Raising the salaries of state employees in 1717. Increasing the salaries of state employees

The latest news about salary indexation in 2018 concerns mainly state employees. The government allocated 80 billion rubles from the state treasury for this. The crisis that began after the introduction of economic sanctions has largely been overcome. Domestic enterprises are working more efficiently, which made it possible to increase the minimum wage in 2018 and equalize it with the subsistence minimum. A small step requires huge funds throughout the country, and since they were found, it means that the matter is not so bad.

It will be easier for state employees to live

As usual, the priority is the standard of living of state employees. The salaries of civil servants in 2018 will grow by 180% compared to 2013, which was the last time indexation was carried out. Regional authorities have the right to correct the figures, which has been done in many subjects of the Russian Federation: Tatarstan, Krasnodar Territory, Moscow. The authorities of Primorye showed unexpected concern for the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: the salary of the police in 2018 will increase by 21%.

Finally, those who stand guard over the interests of the motherland will also wait for the indexation of payments. The salary of the military in 2018 will increase by 4.3%, which has not been the case for the last 3 years. Pension payments to people in uniform will also increase. True, an unpleasant surprise is expected already in 2019: in order to receive a seniority bonus, you will have to give the state 5 years more. So, those who will be eligible for seniority benefits in 2018 will be especially lucky.

Back in early 2018, the government decided to raise the salaries of all civil servants, in particular state employees, to a living wage that provides for a full consumer basket. This program was to be carried out gradually in three phases. How things are with the solution of this issue in fact, we will try to analyze the situation in this article.

Who are state employees and will their salaries be increased from December 1, 2018?

Constantly growing inflation, subject to the influence of the crisis, forces the government to constantly regulate the level of wages of the population. This is especially true of the salaries of state employees, whose salaries are tied to the state treasury or to regional budgets. Therefore, this category of employees is most concerned about the issue of raising salaries. These include:

  • Teachers working in government institutions;
  • Kindergarten teachers and nannies;
  • university professors;
  • Science workers;
  • Workers of various cultural institutions: museums or libraries;
  • Medical workers.

It should be noted that the same specialties in private institutions are not equated with state employees.

Since the beginning of 2018, the wages of state employees and other vulnerable segments of the population have already been indexed due to rising inflation. And it was planned to equalize the minimum wage with the subsistence level in the first decade of 2019. But since economic situation in Russia unexpectedly stabilized, the head of the country revised the deadlines for the implementation of this Decree, therefore, already in May 2018, a decision was made to change the salaries of state employees, taking into account indexation and equating to the minimum subsistence level of the population.

The increase in salaries of state employees, in particular, teachers and medical workers, is planned within 4%.

Will there be an increase in salaries for state employees from December 1, 2018 and to whom it will be increased

Information about the increase in salaries for state employees from December 1, 2018 in various sources looks very ambiguous. But it is already clear that this painful issue will still be resolved. For the current year, wage indexation has already been carried out for some segments of the population. But since the salaries of teachers and medical workers are far behind the level of other developed countries, the government plans to solve this issue by indexing according to inflation.

One thing is clear, that a 4% increase in wages will not change the situation too much, but will at least partially cover the damage. And taking into account the fact that all allowances and bonuses of state employees are calculated from direct earnings, their total income will grow in the range from 6% to 10%. Raise wages to state employees from December 1, 2018 is also due to the fact that in Russia the retirement age of workers is gradually increasing. Therefore, in order to somehow “smooth out” this moment, such a measure is simply necessary.

It’s a secret that the salaries of Russian health workers and teachers look, to put it mildly, “modest” against the background of other European countries. Of course, the economic instability of the budget does not allow making a big leap towards their increase. But a gradual solution to this problem is envisaged.

So, for example, the governor of the Moscow region, Andrey Vorobyov, has already ordered an increase in salaries for some groups of state employees from September 1, 2018. This list will include:

  • Sports workers - by 10%;
  • Medical workers - by 15%;
  • Teachers, class teachers - by 15%;
  • Some social policy workers – 10%;
  • Masters of training in production - 5%.

He did not bypass the workers of clubs and recreation centers in rural areas, recommending to raise their earnings by 15%.

A good example to follow. Let's hope that other officials will not keep themselves waiting long in this endeavor.

Whether the indexation of public sector wages announced by Maxim Topilin will become a one-time action or become permanent depends on the state of the Russian budget. About it FBA "Economy Today"‍independent expert in the social and pension sphere Andrey Gudkov.

"Initially, the differentiation of state employees according to professional qualities It was strange, but the Ministry of Finance fought furiously for every budget billion, and as a result, millions of people were left without an annual increase in wages, even at the rate of inflation. There is no point in arguing how justified this is. But at least they got the right to be indexed in 2018, albeit against the background of the electoral cycle that began in the country.

One can speak about whether this will be a one-time action or it will become permanent only with reference to the country's budget deficit and the political will of its leadership. In fact, the 50 billion rubles declared for indexation of the planned 16 trillion expenses for this year make up only a third of a percent. That is, the amount is quite feasible," the expert notes.

Today, Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin announced that the amount of wage indexation for state employees not covered by the May decrees will be approved this fall. This category, for example, includes kindergarten teachers' assistants, while teachers' salaries are indexed. Similarly, junior hospital staff - nurses and orderlies - remained on the sidelines, while indexing covers doctors completely.

"As you know, since 2014 there has been a suspension of indexation of salaries of such categories of state employees as judges, federal and regional civil servants, assistants to State Duma deputies and senators, police officers and a number of others. The suspension period ends on January 1, 2018. Let's say these are not the poorest segments of the population : the salary of an assistant to a deputy - from 50 thousand rubles, judges - from 100 thousand, "the specialist states.

The president ordered to index the salaries of state employees

Russian leader Vladimir Putin announced the indexation of salaries for all state employees on the Direct Line on June 15 this year. Increasing wages for employees public sector, which were not subject to the May decrees, affects over 6 million people. The head of state noted that he ordered to provide 50 billion rubles in the budget for these purposes.

Topilin announced that they would raise salaries by at least 4%, over 5 million state employees. The increase will be received by such categories of workers as veterinarians, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, specialists in the rehabilitation of the disabled, as well as administrative and technical workers and other categories of citizens working in kindergartens, hospitals and social departments.

"In order for indexation to these categories of employees to be constant, it is necessary to revise the rate of accumulation in the gross domestic product. With the current rate of 20%, at least 26% is needed, otherwise the hole in the budget of the Pension Fund will not be closed further.

However, this requires a special coordinated policy of the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Russia, but the heads of these departments have not yet announced their plans in this regard. In addition, Convention No. 102 international organization work "On the minimum standards of social security", which was ratified by Russia, offers clear figures: the old-age benefit should be 40% of average earnings. In the Russian Federation, this level is now approximately 34%, and this state of affairs also needs to be adjusted.

The indexation of pensions for state employees, not affected by the May presidential decrees, is still seen as a one-time action. Forecasts for sustainable economic development are still uncertain today, growth can be adjusted by many factors both inside and outside Russia. It is unlikely that in this situation the financial block of the government will decide on the salaries of state employees - we see that even today it is not particularly enthusiastic about allocating funds for the social sphere," Andrey Gudkov concludes.

Teachers and doctors, having checked the account on their salary cards, were surprised to find that they had received a salary increase. What is the reason for this - with the "May decrees" or with an increase in workload?

Increasing the salaries of state employees. Some employees talked about salaries three and even five times higher than usual. Labor Minister Maksim Topilin explained this by the implementation of the "May Decrees".

Surprise is probably a soft word for what state employees have recently experienced. As RBC found out, for example, at Moscow State University, teachers' salaries increased two and a half to three times. And according to other sources, five times. Moreover, the leadership did not explain anything, and it looked like a miracle or a gift for the elections. One of the Moscow State University teachers, who asked not to be named, confirmed to Business FM that the salary has increased, but not only it:

“Indeed, the salary has become higher, but, to be honest, I didn’t ask the accounting department what it was connected with. But the salary that comes, I was even surprised. But, in principle, my load has grown, that is, it’s so hard for me to say that maybe it was also connected with the load.

Later, Minister of Labor Maxim Topilin explained: these are “May decrees”. Over the past six years, there have been many reports that they are not being fully implemented. And Putin has urged officials more than once. As a result, for the most part, the decrees were implemented, and the salaries of doctors, teachers, and scientists were raised. Not everyone was in time for 2018, as usual, transfers from the budget were late. But they made it just in time for March.

It takes off main question, which the surprised state employees probably asked themselves when they checked the salary card account: once or will it always be like this? However, not everyone was promoted.

Svetlana literature teacher from Moscow“I didn’t notice any special salary increases and raises in our school, at least in our school, and there wasn’t. On March 8, we all received the award, we were equally congratulated. Well, everything is the same, the same salary. I didn't notice anything special, really.

Vladimir Putin, when he gave the "May decrees", did not explain what to implement them for. Of course, subsidies came from the center, but the main burden fell on the shoulders of local budgets. And then everyone tried as best they could. The head physician of the 64th Moscow city hospital, Olga Sharapova, explains that compulsory medical insurance rates have increased in Moscow since this year. Accordingly, more money came to hospitals, and doctors' salaries were raised.

Olga Sharapova chief physician of the 64th Moscow city hospital“Increase the cost of the service. This is a significant increase in high technologies, in high-tech types of medical care and specialized medical care, the tariffs for compulsory medical software and compulsory medical insurance have also been increased. This gives every chief physician an opportunity to increase wages.”

Along with the growth of salaries, state employees also learned all the delights of bureaucracy. The promotion introduced many to the buzzword KPI, on which income now depends. And in order to prove the effectiveness, you have to constantly write reports on the work done. Dmitry Belyakov, a paramedic near Moscow and chairman of the independent trade union of ambulance workers, says that his Zheleznodorozhny salary was raised back in the fall. In Moscow, ambulances were also raised, but not quite.

Dmitry Belyakov paramedic, chairman of the independent trade union of ambulance workers“Well, our salary has gone up a bit. Fine. More or less. It was worse. I used to get somewhere around 33, now - somewhere around 40. And in Moscow they recalculated the salary - there was an increase in salaries, but at the same time they reduced extra payments for work for one person, reduced extra pay for night shifts. In general, they raised for one, lowered for another.

Many state employees say this: the salary has remained the same, but bonuses have appeared. In the meantime, they lasted six years, length of service was added or qualifications improved. So the “May Decrees” were fulfilled not only due to the simple “gave money”, but also the good old “shrinkage and shaking”. As for these amazing March days, not everyone has managed to get their salaries yet. Paramedic Dmitry Belyakov is waiting for her on March 14. Before a miracle or lack thereof, there is very little left.

Will there be a salary increase for state employees in 2019, latest news

The public sector of the economy includes various types of specialties that play an important role in the life of the state. Throughout recent history The salaries of ordinary state employees have always lagged far behind the growth of prices and tariffs, which is why the government, by decree of President V.V. Putin, regularly increased salaries in state organizations.

Over the past few years, this practice has ceased for a number of reasons. This is due to structural adjustments in the public sector of the economy.

Will there be a salary increase for state employees in 2019, latest news

The salaries of state employees in 2019 in Russia will be charged according to a new principle. AT breaking news a lot has been said about changing the tariff scale and increasing the minimum subsistence level.

According to representatives of the Ministry of Labor, this will solve the problem of the chronic lag of budget salaries from current prices for consumer goods and utilities.

May Presidential Decrees on Raising Wages in the Public Sector of the Economy

The course to fight poverty in the country was determined by the "May Decrees" V. V. Putin, signed back in 2012. According to these documents, the average payments for labor activity in the public sector should be at least 150% of the average in Russia. This is a complex and multi-stage task, which is influenced by various economic indicators in the Russian regions.

The task of paying salaries to such representatives of the public sector as follows falls on the regional budgets:

  • secondary school teachers;
  • doctors, nurses, paramedics, orderlies;
  • librarians;
  • teachers of state universities;
  • employees of state museums and other organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture;
    forestry personnel;
  • employees of research institutes;
  • workers and engineers at state enterprises.

In each region, the number of representatives of the public sector makes up the bulk of the population. Not all regional budgets are able today to fulfill the task set by the "May Decrees". The government promises a radical change in the situation with the salaries of state employees in 2019 in Russia.

This is due to linking the minimum wage to living wage and changing the old tariff scale to a new one.

According to officials this year salary increase for state employees should be 13-15%. This will lead to the fact that the salary of people working in the public sector will be 80% of the national average. Such tasks were set to the government by the President 6 years ago. At that time, it was pointed out that it was necessary to raise wages in the public sector in the region to the average.

Objective economic difficulties and large gaps in the size of the budgets of the regions themselves did not allow solving this problem during the second term of V. Putin's presidency. Local budgets could not withstand the financial burden.

Today the government decided to increase minimum wage by comparing its size with the minimum subsistence level in the country. This was done at the expense of the federal budget. Stabilization of the situation in the world oil market ensured the growth of the country's national budget. The President pointed out the need to provide assistance at the expense of these funds to low-income strata of the population, which include state employees.

The minimum wage in the country was increased from May 1, 2018 and amounted to 11,163 rubles. During the year, this figure increased by 43%. The increase in wages affected 3 million state employees, whose wages were tied to the minimum wage and did not reach the established minimum.

In a number of regions, this figure is higher, since the consumer minimum is higher in them, so employers will have to pay more.

These regions include:

  • Moscow - 18742 rubles;
  • Moscow region - 13,500 rubles;
  • St. Petersburg - 17,000 rubles;
  • Tula region - 13,000 rubles.
  • Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 14260 rubles;
  • Magadan region - 19500 rubles;
  • Republic of Sakha - 17388 rubles;
  • Kamchatka Territory - 16910 rubles;
  • Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 16299 rubles;
  • Sakhalin - 15150 rubles.

Such a minimum wage for state employees is provided only in these regions. In the rest, the general rate for all, established by the Government of the Russian Federation, applies.

New payroll scheme for state employees

The latest news from the Ministry of Labor also talks about changing the wage scale. Old standard, consisting of 17 digits professions related to non-working specialties will be replaced with a new one. 10 categories of employees will be removed from it.

The change in tariffing is connected with the need to replace the current tariff scale with a base one, which can be linked to the new minimum wage. As a result, all small milestone payments to such personnel, which are considered to be ineffective today, will be abolished.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the statistics provided by Rosstat often combine salary indicators in a number of specialties.

Salary increase in 2018

So, often, data on salaries in private clinics are added to doctors working in state medical institutions. This greatly reduces the objectivity of such data.

In general, the binding of the minimum wage to the minimum subsistence level is important in the new changes. This is a fundamental achievement that allows you to get rid of specialties and positions in the public sector, which did not allow people to simply make ends meet. The increase in wages for state employees in 2019 should be closely related to raising the retirement age and fundamental changes in the labor market, leading to the closure of a number of professions.