Young Russian billionaire. The youngest millionaires in Russia

Are you young and full of energy? Do you want to start your own business and are looking for new ideas for your business? Or does it seem to you that in today's world all niches are already occupied and it is difficult to gain a foothold in the market of goods and services, not to mention turning your company into a prosperous company and becoming a millionaire yourself? Is it hard to believe in a possible success?

Many stop at the first step - doubts and do not take the second. "Success and wealth come with age" - not without reason you can object. “To become a millionaire, you need to spend a million or inherit it” - another opinion. Yes, today there are many millionaires among young people, heirs of wealthy parents. Also success often comes with time. But is it possible to become a successful businessman on your own at the beginning of your career?

Let's take a look at today's many young millionaires. We will deliberately not take into account the athletes and artists earning millions - we were interested in business in its purest form. Also, we will not include the “golden youth” who do not run an independent business. We are interested in entrepreneurs under the age of 22 who earn substantial sums. And also those people whose fortune is not a secret. Why is that? It turns out that millionaires who started a business with a prop in the form of their father's money do not inherit the business acumen of their parents. And the history of modern business fully proves this.

Ordinary people by the age of 22 only get higher education, but some by this time already become millionaires. Here is a brief overview of some of the millionaires who made their first million before they were 22 years old. So let's go.

1. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook social network

This man is an example of how a guy from an ordinary family becomes the founder of a multi-million dollar business. He is the owner of a significant part of the shares of the company he created, the value of which is approximately three billion dollars. How did his business start? As a student at Harvard University, he launched the computer social network Facebook from his dorm room. Subsequently, Facebook became the sixth most visited site in the world: approximately seventy million people visit the site every day under their account. But it was his first successful idea.

Before that, and it is worth noting his interest in programming, while still at school, he and a friend wrote a program for the MP3-player Winamp, which allowed the computer to analyze the user's musical preferences. After placing the program on the Internet for free access, Microsoft was ready to pay at least two million dollars for the "music box", but the creator evaded the deal under the pretext of "inspiration is not for sale." In the end, Mark came to the conclusion that his passion for programming could become a lifelong business. At that time, he did not think about millions, but success, nevertheless, does not bypass persistent and gifted people.

2. , selling tickets online

At the age of 18 in 2005, Joshua Dziabiak decided to sell his first web hosting company, Mediacatch, for just over $1 million. With the money he received, he bought a brand new Mercedes, as well as a flat-screen TV. The rest of the money he invested in brand new ventures. Among them was Showclix.

This is a web site that helps concert halls, colleges, cultural centers, and other venues sell tickets online, at the box office, and over the phone. In 2009, he raised approximately 1 million investments, and his company has already been valued at $2.75 million. Showclix can take 7-15 percent of any ticket sales, and the fees from these tickets brought him 9 million last year alone.

3. , production and sale of jam (jam)

In 2002, at the age of 14, Fraser began making jam in his parents' kitchen using his grandmother's recipes. Then his clients were neighbors and school friends. By the age of 16, the production of jam reached such a large volume that the young man was forced to leave school in order to be able to work full time. In 2009, his business generated $1.2 million in revenue.

It is noteworthy that Doherty is the only full-time employee of the company. Superjam currently sells around 50,000 cans per month and is young man estimated at $1 million to $2 million.

4. , social network MyYearbook

As she graduated from high school, 15-year-old Katherine and her 17-year-old brother decided to launch a free online version of the Yearbook. In 2005, after persuading his older brother to invest in their project, the social network is launched. In 2008, the creators agreed on a partnership with Arkadium game makers - and to the delight of users social network flash toys appeared in it. Later, the resource was overgrown with real-time chats, convenient for those who play in teams. Currently, the project employs about 45 people and, thanks to advertising placed on the site, aimed at young people from 11 to 17 years old, the income is $4.1 million.

MyYearBook, of course, did not beat (and did not seek) Facebook and other giants in its segment. However, it is the third largest social network in the United States, earning from ads, in-game virtual currency, and paid subscriptions. In 2009, the company earned $20 million. In November 2011, the project was bought by the social network Quepasa for $100 million.

5. plush toys and open tki, gift business

Having struck the imagination of not only his parents, but everyone who knew him, Cameron launches his first business at the age of 9, creating invitations to his relatives' party. The fame of the boy grew, and by the age of 11, Cameron already had several thousand dollars in his piggy bank. At the age of 12, a young man buys his sister's doll collection for $100 and resells it several times more expensive on eBay. With the money he earned, Cameron bought teddy bears in bulk and sold them on eBay, as well as on his Cheers and Tears website. So he earned the first 50 thousand dollars. At the age of 13, he created the My EZ Mail service, with the help of which the user was given the opportunity to forward emails to a specific address, while the recipient's personal data remained secret. Two years later, this project began to bring the young businessman about $ 3,000 a month, thanks to advertising.

In 1997, with his friends, Johnson creates advertising agency on the Internet, and by the age of 15 there were already $300.000-400.00 in his bank account. At 15, Johnson created, a website where people could sell their gift certificates online. Thanks to a small commission, the service became popular and in 2004 it was filed for a "six-figure figure". Then Johnson was 19 years old and by the time he graduated from school, the graduate's fortune exceeded $1 million.

6. Ashley Kvols, personal MySpace page design and layout, own website advertising

The example of a 14-year-old American woman still amazes many. When the social media boom was just beginning, 14-year-old Ashley Kwales noticed that many of her friends were trying to diversify their personal MySpace pages. Quals was fond of graphic design, in other words, by drawing, so creating a cheerful and bright background for a personal page on the MySpace network was not difficult for her. It was then that Quals created her own Internet page with eight dollars borrowed from her mother, on which she began to lay out a variety of ready-made designs - wallpapers for MySpace pages.

According to Yahoo, the number of visits to the page in 2007 exceeded one million per day. And, what is especially important for advertisers, thanks to the efforts of Kvols, the resource has its own clearly limited audience - teenagers, and mostly female. With such a high-quality and large audience, Kwalls was able to quickly find companies that wanted to advertise on the site. In 2007, her website, Whateverlife, reached an annual revenue of over $1 million from an initial investment of $8.

7 Raymond Lee T-shirt Sales

As a high school student, Raymond Lee did an internship in China. Back in California, Lee ordered tennis jerseys directly from the Middle Kingdom. Gradually, he made a capital of $ 2,200 and created an online company,, which sold T-shirts. Now he has three employees, and in 2010 he had a revenue of more than 600 thousand dollars. Li said he plans to raise sales to $2 million this year. It is noteworthy that his company did without outside investment.

Raymond doesn't even touch the product he's made. His entire business is an online t-shirt designer who helps design a t-shirt and submit it to the manufacturer. Even the manufacturer is responsible for shipping the goods, not Raymond himself. True, due to the expansion of the business, Raymond now had to hire the first full-time employee to open a telephone support line.

8. Adam Hildreth, Marketing Agency, Software

In 1999, when Adam Hildreth from England was only 14 years old, he decided to launch an entirely new social network. Around this time, Coca-Cola and companies like it began using members of their network in focus groups that were supposed to develop marketing strategies that will target the younger generation. Adam Hildreth began serving as Managing Director of Dubit Limited, and spent a full four years in that position. Thus, when Adam Hildreth was only 19 years old, the BBC had already begun to name him one of the twenty richest teenagers in the whole of the UK. And his approximate fortune was somewhere around 2 million pounds. In dollars, this is approximately 3.7 million.

In 2005, this young man decided to launch his new project, which would distribute special software, which, in turn, would protect children from pedophiles on the Internet. This project is Hildreth's last venture. "Crisp Thinking" develops online technologies that ensure the protection of the child on the Internet. The company also works closely with Internet providers and child protection organizations, developing solutions that can ensure the protection of the child when leaving the online mode.

9.Jason Brian, automotive site

After Jason Bryan graduated from high school in the summer of 2008, he decided to work in the marketing department of a Florida car dealership. Jason Bryan was well aware that the future of marketing lies in the World Wide Web, namely the Internet. “I was able to find that for only half the cost, I could double the result, while all I did was buy ads online and then optimize the SERPs,” recalls Jason Bryan.

In three years, Jason Bryan spent less than $10,000 of his personal savings to create his own website to help ordinary consumers find their cars. started making good money, and all it did was sell customer information to car manufacturers and dealers. And just six months after the site was launched, it attracted the attention of investors who invested $250,000 in the business. In 2009, the regular site generated $1.2 million in revenue, and Jason Bryan was only 22 years old. And in 2010, it reached the mark of as much as 6 million dollars.

10. Jan Purkayastha ( Ian Purkayastha), import of truffles

At the age of 15, Jan Purkayastha decided to start importing truffles, and then organized his own truffle sales for up to 12 thousand dollars per 1 kilogram to various restaurants and shops. Jan Purkayastha lived and grew up in Houston. His home was located in Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA. Importing truffles was quite a challenge because the imports are controlled by as many as four different federal agencies, and because every time you had to come up with attempts to try to get ahead of time: truffles have a shelf life of only seven days. But Jan Purkayastha was able and soon opened his own first truffle nursery in Arkansas, USA. And his own sales company has near $1 million in revenue.

He is a real "truffle tycoon" in the US, in large part due to the fact that he is only 18 years old and still a teenager. After all, many of his friends at the same age do nothing but play ordinary computer games, listen to music, and all their thoughts are only about how to quickly get rid of acne. And Jan Purkayastha created his own business, supplying delicacies at 4,000 dollars for just one kilogram to the best restaurants in the country in which he lives.

Jan Purkayastha can produce about one and a half tons of truffles per year and provide only them to all customers in New York alone. But in the list of his clients there are also very famous restaurants, including those restaurants that have a three-star rating, according to the Michelin restaurant rating. "Tartufi Unlimited" is the name of the campaign in which he started his own business when he was only 16 years old. With the help of buying and selling truffles online, he was able to move to New Jersey from Arkansas last August. And at the moment, his business continues to develop: the release of almost 70 kilograms of any product every week is controlled; 70 percent is occupied by the supply of absolutely fresh truffles, and 30 percent is occupied by the supply of truffle oil.

11. Jamie Murray Wells, selling glasses

When 21-year-old university student Jamie Murray Wells tried to buy a pair of prescription glasses in 2004, a business idea popped into his head. Overwhelmed by the price of $300 glasses, Wells decided to drop out of school and use his student loan ($2,000) for what would become Glasses Direct, a London-based online retailer.

During the first year of its existence, the company's income exceeded $2 million. By 2010, the company's revenue reached $5 million, the number of employees - 70 people, and attracted investments - $34 million.

12. Milun Tesovic, music website, online advertising

In 2002, when Milan was 16, he launched a music website where, just for fun, he collected the lyrics of his favorite songs. After two years, he decided to turn it into a business. Today, the database contains 2 million songs, and the 20-employee company makes its living by selling ads.

Revenue reached $1 million in 2007, when Teshovich was 21 years old.

13. Daniel Gomez Iniguez, diesel pomace presses

Daniel is the owner of the Solben company, which designs and manufactures presses for extracting oil from plants to make diesel fuel. Iñiguez started product development at school. The first sale brought in $150,000: half to build the press, half after delivery.

And in the first year of its existence, the Mexican company Monterrey invested a little more than $1 million in Daniel's business.

14. Michael Furdyk, online advertising

In 1996, 16-year-old Michael launched, a website about computers, in the basement of his parents' house in suburban Toronto. His website was full of tips that Furdyk sought out in online chat rooms. There he met his peer Michael Hayman from Australia.

Before long, was bringing in $60,000 a month in ad revenue from customers like Microsoft. In 1999, Furdyk, Hayman, and a third partner sold the site to for more than $1 million.

15. David Karp ( David Karp), blogging platform Tumblr

Today, the creator and head of the most popular blogging platform - Tumblr - is 26 years old. He grew up in Manhattan, went through several schools, and completed his homeschooling. At the age of 14, David trained with television producer and animator Frank Seibert, then worked as a consultant on software in the Internet project for young parents UrbanBaby.

In 2006, at the age of 19, Karp quit his job and set up his own microblogging platform. In August 2009, BusinessWeek magazine named him the Best Young Entrepreneur in IT. It is clear why - the service is very popular. Tumblr had 13 million unique visitors in July 2011 (in the US alone), according to ComScore. In October 2011, US President Barack Obama started his blog here.

16. Anton Volodkin ( Anton Volodkin), music blog aggregator

Russian by origin, 14 years ago, Anton Volodkin moved from Moscow to New York with his parents. Six years ago, at the age of 17, Anton created Hype Machine, an aggregator of music blogs. According to Volodkin, the idea of ​​creating an aggregator came to him while working at Brainlink, where music was the only way to relax. Finding new music was quite difficult, and the guy decided to deal with this once and for all - to write a technology that itself searches for music in interesting music blogs.

Interesting ones, by the way, do not include blogs of labels and the artists themselves - that would be too simple. Attendance of the project is more than a million unique visitors per month. In January 2010, the project became a SoundCloud partner - this provided bloggers with the opportunity to access fresh tracks from labels.

17. Blake Aaron Ross ( Blake Aaron Ross), Mozilla Firefox browser

Aaron Ross is 24 years old and his biography is a classic geek generation hero story. Ross made his first website at the age of 10. And already at 15 he worked at Netscape (combining work with studies at school), and there he met Dave Hewitt - colleagues jointly created the Mozilla Firefox browser in 2004. At that time he was only 19 years old. Today, Ross continues to work at the Mozilla Foundation, but is also involved in other projects, including working at Facebook as a product director.

Today Mozilla Firefox is a free and the second most popular browser in the world. For example, in July 2011, its market share was 27.95%.

18 Juliette Brindak, Girls Entertainment Portal

Juliet, a 20-year-old University of Washington student, is the CEO of, an online entertainment project for girls ages 8-13. The site with virtual games, tests, chats and the virtual character Miss O is in third place in the category of resources for girls.

For the first time, Juliet drew her character Miss O at the age of 10. Later it turned out that not only she liked the character, but also her friends, and the idea arose to create a community for her friends on the Internet. Today, about a million people visit the resource every day. Today the company has 10 people, all of them work remotely. Juliet has to manage everything without leaving the educational process.

Miss O's business is valued at $15 million.

Chat for communication Chatroulette

The Chatroullete service, a tool for communicating with random strangers from all over the world via video chats, became a real hit at the end of 2009–2010. First, it was obsessed with in the West, then a wave swept over Russia. It was then that it turned out that a 17-year-old Moscow schoolboy named Andrei created the hit. Just like that, from a home computer, in three days.

In 2010, a real hunt for a guy unfolded: the American giants dreamed of meeting him and invited him to Europe, investors competed for the honor of investing in the project (estimating it at $50 million). In an interview with Forbes, Ternovsky said that he earns about $ 1,500 a day from advertising.

As a result, the teenager disowned investments - he even refused the investor of the entire Internet, Milner. Which he later regretted.

What conclusions do the examples of these young businessmen lead us to? Do they inspire confidence that it is possible to build a strong business without major capital investments? Confidence and purposefulness is the first step, which should be followed by the second, and then the third. The main thing in this is not to stop. As can be seen from the examples, most successful business happens not when it is only inherited, but when it becomes such, overcoming obstacles in the way of its growth. Hard work and competent planning necessarily lead to the achievement of the intended goal.

Young millionaires... Is it possible that tomorrow you will become one?

p.s.: If you know other young millionaires (including those in Russian-speaking countries), please tell us about them.

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The Internet, the sun and chicken eggs are the secret to the success of young billionaires.

All your life you go to your dream, you work like a damned one, your fortune is growing day by day. And one day you are rich, very rich…….but. Old age is already knocking at your door. And it seems de you can afford everything, but there is no longer such a desire as in youth to rest to the fullest. You need peace. It is quite another thing to become a billionaire in the prime of life. And enjoy all the benefits throughout your long life. There are many such lucky people in the world. We will consider the richest billionaires.

Yusaki Mizawa– from the seller to the owner of the company
State– $1.4 billion
Age- 38 years

Yusaki started his business selling T-shirts and music CDs. With a little bit of initial capital, Mizawa founded his company Start Today, along with the opening of the ZozoTawn website, which was an online supermarket that sold everything. His innovation was that goods were taken for sale, and money was paid to suppliers only after the sale. The business became so profitable that the turnover doubled every year and after 7 years Masavi earned his first billion.

Oleg Bakhmatyuk- the chicken laid an egg, but not easy, but golden
State- $1.5 billion
Age- 38 years

Ukrainian businessman Oleg Bakhmatyuk used to work in the oil and gas industry, and, moreover, very successfully, headed the company. It is not known what prompted him to change the field of activity, but Oleg left the business and began to sell .... chicken eggs. The testicles were not simple, but golden. On this seemingly simple business, Oleg was able to sit out as much as 1.5 billion. Everyone wants to eat!

Xiaofeng Peng- money from the sun
State— $2 billion
Age- 39 years

Xiaofeng Peng

The sun provides free energy and always shines. This is exactly what the young Chinese Peng thought when he founded his company LDK Solar Co d in 2005. The company was engaged in the production of solar panels for power plants. Peng earned his first billion after 5 years. At the moment, his fortune has exceeded 2 billion dollars, of course.

Yoshikazu Tanaka- Competitor of Zuckerberg
State– $2.5 billion
Age- 37 years Yoshikazu Tanaka

Inspired by the success of Facebook, Tanaka founded his social network Gree in Japan, which is currently the largest in his country. Tatnaka has already earned more than 2.5 billion from it. But the young billionaire from Japan is not going to stop there. In his plans to conquer the whole world, the first in line is America and the Old World.

Dustin Moskowitz neighbor helped to become rich
State- $3 billion
Age- 29 years

Dustin was simply fabulously lucky - his dorm roommate was an ordinary Jewish guy. But his name was Mark Zuckerberg. Dustin was one of the first who started working on Facebook. Managed to work as a director of technology and vice president of development. Moskowitz subsequently left Facebook and founded his own company, Asana. By the way, he earned his first billion at the age of 23.

Mark Zuckerberg- billions for communication
State– $15 billion
Age- 29 years

While still a student at the prestigious Harvard University, Zuckerberg came up with a website for communication between students. I called it simply - FaceBokk. The idea turned out to be so successful and in demand that in a couple of years Zuckerberg became a billionaire. In total, his Facebook brought him more than 15 billion.

Sergey Brin- who is it? Google it!
State– $24 billion
Age– 41 years old

American of Russian origin, mathematician, and part-time founder of the largest Internet company in the world, Google. Google has been showing ever increasing rates of development for a long time and, accordingly, Sergey Grin is getting richer and richer every day. Last year he earned about 3 million dollars a day!!!

Of course, they are still far away, but they are already stepping on their heels.

Eight years ago, the "golden hundred" of the Russian Forbes rating included at least 12 millionaires, whose age is less than 40 years. But, sadly, over time, the number of young millionaires is steadily decreasing. In addition, those who are now included in this rating cannot be called so young: of the six richest people under the age of 40, not one is younger than thirty. In general, the trend is that there are fewer and fewer young self-made billionaires, and more and more of those who inherited a ready-made business from wealthy parents.

Vyacheslav Mirilashvili
Age : 30 years old
Place in the ranking: 114
Net worth: $950 million

Fact: The son of the famous and reputable St. Petersburg businessman Mikhail Mirilashvili, the owner of the PetroMir development holding and the Konti gambling concern. Upon his return from America, inspired by the idea of ​​Facebook, Vyacheslav in 2006 invested $30,000 in the project of his classmate Pavel Durov. The young entrepreneur borrowed money from one of his father's companies. As of mid-April 2013, the daily audience of the VKontakte network has more than 47 million people.
In April 2013, Mirilashvili sold his 40% stake in the social network to a consortium of investors led by Ilya Shcherbovich. The amount of the deal is still unknown.

Vitaly Yusufov
Age : 33 years old
Place in the ranking: 153
Place in the ranking: $700 million

Fact: The son of the former Minister of Energy and Special Representative of the President for Energy Cooperation Igor Yusufov, at 22 he was a candidate of economic sciences, at 24 he was an assistant to the general director of Gazpromexport, at 26 he was the director of the Moscow branch of Nord Stream AG.
Vitaly Yusufov is an experienced businessman: he saved the German shipyards Waden Yards from bankruptcy at the height of the German election campaign in 2009, which resulted in Angela Merkel taking the chair of German chancellor for another four years. By the way, the shipyards are located in the region that Merkel represented in the elections.
It was Yusufov's company, established jointly with the Ministry of Defense, that received, without any competition, scarce frequencies for the construction of a 4G network.
And Yusufov Jr. is an experienced intermediary: having acquired a 19.93% stake in the Bank of Moscow from its former president Andrei Borodin, a couple of months later he successfully resold the VTB stake. Borodin himself, after the deal, said that the Yusufov family acted in the interests of then-President Dmitry Medvedev, "a young man," as Yusufov Sr. called him.

Maxim Nogotkov
Age : 36 years old
Place in the ranking: 82
Wealth: $1.3 billion

Fact: The only Russian billionaire in the Forbes rating under 40. The owner of the Svyaznoy network and the bank of the same name, Maxim Nogotkov, showed business acumen at school, trading in computer programs and radio telephones.
After the institute, Nogotkov decided to take up sales seriously and organized wholesale trade cell phones and then retail network. Last year, over 9 million phones and smartphones were sold through Svyaznoy, and the group's revenue exceeded 500 billion rubles.

Maxim Liksutov
Age : 36 years old
Place in the ranking: 157
Net worth: $650 million

Fact: Professional underwater swimmer Maxim Liksutov made his fortune on rail transport.
In the early 1990s, he started sorting and transshipping Kuzbass coal in the port of Tallinn at the request of his housemate Sergei Glinka. Later he became a co-owner of one of the largest private rail carriers, Transgroup, as well as Transmashholding and Aeroexpress. In December 2011, he was appointed Head of the Moscow Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure, and 10 months later, Deputy Mayor. In this connection, according to his own statements, by the end of 2012 he completely went out of business, selling his shares.

Andrey Andreev (Ogandzhanyants)
Age : 39 years old
Place in the ranking: 127
Net worth: $800 million

Fact: An enviable groom and one of the most mysterious Russian millionaires. Under the pseudonym Andrey Andreev, Andrey Ogandzhanyants is hiding - the creator of the popular dating site "Mamba" and the Badoo project. The latter is a symbiosis of chat, dating service and photo rating, disguised as a social network. In 2012, the site, available in 41 languages, had 175 million registered visitors.
Andreev lives in London, does not like to be photographed and give interviews, preferring to cut through the London suburbs in rented luxury cars in his free time.

Dustin Moskowitz, 29, a third contributor to the Facebook project, is worth $6.8 billion this year. Despite leaving Facebook in 2008 to launch his Asana project, he owns a 7.6% stake in the company. Occupying second place in the ranking of the youngest rich people, Moskowitz lost ground: in 2010. Forbes recognized him as the youngest billionaire - then, however, his fortune totaled $ 3 billion.

Mark Zuckerberg

In third place is Moskowitz's colleague, the notorious Mark Zuckerberg. He will turn 30 this May. He continues to serve as president and CEO Facebook. Despite the difficult times for the company, according to Forbes, the fortune of the American programmer totals $28.5 billion.

Anton Katrein

In fourth place in the list of young owners of large amounts was Anton Katrein Jr., a representative of the third generation of well-known entrepreneurs (the Katrein family), who have been manufacturing various kinds of antennas for several decades. Kathrein-Werke AG has more than 18 production sites worldwide. Katrains create jobs for almost 7 thousand people. The state of Katrein Jr. is now estimated at $ 1.35 billion.

Drew Houston

Silicon Valley boy wonder Drew Houston came in at number five with $1.2 billion. He is the co-founder and CEO of Dropbox, which pioneered cloud-based data storage servers that let users share files with each other. The success of Drew Houston could be assumed: from the age of five he was interested in computers, and as a schoolboy, the teenager participated in all possible projects related to programming.

Albert von Thurn und Taxis

In sixth place in the top ten young billionaires was 30-year-old Albert von Thurn-and-Taxis. He first appeared in the Forbes ranking at the age of eight, when he inherited a large fortune from his relative. Now the capital of the crown prince is $ 3.8 billion. His assets include several castles in Bavaria, 36 thousand hectares of forest in Germany, as well as one of the largest forest holdings in Europe.

Scott Duncan

The seventh line of the rating is occupied by 31-year-old Scott Duncan. He and his three brothers inherited the wealth of their father, pipeline owner Dan Duncan. According to Forbes research, in 2014. Scott Duncan became richer than a year earlier by $1.2 billion: now his capital reaches $6.3 billion. This was due to the growth in stock prices of Enterprise Products Partners. Currently, Duncan is one of the most enviable suitors: the American press often includes him in the ratings of the richest bachelors in the world.

Eduardo Saverin

Another person who stood at the origins of Facebook and became rich is Eduardo Saverin. He, along with Zuckerberg, was a co-founder of the world's most popular social network, now he owns a 5% stake in the company, it is estimated at $ 2.5 billion. is estimated at $ 4.1 billion. Little is known about the billionaire in the world press - he prefers not to lead a public life. Eduardo Saverin was born in Brazil and now lives in Singapore.

There are people who are lucky, and they have become happy owners of a large inheritance. And there is another category - with their work, penny to penny make a fortune, which is overgrown with millions. Meet the world's youngest millionaires!

1. Ashley Qualls ($70,000 monthly)

2004 for 14 year old a teenager from the United States became famous. Her earnings related to the promotion of templates on social network pages and online programming consultations. During the calculations, the Internet brought a profit to the girl in the amount of 70,000 US dollars per month.

For 18 years, she made a gift to herself - she bought a house worth a quarter of a million dollars. Its resource is still wildly popular and brings well-deserved labor millions.

2. Fraser Doherty (3 quarters of a million - just the beginning)

Scottish teenager 14 years old decided to surpass his grandmother in making jams by opening his own line of production of these wonderful sweets. He did not have any factories and factories, the boy brought all the recipes to life in the home kitchen.

As a result, everything worked out for him: the resulting jam was packaged in jars and safely sold to neighbors. Profit was not long in coming.

The guy invested the proceeds in development by renting a line for the production and packaging of goodies. By the end of the year, his fortune amounted to 3 quarters of a million, and a year later it doubled.

At the age of 15 An American youth decided to prove that he could earn a living by supplying truffles. Moreover, his mushroom passion in terms of gathering was developed from childhood.

Step by step, the guy managed to create his own nursery for growing truffles, which went like hot cakes to restaurants and a grocery chain. Now everyone knows that Jan has the best products. But today he collects not only mushrooms, but also millions.

4. Jaden Smith (over $8 million)

Despite the fact that the boy grows up in a wealthy acting family, he made his millions on his own.

He first starred in the movie The Karate Kid, earning $5 million. And later he began to perform with dances, demonstrating rap skills, which allowed him to add another 3 million.

The guy is not limited to this, he launched the production of his own brand of clothes, which also increases profits.

At the age of 13 The Irish teenager has mastered the art of programming so much that he has launched several games that break records in terms of popularity and price equivalent.

And it all started with a hobby, when at the age of 9 he bought ordinary textbooks, thanks to which he was able to write programs in 3 languages.

The youngest developer in Europe hides the true state of affairs, but his millions are a fact confirmed by experts.