Scientific project in biology. Project and research topics in biology

Research Topics in Biology

Project topics in biology:

The aroma of health
Aromatherapy in the life of younger students.
Aromatherapy at home
fauna architects
Bactericidal action of phytoncides.
Biologically active substances. Vitamins.
Biologically active additives.
Biological methods of pest control of indoor plants.
The biological significance of fat-soluble vitamins.
Biological weapons and bioterrorism.
Biology in everyone's life
Biology in professions
Developmental biology as a function of time.
Biology. Reproduction.
Biometric features of the papillary pattern.
Biometric study of the influence of dermatoglyphic features of a person on his character, abilities, behavior.
Bionics. A technical view of wildlife.
Biorhythms around us
Biorhythms of life
Biorhythms - a person's internal clock
Biorol vitamins
Human biophysics
Biochemical diagnostics of the fatigue process.
Gemini is the miracle of life
Twins. Similar or not?
Diseases of bread
Paper and its properties.
Vegetarianism: pros and cons.
The influence of living and dead water on living organisms.
The impact of insect pests on the green spaces of my city.
Influence of salts of heavy metals on plasmolysis of plant cell protoplast.
Influence of phytoncidal plants on living organisms.
Influence of phytoncides on the safety of products.
The effect of bleach on proteins
Influence of various conditions on the growth and reproduction of yeast.
Water is the most amazing substance on earth.
Water is the source of life
Water is the basis of life on Earth.
Water that gives life
The effect of electric current on plant cells.
Origin of life on earth
The emergence and development of conditioned reflexes.

Identification of the most favorable factors for preserving the freshness of milk.
Identification of a viscous (potato) disease of bread and ways to prevent it.
Botanical gifts and beauty
Summer cottage as an ecosystem.
Natural-scientific substantiation of some folk signs.
Living and dead water - myth or reality.
Living "monsters" - a variety of deep-sea living organisms.
Dependence of the intensity of photosynthesis on external conditions.
Dependence of photoperiodic reactions on the effect of light on the plant organism.
Importance of inbreeding.

The Green Veil of the Earth
The study of the influence of musical sounds on humans and animals.
The study of the patterns of temporal and geographical variability of the timing of the seasonal development of nature.
The study of the inheritance of signs of left-handedness in the family.
The study of the inheritance of traits by pedigree.
The study of the features of the emergence and manifestation of fears in students of the 7th grade of the school.
Studying the problem of schoolchildren's fear of public speaking.
Studying the work of yeast in the dough
Appetite Test
Study of individual biorhythms.
Study of the relationship between the way of life of a schoolboy and the density of his body.
Study of the influence of individual factors on the course technological process preparation of yeast dough and the quality of products from it.
Study of the influence of noise and music on human memory and attention.
Study of water hardness of various natural sources of the area.
The Red Book is an alarm.
forest calendar
About some ways to survive in nature.
They are next to us - rare and endangered animals (plants).
Determination of water quality by biotesting.
Soil - the pantry of the earth
Natural disasters.
natural forecasters.
natural clock
Problems of survival in the campaign.
Weather forecast according to signs.
Beekeeping products in cosmetology.
Jet propulsion in wildlife.
Modern breeding methods
Creation of a manual for solving genetic problems.
Methods of distribution of fruits and seeds in different ecosystems.
Transpiration and photosynthesis
Friction in the plant world.
Kingdom Prokaryotes
Enzymes - elixirs of life
Enzymes are biological catalysts.
Phytoncides and their effect on microorganisms.
Functions of proteins
Functions of proteins in the body.
Miraculous animal therapy
Earth evolution and natural selection.
Evolution around us
Electricity in plant life.

Topics of research papers on trees and shrubs:

Australian giant
Adaptation of wild-growing trees and shrubs in the landscaping of the city.
Adventive trees and shrubs on the territory of the village.
Birch - tree of wonders
Birch is a sacred tree of the Ob Ugrians.
Birch in human life
Birch in the landscaping of the school site.
Birch - tree of life
Birch is a tree of life and health.
Willow - a symbol of spring
News from the forest about wild rose.
News from the forest. Birch
evergreen tree
The evergreen beauty of the forest.
Influence of raspberry fan garter on the beginning of ripening and fruit quality.
The influence of harmful factors on the fetus
The influence of light on the growth and development of birch
The influence of temperature and light on the coffee tree.
The impact of poplar on human health.
Influence of plant photosynthesis on the onset of "bird cherry cold" and "Indian summer".
The second life of the forest
Cultivation and propagation of pyramidal poplar.
Blue spruce
tree outside the window
Trees and shrubs near the school.
Trees in our area
primrose trees
Oak and everything around it.
Living factory in leaves.
Green tea
Study of the vital state of green spaces in the vicinity of the school.
Study of modification variability in deciduous plants during leaf fall.
Study of the physiological response of common birch (Betula alba L.) to soil salinization with NaCl.

How to save a spruce?
Cedar is a breadwinner and healer.
Beauty birch
When does the birch wake up?
Leaf fall in plant life

Morphology and dynamics of shoot development in domestic apple and cotoneaster hybrid.
Muraya is an exotic healer. Medicinal properties, growth, development and reproduction.
Defeat of oak plantations with powdery mildew and methods of plant protection.
Russian birch
Sacred trees of the Mari people.
Secrets of thuja
Factors affecting the change in color of leaves of trees and shrubs.
Photo guide of trees and shrubs in the school area.
apple tree and apple
Amber - magic tears of trees.

Plant Research Topics

Topics of projects on plants:

Influence of "living" and "dead" water on the growth and development of plants.
Plant adaptation to high temperatures.
The alphabet of plants of my land
The relevance of growing flax in my country.
Biological development of local varietal and wild-growing cereals against the background of agricultural practices.
Biology. Bryophyte species.
In the world of lichens
What is hemp responsible for?
Vegetative propagation of plants
Mutual influence of plants
Mutual adaptations of plants and insects
Species composition and features of the distribution of aquatic.
lake plants
The species composition of the region's vegetation.
The species composition of herbaceous plants growing near the springs of the area.
The influence of the moon on the growth and development of plants
Influence of nitrogen fertilizers on the growth and development of plants.
Influence of nitrogen fertilizers on the formation of green mass.
Influence of antibiotics on germination and plant growth.
Influence of hydrogel on the rate of germination of seeds of plants of different vegetation periods.
Influence of reserve nutrients of cotyledons on the growth and development of seedlings.
Influence of Pb2+, Cu2+ and H+ ions on plant growth and development.
Influence of magnetic water on the vital activity of plants.
Influence of urea on seed germination and subsequent growth of seedlings.
Effect of music on plants.
The influence of music on the growth and development of plants
Influence of illumination on the growth and development of plants.
Influence of nutrients on plant growth processes.
Influence of soil on the growth and development of plants.
Influence of illumination duration on the movement of oxalis (Oxalex acetosella) leaves.
The effect of various biostimulants on the germination of garden plants.
Influence of different types of soils on the development of plants.
The influence of various musical directions on the growth and development of plants.
Influence of growth regulators on plant regeneration processes.
Influence of light, heat and water on the growth and development of plants.
The effect of silver water on plants
The influence of words and music on the growth and development of plants.
Influence of sunlight and soil quality on plant growth and development.
Influence of sunlight on the process of photosynthesis in plants.
Influence of tobacco smoke on plant growth.
Influence of the heat of mineral substances on the awakening of plants from winter sleep.
Influence of heat, moisture and light on plant growth.
Effect of peat tablets on plant growth
Effect of fertilizers on the growth and development of plants.
Do kind words affect plant growth?
Do fertilizers affect the growth and development of plants?
Water is the basis of plant life
Aquatic plants of the lake
Take protection. Rare plants.
Magic nettle shirts - a fairy tale or reality?
Wild plants in our diet.
Datura - a killer plant?
Mysterious plant - bamboo
Green plant under the snow. Rosemary.
The value of mineral nutrition for plants.
The study of the species diversity of plants in my village.
The study of the species diversity of herbaceous wild plants in the school area.
Study of the effect of pyramids on seed germination, plant growth and development.
Study of the effect of light on plants.
The study of the long-term influence of electromagnetic radiation of a high-voltage power line on the awnless rump and creeping wheatgrass.
Study and morphological description of weeds in my area.
The study of honey plants in the vicinity of the city.
The study of the plant pigment system involved in photosynthesis.
The study of herbaceous plants near the school site
Smoothed iris is a rare plant in the vicinity of the lake.
The use of associative diazotrophs in the cultivation of green manure plants.
Human use of weeds.
Study of the effect of spring fires on grass growth.
Study of a group of plants related to weeds. their role in nature.
How do plants adapt?
How plants travel
How do plants reproduce?
Reed as a biological means of wastewater treatment containing lead ions.
When do the roots wake up? Establishing the dependence of the appearance of the root system of plants on the time of year.
Coral reefs
Space role of green plants.
Watercress as a bioindicator of soil and snow.
honey plants
Variety of ferns
Can a plant grow without a root? Vegetation Secrets.
Unknown soy
Unknown clover.
Ontogenetic strategy of couch grass.
Pollination of plants
Beware of poisonous plants!
Structural parameters of plants that contribute to the flow of water through them.
Petunia garden
Wormwood - grass of nomads
The duration of the period of deep dormancy in different plant species.
The path to the light, or the ability of plants to find a way out of difficult situations.
Development of a plant from a bud
Plant development from seed
Plants in legends and traditions
Plants in mythology
Plants are symbols of different countries.
Plants are predators
Plants listed in the Red Book.
barometer plants
giant plants
indicator plants
Dye plants.
Migrant Plants
Vegetable world taiga.
Symbol Plants
Predatory plants.
clock plants
Bog flora.
Traveling plants.
Pulsatilla ordinary
moss variety
Rosyanka is a plant-hunter.
The fern family. Male shield.
Systematics of angiosperms.
Weeds: friends or foes?
spore plants
Methods of reproduction of the Siberian prince and its use for landscaping household plots.
Methods of seed dispersal in weeds.
Plant growth promoters
Amazing jungle plants.
Amazing plants of the planet Earth.
Amazing carnivorous plants
Photosynthesis, or the greatest secret of the green plant.
poisonous plants
Poisonous plants of our region.

Research Topics for Indoor Plants

Project topics on houseplants:

ABC on the windowsill.
Aloe is a green doctor on the windowsill.
Aloe - green doctor at the window
Vegetative propagation of Chinese hibiscus by green cuttings.
Vegetative reproduction and cultivation of violets uzambarskaya.
Vegetative propagation of plants and the influence of abiotic factors on the development of indoor plants.
Lady's slipper, or northern orchid.
The influence of external factors on the growth and development of indoor plants.
Influence of heteroauxin on the formation of the root system in Saintpaulia.
The influence of classical music and rock music on the growth and development of the uzambara violet.
The influence of indoor plants on the creation of a healthy microclimate in the office.
Influence of mineral fertilizers on the growth of zonal pelargonium.
Influence of nettle infusion on the growth and development of violets.
The effect of watering on the life of indoor plants
The influence of various conditions on the growth and development of indoor flowers.
The influence of various factors on the growth and development of indoor plants.
Influence of light on the germination and growth of cultivated plant pansies (viola).
The influence of light on the growth and development of a houseplant pelargonium (geranium).
Influence of soil properties on the development of a houseplant of the genus Pelargonium.
Influence of the content of mineral salts on the rate of formation of adventitious roots in geranium cuttings.
Influence of aloe juice as a biostimulant on plant development.
Influence of the substrate on the duration of rooting of cuttings of Uzambara violet, their survival rate and the yield of planting material.
Influence of the substrate on the rooting of cuttings of indoor plants.
Influence of lighting conditions on the growth and development of a houseplant lantana.
Influence of lighting conditions on the growth and development of low ruellia.
Influence of physiologically active substances on the growth of the date palm in room conditions.
Influence of chlorophyll on the adaptive capacity of plants.
All about cacti
The release of oxygen by the leaves of indoor plants.
Growing wild plants indoors.
Growing wild coniferous plants in indoor.
Growing corals at home.
Growing mandarin from the stone
Growing a tangerine tree at home.
Growing cucumbers indoors
Growing wheat at home.
Growing plants in the style of bonsai.
Growing plants from seeds of exotic fruits.
Growing plants in aqueous solutions
Growing uzambara violets indoors.
Growing fruit plants indoors
Growing cotton indoors and studying its sensitivity to pollutants.
Finding out the best way to prepare garlic for planting to get the maximum amount of vitamin production at room conditions.
Heteroauxin as a stimulator of the development of the root system.
Dracaena derema. Cultivation and maintenance in room conditions.
Perfume for home
Dependence of the development of peperomia (Peperomia-Pixie) on the degree of illumination.
Green pharmacy on the windowsill. Lemon.
Green doctor in my house
Greenery all year round

The study of the process of plant respiration on the example of geranium.
The study of phytoncidal activity of indoor plants
The study of tissue juices of various indoor plants.
Interesting information about the pomegranate and the experience of growing it at home.
Study of the biological characteristics of pelargonium.
Study of the possibility of growing citrus fruits indoors.
How to quickly grow cedar at home.
How to grow a palm tree from a date at home.
How to grow a flowering cactus
How to help indoor plants.
What does homemade tangerine taste like?
Cactus - prickly friend
cacti and computers
Cacti, their types, features of care and reproduction.
When the flowers sleep
Indoor floriculture and experiments with flowers.
Houseplants in the classroom
Indoor plants in our life.
Indoor plants - biology cabinet.
Indoor plants dangerous to human health.
Healing indoor plants
Houseplants. Uzambara violet.
Room healer aloe
Lemon Wizard
Cultivation by the method of "wet chambers".
Is it possible to grow a large cactus at home?
Is it possible to grow a plant in a closed glass jar?
Can the dandelion plant be used as food?
Observation of vegetation, flowering and heterotrophic nutrition of the Venus flytrap.
Garden on the windowsill. Growing tomatoes indoors.
Determination of the best way to propagate the uzambara violet in the winter in a school environment.
Fruit garden on the windowsill
Rules for successful cactus grafting.
Dust collecting capacity of indoor plants.
Propagation of a houseplant begonia by leaf cuttings.
Coleus propagation by stem cuttings
Reproduction of cyclamen seeds and tubers.
Propagation of Saintpaulia by leaf cuttings.
cyperus plant
rare orchids
Saintpaulia - Ozambara violet.
The ability of houseplant leaves to trap dust.
How to propagate sansevera.
Usambar violet
Uzambara violet and its cultivation at home.
Conditions for growing violets
Violets are my favorite flowers.
Phytoncidal activity of indoor plants
Exotic garden at the window
Poisonous houseplants and their impact on human health.

Research Topics on Medicinal Plants

Project topics on medicinal plants:

Anatomical and morphological features of plantain plants and biological productivity in assessing the state of the urban environment.
Evergreen medicine man: aloe.
The influence of external factors on the vital activity of aloe vera.
The effect of epin on the productivity of valerian officinalis.
Wild medicinal plants Baraba.
Larkspur is a protected plant.
Green drugstore against cough.
Green Lab
Green healers
Green doctor in my house
Golden mustache is a medicinal plant.
The study of indoor plants with medicinal properties.
Ginger: what kind of miracle plant?
The use of medicinal plants of our region.
Study of the medicinal properties of dandelion.
Nettle. What do I know about her?
medicinal plants
Medicinal plants in my garden.
Medicinal plants of our region.
medicine under your feet
Parsley treatment
Medicinal properties of wild rose.
Dandelions are our healers
Plantain is the healer of all times.
Natural Pharmacy. What do we know about her?
Chamomile is a field flower.
nettle fabric
Healing properties of green tea.

Research Topics about Flowers

Project topics about flowers:
To the edge of a blooming lotus
Victoria: name or plant?
The influence of water, soil and light on the life of flowers.
Influence of growth regulators and fertilizers on the development and decorative properties of Chinese aster.
Influence of compliance with the technology of growing hyacinth on its growth.
Influence of sunlight on the growth of gladioli.
Influence of growth stimulants on the survival rate of green phlox cuttings.
Influence of seedling growing conditions on the further development of plants of the genus
Influence of storage conditions of corms on the growth and development of gladioli.
Distillation of hyacinth by March 8 - "Gift to Mom".
Forcing tulips in winter
We will grow tulips ourselves, and then we will give them to our mother.
Growing asters in seedlings in the open field.
Growing oak trees
Growing an evasive peony from seed.
Growing tulips from bulbs.
Hyacinth - "rain flower"
The study of varieties of marigolds
Using the culture of annual dahlias in landscaping a balcony.
Study of the development of rose plants in an artificial environment.
Study of the storage conditions of bouquets of flowers.
How to create a flower clock.
How to care for roses
Lotus - the flower of eternity
Snowdrop in autumn: reality or fiction?
Rose - the queen of flowers
Tulip - a miracle in the middle of winter
Golden Italmas flower.
Flower of my country.
Flowers and color. Why are all flowers different colors?
Tundra flowers.

Alpine hill in the yard.
Apothecary garden
Vitamagia, or Remedy for Sorrow. (lettuce salad).
Influence of atmospheric precipitation on the yield of cultivated plants.
Influence of humic fertilizers on the growth and productivity of vegetable crops.
Influence of the qualitative composition of irrigation on the germination and growth of dill seeds.
Influence of magnetic and electrostatic fields on the rate and degree of germination of seeds of cultivated plants.
Influence of a magnetic field on the germination of seeds of grain crops.
Influence of mineral fertilizers on barley yield.
Influence of inorganic fertilizers on the growth and development of plants.
The effect of irrigation and mineral fertilizers on the crop.
Influence of presowing seed treatment on the growth and development of cereal crops.
Influence of different methods of pollination on the yield and quality of sunflower seeds.
Influence of different soil conditions on the development of barley.
Influence of succinic acid solution of different concentrations on seed germination.
Influence of root formation stimulators on the quality of planting material of angustifolia lavender.
Influence of the chemical composition of the soil on the germination of seeds of oats and wheat.
Influence of the chemical composition of seeds on the amount of water absorbed during swelling.
Revival of flax

Growing peanuts
Growing fodder corn.
Glucose as a chemical in cereals and legumes.
biennial garden plants
Decorative plants.
For health in the garden!
Infestation of cereals
Green pharmacy in the grandmother's garden.
The study of the yield of various varieties of radish.
Ginger: what kind of miracle plant?
How to grow a sunflower from seed
How to get a rich harvest on bad lands.
How bread grows
How the zucchini was born
How do I grow a sunflower?
How do I grow bread?
How do I extract sunflower oil.
Corn - the queen of the fields
Medicines in the garden.
Schisandra chinensis
Local varieties of blackcurrant.
Vegetables as medicinal plants.
Sowing qualities of winter wheat seeds depending on age.
Rare vegetables in the garden
Sweet corn is guarding the health of the nation.
Variety study of black currant in the conditions of household plots.
Soy: harm and benefit?
A convenient way to plant garden strawberries.
What is amaranth and why is it needed.

Potato Research Topics

Project topics about potatoes:

An alternative way to grow potatoes.
Ah, potatoes!
Bardyma potatoes are the best potatoes.
The influence of legumes on the potato crop
Effect of peas on potato yield
Influence on the yield of potatoes by the size of planting material.
Influence of hilling on the development of tubers and potato yield.
Influence of the position of potato seeds during planting on the yield.
Influence of planting potatoes upside down and upside down on its yield.
Influence of planting material on potato yield.
The effect of potato germination on germination
Influence of growth regulator epin on potato yield.
Influence of stimulating cut of potato tubers on the yield.
Effect of bud and flower removal on potato yield.
Effect of phytohormone on potato growth.
All about potatoes
A profitable way to plant potatoes
Growing potatoes indoors.
Growing potatoes in milk bags.
Dependence of potato yield on the number of sprout breakage.
Dependence of potato yield on planting material.
Study of the influence of planting dates and methods of hilling on the potato yield.
The study of the dependence of potato yield on planting material.
The study of the dependence of potato yield on different planting methods.
A study of the yield and taste of different varieties of potatoes in my garden.
Potatoes - the second bread
Potato and its propagation by sprouts.
Potato as a source of electrical energy.
Potatoes are the best food.
Methods for obtaining an early harvest of potatoes.
Propagation of potatoes in different ways.
Propagation of promising potato varieties by sprouts.


Pepper Research Topics:
Bulgarian pepper. Variety selection.
Growing bell peppers at home

Pea Research Topics

Project topics about peas:

Explosive pea.
Influence of laser radiation on the germination of pea seeds.
The effect of natural biological stimulants on the germination of pea seeds.
Influence environment for the germination of pea seeds.
Influence different kind watering on pea growth.
Will all pea seeds germinate?
Study of morphological features of pea samples.
Stages of development and formation of pea fruits.


Topics of research papers about beets:
Influence of mineral fertilizers on the yield of beets cultivated in conditions of risky farming.
Influence of organic and mineral fertilizers on the productivity of table beet cultivated in conditions of risky farming.
Influence of various fertilizers on table beet yield.
Study of the influence of the phases of the moon on the growth and yield of table beets.
Study of the agrochemical characteristics of the soils of the region in order to grow sugar beet.
Variety study of beets.


Bean Research Topics:
The influence of light on the growth and development of a plant (for example, beans).
Effect of tobacco smoke on a growing organism (bean sprouts).
Cultivation of various varieties of curly beans in the garden.
The dependence of the intensity of shoot growth on the action of the proposed stimulants and inhibitors on the example of common beans and corn.
The study of bean sprouts.

watermelon and pumpkin

Topics of research papers about watermelon and pumpkin:
Growing watermelon in a temperate climate.
Growing watermelons in seedlings in closed ground.
Growing pumpkin
Her majesty is a pumpkin.
The study of different varieties of watermelons.
Pantry of vitamins - watermelon
Lagenaria, or bottle gourd
Observation of the vegetation of a decorative pumpkin.


Topics of research papers about berries:
Far Eastern Wildlife Pharmacy. Cowberry.
Cloudberry - the queen of berries
Cloudberry is a miracle berry.
Berry Cranberry.


Mushroom Research Topics:
In the forest for mushrooms
In the kingdom of mushrooms.
The ubiquitous mushrooms
Influence of urbanization on the distribution of fungi, their species composition.
Influence of environmental factors on the development of mold fungi.
The harm and benefits of mushrooms, their role in human life.
Growing oyster mushrooms at home.
Identification of the conditions for the development of mold fungi. Their role in nature and for man.
The oil can mushroom growing in our forests
Mushroom: plant or living organism?
mushroom kingdom
Mushrooms and their medicinal properties.
mushrooms in our forest
Mushrooms are natural destroyers.
Snowdrop mushrooms
Mushrooms: plants or animals?
Why mushrooms in the forest?
The value of polypore fungi in nature and human life.
Study of methods of reproduction and conservation of mushrooms in forests.
What different mushrooms...
Lichens as bioindicators of the ecological state of the environment.
Lichens are indicators of air purity.
Lichens. Union of algae with fungus.
fly agaric
edible mushrooms
Such mysterious oyster mushrooms.
Kombucha and its effect on the human body.


Topics of research papers about algae:
Algology and chemistry of seaweeds.
Influence of external conditions on the life activity of Canadian elodea.
Water workers.
Algae and their role in human life.
Study of the influence of changes in environmental factors on the photosynthesis of Vallisneria and Elodea.
Some features of the species composition of algae of the pondweed family.
Lesser duckweed, common chlorella are indicators of water pollution by oil and drilling fluids.
This amazing chilim.


Mold Research Topics:
Mysterious mold.
Mold development research.
Mold is a dangerous disease of bread.
Mold eating starch
Mold: conditions of occurrence and role in human life.
The appearance of mucor in the breadbasket, or the influence of plant phytoncides on the growth of mucor.

Municipal educational institution Orekhovskaya secondary school

biology project

"10 most amazing plants in the world"


teacher of geography and biology,

Rasseikina I.G.

s.Orekhovka, 2014


1. The ten most amazing plants in the world

1.1. Velvichia is amazing - a tree or a bush?

1.2. Rafflesia or "corpse lily"

1.3. Amorphophallus - "flower giant"

1.4. prickly pear bigelow

1.5. carnegia giant

1.6. Nepenthes

1.7. Venus flytrap

1.8 Ficus Bengal

1.9. Sequoia evergreen

1.10. Puya Raymonda



The plant world is very beautiful and diverse. Today, there are about 360,000 different types of plants (trees, herbs, shrubs, and others). Among them there are special, amazing species that have surpassed all other types of plants in various indicators, firmly securing the title of "most-most".

On our Earth, 90% of the biological mass is made up of plants, there are almost half a million species of them. Without plants, life on earth would be impossible, since they are the lungs of the planet. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and other harmful substances and release oxygen at night, which we breathe. I want to tell you about the most amazing plants of our planet.

Purpose: to get acquainted with the amazing plants of the Earth.

    Study the literature on this subject.

    Write a description of rare and amazing plants

    Consider the scope of plants.

    Prepare work and make a presentation

1) Working with sources of information: additional literature, reference books, atlas-determinant.

2) Comparison, analysis, description.

On our planet there is a huge number of all kinds of plants, seeing which one can only be surprised at how nature could come up with something like this. An incredible number of species and subspecies of plants, many of which amaze with their qualities - from survival and adaptability, to colors and sizes.

Did you know that the height of the tallest trees exceeds 100 meters? Have you heard anything about plants that are able to "kill" and "eat" animals?

Ten most amazing plants in the world

1.1. Velvichia is amazing - a tree or a bush?

Fig. 1 Velvichia amazing

It grows in southern Africa, in the desert of Namibia. This desert dwarf tree can be up to 2,000 years old. From the short stump-like trunk of the plant, two huge leaves extend in both directions, which, as they grow, are longitudinally torn into ribbons, and the tips dry out. The age of these giant leaves is equal to the age of the tree. Leaves constantly grow from the base, and the tips die off. In some cases, the length of the leaves can reach 8 meters, and the width is 1.8 meters.

The genus Velvichia was named by the English botanist Joseph Hooker in honor of the Austrian (Slovene) botanist and traveler Friedrich Velvich, who discovered this plant in southern Angola in 1860.

Bushmen tribes call this plant "otji tumbo", which means "big master".

Velvichia can be cultivated as a greenhouse or houseplant. They do this not because of its high decorative qualities, but because of the exceptional dissimilarity of Velvichia to any other plant.

Velvichia grows very slowly. Sensitive to frost. Requires well-drained soil that is deep enough for its long main root. For normal development requires a dry climate, direct sunlight; daytime temperature 21-23 °C, nighttime - 10-12 °C. Water the plant during the growth period should be regularly, but moderately, without excessive drying of the earthy coma; Let the topsoil dry out between waterings. During the dormant period, the plant is not watered.

1.2. Rafflesia or "corpse lily"

Fig.2 Rafflesia

Rafflesia does not have organs in which the process of photosynthesis would take place; moreover, representatives of this genus lack both stems and leaves. Rafflesia receives all the substances necessary for its development from the tissues (roots or stems) of the host plant through sucker roots.

The locals of the island of Sumatra, in the forests of which rafflesia was discovered, have long known this plant and used it for medicinal purposes. In particular, an extract from rafflesia buds was used to restore the figure in women after childbirth.

1.3. Amorphophallus - "flower giant"

Fig.3 Amorphophallus

These plants come in different sizes - from small to giant. They grow from underground tubers the size of a grapefruit and weighing about 5 kg, some from rhizomes or stolons. These plants have a dormant period, some of them are evergreen herbs.

Tuber compressed-spherical shape, sometimes unevenly cylindrically elongated, turnip-shaped or cone-shaped

Genus Amorphophallus, as well as the genus Rafflesia is famous for its "delicate aroma" of decaying flesh. The smell emanating from the flower is terrible. Few are able to admire amorphophallus without a gas mask. The flower of most representatives of this genus is huge in size and can reach a height of 2.5 meters with a diameter of 1.5 meters. In many eastern countries, the tubers of this plant are used in the preparation of various culinary dishes and medicines.

Amorphophallus tubers are widely used in traditional Japanese cuisine to make soups or add to stews. They are also used to make noodle flour and a gelatin-like substance, which is then used to make special tofu.

It is believed that eating dishes that include amorphophallus tubers helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins and reduce weight. This plant has been grown in China for over 1500 years and used as a dietary product to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

In medicine, amorphophallus tubers are used as a raw material for the manufacture of diabetic products.

1.4 Opuntia Bigelow

Fig.4 Prickly pear Bigelow

Opuntia Bigelow - This is one of the most amazing species of the Opuntia genus of the Cactus family. These are amazing fluffy cacti, up to two meters high.

Prickly pear is distributed over vast areas of North and South America, including the West Indies. In Mexico, which is the main region of the genus, almost half of the prickly pear species are concentrated. According to Aztec legend, Tenochtitlan (present-day Mexico City) was founded on a site where prickly pear grew, on which sat an eagle eating a snake. This scene from the legend is displayed on the coat of arms of Mexico. As introduced plants, some prickly pear species have spread to tropical and subtropical regions around the world.

Prickly pear is cultivated for its fruits, as well as livestock feed and hedges.

On the island of Malta, a liqueur (Ambrosia Bajtra 21% vol.) is produced from prickly pear fruits, which is the national alcoholic drink.

1.5. Carnegia giant

Fig. 5 Carnegia giant

Carnegia giant (Saguaro)) is another amazing plant of the Cactus family. The most amazing feature of this cactus is its large size. The height of individual plants is about 14 meters, and the diameter is more than 3 meters! At the same time, the age of individual cacti reaches 150 years.

The genus is named after Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), an American entrepreneur, steelmaker and multimillionaire.

It grows in Mexico, California and Arizona.

1.6. Nepenthes

Fig.6 Nepenthes

Nepenthes. Most plants from this genus can be called "predators" without exaggeration, which obtain the necessary missing nutrients by "digesting" the caught insects. The plant has modified leaves that are shaped like jugs. Inner surface The pitcher is lined with cells that secrete nectar, which serves to attract insects, as well as "hair cells" that make it impossible for an insect that has fallen into a net to be released. The surface of the "neck" of the jug is very slippery, so there is practically no chance for an insect walking along the neck not to slip down. The insect falls into the water (in some species, a jug can contain up to 2 liters of water) and drowns. Further, enzymes are produced that completely "digest" the insect. Sometimes not only insects are trapped, but even mice, rats, birds.

The species of the genus are mostly shrub or semi-shrub vines growing in humid habitats. Their long thin herbaceous or slightly lignified stems climb the trunks and large branches of neighboring trees to tens of meters in height, carrying their narrow terminal racemose or paniculate inflorescences to sunlight.

1.7 Venus flytrap

Fig.7 Venus flytrap

Venus flytrap is an even more amazing "killer plant" that takes more active steps to kill its prey. Modified leaves - "jaws" of this plant encroach on the life of not only insects, but also the life of snails and even frogs.

Scientific species name ( muscle) is translated from Latin as "mousetrap", probably by mistake of a botanist, at least it is commonly believed.

The species received its Russian name in honor of Venus, the Roman goddess of love and plants.

1.8. Ficus Bengal

Fig. 8 Ficus Bengal

ficus bengal- a tree of the Mulberry family, growing in Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. Growing, it is able to turn into a large tree, occupying several hectares, having a crown circumference 610 meters long.

Forms powerful branches to support which shoots grow, which, letting go down to the ground, take root, forming powerful columns-trunks.

The fruits of the plant are eaten by birds and mammals.

1.9.Evergreen sequoia

Rice. 9 Sequoia Evergreen

This is the tallest tree on our planet. Our temperate forests are grass compared to the forest of these mighty giants. The height of many trees exceeds 110 meters, and the age is more than 3500 years! Previously, houses were hollowed out in sequoia trunks and even tunnels were cut through which roads passed. In windy weather, many visitors to the forest of giants feel uneasy from the noisy "grinding" and swaying of the mighty sequoia trunks. Grows in California. The name of the genus was given in honor of Sequoyah (George Hess) (Sequoyah, c. 1770 - c. 1843) - the Cherokee Indian leader, the inventor of the Cherokee syllabary (1826), the founder of the Cherokee newspaper.

1.10.Puya Raymonda

Fig. 10 Puya Raymonda

Puya Raymond.

Belonging to the Bromeliad family, native to the Bolivian and Peruvian Andes, it has the largest inflorescence with a diameter of 2.5 meters and a height of about 12 meters, consisting of approximately 10,000 simple flowers. It is a pity that this amazing plant blooms only when it reaches the age of 150, and then dies.

Puya Raymonda is also the least rare plant on our planet. Once upon a time, puya grew almost everywhere in mountainous areas, and now it can only be found in the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes at an altitude of 4000 meters above sea level. But even in these places you can see only one puyu per square kilometer.


H Our planet is rich in flora, which never ceases to amaze us with its unique plants. They can differ from the usual forbs and take your breath away with their exoticism.

Human life has always been closely connected with the world of plants. From ancient times, man used plants for food, made clothes, tools, weapons from them, used them to build a dwelling, obtained paints, medicines, poisons from them.

"Organization of project activities of schoolchildren" - Research projects. Inclusion in the educational process. Project activity. Great people of Russia. The study of theory. Traditions and life of the Cossacks. Educational and research activities. Chocolate candies. Purpose of projects. Sample project topics. Family culture. Dominant type of activity in the project.

"Project activity of the Federal State Educational Standard" - Project activity is the main one. The purpose of project-based learning. The Standard is based on a system-activity approach. How to select study projects and research. The essence of the method. GEF NOO of the second generation. Basic requirements for using the project method. Age psychological and physiological features.

"Designing pedagogical activity" - The actions of a teenager with unformed communicative literacy. Formative assessment. New quality. New functionality. Expert review. Toolkit for the final assessment. Information literacy. Tool requirements. New quality of education. professional associations. Communicative literacy.

"Project technology in the classroom" - Hydrolysis of salts. During the classes. Getting ready for the exam. Research competencies. The main link of the theme. Design technology. Issues for discussion. The name of the salt. The discussion of the results. Mandatory components of the project. Teacher. Key competencies. Work forms. Building a lesson on project technology. Soda solutions.

"Design of educational activities" - Assignments. Digits of the first multiplier. March day. Features of subject verification works. Result. Maths. Tasks of Grigory Oster. Mathematics and informatics. Solve one of the tasks. Subjective possession of the subject. Tasks for metasubject skills. March subject monitoring. Choose the length of the sides.

"Project activity in education" - Final forms of the project. Formulation of a hypothesis. Personal project. Recommendations for the design of research papers. Research projects. information projects. Algorithm of project activity. Role, game projects. Passport of project work. Ideas for project-based learning. Modern system education.

There are 13 presentations in total in the topic

Consider examples of projects in the biology of schoolchildren.

Project "Plants of our region" (interdisciplinary information project). Students remember the main features of dicotyledonous plant families, work out the skills of working with identification cards based on herbarium specimens and carry out design work. In the first lesson, students are divided into 7 groups (according to the number of families of plants studied: cruciferous, rosaceous, solanaceous, legumes, Asteraceae, cereals, lilies). Each group does design work about the plants of our region of the family they have chosen.

Objective of the project:

create a book about the plants of our region (for a specific family).

Project objectives:

collect material on 15 representatives of this family;

pick up illustrations;

find riddles, legends, poems;

make puzzles or a crossword puzzle;

make a book. school biological age education

They design their books in computer science classes, practicing the skills of typing text, scanning pictures, compiling tables, etc.

The last 2 lessons are the presentation of books (defense of design work) and reflection.

Project "Natural Science Museums of St. Petersburg" (interdisciplinary information project).

Objective of the project:

create a page on the school website about natural science museums in our city.

Project objectives:

collect material about natural science museums in our city;

pick up illustrations;

find or develop directions from schools to museums.

Projects "General Biology 10-11" (interdisciplinary information project).

Students are familiar with the main material and at the beginning of the course they are invited to choose information projects on the topics of the course.

History of development of biology and research methods in biology.

Cytology is the science of the cell.

inorganic substances in the cell.

organic matter in the cell.

Organelles in a cell.

Non-cellular life forms, prokaryotes, eukaryotes.

Energy metabolism in the cell.

Plastic exchange in the cell.

Forms of reproduction in a cell.


The history of the development of genetics and its methods.


Methods for the study of human genetics.

hereditary diseases.

evolutionary teachings.

driving forces of evolution.

Micro and macroevolution.

Basic selection methods.


Hypotheses about the origin of man.


Races, race science and racism.

Fundamentals of ecology.

Modern ideas about the origin of life.

The main stages of the origin of life on Earth.

Evolution of the biosphere.

By this time, they are well acquainted with project activities and clearly understand what is required of them. Depending on the amount of information, design work can be performed by 1 to 3 people. It turns out that for the course each student takes part in the project. The guys are interested in the work, listen carefully and take notes of the speeches, ask questions to the speakers, critically evaluate the work and performance, knowing that tomorrow they will speak at this place.

Objective of the project:

reveal the topic of the project by collecting and analyzing information sources.

Project objectives:

collect information on a given topic;

after analyzing the information, draw up the necessary diagrams and tables;

build a presentation and material in such a way that classmates can prepare for the test work on this topic.

Also, the project method is used directly in biology lessons. For example, in the 6th grade, when studying botany, students must do laboratory work on plant taxonomy, but, as a rule, there is a catastrophic lack of time for this. After students get acquainted with the main features of flowering plant families and the rules for working with identification cards, the lesson "Find out who is in front of you" is held. At the beginning of the lesson, the class is divided into 5 groups (5 people each), which occupy the prepared tables in the class. Each group receives 5 herbarium samples with cards for identifying plants.

On a separate table there is information about these plants (prepared in advance by the teacher).

The purpose of the mini-project:

determine the name of the plant.

Tasks of the mini-project:

develop skills in working with identification cards;

collect material about the plants with which he worked;

prepare a report (written and oral).

Students work for 30 minutes. Then each group makes a report (3 minutes each). The grade for the lesson is made up of grades for written and oral reports.

Presentations as a product of project activity.

The development of new information and communication technologies requires a different approach to teaching school subjects. An increasing flow of information is better absorbed by students if it is presented in an accessible, visual form. These requirements are met by working with presentations.

Ready-made presentations on biology can be offered by the teacher as a visual and concise tool for learning new material, consolidating knowledge, correcting knowledge. The most effective is the work in cooperation "student - teacher of biology - teacher of computer science". At the same time, conditions are created for the realization of the creative potential of students, the development of interest in the subject. The student himself, creating a presentation, rethinks the information received and passes it on to classmates. This improves the quality of knowledge of the student himself.

The presentation of the material in the form of presentations takes a little lesson time, while the effectiveness of training is not lost. This is most valuable when reviewing material and preparing for exams.

The acquired skills of working with scientific literature, Internet resources contribute not only to educational activities and the choice of a profession, but also enrich the life experience of a teenager.

The teacher, working in collaboration with the students, creates a methodical collection of presentations, which can be used both in the study of new topics, and in repetition, and in the individual correction of knowledge.

A 7th grade student presented a project on the topic "Research of electromagnetic radiation from household electrical appliances".

Purpose: Study of the electromagnetic radiation of the apartment of the average Vologda resident.

Object of study: the apartment of an average Vologda resident. ?Subject of research: electromagnetic radiation of the apartment. ? Hypothesis: There are places in the apartment with very strong electromagnetic radiation from devices.

You can independently check the level of electromagnetic radiation. The test is not laboratory, but the presence and approximate strength of the radiation will show.

Turn on the appliances that you most often use - a computer, TV, microwave, toaster, iron, electric kettle, this is not a mistake iron and electric kettle. The refrigerator does not need to be turned on, it is always connected to the network, but it works periodically.

Approach the included device with a radio receiver. You will hear crackling, squeaking and various noises. The stronger the noise, the stronger the electromagnetic field, therefore, the more harmful the device under test.

Walk along the walls with the radio turned on, electromagnetic waves penetrate through them from equipment operating behind the wall, in other rooms. It is advisable to rearrange beds or chairs if they are in the area of ​​strong electromagnetic waves. The results are presented in Table 9 and Figure 1.

Table 9 - Results of the study

Instrument name

The degree of EM radiation

A computer


Washing machine



Figure 1 - Research results

After carrying out their measurements, they came to the conclusion: the refrigerator radiates the most electromagnetic waves. Second is the vacuum cleaner. On the third - a computer. The last one is an iron.

The results of our study are almost identical to the results of research on the Internet.

Thus, our hypothesis that there are places in the apartment where there will be very strong electromagnetic radiation from devices found its full confirmation during the experiment.

We can offer the following measures to protect against electromagnetic radiation of household appliances.

When purchasing household appliances, pay attention to the mark on the compliance of the device with the requirements of the "International Sanitary Standards for Permissible Levels of Physical Factors in the Use of Consumer Goods in Domestic Conditions".

Remember that the lower the power of the household appliance, the lower the level of its field, that is, the harmfulness.

If possible, purchase equipment with automatic control.

Place household appliances at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the place where you are constantly: sleep, rest or work.

Do not turn on several magnetic field sources at the same time.

Try not to form "rings" and "loops" of the wires.

Since electromagnetic radiation comes from all parts of the monitor (many measurements have shown that the level of radiation is higher at the sides and back of the monitor than at the front), it is safest to install the computer in the corner of the room or in a place where those who do not work on it do not find themselves to the side or back of the car.

At night, do not leave the equipment to work in stand-by mode, in other words, the red light on the panel should go out.

Thus, in the course of the study, electromagnetic radiation was studied as a physical phenomenon. Its influence on a living organism is revealed. A study of the apartment of the average Vologda resident was carried out, according to the developed methodology. The analysis of the received results is carried out. Ways of solving the problem are proposed.

Of course, it is impossible to completely and unconditionally refuse to use any electrical appliances in a modern city. If only because you will inevitably be exposed to radiation while in public transport, in the office, and even just on the street, passing under high-voltage power lines. But the impact can and should be limited.

It is necessary to conduct explanatory work to preserve human health when exposed to electromagnetic fields, develop precautionary measures and promote them.

A 10th grade student presented a project on the topic "Indication of the state of the environment by the frequency of occurrence of white clover foehns in the city of Vologda".

Purpose of the study: Assessment of the state of the environment in the territory of the city of Vologda by the frequency of occurrence of white clover foehns.

Object of study: populations of white clover.

Subject of study: the impact of environmental pollution on phenes (the shape of a gray pattern on the leaf blades) and the frequency of their occurrence in white clover.

Working hypothesis: it can be assumed that on the territory of Leningradskaya Street in the city of Vologda, where there is a large anthropogenic load, the percentage of plants with a modified phenotype will be high and corresponds to severe pollution of the territory.

The assessment of the state of the environment in several areas on the territory of the city of Vologda was carried out using the methodology of T. Ya. Ashikhmina "Indication of the state of the environment by the frequencies of occurrence of white clover phenes". White clover Trifoliym repens (creeping clover) was used as a phenotypic indicator. Its morphological description was initially studied.

This plant was not chosen by chance. Firstly, it is widespread in the territory of the city of Vologda. Secondly, white clover phenes are well studied, more than a dozen phenes have been identified on the basis of the "Gray-haired pattern" feature. Thirdly, T.Ya. Ashikhmina developed a method for indicating the state of the environment by the frequencies of occurrence of white clover phenes.

The frequency of occurrence of white clover hair dryers - this is the percentage of hair dryers with a pattern - indicates a technogenic load and the likelihood of environmental pollution in the survey area.

Thus, the shape of the gray pattern on the leaf blades and the frequency of occurrence is an indicator of environmental pollution.

The studies were carried out in August-September 2013 at 8 sites.

Site number 1: st. Gorky schoolyard of the MOU "Secondary School No. 15" (traffic intensity along the street is average, the site is 40 m from the road).

Site number 2: st. Gorky, area of ​​​​Tchaikovsky Square (surrounded on all sides by roads).

Site No. 3: the bank of the Vologda River on the street. Embankment of the VI Army (pedestrian zone, there is little traffic).

Site No. 4: The territory of the Cathedral Hill on the banks of the Vologda River (pedestrian zone).

Site No. 5: Veterans Park (park zone, the park is surrounded on all sides by roads with not very heavy traffic).

Site No. 6: Leningradskaya street (located next to the road, heavy traffic).

In addition, several sites were selected for comparison of indicators in places with a lower anthropogenic load and remote from the city.

Site No. 7: settlement Molochnoe st. Park (park zone).

Site No. 8: near the village of Smykovo beyond the village of Molochnoe (the site is remote from roads and no visible anthropogenic load was observed).

In the course of the research, 1600 white clover curtains were studied. Curtains with leaves without a gray pattern were found - phenotype 1, and most of the curtains were distinguished by a clearly pronounced "gray" pattern. The most typical for the study areas are hair dryers No. 1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7 and 8 (see Appendix 6).

A greater variety of hair dryers was found on Leningradskaya and Gorky streets, along which vehicles are constantly moving. Also, plants of "new forms" with four leaves were found on these sites. Probably, exhaust gases act on plants, causing morphological and anatomical changes. The plants on these sites differed from the rest in their dustiness.

The smallest variety of foehns is characteristic of the control sites in Molochnoye settlement, ul. Park and territory near the village of Smykovo, due to the low level of anthropogenic load.

After calculating the foe ratio index (FRI) for each sample site, the level of pollution was determined and the results presented in Table 10 and Figure 2 were obtained.

Table 10 - Characteristics of the state of the environment

according to the index of the ratio of hair dryers on the studied sites No. pl.

Site location

Fen Ratio Index (PFI)

Degree of pollution

st. Gorky MOU "Secondary school No. 15" (school yard)

Gorkogo street, area of ​​Tchaikovsky square

Heavily polluted area

Bank of the Vologda River on the street. Embankment VI Army

Cathedral Hill on the banks of the Vologda River

Medium polluted area

Veterans Park

Medium polluted area

st. Leningradskaya

Heavily polluted area

Village Dairy

Territory with a weak influence of adverse factors

Near the village of Smykovo

Clean territory

Figure 2 - Indicators of the index of the ratio of foehns (FRI) on the studied sites

Analyzing the data obtained, it can be seen that at all the studied sites, with the exception of the control site No. 8 (the area near the village of Smykovo beyond the Molochnoye settlement), the index of the ratio of hair dryers (FFR) is above 30%, which, according to the method of T.Ya. Ashikhmina, speaks about the contamination of the territory. This indicates that on all the studied sites, white clover plants experienced the consequences of human activity to varying degrees.

The highest value of the hair dryer ratio index (FPI) of 91% was recorded at site No. 6 (Leningradskaya St.). This indicator corresponds to a strong level of environmental pollution.

The same level of pollution is typical for site No. 1 (school yard of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 15 on Gorky St." and No. 2 (Gorky St., area of ​​Tchaikovsky Square), where the ISF was 71% and 76%, respectively.

It is not difficult to explain the result obtained in the conditions of our city, because st. Leningradskaya and Gorky are the main highways that create a significant flow of moving traffic, during peak hours, leading to traffic jams, which causes the formation of a large amount of exhaust gases in a limited area. The increase in the number of vehicles on the road contributes to an increase in tire dust, which settles on the soil and leaves of plants, causing them some harm.

Indicator on the street. Gorky is somewhat lower than on the street. Leningradskaya, which is due to slightly less traffic.

The average level of pollution was noted at sites No. 3,4,5, where the hair dryer ratio index (FRI) ranged from 51 to 58.5%. Pollution of these territories is probably caused by an intensive flow of people, clogging of the territory with household waste, as well as a significant flow of cars. But the ISF indicator is slightly lower than the previous sites, which is due to some distance from the main highways.

The village of Molochnoye is quite remote from the city and is located approximately 17 km from the center of Vologda. Unlike previous sites, it is characterized by low traffic congestion. According to these studies, the index of the ratio of hair dryers (FRI) for site No. 7 was 43%.

This suggests that the village of Molochnoye is located in a zone with a weak influence of adverse factors.

The best indicator was recorded in the area near the village of Smykovo (beyond the village of Molochny) - 29%, which indicates the cleanliness of the study area and the favorable state of the environment in this settlement. This is explained by the low anthropogenic workload.



Yaneeva Elena Evgenievna

Municipal educational institution - the main comprehensive school in the village of Aleksandrovka, Sovietsky district, Saratov region

State educational standards suggest the possibility of implementing currently relevant competency-based, student-centered, activity-based approaches that define a number of tasks in teaching biology. One of these tasks is mastering the ability to creatively solve educational and practical problems, independently perform various research work, and participate in project activities.

This is the reason for the introduction of methods and technologies into the practice of educational institutions based on the design and research activities of students. Graduates must master the components of research and project activities, including the ability to see the problem, raise questions, put forward hypotheses, explain, prove, defend their ideas.

In my teaching practice, I give an important place to design andresearch activities. This type of activity is associated with the solution of creative, research problems with a previously unknown result. Educational research is aimed at acquiring by students the skill of research activity, mastering the research type of thinking, and forming an active position in the learning process.

What tasks do I set when teaching students project and research activities?

Formation and development of creative abilities of students;

Development of skills and abilities in posing problems and finding ways to solve them;

Creation of a motivating factor in learning and self-education;

Development of individual responsibility for their actions, decisions and actions;

Development of the student's communication skills.

Competently conduct research can not only a person engaged in science professionally, but also someone who is still in school. Therefore, one of the most important conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process is the organization of educational research activities and the development of its main component - research skills, which not only help schoolchildren to better cope with the requirements of the program, but also develop their logical thinking, create an internal motive for educational activities in general.

Sukhomlinsky also wrote: “This terrible danger is idleness at the desk, idleness for months, years. It corrupts morally, cripples a person and ... nothing can compensate for what is missed in the most important area where a person should be a worker - in the sphere of thought.

The variety of objects and processes studied in biology lessons provides great opportunities for research activities, during which students learn to express their thoughts, work individually, in a group and in a team.

The methodological literature offers an algorithm for performing research work in a certain sequence:

1) the formulation of the topic

2) formulation of the purpose and objectives of the study

3) conducting a theoretical study;

4) experimental verification;

5) analysis and presentation of results scientific research;

6) implementation and effectiveness of scientific research results;

7) public presentation of works at scientific and practical conferences.

Research assignments fascinate children. I conduct research activities in three stages: research work for students in grades 5-6; projects for middle management grades 7-8; research work grades 9-11. Receiving their own experimental material, students conduct an analysis and draw conclusions about the nature of the material under study.

Students in grades 5-6 successfully work on the creation of design work.In order to intensify research activity among younger students and form motivation, it is advisable to familiarize them with the research work of high school students. This system of gradual involvement of students in research activities contributes to the development of their interest in knowledge in the field of biology, as well as the identification of talented and gifted students.

The children of the 5th grade completed the work "Home weather forecasters". The purpose of this workLearn how to predict the weather based on observations of pets. The object of the study were domestic cats.

To achieve the goal, the guys set the following tasks: select and study the literature on this topic, apply the knowledge gained in practice (observe and predict), analyze the data obtained.

Practical significancework lies in the possibility of its use in the lessons of natural history and ecology, makes it possible to better study your pets, allows you to confirm the accuracy of scientific weather forecasts. The students used the following research methods: analysis of scientific and journalistic literature, generalization and classification of the information received, observation of the behavior of cats and natural phenomena.

The children of the 6th grade worked on the project "Plastic bottles: a find or a problem of mankind?".The aim of this work wasstudy of the importance of plastic bottles in the life of modern man and their impact on the environment.

The students set themselves the following tasks:

    learn the history of the creation and use of plastic bottles;

    to study the chemical properties of the material from which plastic bottles are made;

    consider environmental problems associated with environmental pollution with plastic bottles;

    to cultivate a careful attitude of students to natural resources;

    develop a sense of responsibility for the ecological state of the planet;

    explore possible ways to use plastic bottles in everyday life.

Students have chosen enough hot topic, as millions of plastic bottles are produced and discarded every year these days.Used bottles are a big environmental problem.One of the most pressing environmental problems in the world is the recycling of plastic containers.

A huge amount of garbage on the streets of the village of Aleksandrovka, most of which is plastic bottles, made students think about the question: what does a plastic bottle bring to a person - benefit or harm?

Practical significanceresearch was to to teach schoolchildren to take care of the nature around us, to come up with a second life for plastic bottles. The results of the work can be used to solve problems environmental education not only children, but also adults.The following research methods were used: study of literary and Internet sources, experiment, questioning, observation.

The children presented the results of the study to students in grades 5-6, issued environmental leaflets and hung them on the streets of the village of Aleksandrovka. This allowed once again to draw the attention of residents to the problem of garbage in our village and to remind that we ourselves are responsible for the cleanliness and beauty of our native village.

Grade 9 students completed the work “Study of biorhythms of students in grades 9-11 MBOU-SOSH p. Aleksandrovka. They revealed the influence of biorhythms and chronotype onintellectual activity and physical condition of high school students.Guys panalyzed the scientific literature on the research problem to determine the main theoretical concepts and the provisions of the study, conducted a study of biorhythms and chronotypes of students in grades 9-11,developed recommendations for improving the performance and streamlining the daily routine of students,optimization of their own learning activities;

The study is interesting and relevant today, since the study of human biological rhythms opens up new opportunities for the regulation and management of processes occurring in the human body.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that students were able to coordinate their own educational activities, their daily routine, general physical condition, managed to interest others, involve them in the study, and, if they had knowledge, make the educational activities of high school students more effective.

One of the most interesting projects was"Determination of the harmony of physical developmentstudents in grades 8-9 MOU-SOSH with. Aleksandrovka according to anthropometric data.studentsdetermined the level of physical development of high school students.Using the equipment of the school medical office, anthropometric measurements were carried out (height, weight, BMI, VC, chest excursion, hand muscle strength), the results were evaluated and compared with the average statistical data.

When discussing the results of the study with students in grades 8-9, the guys came to the conclusion that they should learn to explore their own body, it is necessary to form a cult of health.You should start solving this problem with the study of your own health and knowledge of the patterns of its correction, strengthening and development.

The work "The use of SMS to remove oil pollution from the surface of aquatic animals. This work has a meta-subject character. The study is devoted to the problem of removing oil pollution from the surface of the bodies of animals, bird feathers, for which the aquatic environment is the habitat. The goals and objectives of the work were determined: to find the most optimal, cheap and affordable ways to remove oil from the surface of the bodies of animals and bird feathers, to consider the effect of oil pollution on aquatic animals; to study methods for cleaning oil pollution, to determine experimentally the possibility of using synthetic detergents to remove oil contamination from the surface of bird feathers and animal fur, to identify the most effective and safe brands of SMS that can be used for these purposes. Experimentally proved the possibility of using various grades of SMS to remove oil from the surface of aquatic animals.

The practical value of the work is related to the possibility of using the results of the study in the practice of removing oil pollution from the surface of animals caught in an ecological disaster zone.

The result of research activities is the participation of my students in project competitions, scientific and practical conferences at the school, municipal and regional levels. We cooperate:together we set goals and objectives, select the facts that are significant in this work, formulate a hypothesis, draw up a plan for conducting an observation.

The student, having completed the project and defended it, learns:

    plan work;

    present the results of their work in writing and orally;

    defend and defend their point of view;

    be responsible for the results of work;

    arrange work, etc.

Constantly mastering the skills and abilities of rational educational work, training yourself on questions and tasks, observations and experiments with naturalb projects, students independently acquire knowledge, supplementing and deepening it.

The experience of research activity is a necessary component of preparing schoolchildren for solving various educational, later life tasks, including the choice of a future profession.success in professionally in the modern world is largely determined by the ability of a person to be able to set goals, outline a plan of action, find and analyze the necessary information and resources, and correctly evaluate the results achieved. Creativity, independence in decision-making, mobility and initiative are needed. It is assumed that it is at school that the foundations for the development of a thinking, independent, creative personality will be laid. Therefore, in education, there is an extremely high interest in research methods of teaching.

Thus, the design and research activities of students, like no other educational activity, will help teachers to form in the student the qualities he needs for further studies, for professional and social adaptation.


1. Tyaglova E.V. Educational and research work of students in biology. Method. manual / E.V. Tyaglova.-M .: Globus, 2008.-255 p.

2. Biology. 5-9 grades: project activities of students. author-compiler E.A. Yakushkina et al.

3. Artsev M.N. Educational and research work of students: methodological recommendations for teachers and teachers // Head teacher. -2005. - No. 6.

4. Biology and ecology. 10-11 grades: project activities of students / author-compiler M.V. Vysotskaya. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.-2003 p.

5. Biology. 5-9 grades: project activities of students. author-compiler E.A. Yakushkina and others - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.-186 Research activities of students in a specialized school / Ed.

6. Pakhomova N. Yu. Method of educational project in an educational institution: A manual for teachers and students of pedagogical universities. - M.: ARKTI, 2003.-165 p.

7. Tyaglova E.V. Educational and research work of students in biology. Method. manual / E.V. Tyaglova.-M .: Globus, 2008.-255 p.

Internet resources:

www. Internet portal for research work of schoolchildren.