Blog on self-development. Self-development

Self-development and self-improvement is an integral part of the life of any person who does not want to remain in place, but strive to be better, go forward, call for something new, set even greater goals and achieve incredible heights. Development is the basis of life. Nothing more can be achieved if today is the same as yesterday.
I am sure that many of you understand this, and it was the desire to develop and know yourself that led you to this site and to this article.

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Today I will tell you about 10 effective tips that will help you improve, develop, know yourself and your hidden abilities. I will say right away that these tips are not a dry theory that was taken from other sources and skillfully copied, it is experience, first of all, my experience, my knowledge, and what I have tested on myself. A couple of years ago, when the realization came to me that drinking beer and peeling seeds on a bench in the yard leads to a dead end branch, I thought about self-development, about how I could start a new life, become better, reach a qualitatively new level. That's when I found 10 self-improvement tips online. To be honest, only now I understand that I just opened the first link and rewrote everything that was there. After a few years, I can add to these tips, make my own edits, describe personal experience and how they helped me. I am sure that each of you who really wants to be better tomorrow than today should read the article to the end and take note of my personal experience laid out as 10 tips.

1. Sleep less
Scientists have long proven that for a good rest a person needs no more than 6 hours of healthy sleep. While most people sleep for 8-10 hours, they wake up with a feeling of fatigue and heaviness. Why so? What is the problem? The thing is that the main thing is not the amount of sleep, but its quality. You can sleep for 12 or 14 hours and still feel unsatisfactory.
Mode is the first thing you should develop in yourself. I used to sleep when I wanted to. I went to bed at 5 am, woke up at 2-15 pm. It happened that he didn’t sleep at all all night, and only fell asleep in the morning. I liked this mode, but over time I came to understand that my performance is falling, I become irritable, I don’t like everything. Then an article caught my eye that the most optimal hours for sleep are from 21-00 to 01-00. It is then that the brain enters some special phase and the whole body rests as much as possible. I have trained myself to go to bed at 21, maximum at 22-00, and wake up at 3-4 in the morning. It rarely happens that I sleep until 5-6 in the morning.
Six hours is optimal. This time is enough for me to sleep and actively spend the whole day. Now imagine that every day you will sleep not 8, but 6 hours. This saves 14 hours a week, and 60 hours a month. In a year, you will save 730 hours, which is equal to a whole month. Just imagine, you will have a whole extra month, which can be used much more usefully than just sleeping.

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2. Make time for yourself every morning.
You should develop the habit of devoting about an hour to yourself each morning. I'm not talking about taking a shower, or other hygiene procedures. No, you have to wake up, think about yourself, about your plans for the day, for the month, for the year, for life in general. Dream up, visualize how you achieve your goals. Personally, I started practicing meditation, and it helped me a lot to structure my thoughts, to overcome the internal dialogue. Turn on calm music, gain strength, realize that you are an endless source of possibilities.
How was it before? The alarm clock rings, you jump up, you are late, you quickly wash your face, get dressed on the go and grab something to eat. The day begins with chaos, so it continues, and so does the whole life. In a hurry, not understanding where and why we are running, why all this is happening.
After you sleep less and devote some time to yourself, you will definitely learn to live calmly, enjoy the moment now. Learn to analyze your actions, thoughts, judgments, desires. This is already a very big step towards the beginning of serious self-improvement.

3. Prioritize
In life, there are always important things that need priority attention, and there is something secondary that you should not worry about in the first place. As a rule, we often interchange these concepts, and completely do not pay due attention to important things. We are always chasing after something big, without understanding what it is for us. And when we get it, we realize that this is absolutely not what we wanted. And again we set false goals for ourselves, we do what does not bring pleasure to achieve these goals. Now I'm talking about a job that you absolutely do not like.
Speaking to the graduates of Stanford University, Steve Jobs said: “Ask yourself every morning if this was the last day of my life, I would do what I plan to do today. And when the answer is negative for several days in a row, then think about the fact that it's time to change something.
Many may object, they say, if I do what I like, then where do I get money from, how do I earn money? And why do you reject the idea that your favorite business can bring good earnings? Look, the biggest money earners are not those who work, but those who simply enjoy a highly paid hobby. Sergey Brin, the founder of Google, once said: “Money has never been important to us. We did what we really liked. It is very pleasant that in the future it has brought us a good fortune.”
One piece of advice - do you want to develop and improve, do you want to be better? Set priorities, do what you love.

4. Stimulate yourself with positive thoughts
Positive thinking and vision of the world is another important aspect of human development. Remember that positive thought has tremendous power, it is creative, it creates us. Remember your state when you met a friend whom you had not seen for a long time, or when you learned about some joyful event, or when you hugged your girlfriend after several months of separation. These are wonderful emotions, bright, pure. Now remember the most negative ones: anger, envy, resentment, desire for revenge, hatred. Even when you read these words, it becomes uncomfortable inside. Therefore, you need to learn to think positively.
Personally, I used the rubber band method, which I learned about a couple of years ago. I put on an ordinary rubber band on my wrist, and every time a negative emotion came into my head, when I wanted to get angry and swear unreasonably, I pulled on the elastic band and clicked it on my wrist. Thus, he did not allow himself to concentrate on the negative, and go deep into the "dark side of me." Over time, you will get used to thinking only positively, and life will change dramatically.

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5. Smile
Whoever you talk to, no matter how you talk (on the phone or in person), always smile. I'm not saying that it should be a fake Hollywood smile, but you should smile sweetly, making it clear to the interlocutor about your good and positive attitude. If you smile at a person, he will also smile back.
Sometimes it's so nice when you're on the bus and you see a sad girl standing at the bus stop. And in an instant she looks at you, you smile sweetly at her, she smiles back at you and that's it. You may never see each other again, but the feelings remain wonderful.

6. Always have a notepad handy
You ask why? Everything is very simple. When you are positive, open to the world, want to develop and improve, then incredible ideas will begin to come into your life, into your head. Perhaps you want to start your own business, or improve an existing one. You think about it for several days, and now, while riding the subway, at some crowded station, when everyone is pushing and humming, you indulge in yourself, in your thoughts and experiences. And it is at this moment that a brilliant idea comes. What do we have to do? That's right, write it down. And how to write if there is no notebook and pen in the bag?
You can never predict the course of your brilliant ideas. Therefore, one must always be prepared for the fact that they will come in an unusual place and at the strangest time. Write down everything you think about, everything that comes to mind.
I always have a notebook in the bedroom on the chest of drawers, so that when I wake up I write down my dreams. Very often in a dream there are interesting moments, rereading which I can start thinking, fantasizing, thinking out something. Very useful thing, take note.

7. Planning
Dedicate every Sunday evening not to entertainment shows, or watching a series with beer and chips, but to planning. Analyze everything that you have done during the week, praise yourself, thank God (no matter what you call this force) for help, consider plans and tasks for the next week. You do not need to paint a clear plan, set specific goals. Just decide for yourself what you need to do, when, and most importantly why. And most importantly, if something goes wrong, and your plans for the week are partially not fulfilled, then you should not be upset. If you made every effort, and did not lie on your side for 7 days, then everything is fine, everything happened the way it should happen.

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8. Communicate more

Remember that the quality of your life depends on communication with other people. Try to communicate more, learn from their experience and knowledge. If you have the opportunity to attend a lecture by some famous person, then go there. Always learn new things, always try to discover horizons that have never been seen before.
Communication with other people is necessary, but also pay attention to communication with yourself. If you are confident in yourself and your abilities, set to a positive result, then you will definitely achieve what you have planned.

9. The main goal, not the end result.
Old and wise Rockefeller said: "If your final goal money, you'll never have it." In other words, you should not focus on money as a result of your work. Have bigger goals. Do what you do based on the benefit to society and specific people. Here I immediately recall an interview with Mark Zuckerberg, who said that their goal was not to earn money, they just wanted to help students communicate, make their communication more accessible and faster. What happened as a result? The largest social network in the world, and Mark at 23 became the youngest billionaire. And even now he says that he did not think and does not think about money. His goal is to improve Facebook, make communication between people even easier and more accessible.
What about money, you ask? If you do what you love, do it not based on the desire to just earn money, then the money will come, for sure, and there will be just enough of them to satisfy all your needs.

10. Laugh every morning
Someone advises to cause artificial laughter and laugh in front of a mirror. Honestly, I didn’t succeed at all, and I looked stupid. But there was another way. I have dozens of tracks that make you smile and are associated with something positive. Every morning I turn them on, dance, laugh and rejoice.
Why laugh, you ask? Quite simply, laughter triggers many beneficial chemical reactions in our body that bring us into a wonderful and joyful state. Laughter also brings the body into a state of balance.

Online platform for training attention, memory and thinking. The user is offered cognitive simulator games aimed at developing a particular brain function, as well as specialized courses for teaching various skills, abilities and abilities that will definitely come in handy in life. The number of users is already more than 3 million people around the world.

This is a platform for intellectual development. The service will help increase attentiveness, develop memory, intelligence, cognitive abilities, concentration. Users can take trainings, courses, tasks, tests. The company was launched in 2014. Has several Russian and international awards, is in the TOP-3 educational projects according to Skolkovo.

The project is aimed at developing the mental and intellectual skills of a person - good memory, fast reading, the ability to instantly count in the mind, public speaking, the psychological aspects of interacting with people and much more. The 4BRAIN platform offers a huge number of developing online programs, the most popular of which are: profiling, self-knowledge, storytelling, mental self-regulation.

A site for those who do not want to go with the flow, but strive for self-development and the study of their inner world. Here are tips on how to find yourself, how to cope with low self-esteem, how to find a common language with others, how to learn how to plan your time wisely and get rid of fears. Actionable advice will undoubtedly help you become better in many areas of life.

online goal achievement service. A community to help you set goals and achieve them. Ability to keep a diary and read about other people's goals/problems. Discussions, advice, help from mentors and more. I recommend!

Online university for training and additional training specialists in the field of the most demanded Internet professions. There are 4 main areas on the site: marketing, project management, design and ux, programming. There are many specialties for each direction, which are divided into 3 main formats of education: online university, video courses, free courses.

One of the leaders in the field of distance education, uses a focus on in-demand professions through innovative online learning methodologies. Everyone will find the professions of the future for themselves in such areas as: programming, web design, Internet marketing and management. More than 21,000 students take courses at Skillbox every year.

An educational portal that helps you start a career in digital from scratch or gain new skills to develop it. Practitioners train specialists in 25 specialties and 8 areas. The portal hosts 139 courses and more than 900 webinars in various fields. More than 3 million people have already registered on the site and gained access to unique knowledge.

Train your brain with pleasure

Develop memory, attention and thinking with the help of online simulators


WATCH A VIDEO! 5 cool sites for self-development.

It is an entrepreneurial hub and business university within the Like group of companies. Founder and main speaker - Ayaz Shabutdinov. The Like Center provides online and offline educational events around the world. The main topics relate to starting, developing and scaling a business, as well as personal growth.

A business school for beginners and existing entrepreneurs, where more than 200,000 people have been trained. The largest community of entrepreneurs in the CIS with more than 2,400,000 people with a presence in 13 countries and 72 cities.

See also:

Educational online service for learning English with a huge amount of educational materials. The emphasis is on developing the skill of understanding English by ear, writing, grammar, vocabulary. The site has a huge collection of exercises, tasks, films and games for any level of English proficiency. Focus on what is important for you and achieve results!

A modern online English school that combines English via Skype, Conversation Club and online courses on one platform. 7 years of market leadership, 200+ teachers on the school staff, 10 original training programs, more than 10,000 students have achieved the goal of learning English.

One of the most popular online schools for learning English via Skype. A big plus is that the training takes place according to a special program where you will speak English, study grammar and new words, read English-language materials and learn to perceive speech by ear.

School of English by Skype, founded in 2011. For 8 years, more than 14,000 students have already graduated. Now 2700+ students are studying at the school. Graduates successfully pass interviews, pass exams, use English at work, travel and other areas.

Thanks to her example, Elizaveta Babanova created a community of modern women passionate about self-development. Today, there are already 240 thousand girls who read Elizabeth's blog and change their lives with the help of her various online programs. One of the most popular "The Best Year of My Life", where for 12 months leads women through transformation in the main areas of life.

The Konstantin Dovlatov Academy is engaged in the development of personal and business abilities and human capabilities. They conduct trainings, courses, training programs that will allow you to qualitatively improve your life and the life of your immediate environment: to become happier, more secure, more harmonious. Key principle: "Revealing its potential, a person improves and improves the world around him."

Victoria is a psychologist who talks about effective exercises and techniques that help to find a state of inner balance and harmony. The materials on the blog are as useful and practical as possible, based on Victoria's personal experience. Here you can find and read articles on various topics: self-love, meditation, positive thinking, managing your emotions and others!

Wish Fulfillment School created by Elizaveta Volkova in 2014. The mission of the project is to teach as many people as possible how to use their thoughts to build the life they constantly dream of. The school's courses focus on the basics of the individual: health, relationships, careers and finances.

An online learning platform with over 24 million students taking 100,000 courses. Take courses in programming, marketing, science, data science and more.

A platform where knowledge is shared by experts in the most different areas, a platform for constant self-development. Cooking courses, promotion on Instagram, development of charisma, proper nutrition, a course on how to enter a foreign university and much more. Every month, 10 new courses appear on the platform.

Base of free distance courses and open lectures on programming, management, cultural studies, philosophy, etc. from Russian universities. Selection by university, subject, status, etc…

This edition is for those who want to get better every day. In it you will learn about everything that improves life, helps solve problems, motivates, inspires, expands horizons, teaches and entertains. The authors of the project want their reader to dig deeper, understand better, see the future.

This is a natural development club. Created in November 2011 to promote the development of the individual. The idea of ​​creating the Club arose in connection with the need and prospects for the formation of a development-oriented community. The main activity of Kluber is the formation of a conscious society.

Popular online portal for fitness enthusiasts. Here you can find a huge number of bodyweight workouts for both beginners and experienced athletes. There are specially created sets of exercises for various purposes, video instructions, training plans and articles on nutrition.

I tell everyone only his story
Clive Lewis, The Horse and His Boy

This time we chose the 50 best sites and books on self-development (we have already posted selections and). If you are striving for the best in your life, this article will be useful to you. Let the wind of change blow into your life!

Useful sites and services


A community of people who ask questions and who answer them. It is interesting that one cannot answer in two words: only detailed answers are needed, therefore, experts “live” in the topics. There are topics such as psychology, education, the brain, the theory of science, what to read, the inner world and, of course, self-development.

2. Coursera

An educational platform where you can take courses from leading educational institutions in the world. The Personal Development section contains a variety of courses: from leadership and oratory to Chinese for beginners and a course on a happy and fulfilling life from an Indian professor with the participation of Dan Ariely and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.


An excellent resource for expanding horizons, acquiring new experience and inspiration. At TED, people talk about the most incredible ideas and their implementation, which inspires the rest. Lectures are in different languages, but subtitles work for many. There is absolutely, lasting up to 6 minutes, - for those who have little time, but want to grow above themselves.

4. 750 words

A good service for those who practice the technique of freewriting, or morning pages. You need to write 750 words daily. Write down your thoughts, feelings, emotions, dreams and ideas. Sooner or later, the "stream of consciousness" will lead to the right path.

5. Psychological tests on Psychologies

Can you refuse? Are you a hypochondriac, by the way? Do you know how to control yourself, how you build relationships with the opposite sex and what is your inner age - on the Psychologies magazine website you can take tests and find out everything. Before you thoroughly engage in the development of a particular area, you need to know the starting point.

6. Star Collector Magazine

Magic is everywhere. Don't you notice? If not, parables, fairy tales and wise thoughts will help you see the beauty of the world and take a step up. It's good to read when you need a dose of inspiration to keep going.

7. Lumosity Brain Trainer

The site contains exercises for the development of memory, attention, speed of reaction, thinking. For beginners, the free part of the course will be enough to pump cognitive skills.

8. Universarium

Free training courses on various topics, including self-development. Time management, conflict resolution, creativity, business ideas - everything from the leading teachers of the best universities in the country.

9. Trello

A service that helps organize anything (and with anyone, as it says on the Trello website). Make to-do lists and ideas individual plans development, whatever. Make them in the form of cards, transfer them to the boards that you yourself create. You can set "reminders", highlight cards with color and share lists with other people.

10. Remember The Milk

This service is intended for those who want to apply David Allen's famous GTD (getting thing done) system to life. Or rather, one of her tips: do not keep endless to-do lists in your head.

11. Google Scholar

Search in the scientific literature: books, journals. It is possible to create your own library.

12. Letter to myself

To compare yourself now and yourself in the future, send yourself letters: for example, to yourself in the future three months ahead, a year, five and ten years. Write about who you are now, what you want to achieve, what you dream about and what you live. This is a useful experience.

13. Background Music Soundscaper

One of the central skills worth developing is the ability to focus and focus. On this site, you can choose sound effects (forest, sea, page rustling and even cat purring) that will help you stay focused, for example, while working or reading.

14. Evernote

It is better to put all your useful finds in one place. Evernote is how many notebooks you need in which you can write, draw, save photos and text, with different names, tags and search by entries. You can install a browser extension that saves the article or part of it to your notebook.


A healthy personality cannot be such if the body has “let us down”. In order to always have enough strength for “self-development” feats, you need to build a sleep-wake regime. Sleepyti will help with this: the service will calculate the exact time when you should go to bed in order to wake up at a given time, according to sleep cycles. Following the recommendations of the service assumes that you will wake up in the morning fresh and rested.

16. Slideshare

A service where presentations on a variety of topics are uploaded. Use the search and find those that are interesting and useful to you. If you look carefully, you can stumble upon real pearls.

17. Pomodoro Timer

One of the simplest timers for those who work with the Pomodoro technique. Short 25-minute intervals allow you to focus on the task and make the most of the allotted time.

18. DoNothing2Minutes

Doing nothing for 2 minutes, listening to relaxing sounds and watching the sunset on the sea is not always so easy. Try it yourself. If you move the mouse, the countdown timer will restart. It will appeal to those who can not force themselves to be distracted from work.

19. Smart Progress

20. Medium

Blog platform where you can find many interesting posts from interesting people including, of course, self-development. You can subscribe to those you like and receive notifications of new notes.

Useful self-development books

1. Hormones of happiness

A revolutionary approach to increasing your level of happiness. This book will show you how to rewire your brain and activate those hormones that make you happy. In addition, you will learn how to form new habits and trigger the “happiness hormones” by changing neural pathways. Dozens of exercises from the book will help you with this.

2. Essentialism

An indispensable book on self-development. There is one important thought in it: if we do not prioritize, someone will do it for us. The book will tell you how to do less and achieve more with the help of essentialist philosophy.

Your time and energy is priceless and should not be wasted on things and people that are not really important to you.

3. Between need and want

A vibrant book that will inspire you to find and follow your true calling. "Necessary" is imposed on us by the environment. “I want” is who we really are, what we believe in and what we do alone with ourselves in the present. “I want” appears when we stop meeting other people’s ideals and head towards our own. Only in this case we reveal the potential.

“I want” is the best choice we can make in life.

4. One habit a week

52 steps to new habits, health, great memory and high performance.

5. Dreaming is not harmful

A legendary book about how to realize yourself in life. Cindy Fox was a waitress. Now she is a pilot. Peter Johnson was a truck driver. Now he is a farmer. Tina Forbes was a failed artist. Now she is a successful artist. Alan Rizzo was the editor. Now he owns a bookstore. They all used Barbara Sher's effective techniques to make real changes in their lives.

6. Magic morning

Success rarely exceeds the level of our personal development. We all want Level 10 success in every area: health, relationships, careers, whatever. I have not met a person who would say: “You know, I am quite satisfied with the relationship with others on the six. I don't mind quarrels with loved ones." But they themselves stopped at the level of personal development at three or four.

This book is about morning rituals that will give you 100 points on the path of self-development.

7. 100 ways to change your life

A concentrate of over 1000 self-development books - that's what this book is all about. A collection of inspiring stories about how to change your life for the better, from a man who managed to turn his own life around 180 degrees. Inspiration and motivation for those who are working on themselves or just want to start and are waiting for the “magic pill”.

8 Taming the Amygdala

Neuroscientist John Arden shows you how you can change your brain to feel better, relieve stress, improve memory and mood, and make other positive changes.

9. How to get things in order

This technique is the result of twenty years of work of the author. A book about how to become the master of your life. Our productivity is directly proportional to... our ability to relax. In the book you will find everything about how to work hard and well and enjoy it.

How to collect and process information, instantly select the desired action, plan and control work, separate the main from the secondary, keeping the mind clear and thoughts ordered.

10. Silence

The book of one of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time, which will help you use your most powerful inner resource - silence, to live consciously and happily. The ability to stop and be aware of the present moment is part of the definition of happiness.

It is impossible to be happy in the future. Such an understanding of happiness is not a matter of faith, but a subject of life experience.

11. Don't distract me!

A clear plan to combat lack of concentration at work, based on many years of experience as a leading expert. A leading Attention Deficit Disorder specialist addresses one of the most important problems of our time: the inability to focus on work and, as a result, low productivity. And, of course, gives advice on how to improve it.

12. Attentive brain

The first book to bring together the science of the brain and the ancient art of mindfulness. In this book, renowned psychiatrist and best-selling author Daniel Siegel talks about the brain, the nature of consciousness, explores meditation and various practices, and combines data scientific research about the brain with the practice of awareness and sensory perception.

13. Memory does not change

14. Maximum concentration

The book will teach you how to concentrate, deal with distractions and get rid of the stress associated with time pressure. Applying these rules will help you focus your attention completely on one task; significantly increase your productivity in all areas of life; reduce stress levels even in the presence of a large list of tasks or routine and boring work.

15. What will you choose?

The book contains 101 opportunities every day to consciously choose a happy life. At almost every moment of life, we must make decisions - and their overall impact on our future is more significant than the rare "big" and fateful decisions, the significance of which is usually exaggerated. What to choose?

16. Stress resistance

Are your days similar to each other and follow the same killer stress scenario: Do ​​you frantically answer emails and calls while trying to start and finish a lot of things at the same time? And as a result, you have little time, you are in a bad mood, and you also get a portion of discontent from the boss.

Professional business psychologist Sharon Melnick has been studying resilience techniques for over 10 years, and this book outlines a technique that has been successfully used by thousands of people who have completed her training.

17. On the edge

The book is a challenge for those who have tried different methods of self-development. This have not happened before. A 7-day intensive that dramatically changes lives and will be remembered forever. New day - new tasks. During this week you will eat healthy food. Exercise every day. Rest effectively. Listen to people around you. Work with maximum concentration. To get up early. Go to bed early. Refuse everything unnecessary.

It often seems to us that we could do more, work better, play more sports ... But we do not. This week will show you that you can do much more than you think.

18. Mindfulness

This is a book about mindfulness meditation, which is based on a really working therapy developed by the author and his colleagues at Oxford University. This technique, recommended by the British Ministry of Health, not only helps to cure and prevent depression, but also helps to cope with the challenges of the modern rhythm of life. You need to devote only 10-20 minutes a day to meditation.

Sometimes we begin to suspect that we lack ourselves - our willingness and ability to be present in our own lives and live it as if it really means something.

19. Willpower

Willpower is necessary for those who develop themselves as a person. There are difficult days when it is difficult to move forward. But it's still necessary. This is where willpower comes in: a skill that can be trained with the techniques shared by a Stanford professor.

20. Weekly number 1

This weekly is an addition to the bestseller "Number 1" by Igor Mann and a workshop on it. With it, you will be able to go through all the steps necessary to become Number 1: setting a goal - ambitious, realistic, in line with your interests; audit - comprehensively evaluate your initial data and capabilities: physical data, personal qualities, professional skills; planning and development - professional and personal; self-promotion - conduct systematic work on your personal brand.


If you are contemplating a change in your life, you will need energy. This book will show you how to stay energized and productive for 15 to 19 waking hours a day. Your work hours will turn from busy and stressful to active and productive, and in the evening you will find time for personal goals and ambitions, and will not go to bed exhausted, waiting for another hard day at work.

22. New reflections on personal development

This book is a sequel to Reflections on Personal Development, a book in which business guru Yitzhak Adizes discusses "personal" non-business topics with the reader. These notes and essays are not the results of research or presentation of theories, but essays and impressions that have arisen due to the exceptional openness of the whole world, given to the author by occupation.

Let your heart take over, let it speak, feel, be - and you will understand what a real vacation is, a vacation for the mind.

23. Brain development

We all want to succeed, set records and influence the world, but not all of us reach our full potential. In an effort to grow and develop as a person, we look outside ourselves for answers - secret formulas, miracle cures that promise to give us instant results. But most often the answer is in ourselves - we do not know how to effectively use the capabilities of our brain. This book contains useful techniques and exercises.

This book will replace several publications on the development of memory, intelligence, speed reading and energy management.

24. To hell with everything! Take it and do it

If you have a head on your shoulders and enough enthusiasm in your soul, any goal will be on the shoulder. Life is too short to waste it on things that don't bring you pleasure. This book carries a huge charge of optimism, wisdom and faith in human capabilities.

Branson offers "rules of life" that should help everyone on the path to creativity, spiritual growth and self-expression.

25. Psychology

What is self-development without knowledge of psychology? In this book, everything you wanted to know about psychology is simple, clear and interesting. This book is not at all a boring textbook for a university, crammed with theories and concepts - with evidence, justifications and other frightening terms. Vice versa! This is a living narrative, generously seasoned with facts, examples and illustrations.

26. Triggers

A trigger is any stimulus that influences our behavior. At the same time, the triggers themselves cannot be good or bad. The main thing is our reaction to them. Based on experience working with the most successful business leaders, Goldsmith's recommendations and stories will help you overcome unwanted reaction triggers, learn to use external conditions to achieve your own goals, and become the person you want to be.

A book for anyone who wants to achieve positive changes in life and consolidate them for a long time.

27. Ultra

The true and incredible story of the author's transformation from a 40-year-old alcoholic to one of the best athletes in the world. Inspires everyone to change. It's about how to take and do.

This book is a story of complete physical and spiritual transformation, proving that anyone can become an "ultra".

28. Be the best version of yourself

Mega inspiring book. Dan Waldschmidt researched 1,000 stories of ordinary people in business, science, politics, and sports who achieved extraordinary success. Among these people is the chef of the restaurant, who overcame a fatal illness and eventually earned 3 Michelin stars; runners covering incredible distances and overcoming themselves; retired paramedic who discovered successful company; Valentina Tereshkova, who became the first female cosmonaut in history at the age of 26; and many others. All these people had several common features, which the author and his team identified.

29. Challenge yourself

Olympian and recognized expert in sports medicine and science talks about how to achieve impossible goals - in sports, business and life. Success is not a fluke, but the result of proper vision, planning and preparation.

30. Life as a constructor

An inspirational guide with tips and creative techniques from a renowned industrial designer to create the life you've always dreamed of. Through four stages, you will be able to discover your hidden abilities and talents and become the designer of the life you love.

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Post cover: the work of the wonderful Sveta Zemlyanskaya

Every person periodically asks himself the question “Am I happy?”. It is not so easy to answer it, because everyone has their own ideas about happiness. Psychologists say that a harmonious personality is one who is realized in various areas of life, has time for family, work, spiritual growth, communication with friends and much more. The most important areas are reflected in the wheel of life balance, which is a very powerful tool for personal development.

Agree that our contemporaries are less and less likely to pick up a book, and even in the most readable Moscow metro in the past, almost everyone is sitting, buried in gadgets. The habit of starting and ending the day by scrolling through the news feed in in social networks replaced the habit of reading the morning newspaper and a book before bed. These are the realities of the time, nothing can be done about them. But are we missing something? Are we cheating ourselves?

Improving one's personality is a painstaking and conscious work on oneself, which requires time and attention. Personal self-improvement is one of the spiritual needs of a person that should not be ignored. To achieve a result, it is necessary to work in this direction in all spheres of life. This is the development of new important qualities personality, and self-education, and overcoming intrapersonal conflicts and contradictions, as well as the development of many other higher mental functions.

Everyone in their life once “gets lost” and asks the question: “Who am I, what is special about me, how to change?”. The search for virtues, the correction of shortcomings, the development of "roles", finding a new oneself - sooner or later each of us goes through this.

The words of Confucius speak of three ways of learning wisdom: reflection, imitation and personal experience. Wisdom requires lifelong learning, careful analysis, and thoughtful action.

Throughout the life path, everyone looks at himself from the outside and there is always something to complain about. It doesn’t matter who and what successes have achieved in their lives, you constantly want to change or improve something in yourself. And trying to make yourself better is a very worthy and necessary occupation.

Some people believe that speed reading is innate. But in reality this is not so. People who know speed reading have read a lot since childhood and have developed some very useful reading habits that simple kind people have not developed in themselves and for this reason simply do not have.

Life does not stand still. One way or another, people change. He chooses to either degrade himself, descending lower and lower on the social ladder, or go further, becoming better, developing himself. A person cannot just stand still and stop time. That is why self-improvement and personal development are very important.

What to read? Sometimes this question arises even before the most avid book reader. Which book to choose, what exactly does the consciousness tired of the day want? After all, there are so many good works: funny and funny, sad and instructive, fantastic and romantic. Our today's selection is dedicated to wonderful books that will help you "pump" yourself.

We only use 10% of our mind capacity, but the brain is a muscle that needs to be constantly exercised. Here are some great tips for your brainbuilding!

In our fast-paced time, most people are beginning to understand that it is necessary to develop themselves. Life should be meaningful and rich, in life there should be dreams and goals that must be achieved. In general, a set of qualities is needed in which a person is considered a person.

Books are truly a treasure trove of information. One way or another, when reading a book, we take something that forever remains a part of our personality. But there are such books, after reading which you seem to feel a push forward: you need to move on, higher! Today we have selected for our readers 5 books that will make you think about your life.

Fascinating and interesting books, unfortunately, fall into our field of vision not as often as we would like. But what could be better new history that will make you come back to it again and again? The bizarre interweaving of the plot keeps the reader's attention, warming up interest more and more with each line, and the ongoing events make one more little life live on the pages of the book. Today we will talk about a selection of really fascinating books with which you will forget about time.

No matter how many people say that young people are not interested in books, every year more and more young people refute this absurd statement. As Voltaire said, a good book is a gift given by the Author to the human race. Today we will figure out which books published in the 21st century turned out to be the most read.

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Sometimes we uselessly spend our free time chatting with friends on social networks or posting another photo on Instagram.

Instead of this website offers you a selection of extremely useful sites for self-development.

  • is an educational platform that offers everyone online courses from leading universities and organizations in the world.
  • The Universarium is a global project that provides an opportunity to receive quality education from the best Russian teachers and leading universities for millions of Russian citizens.
  • Khan Academy - a free educational resource contains a collection of more than 4200 free micro-lectures in various disciplines - from literature to cosmology.
  • Udemy is a knowledge fair with over 10 million registered students from around the world today. The program includes more than 40 thousand courses.
  • NIWEB is an online learning platform that, together with leading universities, develops online educational products in order to spread quality education in Russian.
  • University Without Borders is a platform for the exchange of relevant academic knowledge for a Russian-speaking audience, regardless of place of residence, geography, place of work or study, as well as socio-economic status.
  • HTML Academy is an online course that aims to turn anyone from a beginner into a web development professional.
  • Lumosity is a site for the development of mental abilities. It seems to be nothing new, but Lumosity has its own peculiarity: the application selects an individual “training” program for each person. Don't waste your time on this exciting project!
  • Eduson is an online training center for future businessmen from all over the world. The main methodology is various courses from leading professors and successful practitioners.
  • Wikihow - the site is the result of the joint efforts of thousands of people to create the most useful walkthrough in the world. Just like Wikipedia, WikiHow is part of the wiki community, and anyone can write or edit a page on the site.
  • HSE Internet School - courses in socio-economic subjects, mathematics, history, Russian and English.
  • Lingualeo is a platform for interesting and effective learning of the English language, on which more than 12 million people have already registered.
  • Memorado is a free application for smartphones, referred to by its creators as "a real gym for the brain." The game has a huge number of levels - 600, which are represented by a variety of puzzles.
  • Duolingo is a free platform for language learning and crowdsourced translations. The service is designed in such a way that, as they progress through the lessons, users simultaneously help to translate websites, articles, and other documents.
  • 4brain - free trainings to develop speed reading skills, oral counting, creative thinking, public speaking, memory, etc.
  • Psychology Today is an online magazine dedicated exclusively to a topic we all love: ourselves. The subject of the portal covers all aspects of human behavior and mood: mental and emotional health, personal growth, relationships, sex, parenting and much more.
  • Brainexer is a site with a large number of tests and exercises for mental counting, memorization, attention and thinking. Tests are free and available without registration. Despite the fact that the resource is in English, there is a translation into Russian.
  • Memrise is a unique online platform that uses the most advanced memory techniques to help users memorize information faster and more efficiently than any other method.