Business options on the ground floor. What are the pitfalls of business apartments for rent? Workshop for the repair of household appliances

Housing in Moscow is so expensive, and the yield from renting apartments is so low that it can justify the investment only after decades

Text: Nadezhda Nikolaeva

For Russians, the purchase of real estate has always been considered a reliable investment of free funds. Indeed, 5-10 years in a growing market, it was a profitable asset for investors. However, now, when the fall in real estate prices is replaced by stagnation, and developers no longer dream of rising prices, such a purchase is very risky. And if you take into account the new rules for calculating tax on resale, the investor may be at a loss.

Currently, investors are left to rely only on rental income - the funds that can be obtained from the rental of housing. Portal "Elitnoe.RU" decided to find out from representatives of real estate agencies whether it is justified to buy an apartment specifically for rent or the market remains with non-professional landlords.

Director of Elite Real Estate Department Est-a-Tet Anna Karpova

– Profitability from the rental business in high price segments, even during the period of market growth, looked rather modest. If compared with European cities, then in some the yield from renting reached 7-8% per annum. In the "fat" years in Moscow, this figure did not exceed 5% per annum. To date, the yield of expensive rented apartments varies within 2-4% per annum, and the payback period is from 20 years.

It is impossible to call the rental business in the premium and elite segment profitable

To calculate the yield, some ideal formula is taken - the purchase price is divided by the average rental rate. In total, with the payment of utilities, all expenses for maintaining an apartment per month can reach up to 80 thousand rubles. For example, the payback for a three-room apartment is about 35 years. Thus, it is impossible to call the rental business in the premium and elite segment profitable, but it is a stable monthly income.

Now there are almost no buyers of new buildings on the market who are firmly convinced that they will rent out the purchased apartment and engage in professional rental business. Most of our clients decide how they will use the property already when they receive the keys - whether they will live there themselves or settle adult children, resell or rent it out.

Point Estate Managing Partner Pavel Treivas

– Before the crisis, the practice of renting out was much more common. Today, there are practically no people willing to invest in an unstable and low-yielding business. Over the past two years, the private rental business has lost a lot of its profitability in all market segments. The rate of return from 7-8% in 2007 has now dropped to 3-4%. And if we take into account downtime (the time when the apartment is left without tenants), which happen if the owner overestimates the rental rate, then it drops to 2-3%.

It should be noted that over the past two years in the elite segment of the rental market, all payments have been made in rubles. And if earlier the owner, renting an apartment for 5 thousand dollars a month, received 155 thousand rubles, today he continues to rent it for 155 thousand rubles a month, but his income is only 2.4 thousand dollars.

The risk of investing in the purchase, repair and promotion of your property, and then being left without tenants, is very high

The situation is aggravated by an overabundance of offers from owners who want to rent out housing. Today, an apartment is also being rented by investors who are waiting for the market to start growing and real estate can be sold at a higher price. However, there are quite a lot of people on the market who rent apartments that they inherited, for example, from their grandmother. They do not conduct any real estate transactions in order to increase its profitability, they do not buy, sell, do not “play” on market price fluctuations, they simply receive a small stable rental income. Therefore, the risk of investing in the purchase, repair and promotion of your property, and then being left without tenants, is very high.

Director of the Department of Elite Real Estate "Metrium Group" Ilya Menzhunov

- The rental market is in a deep crisis, over the past year the average rate has decreased by 15%. As a result, the yield from renting, for example, in the economy class does not exceed 4-6% per annum. And the high-budget segment is suffering due to the contraction of effective demand and sanctions, which forced many Western companies to stop cooperating with Russia.

In the current realities, a bank deposit is a more profitable investment

International firms began to recall their employees, namely expats formed the backbone of the tenants. The same applies to domestic businessmen and top managers from the regions who rented apartments for business trips. As a result, investment demand also decreased.

In the current realities, a more profitable investment is a bank deposit, the yield of which varies from 7% to 12%. Therefore, as a rule, apartments for rent become a conservative investment aimed at saving rather than increasing funds. And, as a result of the current situation, the share of investment transactions today does not exceed 10%.

TWEED General Director Irina Mogilatova

– In the elite segment, no more than 5% of buyers buy apartments with an eye to renting out. The motives of such clients may be different. For example, we had a client who bought several apartments in Moscow and went to live abroad. Her mother, who remained in Russia, lives on the money from the rent. It happens that real estate is purchased for future use by young children, and so that the apartment does not stand idle, it is rented out. I would compare the rental business to a bank deposit. Although, of course, the payback of the rental business is quite long. For example, if you rent out a $1 million home and earn $60,000 a year, it will take about 20 years to recoup the investment. On average, the payback period for elite companies is from 10 to 15 years.

Elena Kulikova, Director of Savills Leasing Department in Russia

– Most of our clients-landlords are owners who consider investment for rent as a certain stage that solves their current issues: savings, investments for further resale, temporary renting of apartments purchased for themselves, children or parents, etc. Over the past four years, the market average rate of return on high-budget apartments for rent has decreased by 1% and now stands at 4% per annum. At the same time, we are talking about enlarged "estimates", that is, without taking into account taxes.

Managing Partner of the Academy of Sciences Spencer Estate Vadim Lamin

- In my opinion, a special for rent is now completely unprofitable. Of course, if a successful version of an apartment has turned up, in which, for example, children will settle in five years, then why not, or approximately similar options. The fact is that in order to get at least a 5% profitability, you need to try very hard, optimizing the process.

Moreover, the situation is getting worse - rental rates, at least, do not grow, unlike utility bills and taxes. Recently, business and the elite segment have significantly dipped. First of all, because of the fall in effective demand. Fat times, when 10-12% profitability was the norm, have long and, it seems, irrevocably gone.

– Today, the share of investment purchases has slightly decreased in all segments. At the end of 2014, in the mass segment, the share of investors could reach 40%, now it is about 14% in the business class, and 33% in the economy and comfort class. At the same time, it is difficult to single out the share of those who intend to put it into operation and who intend to rent it out.

Only those who inherited the apartment remain in the black

Rental yields are falling. This was affected by a decrease in the general solvency of the population during the crisis - someone lost their job, was forced to move from Moscow to the region or return to the regions, and so on, that is, there were fewer potential tenants. It is not possible to fully include the cost of paying taxes (purchase of a patent or personal income tax) in the rental rate - this can alienate the majority of tenants (primarily in the mass rental segment, of course).

Real estate tax is now calculated at the cadastral value and the rate will increase every year for 5 years, this is an additional cost for the owner. There were payments for overhaul. These and other payments related to the maintenance of the property cannot be endlessly shifted onto the shoulders of the tenant. Only those who inherited the apartment remain in the black (that is, there were no investments and expenses for its acquisition) - these objects, obviously, will continue to be rented out.

Director of Miel-Arenda Maria Zhukova

- When buying real estate for further renting out, there is a general rule - the larger the investment, the lower the yield. For example, in the economy class, the payback period for apartments is at least 18 years, the yield is about 4-7% per annum. Even if the investor has a significant amount of money, it is more expedient to purchase two inexpensive one-two-room apartments in inexpensive segments than one expensive object. In the first case, investments will pay off faster. So, according to our calculations, the maximum demand - 70% - is used by apartments costing up to 40 thousand rubles. month, and interest in housing for more than 130 thousand rubles. per month - no more than 1%.

The sleeping area is a residential urban area in a big city. People living there go to work in the center every day, and in the evening they return home to rest. Most often it is a quiet place with little business activity.

When creating a business in a residential area, you should consider several important issues:

  • What to sell to the locals.
  • What essential items do customers need?
  • What services do they need.

When planning a business in a residential area, it is imperative to develop a strategy. It should take into account that people will run into the store on their way to work or back. To understand the needs of consumers, put yourself in their place. For example, a clothing store would clearly be out of place. For such purchases, people go to large shopping centers.

A business in a residential area should sell relevant goods: food, drinking water, household items. Among the services popular repair of clothes, shoes, catering services. Food is consumed quickly, and almost all residents of a big city do not have time to cook lunch and dinner. You can offer them light breakfasts that you can take with you. In the evening, they will come to you for dinner or just to sit with friends.

Residents of sleeping areas like to take a walk after work. Consider setting up a cafe or bistro. Convenient location near the road, affordable prices, and your profit is guaranteed. Regular customers do not have to look for a long time. With little competition, they will come to you.

For a sleeping area, a business such as a grocery store is well suited. In the evening, food is bought for dinner, bread and cigarettes are always relevant.

One of the current business options for a sleeping area is a pharmacy. But it must be adapted to the needs of the inhabitants as much as possible. Demand for medicines may be so wide that the range of five thousand items may not be enough. It is clear that a visitor who cannot buy the right medicine from you is unlikely to come again. It is also worth considering that the majority of pharmacy visitors in a residential area are housewives and pensioners. Include widely advertised medicines and dietary supplements in your assortment. Pay special attention to drugs that are advertised on the radio. Retirees will be happy to receive competent advice about them.

The specifics of the sleeping area

The main feature is visiting the store in the morning and in the evening. Happy active trading possible only on weekends, but the purchases are likely to be impressive. After all, usually a person tries to buy everything you need and as quickly as possible. Therefore, food is an ideal business for a sleeping area, but not the only one.

In the old areas, the infrastructure has been thought out and tested over the years. They usually have many shops, kindergartens, catering establishments, consumer services, clubs, etc. In new areas, the situation is not so rosy. Their residents are forced to travel the right things to the other end of the city. In such areas, it is easy to develop almost any business. Food, clothing, manufactured goods, hairdressing services, electrical appliance repairs - everything will find its buyer. The question of how to choose an area that will definitely bring income cannot be answered unambiguously. It will be different for each region. Therefore, consider several options, determine their pros and cons.

Pay special attention to the staff who will work in your store. If the seller is rude, inattentive, rude to customers, you can not expect profit. Therefore, before hiring a person, find time for an interview. And in the future, ensure constant contact with him.

What goods and services are relevant for the sleeping area

Business in a residential area can be different. Household supplies and useful goods store. Selling household items, household chemicals, light bulbs, CDs and other goods can bring good profits. In a residential area there is an opportunity to develop a customer base, which is an undoubted advantage of a business. If the area of ​​​​the premises allows, you can open a small department store. Products and household items in one place - a great option for a sleeping area.

You can open a shoe repair point, put a photocopier there, offering residents printouts and photocopy services. At the same time, you can sell SIM cards, stationery, batteries, replenish your mobile phone account. Such points are often called "1000 little things", and they are very popular with residents. Profit from them is not very high, but profitability can be increased by creating several kiosks located throughout the area.

Starting a business in a residential area, you should be prepared for a small profit, especially at first. One of the main competitors in this case is chain supermarkets. But if you correctly determine the circle of potential consumers and their needs, periodically hold various promotions, you can form a base of regular customers.

A business in a residential area, with the right approach, can become a stable and profitable business.

Do you have an apartment but no money to live on? This means that you do not know how (or do not want to) use all (!) Available resources to earn money. The apartment is not only a sufficient area for small commercial projects, but also access to communications, the ability to use communications and the presence of assistants. Add some start-up capital to this, find a profitable idea, figure out how to effectively implement it, and you will have a successful start. Let's figure out what kind of business can be organized in an apartment and how to do it legally!

Business that can be run in an apartment without the consent of the tenants

Is it possible to run a business in an apartment? Definitely possible!

In accordance with Article 16 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, an apartment is a room in an apartment building that can be used by citizens only for living and meeting their domestic needs. In addition, in the legislation of the Russian Federation there is a direct ban on doing business in the housing stock.

At first glance, these two rules prohibit tenants from earning money at the place of residence, but there are exceptions to them.

The following types of activities at home are not subject to legal prohibition:

  • sale of surpluses produced to meet household needs (you have cooked 3 cans of jam, but you have used only one - you can freely sell two);
  • production and sale of hand made products;
  • author's works and services.

Sale of jam

handmade toy

Provision of services

You can also freely rent out your apartment - in whole or in parts.

As long as production volumes allow you to work on a private basis, without registering an LLC or an individual entrepreneur, a home business can exist within the housing stock.

If the business goes well and you need to go into official form, then there is a procedure by which housing is transferred to non-residential stock. In non-residential premises, you can engage in official commerce, but this is a separate issue.

When organizing a small production in a residential area, problems with neighbors may arise. It is highly likely that the residents of the house will notice business activity and try to limit it.

Relationships with neighbors

Neighbor claims may be due to:

  • increased noise in the apartment and violation of the normative regime of silence ( With 21.00 before 8.00 );
  • the presence in the apartment of caustic foreign odors and smoke;
  • high humidity;
  • increased use of electricity and load on utility networks.

Any of these signs of production will give the neighbors a reason to file complaints with the municipal authorities. If it is established that the owner of the disputed apartment violated the rules for using housing, fines will be collected from the guilty person.

If you do not violate the housing use regimes and have not registered your activities with the Federal Tax Service, then you do not need to take consent from your neighbors to work.

Another thing is if the silence mode is violated, the load on communications will increase, and in the apartments the residents will have extraneous odors, dampness or smoke. In this case, even if you previously took consent from your neighbors, it will not be taken into account when resolving a dispute that you violated the rules for using residential premises in an apartment building.

Rules for organizing a business in an apartment: precautions and tricks

The law does not prohibit opening a business in an apartment. Let's define the basic rules of home commerce.

Rules for business in an apartment

  1. Allocate one room (if we are talking about a one-room apartment, then you need to isolate the workspace).
  2. Equip the premises in such a way as to bring a minimum of inconvenience to the residents of the apartment and neighbors (economical lighting, portable power supplies, forced ventilation, etc.).
  3. Create a site or group in in social networks for the sale of goods and the purchase of raw materials.
  4. Divide the production process into several independent stages that can be alternated with each other (for example, 2 hours to form blanks, 2 hours to glue, 2 hours to design, 2 hours to pack).
  5. To allocate an 8-hour working day for the production process and one day a week to engage only in the promotion and advertising of their products on the network.
  6. Carefully choose assistants or apprentices and take care that a stranger in the house does not harm your property and family.
  7. Open a card account in a bank and receive a card (debit or credit) with the possibility of convenient Internet banking.
  8. Register electronic wallets in popular Russian payment systems (Yandex.Money, QIWI, etc.).


So that you can safely conduct business, at the initial stage you need to insure yourself against possible problems.

Basic Precautions:

  • equip the door to the home workshop with a lock that closes and opens both from the inside and from the outside;
  • never invite clients to your home: organize all business meetings in other territories or communicate with buyers via postal / courier service;
  • monitor the payback of the business: if the initial investment does not pay off in two months, then make changes to the purchase, production costs, and the scheme for selling goods.

Today, business negotiations are usually held in coworking centers (there are in every city). These centers offer clients an hourly rental of a workplace or a meeting room. The cost is about 60 rubles. per hour, you can purchase a subscription.


Tricks to help you create a competitive product at home and sell it quickly:

  • be socially active (communicate with colleagues, attend seminars, exhibitions, fairs, interview your customers, look for new suppliers, etc.);
  • build your home business as the first step towards entering the official market;
  • study advertising and marketing.

These rules will help build your business both for an entrepreneur who has decided to devote himself entirely to organizing and developing his own business, and for a merchant who wants to earn extra money in his spare time.

Choosing an idea for a business in an apartment: assessment of opportunities, taboos, test work

An analysis of the online sales market shows that most often network users buy:

  • consultations - 20 % ;
  • handmade goods - 19 % ;
  • design services - 11 % .

Any product / service from the leading positions can be produced within the apartment.

To decide on a product, you need to evaluate your capabilities. The first thing you need to earn:

  • profile knowledge, narrow specialization;
  • practical experience in the chosen field;
  • understanding of current trends;
  • start-up capital.

If you do not have education, experience, or what you have does not suit you, then today you can get specialized knowledge and experience within the framework of available training intensives and courses.

Decide on the direction in which you want to work, and look for courses, seminars, part-time work in a business that interests you. Such preparation can take from three months to six months.

The average cost of a six-month training in an actual craft and industrial practice will cost a beginner about 40 thousand rubles!

The purchase of high-quality tools, workplace equipment, website creation and marketing promotion will also require initial investments. For a small production, the amount of initial investment will be about 70 thousand rubles.

Business coaches advise a novice entrepreneur to work with any attractive idea and already in the process of work, with the acquisition of skills of independent earnings, to build a production, trade and marketing policy.

Taboo in home business

History knows successful options for building an official business on money with a criminal past. But there are only a few such stories, and there are always a lot of personal tragedies inside them. The modern trend is personal happiness and a comfortable life. If you want successful self-realization, give up these options for making money at home:

  • gambling for money;
  • production and sale of alcohol, drugs and other dope;
  • content in the apartment of a brothel.

Also take care of your health and the health of your loved ones. Before making a decision, ask how the implementation of the idea can be dangerous to the health of others. If there is even the slightest chance of creating an unhealthy environment, then give up this idea.

For example, you can often hear about growing mushrooms in apartments, which is unhealthy. It is much safer to organize such production in the basement.

Business on the ground floor in a new building

The most profitable business in the apartment on the ground floor is a grocery store. To implement this idea, it is necessary to move out of the apartment, transfer it to a non-residential fund, register as an entrepreneur and trade.

If there is no opportunity to carry out at least one of the above activities, then it is possible to develop such business ideas as:

  • beauty salon and nail service;
  • coworking studio;
  • administrator's office without visitors.

This also applies to apartments located on the ground floors in the new building. The only difference is that instead of products at the initial stage, it is better to trade building materials. To do such a business, you need to officially register.

Apartment for rent, office or internet project

The easiest way to make money from an apartment is to rent it out to one tenant or several tenants. The cost of rent in each city is different, but according to the general trend, the most expensive apartments are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, average prices are in regional centers, and the cheapest apartments are in the periphery.

If your apartment is not located in the federal or regional center, then the monthly income from renting it out to other residents will not exceed 5 thousand rubles.

This is a small income, so residents of small towns are looking for more profitable ideas– for example, opening an “office without visitors at home”.

Office in an apartment

An apartment that is listed in the housing stock cannot be an official commercial office, but it is possible to organize an administrator's office (without visitors). This will require:

  • conclude a lease agreement with the tenant (providing him with the possibility of temporary registration at the address of the apartment);
  • furnish an office space;
  • make sure that the administrator does not bring his clients to your living space.

On such a service, you can earn three times more than on a simple rental of housing.

Own Internet project

If we return to the chart of popular goods and services, then Internet consulting is in first place, and this is a real chance for active, young and sociable entrepreneurs.

This is the easiest business option in an apartment from scratch. To implement it, you only need a computerized workplace, a high-quality video camera and a desire to help people solve their problems.

home production

Traditionally, an apartment is a springboard for cooking food, making clothes and handmade home decor. We will tell you in more detail what is needed to implement each of these ideas.

Baking and confectionery

With culinary skills and starting capital of 50 thousand rubles you can open a pastry shop at home. To do this, you need to purchase:

  • separate refrigerator;
  • oven;
  • planetary mixer;
  • tools for working with confectionery mastic;
  • confectionery printer.

The average markup for a homemade cake or pie is 100% from spent products. When selling one cake for 3 kg per day, you can earn 1000 rubles. Monthly earnings will be 30 thousand rubles.

Growing table greens

This option of entrepreneurship can be used as an additional form of income. Growing greens does not take much effort and time. At the initial stage, it is necessary to assemble a rack on which boxes of greenery are attached, and ensure timely watering and sufficient lighting. From one box (20 cm x 50 cm) you can collect up to 2 kg of products every 5-6 weeks.

The wholesale price of traditional leafy greens is about 100 rubles. per kg. Approximately 100 boxes can be placed in a room. Monthly earnings under this scheme will be 20 thousand rubles.

home preservation

A seasonal type of entrepreneurial activity that can be engaged in with almost no additional start-up investments. Main costs:

  • purchase of seasonal fruits and vegetables;
  • purchase of sugar and vinegar;
  • glass containers and lids.

Average earnings of an entrepreneur 1 liter conservation is about 100 rub. To earn a month 30 thousand rubles, you need to fulfill the sales plan every day - 3 liters conservation.

The peculiarity of this business is that the stock of goods is formed in the summer, and mass sales go on in the cold season. This business is good as a side business.

Packing and production of semi-finished products

In an apartment, he can not only work on his own undertaking, but also provide services to larger enterprises. To a large extent this applies to packaging.

Home packaging can be ordered by supermarkets, online stores, retail outlets, food manufacturers. To receive an order for packaging, you need to advertise in the regional media with a service offer.

Another option for the development of this type of business is the independent formation of a new product from its components. According to this scheme, a home-made herbal tea business operates, which includes regular tea and various herbal preparations, as well as a business for the formation of festive candy sets.

Semi-finished products are a more complex product. To make it, you need to purchase:

  • dumpling machine;
  • patty molder;
  • ravioli machine, etc.

Today the market for equipment for Food Industry very active. The average cost of a machine for the production of semi-finished products is from 60 to 100 thousand rubles.

You can sell products only through an official manufacturer who will put his trademark on your semi-finished products, or sell in small batches through an online store, in the grocery market.


The main areas of home needlework for women are individual tailoring, knitting and repairing clothes, as well as making small household decor. Starting investment in this type of business is about 30 thousand rubles. Money is needed to purchase tools and supplies.

Atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes at home

It is not difficult to open an atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes at home. It is more difficult to do quality work. This is enough to form a customer base.

For work you need:

  • quality sewing machine
  • overlock;
  • cutting table.

The average cost of studio services - from 100 to 1000 rubles depending on the complexity of the work. An ordinary home studio earns 10 thousand rubles in Week.

Decorative items made of polymer clay

Polymer clay is an ideal decorative material (cheap, durable and plastic). Today, jewelry, dishes, household and stationery small things are made from it.

Working with polymer clay is as follows:

  • the master forms a sketch of the future product;
  • according to the sketch, he makes a blank from polymer clay;
  • the workpiece is baked in the oven, decorated and varnished.

The average cost of 100 g of polymer clay toy is 500 rubles. The average price of the clay itself is 200 rubles.

If you have interesting ideas and their high-quality execution, you can make good money.

Homemade stained glass windows

Classical stained-glass window - a mosaic of multi-colored glasses. The art of stained glass came into our culture from the European Middle Ages. If earlier this process was time-consuming, today there are technologies that allow you to produce stained glass at home.

  1. Hot soldering (parts of the mosaic are cut out with a glass cutter, special foil is applied to the seams, all elements are soldered using lead and tin).
  2. Drawing a picture is a mosaic imitation technique. In fact, a mosaic pattern is applied to a single sheet of glass with acrylic paints.

Medium cost of 1 sq. m. stained glass - from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. The market is in demand as plot paintings, there is also stained glass for decorating interior doors and furniture inserts.

Business ideas in an apartment for men

The most suitable business ideas for men in an apartment are the manufacture of frameless furniture, workshops for the production and repair of household appliances and gadgets.

Workshop for the repair of household appliances

The service of a husband for an hour, a jack of all trades and home repairs is no longer news for urban residents. A man who knows how to work with his hands and head will always earn a living.

Despite the fact that in everyday life cheap Chinese goods, almost beyond repair, there is work for home craftsmen.

Can be repaired:

  • irons, washing machines, refrigerators;
  • gadgets, digital and copy equipment;
  • wiring, plumbing, plumbing.

To get the maximum number of orders, it is advisable to offer home repair services. To do this, create a website (so that people trust you), provide up-to-date contact information and distribute business cards.

When taking the device for repair, give the owner a check or coupon so that he is sure that he can take his thing back.

The repair cost is 100% from the price of spare parts. The average salary of a master of household appliances - 30 thousand rubles per month.

Assembly of frameless furniture

Frameless furniture is a product consisting of an inner bag with a special filler and an outer cover that performs a decorative function and provides comfort.

To assemble frameless furniture you need:

  • sewing machine;
  • patterns;
  • dense fabric for the inner bag;
  • reinforced threads;
  • fabric for the outer bag;
  • filler.

For one frameless chair you need about 300 liters filler.

The cost of consumables for one chair is 1,000 rubles. The wholesale price of a frameless chair is 2 thousand rubles.

With such an extra charge, the entrepreneur will quickly earn his first capital.

carpentry workshop

The idea is not entirely suitable for an apartment (rather for a private house), but there are types of carpentry that can be done in an apartment building - weaving baskets, making wooden utensils and toys.

Blanks for future products can be purchased at professional carpentry workshops and already at home give them desired shape and decorative design.

The cost of preparations - 500 rub. per square meter. The cost of a wooden toy - 200 rubles, Wholesale price - from 500 rubles.

Manufacture of leather products

Belts, bags, handmade accessories made of leather have been in trend for several years, and the demand for them is only increasing.

For the production of leather products, the craftsman will need only hand tools (scissors, knives, punches, vise). Professional tools are not cheap, so at the initial stage you need to invest about 60 thousand rubles in the business.

For tailoring products, you can use new leather or second-hand material.

Estimated master's markup is 100% from the cost of the material.

Breeding aquarium fish

Breeding, growing and selling aquarium fish is an interesting and profitable activity. You can do this business from scratch - it is enough to equip a good aquarium suitable for spawning and purchase breeding stock.

The most expensive are sea fish, but in order to get viable young, an entrepreneur must spend a lot of money.

Expert aquarists advise breeding zebrafish for sale. She is unpretentious and in demand. This is a beautiful schooling fish, and most often people buy not one zebrafish, but a dozen. Entrepreneur on one fish earns about 10 rubles.

How to sell homemade products

For handicraft products, there are two ways to market - promotion of goods on the Internet and trade in the local market. Both have advantages and disadvantages.

When trading on the market, the seller loses money to pay the market fee; when trading online, shipping costs increase.

But each distribution method has its own advantages.

Selling on the market facilitates communication with buyers, customers can see for themselves the quality of the product, and the Internet is good because the potential audience is huge ( in 2016 transactions were made on the Internet for 3 trillion dollars). If you are persuasive, you can quickly sell your product.

The work of an apartment rentier is perhaps the most profitable type of entrepreneurial activity. It consists in renting out housing, and if desired, the owner of the living space can do nothing at all and not invest any money in it. And the apartment rental business will still flourish!

How to become a successful rentier?

This type of activity is beneficial both for those who already have “extra” housing available, which can be rented out immediately, and for those who intend to buy it on purpose. Investments are minimal - buying a home and repairing it pays off very quickly, and profits are growing at a record pace.

All that is needed to obtain it is to formalize the business: renting out apartments requires the mandatory payment of taxes (13% of rental income), and it is better to inform yourself tax authorities than to pay fines later. At the same time, you can either register as an individual entrepreneur (for example, if several apartments are rented out) or work as a private person, simply declaring income and paying tax on it.

The second step is to legally formalize the deal with the client. Even if the landlord fully trusts him, the contract is mandatory, and it is best to draw it up with a qualified lawyer. This will protect against any fraud and avoid material and moral losses. As for clients, it is most preferable to start a business renting apartments, renting them to married couples (preferably without children), business travelers and visitors from distant countries (especially if they come for a long time), entrepreneurs who have moved to the city of the landlord to work. All of these categories usually take care of other people's property and are willing to pay for damage to it.

In addition, it will be very profitable to rent apartments for parties, receiving business guests, holding various events (many companies hold informal business negotiations in such apartments). As for the terms and payment of rent, they are prescribed in the contract with the client, and the price is set based on the average figures for the selected locality. It is not advisable to overestimate it, unless the apartment has some unique features, which is extremely rare.

Apartment rental business: income and expenses

The most profitable option for an entrepreneur is to rent an apartment that is already available (for example, housing inherited from relatives or vacated as a result of the departure of one of the family members). In this case, you will only need to invest in repairs, but this is not necessary.

In addition, you can buy real estate on purpose, and in this case, it is most profitable to rent business-class apartments. They are in special demand, and renting them out daily, you can have a great income. If there is not enough money for such housing, it is better to aim at the usual "family" real estate in a residential area - it is also popular, as well as apartments located close to key places in this locality (historical sights, business centers, entertainment centers). In any case, the entrepreneur will have to invest certain funds in his business:

  • from 2 million (for a one-room apartment) to 3-4 million rubles (for a three-room apartment)
  • from 20 thousand rubles for repairs (it can be omitted by offering the client to invest in repairs on his own, subject to a reduced rental fee for a certain time)
  • 3-5 thousand - for monthly utility bills
  • 1.7-3.8 thousand rubles (on average) - to pay taxes
  • 8-15 thousand rubles annually - for apartment insurance (required, because rented housing is exposed to many risks)

As for income, in general, this is a very profitable business: renting out apartments can bring in from 14-15 thousand rubles a month if one-room housing is rented, up to 25 thousand if the property is three-room. In a year, respectively, you can earn from 170 to 270 thousand. And this is if minimum prices are set! As a rule, they grow over time, as market conditions change rapidly, and therefore profits will increase without additional investments. If you choose to rent business-class apartments, earnings will be much higher, because such real estate is more expensive and most often rented by the day - income can be at least 3-5 thousand rubles per day, that is, 90-150 thousand per month.

Thus, the purchase of the most inexpensive one-room apartment can pay off already in 10 months of rent (business-class housing often pays off faster), and the rest of the costs - in 5-6 months. Within 1.5-2 years after the start of work, the apartment rental business begins to generate net income, and if you meet the needs of customers and improve their living conditions, profits will increase very quickly.

For a long time, real estate has been one of the most reliable ways to save money. Such a guarantee cannot be expected from money, nor from gold, nor from precious stones. Jewelry and precious metals are movable property and can be lost quite easily, while cash is subject to inflation and suffers from monetary reforms. Housing is always valuable. And it can even serve as a tool for making a profit. If you know how to make money on real estate, you can establish a very real and reliable business. Let's take a quick look at its main schemes.

How it works

So, we earn on the sale of real estate. And not only on it. Investing in residential properties can be done on a different scale and in different ways. Namely, buying and reselling apartments, renting out premises or opening your own intermediary business in the form of a private real estate agency. You can also buy or rent commercial premises. Other real estate (cottages) as an object of resale is listed less due to the high cost of a housing unit, but is also quite in demand.

Not all of these methods are available to anyone. Buying a home or renting a commercial fund requires an investment of very, very considerable initial funds. Such investments can be afforded mainly by commercial organizations. Among their opportunities is obtaining a bank loan for their own project. But a real estate business, that is, earnings on transactions with its purchase and sale, is also available to an individual with the necessary initial capital.

What are the main risks

The main business risk in this area is the lack of a quick payback and possible losses in connection with this. The most popular type of such investment is the purchase of housing (a separate apartment) for the purpose of further sale. In recent years, due to the crisis and falling prices in this area, the volume of investments in such transactions has significantly decreased and amounts to no more than 15%. This is explained by the lack of increased demand, as opposed to the housing boom of the early 2000s.

Buying a home in the face of growing demand for it guarantees multiple earnings when reselling it. This is especially true for those who managed to invest free finances in this area in the last decades of the last century. After 10-15 years, the profit in such transactions amounted to a tenfold amount.

Today, such an effect can no longer be expected, since periods of particularly rapid growth in housing demand (and, accordingly, prices) are not expected in the short term. Currently, the domestic market is rather in a phase of decline. Significantly increase in price only objects of affordable housing. In large cities, including the capital, expensive real estate is not in high demand.

About shared construction

The best option for investment is housing in new buildings. Other real estate ("secondary property") will not give such an effect. Buying in a house at the excavation stage will be the cheapest. By purchasing an apartment in the initial phase of construction, you save about 30% of its cost. In a stable market, this is exactly the figure of profit, the calculation of which investors can be considered quite realistic.

But one should not discount the huge mass of risks of the shared construction system. At the earliest stage, their value is maximum. To reduce risks, you should choose only developers with sufficient experience and a solid reputation. Indirect, but not absolute, signs of this can be a lot of previously commissioned objects, conducting activities in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law No.

Which apartments to buy

How to make money on real estate, having the amount necessary for investment? Which apartment is better to buy? If you plan to sell it further, choose a monolithic house. This will increase the future market value of the property. The price depends, in addition, on the degree of livability of the surrounding area, the quality of infrastructure, the availability of a number of necessary social facilities in the form of a school, kindergarten, hospitals and chain stores, good transport interchange, and in Moscow - proximity to the metro and the overall rating of the area.

Those conducting their business in the capital are advised to focus on plans for the construction and expansion of the metro network. In Moscow, interest in real estate located outside the Moscow Ring Road has increased these days. The reasons are the rise in prices for such apartments when connecting to the former remote area of ​​the metro line. The cost of housing increases in such cases by 15-30%.

What you should know about real estate in the suburbs

Housing prices are rising not only in Moscow, but also in the region. The cheapest real estate in the Moscow region is apartments in new buildings in Zelenograd. This is due to some remoteness of the city from the Moscow Ring Road. Moreover, the infrastructure of this area has no worse than Moscow. In addition, attention should be paid to the Solntsevo districts, where it is planned to open a metro line this year, Yuzhnoye Butovo, Dmitrovsky, etc.

Another option for investing in real estate is to rent it out. How to make money renting real estate? Rented housing is in demand almost always. After all, not everyone can afford to buy their own apartment. A person planning such an option needs either a free real estate object (apartment), or a certain amount in the form of initial capital.

You can use this money by renting suitable housing for the purpose of subsequent delivery. If there are enough funds to buy an apartment, which you can later rent out, consider that your business will be an inevitable success.

The result is not soon...

But it should be borne in mind that the purposeful purchase of an apartment for future rent is not the fastest business. Its payback is not so great. In Moscow, buying an average-priced "odnushka" will justify itself in about fifteen years, for a two-room apartment this period is sixteen - eighteen years, and the cost of a "three-ruble note" is such that you can return all the funds invested in the purchase, perhaps, only after a quarter of a century.

How to make money on real estate using a mortgage? And is it possible? Contrary to the common scheme with buying an apartment on a mortgage and then renting it out, the payback of such housing does not hold water. This property requires very long loan repayments with interest. The process drags on for decades. The final cost of housing as a result is overestimated by a couple of times. Renting such an apartment does not bring any tangible profit, the maximum covers the payment of the loan.

What apartments are rented

So, you have decided to buy an apartment for the purpose of renting. What is better to choose? The most popular are one-room apartments. They are chosen for rent most often. The requirements for the house in this case are not too high. It can be both panel and not too prestigious. If you do not think about the future sale of such an apartment or use it for your own needs, budget housing in a five-story panel building is a good option in terms of saving on initial investments. But, bearing in mind the possible prospect of sale, you should take care of its acceptable quality.

Most often, the ultimate prospect of such an apartment is to become the future home of the younger generation of the investor's family. In this sense, investing in housing is a smart and promising step. By the time the child comes of age, the apartment will pay for itself and increase in price many times over. By renting housing that is not yet in demand, you will return the initial investment and will be able to make an excellent valuable gift for your son or daughter for the age of majority, almost free of charge.

If there is no money

Is it possible to start a real estate business without investing a single penny of initial capital? We'll have to disappoint you - this idea is one of the unrealizable fairy tales for lovers of freebies. Even deciding to rent out your own apartment, think about the need to bring it to a decent condition. That is, the cost of a good cosmetic repair will be required.

Investments will also be required in the search for suitable options, and payment in part or in full for housing and communal services for purchased objects, and much more. Therefore, without initial funds, there is nothing to do in this business.

Moscow real estate - a gold mine?

The capital, with its exorbitant housing prices, is the most promising place in terms of such earnings for its indigenous people. The most common option for investing in real estate for an ordinary Muscovite is renting out their own apartment in a good area for very decent money with relocation to live in rented housing in one of the cities of the Moscow region, where the rent is several times lower.

Some decide to sell expensive Moscow real estate and buy cheaper ones in the Moscow region. The difference in money is invested in the rent of additional premises for the purpose of commercial hiring. A capital apartment, in addition, can be converted into a hostel and rented by the day. As you know, retail rental prices are incomparable with long-term rentals.

Other options

How to make money on real estate when there is no extra living space at your disposal and is not expected? If at the same time you live in a "kopeck piece" or "three-room apartment", and one room remains unoccupied, this free living space can be rented out.

Some "apartment" businessmen purposefully buy up apartments, choosing the most "killed" - without any repairs, often in a terrible state. As a rule - the former property of alcoholics and other lumpen. The market value of such housing is somewhat lower than average, and, having forked out for a decent repair, it is possible to return the invested funds with a significant “additive” in the subsequent sale. After all, the internal condition of the apartment is the first thing that a potential buyer will pay attention to. Many are purposefully looking for renovated housing, as they don’t have the strength or desire to mess around on their own, and are ready to pay for it.

There is such a profession

How to make money in real estate from scratch? What is the least expensive investment method? Perhaps, here we can talk about private realtorship. An intermediary in apartment transactions does not require initial capital, because the principle of such earnings is to receive a percentage of commission from the client for the services rendered. But this business can not be attributed to easy and uncomplicated. Those who choose real estate activity will have to study a huge amount of information, actively move around the city, communicate with a huge number of people. potential clients, the search for which is more difficult for a single businessman to conduct than for a professional promoted agency with ample opportunities for self-promotion.

The realtor is required, in addition to dexterity and penetrating abilities, good communication skills and psychological flair. In this case, the first results can be expected not earlier than in a year. And therefore, at first, it makes sense to conduct such activities only on the basis of additional earnings - as an initial step in the development of future business.