Is a car mechanic a good job? Profession car mechanic

Every year, cars are becoming more affordable, and we are confidently approaching the fact that we can say with confidence: "A car is not a luxury, but just a means of transportation." It is quite natural that along with the availability (and hence the increase in the number) of cars, the profession of an auto mechanic, a specialist who ensures the smooth operation of our "iron horses", is in increasing demand.

Every year, cars are becoming more affordable, and we are confidently approaching the fact that we can say with confidence: "A car is not a luxury, but just a means of transportation." It is quite natural that along with the availability (and hence the increase in the number) of cars, there is an increasing demand for auto mechanic profession- a specialist who ensures the smooth operation of our "iron horses".

That is why the specialty of an auto mechanic today can be called one of the most promising, especially in terms of the possibility of obtaining a stable and quite competitive income. And largely because of this, this specialty in Russian educational institutions is very popular among young people who prefer to have a stable job and confidence in the future. True, not everyone is ready to "submit" to the profession of an auto mechanic. The fact is that it requires not only the desire to master it, but also a certain talent. But let's talk about everything in order.

What is an auto mechanic?

Qualified specialist engaged in the maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (including trucks, buses and motorcycles), as well as supervising technical condition vehicles using diagnostic equipment such as autoscanner, dynamometer, odometer, etc.

The name of the profession comes from the ancient Greek αὐτός (self) and μηχανικός (skilled). This directly indicates that we are talking about a craftsman who understands self-propelled machines. The history of the profession began in the middle of the 18th century, when the first models of vehicles appeared and there was a need for specialists capable of maintaining their performance. At the beginning of the 20th century, due to a sharp increase in the number of cars, the profession of auto mechanics became widespread, and the complication of the design of cars in the middle of the 20th century led to the formation of narrow specializations in this profession: auto electricians, motorists, vulcanizers, car painters, car tinsmiths, etc. appeared.

Professional auto mechanic duties have hardly changed since then. As before, specialists in this field must diagnose, disassemble and assemble vehicle components and assemblies, perform timely and complete maintenance Vehicle, repair and adjust components and assemblies of motor vehicles, as well as make "cosmetic" repairs of vehicles (for example, straightening, painting, etc.). In addition, since most modern cars are equipped with on-board computers, auto mechanics must thoroughly understand electronics and, if necessary, not only replace, but also repair the on-board computer.

What personal qualities should an auto mechanic have?

Auto mechanic job is inextricably linked with machines, and therefore a specialist must be distinguished by love for cars and the ability to work with machinery. It is also impossible to imagine an auto mechanic without such personal qualities as:

In addition to personal qualities, a good auto mechanic must also have professional knowledge and skills, among which special attention should be paid to: knowledge in the field of material properties, various diagnostic and repair technologies, technical components, design features of cars, as well as skills in working with diagnostic, repair and hand tools. .

Benefits of being an auto mechanic

It is not difficult to guess that the main Advantages of being an auto mechanic is its demand, which every year will only increase. This results in another advantage - a high level of income. After all, the fast rhythm of modern man requires us to be able to quickly move from one place to another, and it is very problematic to do this without a car. As a result, we are ready to pay any money (within reasonable limits, of course), so long as our "iron horse" does not let us down at the most crucial moment. To date, the average monthly income of an auto mechanic is 50-60 thousand rubles (and, we note, this is far from the limit).

If we take into account the fact that almost every second Russian is a car owner today, we can understand that almost half of the population of our country regularly communicates with car mechanics. They also include people from among the elite: artists, politicians, civil servants. In other words, a good auto mechanic (among those who are recommended to each other) can easily "acquire" useful contacts.

Well, and most importantly, a real specialist, what is called an auto mechanic by vocation, is a real pleasure to work with. And this, you see, means a lot for the personal peace of mind and psychological comfort of an auto mechanic.

Disadvantages of being an auto mechanic

Speaking about the work of a vehicle maintenance specialist, it is impossible not to talk about disadvantages of the auto mechanic profession. And she has a lot of them. And above all, these are harmful working conditions:

  • noise and vibration - have a negative impact on the hearing of a specialist;
  • contact with fuels and lubricants- may cause an allergic reaction;
  • exhaust gases - can lead to respiratory diseases;
  • great physical activity - cause diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Another significant disadvantage of this profession can be considered the responsibility for the technical condition of the car, and therefore, to some extent, for the life and health of the car owner. After all, if an auto mechanic makes a mistake or performs his work poorly, then the faulty condition of the car can cause an accident.

Many experts consider ignorant clients who do not know what they want, creating a nervous atmosphere and interfering with the work of the master, as a disadvantage of this profession.

Where can you get a job as an auto mechanic?

Get a job as an auto mechanic can be in any specialized secondary special educational institution. To do this, you need to choose the specialty "Auto mechanic", "Maintenance and repair of vehicles" or "Automotive mechanic". True, a college or technical school diploma will allow the master to rely only on a stable income and guaranteed employment. But about career prospects in this case look unlikely.

More chances to get career development from a specialist after graduating from a university and receiving a diploma in mechanical engineering. Naturally, if you have already decided not only to connect your life with the repair and maintenance of cars, but also to climb the career ladder to the very top (up to an employee of the Ministry of Motor Transport of Russia), then it is recommended to choose one of the best motor transport universities in Russia to which they belong.


In the high-speed age of cars, the profession of an auto mechanic is indispensable. Who else but he will find the cause of the malfunction and eliminate it. In car services, such a specialist can perform a variety of types of work. Currently, automotive organizations are engaged in both the elimination of a small malfunction of the car and cosmetic repairs, and the complete restoration of a broken car.

Demand for the profession

Very in demand

At present, the profession Automechanika considered to be in high demand in the labor market. Many firms and many enterprises need qualified specialists in this field, because the industry is developing rapidly, and specialists are still being educated.

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Description of activity

Auto Mechanic engaged in the repair and maintenance of cars (cars, trucks, buses), motorcycles, etc. This specialist is well acquainted with the device of a variety of cars. It can, by various signs, identify the causes of malfunctions in the car, prevent and eliminate breakdowns.

An auto mechanic works using not only locksmith tools, but also diagnostic equipment. He is familiar with the rules for assembling and disassembling vehicle components.

The work of an auto mechanic is physically difficult and, if safety rules are not followed, is traumatic: fractures, burns, eye injuries are possible ... Constant noise, loud sounds and exhaust fumes can also harm health. You have to work, as a rule, in a short time, sometimes even overtime.


average in Moscow:average for St. Petersburg:

The uniqueness of the profession

Pretty common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Automechanika can not be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years, the labor market has seen a demand for representatives of the profession Automechanika despite the fact that a lot of specialists graduate every year.

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What kind of education is needed

Secondary education (school)

As the results of the survey show, it is not at all necessary to receive a special education at a university or college in order to become Auto mechanic... Necessary training auto mechanics take place directly upon employment or at the workplace during the probationary period. For work Auto mechanic all that is required is a desire, a satisfactory state of health and the presence of personal qualities recommended for this profession.

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Job responsibilities

An auto mechanic performs a wide range of jobs. These are repair works (fuel equipment, anti-lock brakes, internal combustion engine, as well as components and assemblies). The auto mechanic also does maintenance work. He regulates mechanisms or replaces failed mechanical parts.

His responsibilities include wheel alignment, tire fitting and wheel balancing.

Type of labor

Mostly physical labor

According to the results of the survey, the profession Automechanika involves mostly physical labor. Auto Mechanic must have good physical fitness, high strength endurance and good health.

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Features of career growth

To become a professional auto mechanic and be in demand in the labor market, it is not enough just to master this profession after graduating from college or university. You need to gain work experience, to understand in practice the principle of your specialization.

An experienced auto mechanic can earn a solid income. The place of work of this specialist may be stations Maintenance, depots and garage workshops. The profession of an auto mechanic allows you to work for yourself.

Career Opportunities

Opportunities Enough

The vast majority of the profession Automechanika believe that they have enough opportunities to advance in career ladder. If an ordinary specialist has such a goal, then it is quite realistic for him to take a leadership position in this area.

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Employee characteristic

Working with machines and mechanisms is often associated with heavy physical exertion, which means that an auto mechanic must be strong and hardy. He also needs good eyesight and hearing to identify faults by the slightest visual changes and by sound. To avoid injury at work, this specialist must be careful, attentive and follow safety rules. Carefulness will also be needed when disassembling and assembling mechanisms: you need to disassemble the units in a strictly defined order so as not to miss anything during assembly.

Since the auto mechanic deals with many brands of cars, which can be very different from each other, he needs a good memory to know the features of their device, typical breakdowns.

However, an auto mechanic works not only with machines, but also with people, so the ability to communicate and clearly express one's thoughts will be very useful for this professional. Basically, the auto mechanic must perform all the work within strictly defined deadlines, which requires responsibility and self-control. In addition, in some cases, people's lives may depend on the quality of work performed by an auto mechanic.

Who suits the profession


Profession Automechanika in our society belongs to the category " men's professions". Of course, this does not mean that women are prohibited from working. Auto mechanic. It's just that this profession is physically difficult or rough for a woman, therefore, it is considered to be predominantly male.

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In our time, a fairly large number of cars have appeared, and they, like any other equipment, are capable of failing, therefore they require repair. Any motorist monitors the condition of his car, namely, he observes the passage of daily, seasonal and scheduled maintenance. Almost all this work will be carried out by a specialist working as an auto mechanic at a car service.

If this is a small car service, then, as a rule, car mechanics are employed in such an organization - generalists who perform all types of work. But already for large service centers, division into specializations is typical.

  • 1. The following types of work are provided for car tinsmiths - straightening, puttying a broken car, preparing a car for painting work.
  • 2. Painters carry out rough and final sanding, prepare your car, then proceed directly to painting.
  • 3. Mechanic - diagnostician. It is his responsibility to determine the cause of the breakdown. An auto mechanic with such a specialization is in demand in those workshops where they repair foreign cars.
  • 4. An auto electrician fixes electronic problems.

Auto electricians are in considerable demand (on-board computers on cars are becoming more popular). This is only a part of what auto mechanics can do, there are more than ten specialties that are no less important (fitter, minder, gearbox repair specialist and others).

The profession of an auto mechanic is popular and in demand in modern society. If you have loved to repair your toy cars since childhood, and this attraction has not disappeared with age, then you definitely need to learn to be a car mechanic.

This profession can be obtained both in a vocational school and in a higher educational institution. Depending on where you plan to find a job in the future. Small car services willingly hire auto mechanics who have studied at a vocational school, while other, more reputable and serious firms, hire specialists with university diplomas. But after all, not everyone can become an auto mechanic, the profession may seem very simple and uncomplicated, but it is not.

Auto mechanics are people who are very thoughtful, painstaking, able to patiently approach the cause of a car breakdown. His carelessness can lead to an unwanted accident. As in many professions, in this one it is necessary to find a common language with clients, work colleagues and superiors.

For an auto mechanic, knowledge of the device of various cars, their purpose, location and principle of operation of individual components and assemblies is important. Be able to use control and measuring and diagnostic devices for work. The auto mechanic must be able to find any malfunctions in the car, for further elimination. Knowledge of various types of maintenance is important.

Also, this article will help prepare an essay, essay, report or presentation about the profession.

Now you will not surprise anyone with the presence of a car, especially since in some families there may even be several of them. But, like any mechanism, the machine needs constant care, and sometimes repair. Not everyone is able to solve such a problem on their own, therefore, in modern society, such a specialty as an auto mechanic has appeared. This profession is difficult, which means that people who have mastered it are worth their weight in gold.

But the path to mastering this specialty is very thorny. Not everyone is able to remember all the design features of the car, and even more so to learn how to repair it. And only true love for this business allows you to get the title of auto mechanic. A specialty, or, better to say, a vocation that turns into a “god of machines”.

What is an auto mechanic?

An auto mechanic, or, as they say, a car mechanic is a person who repairs cars. At the same time, his duties include diagnosing the problem, finding a suitable way to solve it and, accordingly, the work to eliminate it. Also, these specialists conduct scheduled technical inspections, which are installed by the vehicle manufacturer.

And it would seem that everything is clear with this. But working as an auto mechanic is fraught with many pitfalls. In particular, a wide variety of technology that you have to deal with. Indeed, now the market is overflowing with a huge number of both domestic and foreign models of which vary greatly, and this complicates the work.

What qualities should a car mechanic have?

No matter how it sounds, but first of all, the future auto mechanic must love his job. It is very important. Working in this profession, a person every day only does what he repairs cars. Without love and some fanaticism, such an activity will quickly get bored. And without a fuse, the growth of skill is also impossible.

An auto mechanic is a profession in which you need to skillfully operate with existing knowledge. Why do we need analytical and excellent memory. Starting from the early stages of training, the future specialist is obliged to grasp all the intricacies of this business on the go, remember the finest features of the car's design, its possible breakdowns and what methods they can be used to determine.

Due to the specifics of the profession, a car mechanic often has to work with heavy parts. They need to be carried from place to place, lifted and held in a certain position. Therefore, strength and endurance are very important for a person who aims for such a position as an auto mechanic. This profession is also associated with frequent injuries and burns, which means that the future specialist must be ready for them.

Choice of a narrow specialty

Any apprentice auto mechanic will tell you that there is no universal direction in this matter. So, some specialists are engaged in others - painting work, others repair the wiring, and the fourth - directly to the engine itself. It is important to remember this when choosing an educational institution or courses for auto mechanics in order to determine what specialty will be in the future.

Here are some examples of the most popular areas in this case:

  • Mechanic - a person responsible for the mechanisms inside the car (engine, gearbox, clutch, and so on).
  • A painter is a paint specialist who is able to repaint a car in any color or apply the necessary drawings to it.
  • An autorikhtovschik - a master of leveling dents, sealing cracks and so on.
  • An electrician is a person who is able to fix all electrical appliances inside a car.
  • A car welder is a worker whose main task is welding work related to the repair of a car.
  • The diagnostician is an experienced specialist who is well versed in machine breakdowns.

There are other areas in this profession, but they are not so widespread and are needed only in specialized factories and in some workshops. It should also be noted that at small service stations there are still station wagon mechanics who perform all of the above tasks on their own. But such an approach does not allow taking on orders that require in-depth knowledge in one of the areas. For example, repairing a complex or rare engine of a foreign car.

Occupation auto mechanic. Education

It is possible to master the basics of this profession in a vocational school or technical school. You can enter there both after 9 and after 11 classes. There should not be any particular difficulties in passing the exams, since the enrollment for this specialty is quite large. After graduating from such an educational institution, a person can count on a place in a service station or in a small auto repair shop.

For those who want to achieve something more, it is better to think about entering a university. Upon its completion, places will be available in large car services, as well as positions in factories that manufacture cars or parts for them.

Why is an internship needed?

After graduating from a university or technical school, there is a chance to get a prestigious place, but it is rather small. The reason is simple - lack of experience. After all, it is not enough to have a good diploma, you also need to have practical knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo an internship with an experienced mechanic.

In fact, an auto mechanic apprentice is the first step on the way up the career ladder. They don't pay that much here. But the burden of responsibility for the car will always lie on the shoulders of the senior mechanic. If you are not lazy and make every effort to master the necessary skills, then the effect will not be long in coming. And then, having knowledge and experience, you can safely move to the position of a full-fledged auto mechanic.

How is the job market

Auto mechanic is a highly demanded profession. Indeed, even in the smallest city there is a service station, or even more than one, to say nothing of megacities. In addition, there are also car repair shops that specialize in both complex repairs and its individual types: painting, tuning, repairing the power supply, and so on.

So a person with the necessary knowledge and experience can always find a job as an auto mechanic. And besides, this specialty is considered highly paid, which is also very nice.

Auto Mechanic. Future prospects

Over the years, car sales have been steadily growing, which means that in the near future the profession will definitely not decrease. But the requirements for specialists of this profile are getting higher and higher every year, because progress does not stand still, and, consequently, car designs are becoming more complicated all the time.

Another nuance is that modern cars are equipped with all sorts of computer devices and sensors. And in the future their number will only increase. Therefore, a good mechanic should not only understand the design of the car itself, but also be familiar with the principles of operation of electrical appliances.

As long as cars drive on the roads of the country, those who can fix their breakdowns will be needed until then. An auto mechanic is exactly the person who is able to give a second life, a second wind to a car - domestic or foreign production. Therefore, it is not strange that even with the automation of repair work using modern equipment, one cannot completely do without human hands. To know the device of a car, to understand the intricacies of the mechanism, to find and fix breakdowns within a limited time - only a person is capable of this, and not a soulless technique. Auto mechanics are required both in private companies that are directly involved in car repair, and in organizations to maintain a personal fleet.

The salary of mechanics, as a rule, depends on the amount of work performed. But on average, given the changes over the year, the level of payments can be seen on this histogram:

What is required from an applicant for the profession of an auto mechanic?

After analyzing the vacancies of an auto mechanic in Moscow, we can state the following: employers want to see their employees as a hardworking, responsible person with relevant work experience. An auto mechanic must understand the mechanisms of vehicles, troubleshoot in a short time, work quickly without compromising quality. Repair work, as a rule, is carried out on the territory of the employer, all conditions and tools are provided for this.

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