How to make a paper bird. Paper birds (55 crafts for kids)

There are many ways to bring prosperity and good luck to your home. In the East, it is customary to make origami birds out of paper, which are hung as charms at the head of the bed. It is believed that they drive away evil spirits, help strengthen ties between family members, and improve the atmosphere of the home.

But even if you do not believe in the sacred symbolism of paper birds, creating them is pleasant and exciting. It is known that the art of origami promotes relaxation, develops spatial and logical thinking. In addition, most of the "winged" models are folded very simply and do not take much time.


This is an option for those who are just starting to get acquainted with Japanese papermaking techniques. The dove folds in just a few steps. You can make two mirror-symmetrical birds and decorate them with a card for Valentine's Day or a wedding invitation.

We start with a traditional square. For the Japanese, this figure has a special meaning, symbolizing the structure of the world, the four main elements, the unity of the cosmic and earthly principles. That is why the square is the basis of origami, which, first of all, is intended for religious rites.

Action algorithm:

A sheet of paper, 21x21 cm in size, we turn one of the vertices towards us.
Fold in half, connecting two opposite corners: upper and lower. You should get an inverted triangle.
We bend the resulting figure in the middle parallel to the base. The blank will resemble a boat standing on its own mast.
Flipping the model.

At the triangle, we separate the top layer and bend it so that we get a rhombus.
Next, fold the workpiece in half from left to right.
We bend the protruding part back. This will be one wing of the dove.
Fold the rest in the same way. We get the second wing.

We form the head. We make a reverse inner fold, pushing through the median line of the “torso” fold almost at the top with a finger.
We iron the resulting fold well so that it does not diverge.

Now you can write some message on the bird, as was customary among the Japanese aristocracy. Or use as a pendant.


An exotic guest from distant tropical countries more often than other birds is made using the origami technique. It can be made in two versions: for children, the model will be simple and rather conditional, and for experienced craftsmen, it will be very realistic and spectacular.

The first way of folding is quite “on the shoulder” for elementary school students. Interesting tricks of turning a paper sheet into a three-dimensional parrot will give them not only aesthetic pleasure, but will also help with mastering the basics of algebra and geometry.

Assembly diagram:

For a colorful origami tropical bird, it is best to take a two-color sheet of paper, then the head will turn out one shade, and the body - another.

Step by step description:

  1. At the base square, we outline a diagonal fold.
  2. We place the figure with the middle line towards ourselves. We bend the sides to the center.
  3. It turns out the basic figure "kite". We bend the upper triangle back, as shown in the figure.
  4. We fold the sidewalls to the middle axis.
  5. Raise the top layer of the workpiece.
  6. We bend along the folds outlined earlier in the opposite direction, getting the basic shape of "Fish".
  7. Lower the upper triangles down.
  8. And we return it back, but already folded in half. It looks like a crown.
  9. Bend the bottom top twice. Then we close both halves of the workpiece, as if “hiding” all the folds inside.
  10. Flip the resulting model 180°.
  11. In the place where the head will be, we make a reverse inner fold, as described in the previous master class.
  12. It remains to draw the eyes of the parrot and he is ready.

This cute paper pet can't fly, but sits great on the table. He will make an excellent company at breakfast or while working on the computer.

How to make a more complex origami bird is better to look at the video. The master focuses on details that may escape the attention of beginners reading the description. And to separate the stages of folding, the classic scheme will help:


Another kind of origami birds, which is easy to do with your own hands. The model is elegant and practical. The swan, as a symbol of love, is able to decorate the table at a paper wedding and during a romantic dinner, and its back will perfectly cope with the role of a holder of seating cards or chopsticks for sushi.

Step by step description of the process:

A square, with a side of 21 cm (this size is optimal for origami figures), we place one of the vertices towards us. You need to start on the side of the paper whose color you want to make the main one.
Turn the sheet inside out and mark a diagonal crease.
We bend the sidewalls to the resulting center line.
We turn over the workpiece.

Now you need to fold the sides again to the center.
Carefully align and smooth the folds.
The sharp corner of the pattern should “look” at us.
Raise it to the highest point.
We bend the edge down, outlining the swan's head.

We fold the body of the bird along the middle line "mountain".
We lower the sidewalls of the workpiece down.
We straighten the neck of the swan and fix it in the position that seems most successful.
We slightly spread the “wings” and the bird can proudly “float” on the table.

bird for luck

In order for the most cherished desires to come true, it is customary for the Japanese to fold flying cranes out of paper. And than more birds succeed, the happier their creator will be. Russian origamists took the Japanese model as a basis and, having slightly modified it, offered their own version of the “good luck talisman”.

The origami bird of happiness is made by analogy with wooden amulets, which have been made by residents of the Arkhangelsk region and surrounding areas since ancient times. These are toys with a graceful, elongated torso and fan-shaped carved wings. They were hung from the ceiling above the baby's cradle, in the "red corner" of the room or above the windows. It was believed that birds protect the house and people from evil forces from the outside, drive away illnesses and other troubles.

Indeed, Pomeranian wooden toys and Japanese paper cranes have much in common. It is interesting that the authentic "firebirds" of the Russian north were made by cutting thin chips from a single bar, without the use of glue and other fasteners. In the same way, the Japanese make their cranes exclusively by folding paper.

A “happy” origami model is best assembled from double-sided one-color paper. This will allow to better show its sculptural shape and openwork elements.

From a rectangular sheet of A4 format, cut out a square with a side of 15 cm. We will later make wings and a tail from scraps. On the square, we outline a diagonal fold and bend the sides of the workpiece to it. We get the basic form of "kite".

We fold the upper part of the figure to the center line in the same way. We have the basic figure "Fish". "Close" it along the long axis so that all the folds are inside. We straighten again, after which we raise the longer part up. This will be the neck, which, having made a reverse fold, we need to insert into the middle of the body.

We carefully go through the finger, and even better with the flat side of the scissors along the folds of the workpiece, otherwise it will open. We make the bird's head in the traditional way, as if "squeezing" the upper part of the neck inward. Cut off the corner of the body where the tail will be attached. The paper fragment remaining from the square is cut into two parts: narrow and wide. We collect both in the "accordion". From the first we make a tail, from the second - wings. We cut out a pattern along the edges, as is usually done with New Year's snowflakes.

We insert the assembled wings into the hole cut in advance, and then open the free edges as wide as possible. We glue the tail. Here is such a firebird from an origami crane as a result. You can also make the model a magnificent crown, although it is already fabulously good.


If adults want to fold something beautiful and functional out of paper, it is much more important for children to get an exciting toy. It is the young masters who are addressed to the next model, which, unlike other types of origami birds, really flies, and does not sit on a support and does not hover in a suspended state.

How does she do it? The principle of movement is the same as that of the well-known paper airplanes. The aerodynamic qualities of origami make it possible to cover fairly large distances, and by making it from thick paper, you can get not a disposable, but a fairly durable toy.

By appearance"flyer" most of all resembles a swallow or a swift.

Swan in the technique of modular origami

Images of this proud and majestic bird can decorate any interior. And if a swan, folded according to the classical scheme, is good as a holder of small objects, then three-dimensional figures using the modular origami technique can easily turn into a decorative vase. It is great for placing a composition of dried flowers or artificial plants.

Modular origami requires certain skills and patience, but the result is very impressive. So that painstaking work is not in vain, you need to take care of high-quality paper. It should be dense, then the modules will hold better without additional fixation and rough for optimal adhesion.

  • for origami;
  • office;
  • colored or patterned for scrapbooking;
  • packaging.

You can use old magazines, as long as the pages are not glossy or too shabby.

When the paper for the swan is selected and the required number of parts is folded, assembly begins. In this modular origami bird, the most difficult thing is to make the deployed wings. The secret is to use the same number of elements for each row, without simultaneously attaching to both "pockets" (grooves for attaching the following parts). The technique allows you to create convex structures without changing the wall thickness of the product.

Paper crafts are a wonderful way to have fun with friends and children, make an original gift and just improve fine motor skills. Origami birds are created most often, since their schemes for beginners are the most understandable, and the resulting product is quite original and presentable.

How to make an origami bird?

The most active in the origami technique are cranes, swans or pigeons. Owls, gulls, and other representatives of the fauna are less popular, and more often precisely because of the difficulty of working with them. Of course, there are a lot of schemes for each of the birds: they differ both in the required level of training and in the general appearance of the figurine.

All of them imply the presence of colored or plain paper, which will not tear from too frequent manipulations at a particular point, but will also be easily deformed. In addition, you often have to resort to using a simple pencil, ruler, protractor and scissors. However, in some algorithms, these devices may not be needed.

Paper swan is the easiest to make. You can often see such a bird as an element of table setting, when large napkins are folded in this way, placing them on an empty dish.

For manufacturing, a large sheet of paper in the shape of a square is required, on which a central line is outlined, and the side corners are tucked to it. The figure resembles an elongated rhombus. At the triangles that made up its long part, the inner corners are bent, and the figure is again folded in half along the middle vertical.

The sharpest corner (lies at the base) is bent diagonally so that this part forms a perpendicular to the base, and its tip is directed by a new fold outward to the side. The head and neck of the swan are ready. It is enough to bend the tail along parallel diagonals twice with an accordion, and work with this origami bird is completed.

Origami bird: dove patterns

The dove is a symbol of peace and the easiest origami bird to make. There are certainly a lot of schemes for him, and beginners are encouraged to use the one that includes only 7 steps. You will need to stock up on colored paper, cutting out a 20 by 20 square or slightly larger from it, so that there are no particular difficulties when adding. At the initial stage, you will need to place it in front of you like a diamond, and then bend all the edges inward, aligning the tops in the center. You should get a square envelope.

Now the lower corners of the figure are tucked up to the center line and bent, turning the square into a pentagon. After that, along the same median vertical, it is folded, and the paper is rotated. Its widest side looks up, the acute angle is to the left, the diagonal goes down. At this step, an acute angle is bent, which will become the beak of a dove: it is advisable to stick to a diagonal of 45 degrees. However, it should be understood that it does not go back or forward, but folds inward, between the halves of the paper. And the top line will now bend the other way around.

Next, you will need scissors: at an angle of 45 degrees, a diagonal incision is made at the lower right angle. If it is difficult to determine its length by eye, you can find the middle on the right side of the figure, draw a line along it along the base, and the point of intersection of this line with the diagonal from the right angle will become the place where the incision ends. The left part of it is bent outward, forming the wing of a dove: this must be done on both sides.

The right one remains lowered: this is the bird's tail, with which 1 more manipulation must be performed. Start a diagonal from an acute angle to the upper base, measuring an angle of 20 degrees, and then bend the edges of the figure along this line inward. This completes the creation of an origami paper dove.

You can use another scheme of the same bird, which already includes 11 steps, but for someone in execution it may seem simpler than the previous one. A sheet of paper is selected with the same parameters, and is also located in the projection of the rhombus, after which it is folded in half along a vertical line and straightened back. Then the side parts must be tucked to the same middle, combining them with edges, and bend the top back.

The next step is to outline the lines: the side corners of the resulting triangle are folded towards the middle and straightened, then each of them bends outward, but only along the front side, so that the top remains intact. She will become the head of a dove at the final stage.

The lower ends of the side bends need to be removed inward, the angle at which this is done is taken as minimal - 7-10 degrees. After that, along the middle vertical, the figure is folded by moving away from itself: i.e. those sides that were in your field of vision should remain in sight, being external. Then the product is rotated so that the median line along which it was bent looked diagonally upwards: this is the back of the bird.

It remains only to bend the head inward - the upper corner, and fold the tail. The latter is reproduced as follows: first, the part is folded and straightened along a line close to the base, then along the one that is 0.5-1 cm (depending on the original paper size) to the right of it. Now, thanks to the outlined lines, it is easy to bend the latter with a movement of your finger so that it hides inside the bird. A simple origami dove is ready.

Origami: do-it-yourself bird of happiness

There were legends and songs about the bird of happiness, and for sure many at least once were interested in how it looks. However, its appearance in the minds of each nation is different: in particular, in Japan, the crane is called the bird of happiness. In this East Asian country, there is a belief that 1000 of these origami birds are able to fulfill even the most unrealizable, but innermost desire. Of course, this is just a beautiful fairy tale, but perhaps by the time when the 1000th crane flutters out from under your hands, your old dream will really come true?

To create such a bird, you need paper, preferably colored on both sides. Sheet sizes of 18 by 18 or 24 by 24 are preferred, because smaller settings make it harder to work out every detail if there is no significant experience in origami. And the last nuance that is important to consider when choosing paper is the degree of its softness and strength. Often you have to bend and unbend 1 line several times, after which some materials begin to tear at this place, which reduces the result to “no”.

  • According to the classic origami bird of happiness scheme, the square is placed so that it resembles a diamond, after which it is folded in half twice and unfolded back, each time forming a rectangle. Such a move made it possible to outline auxiliary lines. Now you need to turn the paper over and start bending again, but already along the diagonals of the rhombus, each time getting triangles. This created the last auxiliary lines.
  • The sheet is turned over again, and then it is necessary to press on its center with a finger, lifting all the corners up and combining them: i.e. the paper will “hug” the finger, which is immediately removed. The paper standing on the surface with its base in the plane is still the same square, but in the projection of a rhombus. It should be turned over so that the "blind" corner, which is the base on which they pressed, is at the top, and the divergent ones look down.
  • A new stage - the sides of the rhombus need to be folded inward, aligning the edges along the center line. After which they unbend back. The same must be done for the upper "deaf" corner: lower it down and straighten it again. Basting lines are ready. The most interesting and important point: you should pull the lower edge of the upper layer, lifting it, as a result of which folds should be created along the previously drawn lines, and a hollow, not completely closed rhombus, should form. The same actions are performed for the opposite (back) side.

  • Now, outwardly, the figure resembles 2 elongated rhombuses, combined with a single base. Continuing to hold it in this position, you should again fold the sides inward, towards the midline: for each rhombus this is done separately, they are by no means combined at this stage. Then it is important to bend each of the lower parts upwards and spread them apart no more than 45 degrees, and then straighten them again.
  • Along the lines obtained, the ends of the rhombus will again need to be bent, but already inward, and on either side the very tip is also bent by 45 degrees - this will be the head of the bird. The final step is the lowering of the "wings", i.e. the upper ends of the rhombus, as well as the flattening of the central "hump". The Japanese bird of happiness is ready to fly for a dream!

Do-it-yourself crane of happiness: video

When you fully master these schemes, you can move on to more complex versions of the firebird, the original owl, etc. The number of algorithms for creating origami birds has exceeded 100, so you will definitely find an idea to your liking.

Origami is an ancient oriental art of paper folding. With such crafts, you can decorate a room, create attributes for a holiday and photography, and so on. We offer you several master classes that describe how to make a paper bird with your own hands.

Paper for origami birds

Professionals prefer to buy special paper for origami. And all because it has a number of advantages over conventional sheets:

  • very easy to bend;
  • holds wrinkles well;
  • less at risk of tearing;
  • a wide selection of colors and textures.

But that doesn't mean you can't do anything without one. To create origami crafts, paper such as:

  • landscape;
  • notebook sheet;
  • office;
  • napkin;
  • colored;
  • wrapping;
  • decoupage;
  • corrugated;
  • any other that lends itself to repeated bending (for example, cardboard will not work).

To create origami birds, it is better to opt for the simplest paper. It is easily folded several times and holds its shape well. The main thing is that the shape of the sheet is square. To do this, fold the left corner to the right side. Cut off the extra rectangle. As a result, you will get a triangle that needs to be straightened. Thus, the rectangular sheet turned into a square one.

Making an origami crane

We offer step by step master class describing how to make a paper bird:

  1. Take a square piece of paper.
  2. Fold a sheet of paper in half twice so that you get two lines that intersect perpendicularly (illustration 1).
  3. Fold the sheet in half and wrap the edges in the way shown in picture number three.
  4. Bend the wings of the resulting rhombus (Figure 4).
  5. Flip the bottom over at the top of the diamond (Figures 5-7).
  6. Flip the wings of the figure over like a page in a book (Figure 8).
  7. Fold the figure as in illustration 9.
  8. Spread apart the tips that are in the middle (illustrations 10 and 11).
  9. Give the shape a bird shape. To do this, wrap the wings (Figure 12) and make a head (Figure 13).

The bird is ready!

origami bird

And here is another master class demonstrating how to make an origami bird out of paper:

  1. Take a square sheet of paper and place it in front of you so that there is a diamond shape.
  2. Fold the sheet in half (illustration 1).
  3. Wrap the right and left corners of the diamond so that they are in the middle (Figure 2).
  4. Wrap the triangle, which is at the top, back (illustration 3).
  5. Make wings for the figurine, as in picture number four.
  6. Fold the edges of the resulting wings back, as in illustration 5.
  7. Fold the figure in half (Figure 6).
  8. Make a head and a tail out of the two tips (pictures 7 and 8).

The origami bird is ready!

Another interesting paper bird

The step-by-step instructions below will tell you how to make a bird out of paper:

  1. Fold a square sheet of paper in half (Illustration 1).
  2. Fold the diamond half in half again (Figure 2).
  3. Unfold the sheet and fold the two sides to the right, stepping back slightly from the center, as in illustration three.
  4. Expand the triangles, also stepping back a little from the center, as in illustration number four.
  5. Fold the figure in half (Figure 5).
  6. Bend one end down, as in illustration six.
  7. Turn the bent tip back and fold it as shown in illustration eight. You have a bird's head.
  8. Make wings for the bird, as in illustration nine.

You have another wonderful bird!

Now you have learned how to make a paper bird. This can be turned into a fun contest for your friends at the party. For example, arrange a competition, who will quickly fold five origami birds.

Good afternoon, today we have prepared for you a selection of crafts paper birds. We have collected all the ways to make a bird that are suitable for kindergarten and school. That is educators and teachers primary school they can take any idea and it will be feasible for children's hands. Here you will find birds made of colored paper and cardboard birds in different techniques. We also have a special article for those who are fond of crafts from paper origami modules

Let's see what bird crafts you can now make with your children.

Simple cardboard birds

For kids.

Here is the easiest spring do-it-yourself craft in the form of birds. Here, silhouettes of birds are cut out of cardboard and wings are made of colored paper separately. Wings are glued to cardboard. A hole is cut on the back of the bird with a hole punch and we hang the bird on a branch on a string.

You can glue the silhouette of a bird from several layers of colored paper (or a colored napkin) and then you can fluff the tail - separate these layers, as in the photo below).

You can make an accordion fan out of a napkin. Make cuts in the silhouette of the bird and insert the fan as the wings and tail of our paper bird. Easy craft for kids.

Here is a stencil template with beautiful silhouettes of birds for such children's crafts made of cardboard or paper with their own hands.

Birds bilateral

From cardboard do it yourself.

The essence of this craft is that a round piece of cardboard is bent in half. And we get a semicircular double-sided blank for poultry. Further inside - along the fold line of the workpiece - we paste a strip of paper (also bent in half lengthwise) - on the one hand, this strip is cut into feathers (this is the tail), on the other hand, the strip is cut obliquely (this is the beak). Next, we glue the wings and eyes, the craft is ready. Optionally, you can stick a semicircular piece of breast. A beautiful and simple bird with your own hands.

We can improve this craft and add a variety of elements to it. For example, to make wings not from a flat part, but in the form of a fan inserted into a slot on the bird's back. And arrange the tail part in the form of painted chicken feathers. Feathers are dyed in colored water (food coloring or gouache).

In this technique, you can make any bird with your own hands. Depending on the color of the breast and plumage, it may look like a sparrow, bullfinch, or titmouse.

Here is an interesting master class on a titmouse made of paper and cardboard. Fold the cardboard circle in half. On the fold line we put a rectangular long strip of paper on the glue so that so that its tail bulges. After gluing, this tail part of the black strip is lifted up - we turn the bend outward. Next, glue round pieces of black paper on both sides (this will be the head), glue the wings on the sides of the bird. And there was a beak, eyes and white cheeks of plumage.

Here's another - in the photo below we see birds. They are made in exactly the same way. Only here it’s not just a circle in half - but changes have been added to the shape of the circle. Below I have specially drawn a drawing of this bird for you - so that you can see for yourself how such changes were created.

First, we slightly changed the shape of the circle - made it more oval (since part of the circle will go to the back of the bird). Secondly, the details-processes were added to the circle - in the tail, in the beak, and where the legs are. We cut it out of cardboard - we make pasting of the bird's beak and paws from colored paper. And fold along the fold lines. There is a secret how to bend the cardboard in half with a perfectly even line without creases and wrinkles - put the ruler on the intended fold line - from the tip of the beak to the edge of the bird's tail - and firmly pressing the ruler, bend the cardboard up. The line is obtained as in the factory even and smooth.

And here's another piece - figured bird made of cardboard or thick paper. Here the bird is also made from a ROUND PIECE of cardboard, which was also bent in half into a half-disk - but then scissors were used to give the cardboard half-disk the shape of a bird.

Let me draw too scheme for assembling such a bird from paper. Pretty good idea. Do not be lazy and puff on the graphics. So that you can quickly make such birds with your own hands in classes with children.

By the same principle of SLOTS and inserting new parts into the slots, you can make a variety of birds.

For example, here are such swifts, or swallows (see the diagram below).

You can hang your paper birds on a branch of a spring tree. Or make a mobile pendant to decorate a child's room. Dilute the birds with flowers, leaves, clouds.

And you can place our homemade paper bird inside a new craft - a cage made by yourself.

To create a cage, we need one wide strip of paper (this is the bottom of the cage). We twist it into a ring, fasten it with glue or a stapler.

And we also need 4 narrow strips (they will be rods). In the center of each narrow strip we make a hole with a hole punch. We thread a rope into it, tie it so that the twigs stick to each other in the central part. We leave the end of the rope to hang out (we will then tie the bird to it).

We glue the ends of the narrow strips in a circle to the lower wide ring-base of the cage.

BIG bird crafts

from corrugated board.

And here is the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcrafts, where birds are cut out of ordinary gray corrugated cardboard packaging left over from the boxes. We cut out the silhouettes of the bird, round heads, tail petals, ovals of the wings and long stripes of legs. We fasten all the details with a stapler, or with glue. And after that we take either gouache paints or colored paper - and decorate or glue the bird with bright details.

This bird craft is good because each child comes up with his own bird design. And it turns out that with his own hands he creates a new, author's bird, reflecting his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeauty.

You can cut out of cardboard - a bird with open wings - and cut many, many feathers from colored paper - and methodically wrap the wings with feathers, starting from the bottom row and gradually rising to the top rows. bird breast glue with wavy strips of colored paper. Tail part of long narrow feathers.

AT kindergarten- such a craft can be collective, when the whole group of children cuts out feathers in one lesson, and in the second lesson they paste over a bird with them. A long-playing do-it-yourself craft is obtained.

Of course, you may not have a large cardboard box, then your bird craft can be simpler and smaller. For example, such as in the photo below. And by the way, you can make a nest for her. Make several of these birds - one per child - and have them color them in their drawing class. Cardboard boxes are always in abundance in the kitchen of the kindergarten (food is brought to children in them) - go down and ask the cooks, they can supply you with such material at least every day.

paper birds

in the BEER technique.

As we said above, a paper fan looks like bird wings. Therefore, we can use it in various bird crafts. For example, beautiful duckling- the beak for it can be made two-bladed so that it opens. You can make a whole family of ducks with these winged fans.

A long narrow strip folded into an accordion can become a long neck ostrich, and his own feet.

If you take several sheets of colored paper, fold them with accordions and glue them side by side to each other, then we will get a large colored fan that can become a fluffy tail of a turkey or a peacock made of cardboard.

But you can do it more economically. Suitable for Kindergarten craft bird peacock. When the peacock's tail is made from ONE sheet of paper. The accordion folds - and then bends in half - into a semicircular arch. The tail of a cardboard bird is inserted between the halves of this arch fan. This is the most fast way make a peacock bird. Spots can not be drawn, but cut out of colored paper - it will be more elegant.

According to a similar principle of a “fan bent along the floors”, a wing is made for a bullfinch bird on a children's craft below. In the photo we see that a triangular piece of paper is folded into an accordion. Then this accordion is bent in half and its halves of the blades come together (like the peacock above) - and we get an oval pointed wing. An excellent bird craft for kindergarten, easy and quick to do with your own hands even for small children.

And if you take a long strip for a fan, then an accordion from a long strip can be folded into a circle. And this circle can become a magnificent wing of a dove made of paper. Or this round fan will become the body of a bird.

paper birds

in loop technique.

And here are children's crafts of birds, where the plumage is made using the technique of paper loops. An ordinary strip of paper is folded edge to edge on the glue - we get a paper loop. Such paper loops can become the plumage of a peacock's tail.

You can even make whole birds out of paper loops. Or loops can become an element of a flat swan appliqué.

Below, you can take a good look at what parts such a paper bird consists of.

DIY birds

from paper rolls.

Wide strips of paper can be rolled up. Make two such rolls - one for the head, the other for the body of the bird. The rolls can be left hollow, or they can be filled, for example, with rolls of a smaller diameter (as in the right photo).

Below we see several handmade designs of such paper birds.

The body of the bird can be made not in the form of a round roll - but in the form of a paper loop. And then a long process of the tail can be glued to such a body. On the tail, you can stick paper curls in layers as in the photo below.

Side wings can be attached. The wing is - one whole strip, it is glued inside the roll and its two ends stick out from different sides - it turns out two separate wings.

You can make a whole bird family out of paper with your own hands in a nest, also made of paper strips.

A paper strip rolled into a wide ring can be a source for new bird crafts. Here is a beautiful white paper swan. But what a bright turkey.

Craft Birds

from paper plates.

Ordinary paper disposable plates can also be a source of inspiration for bird-themed crafts. A round plate can become a basket nest for a family of chicks.

The plate can become the curve of a swan's neck, or the round puffy tail of a peacock.

paper birds

from toilet rolls.

Toilet paper rolls can be a source of inspiration when creating paper birds. Such crafts are very fond of children - turning an unnecessary object into a beautiful thing is interesting.

You can just paint the roll with paint. Can be pasted over with a sheet of colored paper. And add accessories feathers, beak and stuff.

Or you can cut a cardboard sleeve from above on both sides - and insert the silhouette of an owl into this cut, and then the sleeve will become its tummy.

The sleeve can be turned the other way - put horizontally. And then your fantasy will go the other way and you will see new ideas of birds. Here is a chicken made of paper, here is a cheerful parrot.

Volumetric cardboard crafts

Birds with their own hands.

If a sheet of cardboard is rolled up into a tube - fixed with a stapler, then we will get a blank-body of the future bird. Feathers, beak and eyes - make this pattern a beautiful bird. And then your imagination is free to do what it wants.

Cardboard can be folded not in the form of a tube - but in the form of a cone, also fastened with a stapler. Based on the cone, you can also come up with your own bird crafts.

And we also have other articles with interesting crafts on bird themes.

Here are some ideas for paper birds. Now you can not only take the finished craft from this article, but also, based on any technique described here, INVENT your own author's bird. After all, copying is boring, but creating something new with your own hands is very interesting.

Good luck with your bird crafts. High flight to them and to you.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

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Paper products are a great way to have fun with friends and family, make an interesting gift and just develop fine motor skills. Origami birds are most often made, because their schemes for newcomers are the simplest, and the resulting product is quite beautiful and attractive.

Most of all, in the origami technique, cranes, swans or doves are made. Owls, seagulls and other representatives of nature are the least popular, and most often this is due to the difficulty of working with them.

Domestic birds, such as ducks or turkeys, are also infrequently performed using the origami technique. Yes, and migratory, as we said above, not all. What to do if you are a teacher and your senior group in kindergarten, or did your middle school class decide to learn the technique of making a bird of happiness? Do not worry about this: we have an instruction on our website, thanks to which you will step by step understand how this bird is made and you can easily teach this technique step by step not only to children - anyone.

In any case, there are many schemes for each of the modular birds: they are distinguished by different levels of training and by the general shape of the figure.

They all mean the presence of some paper that will not tear from too frequent disassembly at a certain point but will be easily modified. In addition, you often have to resort to the help of the following things:

  • Simple pencil.
  • Long line.
  • Protractor.
  • Sharp scissors.

In many algorithms, these tools may not be required. The easiest way to create a swan from a module. You can often see such a bird as a part for table setting, when large napkins are folded in this way, placing them on an empty dish.

To create a modular product, you will need a large piece of paper in the form of a square, on which a center line is outlined, and you need to tuck the side corners to it. The figure looks like a long rhombus. At the triangles that make up its long part, the corners inside are bent, and the figure in the center on the vertical is once again decomposed in half.

The most beautiful corner of the module (located at the base), bend it diagonally so that this particle creates a perpendicular to the base, and its end goes outward to the side with a new fold. We make the head and neck of the swan, we are done. It is enough to bend the tail along parallel diagonals twice with an accordion, and work with this origami bird is finished.

Gallery: paper bird (25 photos)

Origami bird, dove

The dove is considered the sign of peace and the easiest origami bird to make. As you know, there are a lot of schemes, choose any one, and beginners are invited to take the one that allows only seven steps. Will need to buy colored paper, cutting out of it a square of twenty by twenty or more large sizes, so that there would be no difficulty in adding. In the first stage, we need to lay it out in front of us like a rhombus, and then bend all the edges inward, connecting the tops in the center. We should get a square envelope.

After that, we turn the lower corners of the modular figure to the central strip and bend it, turning the square into a pentagon. After this, along our median vertical, it will fold, and the piece of paper will turn. Its widest side looks up, the sharp corner looks to the left, the diagonal goes to the very bottom. In this step, we will bend a sharp corner that will become the beak of a dove: it is best to stick to a diagonal of forty-five degrees. However, it is worth knowing that it does not go back or forward, but should fold inward, between the halves of the paper. And the line on top will now bend the other way around.

Next, we need sharp scissors: at an angle of forty-five degrees at the lower right corner we make notch-diagonal. If it’s hard to know its length by eye, you can find the middle on the right side of the product, draw a line along it along the base, and the point of intersection of this line with the diagonal from the right corner will become the end point of the incision. We bend the left side of it outward, making the wing of a dove: this must be done on both sides.

The right part will remain lowered: this is the tail of the bird, with which one more manipulation must be performed. From a sharp corner to the upper base, let's start a diagonal, measure an angle of twenty degrees, after which we bend the edges of the product module along this line. On this, the manufacture of the origami dove from the module is completed.

Origami: a bird of happiness, how to do it yourself

To make this bird, we need the following materials:

  • Plain paper or color on both sides.
  • The size of the leaflet is somewhere around eighteen by eighteen or twenty-four by twenty-four.

According to the traditional origami bird of happiness scheme, the square must be folded so that it resembles a simple rhombus, after which it is folded in half twice and unfolded back, each time creating a rectangle. This move will allow draw additional lines. After that, you need to turn the paper over and start bending it again, but already along the diagonals of the rhombus, each time getting ordinary triangles. Thus, the last additional lines were created.

We turn the sheet over again, and then press on its central part with your finger, lifting all the corners up and connecting them: i.e. the piece of paper will “hug” the finger, which is immediately removed. A piece of paper standing on the surface with its base in the plane is still the same square, but in the projection of a simple rhombus. It should be turned over so that the "blank" corner, which is considered the base on which they pressed, is on top, and the divergent corners are directed downwards.