Extracurricular activities mother's day presentation. Holiday "Mother's Day" presentation for a lesson on the topic

“We will forever sing the praises of that woman whose name is MOTHER” -
development of a classroom lesson for grades 5-6 for Mother's Day
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Deputy Director for HR
MBOU Secondary School No. 6, Krymsk

In the archive you will find all necessary materials for the holiday:
- event script,
- presentation - 15 slides,
- music in MP3 format: 1 song + 8 beautiful melodies for musical accompaniment.
!!! Slideshow “Virgin Mary” is placed in separate archive!!!

We will forever sing the praises of that woman whose name is MOTHER

In the hall where the holiday will take place there is a festive decoration: there is a thematic panel on the stage, a photo exhibition with portraits of mothers and grandmothers of class students, there are flowerpots with flower arrangements, mothers are sitting in separate places for guests.
Jasmine's song "Mom's Heart" performed by a class student

Hello dear guys! Good afternoon dear mothers!
Today we are holding an unusual Classroom hour, and a holiday dedicated to Mother’s Day, which is called “We will forever glorify that woman whose name is MOTHER.” Mom is the first word a baby says; the kindest, loving woman leading us along the road of life. It often happens that mother’s deeds and actions become an example and lesson for us for life. And today we will talk about some of my mother’s lessons, which the mothers themselves did not even pay attention to, but for children they became one of the lessons with a capital letter.
Writer Nikolai Ostrovsky wrote: “There is a most beautiful creature to whom we are always indebted, this is Mother”

Presenter 1:
I believe that a woman is
Earthly miracle
What on the Milky Way
Can't find
And if a woman -
Holy word
That is thrice sacred -

The music for the song “Dark Night” 02 is playing. On the screen are footage of the Second World War. Devastation, blockade, children of war. (Slides 1-9) A girl comes out.

During the war we lived in the village. Dad fought, mom worked on a collective farm. She had four of us. I am the eldest, in 1942 I was 10 years old. I remember clearly: it was getting dark in the house, it was cold, I was hungry. I retold all the fairy tales to the kids, but they still whine. I'm so sad that I'm about to cry myself. And then mom comes. She lights the lamp, lights the stove, and sets the potatoes to boil. Her voice is gentle, her face is calm, albeit tired. I pressed my face to her chest, I know that this is happiness. And suddenly I realized what it means to be a mother. This means always bringing light, warmth, hope, comfort with you.

And indeed, all the warmest things are connected with the mother. And how calm your soul is when mommy is nearby. I think you will all agree with me. And now I’ll check how much you love your mothers. Let everyone take turns saying affectionate words addressed to mom.
So we got acquainted with my mother’s first lesson.

The music for the song “Mom, Our Mother” 03 is playing.

Presenter 2:
If the sun woke up, the morning began to shine.
If mom smiled, it made me so happy!
If the sun hid in the clouds, the birds fell silent.

Presenter 3:
If mom is upset, where can we have fun!
So let the sun always shine on people!
We will never upset you, dear!

Music continues to play 03. A girl comes out.

This was 4 years ago. At that time, we did not live in a separate apartment, but with neighbors - we cleaned the kitchen and the front room in turns for weeks, and then handed over duty. I washed the floor, cleaned the sink and gas stove. It seemed to me that I did everything as expected. Mom came home from work, looked and asked: “Did Aunt Lena see it?” I say: “Not yet.” "Well, fine!" - she was delighted, - “Otherwise it would be inconvenient.” I changed my clothes and started redoing my work. And I saw the taps sparkle, the blackness disappear from the sink, and the tiles sparkle. Mom didn’t reproach me, she just said: “Now let Aunt Lena take duty.” But I felt ashamed, and I gave my word - to do all the work so that no one would redo it after me.

Yes, mom is always a role model. Do you guys help your mothers? Come on, answer my questions:
– On which side should the knife be placed when setting the table?
– Where should the fork be?
– In which water is it better to wash things, cold or warm?
-When cooking pasta, what kind of water do they put it in: boiling or cold?

Presenter 4:
You only know your mother at home.
Native hands take care
Homely affectionate comfort,
So familiar and familiar.
And you don't always see your mother
In her labor concerns:
Don't you send telegrams with her?
You don’t treat the sick with her,
Don't rush with her on a steam locomotive,
You don’t see her at the machine,
And her main affairs on the collective farm
You don't share yet.
But if mom sometimes
She'll come home tired from work,
Warm her with your care
Help her with everything then!

The music for the song “Cowards Don't Play Hockey” 04 plays. A boy comes out.

My mother and I stood on the mountain, skiing. I've already gone down the mountain several times, but she's never done it. I saw that she was afraid, very much so. I thought that she would not move off it, but would go on a gentle descent. And my mother stood there, sighed and said: “We must,” and moved out. I remembered this many times later, when in some matter I wanted to take a detour or even turn back. Mom is still a woman and not quite young, but she didn’t want to give up. I firmly believe that a mother is the strength that overcomes fear.

No one will argue with me that nothing is scary if my mother is nearby. It’s not for nothing that so many poets have written beautiful poems about their mother. Listen to Rasul Gamzatov’s poem “Mama”

Against the background of quiet music for the song “Mama” 05
Rasul Gamzatov’s poem “Mama” sounds

Presenter 5:
I sing of what is eternally new,
And although I’m not singing a hymn at all,
But a word born in the soul
Finds its own music...
This word is a call and a spell,
In this word is the soul of existence,
This is the spark of the first consciousness,
Baby's first smile.
This word will never deceive you,
There is a life hidden in it,
It is the source of everything.
There is no end to it.
Get up!.. I say it:

Everyone gets up.
Mothers present are given flowers to applause.

The children of our school also write poetry. They took part in the school creative work competition “My Dear Mother”. And now they will read their poems

Children read poetry.

There are a lot of poems and songs about mom, and our girls even came up with a dance for moms.

Girls dance with candles to the song “Mama” by S. Lazareva 06

Music "Ave Maria" 07 is playing.
On the screen are slides with the faces of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Lord entrusted His Mother to become our Heavenly Intercessor, so that in moments of sorrow, illness, anxiety, and worries of our earthly life, we would always find strong and loving maternal support from Her. We rejoice in the fact that the warm, loving cover of our Heavenly Mother is always spread over us, both day and night, and when we remember this, and when we forget about it, our sorrows are satisfied, our illnesses pass.

Presenter 6:
Mother of God, soften cruel and evil hearts.
And let the rays of Your love, like golden arrows,
They will awaken meekness in them for the first time.
Open your hearts, O Mother of God, to kindness and compassion,
And pour pity on every creature from heaven like grace.

How many times did the Mother of God save our native country through Her intercession! When it seemed that the country was dying, She, through Her miraculous icons, showed special care for us and helped to free our Fatherland from the conquerors. The protection of the Mother of God is Her love for us, that love that strengthens us in troubles and misfortunes and dries up our tears.

Presenter 7:
I will tell you a story about how the Mother of God saved the children. During the war, it was decided to send children on trucks away from the front. To prevent the cars from being bombed, they decided to travel at night. The road went through the forest, and in the darkness the cars lost their way. They began to look for her, but never found her, and drove further across the field. Suddenly a Woman appeared in front of the first car. She stood silently with her arms outstretched to the sides.
The driver jumped out of the car, but there was no one on the road. The cars started moving, but immediately She appeared again. The driver got out of the cab and walked a little forward - there was a cliff. Then the cars turned back and soon drove out onto the road. This is how the Mother of God saved the children.

Presenter 8:
The Most Pure Mother protects our Holy Rus' with Herself.
He will protect you from all enemies and spread your cover.
Although it is invisible with the eyes, the heart feels it with tears.
I can’t say a word, I can’t say how beautiful grace is.

Presenter 9:
So many people prayed in front of the holy icon!
They bowed to the ground and whispered words to her.
They asked Her with hope: “Save, save, teach!”
And Her meek and tender face was illuminated by rays of love.
And those who stood before Her and stretched out their hands in prayer,
She consoled in sorrows, softened suffering and pain.
Grieving, sick, tired, bent over with worries
She whispered, like to little children: “This earthly thing will soon pass!”

Let us glorify the woman - MOTHER, the inexhaustible source of all-conquering life! Here the truth about the mother will be told, about how the servant and slave of death, Iron Tamerlane, bowed before her. Here's how it went:

On the stage, Tamerlane sits on the throne in front of him, a woman in rags.

No matter what you do, you are only a person, and I am a mother! You serve death, I serve life. You are guilty before me, and so I came to demand that you atone for your guilt... The most beautiful, smartest boy is my son! He was 6 years old when Saracens - pirates - came to our shore. They killed my father, my husband and many others, and kidnapped the boy, and now I’ve been looking for him on earth for four years. You have it, you must know where my son is, you must give it to me!

Silence. Shout from the audience: “She’s crazy! Execute her, great Tamerlane!”

Here sits a woman in front of me, such darkness, and she aroused in my soul feelings unknown to me. She speaks to me as an equal, and she does not ask, but demands. And I see, I understood, why this woman is so strong - she loves... Three hundred horsemen will be sent immediately to all the ends of my land, let them find this woman’s son.

All this is true: all the words here - our mothers know the truth about this, ask them and they will say: “Yes, all this is the eternal truth, we are stronger than death, we who continuously give the world sages, poets, heroes, we who sow in him, what makes him famous.”
Well, guys, today we talked a lot about mothers, and now we’ll give the floor to them. They will tell you about their hobbies. Some of the mothers took part in the school stage of the “Craft of the Virgin Mary” and “Culinary Symphony” competitions, and now you have the opportunity to appreciate their efforts.

Mothers show their products and briefly talk about them.

Teacher: Thank you very much to our mothers. So guys, it's time to conclude. The closest, dearest person is your mother. She warms with her warmth not only children, but the whole earth. Let me congratulate your mothers on your behalf. We hope they enjoyed our holiday.

Reader 1:
On this long-awaited day
We really want
See the most desirable ones
Our dear mothers

Reader 2:
And say “thank you!”
For your support in everything
I wish everyone had friends like this
We grow together with you

Reader 3:
Making progress
Day after day through the years,
We ask you very much, dear ones,
Always be a dream

Reader 4:
Never grow old
May life bring happiness
Never get sick
And thanks for everything!

The song “Mom” 08 is playing.
On the screen are slides with photographs of happy mothers and children.

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Scenario for the holiday "Mother's Day"

Boy and girl go on stage


What kind of holiday

Getting ready here?

Apparently honorable

Guests will come!

Maybe the generals will come?



Maybe the admirals will come?



Maybe a hero who has flown around the world?

Boy and children in chorus

No! No! No!


Stop guessing in vain,

Look, here they are - guests.

Honorable, most important!

Children in chorus.

Hello, dear mothers!


Slide No. 1

Slide No. 2


In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated quite recently, since 1998. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.


This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day I would like to say words of gratitude and love to all mothers.

Boy and girl in chorus

Dear dear mothers, let a smile always shine on your faces!

Slide No. 3

Boy and girl in chorus

Do not be ill,

Don't get old

Never get angry.

And so young

Stay forever!

Listen to the song “About Mom” Performed by Asol

Slide number 4


There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Brightly marked for centuries!

The most beautiful of women -

A woman with a child in her arms!

May the sun forever applaud her,

So she will live for centuries,

The most beautiful of women -

A woman with a child in her arms.

Slide No. 5


“How can one not be proud of her, one of the mothers, the initial seed of a huge life that she allowed to be born...”

E. Mezhelaitis

Slide No. 6

Our mothers, mothers, mothers!


How much warmth these words contain, which call the closest, dearest, only person. Mother's love can always warm us, because children are the most precious thing a mother has.

Slide No. 7-13

Children imagine their mothers and tell stories about them.

Children singing the song “Kind Dear Mother”

(Children come on stage)

Poem "She's All"

1 student

Who loves you children more?

Who loves you so tenderly?

And takes care of you

Without closing your eyes at night?

Mom dear! ( They answer in unison)

2 student

Who rocks the cradle for you,

Who sings songs to you?

Who tells you fairy tales?

And gives you toys?

Mom dear!(Answer in unison)

3 student

If, children, you are lazy,

Naughty, playful,

What happens sometimes

Who is shedding tears then?

She's all family.

Mom dear!(Answer in unison)


Mothers do everything for us, but without our help and care mothers cannot cope.

Student “Let's Sit in Silence” by E Blaginina

Mom is sleeping, she is tired...

Well, I didn’t interfere!

I don't start a top

And I sat down and sat.

My toys don't make noise

Quiet in the empty room,

And on my mother's pillow

The golden ray steals.

And I said to the beam:

I want to move too!

I would sing a song

I could laugh...

There's so much I want!

But mom is sleeping and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,

And then he slid over me.

“Nothing,” he seemed to whisper,

Let’s sit in silence!”


What a blessing it is when mom is home.

Do you agree with me?


If mom is at home, the sun shines brighter,

If there is no mother, it’s bad for one;

I promise you, we'll finish the holiday,

I will hug my mommy tightly!

Student 2

Every song is about you,

In every fairy tale there is a rumor about you.

Listen, dear mommy,

This song will be for you.

They perform the song “About Mom”


When I walk around the city with my mother,

I hold my mother's hand tightly:

Why should she go and be afraid,

That she might get lost.

Performing the song “Baby Mammoth”

Performing a song with the soloist “Poor Hedgehog”


Look, guys, how happy your mothers are, how their eyes glow with joy.

Poem "Mother's Eyes" by Sokolov V.

Mom's eyes - the sky is blue,

Mom's eyes are a field of gold,

Mom's eyes are the sun in bad weather,

Mom’s eyes are full of tears with happiness.

I will not forget my mother's eyes,

Mom's eyes - you are with me everywhere.


Happy autumn holiday

We congratulate you!

Happiness, laughter, joy,

We wish everyone good health!

Boy and girl

Slide No. 14

Dear and beloved mothers!

We wish you happiness and goodness,

Love like a cup full.

We wish you joy in the morning

Until late at night!

We wish you to succeed in everything in life:

And not to grow old, but to grow younger,

And live for many, many years!

Slide number 15

Children in chorus

Dear mom!

I love you!

Congratulations to mothers with creative works

The song “About Mom” is playing

Development of a holiday for Mother's Day. "Mom means LIFE!"

Author of the work: Teacher primary classes Tarasova Svetlana Vladimirovna, MBOU "Novoandreevskaya secondary school"
Brief summary: Extracurricular event with the presentation "Mother's Day". An interesting holiday for schoolchildren and their mothers and grandmothers. Before the holiday, children draw portraits of their mothers and grandmothers and write essays about them. There are wonderful poems about mothers and grandmothers, interesting songs. Comic ditties are performed and funny scenes. Various competitions are held not only with children, but also with mothers and grandmothers. At the end of the holiday, children present gifts to their mothers and grandmothers, made with their own hands during technology lessons.

- cultivate respect and caring attitude towards the mother;
- develop a sense of duty and responsibility for one’s actions;
- contribute to the creation of a festive, trusting atmosphere;
- encourage students' creative abilities.

Equipment: multimedia, computer, screen, children's drawings and writing, balls, 2 Whatman paper, markers, bows, briefcases, products

Progress of the event:

1 student.
Who said that there are no angels on Earth?
It's just that sometimes they don't have wings, and then we call them moms.
2 student.
There is probably not a single country where Mother's Day is not celebrated. In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently.
3 student.
Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent.
4 student.
Mother's Day was established in 1998. In accordance with Decree of Russian President Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin dated January 30, 1998 No. 120 “On Mother’s Day,” Mother’s Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in November.
5 student.
Today we will say words of gratitude to our mothers who give us love, kindness, tenderness and affection.
1 student
The most beautiful word on earth is mom. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world:
in English - maze
in German - mutter
in Kyrgyz - apa
in Georgian - grandfather
in Ukrainian - nenka
in Russian - mother, mother
in Belarusian - matsi, matulya
Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the kindest and most affectionate hands that can do everything.
1 student. What do you need for birds?
2 student. The sun, the sky, the greenery of the garden.
3 student. And for the sea?
4 student. Shores.
5 student. And for skis?
6 student. For skis - snow.
1 student. Well, let's say it straight to us
Together: May my mother be with us!

1 student. Mom - this means tenderness,
2 student. This is affection, kindness,
3 student. Mom is serenity
4 student. This is joy, beauty!
5 student. Mom is a bedtime story,
6 student. This is the morning dawn
7 student. Mom is a hint in difficult times,
8 student. This is wisdom and advice!
9 student. Mom is the green of summer,
10 student. This is snow, an autumn leaf,
All: Mom is a ray of light,
Mom means LIFE!

4th grade students will perform the song “Mommy is the best in the world” to the tune of the song “Little Country”
Mommy is the best in the world
We love mommy!
All our smiles to mommy,
The best dreams in the world.
Mom is always involved in household chores -
She has a lot to worry about.
We know that mom is very strong
By evening he gets tired.
There is no dearer mother,
There is no dearer mother.
What does our beloved mother wear?
The secret of youth?
We will raise our children
And after many years
We will also find out the most important
Mom's big secret.
Only great love for mom
It doesn't let you grow old.
Let her be our dear
He still lives for a long time!
There is no dearer mother,
There is no dearer mother.
What does our beloved mother wear?
The secret of youth?

And now it's small 1 competition entitled: “Do I know my mother?”
Before the holiday, our mothers filled out questionnaires, now we will ask the same questions to their children and find out how well you know your mothers.

So, questions:
1) When is your mother's birthday?
2) Favorite color.
3) Favorite song.
4) Favorite dish.
5) Favorite singer or singer.
6) What holiday does mom like most?
7) Favorite TV show
8) Favorite time of year
9) Does mom believe in dreams?
10) Mom's dream.

Children read(slide with photo of moms)

1.Childhood is a golden time.
How wonderful it is to know what's wrong with me
Mom is like an angel of goodness,
My best friend, dear.

2. Dear mother, congratulations to you,
On Mother's Day I wish you happiness and health.
You are in my heart, even if you are apart,
I always remember your gentle hands.

3. May your every day be filled with light,
Be warmed by the love of your family, like the sun.
Sorry, sometimes I upset you,
Believe me, it's involuntary. I scold myself.

4. Thank you, dear mother,
For kindness, for affection and love.
I was disobedient and stubborn,
But you, with patience, forgave everything again.

5. We have our mothers, our dear mothers
Hearts and lives will be given away without words.
For us they are truly saints,
It doesn't matter that there are no halos on the heads.

6. Dear mommy, mommy
Dear dear person to us
We love you deeply and kiss you,
Be happy all your life.

7. Anyone who lives in this world,
To love who can think and breathe,
On our blue planet
There is no word more dear than mother.

8. Over the years, becoming more mature, my feelings become stricter.
Suddenly you begin to understand in your heart.
There is no person closer or dearer.
Than the woman whose name is Mother.

9. She is with you in joy and in sorrow
She is with you, even if you are far away.
And how much is hidden in her gaze -
Heartfelt, maternal warmth.

10.Hurry to her through years and separations.
To console her and hug her.
Kiss your hands with reverence.
That woman whose name is Mother!

Now kids let's play 2nd competition “Collective portrait”.
Today we will draw the most beautiful mother.

We will divide the guys into two teams and line them up in columns.
For the competition you will need: 2 sheets, 2 markers. The 1st runs and draws a head, eye, nose,
2nd - hair, second eye - mouth,
3rd - torso,
4th - hands,
5th - legs without feet,
6th - shoes,
7th - beads,
8th - handbag.
Whichever team is faster wins.
-Look at how wonderful the portraits of my mother turned out.
Teacher. Well done! Now let’s watch the scene “Disputants”.

Scene "Disputants".
1 student (Maxim)
I have such a mother
Everyone is jealous, I know!
2 student (Angela)
From what? Why?
Mom is better than me!
3rd student (Ksyusha)
Who said what you have?
My mother is the best!
2nd student (Danil)
So, Nina, why do you love your mother?
1 student (Nina)
For the fact that without concealment and directly
We can trust her with our hearts,
And just because
That she is our mother
We love her deeply and tenderly.
1 student (Katya)
Diana, why do you love your mother?
3rd student (Diana)
We love her like a good friend.
Because she and I have everything together.
Because when things get tough for us,
We can cry at our own shoulder.
3rd student (Nina)
Danil, why do you love your mother?
2nd student (Danil B.)
We love her because sometimes
Eye wrinkles become more severe.
But it’s worth confessing your head,
The wrinkles will disappear, the storm will pass away.
1 student (Maxim)
Snezhana, what should we do so as not to upset our mother?
4 student (Snezhana)
And you don't always see your mother
In her labor worries,
And if mom sometimes
She'll come home tired from work,
Warm her with your care,
Help her with everything then!

-3 competition “Get ready for school”(3 pairs) (Children and mothers)
Tie mom a bow, make a sandwich, put it in her bag.

And now the girls will perform ditties for our dear mothers.

All: To all mothers on this day
We give ditties
So that mommies are with us
There was some fun!

1. We say this word
Each time two hundred times:
Mom, give it! Yes, bring it!
Mom, mom, help!

2. Who teaches us how to cook cabbage soup?
Do the laundry, wash the dishes,
Who forgives everything in the world,
This is MOM – the children know.

3. Our mother at work
Much respect
And she comes home -
They love it a lot!

4. I love my mommy
She's a kind soul
If somewhere I'm slacking,
She forgives me everything.

5. Don’t be angry with your mother,
If he says the wrong thing,
Better hug your mom
Kiss me warmly.

6. Dad is strong, dad is smart,
Dad is wonderful
Only mommy always
Kinder for sure.

7. If you are angry with your mother,
Who sticks his nose into business,
You will become a mother too,
You will understand then!

8. Dad solved the problem for me,
Helped with math.
We then decided with my mother
Something he couldn't decide.

9. Julia washed the floors,
Olya helped,
It's just a pity - mom again
I washed everything.

10. Smoky pan
Olya cleaned with sand
Two hours in Olya's trough
Grandma washed it afterwards.

All: Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers.
We are for everything, for everything, dear ones,
We say: “Thank you!”

We sang ditties for you
good or bad.
And now we ask you,
So that you clap for us.

Q: The guys have prepared skits in which you will see familiar situations and, perhaps, smile at this.
1. The plot of the scene. In the morning, a mother tries to wake up her son, who has to go to school.
- Get up, son, you'll be late for school again!
- Don't want! Petrov always fights with me!
- Well, son, you can’t do that, it’s time to get up, otherwise you’ll be late for school when classes start!
- Well, this school! Ivanov throws a rag at me!
- Come on, son, get up, you'll be late for school again!
- Will not go! Sidorov is shooting at me with a slingshot!
- Son, you have to go to school, you are the director after all!

Competition 4 “Say the Word”(for children)
The Word has hidden somewhere, The Word has hidden and is waiting.
Let the guys find me. Come on, who will find me?

Mom, dad, brother and me -
That's my whole... (family)

Our hands were covered in soap.
We washed the dishes ourselves.
We washed the dishes ourselves -
Helped our... (mother!)

We plant flowers in the garden,
We water them from a watering can.
Asters, lilies, tulips
Let them grow for our... (mother)
These balls on a string
Would you like to try it on?
For all your tastes
In my mother’s box….(beads)

Mom's ears sparkle,
The colors of the rainbow sparkle.
Drops and crumbs turn silver

Name the dishes:
The handle stuck to the circle.
Damn bake her - nonsense
This is... (frying pan)

He has water in his belly
Seething from the heat.
Like an angry boss.
Boils quickly...(kettle)

This is a dish for everyone
Mom will cook for lunch.
And the ladle is right there -
Pour into plates….(soup)

Competition 5 “Rationales”(for moms)

1. This usually happens in a fairy tale, and sometimes in life. This is what they call everything amazing, unusual, magical. When it happens, we always admire and rejoice (miracle).
2.They hide under dirty nails. They are so small that you can't see them. They can make you sick (germs).
3. It happens often and in many places you have to waste time because of it. But if you need something, you have to put up with it. You wait as long as necessary and you get what you wanted (queue).
4.Every person should have it, but some people have forgotten about it. It helps you become a real person. When you do something wrong or have wronged someone, it torments you (conscience)
5. If it is not there, then there is no joy; without it there is no life, but existence. They always wish it to each other, especially in letters. You can't buy it for any money. (Health)
6.Every person dreams about him, wants everything to be good in life. But no one knows where to look for him. There are fabulous birds that bring it (happiness)
7. A person brings everything into his house, whether he needs it or not. He doesn't like giving gifts or sharing candy. And it’s better not to ask him for anything, because he won’t give anyway (greed).
8. A person is forced to bear responsibility for his bad deed. Adults say that this helps to educate correctly. A person is deprived of something, they are not allowed to go out for walks because of a bad deed. (Punishment)

Poem dramatization
1 I help my mother:
I'll make soup in the sandbox,
I'll wash the cat in a puddle...
How, Mom, I love you!

2 And I’m on the wallpaper in the hallway
I'm drawing a portrait of Mommy,
My brother will help me too...
Mommy, is it similar or not?

3 I'll wear my mother's dress,
As soon as I cut the length,
It will suddenly become clear to everyone:
I love only my mother!

4 And I’m preparing a gift for her-
On daddy's new car
I scratch: “To mom – with love!”
No one can replace you!”

5 And I'm your new hat
I’ll immediately turn you into a bunny:
I'll sew his ears and paws...
I want to give you a gift!

6 And I got into a fight with Danil -
Huge bruise under the eye.
Said his mom was better
I don't agree with him at all!

7 I’ll wash my mother’s shoes,
I'm leaving ships in the bathroom.
And mom will come and see
That I love her very much!

8 I'm a ball on lipstick
I replaced Katya's neighbor.
And mommy will be delighted
And he will say: “Here is my son!”

9 We will not argue in vain,
We will tell our mothers,
That their children are simply beautiful...
TOGETHER: After all, we never play pranks!

Our holiday is coming to an end, the guys have prepared gifts for you. Presenting gifts
Presenter 2Who came to me in the morning?
All: Mommy!
Presenter 1Who said “It’s time to get up!”
All: Mommy!
Presenter 2 Who managed to cook the porridge?
All: Mommy!
Presenter 1 Should I pour some tea into my glass?
All: Mommy!
Presenter 2Who picked the flowers in the garden?
All: Mommy!
Presenter 1Who kissed me?
All: Mommy!
Presenter 2Who as a child loves laughter?
All: Mommy!
Presenter 1. Who is the best in the world?
All: Mommy!

Closing song
You hug the bend of the yellow guitar tenderly.
The string will pierce the tight height with a fragment of echo.
Today we celebrate Mother's Day with success.
It's great that we are all here today.

We wish you health and happiness!
Good luck and patience! Mommy, smile!
And we firmly promise that we will not let you down.
It’s great that we are all here today!

Teacher: Dear women, nice women!
I don't wish any other fate for you,
Be beautiful, be loved,
Be happy, one and all!

Presenter No. 1: Good evening, dear mothers!

Presenter No. 2: Hello, dear guests!

Presenter No. 1: We are pleased to welcome you to our today’s celebration dedicated to Mother’s Day!

Presenter No. 2: By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 1998, it was established that Mother’s Day will be celebrated in the country on the last Sunday of November.

Presenter No. 1: The children came to congratulate all the mothers. And the first graders begin our performance.

Reader 1:

Our mothers are our joy,
There are no words for us that are dearer,
So please accept my gratitude
You are from loving children.

Reader 2.

In simple, kind words
Let's talk about mom today.

Reader 3.

There are many different holidays
Merry and solemn,
Professional holidays
And divine holidays.

Reader 4.

There is a women's day in the spring,
And this one fell in the fall.
Asking for warmth from the sun?

Reader 5.

Not really! We won't ask.
After all, our sun is our mother!

All: (in unison): And mom is with us!

Musical number: “Moonboat”

Reader 1.

You know, mom, in different countries,
Where have I happened to be?
There is one good holiday -
A day when mothers are honored.


Our dear mothers!
We tell you without embellishment -
Honestly, sincerely and directly -
We love you very, very much!


Although the open spaces beckon us,
We are not a step away from mom!
Dad and I can move mountains...
If mom tells me how.


And there is no one more diligent at work
Mom from important, military!
Everything that dads can't handle...
Moms will do it for them.


Our mothers are our joy,
There are no words for us that are dearer,
So please accept my gratitude
You are from loving children!

Musical number – dance sketch “Rain”

Slide 6

Presenter 1: The most beautiful word on Earth is mother. This is the first word a person utters. And it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - the love in it never fades.

Presenter 2. And no matter how old you are, 5 or 50, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. And the stronger the love for mom, the happier and brighter life is...

Our mom and I are great friends
My mother is kind and caring.
Wherever you go.
Wherever you go -
We have a better friend than our mother
Nowhere to be found.

Mom always teaches us good things.
It will console you when trouble happens.
She will sing a song.
Will tell a story.
He will get books and toys for us.

Mom has a lot of worries and troubles,
We know that she is often tired.
And to my beloved mother
We give our word
That we will help her
Always and in everything.

We can do a lot in the world -
In the depths of the sea and space too.
We will come to the tundra and hot deserts.
We'll even change the weather!
There will be a lot of things to do and roads in life...
We asked ourselves: - Well, where did they begin?
This is our answer, the most correct one;
Everything we live begins with mom!

Sketch “What kind of children are these days, really?” (Appendix 2)

Presenter 1: We all admire our mothers and are proud of them. But there are guys who cannot be happy for their mothers in this way. These kids laugh a little quieter, but they grow up a little faster! For these children, neither candy nor gifts can replace the affectionate voice of their mothers, their hands, or warm family comfort.

Presenter 2: They sometimes wait their whole lives for their mothers. They wait and believe that they will be remembered, and they will be caressed, and they will be given motherly love.

Musical number. “Song of the Baby Mammoth”

Presenter 1: For each of us, when we come to school, “second mothers” appear - our favorite teachers.

Maybe we just got used to it,
But you can’t help but see this:
My “second mother” usually
Tired eyes in the evening.
We know what it is -
Children are a restless swarm.
You won’t find peace here with just one,
And not like with this family.
This one is funny, and this one looks askance,
There the fighter is already starting a fight.
And the questions are thousands of questions,
And everyone requires an answer.
How much affection and care is needed,
Help everyone and understand everyone
Grateful and hard work
Learn to read, write, count!
Don't worry about work mom,
Children's voices are cheerful,
After all, they always watch the kids
Kind tired eyes.
Of course, we are all grateful to you!
It's hard to even find a word.
And today, on Mother's Day,
I would like to say thank you!

Musical number “The world is like a colorful meadow”

Presenter 1: And now we want to turn to the mothers of our boys. They have a special mission and a special title: they are the mothers of future defenders of the Motherland.

Presenter 2. And we want to wish them that this terrible word “war” will never enter their destinies and the destinies of their sons.

Listening to the horrors of war,
With every new casualty of the battle,
I feel sorry for not my friend, not my wife,
I don't feel sorry for the hero himself.
Alas! The wife will be consoled,
And the best friend will forget his friend,
But somewhere there is one soul,
She will remember until the grave

I didn’t give birth to a son for war!
She didn’t give him the primer for war,
I was worried, proud, interpreted,
Lifelong lover, like a mother,
Ready to darn and dream,
And wait for stingy, slow letters
From some outskirts of the country.
I didn’t give birth to a son for war!
Still yesterday's ringing voice,
And now - a cheerful basso
It confirms my faith in life and happiness.
And somewhere in the sunny world he wanders
The threat of death, hunger and darkness -
Cold minds work...
I didn’t give birth to a son for war!

The mother has aged thirty years,
But there is no news from my son.
But she still keeps waiting
Because she believes, because she is a mother.
And what does she hope for?
Many years since the war ended.
Many years since everyone came back,
Except for the dead that lie in the ground.
How many of them are there in that distant village,
There were no boys without mustaches.
...Once they sent me to the village in the spring
Documentary film about the war.
Everyone came to the cinema - both old and young.
Who knew war and who did not know,
Before the bitter memory of people
Hatred flowed like a river.
It was hard to remember.
Suddenly the son looked at his mother from the screen.
The mother recognized her son at that very moment,
And a mother’s cry rang out:
- Alexei! Alyoshenka! Son!
- As if her son could hear her.
He rushed out of the trench into battle,
The mother stood up to cover him with herself.
I was always afraid that he might fall,

But through the years the son rushed forward.
- Alexei! - the fellow countrymen shouted.
- Alexei! - they asked. - Run!
The frame changed. The son remained to live
He asks the mother to repeat about her son.
And again the son runs to the attack.
Alive and well, not wounded, not killed.
- Alexei! Alyoshenka! Son! -
As if her son could hear her.
At home everything seemed like a movie to her...
I've been waiting for everything, now it's out the window
In the midst of alarming silence
Her son will come knocking from the war.

Presenter 1: Dear mothers and future mothers! Let's honor the memory of women who die for a new life on earth with a minute of silence.

Presenter 2. Mothers who died tragically, girls who died in the war, to whom events did not allow them to become mothers... A minute of silence is announced. Sit down.

Musical number “Mother and Motherland”

Presenter 1: A mother’s love for her children is boundless, selfless, and full of dedication. A mother always remembers her child, no matter where he is.

Presenter 2: But we - children - do not always understand this and do not always properly thank us for what they have done for us.

At night there is a hacking cough.
The old woman fell ill.
She has been in our apartment for many years
She lived alone in the room.
There were letters, but they were very rare.
And then, without noticing us,
She kept walking and whispering:
“Children, you should get together with me at least once.
Your mother bent, turned grey,
What to do - old age has come.
How nice we would have been
Next to our table.
You walked under this table,
On holiday they sang songs until dawn,
And then they parted, sailed away, flew away.
Here, collect it.”
Mother got sick.
And that same night
The telegraph never tired of knocking:
- Children, urgently!
Children, very urgently!
Come, your mother is sick!
From Fevralsk, Tynda and the Urals,
Postponing matters until time,
The children have gathered. It's just a pity -
At the bedside, not at the table.
Stroked wrinkled hands,
A soft, silver strand.
Why did you give separation
How long will it take to come between you?
Mother waited for you in the rain and snow,
In the painful sleepless nights.
Should we wait for grief?
To come to your mother?

May all sorrows go out in the light of days,
May all mother's dreams come true.
We wish you to always illuminate
Path to life with the light of kindness.
Bow to you, dear mothers,
For your hard, necessary work,
For all the children you raised,
And those who will grow up soon.
For your affection and attention,
For sincerity and simplicity.
For courage and understanding,
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness.

Musical number “Our Mother”

Any trouble will fade away and disappear,
Like roaring thunder in spring,
If she is with you, if she is always near

Maybe she's thirty-three
or seventy three -
No matter how old she is,
age has nothing to do with it:
In anxiety, in business from dawn to dawn
The person who holds the house together.
Very rarely, but still sometimes sick,
And then everything around is topsy-turvy, upside down,
Because she, because she -
The person who holds the house together.
The rapid age is taking us somewhere.
In the bustle, we sometimes forget that
That she is not a foundation, she is a person,
The person who holds the house together.
So that there is light in both the heart and the house,
Reciprocate her kindness with kindness.
May you always feel love and warmth
The person who holds the house together.

Musical number “And I’m in the meadow”

No matter how the run of events attracts you,
No matter how you draw me into your whirlpool,
Take care of your mother more than your eyes
From grievances, from hardships and worries.
The pain for my sons is stronger than chalk
She bleached her braids white.
Even if the heart is hardened,
Give mom a little warmth!
If you have become harsh at heart,
Be gentle with her, children.
Protect your mother from evil words,
Know that children hurt everyone the most!
If your mothers are tired,
You must give them a good rest...
Take care their from black shawls!
Protect women from war!
The mother will leave, leaving a wound in her soul.
Mother will die, and the pain will not be relieved...
I conjure: take care of your mother!
Children of the world, take care of your mother!

Presenter 1. We bow to you, mothers, for your great maternal feat!

Presenter 2. We bow low to you, woman, whose name is Mom!.

Presenter 1. Live long, dear mothers!

Presenter 2. Be happy!

Vocal group “Rovesnitsy”

You hug the bend of the yellow guitar tenderly.
The string will pierce the tight height with a fragment of echo.
Today we celebrate Mother's Day with success.
And we will remember our grandmothers - they are also mothers.
Let's not forget their warmth and affection.
And a year later again on a November day
We will meet again at the joint holiday.
We wish you health and happiness!
Good luck and patience! Mommy, smile!
And we firmly promise that we will not let you down.
It's great that we are all here today.

Lesson objectives:

  • development and demonstration of students’ creative abilities, speech development, feelings of self-confidence;
  • broadening the horizons of students.
  • nurturing love and respect for the mother, a feeling of gratitude for her care and love.

Equipment: tape recorder

A song is playing.

1. There are a lot of kind words in the world,
But one thing is kinder and more important:
The simple word “mother” is made of two syllables.
And there are no words more precious than it.

2. This word is our happiness
Our life and beauty.
Mom, dear mommy -
This is what is sacred forever.

3. How we want to say a lot of words
To all women of our beloved land
We wish them health and happiness
Hope, patience, joy, good luck.

4. We have been living in the world for a few years
And there is much more, friends, we don’t know.
But I believe in victory and success,
When mom is next to you!

5. Our friendly class is happy to congratulate
To all mothers around the planet
They say thank you to mom
Both adults and children!

There's a song playing

Host: Good afternoon, dear mothers, hello, dear women! Let me congratulate you on a tender family holiday, Mother's Day, filled with the bright colors of autumn, the aromas of greenery and fruits collected in gardens and forests. We would really like today’s meeting to bring you joy, taking you away from everyday worries at least for a short time, so that you feel how much your children love you, how valuable your attention is to them.

Happy holiday!

6. We are happy to congratulate you today
Women of all who are close to us!
But special congratulations
Our grandmothers and mothers!
And we lovingly dedicate our concert today to you.

7. Everyone in the world loves mom,
Mom is the first friend
Not only children love their mothers,
Loved by everyone around.

8. If anything happens,
If suddenly there is trouble,
Mommy will come to the rescue
It will always help.

9. Moms have a lot of strength for health
They give it to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.

10. Life is easy and simple for us
Because with its warmth
Our grandmothers, our mothers
They warm our sweet home.

11. The world is ready to protect for us
Any mother has a kind heart.
We will give you our word for this
This is how we become like this in life.

12 You can travel all over Russia,
Spend many days on the road
You won't meet anyone more beautiful
You won't meet anyone closer to you.
Performance of the song.

Host: And, indeed, there is no one better than mothers in the world.

A wife, a mother is a cheerful, affectionate sun in the sky of a home community; it is a source of affection, compassion and comfort. All of you, dear mothers, daily play the role of a big mistress of a small state. You are a teacher, a psychologist, an economist, a diplomat, a doctor and a baker, an actress and a playwright, a director of family scenes, a leader and a subordinate at the same time.

13. I am busy doing good deeds at home,
Kindness walks quietly around the apartment.
Good morning with us, good afternoon and good hour.
Good evening, good night
It was good yesterday.
And where do you ask,
There is so much kindness in the house.
That flowers take root from this kindness,
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks!
I'll answer you straight
It's mom, mom, mom!
Scene “General cleaning”.
Comic sketch “Grandmother and granddaughter”.

14. Help your mom,
And you will see for yourself:
Her smile will bloom
Like the sun in spring.
The day will be bright and bright.
Your help is like a gift -
And priceless and beautiful -
To your mother dear.

15. Mom has a lot of worries and troubles,
We know that she is often tired
And to my beloved mother
We give our word
That we will help her
Always and in everything.

Presenter: The words mother, mother are among the most ancient on Earth and sound almost the same in the languages ​​of all nations. This suggests that all people honor and love their mothers. The word “mother” is also used to describe one’s homeland in order to emphasize that she treats her children – the peoples inhabiting it – like a mother.

Now let’s play the game “Mommy”. I will ask questions, and you will answer in unison: “Mommy.”

-Who came to me this morning?
– Who said it’s time to get up?
– Who managed to cook the porridge?
-Did you pour me a cup of tea?
-Who braided my hair?
-Who kissed me?
– Who as a child loves laughter?
-Who is the best in the world?

16. Mommy.
On mommy's cheeks -
Two magical dimples.
And when she laughs
The light is so radiant,
That snowdrops are blooming!
Mom is my sunshine!
I am her sunflower
It's good to be happy
Love your mommy.

Competition “Brooms”

17. Our mom and I are great friends,
My mother is kind and caring.
Wherever you go
Wherever you go -
We have a better friend than our mother
Nowhere to be found.

18. Lullaby for mom.
Mom fussed for a long time:
All the work, the work...
Mom was so tired during the day
Lying down on the sofa
I won't touch her
I'll just stand next to you.
Let her sleep a little -
I'll sing her a song. (Performance of “Lullaby” by a child)
I will become closer to my mother -
I love her very much!
It's just a pity that he doesn't hear
Mom my song
There is no more wonderful song
Maybe I should sing louder
To give this song to mom
I could hear it in my sleep too.
For you, dear mothers and grandmothers, this musical gift

A song is playing.

Now, mothers are asked to guess the name of the flower. This flower is called the sister of mercy. Its popular names: popovnik, whitehead, Ivan's flower. This flower is considered a symbol of Russia.

- That's right, chamomile.

Our magic chamomile will help you find out the features of your appearance and character. The variety of this chamomile is called “The Samaya.”

Mothers tear off the petals of a flower, on which is written:

  • The most charming
  • The most attractive
  • The most caring
  • The most beautiful eyes
  • The most charming smile
  • The kindest
  • The most affectionate
  • The most economical
  • The most generous heart
  • The most charming.

Competition “Affectionate”.

Mothers call their children affectionate names.

Everyone sitting here is familiar with the cartoon about a baby mammoth who was looking for his mother. Let's listen to her.

Song about a baby mammoth

Across the blue sea to the green land, I'm sailing on my white ship
On your white ship, on your white ship.
Neither the waves nor the wind scare me,
I'm swimming to the only mother in the world,

I swim through the waves and wind to the only mother in the world.
I want to get to the ground as soon as possible,
I'm here, I've arrived, I'll shout to her
I'll scream to my mom, I'll scream to my mom.
Let mom hear, let mom come,
May my mother definitely find me.

After all, it doesn’t happen in the world that children are lost.

Host: Of course, mother, she will certainly find her child. Therefore, the next competition for mothers is a surprise competition. “Get to know the child.”

Song-dance “Dance of the little ducklings”

The baby diligently puts together the syllables “ma - ma” and, feeling good, laughs happy. Mother! Listen to how proudly this word sounds!

People hear a lot of words about mothers.

Let's read the proverbs:

There is no better friend than your own mother.
It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.
The bird rejoices in the spring, and the baby rejoices at the mother.
There are many fathers, but one mother.
You can buy everything, but you can’t buy your father or mother.
Well, what holiday would be complete without ditties? Listen to them.
Our dear mothers!
We will always love you.
We will give you ditties,
And to the ditties, stompers.

Host: And now, together with the mothers, we will try to guess the song from its three words and sing one verse. Let's start!

  1. Sky, coconuts, bananas. (“Chunga-changa”)
  2. Minutes, horizon, driver. ("Blue carriage")
  3. Pear, song, fogs. (“Katyusha”)
  4. Viburnum, stream, guy. (“Oh, the viburnum is blooming”)

19. Thank you, beloved women, to you
And to your skillful and gentle hands,
They are golden, like the sun always,
We will never forget our mother's hands!
Let mother’s deeds be famous everywhere,
Honor and praise to working women.

Sketch “Lemele is in charge.”

Mom leaves, hurries to the store
“Lemele, you are left alone.”
Mom said:
“Serve me:
Wash the dishes, put your sister to bed,
Catch the rooster and lock it up.”
Lemele only has one head!
He grabbed the little sister
And locked him in a barn.
He said to his sister:
“You play here.”
He diligently washed the firewood with boiling water,
He broke four plates with a hammer,
But I had to fight the rooster for a long time:
He didn't want to go to bed.
Mom stands, washes the dishes:
- Oh, so much to do! We need to do everything in time.
The son comes up.
- Mom, what are you doing? Today is a holiday, rest.
Mom was happy:
- Really, son?
He takes off his apron and hands it to his son.
The son takes it and hangs it on a nail.
- Let it hang for now. When the holiday ends,
You'll put it on again.

Son: “Now I’ll surprise my mommy, in honor of the holiday I’ll speak in poetry.”

Mom comes in.

- I can’t even find words
Well, how can you, mom?
Carry 10 kg weights in bags
I see it's almost light again
Are you from the department store?

Mom: So what should I do, give me some advice.

Son: Go twice, mom.

Host: Every second 3 people are born in the world. It is mother who gives them life. Love for her baby is as natural to her as the blossoming of lilacs in the spring, just as the sun sends its rays, warming all living things, so the love of a mother warms the whole life of a child. Mother is a window to the big world. Mother is our support and protection. . Mother and child are two inextricable threads in both trouble and joy.

Competition for mother and child.

Performing a dance.

20. Mom, very, very
I love you!
I love you so much that at night
I don't sleep in the dark.
I peer into the darkness
I'm hurrying Zorka
I love you all the time
Mommy, I love you.
So the sun has risen,
It's already dawn.
No one in the world
There is no better mother.

A song is playing.

21. Girls and boys
Let's go together
Let's say thank you to grandma
Let's say thank you to mom.

22. For songs, for fairy tales,
For troubles and affections,
For delicious cheesecakes,
For new toys.
Together: Thank you!

23. For books and counting rhymes,
For skis and jump ropes,
For sweet jam,
For your long patience.
Together: Thank you!

Our solemn part is coming to an end.

In conclusion, once again I congratulate you on your holiday!

No matter how far humanity has advanced in progress, no matter what era has come, the care of a woman’s hands and a wise mother’s word will never depreciate. And the greatest value in the world will always be your love - a jewel that cannot be bought for any money.

May the sun shine brighter for you, and may there always be a strong man’s shoulder nearby.

24. Women's happiness!
Stay young at heart.
And live for many, many years,
And from now on your smile
May the white light be gifted!
Song “Sunny Circle”.

Materials used and Internet resources

  1. www.1september.ru

List of used literature

  1. Joint holidays for schoolchildren and parents / count. Authors - 2nd edition. – M.: Globus, 2007.
  2. Theatrical events for elementary school / composed by M.S. Umnova. – M.: Globus; Volgograd: Panorama, 2008.