Professions related to metal. Professions in the field of woodworking Professions related to the production of wood-based materials

connected with

Lesson Objectives:
Get to know the professions
Describe each
Define the concept
"Defect of wood";
Learn to recognize basic
wood defects in appearance
Form technological

Profeession (lat. professio; from profiteor
“I declare it my business”) - kind
human activity,
owning the complex
theoretical knowledge and skills,
acquired during a special

Professions related
with processing
furniture maker
A carpenter
Wood carving or painting master
Basketmaker, wicker weaver
Music maker
instruments (Stradivarius)

Working with wood
people like that
Restorer Cabinetmaker
Gardener Forester
Agronomist Turner (according to
Furniture designer Sculptor
Engineer, woodworker
Landscape architect

Professions related to
wood processing

Logging operator
combine (harvester)
harvester, there is also
anglicism "harvester" (eng.
harvester, from harvest "collect
harvest") - machine,
performing four or more
operations (felling, cutting
boughs, podtrelevka,
cutting, sorting). If a
less than four is called
felling machine.
Cabin mounted
operator's computer allows
control the head
combine and set the length
twisted assortments.
The program has
automatic mode for
commercial timber output at
cutting, keeps track of quantity
harvested wood and its
breed composition.

lumberjack -
timber harvesting.

joiner - professional
worker, craftsman,
wood worker,
grinding and
making products from
wood or products based on
tree. The carpenter is engaged
carpentry work:
making complex
furniture, doors, windows, arches,
stairs and other products
solid wood with
possible application
veneering, veneering,
lamination, no thread
manually. Carpenter performs
more precise, fine work,
than a carpenter, and no less than
carver (or sculptor)
tree. joiner can
do unique work
for micromodeling
wooden base.

Furniture maker A furniture joiner must have
some set of elementary
geometric knowledge, well developed
spatial thinking, good
eye and coordination of movements.
In order to successfully master the profession, he
aesthetic sense and
artistic taste, good eyesight and
color perception, scrupulousness,
meticulousness bordering on
pedantry, patience, good
memory for shades of different colors.

A carpenter
A carpenter -
profession, one of
most ancient
crafts, which
associated with
woodworking and
wood in detail,
designs and
building materials

Builder Profession
is very ancient.
Thanks to historical
architectural buildings
we can learn a lot about
life and culture of ancestors. Before
many of our days
structures, age
millennia. Your experience
building masters
passed down from generation to
Every year in our country
being built everywhere
a large number of
various buildings. This and
residential complexes, and
cottage settlements,
institutions, industrial
enterprises, etc. So
demand for the profession
builder is obvious.
Engineering and design

Carving master or
painting on wood
Wood carving -
decorative and applied
th art
(also carving
is one of
wood processing
as well as
turning business), and
also art in
whole (this is an old
folk craft).

worker, busy
cutting something

Boyendar - craftsman,
barrel maker, sometimes master
for the manufacture of ship masts.
The craft is called cooperage. Previously
it was ubiquitous
Spread. In the 21st century
cooper's profession is still
necessary, because the real
wooden barrels are required when
production of wine and cognac.
Cooper with an ax and
other carpentry tools
adjusts the rivets of the barrel one to
the other, cuts them out, makes
folds (chute) with a chute, in them
drives the bottom and connects everything
wooden or iron

Basketmaker, master
wicker weaving
Vine weaving - craft
the manufacture of wickerwork
from the vine: household utensils and
containers for various purposes
such as boxes, baskets, vases and
other furniture (tables, chairs,
chests, cradles), etc. Under
vine means any
natural material
vegetable origin,
capable of a certain
processing with ease to bend, and
keep under normal conditions
form. The name of the material is "
vine" came from
vine from which
wove baskets. Often
weaving material is
wicker, it is used for
weaving both in Europe and in
Asia, moreover, in Asia weave
material such as rattan
and bamboo. Weaving technique
vines can be the most

The guitar maker is
narrow specialization within
profession "master
plucked musical
tools." To plucked
instruments other than guitars
include harps, harps, and
balalaikas, domras, etc.
Therefore, the masters
production of these
instruments are
guitar colleagues
Another related
specialty - violin
master - specialist in
manufacturing and repair
bowed musical
instruments (violin,
violas, cellos).

Wood defects
Wood defects are features and disadvantages
wood, both the entire tree trunk and individual
its sections, worsening its properties and
limiting its use.

To the main vices
wood include:
Insect damage;
Changing the shape of the trunk and
wood structures;

Size: px

Start impression from page:


1 PRIMARY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION B. A. STEPANOV MATERIALS SCIENCE FOR PROFESSIONS RELATED TO WOOD PROCESSING TEXTBOOK Approved by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation as a textbook for educational institutions implementing primary vocational education 7th edition, revised and enlarged 1

2 UDC (075.32) LBC 38.35ya722 C79 Reviewer teacher of Construction College 12 (GOU SK 12) V.I. Zhiganova C79 Stepanov B.A. Materials science for professions related to wood processing: a textbook for the beginning. prof. education / B. A. Stepanov. 7th ed., revised. and additional M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. ISBN The structure of wood and wood, physical and mechanical properties of wood, flaws and defects, wood species, classification and standardization of forest materials are considered. Data on ensuring the durability of wood, adhesives and materials for finishing and protective treatment of building structures and joinery are given. Wood-based materials, parts and wood products, polymer products, roofing and cladding materials, metal products and fittings, heat-insulating and waterproofing materials, materials for glazing are described. For students of primary vocational education institutions. UDC (075.32) LBC 38.35-722 The original layout of this publication is the property of the Academy Publishing Center, and its reproduction in any way without the consent of the copyright holder is prohibited ISBN Stepanov B.A., 2010 Educational and Publishing Center "Academy", 2010 Design. Publishing Center "Academy",

3 FOREWORD The textbook is written on the basis of a block of educational elements to the federal component of the State Educational Standard primary education in the subject "Materials Science" for the training in institutions of vocational primary education of skilled workers in the following professions: master carpentry, parquet work; master of carpentry and furniture production; machinist in woodworking; building restorer. The textbook consists of 19 chapters. Chapters 1 to 7 include general questions, the study of which is necessary for all of these professions. The study of chapters 8-17 is necessary for all professions, but to varying degrees. The study of chapter 15 is necessary for carpenters, and chapter 17 for joiners. Chapter 18 is required for students in the specialty carpenter-glazier, and chapter 19 for the profession of a machine operator in woodworking. The textbook provides information about both traditional materials that have been used for a long time, and about new materials that have begun to be used recently, knowledge of the properties of which is also necessary for modern skilled workers. For clarity and better assimilation of information in the textbook, illustrations and tables are provided. The data required in practice are given in the appendices, which also contain information of cognitive interest. The content of the textbook is given a practical orientation so that the knowledge gained can be most effectively used in the manufacture of products and work. 3

4 INTRODUCTION Wood is the oldest of all materials used by man. Almost everything that surrounded a person years ago was made of wood, but in the modern world, wood also occupies an important place. In terms of scope and variety of uses, no other material can compare with wood. Wood is used for the construction of buildings and structures for various purposes, the manufacture of joinery and construction products (doors, windows, floors, parquet, cladding, etc.) and furniture. Elements of bridges, ships, wagons, containers, sleepers, musical instruments, sports equipment, pencils, matches, paper, cardboard, household items, toys, souvenirs and much more are made from wood. Natural and modified wood is used in mechanical engineering and the mining industry, it serves as a raw material for the pulp and paper industry and the manufacture of various board materials. During the chemical processing of wood, cellulose, wood alcohol, grape sugar, cellophane, acetic acid, wine alcohol, fur, leather, artificial fiber, photographic and film film, cotton wool, paper, turpentine, rosin and much more are obtained. Lumber, chipboard, wood fiber, blockboard, plywood are the main structural materials for building structures and joinery. Peeled and sliced ​​veneer has found wide application in the manufacture of joinery. Plywood, plywood boards, glued veneer lumber, glued furniture parts, containers, matches are made from peeled veneer. Sliced ​​veneer is the main facing material for parts made from low-value wood, plywood and chipboard, parquet and furniture. Wood is a natural polymer with a combination of positive properties that allow it to be used so widely and in a variety of ways in a wide variety of areas. The wood has high physical and mechanical characteristics, well and simply processed, has a small volume 4

5 weight, high aesthetic qualities and natural decorative effect, low thermal conductivity, high strength with low weight, good resistance to shock and vibration loads. Structures and wood products with proper design, manufacture and operation are reliable and durable. Wood is relatively easily and simply connected with fasteners, firmly and reliably glued together; retains a beautiful appearance for a long time; is an environmentally friendly material; protective and decorative compositions are well applied to it. The energy intensity of the manufacture of wood products is the smallest compared to other materials, which is especially important in modern conditions with constantly rising energy prices. The uniqueness of wood as a material lies in the fact that it is the only renewable natural resource, unlike oil, coal, gas, iron ore and raw materials for cement production. Together with a combination of positive properties, wood has a number of disadvantages: it is susceptible to decay and burning, is destroyed by insects and fungi, is hygroscopic, as a result of an increase in humidity it can swell, and dry out when the humidity decreases. In addition, wood as a natural material has biological defects that reduce the uniformity of wood; they have to be taken into account. The disadvantages of wood can be overcome with proper design, manufacture and operation and the use of modern methods of protection against decay and fire. For the effective use of wood, it is necessary to know its structure, properties, flaws, and the main types of wood. But only knowledge about wood is not enough, since various materials are used in the manufacture of wood products: adhesives, paints and varnishes, finishing and auxiliary materials, metal and plastic products, fittings, lock hardware and fasteners, and much more. In order to produce high-quality products and perform work, a joiner, carpenter, parquet floorer, woodworker needs good knowledge of work technology, product design and material properties. All these knowledge are closely interconnected. The type and properties of the materials used determine the methods and modes of processing, the quality of manufactured products, their appearance, strength, durability and cost. The structure depends on the materials technological process, a set of necessary technological equipment and tools, the complexity of work and the duration of the production cycle, the level of possible mechanization, working conditions and the necessary qualifications of workers. 5

6 The fact that the forest must be protected has become an indisputable truth. It would seem that for Russia, which has almost a quarter of the world's timber reserves, the problem of saving it is not relevant. However, the existing structure of wood harvesting, the increase in the cost of transportation from harvesting sites to consumption sites make the issue of saving and rational use of wood very important. The solution of this important task of rational and integrated use of wood by processing it into useful and high-grade products without any losses and waste is possible only by qualified craftsmen who have all the necessary knowledge and constantly expanding knowledge of modern materials. 6

7 CHAPTER 1 STRUCTURE OF WOOD AND WOOD 1.1. The structure of a tree A growing tree consists of roots, a trunk and a crown (Fig. 1.1, a). Each part of the tree plays a specific role during its lifetime and is used by man for various purposes. The branches that make up the crown account for approximately 12%, the stump with roots 15%, and the trunk 73% of the total mass of the tree. The top of the trunk, together with branches and leaves or needles (for coniferous trees), forms a crown. In trees of different species, the crown begins at a different distance from the ground. The crown of cedar and spruce begins low above the ground. In an adult pine, the crown is located closer to the top. The crown of trees of different species has a different shape, for example, the crown of spruce is cone-shaped, the crown of cedar is ovoid, and the crown of birch is elongated. Fig Parts of a growing tree: a growing tree; b sap flow in a tree 7

8 Leaves or needles absorb carbon from the carbon dioxide of the air, water and mineral salts, which provide them with roots from the soil, and in the sun, as a result of photosynthesis, they form very complex organic substances from which the plant organism of a tree is built (Fig. 1.1, b). Leaves or needles are used to make vitamin flour, which is a valuable product for livestock and poultry. Branches and branches are processed into technological chips. Wood-fiber boards and container board are made from technological chips. The other part of the tree is the roots. The roots hold the tree upright and supply the tree with water and mineral salts from the soil. The roots store the nutrients of the tree. In some trees, such as oak, the roots go deep into the ground, while others, such as spruce, have well-developed powerful horizontal roots located almost at the surface of the earth. The roots are used as a second-rate fuel. Rosin and turpentine are obtained from stumps and large pine roots after processing after a certain period after cutting down the tree. The third, main and most valuable part of the tree, which is of the greatest economic importance, is the trunk. It supports a heavy crown and serves as a conductor of nutrients from the roots (upward currents) and from foliage or needles (downward currents). The trunk, like the roots, stores the nutrients of the tree. The shape of the trunk depends on the type of tree and the conditions in which it grows. For example, a pine tree grown in a forest has a straight and long trunk, while a tree grown in an open area has a short, thick and twisted one. When the tree reaches the maximum height possible for a given species and growing conditions, further growth stops (Appendices 1 and 2). The thin upper part of the tree is called the top, and the thick lower part is called the butt. Schematically, a tree trunk can be represented as a cone. A decrease in the diameter of a tree trunk from the butt to the top is called a runoff, or runaway. In coniferous trees, the taper is always less than in deciduous trees. The runaway of trees grown in the forest is less than that of trees grown in the open. But even the trunk of one tree at different heights has different taper: the closer to the top, the greater it is. The cross section of a tree trunk (Fig. 1.2) shows the bark, core and wood with its annual layers. eight

9 Fig Cross section of a tree trunk: 1 pith; 2 core rays; 3 core; 4 cork layer; 5 bast layer; 6 sapwood; 7 cambium; 8 annual layers The bark covers the entire surface of the tree and consists of two layers: cork and bast. The cork layer of bark located on the outer side of the tree trunk protects the wood from frost, overheating, sudden temperature changes, mechanical damage and other external influences. The appearance, texture and color of the bark depend on the species and age of the tree. The bark of trees is varied in color (white, gray, brown, green, red, black, etc.). For example, birch bark is white, oak is dark gray, spruce is dark brown. The bark also differs in the shape of the surface (smooth, lamellar, fissured, etc.). For example, the bark of fir is smooth, pine is scaly, juniper is fibrous, and birch is warty. The color and shape of the bark of trees change with age. Young trees have smoother bark than older trees. Depending on the species, age and growing conditions in tree species growing in Russia, the bark is from 6 to 25% of the trunk volume. The bark is used in many ways. It is used for tanning leather (willow and oak bark contains a lot of tannins), in medicine (in its natural form and for the preparation of medicines), dyeing (for the preparation of dyes), for the manufacture thermal insulation materials and flooring materials. The bark, when properly processed, makes an excellent compost for agriculture. Corks are cut from the bark of the cork oak. The bast layer of the bark conducts water with organic substances developed in leaves or needles down the trunk. Bast, matting, ropes are made from the bast. Well developed bast layer 9

10 lindens are used for weaving various household items. Between the bark and the wood is a very thin succulent layer of living cells, not visible to the naked eye, called the cambium. Most of the cambium cells are used to build a new annual layer of wood and a very small part is used to form bark. In the middle of the trunk of many tree species, the core is clearly visible, which consists of loose tissues formed in the first years of the tree's life. The core runs through the tree trunk from the butt to the top and through every branch of the tree. In most tree species, the core is visible on the end section in the form of a dark circle with a diameter of 25 mm. In some tree species, the heartwood has a different shape, for example, the heartwood of alder has the appearance of a triangle, ash square, poplar pentagon, and the heartwood of oak has the appearance of a five-pointed star. On a radial section, the core is visible in the form of a straight or sinuous dark narrow strip. The main cuts of the tree trunk (Fig. 1.3): transverse P (end or end) runs perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the trunk, radial P runs perpendicular to the transverse through the core of the trunk, tangential T on non- 10 Fig. Main cuts of the tree trunk: P transverse (end ); R radial; T tangential

11 which is the distance from the radial. Sawing a tree across the fibers, we get an end cut, and splitting or sawing a tree along the fibers, radial and tangential cuts Macroscopic structure of wood Macroscopic is the structure of wood, which can be seen with the naked eye. In order to better examine the macrostructure of wood, it is necessary to have a magnifying glass with a five- or ten-fold increase, coarse-grained and fine-grained sandpaper, a jar of clean water and a brush. The section of wood that they want to examine is carefully polished first with coarse-grained and then fine-grained sandpaper, then moistened with water with a brush and examined through a magnifying glass Sapwood, heartwood, ripe wood The wood of forest species growing in Russia is usually painted in a light color . In some species, the entire mass of wood is painted in one color (birch, hornbeam, alder), while in other species the central part has a darker color (pine, larch, oak). The dark-colored central part of the trunk is called the core, and the part surrounding the core is called sapwood (see Fig. 1.3). Breeds that have a core are called sound. Rocks in which there is no difference between the central and peripheral parts either in color or in water content are called sapwood. If the humidity of the central part of the trunk is less than the humidity of the peripheral part, then such wood is called ripe, and the corresponding species are ripe wood. Of the tree species that grow in Russia, the core is: coniferous pine, larch, cedar; deciduous oak, ash, poplar, elm. The sapwood species include: maple, birch, linden, pear, hornbeam, boxwood, etc. The ripe wood species include: coniferous fir and spruce, deciduous aspen and beech. Some hardwoods that do not have a core, i.e. in non-core species (birch, aspen, beech, maple, alder), sometimes the central part has a darker color than the peripheral. In this case, the dark central part is called the false nucleus. Coniferous trees do not have a false core. eleven

12 Young trees of all species do not have a core and consist of one sapwood. Only with the passage of time does a part of the sapwood become heartwood and a core is formed. The formation of the core occurs due to the death of living cells of wood, blockage of waterways, deposition of tannins, resins, calcium carbonate. As a result of these processes occurring in the sapwood, the color of the wood, the density and the indicators of mechanical properties change. The width of the sapwood depends on the type of tree and the conditions of its growth. In some tree species, the core is formed in the third year (yew, white locust), in others (pine) in the th year of life. Therefore, pine has a wide sapwood, while yew has a narrow one. The transition from sapwood to heartwood can be abrupt (yew, larch) or smooth (cedar, walnut). In a growing tree, the sapwood plays the role of a conductor of water with mineral salts from the roots to the leaves, and the core performs a mechanical function. Sapwood wood easily passes water, is less resistant to decay than heartwood. Sapwood is not recommended for use in liquid containers. Annual rings, early and late wood Concentric rings are visible on the cross section of the trunk, which are called annual layers of wood. On the radial section, the annual layers are visible in the form of parallel stripes, and on the tangential section in the form of wavy, winding lines (Fig. 1.4). The annual layers represent the annual growth of wood. Annual layers grow annually from the center to the periphery, and the outer layer is the youngest. The age of a tree can be determined by counting the number of annual layers along the radius in the end section on the butt. The width of the annual layers depends on the type of tree, the conditions of its growth and the position along the length of the trunk. In fast-growing tree species, wide annual layers are formed, for example, in poplar and willow, while in slow-growing species, such as boxwood, yew, juniper, narrow annual layers are formed. In the lower part of the trunk, the narrowest annual layers are located, and up the trunk, the width of the annual layers increases, since the tree grows both in height and in thickness, and the shape of the trunk is close to cylindrical. In the same tree species, the width of the annual layers may be different. If the weather is favorable, then a wide annual layer grows, and under adverse conditions (lack or excess of moisture, lack of nutrients,

13 Fig. Annual layers on the transverse (a), radial (b) and tangential (c) sections of rose pine wood) form such narrow rings that it is difficult to see them with the naked eye. In some tree species, annual rings are pronounced and clearly visible, while in others they are barely noticeable. As a rule, young trees have wider annual rings than old ones. The width of the annual layers also depends on the place where the tree grows. For example, the annual rings of the pine growing in the northern regions are narrower than the annual rings of the southern pine. Sometimes, on opposite sides of the trunk, the annual layers have an unequal width. For example, in trees growing on the edge or on the edge of the forest, on the side facing the light, the annual rings are wider than on the dark side. As a result, the core (or the center of the trunk, if there is no core) is displaced from the center of the trunk and the arrangement of annual rings becomes asymmetrical. The growth rings are, as a rule, in the form of rings, but some tree species are characterized by an irregular shape of the annual rings. On transverse sections of juniper, yew, hornbeam, wavy annual layers are visible. Each annual layer consists of two parts: early and late wood. Early wood has a light color, it is turned to the core. Early wood is softer than late wood. Late wood facing towards the bark; it is darker in color and harder than the earlier one. The difference between early and late wood is pronounced in conifers and some hardwoods. Early wood is formed in spring and early summer when there is a lot of moisture in the soil. It grows very quickly, but closer to autumn, growth slows down and, finally, stops completely in winter. Late wood grows in late summer and early autumn and performs mainly mechanical work in the trunk 13

14 function, as if being an armature of a tree. The density and strength of the wood as a whole depend on the amount of late wood. Core rays and core repetitions On the end surfaces of tree trunks in some tree species, light shiny stripes are clearly visible, running fan-shaped from the core to the bark, these are core rays (Fig. 1.5, a). All breeds have core rays, but only a few are visible to the naked eye. They conduct water horizontally and store nutrients. In width, the core rays can be very narrow, not visible to the naked eye (in boxwood, aspen, birch, pear and all conifers); narrow, difficult to distinguish (in maple, elm, elm, linden); wide, clearly visible to the naked eye on a transverse section. Wide beams can be true wide (in oak, beech) and false wide. Falsely wide beams seem wide, but if you look at them through a magnifying glass, you can find that this is not a wide beam, but a bunch of very thin beams that are gathered together (hornbeam, hazel, alder). The core rays are denser than the surrounding wood, and after wetting with water they become clearly visible. Core beams can be lighter or darker than the surrounding wood. On the tangential section, the rays are visible in the form Fig. View of core rays on the transverse (a), tangential (b) and radial (c) sections of wood 14

15 dark strokes with pointed ends or in the form of lenticular stripes placed along the fibers (Fig. 1.5, b). On a radial section, the core rays are visible in the form of shiny stripes, dashes and spots located across the fibers (Fig. 1.5, c). The beam width is from 0.015 to 0.6 mm. Core beams create a beautiful pattern on a radial cut, which is important when using wood as a decorative material. The number of core rays depends on the type of wood: hardwoods have about 2-3 times more core rays than conifers. On the end section of wood of some species (birch, mountain ash, maple, alder), one can see randomly scattered dark spots of brown, brown color, located closer to the boundary of the annual layer. These formations are called core repetitions. Core repetitions are formed as a result of damage to the cambium by insects or frost and resemble the color of the core. On longitudinal sections (radial and tangential), core repetitions are visible in the form of strokes and shapeless spots of brown or brown color, which differ sharply in color from the surrounding wood. of various sizes that conduct water in the tree. By size, the vessels are divided into large, which are clearly visible to the naked eye, and small, not visible to the naked eye. Large vessels, as a rule, are located in the early wood of the annual layers and form a continuous ring of vessels on a transverse section. Hardwoods, in which the vessels are arranged in this way, are called ring-vascular. In ring-vascular species, in late wood, small vessels are collected in groups that are clearly visible due to their light color. In some wood species, small and large vessels are evenly distributed over the entire width of the annual layer. Such breeds are called disseminated-vascular. In ring-vascular hardwoods, the annual rings are clearly visible due to the sharp difference in color between early and late wood. In deciduous scattered-vascular species, the annual rings are poorly visible, since there is no sharp difference between late and early wood. fifteen

16 Fig Types of groupings of vessels: a, b, in ring-vascular rocks with radial, tangential and scattered grouping, respectively; d scattered-vascular grouping In hardwood ring-vascular species, small vessels that are located in late wood form the following types of groupings (Fig. 1.6): radial in the form of light radial stripes resembling flames (Fig. 1.6, a chestnut, oak); tangential small vessels form solid or intermittent wavy lines, elongated along the annual layers (Fig. 1.6, b elm, elm); scattered small vessels in late wood are located in the form of light dots or dashes (Fig. 1.6, in ash). On fig. 1.6, d shows the location of the vessels in a deciduous scattered vascular species (walnut). Vessels are located evenly across the entire width of the annual layer. On radial and tangential sections, the vessels look like longitudinal grooves. The volume of vessels in various types of wood ranges from 7 to 43% of the total volume. sixteen

17 Resin passages A characteristic feature of the structure of coniferous wood is the presence of resin passages. They are resin-filled channels that run through pine, cedar, larch and spruce wood. Yew, fir and juniper do not have resin passages. Resin passages run in vertical (along the trunk) and horizontal (across the trunk) directions. With the naked eye, only vertical resin ducts can be detected, and the horizontal ducts associated with them are visible only under a microscope. Horizontal passages pass along the medullary rays. Vertical resin ducts are thin narrow channels filled with resin. On the transverse section, vertical resin ducts are visible as light dots located in the late wood of the annual layers. On longitudinal sections, resin ducts are visible in the form of dark strokes directed along the axis of the trunk. The number and size of resin passages differ in different tree species. Cedar has the largest resin passages, their average diameter is 0.14 mm. The diameter of the resin passages in pine is 0.1 mm, in spruce 0.09 mm, in larch 0.08 mm. The length of the passages varies within cm, and in the lower part of the trunks of spruce and larch their length is twice as long as in the upper one. Pine has the largest number of resin passages, less cedar and even less larch and spruce. Resin passages occupy a small volume of trunk wood (0.2-0.7%) and therefore do not have a significant effect on the properties of wood. They are important when tapping, when the turpentine (resin) harvesters, the scavengers, apply two rows of inclined cuts, called undercuts, to the tree. Resin is a valuable raw material for the chemical industry. Turpentine and rosin are obtained from it, which, in turn, serve as a very valuable raw material. The resin is called resin because it heals wounds in the tree. In ancient times, resin was used for medical purposes Microscopic structure of wood The microstructure of wood is a structure that can only be seen with a microscope. Studies of wood under a microscope showed that it consists of the smallest particles of cells. The bulk (up to 98%) of the cells are dead and only 2% of the cells are alive. 17

LIFELONG PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION BA STEPANOV MATERIALS SCIENCE (WOODWORKING) Approved by the Expert Council for Professional Education as a textbook for educational

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UDC 674.038.6-777:006.354 STATE STANDARD FIREWOOD Group K15 Specifications GOST 3243-88 Firewood. Specifications OKP 53 2000 Valid from 01.01.90 to 01.01.95 Non-compliance with the standard is prosecuted

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I am a master Big book Woodcarving Moscow AST Kladez UDC 745 BBK 85.125 B79 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form, including

We are surrounded by countless metal products. We are so accustomed to this that we rarely think about how long a product goes before it can be used for its intended purpose.

Metal processing technology

Under the technology of metal processing is meant a method for obtaining solid metal bodies desired shape. One of the most common technologies is casting. Although powerful equipment is needed to melt the metal, cast parts are still characterized by increased strength and a long service life.

To connect two finished metal products into one whole, the welding method is most often used, which is divided into several types (thermal, thermomechanical, mechanical) and subtypes (in air, in vacuum, submerged arc, in foam, in shielding gas, etc. ) depending on the specific type of metal structure and the nature of the environment.

Metal cutting is one of the integral stages of metalworking. It is performed both with the help of mechanical action (cutting, sawing, drilling, milling), and with the help of a jet or thermal action (gas cutting, electric, gas-electric, abrasive, hydroabrasive, etc.). Equipment for this technology is constantly being upgraded. One of the latest achievements of progress is a metal laser cutting machine, which is capable of not only cutting, but at the same time removing melt products.

Artistic metal processing

Metal products have not only industrial value. From ancient times to the present, it has been widely used to make a wide variety of jewelry. For this purpose, such methods of artistic metal processing as chasing, figured casting, artistic forging, engraving and others have been used for many centuries.

The range of these products is quite diverse: personal jewelry made of precious and non-ferrous metals, household items, wrought iron gates, fences, etc.

Professions related to metal processing

If you want to devote your life to working with metal, then the editors of the site advise you to turn your attention to such professions as an engineer, metallurgist, turner, locksmith, miller, welder, mechanic - depending on which aspect of metalworking interests you the most. At the same time, do not forget that the availability of vacancies will directly depend on the specific industrial region.
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technology lesson

2015-2016 year

Lesson topic


associated with the creation of products from wood and wood materials.

The purpose of the lesson

1. Expand knowledge about the world of professions.

2. Get acquainted with prestigious, rare and new professions related to the processing of wood and its materials.

3. Develop group interaction skills (the ability to listen and understand the other)

How will we work in the classroom?

1. Let's repeat the material covered on the topic "Wood processing technology"

2. Learn about woodworking professions.

3. Let's watch a video and work in groups.

4. We learn homework.

5. Evaluate your work.

How do we evaluate the work of checking knowledge?

Without errors and independently

There are shortcomings, inaccuracies

There are mistakes

Let's test our knowledge

  • 1. Extra in a row:

2. Even and smooth surfaces of wood parts are obtained using:

a) bow saw;

b) hacksaws;

c) planer;

d) sherhebel;

3. How many layers of wood has a sliced ​​veneer:

b) two or three;

4. The way to create a mosaic on a tree is:

a) polishing;

b) carving;

c) performance of inlay;

d) burning.

5. What is not used for natural drying of lumber:

a). oven c). Stack c). pyramid

  • carpenter
  • furniture maker
  • A carpenter
  • Builder
  • Wood carving or painting master
  • sawmill
  • Cooper
  • Basketmaker, wicker weaver
  • Musical instrument maker (Stradivarius)

  • carpenter- a highly skilled worker, craftsman and craftsman who manufactures and turns products from wood or on a wooden basis with the possible use of lamination, veneering or veneering.

  • Accurate eye gauge;
  • Ability to walk fast
  • Spatial thinking;
  • High growth
  • Sense of beauty, composition and proportions;
  • the ability to distinguish not only colors, but their slightest shades;
  • accuracy;
  • Long fingers
  • creativity;
  • Patience;
  • responsibility;
  • Meticulousness;
  • Developed coordination of movements,
  • Good voice and hearing

  • Additional income
  • Available for purchase tool
  • Fame

  • Operates with tools that, if not handled carefully, can cause serious injury.
  • Waste materials (chips and chips) can also injure the operator.
  • Another big problem is the varnish, paints and glue that a professional deals with in the process of work. Their toxic fumes can cause poisoning, allergies and respiratory diseases.
  • A carpentry workshop is a constant noise and vibration, due to which a specialist may have hearing loss and diseases of the nervous system. The carpenter has to work not only in work clothes and goggles, but also in ear plugs.

Group work

Answer questions after watching a video about the profession.

1. Guess what the master wanted to make?

2. What method of fastening the workpiece to the machine did the master use?

3. What tools did the master use?

4. How many types of cutters did the master use?

5. What additional technique did the master use when turning? Why did he do it?

6. What product did he make?

7. What is the profession of the master?



Answer #1


+ or -



Workpiece fastening method

Tools and equipment


Types of incisors

Reception during turning.

For what?

What is the profession of a master?

Tools and equipment: Ruler, screwdriver, cutters, electric saw, crown compass, compressor, lathe.

Mounting methods :


plan washer


for rough turning,

For fine turning

  • Leader
  • Leader Assistant

Where can you get a profession related to woodworking?

  • Omsk College of Construction and Forestry

Carpenter, joiner construction: full-time, on the basis of 9 classes, 2 years, budget: yes, for a fee: no.

  • Smolensk Assembly College;
  • Moscow College of Artistic Crafts No. 59;
  • Moscow College of Urban Infrastructure and Construction No. 1;
  • Vysokogorsky multidisciplinary technical school;

Homework (work in pairs)


Prepare a presentation about a profession related to woodworking. Work in pairs.

Requirements :

1. Uniform design style

2. Matching theme and content

3. Use of illustrations

4. The presence of a description of the profession, the subject of labor, the pros and cons of the profession.

5. Number of slides 5 pcs.

For each criterion -1 p.


With tokens of different colors, count

arithmetic mean

  • What did you know before the lesson?
  • What did you learn new?
  • What else would you like to know?

The services of arborists are usually required when it is not possible to cut down the entire tree due to the danger of damaging nearby objects (buildings, power lines, etc.). In addition, the possibility of removal or processing exclusively by arborists arises when there is no access to special equipment for working on a lifting cradle.

This technique uses specific equipment for belaying, accessing and positioning, generally different from the universal safety systems and equipment for rope technology.

Access and positioning of a specialist when climbing a tree is carried out with the help of special manholes worn on the legs (gaffs). When climbing a tree, adjustable steel-core positioning slings (sleeves) are used, attached to the side points on the harness. The steel core is necessary to prevent accidental cutting of the sling by a running chainsaw.

The harness used in arboristry is different from the harness used in the rope access technique. She usually has more powerful waist and leg sashes. These harnesses can be both positioning and universal with shoulder straps. Another distinctive feature of such harnesses is the presence of a special bridge, which allows you to have more free positioning during work.

For the descent of tree fragments and branches in arboristry, superstatic ropes with a diameter of at least 12 mm are used. Their main properties are associated with minimal elongation under high loads and increased wear resistance. To work with a cargo rope, special friction devices and blocks are used.

To protect the head, face and eyes, helmets with integrated shields that completely cover the face are used. Also, the helmet must be equipped with earmuffs to protect the hearing organs.