Business with China. Business with China on resale from scratch

How to Start a Business in China - 10 Store Ideas + 15 Tips for Newbies in Business.

Some are wondering: How to start a business with China and make big money?

The idea may seem impossible, but if you start right, following the tips in this article, then everything difficult and impossible will become possible.

Business with China for beginners

Starting your own business is not an easy task, however, having studied all the rules and features of working with Chinese suppliers, you can succeed and start earning good money.

There are 3 ways to organize a business based on the sale of things from China:

  • Outlet.
  • Online store.
  • Combination of outlet and online store.

The easiest way to start is to create an online store.

In this case, it is not required to receive a large amount, open a point, hire employees and pay for renting a room.

However, you still need to register the store.

Chinese goods today occupy a large part of the Russian market, and things are provided both high and low quality.

To start the activity, there will be enough investments up to 50,000 rubles required for the development of the site and the purchase of a minimum set of goods.

The scheme of work with China is very simple:

  1. The goods are purchased via the Internet from a supplier from China.
  2. Delivery is made to Russia.
  3. The price of a commodity rises.
  4. Sale in progress.

The minimum time required to fully develop a business and establish sales, as well as recoup investments, is about 2 months.

A novice businessman will quickly understand the process of trading and will be able to reach a higher level, expanding the range.

How to start a business with China: 10 ideas for a trading business

The essence of business with China is the purchase and resale of various things.

However, you can or outlet of various types.

Most often in China they order and then resell:

  • Cosmetics.
  • Clothes for women, men and children.
  • Shoes.
  • Toys.
  • office.
  • Underwear.
  • Household chemicals.
  • Dishes.
  • Textile.
  • Household appliances and electronics.

In order to start trading, it is not necessary to buy all the goods and rent a warehouse for storage.

At first, you can order goods from a supplier after an order from consumers appears on it.

In order for your store to flourish and more buyers appear, you must carefully monitor the quality of the purchased goods and, if a defect is found, return it to the seller or exchange it.

What you need to know about starting a business with China?

Before starting a business, you need to evaluate your capabilities, study the advantages and disadvantages of doing business with China.

    The minimum cost of production.

    You can earn a lot on the margin - from 50 to 100 percent on top.

    Large selection of products of different brands and colors.

    You can choose from the photos presented on the site.

    Round-the-clock communication with sellers.

    You can write a letter and get a response to it 24 hours a day.

    Exclusive item.

    Most often, new items made in China have not yet been seen in Russia.

    Evaluation of the quality of the goods only after receiving it.

    Returning defective goods is always an unpleasant and lengthy procedure.

    The impossibility of "touching the product" and visually assessing its appearance.

    Often what is sent is very different from the photos on the site.

    Waiting for delivery to Russia.

    The average delivery time is a week to three months.

Despite the fact that now, in the era of the Internet, each person can place an order from China on their own without overpaying, people still prefer to purchase goods through intermediaries.

The intermediary seller guarantees the quality, compliance of the goods with the photo and description, as well as fast delivery.

At the initial stage of work, you may encounter the manufacturer’s dishonesty, poor quality of goods and unwillingness to return the money spent.

In order for a business to develop and stay afloat, it is necessary to build it gradually, performing all the necessary actions.

Steps required to open and develop a business with China:

    Business model study.

    The most common of them are: joint purchases and work using the Internet.

    Resource calculation.

    Resources include not only the amount of money in a bank account, but also the presence of certain experience, the ability to do business with foreign suppliers and attract buyers.

    If there is no such experience, it is best to start with dropshipping: work through an intermediary.

    This minimizes the risk.

    On the website of the online store, the goods must be described so that buyers can have an idea about the thing and its characteristics.

    Supplier search.

    You can find it on sites on the Internet, such as, or through friends.

    Checking the found supplier.

    Ordering and receiving goods.

Particular attention should be paid to checking the supplier for reliability.

Answering the question how to start business with china It should be noted that, first of all, it is necessary to take measures to protect your own finances.

How to check the reliability of a supplier?

    By setting the domain name registration time.

    If only a few weeks have passed since its inception, the idea of ​​​​cooperation should be abandoned, no matter how attractive the established prices may seem.

    After reading reviews on the internet.

    Today you can find reviews on almost any product and manufacturer.

    Having studied the website of the supplier company.

    If too diverse a choice of products is presented - ranging from hygiene items to household appliances, you should close the page with the site and do not open it again.

    Read the terms and conditions for advance payment.

    Accounts submitted for deposit Money, should belong to the company, not to its employees.

    Asked to provide scans of registration documents.

    Make sure your provider has their own mail service.

    If it is not there, this is not a guarantee of the unreliability of the store, but one of the warning signs.

To find a reliable supplier of goods from China,

Wholesale deliveries and starting business with China

For business activity to be considered legal, it is necessary not only to obtain a registration document of the established form, but also to interact with officially registered suppliers who have a document giving the right to wholesale goods.

Scheme of interaction with the supplier:

  • Checking the availability of invoices and certificates giving the right to trade.
  • Customs clearance of goods and payment of duties.
  • In accordance with the rules of import: preparation of a tax declaration and a certificate of conformity of goods to quality.

A novice businessman should pay attention to the fact that delivery of the ordered goods by truck is the best way, although sometimes it is more profitable to combine transportation. by car and ground-air.

When ordering a product, pay attention to calculating the final cost of the product, which will include the payment of all fees and taxes.

You should not overly focus on start-up capital when starting work with China.

To gain experience, order goods in small quantities that can be quickly sold out.

To understand how to start business with china need to act.

Step by step, you can succeed, understand the system of working with China and attracting buyers in Russia.

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Hello dear readers! Anatomy of Business simply had to pay attention to such a popular question today - what are the business ideas from China? This magnificent country has long been ahead of the G7 giants and most of the world's leading countries in its economic development. Today, the Chinese are real wizards. They are able to produce goods for any consumer.

It is no secret that almost all world brands are now produced in China, because it is there that it is the cheapest to do it. Therefore, "made in China" is not always a bad quality. The same brand of machine can be made in China for different markets. Only for the cheaper segment, its price will be 10 thousand USD, and for the expensive one - 30 thousand USD. Accordingly, the quality and characteristics will be different. There are no restrictions for the Chinese, they will do anything. The only question is how much are you willing to pay.

But even Chinese goods of good quality are much cheaper than domestic counterparts. Amazingly, sometimes the markup can reach up to 500%! And the products from the Celestial Empire are presented as national. Not surprisingly, such price gaps are very attractive to businessmen. That is why, when someone talks about business ideas from China, first of all, trade is meant: to buy cheaper there in order to sell more expensive here. But what kind of goods can be sold and how to set up a mechanism? Let's try to figure this out together.

Business ideas from China for everyone who does not have an initial investment!

There is an idea that does not involve any investment - this is dropshipping. Have you heard of this? The literal translation from English sounds like "direct delivery". This method consists in the fact that you act as an intermediary between the buyer and the seller. You order the necessary goods on behalf of the first: register on the site, communicate with the seller if necessary, track the delivery afterwards, that is, take care of everything organizational issues. And the buyer can only wait for his order, which comes to him at his own address.

This method has many advantages: you don’t need to hire employees, look for a room as a warehouse, only the Internet is needed for efficient work, and of course you don’t need to invest your money - all calculations are made at the expense of the customer on an advance payment.

The main disadvantage of this method is that delivery takes at least three weeks. There are also risks of package loss or customs delays. Not all buyers are willing to wait that long. But practice shows that most people manage to build on this good profitable business. Income in this case is the markup on the cost of acquisition. What will be this margin - 10% or 100% - you decide.

Which in this case is better to use the Internet - we have already told the resource in our article

Well, if you don’t want to lose customers, then with the same success you can purchase goods for your own money, and later engage in sales through social networks, trading platforms and own website.

Here you need to remember - if the order amount is less than 1000 euros, then you do not need to pay customs clearance services. Accordingly, exceeding this threshold, it will be necessary to include customs clearance in the cost price.

What are the best Chinese products to sell?

Is in great demand souvenir products. The cost of such consumer goods in China is cheap, but here it is the sellers who break the bank, bringing the margin to unimaginable sizes.

Leather bags are also a priority. In Russia they are very expensive. Therefore, there is a good opportunity to dump the market, while providing high-quality and inexpensive products, and of course, making good money on this.

In general, the Chinese often come up with some unusual goods, novelties, which cannot be found in the domestic expanses. You can track their appearance using the Internet, quickly order and distribute.

One of these products recently caught my eye - a smart bottle that gives clues to its owner on the amount of water not drunk during the day according to the standard. At first glance, it may seem - what nonsense. But personally, I understand that this is not nonsense at all, but a real revolutionary discovery, on which you can make good money.

It is no secret that the trend of a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and sports is now a priority. Being athletic, beautiful and healthy is now not only useful, but also fashionable. AT in social networks there are more and more groups dedicated to sports topics. YouTube is full of various channels about fitness and healthy eating. I myself am a member of such a group, I read the news every day, I go to the gym. Athletes are a category of fanatical people. They will stop at nothing to get things done. But 60% of the result depends on nutrition. I know from my own experience that drinking 2 liters of water a day, as it is recommended to do to increase metabolism, especially when it has not become a habit, is very difficult. You just forget to do it. That is why such a bottle, for me personally, would be a salvation. And I am sure that a huge part of people would like to purchase such a useful product.

When implementing, you can not only cooperate with groups on sports topics in social networks, but also directly with fitness clubs, gyms, and dance styles. People would buy it!

My point is that you need to look for such new products and immediately get to work. I am sure that the result can be felt very soon.

If you own some start-up capital, then a furniture trade will be an excellent solution. Such a business implies a completely different level of income.

Among the business ideas from China, selling furniture is a sure-fire option!

Many have heard about furniture from China: it is of high quality and inexpensive, and the variety of styles amazes even the most fastidious customer. Here you can find everything: from classics to high-tech.

The largest furniture factories are concentrated in the suburbs of Guangzhou. Among them, one can single out the city of Foshan - the center of Chinese furniture production. There are just a huge number of factories, each of which has its own exhibition centers. There is an opportunity not only to visually evaluate the purchase, but also to touch, sit, and also directly visit the manufacturer at the factory. All this is welcome. Some factories have their own showrooms right on the production site. Of course, ordering Chinese furniture via the Internet is also possible, but if you plan to seriously engage in this, then you should definitely visit there. And not only to see all this magnificence of choice, but also to establish business connections. In China, the popular furniture exhibition China International Furniture Fair takes place twice a year, in which only Chinese manufacturers exhibit their products.

Of course, you may be confused or even frightened by the very idea of ​​an independent trip to another country. But in this case, everything is already thought out for us. Shopping tours in China are now very popular. The furniture industry is a leader among all kinds of shopping tours. A large number of agencies offer such services for a fee. It is not necessary to order a shop-tour on every trip, it is enough to buy furniture once and bring it home, and then you can act independently. During this tour you will be guided through a huge number of furniture suppliers, including both exhibition centers and places of direct production. Such a trip is beneficial even if you purchase furniture not for subsequent sale, but for yourself. The fact is that prices in Russia for such goods are at least three times higher. Usually such a shop-tour can take about five days.

Features of delivery of furniture from China!

But with the delivery you need to be very careful. As a rule, cargo from China comes to Vladivostok by sea, and then by road or by rail to the destination.

As a standard, carrier companies offer delivery from China to your door at a total price of about six hundred US dollars per cubic meter of a container. But in practice, such delivery results in huge sums for the buyer. In addition, transport companies can lay down the same cost of transportation from the port to Moscow and to Khabarovsk, for example. This is completely illogical, and I agree with that. Therefore, it is in your interests to make delivery with reloading - one tariff to the port, another from the port to your city. For example, there are carriers that deliver from Guangzhou to the port of Vladivostok for 80 USD. per cubic meter. And then the price varies depending on your place of residence. But such an approach to transportation saves twice as much as it is unreasonable to pay 600 USD at once. per cubic meter. It is necessary to find out all the details of transportation and tariffs. By simple calculations, you can determine what the real price of transportation is and what justifies the offer of the logistics company.

What is the savings when buying furniture in China?

As we have already said, furniture in China is much cheaper than domestic. Even if you take into account customs clearance and delivery, all the same, there is a big gap. For example, a sofa set in China can be purchased for 60 thousand rubles, taking into account all expenses. We have exactly the same will cost about 150 thousand rubles. At the same time, domestic manufacturers often do not say that the furniture is Chinese, selling it under their own brand.

Of course, before you start this business, you need to accurately calculate everything. Determine the target category of buyers. This will directly affect the amount of profit. After all, a significant part of the cost is shipping. And it does not depend on the quality of the furniture. Transporting a container stuffed with $10,000 worth of inexpensive furniture will cost the same as a $100,000 luxury item.

In conclusion, I want to say that the success of the implementation of any business idea from China, of course, depends, first of all, on your desire, perseverance, work and faith in success. You can constantly come up with excuses for yourself, like, “it’s difficult,” “it’s not profitable,” “it’s not for me,” or you can just start doing something. Many people have built their own successful business, you can not even come up with something new. There will be enough buyers for everyone and money too! Anatomy of business wishes you all kinds of victories and successful implementation of your plans!

Many have heard that you can make money on the resale of goods from China. However, not everyone knows how to start acting and find your niche. Selling goods from China as a business has been popular in Russia for several years and brings income to many citizens. You can start working in the field without starting capital.

Business with China for resale without investment

Beginners can start from scratch to make money even if they don't have start-up capital. Business on Chinese goods is profitable due to the low price of clothing, equipment, etc. in China. If you resell even with a small margin, you can make a profit without leaving your home. Business with China for resale without investments is an order from a supplier of goods already paid for by customers (on prepayment).

In this case, the dropshipping scheme is used:

  1. Choose what they want to sell.
  2. They find a supplier with whom they agree on cooperation on the principle of dropshipping.
  3. They start earning.

It is important to keep in mind that they do not require customs clearance for parcels from China worth up to 1,000 euros. Thanks to this, it is possible to work with significant deliveries. If the price of a parcel is more than 1,000 euros (about 65,000 rubles), then you can agree with the supplier to underestimate the cost when sending, then the goods will cross the border without problems. You can sell things from China through your own one-page sites, social networks, and outlets.

Business with China for resale with investments

To start working big, initial capital is required. Money is needed for promotion, payment for the first delivery, advertising, and so on. For delivery, you can use different variants, but the most reliable is transportation by road. It is important to choose the right supplier that has an export license. Only if this document is available, it will be possible to transport the purchased products to Russia.

To start a business with China on resale with investments legally, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Buy from the supplier only goods with certificates and warranty cards.
  2. Pass customs clearance at the border officially and pay the state duty.
  3. Prepare documents for imported products from China.

How to start a business with China

There are a huge number of paid and free videos on how to turn cooperation with China into profit (for example, the Chinese Compote portal, a video tutorial from Chinaberry). To pass or not to study, everyone decides for himself. However, it is worth focusing on a few mandatory stages of a startup. To start a business with China, you need the following:

  1. Choose an idea: what to sell, to whom, how much money you can earn. For example, copies of iPhones, clothes for children, dishes and more.
  2. Niche testing: create a website, advertising, analyze the number of applications from buyers.
  3. Sales method: own online store, Avito, outlet, Instagram, Vkontakte and more.
  4. Find a platform for the purchase of products: Aliexpress, Taobao, Alibaba and others.
  5. Order the first batch of goods and start selling.

How to build a business with China

If you believe the reviews and video courses about this area of ​​work, it becomes clear that it is better to choose a supplier on your own, checking the reliability of the company and production. To do this, entrepreneurs who are ready to invest in business are advised to go to China. If this is not possible, then you can read the reviews about the seller and choose only stores with a high rating. With the supplier, you need to decide which postal service will deliver the products in order to reduce the time for shipment. Many work through an intermediary, but this increases costs.

To build a business with China, you need to remember a few conditions, what you need to do to start cooperation:

  1. Ask the owner of the company for all the necessary licenses, certificates, certificates.
  2. Compare the legal address of the company with the real one.
  3. Find out on the Internet what is next to this company.
  4. Be sure to request copies or scans of the company's bank documents in Chinese.

How to work directly with China

To significantly reduce average costs, it is recommended to do without intermediaries, and personally cooperate with manufacturing factories in China. However, this option provides for the expansion of the scope of work. You will have to trade goods of a diverse range, depending on the chosen specifics. It is much more profitable to work directly with China, especially for businessmen involved in household appliances, furniture, branded items, and fur coats. Manufacturers are more willing to make discounts and make concessions.

Trade with China for beginners

In order not to be disappointed in this line of business at the initial stage of work, it is worth adopting a few rules. Trading with China for beginners will start to make a profit if:

  1. Choose a specific product group without trying to cover the entire market.
  2. Parcels from China should be delivered by paid postal services in order to speed up the process of receiving products.
  3. To attract customers, you should constantly launch promotions and make discounts.
  4. If an entrepreneur is limited in finances, it is worth choosing inexpensive goods: toys, accessories, and so on.
  5. It is worth taking care of sales receipts and guarantees for purchased goods. This will improve the reputation of the entrepreneur and Chinese products in general.

Video: doing business with China

Many aspiring entrepreneurs today are interested in the question: why is business on goods from China through an online store profitable? We will answer this question below.

The first reason is to save time. Every free minute is precious to every person in the modern bustling world. And this argument is sufficient to pay twice the price for the product than to wait one or two months for it to arrive from China.

The second argument is the lack of information about where and how to order. After all, not everyone knows that there are special resources that are easily available for development.

Entrepreneurs who want to start a business with China can rummage through the search all day, and this is understandable - after all, it will be difficult for an ordinary buyer to sort out a huge amount of information.

Business with China will require, first of all, the customer to decide on the category of goods that will be more interesting to him. And only after that you can look for a supplier. Learn about the goods that are in demand among the citizens of our country today from the article:

The analytical material of this article will help you figure out how you can make money by buying products in China and which suppliers you can cooperate with if an entrepreneur is just starting his business.

How to do business with China on the resale of goods from the Aliexpress website?

Business on goods from China should be started by studying on the Internet web resources that offer the purchase of products directly from China. It can be immediately noted that there are several such sites. All of them have a huge selection of products, so you should bet on other points:

  • delivery terms;
  • price;
  • registration on the portal.

It can be immediately noted that the ebay and paypal sites are lame in these moments, as they have proven themselves to be long delivery, high prices and very complicated registration. It's not worth starting a business with them. Therefore, we will consider the work of two resources, the most accessible and popular today - these are Aliexpress and TaoBao.

And so, let's consider the advantages of the Aliexpress platform (a branch of Alibaba), in comparison with the Ebay resource.

  1. Most of the portal's range has lower prices - this factor is important for those who are going to start their own business.
  2. Products are made only in China.
  3. The worst-case delivery time is 60 days, with an average of 40 days.
  4. Simplicity in finding a supplier and establishing individual cooperation.
  5. Payment is made through a bank card or using a Qiwi wallet.
  6. After sending the order, the customer receives the code of the postal item, by which you can monitor the movement of the parcel.

The negative side of the resource is the lack of popular brands from other countries.

Thus, the benefit of ordering products directly from China comes down to several points:

  • high demand;
  • low purchase prices;
  • an easy-to-sell product;
  • profit is 80 - 200%.

How to place an order on Aliexpress

  1. Login to the site and register. Fill in all the lines of the registration page, as a result, you create your account.
  2. Log in to your account, enter your home address in English and phone number.
  3. Start shopping. Choose products according to the seller's rating, which is determined by the quality of services and products. The rating is marked with medals and insignia. The highest seller rating is the crown. If you see such an icon, then this seller will sell you good products from China. You can also learn about a seller from customer reviews and look at the percentage of positive and negative reviews.
  4. The search can be sorted by price, rating, new products, features, delivery and purchases (retail or wholesale).

It is worth noting that small and cheap goods from China have a purchase limit. The seller's account always contains shipping information. It can be free or paid.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of the seller, you need to look at his rating, it is indicated on his page and should be from 98% - this is the minimum.

In the message, you can specify wishes, for example, “package the goods as best as possible - this is important for my business.”

Features of payment for goods from China on Aliexpress

The next window will offer a payment method: Mastercard, or VISA or Qiwi wallet.

The easiest way to pay is through Qiwi Wallet. This method is often used by those who have their own resale business. To do this, you need to register on the site, and then, in any terminal of the city, replenish his account.

After making a payment through the wallet, the money goes first to the administrator of the Aliexpress resource. From the moment the order is sent, within 40 days, in the SPOR section, you can resolve various issues, and even return the money if the parcel is not received.

Where to get money to start own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

If it is convenient for you to work with the Aliexpress resource, read this useful analytical material:

How to do business with China on the resale of goods from the TaoBao website

Business with China from scratch can be started from the Taobao site. It is a huge field with online stores in which the sellers are Chinese, and the main buyers (pay attention!) are also Chinese. Of course, the prices in such stores are much lower, since the sale is carried out within China for its residents. And the Chinese will never pay dearly for something that has a low cost. Can Russian people use TaoBao services? The answer is simple: they can through an intermediary.

How to place an order on Taobao

Only the Chinese have access to the assortment of the TaoBao resource, and only they can make payment for the goods on the Alipay account, but in China there are a lot of so-called "conductors" who will make payment for Russian customers and send products in any possible way.

Finding a Taobao Reseller

Business with China on the TaoBao website provides for the participation of a “guide”, finding such a person will not be difficult. To do this, you need to register on Vkontakte and find the desired group. But it is even easier to do this on the web resource forum, where in the “intermediaries” section they offer their services under completely different conditions. In addition, you can get good tips on the forum, where people talk about the “guides” they had to work with when starting their business on goods from China.

Working with an intermediary

The general scheme of the customer's actions with the "conductor" is as follows:

  • an advance payment to the intermediary is transferred (from ten to twenty percent of the cost of the product plus the cost of delivery to his home);
  • point him to the links to the products you need;
  • the “conductor” buys goods for the customer at his address in China, opens the packages and looks at the quality; takes photos of what he bought and provides a photo to the customer;
  • forms everything in one package and sends it by a transport company;
  • the customer pays the remaining money for delivery plus pays for the services of an intermediary.

How to get to the TaoBao website?

Since the site uses the Chinese language, the Russian customer in Google must enter in the search box, in the form of Chinese characters. To do this, the translation of the site name can be done through Google translator. Then the matter remains small - from thousands of proposals to choose the right product, on which business with China will "hold on".

How to select goods on TaoBao - step by step instructions!

  1. Enter the site by translating its name into Chinese.
  2. The site has a line "product search". You need to enter the name of the desired product in Chinese into it. It is done like this:
    • open the main page of the site and at the same time Google translator;
    • enter the name of the product in Russian into the translator and get a translation into Chinese;
    • copy the Chinese text and paste it into the Taobao search engine;
    • make adjustments to the proposed list, filtering out the unnecessary; adjustment can be by price, by type of product; for example, bags can be women's and men's, over the shoulder, sports, etc.
    • looking through a huge list, you need to save links of the necessary goods from China.

Consider step by step working with an intermediary in the presence of all links to the desired products. TaoBao covers a large market and they can also send products to another country, since delivery will be very expensive, and the goods may turn out to be “anything”. Therefore, building a business with China from scratch is possible only with a reliable intermediary.

How to buy on TaoBao

It should be remembered that it will not work to make a purchase of Chinese products on your own, only the participation of an intermediary will help to complete the intended task.

  1. The intermediary gives a table in which the customer enters links to the item of interest. In the same place it is necessary to specify the sizes, colors, the prices and the image (picture).
  2. The generated file is sent to the intermediary. In turn, he buys the item to his Chinese address; draws up a list of products that are not available and informs the customer about it; while offering a replacement for something else. This procedure will take 7 to 10 days.
  3. On the Sberbank card (this will be the card of an intermediary in Russia), the customer pays the amount for the entire purchase plus 10% for the services of the Chinese “conductor”.
  4. The Russian intermediary from China delivers the goods to Vladivostok for about 5 days. The cost of delivery is calculated at the rate of 1 kg costs 250 rubles (this is the tariff of 2016). Shipping paid.
  5. From Vladivostok, the same Russian "conductor" sends products from China to any city in Russia (at the specified address). The services of the transport company are paid upon receipt of the order, and their amount depends on the length of the path.
  6. In TC, the customer receives his order and from that moment begins to actively work on profit, which is the main goal of his business with China.
  7. The whole process of purchasing and shipping products from China will take about one month. At the time when the order with Aliexpress will move about two months. An important moment is when the intermediary checks the quality of the goods before sending them to Russia.

What is better to order on sites for resale?

To the question: “What is better to order in China for a resale business?” - it's easy to answer, since everything is bought from underwear to spare parts. You can look at Avito, or you can see in Yandex what is requested most often. However, the question: what to do business with China - everyone decides for himself. If you still have not decided what to build your business on, this article will help you in many ways to make the right choice:

Summing up: is it better to start a business with China on Aliexpress or on Taobao?

Comparing both sites, some differences can be noted. So, business with China from Taobao will give more trouble, but the output will be faster delivery and lower prices. Aliexpress provides ease of ordering, but accordingly the prices are slightly higher, and the delivery is a little longer.

Business with China, trade in China, business ideas from China. The most popular topic of recent times. . Already in three parts. And still relevant. But, today we will not stop there and consider one practical example ..

The ideal business is one that works without you, does not require investments, but brings you daily income. Perfect, yes.

Is it possible in reality? Probably not. Especially with China. If you see webinars, seminars, subscriptions and more that promise to teach you how to build sales on goods from China, with a 500% profit. Don't trust them. For one reason. If it were possible, this scheme would be used independently, without publicity. And if it is disclosed, then either it does not work, or it works in violation of state laws.

But, business with China is possible. The classic business is the resale of goods. Moreover, the goods can be anything - things, equipment, electronics, machine tools. Do you want a real train? We are sure that in China it can be bought without any problems. and sell here.

How to organize a real business on resale from China

The first and most important condition is that you must know China, its specifics, the specifics of the market, and production. In China, there are large factories, and there are handicraft industries. Both can produce the same product, externally, but internally... If you decide to start a business with China, a serious business, come to China, see with your own eyes. The owners of Chinese factories will be happy to give you tours and sign a supply contract with you.

Or you should have an assistant who will know all these subtleties. Who do you trust as yourself.

Of course, now there are a huge number of "helpers" and intermediaries - who will be happy to find, negotiate, buy and send a batch of any product that you want. For a modest 3-10% of the purchase price. But, they will not refund your money if the goods are of poor quality and you will bear all the complaints. That is, all buyers are here, they will return the goods to you, and the “helpers” are there, and the seller will say that they don’t know you. And this, unfortunately, is a very common example. Therefore, we recommend that you independently look for manufacturers and negotiate with them directly, or entrust this stage to a person who will share all the material risks with you.

So, having agreed and bought the goods, the Chinese will lovingly send the batch to the border, and then you will act again on your own. If the batch is really large, for example, a full sea container, where the goods are worth a couple of hundred thousand dollars, think about how to do transportation, customs clearance and other things yourself. If the volume is more modest, a couple of boxes, entrust it to cargo companies, of which there are a lot, specializing in the delivery of wholesale consignments from China (do not confuse them with “helpers”). Cargo companies provide a full range of services - purchase, delivery, customs clearance, escort, documents, etc. Another big plus of serious cargo companies working with China is that it is possible to return VAT with them (if you buy goods through them, that is, you find the goods, negotiate with the manufacturer, but the carrier’s representatives will pay and receive). Direct Chinese manufacturers are deprived of such an opportunity.

Here, a simple concept of doing business with China, which worked 10 years ago, works in 2015, will work in 2016, and 10 years from now.

Let's repeat the key points - find the goods and the manufacturer on your own, negotiate, buy and bring to yourself (on your own or with the help of cargo companies), sell the goods several times more expensive than the purchase prices. The most legal implementation scheme, if, of course, you pay all fees and taxes. Which we highly recommend you do.

How to find manufacturers

So, if you have not gone to China, but want to find manufacturers. Remember one address on the Internet - Alibaba.

A specialized platform for foreigners to buy in bulk directly from Chinese manufacturers. The advantages of this platform are large factories that specialize in working with foreigners, all participants in the site know English, and often also have a Russian-speaking representative. The minus of the site is a lot of intermediaries who pretend to be factories. Such scammers can be identified in several ways, the most effective is to ask for everything Required documents– business license, product certificates and others. You can also visit the selected factory if a large order is implied.

You can also find manufacturers on other sites, but Alibaba is the largest, with a large assortment and a good reputation.

Thus, business with China is no different from our business, with one caveat, the cost of goods in China is low, due to the cheapness of production. Therefore, trading in Chinese goods is a profitable business.

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU