What is the choice of profession. Profession and its role in human life

Good afternoon friends! Today we will talk about how to choose a profession - for the first or next time. We will discuss the main factors influencing self-determination, consider some career-oriented methods and, as always, we will help with good advice.

  • personal comfort,
  • self-development vector,
  • material wealth,
  • environment.

Reasons for choosing a particular profession

It only seems that the professional definition is influenced solely by interests. Why does a person choose this or that profession? In fact, there are many factors to choose from:

  • prestige, fashion

In the 60s everyone wanted to be astronauts, in the 90s they wanted to be lawyers and economists. Now on the pedestal are IT specialists, top managers, senior officials. But you should not be guided only by these criteria: fashion is changing, prestige is leaving, and perhaps this will happen before you graduate from high school.

  • financial well-being

The most paid professions include the captain of an ocean liner, a pilot, a top manager, an IT specialist, a marketer, etc. When choosing a “gold mine”, keep in mind that the profession itself will not bring a lot of money. To have a high salary, you need to be a good specialist, and this requires additional knowledge and experience.

  • Advice from friends and acquaintances

Sometimes young people choose a life path “for the company”. The best friend after the 11th grade goes to the veterinarian - why not follow him? It's more interesting together. Sometimes it works, but mostly such a rash act leads to professional disappointment.

  • Parents' opinion

It would seem, who knows their child better than mom and dad? Nevertheless, a large number of great writers took place after refusing to follow their father's path and secretly entering a literary institute. Often, parents in their advice do not proceed from the abilities of their son or daughter, but from considerations of prestige or their own unfulfilled desires.

Undoubtedly, their opinion is worth listening to, but you need to evaluate each advice soberly. When in doubt, listen to other adults you respect, such as a teacher. Outsiders are free from concern for your fate and unnecessary vanity, so they will give more balanced advice.

  • Own wish

You need to listen to the voice of intuition. The difficulty is that it is not always distinguishable from a momentary whim. You can trust a time-tested dream, but if it caught fire recently, live with it for a while and take a closer look.

What to do if there are no ideas?

Not all high school students have decided on their future profession by the time they enter the university. What if the soul does not lie to anything?

  1. Understand yourself, evaluate your abilities. Try to think analytically about what you could do.
  2. Throw in a few options, study them thoroughly. Perhaps they will all fall away as unusable, and in return something worthwhile will come.
  3. If you can’t make a choice at all, but you’re about to start studying, you have several options: a) go where your parents say or where your friends call, b) choose something simpler and closer to home, c) wait a year and figure it out yourself (and, of course, work).
  4. Try every possible activity for yourself. Waiter, courier, manager - everything that is possible. You will better know your strengths and weaknesses, temper your character, acquire new acquaintances and make a choice.

There is no guarantee that you won't make a mistake. But the main mistake is inaction. Whatever profession you prefer, this is your path, and it will definitely benefit you.

Is it possible to choose a business to your liking for life?

According to polls, almost 60% of Russians do not work in their specialty. A third of the respondents are reluctant to work. Another 16% change jobs every year. Is it possible to choose a business to your liking for life? Yes, sometimes there are lucky people who have guessed their destiny since childhood.

As a rule, they show their hobbies immediately and remain interested in them for a long time. Therefore, if your child has been treating stray kittens for several years in a row, most likely, he has already made a choice.

Little Lyuba played teacher from an early age. As a teenager, she regularly explained difficult problems to her classmates, for which she came to school long before the start of classes. And this is without any instructions from the teacher! The most surprising thing is that underachieving friends were in a hurry to be at school at dawn in order to strengthen their knowledge in mathematics.

Love went, of course, to the Pedagogical Institute. When she finished, she began teaching. There was a time when Lyuba almost left to work at a factory, but fate brought her back on the right track.

Lyubov Ivanovna was the favorite teacher of several generations. For 25 years of experience, she has accumulated many awards. And now, at the age of 82, she continues to explain difficult problems, but already as a tutor.

Choosing the right profession is difficult even for those who have a favorite school subject. Let's say a teenager loves biology, and it opens up a wide scope for choice: a veterinarian, agronomist, biologist, teacher, etc. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to judge a professional inclination by school preferences.

When you stand at a crossroads, it seems that there are many roads in front of you. But, studying the map, you understand that one of them is closed to traffic, the second exists only virtually, the third is too broken by passers-by, the fourth is overgrown with bushes, and only a couple of the rest have asphalt laid. No one claims that you need to go exclusively on asphalt. The prince broke through the thickets to wake the sleeping beauty. Decide what is closer to you: what is easier or what is more tempting.

It’s the same in life: you start to analyze all the options and come to the conclusion that you don’t like one specialty, the second one doesn’t suit your personal qualities, you can’t afford to master the third one, and you simply don’t have the abilities for the fourth one. There are a few left, it is already easier to choose from them.

A competent approach to one's own future means that one must take into account not only fashion and one's own aspirations. In addition, it is worth evaluating:

  • capabilities,
  • personal qualities,
  • possible perspectives.

Let's say you dream of becoming a professional hockey player and you don't miss a single game already, but your coach says you're not strong enough. It is worth listening to his opinion and choosing a related profession related to sports. But you can be stubborn and go to your dream, because it is able to work miracles.

Or you want to become a design engineer, your technical and creative thinking is on top, but, for example, you lack perseverance. Think carefully about whether you can sit at the computer for 8 hours 5 days a week or you want to run away in a month.

It is difficult to assess the prospects of a particular specialty (it would seem that grooms and stove-makers are forgotten, and now these people are worth their weight in gold), but you can always read forecasts, attend various seminars and job fairs.

What professions will be in demand in the future?

So, specialists from Skolkovo promise that completely new professions will appear very soon, such as a space tourism manager and a designer of virtual worlds. Analysts say that IT specialists, managers and other managers, builders will not lose their relevance in the near future.

It is clear that teachers and doctors will always be needed. Girls will not be left without work in pedagogy (school, kindergarten, additional education), in the field of hospitality and beauty.

With the intensification of globalization, tourism will develop, which means that travel lovers will find a use for themselves. People who provide various personal services (for example) and are employed in the Internet will be in demand. The remaining forecasts (about the replacement of engineers, controllers and loaders by robots) are probabilistic in nature.

In any case, if you feel like you have a calling to something, don't shy away from it. Good professionals are always appreciated.

Tests to help

To date, many methods and tests have been developed with which you can choose a profession.

Socionics is the concept of personality types according to the parameters: extraversion/introversion, logic/intuition, logic/ethics, rationality/irrationality. The combination of these characteristics gives 16 psychotypes, each of which is recommended a number of professions. For example, I got such a picture. Pretty accurate portrait.

Officially, not everyone recognizes socionics as a science, but testing gives interesting results.

Holland's Questionnaire

Dividing people into types (realistic, intellectual, social, artistic, enterprising, conventional) is a bit like the previous test. Holland's questionnaire allows you to understand personal qualities, evaluate communication skills and get some rough recommendations.

Klimov's technique

We are indebted to Academician E. A. Klimov for the tests, which at one time filled all employment centers. After answering 20 questions of the test, the subject receives the type of profession that suits him - these are the same "man - man", "man - nature", "man - technology", "man - sign system” and “man is an artistic image”. Recently, this classification has been supplemented by the group “man – self-realization” (we are talking, for example, about athletes).

Using this method, you can determine the approximate scope of the application of talent, but it should be borne in mind that since its creation, the list and content of professions have changed.

Profession choice matrix

The advantage of this technique is in a small number of questions and the visibility of the results. Having chosen 2 necessary options, find their intersection in the table and get professional advice. The disadvantage is the limited choice of tips.

How can you help your child find a career?

Parents tend to protect children from mistakes, but career guidance should be their independent choice. How to properly instruct the younger generation and help the child decide on a profession?

  1. Talk with a teenager more often, find out not only inclinations, but also their prerequisites. Be interested in what reasons the child prefers this or that business - so you will find out not only his motives, but also the level of awareness about the profession.
  2. Try to deepen the teenager's understanding of work: tell me the literature, introduce people who are engaged in this work. Series about doctors and investigators paint idealistic pictures, but the neighborhood police officer will tell the whole truth as it is.
  3. Help find career guidance tests, but explain that they do not fully reflect reality, but only provide some guidance.
  4. Don't insist on going to college. Firstly, sometimes a technical school or courses are enough to successfully master a specialty. Secondly, when a young man grows up, he himself will feel the need higher education, which means that he will make the right choice and will treat his studies more responsibly.
  5. Find out what specialties can be obtained in other regions. Firstly, you will learn about all the new trends, and secondly, sometimes in a neighboring region you can learn for free what you will have to pay a lot for in your city. If a son or daughter is ready to go to distant lands for the sake of a successful future, do not hold them back: sooner or later they will leave anyway.
  6. Let your teenager try his hand at some industry. If he wants to become a teacher, let him agree to conduct lessons with a teacher, if he dreams of a restaurant business, advise him to get a job at McDonald's.
  7. Give him a chance to make his own decision. Let the teenager break firewood, get valuable skills and good lessons, but then he will not blame you for a failed life. The type of activity can always be changed, it is more difficult to regain lost trust.

Change of profession after 30 years

Career guidance is relevant not only for young people. For various reasons (changes in the labor market, relocation, personal circumstances), people at any age think about changing jobs. One of the most popular is a little over 30, not without reason this period is considered a crisis.

What to choose if you decide to change your profession at the age of 30? It is not easy for people with a family and decent work experience to take this step. We have already described cases where it is really necessary. When in doubt, analyze your life and trust the voice of intuition.

If you decide to say goodbye to your former place, but fears interfere, tell yourself the following:

  1. I am not already, but still only over 30. I am young, full of strength, and I will succeed.
  2. I am better than at 18, I know my needs and opportunities.
  3. Psychologists consider this age suitable for life changes, because freshness of thinking is preserved and at the same time there is sobriety of judgments and considerable experience.
  4. All my skills remain with me. It will be great if they are useful to me in a new place, if not, I can still return everything.

Changes are possible according to the following scenarios:

  • To occupy a sought-after niche - to master a new profession.
  • Develop acquired skills in a new direction - make a smooth transition to a new activity, based on what you do best.
  • To turn a hobby into work is to heed the call of the soul.

The first two points are chosen, as they say, by the mind, and the third - by the heart. What are the pros and cons of each?

  1. The advantages of the first option are obvious: if the profession is in demand, specialists are in great demand. This is especially true for new industries. Here the salary is usually higher. But there is a risk that development will not be as successful as we would like. But you won't know until you try, right?
  2. The second approach seems to be the most reasonable: you have nothing to lose by developing in related activities, and the transition is smooth and painless. If you feel that sharp jumps are not for you, choose this path.
  3. The third scenario is suitable for enthusiastic natures who are bored of doing an unloved thing. Positive side A: The profession will be liked. Negative: it is not a fact that it will be possible to extract income from a hobby.


Everyone chooses his own path. And you will always find the stories of people who have successfully changed their profession on our blog. Still, because its creator, Vasily Blinov, himself told readers about this.

If you associate the future with remote earnings, check out and choose an activity to your liking. And the course will help you start earning with pleasure.



on introduction to the profession

on the topic "The role of the profession in human life"

Moscow, 2010


The choice of a profession in the life of every person is of great importance. This is a choice of life path, a choice of fate. This is a choice that everyone makes in adolescence. It is of great importance for the individual himself and is important for society. Work is the main ingredient human life. Work gives us not only a livelihood, but also self-satisfaction, a certain place in society, gives meaning to our life. The choice of a profession is the point where the interests of the individual and society converge, where a harmonious combination of personal and common interests is possible and necessary.

But just choosing is not enough. The main thing is that a person chooses exactly what he likes, so that he really gets self-satisfaction and pleasure from life. Confucius said that a person who finds a job he loves does not work all his life. A successful choice of a profession by a person is one of the decisive conditions for the comprehensive development of an individual, which is of great importance for society as a whole, including economic: the work of a highly and multilaterally developed person is more productive and better than an underdeveloped one. So, the right choice of profession is one of the cornerstones of personal human happiness, without which there can be no general happiness.

The purpose of this work was to update attention on such an important component of our life as a profession.

The purpose of this essay is to consider this topic from two positions: the position of the initial choice and the position of deformation of the internal and physical qualities of a person under the influence of the profession.

Role of career choice

Professional path of a person, of course, begins with the choice of the profession itself. This is the first stage of professional development. Every young person begins to choose a profession primarily from an analysis of their own capabilities.

The freedom to choose a profession, which in our time has become a panacea, is a privilege available only to modern society. A hundred and fifty years ago, traditions decided everything: a man did what his ancestors did, women did not work at all. As a rule, our contemporary independently decides who to be. Of course, many factors influence the choice (the opinion of parents and friends, social status, the state of the labor market, the case), but the young man usually has the last word. It is the clear realization that a young man has chosen a profession himself, and not forced to, is very important for the normal formation of personality.

For the first time, we begin to think seriously about choosing a profession at school. In general, based on the results of a child’s development in school, his self-determination should be readiness to choose a profession, thinking, inventing, designing options for professional life paths. In most cases, the motives for choosing a profession are:

· Advice from friends (25% of students)

· Advice from parents (17% of students)

· Media influence (10% of students)

· Random factors, such as school proximity to home (9% of students)

· Interest in the profession (remaining 39%)

For the most part, students who motivate their choice with interest are successful in choosing. They are also more successful in their chosen training and further professional activities.

Everyone goes through the stage of choosing a profession in life, and the main thing is to choose the right one. Career guidance is available to help you choose.

PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION (English vocational orientation) is a system of events to familiarize young people with the world of professions. (BPS B. G. Meshcheryakova, V. P. Zinchenko)

It is very intensively carried out in the senior classes of the school.

Career guidance includes several points:

· Professional education - familiarization of students and graduates educational institutions with modern and contemporary looks labor activity, career opportunities, wages and staffing needs. Vocational education forms motivated professional intentions among young people. For the most part, they are formed by students from an independent analysis of their physical, psychological and socio-economic needs and opportunities.

· Professional Development. This is help in a possible re-selection of a profession and professional retraining. For the most part, first-year students or more mature individuals need it.

· Professional education is the formation of industriousness, responsibility, development of abilities and inclinations among young people.

· Professional counseling - assisting students in professional self-determination and providing recommendations to students on possible areas of professional activity that are most appropriate for their psychological, psychophysiological, physiological characteristics, based on the results of psychological, psychophysiological and medical diagnostics. Usually carried out in the form of a conversation with a psychologist. But it can also occur in the form of additional information on professions or in the form of advice from older and more experienced people (parents or teachers).

AT Russian Federation various systems of career guidance tests, questionnaires, games, computer programs and systems have been developed and are being developed.

In general, choosing a profession is the first stage of the professional cycle that every person must go through. The next stage is education and vocational training. Then the beginning of independent work and the accumulation of experience. After, promotion career ladder and further professionalization. The last stage may not be, because. it largely depends on many personal qualities of a person (mobility, diligence, sociability, etc.).

It should be noted that the choice of a profession is not a momentary decision, it is a long process that can begin in early childhood. This is a process that is formed, as it were, from small, intermediate decisions in the child's life (which circle to attend, what subjects are most interesting, etc.). This is also affected by heredity, abilities. Education plays an important role, of course.

Decision factors in choosing a profession have been, and still are, the subject of research and debate in the psychological world. Some researchers believe that the choice of a profession is a given social phenomenon - the social self-determination of a person, determined by the social characteristics of the profession. Others consider this choice as a choice of activity, where the main thing is the interest in the profession.

For example, E. A. Klimov identifies such factors that determine professional choice:

.The position of the parents. Often the choice of the child is influenced by the disagreement or prejudice of the parents. In most cases, this is due to unfulfilled dreams and unfulfillment of parents in any activity.

.The position of friends, peers. In adolescence, a person is greatly influenced by the general opinion, and especially the opinion of friends, which can very much affect such a thing as choosing a profession.

.The position of the teacher. Each teacher, observing the student in his learning activities, notes his abilities, interests and other characteristics, and expressing his opinion about the student in the learning process influences his choice.

.Personal plans. All people make plans for at least the near future, but also think about the distant future. It includes life goals, ways and means to achieve them. Since the profession can become this means, accordingly, the goals for the future have a direct influence on its choice.

.Abilities and talents.

.The need for public recognition.

.Awareness. Possible lack of information about the profession of interest or the possession of incorrect information.

.Inclinations. This is the level of the subject's mental readiness for a serious choice, his level of personal claims.

choice of profession

The role of the profession in life

You can consider a profession from different angles, but its influence on our lives, even during the period of its choice, is beyond doubt. The profession affects us both physically and emotionally. The dependence of a person's acts on his physiological and neuro-emotional state (the nature of mental experiences) is known. The profession is seen here as an action. For any of our emotions (stimulus) there is a certain action (reaction). This is a well-known scheme, identified by behaviorists. But its reverse effect is also possible. For example, just smiling can cause joy, while sitting in an uncomfortable position can cause irritation and anger. Action determines our state, both physiological and emotional. And professional activity can be a repeated repetition of the same action that causes different reactions; accordingly, such an influence of the profession on the human condition is easy to trace.

Its deformative role is enormous. A profession is an ongoing occupation of a person and a set of specific actions that are performed from day to day. If any action affects the behavior, physical and emotional state of the performer, then such a scheme primarily refers specifically to the professional action as repeatedly repeated.

There are various forms of influence of the profession on a person, for example:

.Physico-somatic. This phenomenon consists in the fact that in a number of professions a person must have a certain set of anthropological features. For example, a weak and sick person can never become an athlete, a deaf person can never become a musician, a military cripple, and so on. This circumstance leads to a strict selection of people in the profession, and the corresponding retention and development of these somatic features in professional activities. Specific, from a somatic point of view, the composition of a number of professional groups is caused, first of all, by the selection that the profession "mechanically" produces. The consequence of this is the specific somatic signs of people of various professions.

The existence of such a deformation is beyond doubt. professional work forces the human body to adapt to it. This can lead to a greater development of the necessary organs and some "atrophy" of organs that are unnecessary in this profession. Accordingly, this leads to deformation of the body of a professional. Finally, the figures of occupational mortality speak of the same thing: it is known that they fluctuate quite sharply from profession to profession.

.The next category of phenomena caused by professional activity is the change in external reflexes and the external appearance of a person. Examples are the "behaviour" of people of various professions. For example, the bearing of a military man or the swaying gait of a sailor, the smooth movements of a ballerina, etc. The same is true in other professions. Such professional specifics are especially noticeable in speech and manner of speaking. It is not enough to simply talk about the professionalisms that are instilled in its members and are unconsciously applied by them in necessary and unnecessary cases. These are ways of pronouncing words, for example, how a military man pronounces “so exactly”, “it will be done” and so on, or how a waiter can pronounce the same thing. According to the speech of a person, it is easy to determine whether he is a representative of a “muscular” profession or an “intellectual” one. According to the terminology, it is very easy to determine the profession of a person.

And of course, the profession noticeably affects the appearance of a person. This is especially noticeable in clothing. Many professions, especially in the performance of professional duties, "dress" a person in their clothes (a white coat of a doctor, an orange vest of a housing and communal services worker, etc.). In such facts (and there are thousands of them), the cliché of the profession is intrusively evident and speaks more clearly than any words.

But not only clothes, but even just the appearance or details appearance show us belonging in the profession. For example, an excessive layer of make-up for girls of easy virtue, or a shaved crown for representatives of the Catholic clergy, a beard and long hair for priests, etc.

The longer a person is engaged in his profession, the sharper this seal of the profession, the more indelible and vivid it is.

.Mental. The profession leaves an indelible mark on human psychology. As in the case of physical professional selection, psychological selection takes place mechanically in the profession. A number of professions require for the satisfactory performance of certain mental properties from their members. For example, an impressionable person is unlikely to become a good pathologist, and an honest person - an official, a hemophilic - a surgeon, etc.

Some other psychological features of professions can also be attributed here. In some professions, it is necessary to undergo psychological “censorship”. That is, there must be a certain set of mental properties. For example, the captain of a ship must be brave, smart, quick-witted, etc. otherwise he will not be able to become professionals in his field. Such barriers to entry into the profession, in the form of examinations, length of service, property qualifications, the production of certain works (for example, dissertations, trial work, etc.) exist in most professions. At the same time, it is easy to figure out that people with certain basic sets of mental properties fall into a certain professional group. Accordingly, as in the case of physical selection, these psychological properties are fixed and supplemented in professional activity.

Particularly interesting from the point of view of professional mental deformation are cases of the latter kind, similar to forcing a tree to grow in a direction opposite to its natural tendency. According to researchers, the majority of professional killers, executioners or prostitutes are quite normal people. They make their first “misconducts” under the influence of certain life circumstances and then they suffer for a long time and suffer from remorse. But after the first time comes the second, the third, and so on, and over time, people adapt, deform to their profession, they no longer experience this when they become professionals. Old beliefs, disgust, pangs of conscience will be "washed away" by the profession and may even be replaced by the opposite.

The distortion of attention is also interesting. For example, a doctor at a meeting may first of all notice the symptoms of an illness, and a psychologist will try to determine, for example, temperament; the historian on a city tour will first of all visit historical sites and monuments, and the art critic will visit art galleries; the artist, looking out of the window, will first of all describe the colors and tones of the surroundings, and, for example, the architect will highlight the style and shape of the visible building. In a word, the same external object is perceived differently by different professionals, attracting their attention to those aspects of themselves that are related to the profession of a person.

Since the profession has such an enormous influence on people's behavior, it follows that it is of great importance in determining the course of social processes, for social processes ultimately consist of people's actions; consequently, all the conditions that vary the behavior of people are thus "factors" of social processes.

This work shows how much a person owes to his profession, not only in terms of material wealth, but also in terms of his formation as a part of society and as a person.


The role of the profession in a person's life can be easily assessed as one of the most important. The profession of each person deforms his soul and body in his image and likeness. The nature of a person's profession largely determines the nature of his ideology, his spiritual baggage, his ethics, his likes and dislikes, tastes and habits, and the whole worldview. Moreover, a profession can become the main content of a person's life. So many people around us dedicate their whole lives to a profession, driving progress or helping people. Truly, each person is stamped and polished by his profession, while remaining a unique unit of human society.


Big psychological dictionary edited by B. G. Meshcheryakov, V.P. Zinchenko.


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Human life is a series of numerous choices. Serious, on which the future depends (for example, the choice of a life partner), and everyday, household (what to cook for dinner - a casserole or vegetable stew).

A profession is a kind of labor activity that requires certain training and is usually a source of livelihood.

Choosing a profession can be attributed, perhaps, to the most difficult. After all, this is also the choice of what place the profession will take in a person’s life, what he can get from his future work how the features of the specialty will correlate with other life values ​​​​and plans, whether the profession will interfere with them.

Choosing a profession, on the one hand, is a look into the future (at least not far off): what do I want to do, what difficulties can I encounter on the way to the profession? And on the other hand, a look inside yourself: how ready am I to overcome obstacles to achieve the goal? To accept the right decision It is important to take into account the main factors influencing the choice of profession.

So, since childhood, the girl dreamed of entering the law academy and working as an investigator. The wish came true. Studying at the institute is a real pleasure, interesting subjects, an anticipation of an exciting and extraordinary work, and a police uniform suits her. Closer to the end of the academy, the girl began to have thoughts about creating a family, having children. I must say that she also could not imagine her life without a prosperous and harmonious family. However, the profession of an investigator involves an irregular and intense working day, frequent night trips, urgent business trips. Naturally, there is not enough time for the family. In such a situation, a contradiction between the two life goals inevitably arose. Of course, this does not mean that all investigators, geologists, sea captains are forced to constantly “torn” between work and family. However, when choosing a profession, a person must be aware of its specifics and possible difficulties in advance. Then he will be able to find a compromise, and as a result, "the sheep will be safe and the wolves will be fed."

When a young person chooses a profession for himself, he is interested in making his profession popular with employers not only today, but also in 10-20 years. This is called the stability of demand for a profession. Along with the "eternal" professions - a builder, doctor, teacher, etc., the transport, chemical industry, high technologies, communications, communications, new professions at the intersection of traditional ones, economic management, and the social sphere are becoming relevant.

A person is more successful in the activities that he likes. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to pay attention to what is interesting to do, what gives pleasure. For example, if a person likes to organize other people, to be a leader, most likely, professions that involve the ability to work with a team (manager, teacher, coach) are suitable for him.

What influences the choice of profession.

What factors determine a person's choice of a particular profession? In practice, it turns out that inclinations are taken into account last, but the opinion of parents has a huge impact. 8 factors of choosing a profession /According to E.A. Klimov/:

1. Position of senior family members

There are seniors who are directly responsible for how your life develops. This concern extends to the question of your future profession.

2. The position of comrades, girlfriends

Friendships at your age are already very strong and can greatly influence the choice of profession. Only general advice can be given: the right decision will be the one that suits your interests and coincides with the interests of the society in which you live.

3. The position of teachers, school teachers

Observing the behavior, educational and extracurricular activities of students, an experienced teacher knows a lot about you that is hidden from non-professional eyes and even from you.

4. Personal professional plans

The plan in this case means your ideas about the stages of mastering the profession.

5. Ability

The originality of one's abilities should be judged not only by academic success, but also by achievements in a wide variety of activities.

6. Level of claims for public recognition

When planning your career path, it is very important to take care of the realism of your claims.

7. Awareness

It is important to take care that the information you acquire about a particular

professions were not distorted, incomplete, one-sided.

8. Tendencies

Inclinations are manifested in favorite activities, on which most of the free time is spent. These are interests backed by certain abilities.

Mistakes in choosing a profession

1. Choosing a profession “for the company”

Often a person does not have the necessary information, is not confident enough in himself, is not ready to take responsibility for his choice. In such a situation, the choice of profession “for the company” is carried out. No matter how difficult and exciting it may be, you still have to make a decision. And in such a situation, you want to be close to someone who is confident in himself, who has already made a decision and is convinced of its correctness. However, there is a danger that the profession chosen for the sake of the company does not meet the interests and abilities of a person, and after a year and a half of study at a school, college or university, there is disappointment, dissatisfaction, a desire to “start all over again”. It is possible that the profession chosen in this way will not suit you. However, it should be remembered that a profession that your friend likes may not like or suit you.

2. Choosing a profession according to the external idea of ​​it.

Some professions seem very attractive from the outside. But very often a person does not understand what a huge preparatory work needs to be done in order to achieve the desired success.

When choosing a profession, one should not pay attention to its external, attractive side, one must learn as much as possible about the content of labor.

3. Transfer of attitude towards a person to the profession itself.

It happens that you begin to like a profession because it is possessed by a person who is attractive to you. And having already entered such a specialty, the young man little by little discovers for himself that his interest has been mistaken for an interest in the profession.

4. Identification of the subject with the profession.

Even if you really like some school subject, it does not follow from this that you will like the work related to it. It is one thing to emotionally discuss the actions of literary heroes in the classroom, and quite another to earn a living by reading hundreds of pages of text of books preparing for publication every day, correcting all spelling errors in them and editing unsuccessful phrases.

The main thing to remember is that a school subject is not yet a profession. Interest in it does not mean that you will like the work associated with it.

5. Choice solely on the basis of prestige.

For example, some young people choose economic education based on this attribute. And they do not take into account the fact that activities in such an area, as a rule, require specific qualities of character - for example, extreme punctuality and resistance to monotonous, monotonous activities, resistance to stress. Working as an accountant in a bank does not mean turning over millions. It is unlikely that a good employee will turn out from someone who went to study economics, not because he feels interested in just such an activity, but because it is “cool”. It also happens the other way around: a person feels a calling in himself for some kind of activity and wants to do it, but refuses his intention, because, according to his environment, this is not prestigious.

There is a fashion in the profession, like in most other life phenomena. But it is not always exactly what is fashionable that turns out to be the best or suitable for a person personally. Choosing a profession, guided by fashion, is not entirely logical. After all, by the time you graduate and start working, fashion will most likely change.

6. Choice in spite of, in spite of something or someone.

“My parents and friends say that a bear stepped on my ear - well, they’ll see me on the stage, we’ll see what they say then.” Cases where the choice of occupation in spite of any barriers and restrictions leads to life success, very little. If someone has irremediable speech defects, then his attempt to “defy” circumstances by becoming a TV presenter is unlikely to lead to anything other than making him a laughingstock. Although in other areas of activity that do not impose such stringent requirements on oral speech, this person could succeed.

Choosing a profession is a matter that significantly affects the fate of a person, and it is not very smart to do it “in spite” of someone or something. 7. Insufficient consideration of one's abilities.

7. Insufficient consideration of one's abilities.

With a great desire, having spent a lot of time and effort, you can become a specialist even in what you have absolutely no abilities for. That's just very mediocre. And if these efforts were applied to what corresponds to abilities, the results achieved were much better.

8. Orientation to the opinion of random people.

Often, when choosing a profession, adolescents are guided by the opinion of people who have a very vague idea of ​​the profession they are pushing them to choose. Sometimes people around are very fond of giving advice on who and who to be, even if their own ideas about the world of professions are limited only to everyday, stereotypical judgments. In principle, to give sound advice on whether any profession is suitable for a person can only be given by someone who knows both the profession and the person very well.

Project language:



find out how important the choice of a future profession is for a teenager and help a teenager decide on a profession in order to start working in this direction right now


Teenager and career choice

There are no hypotheses.

Equipment and materials

There is no equipment and materials.

Why the study needs input from other participants

Expand knowledge, bring something new.

Supplement my knowledge with new information.

Study protocol




1. Choosing a Profession is like a self-determination of a person. Initial and final stages of self-determination;

2. The importance of choosing a future profession;

3. Goals and objectives of my project;


1. The concept of a profession;

2. A small list of the most demanded professions in the labor market today;

3. Problemreal experts;

4. The problem of the wrong choice of profession in youth;

5. Who or what can help a teenager in choosing a profession;

6. Mistakes made by teenagers;

7. Factors to be analyzed in order to make a realistic career decision;


My career choice.


1. Essay on the topic: “My ideal profession”;

2. Conclusion.



Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in the life of every person. The problem of choosing a profession is very important, since this problem, as a rule, is faced by most people. Choosing a profession means finding your place in life. The choice should be not only free, but also fully conscious, should correspond to both the interests of the individual and the interests of society. Therefore, deep motivation (an impelling force to action) is necessary. Choosing a profession and mastering it begins with professional self-determination. According to I. Konts, professional self-determination of a person begins far in his childhood, when in a child's game, the child takes on various professional roles and loses the behavior associated with it. If you look closely at these games, it is easy to see that the children in them easily and willingly go for all sorts of symbolic substitutions for the real attributes of professional activity. (For example: chair - "counter", paper - "money"). Professional self-determination ends in early youth, when it is already necessary to make a decision that will affect the entire future life of a person. On the last step adolescents should already quite realistically form for themselves the task of choosing a future field of activity, taking into account the available psychological and psychophysiological resources, at the same time, adolescents form an attitude towards certain professions.


find out how important the choice of a future profession is for a teenager and help a teenager decide on a choice of profession in order to start working in this direction right now.


1. Accelerate the process of professional self-determination, expand your understanding of various areas of work, the world of professions;

2. Find out who and what will help a teenager in choosing a future profession;

3. Warn against mistakes made when choosing a future profession;

4. Find out in what ways it is possible to identify the individual inclinations of a teenager in order to choose a profession, and do it;

5.Show an example of an individual analysis vocational guidance;

6. Write a short essay about yourself and your “ideal” profession after studying personal and professional characteristics according to your preferences.


It is very important for a person entering into life to determine himself and make the right choice. The world of professions is vast and changeable. Profession- this is a type of labor activity that requires certain knowledge, skills, acquired as a result of special training (training, practice), work experience. Every year there are many new professions that exist only 5-15 years, and then disappear or change beyond recognition. How many professions do you think there are in the world? In the 17th century, there were only 200 in Russia different professions. Today there are more than 50 thousand professions in the world.

The most demanded professions:

Engineers and chief engineers, technologists and chief technologists. This applies to both light and heavy industries - wherever international quality standards are of great importance.

Automotive. This includes specialists who work with motor vehicles throughout its entire “life path” - from design and production to disposal.

Carriers. Moreover, both specialists in the creation of automobile, water and other modes of transport, as well as professionals in the field of logistics (the science of promoting goods and services from suppliers of raw materials to consumers), commodity transport operations.

Specialists in the field of nano- and biotechnologies. Nanotechnology will find its application in medicine, Food Industry, space and mechanical engineering. Biotechnologies will be introduced into biopharmaceutics and molecular medicine.

Internet technology specialists in five years will also remain in demand. Programmers are needed by everyone and always, and although the salary depends on age and experience, it doesn’t matter: they can take a 19-year-old student to a fairly high position.

Circuit engineers, technical supervision specialists, electrical engineers, adjusters, turners and millers, machine tool mechanics, process equipment repairmen may also not think about the meager salaries of the post-Soviet period.

Mass installation of air conditioning, ventilation, heating and water supply systems, especially automated, implies a demand for specialists.

Specialists in forestry and paper production, specialists in monitoring and environmental management will be in demand. According to forecasts, by 2015-2018 environmental issues will no longer be ignored. And in order not to completely destroy the Earth, a person will have to study and satisfy its needs.

The labor market is quite volatile. Some professions disappear, others appear, some of them are more in demand, some are not very popular. However, the situation may change.

At the moment, there is such a situation that there are fewer real specialists who work with enthusiasm and raise our country to higher levels of development. One of the reasons for the lack of “real specialists”, as well as for disappointments in one's career, is the wrong choice of profession in youth. It is known that youth (14-18 years old) is the age of self-determination. Who to be? What to be? Where am I most needed? How to find your own among the many professions? These are the questions teenagers face.

To the question: “Who do you want to become?” Students may not always be able to answer. Meanwhile, the problem of choosing a profession is very serious. A person is increasingly required to have high professionalism, readiness to quickly adapt to new phenomena of social and economic life, because time does not stand still, but rather rushes at a rapid speed. In order to choose your business not by the “poke” method, but wisely, it is necessary, first of all, to understand your own attitudes, abilities and interests. Making a socially and deeply personal choice in professional self-determination is not an easy or simple task. The independent choice of a profession is the “second birth of a person”. After all, the social value of a person, his place among other people, job satisfaction, physical and neuropsychic health, joy and happiness depend on how correctly the life path is chosen. When a person chooses a profession, he makes an important decision, the success of which depends on a significant number of factors. But the most important factor is the desire and desire to take responsibility.

“If you successfully choose work and put your soul into it, then happiness will find you itself.” K.D. Ushinsky

Thus, professional labor activity, which is preceded by the right choice, is one of the most important factors that determine many things in the life of a modern person.

Who or what can help a teenager in choosing a profession:

  • Real advice from parents.
  • A teenager especially needs support and approval from his parents, this helps him gain self-confidence;
  • Career Guidance Specialists. In every city there are special employment centers where everyone, including a teenager, can apply. You can also find a specialist in vocational guidance there and consult with him;
  • The passage of prof. testing (this can also be done at the employment center);
  • Fairs of educational institutions (all information is freely stored in the employment center and is available to anyone who is interested in it);
  • Teachers, educators, professors.
  • Mistakes made by teenagers:
  • not knowing your physical health
  • !It is especially important to pay attention to the individual characteristics of your body before deciding on a future profession.
  • go for company with a friend. Often a young man or girl who does not know their abilities simply enters the same educational institution as their friends;
  • go at the behest of their parents. Sometimes parents are mistaken and begin to impose their opinion, you should not mindlessly poke him and forget about your own interests;
  • no knowledge of the world of professions.
  • To make a realistic career choice decision, the following factors need to be analyzed:
    The first factor is "I want"

    A teenager must evaluate his interests and inclinations, find out what professions he likes, imagine what he would like to do every day.

    The second factor is "I can"

    Get to know the requirements that their chosen profession may present. Identify the abilities and skills, knowledge and skills acquired at school, tell how you can apply them to the chosen profession.

    The third factor - "Need"

    Find out if the chosen profession will be in demand in the labor market and where you can get professional education in the chosen specialty.
    1. Designate several alternatives professional choice.
    2. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each option.
    3. Examine the chances of success in each choice and calculate the consequences of each option.
    4. Think of fallback options in case of difficulty in the implementation of the main plan.

    After analyzing the mistakes made by young people and finding out who and what can help a teenager in choosing a future profession, as well as outlining a rough plan of my actions, I began my journey.


    My career path

    My actions:

    1. I called the Pervouralsk employment center and signed up for prof. testing.

    2. Passed testing.

    3. I talked with a specialist in prof. orientation.

    4. Got the result. She also received her psychological characteristics and learned that the role of self-esteem in the search and choice of a profession for a teenager is very important. In psychology, self-esteem is considered as a phenomenon of self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is a person's awareness of himself, his "I". To realize oneself means to give an account to oneself of one's strengths, capabilities, personal qualities, the level of their development, that is, to evaluate them in due measure.

    5. I determined 3 priority professions for myself: teacher, journalist, psychologist.

    6. I decided to ask salary and demand.

    7. I asked about educational institutions where these specialists are trained.

    8. My plans include visiting these educational institutions on the open day.


    Composition on the topic “My choice of professional activity”

    I have long noticed a simple, but at the same time, a great “law of life”. Its meaning lies in the fact that our grandparents often speak and recall the past (already bygone days), while parents are trying to arrange their present, that is, they live “here and now”. We, teenagers, always look to the future and dream of a happy adult life. And no matter how hard we try to outwit this law, we still will not succeed.

    I often think about who I am? Or what I would like to do professionally, in what way can I prove myself? I asked my friends - peers, what they want to become. Few people answered me with confidence, more often they answered, doubting their intended decision, and some simply did not even imagine what profession they would choose. But my inquiries are always followed by a counter question: “And you? What profession will you choose?”. And I really began to think about this issue and approached it as responsibly and seriously as possible, deciding that I would write an educational and research project on the topic: “Adolescent and the choice of a profession”. By the word “teenager” I mean not only myself, but also my other peers, because I know that this issue will be no less relevant for them than for me.

    So, I wrote the project, but in my essay I will not analyze what I ended up with (since I will describe this in my conclusion), but I want to tell in this essay about my previous plans for the future and about the decision, which at the moment I have accepted after practically writing my teaching and research project. I want to make a little clarity right away: since I am just a student finishing the eighth grade, my decision on choosing a profession may change, but at the moment I am confident in my choice, so I am already starting to look for ways to achieve the new goals that I have set for myself , but at the same time I have a few more “fallback options” in case of unforeseen circumstances.

    I want to start by saying that when I was about seven years old, I first came to a private dental clinic. After my tooth was healed there, I came out with a smile and immediately announced that I would be a dentist. Why was I so happy? Everything is simple. In the city dental clinic, I was insanely ill, and I was terribly afraid to visit her and see these always nervous doctors, so I always went to them with a heavy heart, knowing in advance that it would be very painful and I would have to suffer again. But in private dentistry, it didn’t hurt at all and was even interesting.

    In general, I dreamed of being a dentist until the sixth grade. Meanwhile, my mother advised me to think ten times before making such a burdensome decision and evaluate my chances. And I appreciated them just now. I still didn’t want to be a dentist, deciding that there is a profession in the world that is more interesting than forever tormenting people and picking the same diseased teeth all my life (but always making good money). And then I began to think about who I still want to become. In addition to classes at school, I was engaged in drawing (I do not say that I go to art school, because these classes cannot be called a school in any way) and tried to learn languages. I constantly tormented my mother with questions: “Who should I be?”. She desperately cited a linguist as an example, but did not insist on this professional direction, but only proved how wonderful she travels around the world, rather than looking at one point all her life. I knew perfectly well that she was right, and that I would not be a linguist, because with my languages ​​“not everything is so perfect”.

    Some time later, I learned about professional testing in the employment center of our city. And I expressed a desire to go there. I spent three hours there, but I liked it. It was interesting to pass a very voluminous test and communicate with a wonderful woman - a specialist in vocational guidance for citizens. She told and showed on a printed sheet with the test results (which they gave to me) about my psychological characteristics and professional inclinations. The result of my efforts were three options for the types of professions that suited me: a psychologist, a journalist and a teacher. After some time, having analyzed all the options and taking note of all the information I found to

    educational and research project, I decided who I still want to become.

    I didn't mention that I love to draw. On the Internet, I found the website of a university located in the Urals, where they train as art teachers, while investing knowledge of psychology in students. I feel that if I choose this direction, I will realize myself. I am very pleased with the results of my “research”, because I found answers to my questions. And also at the moment I am completely sure that I can do this type of activity all my life and I will be happy.

    Human life - its spiritual and physical value, well-being and safety are directly conditioned by the success of professional viability.
    Profession- (from the Latin "profiteer" - I declare it my business) a type of labor activity that requires special training and is usually a source of livelihood.
    Zeer E.F. defines the profession as "a socially valuable area of ​​application of the physical and spiritual forces of a person, allowing him to receive in return for the labor expended the necessary means for existence and development"
    Profession as an occupation of a person, normatively regulated by social ones; legal and technical rules performance, is realized in labor activity and exists regardless of the desire of the performer.
    The profession as an objective reality "comes to life" only in the professional activity performed by a person; at the same time, mastering a profession, a person recognizes himself, his capabilities and professional reality as a social and vital necessity, realizes his social role and responsibility.
    Consequently, a person and a profession are two interrelated phenomena, the normal interaction of which is positive both for society and for the person himself as an individual and a professional.
    Professional self-determination, being one of the types of personality self-determination, is a selective attitude of an individual to the world of professions in general and to a particular chosen profession, the core of which is a conscious choice of a profession, taking into account their characteristics and capabilities, the requirements of professional activity and socio-economic conditions.
    It is important to note that for every thinking person, professional activity is a whole life, what he aspires to, what he dreams of; what he studies, cognizes, masters, realizes and transforms. Professional activity absorbs most of a person's life and is its original source. It is in this activity that a person begins to know himself.
    The value of professional activity also lies in the fact that it is in demand by society and a person can realize himself as his significant "organism". And at the same time, it can contribute not only to the development of man, but also to his destruction. The path to professional activity is a multi-stage and complex path, accompanied by crises in the professional development of a person as a person. A positive socially oriented movement along this path requires a person to reasonably activate all his forces (spiritual, mental and physical), both given by nature and inherent in him as a member of society.
    The role of the profession in a person's life can be easily assessed as one of the most important. The profession of each person deforms his soul and body in his image and likeness. The nature of a person's profession largely determines the nature of his ideology, his spiritual baggage, his ethics, his likes and dislikes, tastes and habits, and the whole worldview. Moreover, a profession can become the main content of a person's life. So many people around us dedicate their whole lives to a profession, driving progress or helping people. Truly, each person is stamped and polished by his profession, while remaining a unique unit of human society.
    Professional suitability is based on professionally important personality traits that are formed in the course of a long-term work activity of an employee. The inclinations, the potential to carry out this or that specific activity, due to the individual psychological properties of the personality, are inherent in a person from the very beginning. Simultaneously with the formation of professionally important qualities, the professional thinking of a person develops, his professional type is formed with the corresponding value orientations, character, individual characteristics of professional behavior and lifestyle in general.
    Professionally important qualities include individual mental and personal qualities subject, which are necessary and sufficient for the implementation of a particular productive activity. In addition to the actual mental properties (individual psychological characteristics), certain functions of professionally important qualities can also be performed by some non-psychic properties of the subject - somatic, constitutional, typological, neurodynamic, etc. For example, physical strength and endurance are an example of pronounced professionally important qualities (PVC) for many activities.
    Psychological tests help to identify professionally important personality traits.
    According to A.V. Karpov, professionally important qualities (PVK) are divided into 4 main groups, which together form the structure of professional suitability:
    - absolute PVK - the properties necessary to perform the activity as such at the minimum allowable or normatively specified, average level;
    - relative ETC, which determine the ability of the subject to achieve high (“above the norm”) quantitative and qualitative performance indicators (“EQ of mastery”);
    - motivational readiness for the implementation of a particular activity. It has been proven that high motivation can significantly compensate for the insufficient level of development of many other STCs (but not vice versa);
    - anti-PVC: properties that are contrary to one or another type of professional activity. The structure of professional suitability implies a minimum level of their development or even the absence. In contrast to the qualities of the first three groups, they correlate with activity parameters significantly, but negatively.
    Psychologists have established that any activity is carried out on the basis of the PVK system, which is a set of peculiar symptom complexes of subjective properties specific to a particular professional activity. Symptom complexes are formed in the subject in the course of mastering the relevant activity and contain specific subsystems of the ITC that ensure the implementation of each next stage of professional activity (the formation of the “motive-goal” vector, activity planning, processing of current information, conceptual model, decision-making, actions, verification results, correction of actions).
    In all types of activity, it is customary to distinguish between those individual qualities that are actually responsible for its execution, and those that are necessary for the perception and reception of professionally significant information.
    So, we can give the following definition of PVK. Professionally important qualities (PVC) are the individual properties of the subject of activity, which are necessary and sufficient for the implementation of this activity at a normatively specified level.

    Lecture, abstract. Profession and its role in human life. Professionally important qualities - concept and types. Classification, essence and features.