation of the procedure for the implementation of handicraft activities, expressed in the sale of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services by individuals engaged in the types of handicraft activities provided for by legislative acts on the declarative principle without state registration as individual entrepreneurs, without paying a fee for the implementation of handicraft activities and filing an application to the tax authority on registration and (or) involvement in the specified activity of other individuals under labor and (or) civil law contracts, administrative liability is provided for under Article 23.68 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses in the form of a fine in the amount of five basic units.

Question. Where is an artisan allowed to sell his products?

Answer: I am attaching scans of official responses from the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Taxes and Duties. (Documents of craftsman Vera Sagalovich). From them we can conclude: online trading is open to artisans, but subject to the rules..