Scenario of the festive evening for the Day of the customs officer (October 25). "Customs Warriors"

Scenario "Customs gives the go-ahead"
(scenario of a professional holiday)

Idea organize an event in the team dedicated to the Day of the customs officer.

Do you want to celebrate the Customs Day in an interesting and unforgettable way? Then the scenario of the professional holiday "Customs gives the go-ahead" will suit you.

. * Consider the location where the event will take place. You can call it "Festive Border" and, by the way, you need to decorate the room in the appropriate style. Come up with what the barrier can represent. For these purposes, you can paint the mop in red and white.

. * There will also be a checkpoint in front of the barrier. To do this, place a chair, a sign “Checkpoint. Submit documents. Your colleague, dressed in the uniform of a customs officer, will sit on a stool and check your documents.

. * Now for each employee, make an invitation. In it, indicate your full name, and even better, paste a photo. You will get a kind of passport, which employees will present at the entrance. By the way, let a man in uniform arm himself with a seal and stamp documents.

. * Don't forget to buy prizes and gifts for your colleagues. For example, these can be candy bouquets or gifts that you can choose from the "Colleague" section.

. * When employees pass your holiday border, invite them to the table. The word for congratulations and summing up the work for a certain period, provide a senior in rank. An example of congratulations for customs officers, you can see in the "Congratulations" section.

. * Move on to the festive program, start with the Stranger Things competition. On the table, lay out in any convenient way several different objects of different colors, shapes, textures, sizes. Each team has its own set. Divide all participants into two teams. Each team looks at the laid out sets and remembers the location of the items. After 10 seconds, everyone turns away while the host mixes all the items. Next, the participants of each team must restore order: put the items in the same way as they lay before the leader mixed them. The team that quickly puts everything in its place wins the competition.

. * A little creativity in entertainment program does not hurt, but rather allows you to look at employees with different eyes. Competition "The lady checked in the luggage." Print out the poem “The lady checked in the luggage” in advance, then write the names of the “characters” on small pieces of paper, for example: lady, sofa, suitcase, bag, etc. Next, distribute one copy of these roles to each team. Thus, each member of the team will receive a "role". You begin to read Marshak's poem, and the team members must, by their actions, depict what you are reading about, depending on the role that they got. All actions are performed without sounds and words. Spectators choose the winners of those members of the team that showed the most spectacular performance.

. * The next competition is "Search with passion". To conduct this competition, you will need to prepare in advance: prepare sheets of “prohibited” items for transportation. It should be something completely out of the ordinary, for example: a tennis ball, a toothbrush, activated charcoal tablets, etc. Next, take these forbidden things and hide them in huge bags, among the rest of the many things. Divide the participants into two teams. The team that quickly finds all the prohibited items in their bag wins the competition.

. * You can hold a comic awarding of the nominees. For example, "Vigilant Eye", "X-ray Man" and so on. And of course, the presentation of prizes and dancing until you drop.

  • Guy, customs officer;
  • Mytchik, customs officer;
  • A man with a beard, a traveler;
  • A man who has stuck to the convoy;
  • Companions - 3 people;
  • Leading

Russian folk music sounds. Several people appear on the stage in shirts, zipuns, and bast shoes.

Man with a beard (looks back). Here she is, the maid. Hey, is anyone alive? ( Appealing to attendants.) It looks like a washing hut ...

A guy in a loose shirt enters.

A man with a beard. Call the mouse! Lack of time for us!

Mytchik appears - a man in a caftan.

Mytchik (strictly). Where, Orthodox, did God bring you?

Man with a beard. Vologda we ...

Guy. Who are you calling? Where are you going?

Man with a beard. Now they call Kuzma Shorokh. I send my carts to Byzantium. Three - with soft junk - fox, beaver, and one loaded with honey. These three are with me.

Mytchik (points to the fifth). And who is this?

Man with a beard. And this one stuck with us.

man (justified). Now a lot of villains roam the roads, and it’s calmer this way ...

Mytchik. Himself who?

man. Yes, I'm from Tver, I'm called Small, I'm wandering there.

Mytchik (to Kuzma). Are there four carts? Pay two money from the cart and one money from the bones with your companions. And with you ( refers to the man) there will be a headache.

Man with a beard. And we have a license. ( Stretches out.)

Mytchik (unhappy). By whom was it written? ( Without unfolding, he holds out to the guy.)

Man with a beard. Our prince, Vasily Light Dmitrievich ...

Guy (is reading). “And where will the Dvinians go to trade, otherwise they don’t need tamga in all my fatherland in the great reign, no washing, no bones, no living room, no turnout, no other duties.”

Mytchik. Okay, drive through... But look, Kuzma, don't go sideways on the way back, otherwise no letter will save you from the commandment...

They go in different directions, music sounds, the Hosts appear on the stage.

Lead 1. This is how it all started centuries ago.

Lead 2. Such unfamiliar words: myto, bridges, bones - more and more others are heard: customs duties, declarations, regimes ...

Lead 1. But by pronouncing these terms, we demonstrate only our erudition. And today, those who daily deal with their content have gathered in the hall.

Lead 2. Indeed, in our hall there are specialists who met to celebrate their professional holiday together - Customs Day!

Lead 1. The attitude towards people in the green uniform of a customs officer is ambiguous: they are respected and hated, feared and curry favor with them. There is even such a joke: why do customs officers love each other so much? Because no one else loves them.

Lead 2. But those who choose the customs service are well aware of where they are going. Wearing the uniform of a customs officer is not only honorable, but also very difficult, despite the fact that the customs department is federal. government agency represents and defends the interests of the state.

Lead 1. And it all started small. 10 years ago, in December, a customs post with a staff of 5 units was established in the city. The post carried out inspection of cargoes and customs clearance separately for the following luggage of citizens traveling for permanent residence abroad, and was located in one office. A year later, the customs post was transformed into a customs office and its staffing level was set at 24 units.

Lead 2. Meet those who stood at the origins of customs! ( Calls surnames, names, patronymics.)

Customs workers, who have worked since the first day of its foundation, rise to the stage to applause, they are presented with flowers and letters of thanks, gifts.

Lead 1. Now highly professional specialists are working in the customs, who are able to successfully solve the assigned tasks. Among our employees, 85% of specialists with higher education, 19 people study in absentia in universities, and five receive a second higher education.

Lead 2. The average age of employees is 35 years, so we can talk about the youth team.

Lead 1. And this year, graduates who studied in the specialty “customs” came to work at customs. We invite young professionals to the stage.

Music sounds, young customs officers rise to the stage. They are handed flowers, words of parting words are pronounced by those who stood at the origins of customs. To applause, everyone descends into the hall.

Lead 2. Our customs today is 20 departments, 1 department, 1 detachment, 3 separate customs posts, an extensive network of points customs clearance; this is a zone of responsibility of 400 kilometers of the customs border.

Lead 1. The main value of the customs is its team, which consists of highly professional, competent customs specialists in combination with young, promising ones. Performing for you…

Lead 2. For the majority of the population, a customs officer is associated with a checkpoint at the border.

Lead 1. But our customs service is not an outpost with a tower, but ( read out) a multifunctional, technically equipped, highly qualified structure, which is fully capable of regulating foreign economic activity and protect Russia's economic security.

Lead 2. Today it is already impossible to imagine our life without customs.

Lead 1. And we invite to the stage Major General of the Customs Service, Head of Customs ( Full Name).

Words of congratulations on the Day of the customs officer sound.

Lead 2. And now - the most solemn moment of our holiday.

Fanfare sounds. The head of customs awards employees with the badge “Excellent worker of the customs service Russian Federation”, flowers and gifts are presented.

Lead 1. For those whose contribution to the protection of Russia's economic interests has received a worthy assessment today, and for all of you, this song sounds.

A concert number is being performed.

Lead 2. The helpline operates today at every customs office, and ours is no exception.

Lead 1. However, due to the lack of technical equipment of the hall, we have a “mailbox” of trust, in which you can drop notes with information about the facts ...

Lead 2.... worthy behavior of your colleagues and words of congratulations to them.

Lead 1.…information about the proposed movement…

Lead 2.…during and after the holiday of your fellow workers, gifts and greeting cards.

Lead 1. And we will definitely read all the information you transmit, congratulate everyone and even ask the artists to join your kind words.

Lead 2. Although, you know, the customs service is not sung by either poets or musicians.

Lead 1. Write about it more those who are connected with customs in life.

Lead 2.

Post country customs does not divide
And does not tear the threads of common roads.
The one who loves and appreciates the Motherland,
I couldn't work at customs.

We protect the interests of the country,

class="eliadunit">Control cargo flow,
We arrange the goods without delay,
To be delivered promptly and on time.

Lead 1. And what else is known about these people, besides the fact that now there are about 500 of them and that they are mostly young people?

Lead 2. It is known that the concept of "labor dynasty" is also related to the customs service.

Lead 1. And we invite labor dynasties to the stage ...

Calls names. Those who ascended the stage are given flowers and gifts.

Lead 2. As a rule, in such cases they are always interested: what is your total work experience?

Lead 1. And the numbers sound: 40, 50, 60... But our service is young, and therefore we will give the opportunity to name these numbers to those who are sitting in the hall.

Those sitting in the hall apply their options, those who answer correctly receive prizes.

Lead 2 (addresses the audience on stage). They say customs officers love to tell each other jokes about their hard work. What do you discuss at the family table? Can you tell us interesting story related to your work?

After the answers of the representatives of labor dynasties, the Hosts invite them to take their places in the hall, and announce the next concert number.

Lead 1. In customs, the economic block, the block of customs clearance and customs control, and the law enforcement block are absolutely equivalent - they all work in close connection: without this, the customs will not fulfill its tasks. And what kind of people head our departments!

The presenters name the heads of departments who have celebrated personal anniversaries or round dates this year. Flowers are given to them in the hall. The song is performed by amateur performances of customs.

Lead 2. In the department of customs statistics, we were told in confidence that the only tax officials in our country are cooler than customs officers - the only ones who bring more money to the state treasury than the State Customs Committee.

Lead 1. But not a single tax office has quadrupeds in its ranks.

The song “Stop, who is coming!” sounds, cynologists with their pets appear on the stage.

Lead 2. The concept of "smuggling" last years changed a lot. Previously, we knew that they were smuggling valuables, antiques, and currency. What are they shipping today? What are dogs trained in?

After talking with the cynologists, the Hosts offer to conduct an experiment and find “contraband” in the hall. Guided by dog ​​handlers, the dogs “find” several boxes of cakes.

Lead 1. And these sweet prizes that were discovered with the help of your service will go to those who demonstrate knowledge of the history of customs. So, quiz!

1. What was the name of the positions in the staff of customs in the Middle Ages? ( A customs clerk who weighed goods and collected duties; customs clerk, conducting office work; customs head, head of customs.)

2. It has long been customary to take an oath in customs. In what? ( In loyalty and incorruptibility.)

3. Later, the position of a larech (stall) appeared in the customs. What was this person doing? ( Kept the stall with the collected money.)

4. What was the punishment for smuggling in Russia? ( For the import of tobacco they were beaten and shamed, for the import of alcoholic beverages they were whipped.)

5. Customs affairs in Moscow were in charge of the Great Customs, the New Ambassadors Customs and another organization whose name was suggested in that historical action that opened our holiday? ( Mytnaya hut.)

6. How many customs fees existed in Russia in the 18th century? ( 17 .)

Lead 2. Today I want to remember those who work at customs posts - they have the most difficult service. And they carry it around the clock, not knowing any weekends or holidays.

Lead 1. And today it is impossible not to name the best of them. ( Surnames are heard, flowers and gifts are handed out in the hall.) And let the words: “Our service is both dangerous and difficult” are not written about customs, but they describe your activities as accurately as possible.

Lead 2. For you, customs warriors, sings ...

A concert number is performed, after which the Hosts read out the notes dropped into the "mailbox" of trust, and announce 1-2 more concert numbers.

Lead 1. What will be customs tomorrow?

Lead 2. Let me answer. If you look into the distant future, and it was about this tomorrow that I happened to read a science fiction novel, then the customs officers will not collect duties, but will select crews for space flights. By the way, I wrote out a quote: “The fact is that the work of a customs officer is a science, and the work of a transport worker is an art. In a hundred years, perhaps, it will become a science. Wonderful. But today a person who has learned the secrets of this art is still less common than a person who has studied the rules of science.

Lead 1. For your work at the intersection of science and art, for honest, selfless work, perseverance in solving the tasks set, for optimism, we express our gratitude to you on behalf of the entire Russian people.

Lead 2. And we join the numerous congratulations received by the customs officers, we wish you further success in such a difficult but necessary work.

May fate attract happiness to you,
Your work is so important for society,
Congratulations on Customs Day,
Let problems bypass you
Let everything be peaceful and calm
At customs, in life - only success
Accompanies you, because you are worthy
You be more joyful, happier than everyone!
Therefore, let's not forget health
Wish, love, and so that things
Everything was easily solved, not difficult,
May good luck always await you!

Smuggling won't get through
If your outfit does not sleep,
But he is both days and nights
Watching our borders!

Happy Customs Service Day!
Let things go for five.
You - health, happiness, friendship,
To prevent crime!

Customs officers - congratulations to you,
Success, glory and luck!
High, decent salary
To be happy, rich!

No, so that deception,
Work, so that it is always desirable,
Responsibility and patience
Well-being and mood!

Not a robber gang
No smuggling products
Won't cross the border
There is a customs officer there.

Prohibited Items -
Alcohol, gun, brass knuckles
He will find out in two counts,
That's his job.

All customs officers - strength,
Every day to be kind
Passengers respected
And incomes increased!

At customs both night and day
They serve Russia without rest.
Always know everything about everything
Giving strength to the country.

I wish you health and happiness
On the day of the customs officer of the country.
Let them go the side of bad weather,
May you be rewarded!

Customs officers on holiday
I send a flurry of congratulations,
I wish that control is yours
Didn't weaken.

I wish the border
You kept it locked
To smuggle
clearly identified.

Russian customs officer
To be the shield of the country
Your excellent service
To make us proud.

The customs officer is a wonderful person,
Alas, there is always a great responsibility.
He spends his time at work,
Protecting us all with your work.

He is a filter that can not let
In the country, even if a little harmful;
Responsible, he can not forgive
And he is faithful to his work.

We wish him bright days
Health, sober mind and impartiality;
Growing up in a career so that yours,
Don't forget that there is danger.

Profession... Ordinary person,
Let his life be sometimes unusual;
Let the century be full of fun
And his days pass perfectly.

Happy Customs Day today
We congratulate you together
Counterfeit and smuggling
Let your keen eye see.

I wish you strength and health,
In the personal life of understanding,
May happiness be great
Let the vocation inspire.

Federation Customs Service,
Today is your holiday and your service.
Responsible, under the hour of such a dangerous
And infinitely necessary for all of us!

Thank you for your service and dedication
To my colleagues, relatives and oath.
Let everything be in order at customs,
There will be fewer vile reptiles.

Today all the words and wishes
They sound at your address at your native customs.
Good luck to you, love and prosperity,
Your motto: "If not we, then who is."

We wish our customs
Work as a friendly team.
Not to be transported across the border
Bad people smuggling.

Calm in the workplace
To be. Quiet and without controversy.
And there would be no complaints at all,
Just gratitude, no reproach.

An option for organizing an event dedicated to the Day of the customs officer. Do you want to celebrate the holiday in an exciting and fun way? Then the plot of the holiday, called "Customs gives the go-ahead" is just for you.

Think of a location where the celebration will take place. You can name it "Festive Border" and dress up the room in the appropriate style. Think about where to get something like a barrier. For this purpose, you can paint the mop in an alternating red and white shade.

Before the barrier itself, be sure to organize a checkpoint. To do this, put a chair, and above it on the wall, place a board with the name "Checkpoint". The role of the customs officer will be performed by your colleague, sitting on a chair in proper form and checking documents.

Then create individual invitations for all employees. Indicate in it the names and surnames, and you can add photos. As a result, an analogue of the passport will be released, which can be presented at the entrance. Give the customs officer a seal with which he will stamp holiday documents.

Don't forget about prizes and gifts. For example, you can buy sweets in the form of bouquets or other gift options that you can pick up at the Colleague item.

After passing the simulated border, call everyone to the table. The opportunity to express congratulations and talk about the results of work over the past period, give a senior in rank. Samples of congratulatory speeches can be found in the "Congratulations" section.

Going directly to the beginning of the celebration, start running the Stranger Things contest. Arrange items that differ in composition on the table in various ways. All teams have separate sets. There should be 2 groups of participants in total. They look at the presented sets and remember in what position they stood. After 10 seconds, all participants turn around, and the leader begins to mix all things. Then the participants must recreate the previous order: place the items as they lay before the mix. The team that quickly arranges everything as it should be is the winner.

A creative approach when drawing up a celebration program will not only not be superfluous, but will allow you to look at your colleagues in a slightly different way. Competition "The lady checked in the luggage." Make a printout of the silence “The lady checked in the luggage”, and then write down the names of the main characters on small pieces of paper, for example: lady, sofa, suitcase, dog, etc. Then distribute one list of similar roles to all groups of participants. With this approach, everyone will be able to be in the role of their characters. Start reading Marshak's verse, and those taking part in the competition will have to try to portray the action that you are reading in accordance with the role that has fallen to them. Everything happens without sounds and words. At the end of the event, the winners are chosen from the team that, according to the audience, had the most interesting performance.

Next, you can hold a contest "Search by addiction." For it, you will need to prepare in advance: prepare images of items that are prohibited for transportation. They should be unusual, such as a toothbrush, tennis ball, stomach pills, and so on. Take these items and stash them in large bags, among other things. Divide the participants into several teams. Those who quickly find the list of prohibited items are the winners.

Conduct the rewarding process in a playful way. For example, let the winners have the nicknames “Diamond Eye”, “Eagle Eye”, and the like. Well, in conclusion, respectively, the process of presenting awards and the dance part of the holiday.